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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 3, 2024 8:00am-8:25am MSK

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the ground from the feet, dozens of buildings, bridge stacks in taiwan could not withstand a series of powerful earthquakes from the dead, injured, restoration and rehabilitation, as in the krasnodar region. help the heroes of the northern military district return to peaceful life. at the boiling point , anti-government demonstrations in israel are reaching fiery levels. results of the meeting on the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. well, as well as the unhappy spring floods, residents of several regions at once are at the mercy of the flood. report from the orenburg region. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. let's start with epic shots. from
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taiwan, this morning three earthquakes occurred there at once, the strongest in the last 25 years. the epicenter was located in the sea, several kilometers from the eastern coast of the island. the first underground impact was of magnitude 7.7. after 15 minutes , repeated tremors were recorded. by this hour, it is known that four people died, almost a hundred wounded, judging by the destruction that is visible in the footage, the number of victims may be higher. the rubble is just beginning to be cleared from many buildings, including number.
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that they expect repeated earthquakes in the coming days, but with a magnitude not exceeding six. since the beginning of this year , more than 100,000 people have already entered military service under contract in the russian armed forces, the ministry of defense spoke about this, noting that the number of people wishing to go to the special operation zone has grown significantly in recent days, after the tragic events in crocus city hall. over the course of a week and a half, 16 thousand people arrived at selection points in moscow and other russian cities, many had already been trained at the training grounds, someone was already on the front line. in difficult times , they... could not stay away, they had already
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participated in the northern military district zone, signed a contract, the contract ended, now, after the terrible events in moscow, no, i don’t want to stay on the side, and i want it in my native such a disaster has not come to the city, in connection with these events all in moscow that happened, plus the fact that the kiev regime is already yes, it is already crossing all the boundaries allowed, they are already shooting at belgorod in the belgorod region, that’s why you don’t have to be afraid, you have to now how you never need to get up, go sign a contract, defend your homeland, because otherwise it will come to us from afar, it turns out that i came to visit a friend, then we talked, then there’s the whole situation, they just killed children there, the next day i went to the racing machine, submitted an application , it’s time to stop all this disgrace, let’s just do it.
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e, in order to make your work even more productive, what have you been able to do during this time and what problems do you consider most important, for 10 months of the work of the state fund... since june 1, we have worked out and received a huge number of requests, today it is 910,000 requests, that is, we are approaching a million; we understand that the quality of the fund’s work is that how quickly we were able to resolve these requests, there are 780,000 already resolved requests from this amount of the fund in all of them.
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doctors in kuban, local authorities launched a regional program for the rehabilitation of fighters from the northern military district zone. today's date. sergei from krasnodar volunteered for a special operation and served in one of the bars units. injury, hospital, operation, came today to social security for a vacation certificate.
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they called and said that there was such a thing. so i went directly to the social service and wrote a statement. they told me what needed to be done. i provided , in my opinion, only... extracts from the order and that’s all. certificate for 100,000 rubles. you can spend from the regional budget during the year on treatment or recreation in the list of 35 boarding houses taking part in the program throughout the region. the co participant can travel with his family. and naturally, if within this amount he allows him to improve his health with his family, he can improve his health, or pay extra if it is above the established amount. now there is a big one.
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a rehabilitation program not only for svo participants, but also for families from new territories affected by shelling in the belgorod region. for a sixteen-year- old teenager, veronica’s medical record is too thick: mine explosion injuries, wounds to the shoulder, chest, shrapnel in the spine and head. at home in belgorod, she came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces, was treated for a long time in moscow, and now in sochi with my mother, special attention to the psychological state of children. it 's so beautiful everywhere here. i’ve already sent photos to all my friends, everyone is happy for me, very cool, very good, for me it’s happiness that she can just go out and walk down the street alone, this is happiness, for the last 2 months, well, unfortunately, she had fear, this was difficult, in addition to various procedures for children, there is
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a large excursion program, an arboretum, an embankment and even a trip to the mountain resort cluster, sergei pikulin, sergei polyansky, ale ribdzhanov, sergey tashcheev, italy minin and ekaterina belousova, ntv. krasnodar region. the israeli army is currently conducting raids on the west bank of the jordan river. the vafa agency reports this. at the same time, soldiers used bulldozers to destroy the road and water supply system in one of the settlements. meanwhile, mass protests against the netanyahu government continue in jerusalem. at night, activists walked with torches near the knesset building. some tried to break through to the prime minister's residence. thousands of people are demanding resignation. netanyahu believes he is leading the country to disaster. “i am furious and my heart is broken because of the death of seven employees of a humanitarian organization, end of quote. the israelis bombed it the day before. seven workers
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of this mission, citizens of the usa, great britain, australia and poland, were killed in the three destroyed vehicles. the authorities of these countries have presented their claims netanyahu, and he was forced to publicly admit the mistake of his military. to the iranian embassy in syria. on monday, israeli aircraft bombed the consulate general, the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus. convened an emergency meeting of the un security council, how washington tried to shield its allies, our us special corps alexey vasilovsky will tell. the actions of israel, which struck the iranian consulate general in damascus, are reckless, russian envoy vasily nebendya said at a meeting of the un security council. he called on western diplomats to condemn the strike, but this did not happen. having generally agreed that such attacks could lead to an escalation of the conflict in the middle east, the west. it was especially noteworthy here speech by an american who generally
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blamed iran and syria for what happened, saying that it was they themselves who, through their actions, forced israel to strike. we have repeatedly warned the syrian regime to contain iran's destabilizing actions on their territory. we again warn iran not to take advantage of the situation. a blow that we had absolutely no involvement in and that we did not know about in advance should not be used. to justify new attacks. the american diplomat reported almost mutually exclusive things: the united states allegedly has no information that damascus is under attack the iranian diplomatic mission was hit, but there is evidence that there could have been some terrorists in the damaged building. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was hit in damascus, but we are also concerned by reports that terrorist leaders were believed to be in that building. how is it possible for the second one?
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the united states still has no confirmation of confirmed data regarding israel, regarding the strike on the iranian consulate general. what a disaster. moreover, while covering israel, the west itself becomes a hostage to his actions. on the eve of this meeting, more sad news came from the gas sector. israel attacked a humanitarian convoy distributing free food to palestinians.
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there may be even more water. in many regions, residents say they have not seen such a stormy flood for many years. alexander tankikh is monitoring the situation. residents of the village of akbulak leave their homes and take the bare necessities. and if it floods, where will i go? what are you taking with you? well, that's it, the medicine, that's it. now the car will come, grandma answer temporary accommodation. they hoped that the water would not reach the plots and houses, because there had never been such a strong flood here before;
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they were hastily digging and dragging earth to block the path of the advancing water. it seems, well, it seems that it will stop, they poured it here, they poured it there first, it broke through everything, now they poured it here, well, it’s already from there, apparently it’s coming from the neighbors, i don’t know, we hope, we hoped until the very end that it wouldn’t come to us water will come to the house, quickly, but today everything happened. scary, well, of course scary, a dam is urgently being built in the village with using heavy equipment. flood victims are offered to go to temporary accommodation centers, but people either go to relatives or do not want to leave their homes. here you can see how quickly the water is rising; a few hours ago we walked along this street, it was dry, but a nearby dam broke and a powerful stream of water poured into the village. in kazakhstan, water discharges from the oktobe reservoir have increased. reservoirs are four times larger than usual, water came to the orenburg region bordering kazakhstan, began
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to fill the river and began to flood populated areas points. heavy flooding was expected here, so additional forces were sent to the area. emergency situations ministry specialists conduct monitoring every hour and monitor the situation from above. the territory is monitored by drones, not only in the bulag district, but in the neighboring eleksky district, in order to, using the picture above, predict the processes that we will still have. go in the future, we are preparing for the worst, of course, according to tradition we hope for the best, the tense situation is now in the suburbs of orenburg, in the village of vesenny, the water came at night and flooded substation. the electricity was turned off, we didn’t even have 5 minutes of downtime, it was all in one gulp when the water came out, everything that was flooded, that the entire first floor was flooded, the region has become very warm, today it’s up to +17, so the water is getting more and more, a threat to populated areas is saved. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, nikolay dasun, ntv, orenburg
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region. at the same time, the regions are preparing for another seasonal scourge: natural fires, somewhere in the forests. are already blazing, this summer is predicted to be abnormally hot, and experts are trying to prepare both equipment and personnel. vlada kopylovskaya attended firefighting landing exercises. we are now at the airfield, where parachutists and paratroopers-firefighters are practicing descents from a helicopter, strengthening a skill that will come in handy very soon, because sometimes a firefighter has to make 50 such descents in a season in very difficult conditions. more than 160 people must undergo fire training in krasnoyarsk, all of them are experienced forest fire service fighters, newcomers are trained separately. those who have been working for a long time have stories enough for a book, about work in the mountains, and about horse fires, and about how fire surrounds you, and not only that. the fire drove us out of all the bears that were on the holy nose peninsula, so they surrounded us, it turns out how
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they reacted, but they drove them away with pinsaws, banging with shovels, just like that, then the huntsmen came and took us out of there. then we returned for our things, our things, of course, were all torn, they were there. siberia is covered with spring snow every now and then, but this does not mean that the threat of fire is far away. in khakassia they have already extinguished burning grass, a high alert regime has been introduced in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory; burning dry grass and garbage is prohibited. last year there was a lot of fire, starting in april, and this season is not expected to be easy. weather conditions have an impact; there is little snow this year in the central and northern group of regions. therefore, we expect a dry summer. in the garages of forest fire stations , huge snowmobiles, jaeger forest fire modules, atvs, and tracked vehicles are being prepared for launch for difficult terrain. it is expected that new equipment will arrive, additional reinforcement. nowadays we are preparing accordingly earlier, the plan is moving up the schedule of advance, and it turns out that all the equipment
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is basically prepared. for the firefighters themselves , health and good physical shape are important; those who want to join the paratroopers are trained in 9 days. chutists in a month, judging by the fact that among the firefighters there are many who work for 15 years more, the service drags on, alexander budilin is 65 years old, has 2.0 parachute jumps under his belt, he continues to practice, now for the purpose of training, precisely from human efforts , he argues, the outcome depends forest fire. an airplane and a helicopter that drops water, it helps, that is, by dumping water, it extinguishes, that is, it relieves the fire, while a person with...
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how else can we feed on some new veins, who else can we impartially, honestly will tell you what he thinks about modern television, well, to be honest, our team has been developing the topic for a whole month: a neuroimplant, a symbiosis of the brain and a machine, a computer, and how this will affect
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future television, and many scenarios have been worked out, how development. problems, solutions to these problems, including options have been worked out, how they will really affect, how everything will become, what television will become, the presentation, please, the winners of the competition program will receive prizes, but even participation in the festival is already an excellent chance to express yourself directly from my student days to get into serious television companies, this completes the program for viewers in the central part of russia, thank you for being with us. for renovations in apartments and dachas, everything is on sale at ozone, now i’ll hug a goose and other trends from crazy get up. and a screwdriver for 8,999, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help,
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are united by warming. in yakutsk it is only -1, in the south up to +8, only on the arctic coast will a cold wind blow. he is from the northern regions of siberia, where winter is actively snarling. in norilsk today -3, tomorrow -18, very snowy strong wind. in the south, spring continues its work, slowly increasing from irkutsk to omsk. precipitation is possible, but not significant. but near the urals and in the urals the temperature will skyrocket. for families in yekaterinburg it is already +13, and tomorrow it will be 17. there will be no precipitation, but without it, with such an increase , the flood situation becomes dangerous. central russia, the abundance of snow and heat also drives the rivers crazy. even in the moscow region, an orange danger level has been declared due to flooding. all this prevented us from fully enjoying the sudden rush of summer. but now the forecasts are better... precipitation in the northwest and it will not reach +10 is ahead.


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