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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 3, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the ground from the feet, buildings, stacks and bridges in taiwan could not withstand a series of powerful earthquakes, there are dead and hundreds of injured, at the boiling point, anti-government. demonstrations in israel reach a fiery level following the results of the zon council meeting on the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. and also how do the regions deal with spring floods and prepare for wildfires? what lengths is blogger blinovskaya willing to go to make her sleep restful and what is presented at the international education fair, when will this appear in schools? this program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello.
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almost 90,000 people are left without electricity, there are problems with the internet, while the authorities hastened to assure that all three nuclear power plants located on the island were not damaged. the offer of help from mainland china in taipei was refused. a tsunami threat was declared in southern japan, civil warning sirens sounded on okenawa in the morning, and even the first wave, only a third of a meter high, reached the southern japanese islands. later warning. the tsunami was cancelled. seismologists in china said they expect further earthquakes in the coming days, but with a magnitude of no more than six. the prosecutor general's office sent requests to the united states, germany, france and cyprus demanding an immediate investigation into the involvement of us citizens and other western countries in terrorist attacks on russian territory. the documents included an appeal from state duma deputies; they provided evidence of the involvement of foreign individuals and structures in the organization. financing attacks and bombing
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of the gas pipeline to nord stream. deputies they believe that the united states and its allies are carrying out terrorist attacks on russian territory through the hands of the islamic state group banned in our country and the ukrainian special services. the deputies' statement notes that the security service of ukraine and the main intelligence directorate were involved in the murders of daria dugina and journalists vladlin tatarsky, the bombing of the crimean bridge, as well as the assassination attempt on the writer zakhar prilepin. activists are asking. bring those responsible to justice. the prosecutor general's office expressed hope that colleagues will approach the study in good faith the information provided will ensure the inevitability of punishment and will exclude excuses for them on political or other grounds. early mitt of russia sent a demand to kiev for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved in the terrorist attacks. the tragic events in kroku city hall prompted many russians to go serve in the armed forces under contract... the ministry of defense at selection points in
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moscow and other russian cities in recent days, 16,000 people have arrived, in total since the beginning of the year for military service under contract more than 100,000 have already been received, many were trained at training grounds, some were already on the front line, and after what the terrorists did in the concert hall in krasnogorsk, they simply could not stay away. i already participated in the svo zone, signed a contract, and the contract ended.
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there will be victory. the israeli army conducted raids on the west bank of the jordan river, wafa news agency reported. at the same time, soldiers used bulldozers to destroy the road and water supply system in one of the settlements. in jerusalem, meanwhile, mass protests continue actions against the netanyaho government. at night , activists walked with torches, but near the
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knesset building, some tried to break through to the prime minister’s residence. thousands of people are demanding the resignation of netanyahu, who believes that he is leading the country to disaster, and criticizes the prime minister, moreover, openly. even his closest foreign allies, president biden, said, and i quote: i am enraged and heartbroken over the deaths of seven aid workers . end of quote. the day before , the israelis bombed it with precision. workers died in three destroyed vehicles missions, citizens of the usa, great britain, australia and poland. the authorities of these countries presented their claims to netanyahu and he was forced to publicly admit the mistake of his military. however, the same countries did not comment on the israeli air force airstrike. by the iranian embassy in syria. on monday , israeli aircraft bombed the consulate general and the residence of the iranian ambassador in damascus. but moscow did not remain silent and convened an emergency meeting of the un security council. but even there, the us permanent representative not only did not condemn the israeli strike, but rather
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openly tried to shield his ally. at this time, the american new york times published a material in which it claims, citing its sources, that the biden administration is urgently asking congress to approve it. sale to israel of a new large batch of heavy f-15 fighters and bombers. our us correspondent alexey veselovsky listened to the arguments of the parties to the un security council. the actions of israel, which struck the iranian consulate general in damascus , were reckless , russian permanent representative vasily stated at a meeting of the un security council nebendya. he called on western diplomats to condemn the strike, but this did not happen. we generally agreed that such attacks could lead to an escalation of the conflict. what was especially noteworthy here was the speech of the american, who generally blamed iran and syria for what happened, saying that they themselves, by their actions , forced israel to strike. we have repeatedly
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warned the syrian regime to contain iran's destabilizing actions on their territory. we again warn iran not to take advantage of the situation, a strike in which we are absolutely not involved and which we do not know about. in advance should not be used to justify new attacks. the american diplomat said almost mutually exclusive things. the united states supposedly has no information that the iranian diplomatic mission came under attack in damascus, but there is information that there could be some terrorists in the affected building. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was hit in damascus, but we are also concerned by reports that terrorist leaders were believed to be in that building. how is it possible that on the second day after the attack you don’t know which object she had to assume that it was the terrorists who were hit, the american diplomat did not explain, vasily nebendya was surprised at such a verbal balancing act. the united states always has
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first-hand information on any matter, which they are proud to possess, because thanks to their intelligence capabilities they always know everything.
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judgment of the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria, the document has been prepared for voting, as noted by our deputy permanent representative dmitry polyansky, i quote, this is another opportunity test the truth. intentions of our western colleagues, let's see how the work goes. thirty-two russian regions are now struggling with the consequences of severe flooding; houses, roads and bridges are flooded. the most difficult situation is in the altai territory, a state of emergency has been declared there; in the coming days, due to warming and rain, there may be even more water. the situation is similar in the orenburg region due to the rise of the river, 300 people were evacuated there. residents say they have never seen such a stormy flood.
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flood victims are encouraged to go to
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temporary accommodation centers, but people either go to relatives or do not want to leave their homes. here you can see how quickly the water is rising; a few hours ago we walked along this street, it was dry, but a nearby dam broke and a powerful stream of water poured into the village. in kazakhstan, water discharges from the oktyubinsk reservoir have increased four times more than usual. water came to the orenburg region bordering kazakhstan. the river began to fill and began to flood populated areas. a severe flood was expected here, therefore, additional forces were sent to the area. emergency situations ministry specialists conduct monitoring every hour and monitor the situation from above. the territory is monitored by drones, and not only in the bulak district and the neighboring ilek district in order to, using the picture above, predict the processes that will still occur in our country in the future. we are preparing for the worst, of course, traditionally hoping for the best. the tense situation is now in the suburbs of orenburg, in the village of vesenny, water came at night and flooded
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substation, the electricity was turned off, we didn’t even have 5 minutes of downtime, it was all in one gulp, how the water came out and everything that flooded, that the entire first floor was flooded, the region has become very warm, today it’s up to +17, so the water is getting more and more, there’s a threat populated areas is maintained. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, ntv. at the same time, the regions are preparing for another seasonal disaster, natural fires; in some places the forests are already on fire, the coming summer is predicted to be abnormally hot, and experts are trying to prepare both equipment and personal equipment as quickly as possible. compound. vlada kopylovskaya attended firefighting landing exercises. we are now at the airfield, where parachutists and paratroopers and firefighters are practicing descents from a helicopter and are strengthening a skill that will come in handy very soon.
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how they reacted, well, they drove them away with pin saws, banging with shovels, just like that, then the huntsmen came, they took us out of there, then we returned for our things, our things, of course, were torn up, they were there. siberia is covered with spring snow every now and then, but this does not mean that the threat of fire is far away. in khakassia they have already extinguished burning grass, a high alert regime was introduced in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory; burning of dry grass and garbage is prohibited. last year there was a lot of fire, already starting in april, and this season is expected. from light, influenced by weather conditions, there is little snow this year in the central and northern group of regions,
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so we expect a dry summer. in the garages of forest fire stations , equipment is being prepared for launch, for difficult terrain , huge snow and swamp-going vehicles, forest fire modules jaeger, atvs, tracked vehicles, it is expected that new equipment will arrive, additional reinforcement. nowadays, we are preparing accordingly earlier, the plan is ahead of schedule, we are ahead of schedule, the equipment is already all in place... but health and good physical fitness are important for the firefighters themselves, those who want to join the paratroopers are trained in 9 days, paratroopers in a month, judging by the fact that among firefighters there are many who work for 15 years more, the service drags on. alexander budilin is 65 years old, has 2.0 parachute jumps under his belt and he continues to practice, now for the purpose of training, precisely from effort man, he argues, depends on the outcome of a forest fire. an airplane and a helicopter that drops water, it helps, that is , by dumping water, it extinguishes, that is, it reduces the rate of fire, until the person himself
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works, no aircraft will put out the fire, during training. next is a short advertisement, after which we will learn in detail about blinovskaya’s decision to settle with the tax authorities and what is presented at the international education salon, when will it appear in schools? alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just
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profitable. alpha is profitable. when sore joints become an obstacle to comfort.
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being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, where we are flying today, to saturn, and now to jupiter, and now to mars, we don’t have such a cosmocreep, which means we’re flying to five, we’ll find out if there is life at the checkout, get space craps and pullers for... every 600 rubles. win tour bike and other prizes, five to the rescue, all ways are good, when you wanted to be the first to try the new big special barbecue bacon with a big steak, instant cheese with bacon and smoky sauces and barbecue, what are you ready for, for the sake of big
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special barbecue bacon. alpha friday supercake every week. from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alfa travel service. not just profitable, alpha profitable. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. to run means to charge others with running. and you with us? temix. the run continues where you are. check your credit score on the compare website or app. and we will select a favorable loan taking into account your credit history. compare on your side. indol ford evalar is a natural remedy for the health of women's breasts. more profitable than analogue up to 50%. indol ford evolar. quality is guaranteed by gmp standard. your own savings business for each
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type of business. special services for retail trade. more information about clients. comparison of performance with a competitor. finding the best place for trading points, open an account with sberbank and use useful services for free forever. sberbusiness. among thousands of models with a guarantee of replacement, look for those same sneakers at sportsmaster. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. keep your credit history under control. compare, on your side. black sun, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. you are watching ntv. we continue the release. blogger elena blinovskaya is ready to sign a settlement agreement with the federal tax service. business news. marina piminova, marina, a why did she suddenly decide to agree to a settlement? well, apparently, so as not to be left without property at all. blogger elena
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blinovskaya sent a statement to the federal tax service that she was ready to conclude a settlement agreement. artie was informed about this by lawyer natalya salnikova, who clarified that elena blinovskaya is ready to mortgage the house in order to pay off all the debts, which, together with fines and penalties, have accumulated to the tune of one billion 400 million rubles. a settlement agreement is an alternative to bankruptcy and the subsequent sale of the debtor’s property. previously, the court rejected the claim elena bolinovskaya to the federal tax service to reduce the amount of accrued taxes, penalties and fines. the lawyers expected to reduce the amount by at least half. in march, the investigation expanded the charges to include blinovsky’s husband. elena is accused of tax evasion, money laundering and illegal circulation of means of payment. blinovskaya admits guilt only on the count of tax evasion, her. the husband completely denies his guilt. elena blinovskaya was detained almost a year ago while trying to leave to belarus. since january 22 of this year it has been in season. the russian stock market
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starts the working day in positive territory. the positive mood is provided by expensive oil and gold, which today set a new record - more than $2,300 per ounce. the dollar is getting cheaper. the dollar is now 9262, the euro is 99.72. the russian central bank told me. in what ways are they going to make world maps more suitable for use abroad? first deputy chairman of the central bank olga skorobogatova, speaking in the state duma, said that in some countries there are russian banks, the central bank is now working with them on the issue of how they can increase the number of atms in these countries. the question of how to pay with cards abroad became much more complicated on february 23 of this year. the united states imposed sanctions against the operator of the mir payment system (nspk company), starting march 30 of this year. armenia has almost completely said goodbye to the world; there , only the local subsidiary of the russian vtb (vtb armenia bank) accepts russian cards; from april 5 , banks in kyrgyzstan will also stop servicing world cards.
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operator of the local payment system lcart directly explains that in february of this year the us treasury imposed sanctions against the nspk company, and kyrgyzstan wants to minimize the risk of secondary sanctions. dima, that's all for me. thank you, marina piminova with business news. the future of television. the media industry, what it will be like these days, is being discussed in moscow, the first step scientific and technical festival is being held at vdnkh, students from all over the country take part in it, this is the same young blood that is the future of television and broadcasting, at the forum , aspiring specialists communicate with leading experts, participate in master classes, listen to lectures, adopt experience in order to transform it into innovative ideas, as you see it, we need people with ideas. and who else but the young can generate these ideas, and how else can we feed on some new
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trends, who else will impartially, honestly tell us what he thinks about modern television, well, to be honest, our team has been developing the topic for a whole month , neuroimplant, symbiosis of the brain and the computer machine. so how will this affect future television? but were worked out there are many scenarios, how problems develop, solutions to these problems, including options that have been worked out, how they will really affect how everything will turn out to be on television. presentation, please, the winners of the competition program will receive prizes, but even participation in the festival itself is an excellent chance to express yourself right from your student days and get into serious television companies. today , the international education salon begins in moscow, this is an exhibition of technologies designed to bring the learning process to a modern level, which is already
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works in schools, alexey kvashenkin saw. teaching high school students is increasingly looking like sketches from eighties science fiction, the battle of ground-based drones, piloting copters, programming manipulators and robotic systems, but let's be honest, cut down most of this equipment.
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and it, in turn, will lose to the one that runs on the russian processor. we buy a board from a supplier that includes a russian baikal processor. we buy ram separately, it is also russian. however, now the capabilities of the baikal processor are not enough for high-performance tasks, for example, 3d modeling. we need an additional module based on a foreign processor. the customer can buy this separately, but in general the panel
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is fully functional. fully functional with baikal. it looks like this segment is very profitable. interactive panels have already taken up 70% of the company's total production. in a year and a half , 14 thousand of them have already been produced here. when the register appeared, there was only one company on it, which produces interactive panels. there are currently more than ten companies on this register. that is , 10 productions have appeared since that moment. this means that 10 technical production bases appeared on..., that is , jobs appeared, workshops appeared, well , that is, this is all the development of production in our country, we even had to write our own shell for working with the panel, the ready-made programs did not meet the requirements for convenience and security, as we see, here the menu is located along the radius of the hand, and accordingly with large icons, only the teacher knows what password he has on the interactive whiteboard
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is returned. the main menu starts the lesson, but not everyone approves of the virtualization of the educational process. we are engaged in and give all our attention to the traditional student experiment, that is, a real experiment, when the student conducts the entire experiment with his own hands. this kit alone allows you to conduct 90 practical and laboratory experiments; in total, more than 50,000 copies were produced. it is designed for... students, you can take it and put it on your desk, no need no additional equipment, that is , you can conduct an experiment in any classroom that is not equipped for chemistry, and there is also a solution for biology, natural history, physics, there are stationary laboratory complexes for students, but to equip one classroom with such tables you need 5 million rubles, and this only for one subject. at exhibitions we see many beautiful, competent
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solutions, but in schools... we still see them in insufficient quantities, especially if we are not talking about the capital and large cities. i 'll tell you what we've done so far approximately 3,500 sets, the products are quite expensive and new, it’s always difficult to get something new, especially at an expensive price, it’s difficult, but this is not some kind of exhibition product, this is a standard product, if you come and order one product, i’ll tell you, take this one, i ’ll bring myself a new one , but you need to understand that this is a small enterprise, 40 employees, a kind of pilot production, their clients are a little over a thousand...
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not a lesson anymore, the more interesting it is to learn, but for this it is necessary that the best exhibits move from exhibitions to exhibitions as quickly as possible school classes. alexey kvashenkin, olga vailoshnikova, sergey koreshkov and vladimir sharykin, ntv television company. in the krasnodar territory, participants in the special operation began to be given certificates for rehabilitation and rest for free; they can improve their health in 35 sanatoriums. the large-scale program operates not only for the military, but also for children affected by shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. in the border regions of russia, sergei pikulin saw how soldiers and civilians were recovering in sochi health resorts, how are you feeling, yes, good, already better, today we will work the back through the vertebral muscles, your neck muscles. 45 minutes for a massage, then 10 minutes to go to the other wing for hydrogen sulfide baths, then personal time, lunch, again with doctors, in fact
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the schedule at the boarding house is not much... cardiac rehabilitation, then at each stage of rehabilitation with our the guests are professional psychologists and doctors. in kuban, local authorities have launched a regional program for the rehabilitation of fighters from the northern military district zone. today's date. sergey left krasnodar for a special operation, volunteers served in one of the bars units. injury, hospital, operation. came today. protection for a vacation certificate, they called and said that there was such a thing, so i went directly to the social service and wrote a statement, they told me what needed to be done, i provided the documents, in my opinion, only extracts from the order, that’s all.
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certificate for 100,000 rubles. from the regional budget you can spend during the year on treatment or recreation in the list of 35 boarding houses taking part in the program throughout edge. the participant can go with his family. naturally, if within this amount it allows him to improve his health with his family, he can improve his health, or pay extra if it is above the established amount. now there are a large number of rehabilitation programs, federal, regional, organized by foundations. andrei, near kharkov , covered a civilian with himself during shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. now in sochi he is learning to move his fingers and speak again, one of the funds helped him with a voucher. despite being seriously injured, doctors give. for example, in sochi they developed a separate rehabilitation program not only for
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participants of the north military district, but also for families from new territories affected by shelling in the belgorod region. for a sixteen-year- old teenager, veronica has too thick a medical record, mine explosion injuries, wounds to the shoulder, chest, shrapnel... various procedures for children include a large excursion program, an arboretum, an embankment and even a trip to a mountain resort cluster. sergei pikulin, sergei polyansky, ale rebzhanov, sergei tashchiev, vitali minina, ekaterina belousova, ntv. krasnodar region.
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that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling due to... spring is a time of cleansing, take lymphotransit, lymphotransit helps cleanse the body , remove toxins, and reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company - your spring renewal. and now about the weather for tomorrow, the european territory of russia has just hit the first wave of cold weather, when we have to announce the second one. in the center the temperature will lose another 7-9°, but... it will reach frosts, in the north of the tver region, and also in the north of yaroslavl, smolensk, in the west of bryansk, south of the frost in the night, in koluga it will be -1, and in the north-west, except for kaliningrad and in the central region, except for the east and south, on thursday night there is a chance of light
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snow, but in the north there is absolute snow, precipitation will reach the volga region, but the colder weather will arrive a day later, here is morte, bashkiria all day good weather, on the cabin after crimea, the cooling will creep further east. rains mostly at night in krasnodar tomorrow it's already 19, in sochi even 16, in maykop after today's 26, tomorrow in the afternoon 21, then even lower, and the capital, in st. petersburg tomorrow with snow, at night up to five degrees below zero, during the day about zero, in moscow such winter there will still be no return, but rain with sleet is possible, tomorrow afternoon it will be +7, and frosts on friday night.


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