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tv   Pyos-5  NTV  April 3, 2024 10:35am-1:01pm MSK

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minus one, and in the north-west, except kaliningrad and in the central region, except the east and south, on thursday night there is a chance of light snow, but in the north there is absolute snow, precipitation will reach the volga region, but cold temperatures will arrive a day later, in udmurtia and bashkiria the weather is good all day, in the cabin after the crimea the colder weather will creep further east, heavy rains mainly at night in krasnodar tomorrow already 19, in sochi even 16, maikop after today 26, tomorrow afternoon 21, then even lower. and capital in st. petersburg tomorrow with snow, at night up to five below zero, during the day around zero, in moscow there will still be no such winter return, but rain with sleet is possible, tomorrow in the afternoon it will be +7, and frosts on friday night,
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it works. what the hell, where did you come up with the drawing, such a copy spoiled me, creature, i didn’t see you right away.
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everything, everything is fine, everything is ours, everything is ours.
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it’s even better, this is how i can do it, the cat is here, let’s clean it up, oops, hello, who are you, and where am i, where is the toilet, no clue, what are you doing here, no? this is for me, i need this,
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it will come in handy, give it here, collect it, whoever will be there, just look at me, well, i said, well, now i have to pack, he’s coughing, now, this, excuse me, is better.
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well damn. well, work laboratory, you’re all like that, don’t live without consciousness, i’m going chuk, hand consciousness, it’s me, yes, yes, then thank you very much, but
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you hesitated, you brute of a puzzle, igor! that with a magic elixir straight into the dog’s face , nothing, but what about claudia, why is claudia here , it’s a dog, yes, yes igor, well, you’ll soon understand what’s the matter, i mean, i mean, so... oh well, that's it, senya, take care of your rear, that's it animal, now it’s gone, in the bargain shelf all
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the goods are at discounts, take what you need for your loved ones and for yourself. order from a scooter in the selection of a profitable shelf, delivery is free, a scooter without extra expenses, this is a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against philip kirkorov, i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, bye no concert, deceitful nature bent me and filled me with beauty. i’m just ugly and distorted and i was sent into the living world before my deadline, that’s how i see luntik, it’s a housing problem, yeah, secretly a million, all my ex-women
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began with the letter a, amen, where are you going, i don’t want to start, why is the project so cruel, today? someone will leave the stars, today denis dorokhov and regions and philip kirkorov and fighters will meet face to face on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. everything will work out. black sun, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches there is askafe. at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when it hurts head. it's time to be zen and keep abreast of the latest trends. keep up to date with what's trending in the fashion world every day. enjoy every
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day and stay up to date with the latest sports events. zen every day and discover the world in a new way on the main page. where all the content is collected for you, be in the know, be zen, oh, the loan bonus has arrived, and this is how you make all payments on time, tenkov recalculates the rate when you close the loan - it’s like a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkov gives you a great gift, money, decorate loan money until the end of april, pay everything. payments on time and we will return 5% of the rate in cash. we approve your plans. tinkov. millions of pets throughout russia are protected from fleas and ticks with bars preparations. we are different, but we all trust bars products to protect our pets. when the history of the developers lies on
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3:00 am you can’t fall asleep, download the vk video application, watch content for all occasions on any device, vk video - everything for everyone, a lonely man from the tyumen region was killed with one stab of a knife right in the heart , my uncle was very kind, he never got involved in conflicts himself, and a few hours before this, an acquaintance of the deceased argued with a friend that her hand would not waver to kill a person, an argument, relatives of the accused are sure that she had nothing to do with it, and if whose motives were to kill a man, then it’s his relatives, this is complete nonsense, my wife doesn’t argue with anyone, then who could have done this, most likely it was a setup from this fellow villager who handed her a knife, but the first thing the woman did when she returned i told my son home where i threw the knife, what did you do with this knife? i took him in my hands, well, out of fear for my mother and for myself, i seemed to throw him away, so who struck the blow in the heart, the girl took the blame on herself because of love. this is beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv. salute,
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hello, lemonidov, hello, pshikolo. cheap for out of curiosity, our test subjects were only three people that evening. victoria, you can sit down. i don’t understand why he’s staring at me like that, staring straight at me. so, that means the first was nikolai timofeev, 35 years old, got into an accident, spent the rest of the time in a wheelchair, agreed to the experiment voluntarily, victoria remembers him, no, victoria doesn’t remember him, it would be nice if she remembered, otherwise the help is doubtful , yes, that would be very good, but let’s give the girl time, the second one actually died on... and by the way, timofeev works in libraries, and this is us we’ll stop by, yes, definitely, wait, but where
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is the data on the third, no, no, that means they’re stuck in the archives, launcher, you’re ours, you, take him, take him away from here, he’s looking right into me with his root, but you’re not looking at its root, igor, what are you, little one, or something, there is no such thing, what can i tell you. maxim, maybe we can go to the library, great idea, let's go, of course, what are we waiting for? lyosha, won’t you go to the library? no, i’ve already read everything there, tell me, this desdiac, it works on animals, catastrophically. that's it, kostrostropha, he wants me, lyosha, what are you,
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yes, try the tv, only now turn your back, oh, trouble, oh, trouble, so, you stay in the car for the eldest, uh-huh, come on. come on, you go, come on, and i ’ll cover you in the rear and i’m protecting victoria here, protecting, protecting everything, and you, what, what, where are you going to the library with a cable, you can’t go to the library with cables, golden words, igor nikolaevich, come on, get out of here, here is igor nikolaevich, and you give him, protect this for now, you can learn the alphabet in the library
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, they let him in, no, i won’t, why won’t you teach the alphabet with him, i remember. you remember exactly i answer, well then show the way, easy to the car, give me a lap of honor, the car, igor, the library is there, i know, i can’t read or something, the library, yeah, wow, interesting, the girl is on the beach, that means timofeev is in a wheelchair doesn't walk, what are you cutting? look, timofeev doesn’t use a wheelchair. are you crazy or something, you hear me, i’m like your drops, where are you, igor, i’m here. and hello, oh, quietly, yes,
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you’ve completely lost your salt, that’s it, look for one, what? thanks a lot. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of everything or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs and nothing more. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip. nothing extra. why
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didn’t you start wandering earlier? yes i have that. there was a musician, ruzil minikaev, although there will be a war soon, leon kemstach, i see in the area, i’ll bury you, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they will now catch us all one by one, anna peresilt, help, anton vasiliev, we are now creating a new department , the power is now behind us, we will hand over all of you in 2 weeks, sergei burunov, why i became the father of a bandit, ivan yankov. they sharpen their teeth on us, no one likes the fact that we are strong on our own, the word of a boy, blood on the asphalt, the words of a boy are only for boys, this is just the beginning, the most anticipated television premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00 on ntv, black sun , premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. alpha
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just get a medical examination for free. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after musk’s show on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them; its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and dry calluses. with it you can forget about the problem of unsightly growths. i found a way out for myself. this is clariune gel. i use it at home and it's clean. and smooth skin, i don’t have to be embarrassed anymore, papillomas are still decorations, but skin defects are a thing of the past, now i can wear whatever i want. thanks to the combination of active
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ruble, 800 200 exactly 7 567, free call within russia dna today at 17:50 ntv will quickly figure out that they are sending him a summons. they won’t, the verdict is immediate, so what should you do, just don’t twitch, what happened, they killed my friend, do you think it’s one of our own, i’ll find out, he’s in front of he will answer me, he needs help, have a full ammunition with him, he’s a bog, he’s right on topic, and what a war he started, he killed gordiya and his brigade, so running helped him, hot spot, who killed the bek, today 22:15 on ntv. hello, fascinating hcu, good morning,
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the police have a couple of questions for you, and the police, yes, yes, of course, of course, this is a turn, this is a disabled person. sit, you were present, the miracle of healing, i am not to blame for anything, everyone who runs away from me says the same thing, you have some kind of collective mind, i automatically started running away, on autopilot from me, right? yeah, why did you pretend to be disabled? i just wanted to earn some money, but i wanted to go begging, right? no, what? well , they just paid
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money for participating in the experiment, so they exposed me, they found out that i was healthy, that i was spitting out medicine, they found out, stand there to spit it out, and for what kind of devil are you again, then you climbed into the stroller, a degenerate, but at work they love me, they feel sorry, they have compassion, they treat you to cookies, cookies. who else took part in the experiment, stop it, egor, egor, egor, he worked at a construction site, fell from the sixth floor, oh, do you hear, he fell from the sixth floor, tried to close the library, rise, rise, get up, egor’s last name, but i don’t know, i don’t know where to find this egor, too i don’t know, well, absolutely. useless pseudo-disabled man, let's get in the back, let's go , wait, wait, i know how to recognize him, he has a scar all over his face, show him, all over his face, you're crazy, what are you doing,
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stop lying, he's gone from here, he can’t walk yet, believe me, maybe, hey, where are you going, man, where are you going, huh? and man, you that in general, i will still find them and kill them.
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“you know, for some reason i don’t feel like a paramedic, well, really, i’m somehow not my thing or something, but if suddenly you still don’t remember anything, then welcome to our police, i’ll be your partner, but what about, to be honest?" “it’s hard, it’s hard, because it’s like you’re looking into the darkness, and there ’s nothing there, but in the dark, don’t be offended, i ’ll always be next to you, max, because i have no one but you, come on, ugh, ugh, by the way, she
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never forgot to feed the person in the morning nothing i didn’t eat, i was just a minute, okay, just a minute, why didn’t you call, why nina, did you find out anything? i'm sorry, i don't understand what you mean, i don't know who you are, are you kidding me, max, max, i think i misspoke, i could have just been patient, but could you? max just wanted to tell me, i’ll catch up with him, you are addressed, anton, degenerate, free, what do you want, huh?
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are you aiming this somewhere? what are you, are you crazy? max, take him away, fuck off, kill him, fuck off, max, take him away, he’s harassing me, otherwise i’ll lose my temper a little more, no. the dog is of course beautiful, but control yourself, yes, i’m a fool, i’m not talking about that , i don’t know who it was, listen, maybe i just don’t remember what he said, but i didn’t even have time to understand , what does he want from me, i’m so confused, sit down, okay, they gave me,
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there was just an attack at a construction site, according to the description, our guy, yeah, well, send me the address, it’s the entrance, and you’re still dragging this one with you young lady, yes, lenchikov, while she hasn’t remembered anything, i’ll keep dragging her around with myself, well, be kind, refrain from close relationships, otherwise later she won't remember you either. why didn't you go with max? i think he can cope there without me. whose cup is this? this is a maximov cup, i'm taking fingerprints. why do you need maksimov's fingers? i don’t need maksimov’s fingers, i’m taking the prints of this girl, this girl.
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what are you upset about, what are you upset about? go ahead, igor, he's harassing me, what are you doing? well, he needs to either be castrated or pour cold water on me, oh, good idea, let’s do it the other way around, or so, well, you see,
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hello, police, hello, on you, it was an attack, and we were the victims, the victims knew the attacker, but we never saw him, never saw him. that gentlemen , the victims, the victims, where there are two of them, they were soon taken away, one of them fell from there, yes, it ’s that he was the only four of you, he was incredibly healthy, he was like that, he had a scar on his face, his eyes were red and his hands were healthy, he was generally like an animal, i understood it did the red-eyed man say anything or did he silently beat you? well , why did he silently, not silently, say that he would find and kill someone whom, he didn’t say, you had a man here a few days ago with fell on the sixth floor, we heard, we saw, you know, maybe, but we didn’t see anything, we didn’t hear anything,
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because my partner and i have been working here for 2 days, it’s noticeable, sit, your foreman, where is he, he’s fishing, passing by again, okay, where is his nest, what is here? there is igor, wow, he’s really healthy, very, and his eyes are red, igor, do you hear, look for another mate, look for another dog, i’m not a mate for you. no, what are you saying, there’s nothing interesting here, let’s go to where the women are, i already have afrozak, a little bit not the same , they’re everywhere, i say, tell me, you know, of course
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this is a beer bar for a mug you know and this one yes no i don’t know not this one no? well, i was there, i was there, well, for a long time in the service, but of course, yes , they accepted me there, they accepted me there, no, they accepted one, they accepted me there, a brikadier, they say, he went fishing, so, well, lead me, deer, to your country, deer, this is my, by the way, vesliya, of course, the little bar needs to be checked, well done, you... take your zaophile, get out of here, hello,
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hello, police, there is such a thing, so there he is, just uh, let's without love, what are you, so doesn't happen, right? and i’ll ask the witness to leave, but i’ll have to pay for the beer, hello, police, no, i’m here today. “fuck off, i can’t, i have a couple of questions, it means, humanly, you don’t understand where you are, are you
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feeding him nails, humane, but today there’s no one yet...” they asked, he’s hungry, you’re the first, egor , sixth floor, construction site, come on, where is it, he should have come. our investor to inspect the work, well, he was a hard worker, and zhenya must have been, and egor, he was delayed at the construction site, and in the morning egor was found, he was alive, and i’m for the tram, he couldn’t move or speak, uh-huh, he collapsed, on the sixth floor, i know, well, maybe it was a tragic accident, eh? where egor fell from there is a fence, and igor
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is an experienced builder, it is difficult to retreat and fall out, egor did not fall on his own, something happened when he was delayed. “sorry, guys, oops, no, i understand your feelings for me, what you said, yes, i just pissed you off and you fell in love with me, that’s obvious, but there’s nothing between us...” i can’t be different either,
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you'll have to pay for this too, on holdey, something your magic remedy is not working. do you hear, don’t be a jerk, everything is working, you should have seen how i catch glances at myself, excited and lustful, and you don’t look at me, there will be nothing between us and there cannot be, it still seems to me that egor is not he jumped himself, they helped him, you know, why did you get the idea that he was pushed, where did i tell you, look, what kind of rapist, i don’t know, turned out to be, perhaps, an unwanted witness,
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so they helped him, i wonder who helped? how do i know what you think, i have enlightenment, or what happened, but no, i need to just find out, vaktanok, yes, who visited the cameras at the construction site, who left, igor, give me a lead, please, it’s a shitty question, so, come on, hang yourself, no soap, that’s it, thank you. well, wait, that is, he was looking for those who helped him. here, lyoshenka, you have experienced enlightenment, now igor will. yes, yes, how to check whether it works or not, what? well , come on, here i am morons, everything is clear, it works, it works, i have become enlightened, i am personally involved in a crime. lyoshenka, purely
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on business, please come out, lin, come out, come out for a second, well, poor girl, she’s in trouble, well, we need to help her somehow, why are you pestering her, look, why is this an article with a photo of the author, yeah. call the editor, find out the pseudonym - it’s a real name, she’s a journalist, she’s not a doctor, okay, well, here’s a real doctor, she said that amnesia is real, and you’ll excuse me, but i believe her, show her the article, there’s a chance her memory will be restored, the woman is 27 years old, and she doesn’t have a passport for... not even a birth certificate, my mother didn’t
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do the documents for me when i was a child, i tried to do the documents myself, they refused everywhere, her the older brother and sister solved the problems with documents, but the younger sister also does not officially exist, she was afraid that her father’s relatives would take her away, and since there are no documents, there is no one to take her, now she’s about to give birth, she has no documents, she’s going straight to the maternity hospital they said that the child would not be given to her, a woman who... worked three jobs, she simply did not have time to do this for me, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, kirkorov against dorokhova, stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. try sushi, try everything
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premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult. especially if you are far from home. the world of honest prices brings you the cordless chainsaw forever. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of the works that she is capable of. the century minisaw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repair, and work on garden plots, caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or uncomfortable. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and limited space. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a battery chainsaw forever and get a reliable and
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faithful assistant. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after the show. mask on ntv. only the blind would not notice the similarities between the victims. i think the girls became victims of a satanic sect. these are not snotty teenagers. most likely these are people with money, with connections, including those in power. i came up with something here. i really like this idea. very kind, but i didn’t ask you to do this. i solve my problems myself. i'm here because you became my problem. he left through the roof. got it, i'm coming to you? no, i i'm going myself. where is it your job to command, and mine to run? i still believe that with your methods you have no place in the police, where did this dried fruit on my head come from, black sun, era today at 20:00 on ntv, come in, you sit down, free for now, sit down
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, sit down, so don’t write anything in the journal for now, go, smoke, take a walk, yeah, yeah, what are we going to do here? first , talk to me about why it’s here, that without extra ears, something happened, so i want to know, you haven’t remembered anything yet, no, why do you ask, and so?
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“so i’m a journalist, which means this worries me. max, i understand your suspicions, but i’m not lying to you, really, why do i need this, well, for example, to control the progress of the investigation, or...” to write a trashed article about the work of our police, more? who gave this to you? lena. max, it’s lena who wants to expose me. and she doesn't like me. i would like to check that i, that leonidov is anyone, and leonidov knows that, that you are in love with his wife, max, we need to talk,
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here, right now we need to, urgently. yes, there is a recording from cctv cameras from a store opposite the construction site, late in the evening these two cars were caught in the frame, uh-huh, one of them is investor levin, uh-huh, i don’t know the second one, i don’t know yet, they met at a construction site, they probably wanted talk without witnesses, well, leshnik, now i’m sure that yegor simply turned out to be an unwanted witness, it seems like something. i have levin's office address. let's talk. igor,
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fuck off, can't you see, i'm busy. what? by contemplation itself, or what? yes. ah, from a bottle, he got carried away, he wished for himself, he didn’t understand, but what’s the connection? what is it? yes, what is this? come on, ugh, humanize, ugh! we are investigating the fall
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of your man, setting up the sixth floor. oh, i heard something, crazy guy. kraimukha. and on the same day you were setting up, maybe you saw him out of the corner of your eye? listen, i invest money in construction. but i don’t know what’s going on with the builders. i have six objects. i don’t remember when i was at which one, if you want, i can look at the schedule for that day, don’t interfere at all, mind your own business, and you know that the worker survived and they say that he is hunting you, why me, you tell me why you, if anything, i have security, yeah, “sorry, i have an important meeting, i’m already late, i can’t help you with anything, that’s it, we ’re already leaving, yes i am, yes i am, we’re already leaving,
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igor, or have you decided to stay?” "alone, let's go, get away, you creature, get away from me, i told you, get away, understand your passion, fucked up, uh, animal, well, move, move, it's useful, wait, wait, i saw how the woman reacts to me, i need to talk to you, but it’s better that he goes to prison than to that color, he and no, levin, levin, in that i accidentally heard that levin met with gorov that evening at a construction site, why at a construction site? gurov brought the body of some man and wanted to pour it in concrete, yeah, and levin helped. take
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your pussy away, levin was against it, but he had to... if you saved your honor, i knew it would end badly, you couldn’t just drown him, but you have nothing to fear, now we’ll hide the whole body, the man your guys dumped , he survived, he's hunting us, what do you mean he's hunting, he's some kind of animal, what the hell,
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what a healthy guy, guys, figure it out! holy shit, where, where to run next, what to do, i don’t know, listen, why has he become so big and healthy, this is the first time i’ve seen him. where is the exit? the way out is where it is, then you have to sacrifice something, what is it?
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where are you hanging around, i'm wasting here like a fool, so igor, move away, that means you stay here, you stay, you guard, there is no need to guard me, max, i said, you stay here, i said, you guard, the factang and i are at the entrance, i’ll go and work, there’s no way around, there’s nowhere without me. stop, police, be quiet.
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i didn’t pick it up, but what are you doing here, and where is
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the guy who’s getting sleepy? igor, you’re a policeman, you’re behind me, no, no, that’s the end of my powers, are you a pink hulk, igor, where were you, behind her, alive, max, max, women are crazy about me, i don’t even understand why, maybe you can tell me that i shouldn’t do this, listen, i beg you,
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stop, and i understand, now is not the time to talk about love, but no, creature, it’s you again, i told you, i’m not your kopel, but not time to harass me? i understand, you nit, i saw this, well, give it to him, so, come on, bring the task force here, quietly, quietly, quietly, damn, he’s close, do you think he saw us, i don’t know, but the forces are not equal. i suggest giving him the surrender, wait, don’t you have any weapons, there are plenty of weapons, now, this is a boutique, don’t you want it, you’re a policeman, you must
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have some kind of weapon, let’s go now, here’s my light bulb , there’s a button, oh, damn, no, i didn’t lose it, i lent it to someone, but... well, control, that’s it, that’s love, help, they rape you, you will owe.
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let him go, let him go, do you hear, let him go, you, you need him, you need him, bite! max, you're like, wait, no, stop,
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what do you want, what do you want, i 'll give you money, i'll give you a lot of money, i'll give you everything you want, listen, we're adults, we can agree, what are you doing? you want, they did it, i was torn from the first seconds, i’m delighted, i’m simply, i’m simply delighted, mask, anniversary fifth season, that’s
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the end of the songs, everyone for the crack, lollipop, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, stars, premiere on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. alpha. friday - super cashback every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia. only in the alpha travel service, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, there are many routes, before the trip, choose the appropriate one in the maps, if you want to listen to a podcast, get there without transfers, or finally take a walk, build routes that are closer to you, yandex maps is an application for the city, you have there is a form
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the medal is minted with the highest award, embossed memorable dates inscription great victory. preserve the history of the great patriotic war for future generations. call and order a commemorative medal using a toll-free phone number or on the order.rf website. black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. everything is fine, lesh, we can handle it. maksimov, are you okay? yes, everything is fine, everything is fine. lesh, how are you? everything is fine, lenochka, we sorted it out little by little, a little something, please, like those, i remembered everything. oh, this should be noted. looks like this was what was needed. hits
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his head, wedge, wedge, headache, no, nausea, i'm really a journalist, uh-huh, i received information about secret experiments that were carried out in the laboratory, yeah, that man in the cafe is a relative of one of the victims of these experiments, i needed more information to write an article. that’s why i pretended to be a nurse in order to get into a drug trial, well, then you know, yes, the only thing i survived was getting off with mild amnesia. you're lucky, vic, they won't call me at all, that's also not bad, as i understand it, and you're not everything, i'm married, it happens,
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max, thank you for everything, really, you're for me it helped a lot, now i’ll take a look in the car, yeah. lenka, lenka, everything is gone, everything is gone, don’t
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console me, now women will ignore me again, i’m all an aphrodosiac for this trash. spent, well, my friend, you are no stranger to it, you understand a lot, women were crazy about me, and now, i got into shekloly for you, elena, igor, lenochka, i of course understand that now you are possessed by violent sexual desires feelings.
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i mean, you’re giving it to me, it ’s scary, well, how can i tell you, relax, i was joking, in what sense is this, well, literally, this antiseptic, yes, oh well, well, there’s no way to wash this, but i sprayed it myself, i felt everything, of course, because you’re a narcissistic penguin, but no, wait, wait, but what about women, huh? how, even the dog, the dog harassed me, it’s not, it’s not the same feelings, you can’t help it, give it back, this is my sandwich with sausage, they knocked me out of it, so be smart, you understand why the dog harassed you, it’s not me he loved , he loved
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your sausage, igoryusha, genius, here you go, eat it, zofil. what? this is a turning point in your career. this yours, good luck,
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now, ladies and gentlemen, the culmination of our show, meet our angel, angela! and what?
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what are you saying, we are in full combat readiness, soft, shiny, silky, send me the address, let's go to work with clean wool, overdose, show business, everyone will be there, concentration. why cocaine is many times higher than the critical value, the mucous membrane is not damaged, there are no traces of injection, the girl is not
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a drug addict, maybe she didn’t calculate, she decided to play around and well, you’re right, she didn’t calculate, i still feel sorry for her, young, beautiful, i say, strange aroma, you have a new perfume, will you inspect the victim’s apartment? look at her dressing table, i don’t wear perfume at work, it’s from her, and if the dog doesn’t react, don’t touch anything, i’m working, where else are you... the police got a job, by the way, i was offered to work as a model, appearance allows, well, yes,
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someone should advertise pills for dementia, yes, someone for dementia, someone for hemorrhoids, someone for impotence, this is not my profile, nikislav, what’s the matter, open it immediately, attention , attention! on first second i’ll pay to surround the criminal,
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it’s impossible not to notice the stickers 2 only when purchasing with a magnet card for every 500 rubles in the receipt. this is a show of stars! denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against philip kirkorov, i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and height, i’m ugly and distorted, and before the deadline i sent to the world is alive, this is how i see luntik.
11:52 am
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you are just expecting a comfortable office, but you get the best one. alfabank is the best in every office. bank: mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place! meet the new ocepol forte, it contains 10 billion bacteria containing zinc. just one capsule per day. ocepol forte - a new level of probiotics. one reproach thrown out in a rush, and now you are already losing those closest and dearest you people. 28 years ago, family conflict. separated my father from his older children, my dad, of course, he is not an angel, he does not communicate with his children, he does not know where his mother is, his brother abandoned him, if i tell the truth, who will like it, i personally don’t like remembering this is the case, and now peter mikhailovich wants to make up for lost time, yes, it turned out this way, and also the story of yana, who
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has been looking for her younger brother for many years, the story is not easy, her mother met a man. he beat me too, it happened, then after that from she left home, and he beat my mother, and stabbed her several times, then they called me, they said that my mother was no more, maxim, i just want to at least see you, wait for me on friday at 17:55 on ntv, stand still, yes, i didn’t , oh, how i fooled you, idiot, come on, look for it, come on, it’s not fresh, come on, come on, you’re already missing it for the second time, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong again, i’m photographing snails, i got it from
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yours snails, the whole back of my head is splitting open, well... what’s my fault, that i suddenly wanted to go to the toilet and in general i don’t fight on points, oops, why did i find this? this is what you should have shown me, this is what i'm thinking about. you don't even know what you're thinking? i know everything, show business, sex, drugs, carvalo, he look, look at this mug and her lover, protruding ears, piggy eyes, it’s generally unclear what gender it is, i don’t understand, male, why did you decide that? it’s written, and he also has a beard, for sure, well, yes, it’s male, yes, well, how does it come from... it opens, oh, i checked, it’s the same drug
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that killed the model, and yes, and i said, what kind of perfume do you have, do you like it, yeah, you have it the kind of scents that... women go crazy, i really hope this is one of them, i hope maybe we can get down to business, oh by the way, let's get down to business, of course, what is this creature in the photographs, this creature is a famous couturier, emmanuel, and judging by the photographs, he had a relationship with angela, this is what infuriates me, why some...
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question, this is a couturier, why wait, let's take a look at him ourselves, i must personally probe all of his models during an investigative experiment. come on, lemonidov, get ready. stronger, stronger, come on, stronger, stronger,
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stronger, well done, go ahead, i thought you needed a pen, but here, what, what is it, i’m at the dacha? where can we find this couturier of yours ? sit down, wait, sit down, wait, dear dog, what’s her name? his name is dog, but what is his owner's name? captain in nestlilov, you
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saw the video, i’m already getting frostier, you heard, even nzdlilov’s frosty, because you can’t smell anyone, i feel it. you allow yourself, i have a body to search, resistance is useless, you need not a warrant, but a rabies vaccination, monkey, no, a complete lack of feeling for nothing, well, that’s how it is, this is some kind of schmuck , sexless, they like the mess, but i don’t have any nesters, well, how is it, just a second, police, a couple of questions for you, stand, the brute ruined all my business, come on, come on,
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father-in-law, i couldn’t go far, look! what's happened? uncle, you will know that in your case , losing your sense of smell is simply a shame! well, at least you still have vision? ok, guten morgin, i give up.
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what is gymnastics for diction for for lips warm-up and why garlic and garlic lemonides for a gentle swelling of the lips. grandma's recipe, why do you need swollen lips? and i’m going to interrogate in a mess, you can relax, max is already interrogating him, that’s right, i sent him ahead to warm up the client, he’s torturing him with his ugliness, and i ’ll come one look at him and he’s mine, come on. so what,
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these are all just photographs, you have nothing on me , you were in a relationship, angela, no, during a search in angela’s apartment, your photograph, joint clothes and perfume were found. anyone can buy this bruise buy any metro, but you me that you can’t prove anything, such spirits could have hit me, yes, during an illegal arrest, but who will believe it? a famous couturier or
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some incomprehensible cop, though we ’re not on the podium right now, yeah, well, how are you? who is this? there are rumors emmanuelle that you are a great... a beauty healer in a big way, take this away from me, and what are you telling me, now everyone will lose consciousness from this smell, igor nikolaevich will immediately give you artificial respiration with his mouth, he will do it, okay, i confess , so igor, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i sleep with all the models, in our business it’s normal.
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bruise, where from, the makeup artist’s husband caught us, rude bastard, yes, i also sleep with makeup artists, class, angelica’s drugs, you put that no, she treated me very rarely, where did she get the treats from, but how do i know, ask bridget , what kind of name is this, who is this, a man or a woman, bridget is angela’s best friend, she’s definitely aware of all her... skeletons in the closet, no need to talk, i rummaged through her closet, there weren’t any skeletons there, address this is the most disgusting thing, shut up, i'm tired of you!
12:08 pm
stop calling me. why did you come to our office? 3 rubles, but you don’t bring it, it will be like this every day, but i’m tired of being a jerk, i want to go with the boys,
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you brought him, you get up with them, screw you, the boy is now with us, i should pay for the cone by paying for the ruble of a car, that’s it our road. you've driven your mother crazy, you think your boys will save you when you're drowning, you're a kid now, you're a sulis now, there are enemies all around, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated
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television premiere of the year from april 15th 23:00 on ntv. black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. you are my basketball, my love! chicken for 199 rubles in rostix restaurants, what’s wrong with your husband, it seems to me that there’s something wrong with you, you want to put me in prison for the murder of my husband, which i didn’t commit, i’m on your side, if only he knew about the amazement , what would he do, a new season of detective drama in valeria gaigermanika, mutual consent, look now only at kiion, renovation for the summer season for ozone, everything in the house is on sale, hurry up, deco puncher! for 2.499, demur filler for 359, shower mixer for 4,999, your own sberbusiness for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about customers, comparison
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you know how, and what’s there , how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from
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one dead model is an accident, and two are a pattern, do you think it’s double? i don’t think, i say, yes, the dog is not our help today, but you feel how gary is, i ’m working hard, by the way, and gary, you remembered i don’t even remember the name of the decolon you use, they accidentally poured it on me, okay, if you don’t want to say it, don’t say it. so, well,
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everything is clear, an ordinary suicide disguised as an accident. yes. explain, igor, why a young, handsome, successful person would commit suicide, so i’m explaining it for stupid people. apparently, it was brigitte barda, she felt that i was already approaching, well, here is the result. stupid, in general, as always. lord, god. no need, la-la, built vestry, i even think it’s beautiful, learn, it would be better from me while i live, igor, don’t scare my mirror, it will crack now, get out of here, the picture is identical, in the blood of the deceased there is... a drug in a lethal dosage, so i don’t
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understand whether she crashed, or whether she still had an overdose, but at the time of the accident she was already dead. maybe the models didn’t suspect anything, but took it for ordinary cocaine, an accident, in general, maybe the models thought it was ordinary cocaine, but the one who gave it to them definitely knew everything, so that this is murder, lesh, yes, printout, last message. white chinese is certain death, looks like a threat, or something to a warning, they say, stay away from this guy, i’m here now, hello, please tell me, did you find out the name of the decologne from maksimov, i’m working on it.
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what is it? is this limonidov? coffin? oh, my god, women go crazy about this, well, when it’s like an aquiline nose to them. it actually looks like some kind of wart. what do you do at work? do you even know anything about this white chinese? i don’t know, it’s a shame, a man is connected with two murders, and you have chewing gum on your nose, uh-huh, no, no, this is not him, this one is generally unclear, what gender orientation, no, well, this is definitely not chinese, they rang through all the numbers from which bridget called, among her contacts there is someone roman, a man with a pronounced oriental appearance, yeah, he was brought in for pimping, he... of course, he doesn’t look at all like a chinese, but maybe somehow connected with him, for
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pimping, uh-huh, great, i propose to get right into his nest, i’m even ready for self-sacrifice, i’ll rent a hotel room, invite a model. well, it will fit in there, you just need to choose an outfit that is so solid. you want a wine card, but you have wine on the card, served, i prefer bottles, shut up, shut up, excuse me, don’t be stupid, let’s bring it,
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red white, both, if you don’t want to brighten up your loneliness in the company of two swedish students, i’m frida, and she’s coming, it’s free here, well, the last time i was busy here , when they wrote to me about the captain, idiot, when i got the captain of a sea voyage on my own yacht, offer the girls a drink, boob, well, girls, let’s drink, let’s go, let’s go, come on, don’t be stupid, i have a feeling what your perfume is called, three heads, two zubka,
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my personal development, by the way, about perfume, i i figured out the smell that lena likes, this is what you use, right? no, what does that mean, no, that means you wasted your money, now there’s also a bottle, well, welcome to our humble duty, get ready. girls in a bunch, i'll tell you, i'll tell you, don't you want, girls, i'll tell you, i'll tell you, oh, what a beauty, oh, what mice, yes, these are muscles, oh, this is silicone, yes, this is sili, no, this i’m natural, i have a body
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like a cutlet, you think i’m somehow hot, i’m. don’t take off your jacket, he’ll see the microphone, i’m kind of cold, girls, where is this? my headphones, that you wanted to record us, oh you pervert, this is undercover, yes, yes, where, hetra, where are you, come on, come on, wet me, wet me, hello, rum, blow here, we have problems, come on even tighter, romka, help,
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well, why are you looking at me? i don’t know what room he’s in, you’re our dog, look for him, frame, hello, you can’t beat me on my appearance, roma, i understand that, even though our hearing is fine, lesh, we’re going upstairs to you, we don’t want to pay for fun, right? you have to pay me for roma, this is a cop, roma, this is a cop, roma, where are you i used to be, where is the fool, let's get out of here, where to stand, don't drag him, young people,
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everything is fine, where are you, where is the second one, i'll give you the nest, don't go there, don't give up, fight until the end, then we'll exchange. you're a pimp, raman, i'm not a pimp, i'm a fighter for
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women's rights, and you're the last one who called bridget, to warn and inform her that she was fired, why, and there's no point in engaging in amateur activities and selling cocaine, and where did she get it from, not from me, i don’t do that kind of bullshit. yeah, she probably supplied it seasonally, what a beast, no, hands, come here, no, you don’t need to ask me, lick your back, wait, quietly, when we’re done, we’ll go to the vet, ah... oh my, you ruined such a beauty, since you didn’t
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want it that way, greek profile , instagram lips, what pillow are these from now, why do i smell cheap perfume on you? i helped gnezdilov get rid of fallen women, but lenko was there, but maybe you ’ll ride with me for now? well, until the dogs have returned, the dog will stay with leonid in the laboratory for now, the sense of smell has disappeared due to the shampoo, oops, i’ll wash it with running water, the sense of smell will be restored, yes, multi-faceted personality, suzanne, drugs, fraud, prostitution, here is the address, oh, cool, i need to talk to this multi-faceted girl.
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don't drag me, yeah, see the domnikov? who is a chinese, where can i find it? this is not a person,
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wow, yes, what are you doing to me? forward! the concentration of cocaine in the girl’s blood is prohibitive. cool, the cocaine is still the same, synthetic, but the girl was saved thanks to maksimov. yes yes. the main thing here is when she can speak, that's what. who cares, you don’t have to wait, you have to interrogate her while she’s still warm. i'm in it specialist. three models overdosed in one day. and i'll tell you the version. that's a coincidence. yes yes yes. surprisingly, there really is a coincidence. angela, bridget and susana had the same plastic surgeon, boris berman. oh, so this is not china. so what, he ’s already white, he already half fits the description of our criminal, i ’m telling you, he needs to be beaten, well, what are you
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going to take him for, for the gills, and where is the motive of the evidence, and i’ll go to the clinic and find it i’ll take the doctor out onto the wide road, especially since after the massacre i need my nose straighten, i have a plan, don’t immediately say that you are me. well, i didn’t immediately, learn how to work, the similarities.
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12:35 pm
, julia will switch to this and the mandrake group, you thought i was an astronaut, you thought i was an occupier, no, my dear, i'm just doing harm.
12:36 pm
well, yes, grandfathers like the eagle tiller, well, in terms of the profile, it’s strange, usually they ask me to reduce it on the contrary, so to speak, as you said, the tiller, this is a doctor, these are weak cowards, i would like to correct my lips a little, so that so much more a little bit more, so that it’s a little more sensual, but you’re sure, right? yes, yes, i’m confident, let my beauty save the world both externally and internally, i forgot to ask,
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i don’t remember who recommended me to you, he’s angelka and brigitte, well, models, well, you know, i don’t remember, you know, i have there were so many of them. i immediately realized that you are a criminal, a doctor,
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a self-mutilator, just don’t tell anyone about this, this is a medical secret, the police will arrive soon, let’s get him to the operating room, quickly. i don’t understand, what kind of nonsense is this? preoperative? dalin, suzanne has come to themselves, the doctors allowed me to talk to her.
12:39 pm
“it was you who saved my life, this, you remember our last meeting, you talked about the white chinese, this is not a person, this is a drug, it made me feel bad, who supplied it, one plastic surgeon, we all had plastic surgery with him under with the sight of painkillers, he..." imperceptibly put us on drugs, hands up! he woke up,
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well, that’s wonderful, that’s great, and the instrument is just ready, i didn’t like your mug right away, you freak, well, you’ll die from sudden cardiac arrest during the operation, and no one will suspect anything, well, no, no, it’s better that i remain not ugly, i refuse the operation, but it’s late, my dears, it’s late, it’s time for you to go to the cutting table, i won’t tell anyone that you’re a maniac! oh, do you hear, do you hear, this killer dog is approaching you, i walked him myself, the autopsy will show, i’ll show you the autopsy now, i’ll show you the autopsy right now, as soon as i open it, i’ll show you, stand, enema, you! arrested,
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tie him up, he went crazy, i showed him i won’t run, don’t move anyone, if possible, take the weapon, be careful, don’t interfere.
12:42 pm
well, what do you need from me? am i an ordinary doctor? no, doctor, you are a serial killer, here i am - an ordinary policeman. come on, leave me alone, what is this? ew, my god, this is more like a weapon of mass destruction.
12:43 pm
and i’m a ballerina, the best in my class, but you bearded bastard, i’ll show you ballerinas now, doctor, but what about the oath, do no harm? and a couple more holes in your head won’t hurt you, why did you bring it, he’ll need it, later in the cell, understand? oh,
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it didn't work.
12:45 pm
i didn't hear what you were saying, your adicalon was high, hello, sorry, you didn't could you shoot a little more quietly, unfortunately, i can’t help you, okay, come on, let’s go for now, ah... i’m caught, yeah, there’s no way out of here, open up,
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now we’ll smoke you out, and like a hamster out of a hole, set it on fire. on the attack, hurray, igor, you can’t wait until yes, this won’t last, this won’t last long, it’s
12:47 pm
much better, come on. oh bastard, calm down, no one is going to attack you, calm down, calm down, look at the bastard, incompetent, test in the head, well done! these are all the options,
12:48 pm
wow, hit, wow, missed, wait! i hate idiots
12:49 pm
he was a policeman, you know how to do artificial respiration, go ahead, orderlies, no, well, i don’t have any words left, i’m left with only emotions. igor, i have never killed anyone before today, wait a second, what about the white chinese?
12:50 pm
what, i, i just replaced expensive cocaine with a cheap fake, i called the girls to warn them, but, but it was too late. apparently, i can’t save you, i’ve just been correcting nature’s mistakes all my life. dani criminal, everything you are interested in is now in the vk video application. who's hiding under this red mysterious persian mask? i forgot which version i had, yuri muzychenko, dava is hiding there, yuri muzychenko, david manukyan, dava. who will be next mask -
12:51 pm
anniversary fifth season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv black sun premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. at bikfest you definitely choose chicken heit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. and even more profitable with cashback. now in your hands on the new tenkov black cards. hurry up to get a tingcof
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present, thousands of jobs and vacancies are good, but finding your place is even better, join the team of one of the best employers in russia, tinkov, a woman of 27 years old, and she doesn’t have a passport or even a birth certificate, my mother didn’t give me documents when i was a child, i tried to do the documents myself, but they refused everywhere. her older brother and sister solved problems with documents, but her younger sister also officially does not exist. she was afraid that her father's relatives would take her away, but since...
12:56 pm
dna today at 17:50 on ntv. sick, you can you breathe? escolopians, i will dismember you with my own hands when my flexibility returns. i'll bring the sledgehammer. they're crazy, it 's almost in unesco, this is the monument that nested. oh, i like this idea. me too. we'll put you there. in front of the department, for the joy of these pigeons, give me a mirror, i want to look at myself in the monument, buckle up,
12:57 pm
barbarian, he's moving, i'm going in the wrong direction, i'll... kill you, i figured out the smell that max used, why? you said that you like it when men smell like that? well... apparently, the aroma still depends on the owner, and even then, what suits maksimov is not very good for you, what is this smell, this is the smell of victories from me, wow,
12:58 pm
wow! i’m unaccustomed to victories, you’re a fool already, you caught criminals in the sewer, and i thought women like it when a man smells of adventure, well, perhaps the best smell for a man is a clean body, oh, i can’t arrange that today, only tomorrow, that's it, the clean body is over. and who did this to you? apparently, when they cut him out of cement, not everything was cut off, it was you who was beaten, and i stupidly scared
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these idiots from the beauty clinic, they beat you on the contrary, for free, they gave me a light plastic surgery, and this is not the end of the gremanids, attentiveness, oops, but parasitic, and it ’s even better, yeah, i’ll take it from you. my mother and will go to work as a model, and by the way, i’ve even been offered a job as a mannequin, labor, wretched, you can’t say it better, igor.
1:00 pm
the strongest earthquake in a quarter of a century in taiwan left hundreds of people injured after tremors. your own standards. the west refused to condemn the israeli strike on the iranian desis in damascus. their regions are suffering due to severe flooding, people evacuated. at the same time, rescuers are preparing for forest fires; the summer promises to be very hot. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the strongest earthquake in the last quarter century occurred in taiwan. the epicenter was located in the sea, several kilometers from the eastern
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coast of the island. the first underground impact was magnitude 7.7. after 15 minutes it was recorded.


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