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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the strongest earthquake in a quarter of a century in taiwan, hundreds of people were injured after tremors. your own standards. the west refused to condemn the israeli strikes on the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus. the water has arrived, dozens of russian regions are suffering due to severe flooding, people are being evacuated. at the same time, rescuers are preparing for forest fires; the summer promises to be very hot. about the main thing for this minute in the ilyarovtsev studio, hello. the strongest earthquake in the last quarter century occurred in taiwan. the epicenter was located at sea several kilometer. from the east coast of the island.
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the first underground impact was magnitude 7.7. after 15 minutes, repeated tremors were recorded. now we know of nine dead, the number of victims, according to media reports, exceeds 900 people. rescue operations continue and the rubble is being cleared. many buildings, including residential high-rise buildings, were completely destroyed. important infrastructure facilities - bridges and overpasses - were damaged. the buildings of a plastics production plant collapsed. one of the island's largest ports is temporarily closed due to damage, so... ships cannot leave it. in the mountainous regions of taiwan, the danger is created by the landslides that began after the tremors, as reported by a local building; about a thousand people were trapped in one of the mountain parks. in the coastal area, a huge part of the rock collapsed into the sea. the power supply has been disrupted for almost 90,000 people without electricity, and there are problems with the internet. the authorities also hastened to assure that all three nuclear power plants located on the island were not damaged. the offer of help from mainland china to taipei was refused. in the south of japan. was
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a tsunami threat was declared on akinawa in the morning , civil warning sirens were turned on and even the first wave, only a third of a meter high, reached the southern japanese islands, but later the tsunami warning was canceled. seismologists in china said they expect further earthquakes in the coming days, but with magnitudes no higher than six. the prosecutor general's office sent requests to the united states, germany, france and cyprus demanding an immediate investigation into the involvement of us citizens and other westerners. to the terrorist attacks on the territory of russia, documents were attached to the appeal of state duma deputies, they provided evidence of the participation of foreign individuals and structures in organizing the financing of attacks and explosions of gas pipelines to nord stream. deputies believe that the united states and its allies are carrying out terrorist attacks on russian territory at the hands of the islamic state group banned in our country and the ukrainian special services. the deputies' statement notes that the ukrainian security service and the main intelligence directorate are involved in the murders of daria dugina. the undermining of the crimean bridge, as
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well as the assassination attempt on the writer zakhar prilepin. activists are asking for those responsible to be brought to justice. the prosecutor general's office expressed the hope that colleagues will conscientiously approach the study of the information provided, ensure the inevitability of punishment and exclude excuses for them on political or other grounds. earlier, the russian ministry of foreign affairs sent demands to kiev for the immediate arrest, immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved in the terrorist attacks. the israeli army conducted new raids on the west bank of the jordan river, wafa news agency reported. idf soldiers bulldozers destroyed the road and water supply system in one of the settlements. in jerusalem, meanwhile, a mass protest against the government of benjamin netanyahu continues. at night, activists walked with torches near the knesset building, some tried to break through to the prime minister's residence. thousands of people are demanding nitanyahu’s resignation, believing that he is leading the country to disaster. increasingly, criticism of the prime minister comes from the united states. president joe
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biden said, and i quote: i am angry and heartbroken over the deaths of seven aid workers (end of itate). the reason for such a statement was the blow that the israelis dealt against a humanitarian mission: seven people, citizens of the usa, great britain, australia and poland, were killed in three destroyed vehicles. the authorities of these countries presented their claims to netanyahu, and he was forced to publicly admit the mistake of his military. russian representation at the un has expanded among members. beza draft statement condemning israel's strike on the iranian consulate in syria. as deputy permanent representative dmitry polyansky noted, this is another opportunity to test true intentions of our western colleagues. let's see how the work goes. however, during the security council meeting with the united states, for example, they not only did not condemn the israeli strike, but rather openly tried to shield their ally. at this time, the american new york times published a material in which it claims, citing its sources, that the biden administration is urgent. the meeting of the un security council
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was followed by our us correspondent alexey vasilovsky. israel's actions in attacking the iranian consulate general in damascus are reckless, he said at a meeting of the un security council russian pospret vasily nebendya. he called on western diplomats to condemn the strike, but this did not happen. generally agreeing that such attacks could lead to an escalation of conflict in the middle east. the west, however, refrained from harsh words against tel aviv. what was especially noteworthy here was the speech of the american, who generally blamed iran and syria for what happened, saying it was them themselves. their actions forced israel to strike. we have repeatedly warned the syrian regime to contain iran's destabilizing actions on their territory. we again warn iran not to take advantage of the situation; an attack in which we had absolutely nothing to do with it, which we did not know
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about in advance, should not be used to justify new attacks. the american diplomat said almost mutually exclusive things. the united states allegedly has no information that the iranian dipmi came under attack in damascus.
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the states still have no confirmation of confirmed data regarding israel. regarding the attack on the iranian consulate general, what a misfortune, and by covering for israel, the west itself becomes a hostage to its actions. on the eve of this meeting, more sad news came from the gaza strip: israel attacked a humanitarian convoy distributing free food to palestinians, killing seven volunteers, the british, an american, and citizens of australia and poland. the security council intends to discuss this next round of violence, i wonder what kind of verbal... russia can enter the top 4 economies in the world, despite all the attempts of the west to slow down its development, about this today
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said mikhail mishustin. at these moments , the prime minister delivers an annual report on the work of the government in the state duma. mishutin noted that russia has successfully adapted to growing pressure from outside and the country's gdp. monitored the situation, because the level of real incomes of citizens depends on its dynamics, in particular , prices for gasoline and diesel fuel were stabilized, the most important decisions were made to limit the export of petroleum products, we banned their export so that domestic consumers, our farmers, would have more resources for sowing ... for a cleaning company, and for petrochemical enterprises, for the needs of a special military operation, and of course, to meet the needs of millions of russian motorists, urban, public transport, ambulances, and many other services. work has also been done to saturate
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the domestic market with food. annual inflation, although it was above the target values, thanks to interaction with the bank of russia , it still slowed down significantly to 7.4%. houses, roads and bridges were flooded as a result of the heavy flood. the most difficult situation in the altai territory, a state of emergency has been declared there, in the coming days due to warming and rain, the water level may become even higher, a similar situation is in... leaving their homes, taking the most necessary things, and if it floods, where will i go, what
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you take it with you, that’s it, all the medicines, go ahead, now the car will come, we’ll take grandma, temporary placement, don’t worry, everything is fine, we hoped that the water wouldn’t reach the site. and houses, because there had never been such a strong flood here before, they are hastily digging and dragging earth to block the path the advancing water, it seems, well, it seems that it will stop, they poured it here, there first on... the dam with the help of heavy equipment, flood victims are offered to go to temporary accommodation centers, but people either go to relatives. or they don’t want to leave their homes. here you can see how quickly the water flows; a few hours ago we
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walked along this street, it was dry, but a nearby dam broke and a powerful stream of water poured into the village. in kazakhstan, water discharge from the oktyubinsk reservoir has increased fourfold more than usual. water came to the orenburg region bordering kazakhstan, began to fill the river and began to flood populated areas. heavy flooding was expected here, so additional forces were sent to the area. specialists from the ministry of emergency situations every hour. in order to use the picture above to predict the processes that will still occur in the future, we are preparing for the worst, of course, according to tradition, we hope for the best, the tense situation is now in the suburbs of orenburg, in the village of vesenney, the water came at night and flooded substation, the electricity was turned off. we didn't even have one. 5 minutes simple, that’s all in one gulp, how the water began to flow, everything that was flooded, that
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the entire first floor was flooded, the region has become very warm, today up to +17, so the water is becoming more and more, the threat to the populated area remains. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, nikolay datsun, ntv, orenburg region. at the same time, the regions are preparing for another seasonal scourge - natural fires, and in some places the forests are already burning. the summer is predicted to be abnormally hot; rescuers are trying to prepare both equipment and personal compound. vlada kopolovskaya attended training exercises for firefighting paratroopers in the krasnoyarsk territory. we are now at the airfield, where parachutists and paratroopers-firefighters are practicing descents from a helicopter, strengthening a skill that will come in handy very soon, because sometimes a firefighter has to make 50 such descents in a season in very difficult conditions. pre-fire training in krasnoyarsk must be completed. more than 160 people, all of them are experienced forest fire service fighters, newcomers are trained
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separately. those who have been working for a long time have stories enough for a book, about work in the mountains, and about horse fires, and about how fire surrounds you, and not only that. the fire drove us out of all the bears that were on the holy nose peninsula, so they surrounded us, it turns out how they reacted, well, they drove them away with pinsaws, banging with shovels, just like that, then the huntsmen came, they took us out of there, then we went to get our things... .were returning, our things, of course, were all torn, they were there. siberia is covered with spring snow every now and then, but this does not mean that the threat of fire is far away. in khakassia they have already extinguished burning grass, a high alert regime was introduced in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory; burning of dry grass and garbage is prohibited. last year there was a lot of fire, starting in april, and this season is not expected to be easy. weather conditions have an impact; there is little snow this year in the central and northern group of regions, so we expect a dry summer. in the garages of forest fire stations, equipment for difficult terrain is being prepared for launch: huge snowmobiles, iger forest fire modules,
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atvs, tracked vehicles; it is expected that new equipment will also arrive, additional reinforcement. today we are preparing accordingly earlier, the plan is going ahead of schedule, we are ahead of schedule, all the equipment is basically ready. for the firefighters themselves, health and good physical shape are important: those who want to join the paratroopers are trained in 9 days, paratroopers in a month, judging by the fact that among the firefighters there are many who work for 15 years more, the service is drawn out. alexander budilin is 65 years old, has 2,000 parachute jumps under his belt and continues to practice, now for the purpose of training. it is from human efforts, he argues, the outcome of a forest fire depends. an airplane and a helicopter that drops water helps, that is, by dumping water, it extinguishes, that is, it amuses the pace of the fire. until a person works himself, there is no aviation.
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blogger elena blinovskaya sent a statement to the federal tax service that she was ready to conclude a settlement agreement. artie was informed about this by lawyer natalya salnikova. a settlement agreement, as the federal tax service itself explains, is an alternative to bankruptcy and the subsequent sale of the debtor’s property. one of the main conditions of such a deal is that it must be provision. elena blinovskaya’s lawyer
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says that the blogger is ready to mortgage the house to pay off all the debts, of which, together with fines and penalties, one has already accumulated. 400 million rubles. the day before it became known that the court rejected elena vlinovskaya’s claim against the federal tax service to reduce the amount of accrued taxes , penalties and fines. elena vlinovskaya and her husband alexey have been involved in a criminal case for tax evasion and money laundering for more than a year. according to the investigation, elena blinovskaya, with the complicity of her husband, split up her business and thus she understated her income and did not pay extra taxes. she was detained in april last year while trying to travel by car to belarus. she has been in pre-trial detention since january 22 of this year. the investigative committee stated that elena blinovskaya violated the terms of house arrest. the russian central bank explained how they plan to make world maps more suitable for use abroad. first deputy chairman of the central bank olga skarobogatova, speaking in the state duma, said that in some countries there are russian banks, now the central bank
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is working with them on how they can increase the number of atms in these countries. the question of how to pay with cards abroad became much more complicated on february 23 of this year. the united states has imposed sanctions against the operator of the mir payment system, the nspk company. and since march 30 of this year , armenia has almost completely said goodbye to the world; there, only the local subsidiary of the russian vtb (vtb bank armenia) accepts russian cards. starting april 5, banks in kyrgyzstan will stop servicing world cards. and the day before it became known that i stopped serving the world in february. the largest bank in kazakhstan is halyk bank. the russian stock market is now trading in positive territory. the positive mood is ensured by expensive oil and gold, which today set a new record of more than $2,300 per ounce. after yesterday's fall, the ruble turned in the opposite direction today. at these minutes, the dollar costs 92.37, the euro 99.39. the owner of the most ascetic
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russian chain of stores has become a traffic light. dollar billionaire, in the ranking of the richest businessmen in the world by forbes magazine, forbes magazine estimated sergei schneider's fortune at $1 billion 400 million. the businessman, like his entire family, is extremely non-public. there are no interviews or photographs in photo banks. the history of traffic lights began in krasnoyarsk, the first store opened there in 2009, as forbes notes , the warehouse store model, innovative for that time, was taken, no shelves or counters for goods. either on wooden pallets or in boxes, without spending on advertising. as a result, forbes continues, the minimum markup made it possible to sell goods 10-20% cheaper, than competitors. the magazine’s interlocutors say that initially the traffic light was intended for the most marginal audience, but the format seemed popular with a much larger number of people. a series of crises and drops
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in real incomes of the population have had and are still making themselves felt. last year the traffic light came in.
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lera, what will happen today? ilya, today about the fate of teenagers from volgograd, who keep local residents in fear, they all practice martial arts, but the skills acquired in classes are not used on the tatami, randomly attacking random people or to those who are trying to reason with them, such as a bus passenger, he was unlucky enough to be next to aggressive schoolchildren, having made a remark, he received multiple injuries. more footage and information about the attackers, whether they were found on our broadcast. yes lera, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that's all for now, go to, see you. you have a form, for baking,
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for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but for a subscription save up your vtb savings account, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, but why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ve been spinning for a long time? so quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with holwa, sometimes the desire is clear without words, asia roll with shrimp, juicy shrimp, bright nori taste and spicy asian sauce, new azier with shrimp and a whole asian menu in rostix restaurants. an endless country on which the sun never sets. the fascinating nature of russia
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is now in your hands, on the new teinkov black maps. hurry up to get a ting of black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. zinkov. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of work i drive.
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open a deposit on where are we flying today? to saturn. cents for purchasing air tickets to any city russia, only in the alpha travel service, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, you’re my basket,
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my favorite chicken for 199 rubles in russian restaurants, let’s do this, and now for the cattle, there are more ideas, of course, let’s pay for it, legal, no code for a long time, with vtb online the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, more... connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles to a free account for business. alfabank is the best bank for business. to run means to charge others with running. are you with us? the running continues there where. among thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity, look for those same sneakers at sportsmaster. on ntv there is a program about an emergency
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in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. in volgograd , police identified all the teenagers who intimidated local residents. athletes, the youngest is 15, the oldest. 19 years old have put together something similar to a gang and, feeling superiority and impunity, attack people and behave defiantly. they were detained after an emergency on the bus; the schoolchildren attacked like animals. the man who reprimanded them. stanislav kostikov has all the details. the culmination of the conflict on the bus was filmed by one of the passengers. the teenagers jumped up from their seats and surrounded the man, who did not like their defiant behavior. during the altercation, one of the instigators suddenly hit his opponent in the head.


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