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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 3, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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on ntv there is an emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live . hello. in volgograd, police identified all the teenagers who intimidated local residents. the athletes, the youngest 15, the oldest 19, have formed something similar to a gang and, feeling superiority and impunity, attack people and behave defiantly. they were detained after an accident in a car.
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the aggressive youth did not stop even after the unconscious man was pulled out of the bus lying on the sidewalk, he was spat upon, and the defeated man continued to be threatened, as was the only passenger who tried to intercede. the victim, valery lakhin, received multiple head injuries and required medical attention after a brutal beating. the only eyewitness who agreed to tell us the reasons. conflict asked not to show his face, he was afraid of the place, and he reprimanded them, but they were motivated by the fact that he allegedly stank of marijuana, as i understand it, everyone was simply in shock, did not know what to do, because it was not clear what it was for the guys, what are they under, maybe they have knives, that is, the first minutes i actually thought that this was some kind of terrorist attack or something, they were jumping from everywhere, the teenagers managed to escape before the police arrived, inspired by impunity found a new victim in the neighboring one.
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they started beating him from different sides, they went into his pockets, they started to steal his documents, his phone, as i understand it, they robbed him. seeing the patrol car, the teenagers managed to escape again, but not far away; their identities were established; as it turned out, many were engaged in a local club martial arts, well, how are they such popular personalities during the red october ? hand, well
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, that is, the defiant ones behaved directly. it was established that seven young people aged 15 to 19 years were involved in the crimes. investigators opened a criminal case under two articles: hooliganism, passport theft. six defendants were detained and interrogated. one of the suspects is sixteen years old the teenager is wanted. operational officers are taking measures to establish his whereabouts. investigators intend to apply to the court with a petition to select a preventive measure in the form of imprisonment for the suspect. in custody, there is no confidence that when they are free they will not escape or behave law-abidingly; rather, everything will be the other way around; in addition, investigators are now establishing the involvement of the defendants in other similar crimes. stanislav kostikov, alena kryukova and dmitry salnikov, television company ntv. the victims expect that despite their young age, the offenders will not escape punishment, as happened in the moscow region, where an aggressive train passenger broke the nose of a pensioner. the conflict also occurred
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after a remark: an elderly woman asked a fellow passenger to remove his outstretched legs from the aisle, he jumped up, began beating the woman, and after she ended up on the floor, he quickly left the carriage. the bully was found quite quickly, and now he asks for forgiveness, hoping to commute the punishment. something you want the victim hand over? - i wanted to convey my apologies, i showed aggression in vain, but i just needed to sit down. well, unfortunately, you can’t return the situation, so i just wanted to apologize, i hope i can somehow correct the situation, make amends. a criminal case has been opened against an aggressive train passenger under the article of intentionally causing minor harm to health, and this may result in a long administrative arrest as punishment. in the moscow region , the famous lviv park was flooded, however, many different predators live there... salvation now
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volunteers, animal rights activists and simply caring people are engaged, the nunalet river has flooded, and now the existence of the guests is under threat, our correspondent, diana kovando, went to the scene of the event and found out when the animals would return home, all night long caring about the fate of the animals in the lions park, who were in the authorities of the elements and deep in the water, monitored news reports to understand whether all the inhabitants were alive, amateur footage coming from the animal nursery could not but arouse sympathy, here is the strict and a panther, graceful in the wild , clenches its front paws in fear, like a little confused kitten, and this is a tiger, cutting through the surface of the water, desperately saving its lunch, dragging a piece of meat to a secluded place where there is no water, its striped neighbors are simply in in bewilderment they were waiting for help on a small island in the middle of big water, the animals were scared, the park employees were swept away, from fear the animals became nervous, aggressive, they had to be rescued. another night round, we check hector ivait, there
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is water everywhere, the water does not go away, the water stays the same level. all the inhabitants of this nursery, pride land. animals with a difficult fate, which is why its second name is a shelter for wild animals, once these predators themselves were victims of human negligence and cruelty, only when they found themselves here, it seems, they recognized peace, as if there was a new emergency, a small river caused a flood and lost its banks. in general, the nudadel river itself is very narrow, almost invisible on maps, but with the sharp warming of snow melting it spread out into the wider world. water penetrated the territory of the animal park in a matter of hours continues to flood it to this day. in general , it is obvious that such a factor as spring floods should have been taken into account by the owners when constructing enclosures a couple of tens of meters from the river. now all the evacuated animals are safe, except for this pair of lions, hector and white. it’s like an illustration of a global flood, there’s water all around, but they’re still
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afraid to go down and swim to land together. like the last of the magicans, hector iwyth, gracefully, remaining calm, observe the situation from the enclosure where they were placed collect. who were not afraid to swim across the spontaneous lake, they are separated by only some 20 m. they periodically during the day arrange a roll call with this characteristic lion's roar to make sure that everything is fine with their brothers, everyone is alive and well. viktor agafonov, the owner of the park, is on duty here around the clock, the news is disappointing, the water continues to flow, but given that all the animals are still safe, the most important thing for him now remains their emotional state, these animals are so... have already experienced stress, you , it means they were taken from unfavorable conditions, maybe now after this flood, again they are experiencing stress, some kind of therapy may have been needed, therapy related specifically to treatment was not needed, i repeat, this can be solved by eating delicious food with your loved one next to him, who will come, scratch behind the ear, kiss your nose, say
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that everything is fine, lion on the nose, lion on the nose, absolutely, absolutely so, yes, taking into account the fact that the weather is now unstable and rain can start at any moment, there is risk that flooded areas in the park...
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they fall in love according to the laws of the streets, do you want me to sing something about love to you, our hearts demand change, i’ll tear out our legs, let’s pass the bride, yeah, they fight according to the laws of the streets, the boys don’t kick their legs, because strength, it in people, young fools, they’ve seen enough of the three musketeers and you think they’re all for one and die according to the laws of the streets, so what took you there? forgive me, guys, they don't apologize. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt. the most anticipated television premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00 on ntv. so much to do, we
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we can handle it, because i have compivit. just one tablet a day to support health, performance and well-being. complete with vitamins. mineral complex of 21 components, 11 vitamins, eight minerals, rutin, lipoic acid, completes every day at an affordable price. an endless country that never passes. the sun, the fascinating nature of russia, is now in your hands. on the new teincof black cards. hurry up to get a tiincof black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. teinkov. i came to a tasty point for a convenient schedule. and i found friends here. in general, there are many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, get to the point with work, buddy, hello,
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as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey-hey, it’s not the first day of butter, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way , it’s better to translate from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught vtb to whom, together everything will work out, nail fungus can deprive you of many joys. so we need to fight it with triple strength of fundaril. penetrating deeply into the structure of the nail, it has an antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, returning joy to life. triple power of fungaderilla. new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. your own savings business for each type of business. special services for retail trade. more information about clients, comparison of indicators with competitors, search. places for a retail outlet, open an account with sbery, use useful services for free forever, black sun, premiere
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today at 20:00 on ntv. sinoden - ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna , wait, where are you going this time? my grandson took me to music, i’ll pop home now and feed the cat, and then back for my grandson. look, it's setting a record. in the morning, grandson to the garden, then to social security, then to the post office, grandson from the garden to music, evening scandinavian walking, and also got this cat, you know, what she called it, sinoden, these are the kind of joints you need to have to live on the fifth floor without an elevator , run so fast, precise terminator, liquid, in an ordinary your legs would have broken your back long ago, and i ’m telling you, the means... sinaten - ease of movement, call right now to
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commissions, remember, delivery is also at our expense, sinaden - ease of movement, mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. live on our emergency, we continue our release. general. the prosecutor's office sent official requests to the united states, germany, france and cyprus about terrorist attacks against russia. we are talking about an investigation into the possible involvement of foreign structures in organizing and financing attacks on our country that have occurred recently. the list of these terrorist acts is quite long, from blowing up the northern streams to the shooting of people in crocus, where 144 people died. in addition, over the past week, in different regions, security forces have uncovered several criminal cells that are underway. attacks in public places. the day before, the fsb reported that the supply channel for explosives in
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icons had been blocked. the dangerous cargo traveled from kiev and freely crossed six eu countries, which looks quite strange. we can only hope that our colleagues from these countries will consider them in good faith . and how will the parties to the international conventions on the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the fight against terrorist bombings fulfill their obligations to conduct an investigation into the information provided. referrals for treatment to a capital clinic, complaining that altai doctors cannot the mother of a seriously ill girl is trying to get the correct diagnosis. problems for eleven-year-old daughter irina shchetinina began from childhood. recently , the disease began to manifest itself especially
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aggressively, and then doctors recommended therapy, which the mother refused out of fear. girls, as a result the situation took an unexpected turn, doctors turned to the guardianship authorities. our correspondent, yulia bleytsova, found out on what grounds, what should a mother do now, who only wants one thing: to cure the child? time is dragging on painfully for eleven-year-old nastya goncharova; the exact diagnosis from which the schoolgirls suffer has not yet been established, her mother believes. health problems began in early childhood. nastya began to develop a rare disease that causes tissue damage. eventually. one of the girl’s legs has become significantly shorter than the other, by as much as 10 cm, because of this it is difficult for her to walk, she is forced to wear special shoes, another ailment that does not leave her alone is chronic thrombocytopenia, the disease makes blood vessels fragile, and blood clotting is impaired. january of this year, on nastya’s birthday, she developed a nosebleed, and
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it was quite profuse , lasting 3 hours, that is, for 3 hours i could not stop not... how was she bleeding, against the background of bleeding , i noticed that the child was covered with pitehia, that is, blood vessels burst, the disease manifested itself aggressively, emergency hospitalization was required by specialists from the capital's leading children's center named after nii rogachev, who conducted a consultation, advised the schoolgirl to give immunoglobulin injections, but the drug, which is included in the list of vital drugs , was not available in the barnaul hospital, according to irina shchetinina, it was found only after her complaints, the capital’s doctors for ...
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felt better, hematologists they advised me to take the full course, but instead , the doctors at the altai clinic, irina assures, suggested therapy with a hormonal drug, which has a number of side effects. the mechanism of their work is based on suppressing activity of cells that produce antibodies and platelets, but unfortunately, these drugs have a fairly wide range of side effects, glucocorticosteroids, and in another way they can be called stress hormones, and when used. it’s as if we are plunging the body into a state of chronic stress. when the girl’s mother wrote a refusal to undergo hormonal therapy, guardianship authorities came to her home, and, as it turned out, the head doctor of the hospital complained to them; he wrote a complaint to the guardianship authorities about me saying that i refuse treat your child and mine the child is in a socially dangerous situation, the guardianship authorities did not approach
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this story, they formally studied all the facts and became convinced that one medicine helps, while the other still does more harm than good. our editors will follow the progress of
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irina shutinina’s struggle for treatment for her daughter. will altai doctors meet her halfway on the issue of providing medicines? will the family be able to get to the examination in moscow? we plan to talk about all stages in our telegram channel chpntv, to subscribe, just enter the name of the program in the general search or go through the qr code that you now see on your screens. investigators are demanding the arrest of the railway operator who gave permission for the transport to pass. he opened the crossing, fully aware that the train was approaching. eventually. the bus driver and six passengers died, the mechanic was drunk, his testimony in the report by ivan gubin. railway crossing dispatcher valery grishin has his entire procedure at the control panel. talks calmly during interrogation, as if it were a routine activity, except for the last one his pressing of the button became fatal for the driver and passengers of the bus, which grishin released on the way, right under the train. your
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initiative was to open traffic to vehicles, but did you understand that this was a violation? yes, i fully admit my guilt, the fifty-four-year-old fitter explains his actions with alcohol, either he came to work already drunk, or... he whiled away the time on duty like this, without a clear understanding of what he was doing why, he raised one barrier in front of with a white groove, left the second obstacle motionless, and in the end the bus turned out to be blocked on the rails, the driver tried to go around the second barrier in order to squeeze into the narrow passage, closing the front doors, the eyewitness in parallel rushed to lift the barrier with his hands, the passengers in the cabin, noticing the approaching train, rushed to the front door, no one managed to do anything, the driver applied the emergency brake, but they came from...
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the second station, her dacha is on the first, and apparently she wanted to get there, see, a pensioner, that, you know, it’s spring, the bus driver, forty-three-year-old mikhail buldin, also died, about a family man, he had there were five children left, an experienced driver, he had been transporting people for more than 20 years, was it really because of arrogance that he decided that he would pass the crossing so quickly in front of the train, and why buldin did not open the doors of the slot when the warning whistles sounded, however, the questions are now ... all to the dispatcher who allowed a dangerous exit on the route. forensic investigators found that when the automatic crossing barrier device was triggered when a train was approaching, the man
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forcibly let them in, thereby freeing bus travel. it has been established that grishin saw the approaching train on the monitor; having sobered up after being on duty, he voluntarily wrote a confession, but given the uncertainty of his motives, the investigation insists on his arrest. ivan gubin, oksana goncharenko. and anna samburova ntv television company. well, that's not all, look further. too tough. the dental business, built on deceiving clients, was liquidated by investigators, and the director is awaiting a verdict in court about the peculiarities of treatment in this hospital, we will tell you after the advertisement. similarities between only a blind person would not notice the victims, i think that the girls became victims of a satanic sect, and these are not snotty teenagers, most likely these are people with money, with connections, including
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in power, i came up with something here and i really like this idea , very kindly, but i didn’t ask you for this, i solve my problems myself, i’m here because you became my problem, through the roof, i understand, i’m coming to you, no, where, it’s your business to command, and mine to run. i still believe that with your methods you have no place in the police, where does that come from? is this the kind of dried fruit that came to my head? black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. oh, the loan bonus has arrived, what’s that like? you make all payments on time, and tenkov recalculates the rate. when you close a loan.
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. years ago, then 20 million rubles were stolen from the collector. the cathedral took the suspect's apartment by storm, several fighters escaped through the balcony, the rest used the door, although they had to break it open and voluntarily accept the uninvited guests, the attacker refused. in august 2017, in the courtyard of a house in botanical lane, an unknown person made threats. stole over 20 million rubles from the carrier with a weapon. based on this fact, the investigative police authorities opened a criminal case. the search for the attacker in hot pursuit did not yield any results. the fugitive, who hoped that he could get away with a daring robbery committed in a neighboring region, was taken into custody. they will check his involvement in other crimes.
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russian laws proved tough dentists who are now on trial in nizhny novgorod. the director of the clinic, valeria klachko, faces a prison term for deceiving patients. its employees offered expensive treatment, took advance payment, and did not complete the work for 48 victims. dinar usmanov, about treatment methods in a private clinic. neither the eye sees them, nor the tooth now. from the clinic premises where ruslan left half a million and all his teeth, now even equipment.
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then - it’s not good for health, right now i feel it, that’s what i have now i’ve had no teeth for almost 2 years now, i also have an ulcer, but that’s not what i’m doing... i was in the hospital, i have no teeth at all, but i have two loans that the kind orthodontists helped me apply for right there in their clinic, as they say, without leaving the cash register, it is unlikely that half a million will be returned to the banks, saving on toothbrushes and toothpaste, which are no longer needed, ruslan will have to give almost a third of his earnings for another 3 years for the smile of his dreams, which he never received, here is another victim, sergei, snow-white teeth demonstrates with pleasure, they managed, really a lot of nerves and...
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in bed he endures health difficulties and endless litigation, women, for obvious reasons, perceive everything more painfully, open your mouth, show from a mask, even like me, oh, you’re still nothing, they counted me for 411 thousand , many victims are forced to wear masks for aesthetic reasons, almost everyone here has no teeth, but sometimes with more than one loan, so when in court they were asked what kind of punishment they would like for the director...
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that the millions that the deceived are screaming about, the family does not i saw that they almost had teeth they put money on the shelf, the children have money, my child has never been abroad at all, i don’t have an apartment, i don’t have anything except to pay off debts, sell everything she has, in fairness it should be noted that some of the money is especially valeria returned money to persistent clients, but this was after the intervention of law enforcement officers and she did not return it to everyone, which is why it came to a criminal case, the victims... this is the last hope of getting compensation for the damage, so it will be possible to get new teeth without waiting for the loans to be closed, and if he doesn’t return it, then, in my opinion, let him go to a colony. denar usmanov, and oksana
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goncharenko, nigorod television company. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today on our program: the victim is to blame, the un decided that iran itself allowed israel to attack its consulates, how long will the americans support tel aviv’s reckless aggression? kairana is there. psychological attack. after the terrorist attack in crocus, kiev is trying to stir up xenophobic sentiments in russia. how to counteract ukrainian disinformation. this was the main goal of the terrorists - to sow discord among the people. and,
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adyaos amigos. 35 years ago.


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