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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 3, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today. in our program. the victim is to blame. the un decided that iran itself allowed israel to attack its consulate. how long will the americans support tel aviv's reckless aggression? iran's hand on the face. psychological attack. after the terrorist attack in crocus, kiev is trying to stir up xenophobic sentiments in russia. how to counteract ukrainian disinformation. this was the terrorist's main goal. save discord pnik and adyos
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amigos 35 years ago, gorbachev decided to curtail all-round support for cuba: isn’t it time for russia to return to the island of freedom? thank you very much, brothers! watch it now! hello, this is the meeting place at ntv. where everything becomes clear, i am andrei norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we want to start with the latest information on the recruitment of contract soldiers for the ranks of the armed forces, this information was provided by the ministry of defense, but can i say something else from myself i'll say it because well, you know, i now i really travel a lot, i don’t always manage to walk around the city i come to, but more often than not i manage, so these are the correct names for these points, probably, but they’re there to receive us.
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it’s just to have a queue, of course i haven’t seen anything like that, but people constantly come in and out, that is, it all works there, it just shouldn’t be abandoned, so that’s what concerns the numbers given by the ministry of defense. these are numbers from the beginning of this year. more than 100,000 people entered contract service. a special surge in activity in the last week and a half. this is after the events in crocus city hall. there is a rush at selection points across the country. every day up to 1,700 people come for medical examinations. over the past 10 days, i’ve been citing all the figures from the ministry of defense. about 16 thousand citizens signed contracts to participate in the special military operation.
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uh, i decided to go for a contract. the corrupt creatures who killed more than 140 people must be punished. and nazism, karainsky, which is coming, brings this chaos, corresponds to, helps this terrorism, must be destroyed, so i went and signed a contract as a volunteer in the northern military district. the western press continues to look for new and new arguments in order to somehow divert suspicion both from the west itself and from ukraine in the organization. terrorist attacks in crocus
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cityholi. and now the washington post , citing its sources, reports that the united states, the american authorities, not only allegedly warned moscow about a possible attack, but even named the specific location of this attack. moreover, the washington post claims that the building was called crocus city hall and this contrasts very sharply with the previous version, which the same american media promoted, claiming that the us intelligence services provided moscow with incomplete information about the terrorist attack, being afraid to disclose it. your sources. now the washington post assures that american intelligence showed unprecedented sensitivity and, at the risk of its own agents, revealed the potential target of the terrorist attack. according to the publication, all the information was allegedly transferred to russia on march 7, that is, the day before the american embassy in moscow issued a warning about the possible attack in the russian capital. perhaps this new stuff was a response to information from the russian special services. the day before sergei naryshkin. talking to the press, he said that
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information from washington regarding terrorist attacks did indeed arrive, but was extremely scanty, and indeed, the intelligence services, the federal security service, received certain information from the intelligence services of the united states of america about what this is, unfortunately perhaps, but as colleagues, our russian colleagues said that the information was too general and did not allow us to fully identify those who participated in this. in a terrible crime, but the british newspaper times publishes an interview with andrei kovalenko, this is essentially the main ukrainian chick, from this interview it follows that the subordinates of this kovalenko tried to take advantage of the situation after the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall in order to ignite in our country
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the national question, the question and the interethnic discord. according to this same kovalenko, after the terrorist attack, his subordinates began to compare ethnic groups and incite among ours. anti-migrant sentiments, how they did it, with examples: until the terrorists were caught, the ukrainians tried to attribute the killers to all possible nationalities, the chechens became their favorite target, after the terrorists were arrested and it turned out that they were citizens of tajikistan, employees of tsypsoo, as the publication says, they began to get into tajik chats, where they tried to increase sympathy for terrorists, and on the contrary, turn the people themselves against the special services and russia as a whole. kovalenko himself calls the terrorist attack in crocus with fertile soil. to pit the russians against each other, he declares that ukraine is using all methods available to it to weaken our country. well, ukrainian terrorists who work in the main intelligence department of ukraine, from the pages of the british guardian , threaten a new terrorist attack on our country. here we are talking about the terrorist attack on the crimean
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bridge. they promise to carry out this attack this summer. let us listen, let us listen to the reaction of the kremlin and dmitry peskov on this matter. the whole situation.
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by the iranian consulate in syria, as a result of this strike, including the deaths of seven high-ranking iranian military officers from the islamic revolutionary guard corps, two of them were generals, so the israelis also struck in gas an international humanitarian organization that was bringing food there, there were also seven dead there, these are citizens of western countries , including citizens of the united states, well, one by one. ah, that means the story of the attack on the iranian diplomatic mission in syria, uh, was brought up for discussion at the un security council. naturally, the discussion is nothing ended because, in principle, this is how you can debate in such conditions when
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one of the participants in the discussion, namely the united states, says this: let’s reason. so, the blow was struck against the representative office of which country? iran? very good. citizens of which country died? iran. amazing. so who is to blame? iran. if you think i'm an idiot, then i sometimes look like one, but not in this case. let's see the plot. the emergency meeting was created at the initiative of russia. our diplomats demanded that israel's actions be condemned, but the western allies refused to make harsh statements. representatives of france and britain hinted that the iranians themselves are shaking up the situation in the middle east and... almost involved in the october attack by hamas militants on israel, but the most spectacular was the speech of the american diplomat, he doubted that israeli missiles hit the consulate iran and immediately threatened tehran if it tried to respond. we cannot confirm
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any information about this event, but it is clear one thing: iran and its proxies must avoid escalation in the region. after the terrorist attacks on october 7, which israel suffered, the united states repeatedly warned iran that... but direct references to the fact that iran and syria , the united states itself could rather be found not only hints, are to blame for the fact that israel hit the iranian consulate. it is difficult to imagine greater blasphemy. the americans began justifying israel almost immediately after the strike, as nbc writes, citing american officials, the biden administration reported. that the white house did not know about the impending attack on consulate, this is the comment
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the state department concocted. we are consulting with our allies in the region and gathering information about this attack in damascus. there is currently no confirmed information about the target or party responsible for this attack. americans are not trusted in tehran. the day before , the varan foreign ministry summoned a swiss diplomat representing us interests, and through him they reported that responsibility for the strike on damascus lay with washington. israel is also threatened with a harsh response. supreme leader of iran, ayatallah ali khamenei promised quote: to punish zionist regime. the iranian ambassador made threatening statements. the islamic republic of iran has never left the crime of the zionist regime unanswered. of course, the zionist regime and its allies know that they must await iran's proportionate response to this atrocity, which is based on wisdom.
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sympathy for the israelis, but the state of israel has now become insolent, that is, this
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is what is happening, a blow to the embassy of a sovereign state in yet another state, and somehow everything is fine, but here they are, and like, we don’t recognize it, although everyone understands that it is us, we are proud that we killed three iranian generals, well, in general, this is actually such an obvious provocation and the impression is that the israelis are pushing hezbollah. because iran will not start with its own hands - the blows of the star, we understood this, even from this statement, which is, well, it is very careful, who could say cowardly, we will respond at the right time, in the right place, this means they will not answer themselves, they themselves don’t want to get into trouble, maybe rightly so, but some kind of question arises, why is such a provocation needed, why is it needed, well it turns out that netanyahu feels that he is gradually reaching a dead end. the operation in gas is already so much that the americans are twisting his arms so that he
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doesn’t storm this last hamasovsky’s offspring, but if there is peace, netanyahu’s power will end, then the problems for him will be colossal within the country, of course , the ideal option for him would be for hezbollah to now arranged something like this, that is, he wants to continue the war not in the south, in the north, in order to retain power , he is trying to shake iran up for this, am i right i feel, i think. deep down, half of the israelis understand this, but what makes me very angry is that they still don’t admit it publicly, when you look on social networks, it’s such self-confidence, narcissism, no, we are doing everything right, absolutely right, even as for, we will still get to the point of striking at this one, but well , it’s not him, it’s an american international organization, seven people.
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the israeli embassy is quite such a sane person before, he said that this is a manifestation of anti-semitism, well, wow, well where is anti-semitism, to call it a war crime, then what it really is, it’s a crime committed by israel, that means it’s anti-sem, but the poles don’t feed them bread, if the israelis set themselves up like that, well, it can’t, it’s
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not polish genes here strike when they set you up like that, or, they say, if you were in your place, you would do well. that is, it is the sovereign territory of another state in a third country and nothing usa serbia ninety-ninth according to chinese chinese embassy then apologized they said sorry about the rocket, ours flew there, no apologies, do the iranians have a chance about look in order , let's not use the words cowardice, humility at all , you are now talking about a state
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whose policies, like trade diplomacy and so on, go back millennia. let's talk about wisdom, that's what the posolii said, a very wise nation, the answer will be, what it will be, let's see, i'm ready to agree that there have already been some answers from iran, if we put aside the assumption of some that october 7 was arranged hamas with approval, your question, it’s also the answer, let’s do it this way, it wasn’t me who said it, but let’s get back to this terrorist attack, really, did you answer me or didn’t you answer me, did iran have them? all the answers from iran, they are consistent, they, look, this is not the first time big bosses have died in syria, and they die for a reason, they are killed, look what is happening in israel, what is happening in israel, this is not an answer, and what is there that is not taught, all that is happening now is israel's struggle with the resistance, the resistance,
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once again, hear me, the resistance that has now created hell in israel. be based solely on iran's help, today iran was able to make hell in israel without getting involved in a war, and now say that they are unwise and do not know how to conduct politics, now let's throw away all emotions, let's throw away emotions, who was the cause of action, whether it was iran ? if we look at this situation in a primitive way, then yes, it means iran has chickened out and iran cannot respond.
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usa, the more transparent it is, the better, and nothing dissolves it as much as something like this, and we’ll talk about it separately now, because that in general, well, from time to time you in our speeches, well, how to say, approve of the israelis.
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now, i wouldn’t deny israel historical wisdom and a thousand-year history, which means it’s not always necessary. is there any anti-semitism here, my friends, let me finish, it means that now the policy is in support of israel, one way or another, but today, i don’t know what will happen next. is one of the pillars of american policy, they, in principle , cannot refuse to support israel. now about israel, well here
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they talked about arrogance and so on. israel - well, i think, at least from the point of view of an outside observer, that it is the main dominant dominant of israeli national consciousness.
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it seems that now there really is an attempt here somehow, well, since it’s not working out very well here, let’s try something in a slightly different direction, well, in the north, that is, there doesn’t seem to be such a hot place there, not very it's clear. that in the eyes of israel, as well as in the eyes of the united states, a certain front has emerged, this front is not formalized by international agreements, but it is quite obvious that a certain axis has emerged, a strike on syria, from their point of view, is just as justified as a strike on arab terrorists.
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on tuesday, the organization, whose name translates as world central kitchen, announced the death of seven of its employees while they were delivering food to the gaza strip
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and were hit by an israeli airstrike. among those killed were citizens of australia, britain, the usa, canada and poland, after which the ngo curtailed work in the region, demanding that israel stop indiscriminate killings. this is a senseless loss, this is a huge tragedy. it’s difficult and dangerous there, but they didn’t expect anything bad, because they had permission to move, all movements were in armored vehicles. at that moment they trusted the authorities, they trusted israel. there was a violent reaction to the death of international volunteers in the west. the australian prime minister called the murder of mission employees unacceptable and demanded that israel take full responsibility for what happened. the british authorities also demanded an explanation. in poland after the death of his the citizen was summoned. we are in direct
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contact with the israeli government regarding this specific incident, and we are pushing for a prompt, thorough and objective investigation to understand what exactly happened. israel, after being silent for several hours, commented on what happened and promised to start the same investigation, there is a lot of interesting things here, right. garrett's newspaper hints that the deaths of the volunteers were not accidental, but that an israeli drone attacked the mission three times until all the organization's employees were killed. indirectly prime minister netanyahu admitted guilt; the day before he said that israel unintentionally hit a group of innocent people, although he did not specify what kind of incident he was talking about. unfortunately, a tragic incident occurred over the past day when our forces unintentionally targeted innocent people in the gaza strip. this happens during war. we are carefully checking this, we are in contact with governments and will do everything to ensure that this does not happen again. gegor valeevich, i came across an opinion on social networks or
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some comment that after these two attacks... support for israel may somehow decrease, decrease, this will destroy the coalition around israel, it seems to me that it will not destroy it, because excuse me for this comparison, i can’t resist it here use, the terrorist zelensky carries out terrorist attacks in an ascending manner, and this does not destroy his support, israel is behaving more and more mercilessly, i would use this word, and does not in any way affect support, this will not in any way affect the support of israel as a state, but you can affect support...
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really believes that otherwise he will lose power, or even freedom, besides, how does he differ, for example, from the same zelensky, and netanyahu sincerely believes that his interests really coincide with the interests of him states that the war with iran will begin sooner or later, so let it start early so that the united states intervenes in it, this is true and nitanyahu is sincerely confident that this coincides with the interests of the state , he believes that the history in the gas sector is war or not a war for him, he essentially.
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some kind of big clash, which, as we nikolaevich, will all this eventually develop into , we now understand from the analysis in the studio, probably wants a part in israel? well, i completely agree with georgi govarevich, firstly, the war in gaza for israel is simply a catastrophic defeat, which it has never known in its entire history, for six months they have not been able to cope with some rebels who are sitting there in what -that dungeons, they still could not reduce. more than 100 hostages, they have large losses, military losses, this has never happened in the entire history of israel, this is actually a military defeat, political, because public opinion is increasingly against israel and the media, and there we don’t take america, but in the rest of the world, well, the media image of israel is changing just a nightmare, in these conditions netanyahu wants to start a big
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new war with iran in order... and for a new war to get a new carte blanche, whether he wants it himself or on his side are the same army officials who will also lose their positions in the event of peace, well because they are guilty, for what happened, for the fact that the israeli army could not win, i think that this is not only the wool of mr. netanyahu, but also the wool of the senior military leaders of all those politicians, including positional ones, who today stood on - side with netanyahu, if we talk about a big war, then... if iran starts a war, then it will be great stupidity, by the way, there was a question, what wise answers iran has shown us lately, for some reason everyone forgot about the houthis, who were able to completely block with minimal effort international shipping through the soviet canal, this is a very good answer, the degree of iran’s influence is a controversial issue, well , nevertheless, underwater drones, which are.
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this is a hopeless situation, he was in such a situation, if i remember correctly, he was already with these palestinian refugee camps, sharon, lebanon and so on, there were also losses there and to defeat it so as to defeat it completely, it didn’t work out, no, but they left, then was big, then we can agree that in the media this story was not very beautiful, because when sharon was drinking coffee there beirut, of course, then the israeli military was all over the place. we couldn’t finish it, yes, please, well, first of all, here i would like to draw attention to the situation in rafah, yes, that is, this blow that hit the iranian representative office was against the backdrop of preparations for the operation in rafah, which is already ongoing, if my memory serves me right, it’s mid-february,
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israel is preparing it, but it’s not starting, supposedly under pressure from the united states, but in reality the whole point here is different, because according to netanyahu, rafahi is stuck the last four hamas battalions so that the audience understands. rafah is the last major city in gaza that is not controlled by israel, according to netanya, because these four battalions, if the operation is carried out, then netanyahu will have to declare that the four battalions are destroyed, and the fighting will continue, as is happening in the north, in the north, israel announced that it had already cleared the entire northern part of the gas in november, what’s happening here, new hostilities are starting, israel is transferring new units there, moreover, those who were already leaving there. to the north towards the lebanese border, so every israeli operation is not completed, be it in the north, be it in hanyunyunis, now, if the operation begins in rafahi, netanyahu understands that he will not be able to suppress hezbollah, accordingly, with a blow according to
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the consulate in damascus, thereby netanyahu opens the door to another escalation, a new escalation, as colleagues are correct , anyway, i don’t really understand this logic, if you , well, conditionally, cannot cope with the enemy on...
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events and people of the week, why the world we live in is becoming like the horrors of stephen king, how scientists bring back dead pets from the other world, we are doing this not only for the sake of science, we want to help people who miss their pets, how much is it worth resurrecting your beloved cat or dog? i paid 25,000 dollars, but now it's already worth 50. what nightmares do their owners have when it comes to returning from dead people, or such experiences? are already conducted only from the living, this is kept in guarded secret, is it really the world will the near future become a world of the living dead? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. black
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wood quickly, smoothly, and with minimal energy consumption. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place. where everything becomes clear, we continue this part, let's start with a kind of anniversary, which i cannot call a holiday: 75 years ago a summit opened in washington, where the north atlantic treaty was signed, marking the creation of the nato bloc, here we have there are archival footage of that very ceremony, but today, 75 years later , celebrations for this occasion are already being prepared in brussels at the level of the main meetings, the allies are not only celebrating, but will discuss the preparations for the summer summit in washington. the main topic of concern is, of course, ukraine; according to
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the financial times, nato is working on the idea of ​​introducing a five-year aid package to kiev worth about $100 billion. they write that this is a personal initiative of the outgoing general secretary stoltenberg, a feature of this package assistance is that it will operate regardless of, as they call it , political changes in the west, that is , financing will not pass through the government of individual countries, but through a contribution fund. which is subordinate to the alliance. despite serious losses, president putin did not abandon his military goals. the situation on the battlefield remains very tense. ukraine is running out of ammunition, so ukraine needs even more support, it needs it now. under the very political changes that he fears nato, implies, first of all , the election of donald trump as president of the united states in order to secure nato, as he writes. political publications, nato, the leadership of the alliance are now trying to pull
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the raimstein format from under the american umbrella to its own, so that the united states will lose the right to a decisive vote there; how this will be formalized is, however, unclear, but if you listen to trump’s election speeches, it is clear why these nato officials are so worried. immediately after i win the presidency, i will settle terrible war between russia and ukraine, i know them very well. "we will bring back peace through strength and prevent world war iii." this guy doesn't know what he's doing, what he's saying, doesn't know who to talk to, our president is a lost soul. a lost soul, he's pathetic. the head of the united states department of state , antony blinken, also spoke out on ukrainian issues; he also came to the summit in an interview with the french tv channel lsi, he was somehow unexpectedly peace-loving, he said that the united states is against sending western troops for ukraine, moreover, he spoke
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in favor of negotiations with russia, but, but, there is always, but, only if moscow corrects itself. the secretary of state did not specify how exactly it would be corrected. there is nothing here, there is nothing here, everything here, everything
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is fine, but is the policy changing between the united states and israel itself, let’s look at our story, not everything is so simple there. american-israeli relations began to rapidly deteriorate from the moment the israeli army, having razed residential areas of the gaza strip, began ground attacks there. operation. washington urgently asked jerusalem to moderate its ardor, but even biden’s personal requests were pointedly ignored by israeli prime minister netanyahu, hinting that he did not need advisers. the final straw was israel's decision to carry out a clean-up in the palestinian city of rafah, where about a million refugees have accumulated. americans.
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even despite all these tricks, the united states is not freezing military aid to israel. the new york times claims that the biden administration has asked congress for permission to supply fifty f-15 fighter jets and missiles. by 18 billion dollars. president biden is greenlighting billions of dollars in arms sales for israel, despite differences between the white house and netanyahu ahead of the rafah operation. some democratic lawmakers are calling for the supply to be stopped.
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he will achieve the fact that there will be a split in him, in the democratic party itself, which could call the elections into question, well, the elections are coming, yes, therefore without limitless support for israel. on the part of the united states, it is, in principle, no longer possible, i disagree, because indeed any american administration will support
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israel as a state for one simple reason: in addition, for two reasons, in addition to the serious israeli diaspora in the united states, israel is the only, real, real and long-term ally of the us stronghold in the middle east, not saudi arabia, neither the emirates, nor especially qatar, no one can replace israel, both tried. tried to do this, launched his cairo speech, tried to normalize relations with the arabs, nothing worked out, there for a number of reasons, everyone returned back to supporting israel, another thing is, what is the problem with the united states, the americans cannot control israel, what to do here is not only netanyahu, israel is much more radical in its desires in its foreign policy interests than america , this is logical, because israel is a surrounded fortress, it has questions of survival on the line and does not want to follow.
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which you can always bet on, they have a number of other eastern european ones, germany can be remembered in the end, and ukraine is a tool, whether they reduce support for israel to such an extent that it remains within its borders, feels more or less safe, but at the same time forces for wars that the americans need less and less, in the gas sector, in northern israel, firstly, the reduction of israeli support is very dangerous due to the small size of israel, and any serious war is lost.
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hat, that is, you don’t see any mistakes in their activities, you know, maybe israel will fall, maybe they will destroyed, but will forever remain in your heart, their memory will remain, when you alexander nikolaevich, you still need to overcome yourself, the way they fought will remain for centuries, excuse me, that’s right, you need to overcome yourself, go to israel, this means that for dead, like, wait,
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israel is a very important element of the fight against iran, it is not the arabs who will enter this created vacuum, it will not be these pro-american, in fact long-westernized arab bureaucracies, iran and the resistance will enter, and iran, in turn, is part of a large global
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anti-american campaign in which we are taking part today. it’s interesting, but let’s take a break now, oh, and then we’ll have our traditional column, of course, it won’t do without politics, but we’ll build on historical events, short break, let’s continue. the azori over donbass were quiet, quiet, until bandera’s men, katyusha, zhenechka and sasha, burst in there. and the war that came to their home in the spring of 2014, the ukrainian army simply began to shoot us. like 10 years already, girls they are fighting with the punitive forces, for my sister, i worry, but for myself, yes, in principle, well, what will be will be. for my deceased commander, father. if you have such women, believe me, no enemy will ever break us. i serve
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the donetsk people's republic, for my mother, for ours. victory, mommy is waiting for us, so that the dawns over donbass are quiet, mom, please don’t cry, on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. calmness, it is priceless, it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium, but there is magneles b6 forta at an affordable price. magnelis b6 forta contains. double the magnesium fortified with vitamin b6. twice as many pills to take. magnelis b6 forta, affordable magnesium for your peace of mind. the endless country over which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia, is now in your hands. on the new maps ting black. hurry up to get a teincof black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service
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our calendar, today is another date, which, probably, does not give us a special reason for pride or a reason for joy, our viewers in tambov have a reason for joy it will be very soon, i ’m coming to you on saturday. in moscow it was more than 23°, i confirm, you see me in a suit, and i went to work yesterday i came here in shorts for the first time in a year, the previous maximum in moscow on that day was in
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1951 and it was 17.5 compared to yesterday, just cold. the sudden warming has brought not only joy, but also powerful floods to some russian regions, the worst of which is raging in the altai territory, where a state of emergency is already in effect, it has reached the point that... the asphalt on one of the highways has collapsed under the pressure of water. according to the ministry of emergency situations of the altai territory, about a thousand private plots of almost 200 houses in 45 were flooded in the region. populated areas. temporary accommodation centers have been set up for residents of the affected areas. in the orenburg region, in the ilek district , an electrical substation went under water, it had to be turned off, so see the footage to use the backup power supply. in orenburg itself, as well as orsk, it was flooded. highways and residential areas, people and cars are trying to ford, and it is clear that the water flows are so powerful that they can even carry trucks off the roads; in the north-west of the moscow region, due to melting snow
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, the nudadel river overflowed its banks and flooded pak park lviv, judging by the footage from there you see them, the predators are a little in shock, probably from this spring flood and overcome water barriers, let’s say, not without effort, but in my opinion they are still cheerful. here the residents of saudi arabia share unique footage of camels against the backdrop of the ildin desert covered with hail and snow, in fact, all this is still floating in the streets there, we will see further in the video, these are all the consequences of a severe storm that hit the region also the day before, when we it was hot, abnormal hail and rain led to the flooding of several cities at once, the surroundings of the capital erriada also suffered, a real ice drift formed on the streets, sandy deserts turned like this... such rivers are mud and sand, the reaction of local residents can be compared with the reaction of lions and tigers in the moscow region, they i’m also, to put it mildly, in shock. but perhaps the most impressive and
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dramatic images come from taiwan, where the largest earthquake in the last 25 years occurred on wednesday morning. this is what the streets of one of the cities look like now. rescuers continue to evacuate people from the destroyed or as in this case. houses, two earthquakes with a magnitude of up to 7.5 were recorded off the eastern coast of the island, the moment the tremors began was broadcast on news on local television, more than 800 people were injured, hundreds of people may be under the rubble, as local media write, the search operation is becoming more complicated risk of aftershocks.
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the water between the ussr and cuba, well, of course it looked quite like that, well, i don’t know, it was acceptable, gorbachev went to cuba, they signed a new one there some kind of document, and then everything somehow just happened, since it fell apart very quickly, well, of course , due to the fact that the soviet union itself was crumbling. this is what we wanted to talk about today, because now you can quite often hear calls that we need something.
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on an official visit, an important symbol of cooperation between the two socialist countries was supposed to be the meeting of the then general secretary of the cpsu central committee michal gorbachev with fidel castro. if the external event seemed like a meeting of old friends, then in reality the atmosphere was far from idyllic. leader of the cuban revolution i was very worried about the perestroika started by gorbachev. in his opinion, the soviet union could move away from socialism to capitalism. the commander did not like gorbachev’s confrontation with the main enemy in the person of the united states.
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associated with the economic crisis that the ussr was then experiencing. the country's budget was bursting at the seams due to the collapse in oil prices, large expenses for the war in afghanistan and many other factors. it was inappropriate to maintain havana under such conditions. well, after the collapse of the union, russia finally set a course for leaving cuba. in ninety-two already under president yeltsin, almost 7.00 soviet military specialists left the island of freedom, although kastroy could not have imagined such an outcome before.
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the exodus of the cubans updated the record in 2022, where i have konstantin aleksandrovich, why did cuba need the soviet union, in general it’s clear, even from this plot, nothing else really needs to be added, why did we need cuba for the soviet union, no, well, that’s it
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clearly, we are not talking about the fact that cuba is needed , relatively speaking, by an individual muscovite there, or by an individual ekaterinburg resident there for some, the soviet union needed cuba because it was soviet. this is not just any single country, it is a geopolitical, let’s say, well, not a monster, a heavyweight, a monster in a good sense, a heavyweight, a geopolitical heavyweight, in this case we were talking about the confrontation between two systems, that is, the soviet union, the united states, bipolar world, and accordingly have the united states under the soft underbelly, others gave the example of a gun at the head of the united states, especially since in cuba you will wait until this the soft underbelly began to tense.
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which was not interference in european affairs, the united states refused, but formally they did not refuse the ideas of the monroe doctrine that everything overseas is mine, when nicaragua exists, when venezuela exists, when cuba exists, this is how they say, it’s very good, because it very much spoils the nerves, health, drains strength, it’s very healthy, let’s say, well... ours, ours - well, we seem to be glad that the americans have such a nail in their shoe, but what we must and we should we be sad about this? no, well, somehow i want something more, no, well, vladimir viktorich, he wrote to us in a pre-interview, there
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are beautiful girls in cuba, i haven’t been to cuba , i can’t say, but this is also not an argument, what you say, of course this is not an argument, these are just personal observations and memories. about beautiful cuba, where the caribbean sea, the sun, really beautiful girls, actually everything, but that is, really, okay, when you were little, weren’t you proud of what you have? such a cube, the commanders knew it by heart, you didn’t, i felt proud, but personally you didn’t feel any benefit, that’s how konstantin aleksanovich says there, well, cane sugar, cane sugar, life became sweeter for soviet children thanks to it. the island of freedom, this is true, but the price of this, in essence , we supported cuba, in essence, we invested resources that could be directed, you don’t understand why we did this, for what purpose it is clear, only to destroy the united states , if we are talking about what
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then two systems were fighting, then this is quite an argument, you are deploying missiles in turkey, we are deploying missiles in cuba, such a parity confrontation with each other... well, if gorbachev had not made such a decision , it would have been preserved, well, again, fantastic, the soviet would have been preserved union, would we continue those very good fraternal relations with cuba, or has it already become clear that this is ideologically no longer so necessary, and there may not be as much value as in reality, i’m just
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question of choice, vadnya says, there crawl away from cuba, or you can say throw the cube, you can so say, betray, betray, i want to paraphrase one great one. secretary of state of the united states, in these conditions, one of the conditions of these agreements was that the soviet union would gradually reduce its presence, including political and military, in the caribbean, that is. we see that this meeting is wonderful, pompous, it is still secondary in this topic, and we
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understand that we, of course, betrayed first of all the socialist ideas then and ourselves, but could we stay, i will say that cuba is really very far away, unfortunately, the history of the end of the soviet union is replete with episodes when we were forced to leave even people who are truly close to us, even geographically, and this led to great a catastrophe, well, a real big catastrophe, not even so much an economic one. expediency, which has become difficult, in general and in political demands, with which we generally agreed, that is, in essence, we surrendered cuba for the essence and imagine how scary it is it was, we look at the footage, it’s great gorbachev tells fidel that we will reduce cooperation to some kind of economic obligations, well, everything is in order, imagine fidel’s fear, just if you look with different eyes, a few months after this, of course, the fall of the berlin wall is all over such, but what is happening in panama is actually an open military invasion. naryogo is taken to this region, kept in prison for 27 years, well, just imagine,
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doesn’t fidel think about this, in a number of his speeches, he said that they will not attack there only because the united states expects that cuba , like a ripe fruit, will literally fall into the hands of the imperialists, and then taco, come on oleg vladimerovich, you know, just a second, i just thought about this, since we started talking about fidels, and we showed here is a snippet of his speech, he is really not a young man anymore when he says that even if...
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from your words it follows that our country is all bad and has abandoned, it means, poor, disappearing cuba, and maybe , just from an ideological point of view we are a little we changed our view and realized that we are essentially feeding and maintaining something that does not bring us dividends, before these were ideological dividends, they are over, basic agreements.
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really thinks, but it starts out of principle, i want to be convinced, now stanislav olegov will convince you,
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look, the soviet union quickly left cuba twice, once it was not under gorbachev yeltsin, in the sixty-second year, because then too , as we know, during the cuban missile crisis there were certain actions, including including at the end, which ended with moscow reaching an agreement with washington and accordingly withdrawing its missiles from cuba, while those who protested against this, fidel castro protested against this, documents have now been published where, in general , it is shown that there are very, very serious there were conflicts right up to there, well, i won’t let you in, which means...
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first of all, you will give up some kind of ballast that you need, that needs to be maintained, and we are not talking now about the wonderful cuban people, yes, but about, actually speaking of the need to pay money to these people, therefore, in this case, the exit of the soviet union at that time was also economic, not only ideological, but in my opinion, quite, quite understandable, again , i repeat, this was the second, second time when the soviet union abruptly left this country, and then it was impossible to say that guys, you ’ll excuse us, but we have nothing to eat ourselves, so we stop, and not do it the way it was done, what the people did... and not i think about this, i think about this it was said that it’s another matter that you wash, well , fedel custer, he’s such a bright politician, he’s like that, four there are 5 hours or however long he did these speeches, which means he did these speeches impromptu, but that is, the soviet union supplied, so to speak, there was equipment, food, everything else, in return he had four or five hours of some beautiful speeches there, long live the soviet people, well, in general, i think everyone understands everything,
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of course it’s not nice when your senior comrade leaves you, but on the other hand, after all, the senior comrade must first ... want to think about it if you have nothing to eat, but excuse me, it’s a very cynical position, now let’s take a break, continue, be sure to give everyone a word, buy everything you wanted in installments for 24 months with a holva card, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. kirkorov vs. dorokhov. stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv.
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takes up arms, i expected something like this from you, to restore justice, the hero plays alone, i know such people, hot spot, new season, soldier, stop, i 'll tell you everything, i'm asking again, who sent you, soon ntv, the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in the last part they accused me of cynically trying to raise bills, who owes whom how much, who fed whom, this is actually not so much cynicism, this is an attempt here
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draw a line and see the pros and cons, who received how much, who gave how much, compare, who actually won more. let's take a look and see the plot. the history of special relations between the soviet union and cuba began in 1960, when fidel castro came to power in havana. convinced. the communist at the helm of cuba did not suit the washington authorities at all; they imposed not just sanctions against govana, but set up an economic blockade, and castro himself was openly hunted by the cia. one thing i regret is that i didn't kill him, even if i had to die, what good would that be for everyone? nikita khrushchev came to the aid of the cuban brothers; at the beginning of the sixties, the soviet union provided cuba with a loan of $100 million, and later the first trade agreement was signed. soviet goods were brought to the island from food and equipment to oil and metals, and most of the supplies were on credit, and the cubans bought oil at prices a third lower than world prices, while the soviet union bought
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ugavans, cane sugar and citrus fruits, there were also unusual goods for a soviet person: coffee, rum, cigars, soviet specialists went to cuba, the team of the team building this plant and soviet specialists accepted joint socialist obligations that guarantee, which allow... to complete the construction of the plant in a timely manner and produce the first combine , supplied the ussr with weapons. it is officially believed that the first soviet troops were transferred to cuba during operation anadr in sixty-two, but in reality they began to help back in fifty ninth, immediately after the cuban revolution, when the first military advisers appeared on the island, and 3 years later the soviet union delivered hundreds of tanks, dozens of fighter-bombers, as well as air defense systems to cuba, but most importantly... transferred ballistic missiles to the island that could strike across major us cities in minutes. we in the central committee decided to throw a hedgehog at america,
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to place our missiles in cuba so that america could not swallow the island of freedom, the cuban side has consent. here the ussr was not so much defending an ally as thinking about own safety. the missiles in cuba were a response to the american pershings stationed in turkey. the united states could not digest such a response. the us reserves the right to retaliate. a few years later, cuba became an outpost of our intelligence service near the american border. in 1967 , a radio-electronic center was opened in cuban lourdas, capable of intercepting messages over almost the entire american territory. raul castro said that moscow received most of the intelligence information about the americans thanks to interceptions in cuba. maxim anatolyevich, we reduce debit to credit, it turns out like...
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cuba was important, well, it was important, because everything was normal in the soviet union in its neighboring countries. budapest, prague, warsaw, polberlina, bucharest, ulanbater and so on were below us. but now, when there is talk, and cuba then brought benefits, and this was not mentioned in the plot, in africa ours fought with cuban hands, to a large extent, in angola, in mozambique, in ethiopia, there were cubans, often - black
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cubans, who are so on first terms with the locals the view would be complex, difficult, it would be easy to confuse, they really helped and created problems for global imperialism there, in that logic, yes, but now, when we have problems, precisely in the near abroad in ukraine, you yourself know what is happening, armenia is leaving, kyrgyzstan is abandoning the world map, but is it really time for us now to try some kind of counter-game in cuba or even? in venezuela there is a serious counter-game, so much so that it can be said scathingly on air, well, probably yes, by and large it is not, no money, no opportunity, cuba is too far away, the supply chains in case there is some kind of conflict there will depend entirely on the united states, it won’t be possible, the chinese could do it financially, and you can listen to me sing, cuba is far away, cuba is far away, cuba close,
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we say, too far.
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kennedy spoke about this, they would have become a target for american missiles, that is, the cubans and cuba put their lives on the card that the soviet union was playing, they believed us, they looked at us not from the point of view of communism, not communism, from the point of view truth and untruth, from the very point of view where now that very watershed lies at this very moment, then the cubans thought about it.
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on the russians, and this was noticeable now, when i came to russia, no one reminded, i read, no one reminded that we actually betrayed them in the nineties, we betrayed our friend, a true friend, who was ready to die for us , and we and he, just a second, and
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he’s ready to die for us now, we don’t really know what putin and kanel were talking about when kanel came here, because that why they forced me to give it to kuba, because kuba...
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nikita, everything you gave, and nikita followed this with a very obscene word. denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against philip kirkorov, so i really am a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, nature bent me alive, i was deprived of
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the electronic intelligence center is located, this is the most important soviet intelligence facility, which was actively used in cold war times. the visit to putin then, however, did not influence the decision to finally close the center in 2002 amid warming relations with the united states. true, already in 2008, when relations between moscow and washington deteriorated again, the russian leader remembered lordes. we took and liquidated the bases in cam ranh in vietnam, in cuba. they withdrew all their military units from eastern europe
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; in general, almost all of their large and heavy weapons were withdrawn from the european part. what did you get? base in romania, where are we located? base in bulgaria, positional area, strategically american, in poland, in the czech republic. negotiations with cuba about the activities of the intelligence center resumed in 2014 against the backdrop of the ukrainian conflict. 2 years later to our ministry of defense. i think that there are states, allies, that would be concerned about such a development
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of events. then, in 2014, vladimir putin signed a law to write off 90% of havana’s debt to the soviet union. that's more than $30 billion. last february , sergei lavrov visited cuba on an official visit as part of his tour of latin america, and earlier in the cuban president flew to moscow. this is further evidence that relations between the russian federation and the republic of cuba are constantly strengthening. as we always note, this is a relationship that is connected by a historical foundation. recently , russia has seen an increase in the number of labor migrants from liberty island. we have cuba.
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let's say in the head in the soul of the cuban president of the entire cuban people there is no resentment towards us like about... the successors of the soviet, they really treat us very well, so much so that they are ready to do something for us to do something for our sake, right? but what maxim anatolyevich spoke about, what strength do we have now to somehow seriously enter the cup? let me tell you, considering that we met literally in january with diaz canel bermudez,
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and in govan. firstly, cuba signed a memorandum with the eurasian union and today our government is very active. looks at cuba, and finally correctly, this is the answer to your question, why do we need cuba? cuba today is the most successful outpost and entry point for market entry into all countries of latin america, today it is the safest country, it is the most educated country, it is a country with, in principle, one of the best medicines, it is a country that today is physically ready to provide separate special preferences, the law should be signed in may according to the words. a growing market, which today for some reason we are throwing away to the americans, the chinese, anyone, that is, let everyone are working, that is, we are talking about the expansion of such trade economic, and not
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military, it technology, which today we have for cuba and for the entire latin world are the best, they have no analogues, because many... are still sanctioned, this is testing on the territory of cuba, just all our products in the cuban language, these are technological supplies, many countries specifically in the spanish language, namely the adaptation of latin america, are under sanctions, the creation of joint assembly plants, now they are discussing, let’s say, the opening plant for the production of bpa for everything for the whole of latin america, that is, in fact, we together cannot do without the military,
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to sacrifice ourselves in order, for example, to promote russia’s geopolitical interests in the underbelly of the united states of america, i have a question for all of us, but today we are ready to sacrifice the cubans for the sake of advancing our geopolitical interests, because if we start charging them with our weapons, missiles, deployment of bases, everything else, we understand perfectly well that we are bringing them under the monastery, right there with them some kind of revolution happens, then some serious things happen...
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but she is responsible for the children, you see, i beg you, just give me a proposal, family relationships in the history of our program are not the most pleasant i remember, we once had a story, we compared international relations with family relations, then, as far as i know, the ministry of foreign affairs and almost sergei vitich personally looked into it, let’s do it alexandrievich, yes, i want to say that we need to look at the chronology in general , look. thirty years there was only close cooperation between the soviet union and cuba, now more than 30 years have passed, that is, this is a period
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that, well, it’s worth realizing this, another important point that needs to be understood is that then cooperation was built within the framework of, well, competition between two systems , bipolar world, what value we now bring and what we want to achieve, including for our foreign partners, now the main, probably cornerstone task for us is precisely to show a multipolar world. soviet union or russia, let's let's look at them as equals and as people who have their own goals, and
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not only for cuba, but for the entire latin american project, for what is called patrie grande, the big homeland, because that’s how we want to see them , 24 countries speak spanish, but well , most of them are located in north and south america, we need to help them, and it seems to me that cuba in this case is a very good ally if we talk to them as equals, in in this case, we will get not only...
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the woman did, returning home, reported son, where did you throw the knife, what did you do with that knife? i took it in my hands, well, i’m scared for my mother because of myself, as if i threw it away, so who dealt the blow to the heart? the girl took the blame on herself because of... love, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. meet the new product acipol forte. it contains 10 billion bacteria. contains zinc. just one capsule per day. acipol forte - a new level of probiotics. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? do you make all payments on time? tinkov recalculates the bet when you close a loan is like a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkov gives you
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think, first of all, that cuba and i stand on the same side.
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so that we are united not only by a common fate, thoughts that we stand on one side of good against the other side of evil, but the solvency of both allies, we have this solvency, on the other side, i’m still convinced of tomorrow’s program, you’re sitting on this bench, these cynics who are all just me i ask a question that i still will, we are people with big hearts, one armenian tourist came to cuba. well, he’s walking around, it means that somewhere in some city, it’s beautiful, the sun, there are portraits of fidel everywhere, he goes into a restaurant, all the visitors there are men, they have beards like fidel, well, he ordered something like that, then the waiter looks with... when he comes up to the table, well, to get some money there, and these guys say: castra’s agent, and he doesn’t take money from them, he goes, well, which means - the
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moment he approaches the table of this armenian tourist, he says: agent castro, the waiter says: yes, if you are an agent castro, where is your beard? the armenian thought so, i am a secret agent, this was the meeting place that cannot be changed, but goodbye to ntv weekday broadcasts. gdp growth, improved quality of life, increased oil and gas income, the head of the administration made a report in the state duma. the strongest earthquake in a quarter of a century in taiwan left hundreds of people injured after underground earthquakes. relief and restoration in the south of russia , a rehabilitation program for air defense soldiers and people affected by ukrainian shelling has begun. the west has its own standards.


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