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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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if you're a caster agent, where's your beard? the armenian thought so. i'm a secret agent. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, goodbye. gdp growth, improved quality of life, increased oil and gas revenues. the head of the administration made a report in the state duma. the strongest earthquake in a quarter of a century in taiwan, hundreds of people were injured after underground earthquakes. to help rebuild in the south of russia , a program for the rehabilitation of air defense soldiers and people affected by ukrainian shelling has begun. their standards. the west refused to condemn the israeli strike on the iranian dictatorship in damascus. about the main thing for this minute in the studio
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ilya fedorovtsev. hello. after the terrorist attacks at kroku cityhole, russia was hit by a wave of telephone terrorism. subscribers from ukraine en masse called russian emergency services with complex messages about mining attacks. nikolai patrushev stated this today, speaking at a meeting of the secretaries of the security councils of the sco countries in astana. according to him , kiev is actively recruiting mercenaries in dushan-be to participate in hostilities against russia. this work is carried out by the embassy.
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patrushev also touched upon another high-profile terrorist attack undermining the northern flows; in his opinion , the intelligence services of the united states and great britain were behind the large-scale sabotage. only they have special units that are capable of such a complex operation. the secretary of the russian security council called for resolutely and harshly condemning the actions of countries that support such actions. the prosecutor general's office sent requests to the united states, germany, france and cyprus demanding an immediate investigation into the involvement. citizens of the usa and other western
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countries to terrorist attacks on russian territory. the documents included an appeal from deputies to the state duma. they provided evidence of the participation of foreign individuals and structures in organizing the financing of attacks and the bombing of the gas pipeline to nord stream. deputies believe that the united states and its allies are carrying out terrorist attacks on russian territory at the hands of the islamic state group of the ukrainian special services, which is banned in our country. the statement of the deputies notes that the security service of ukraine and the main intelligence directorate are involved in the murders of daria. dugina tatarsky, the undermining of the crimean bridge, as well as the assassination attempt on the writer zakhar prilepin. activists are asking for those responsible to be brought to justice. the prosecutor general's office expressed the hope that colleagues will conscientiously approach the study of the information provided, ensure the inevitability of punishment and exclude excuses for them on political or other grounds. earlier, the russian ministry of foreign affairs sent demands to kiev for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those involved in the terrorist attacks. now there is news from the
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nwo zone. our troops are pushing the nationalists into west direction. new frontiers were occupied by troops of the south, center and east groups in the donetsk, avdeevsky and south donetsk directions. air strikes, missile force drone strikes destroyed a hangar for the production and storage of drones, a weapons depot of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as a concentration of enemy manpower and equipment in 131 districts. russian military personnel who received injuries during battles are immediately evacuated to the hospital where they receive them. high-tech medical care, subsequently the fighters undergo rehabilitation, including in kuban, where developed a special program. 35 institutions accept participants in the special operation; you can come with your whole family, but the region has programs not only for the military. sergei pikulin will tell you who else comes to recover at the sochi sanatorium under what conditions. how are you feeling? yes, okay, already for more. today we will work on the back, it’s time to work the vertebral muscles.
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your neck property. 45 minutes for a massage, then 10 minutes to go to another wing for hydrogen sulfide baths, then personal time, lunch again according to the doctors. in fact, the schedule at the boarding house is limited. how is it different from the army, for the soldiers of the northern military district undergoing rehabilitation, they are so familiar. this health resort in the city of hot key has developed a special program for the military. healthy spine program, anti-stress, cardiac rehabilitation. then, at each stage of rehabilitation , professional psychologists and doctors work with our guests. in kuban, local authorities have launched a regional rehabilitation program. and fighters from the northern military district zone. today's date. sergei from krasnodar volunteered for a special operation, served in one of the bars divisions. injury, hospital, operation. today i came to the social security office to get a vacation certificate. they called and said that there was such a thing. so i
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went directly to the social service and wrote a statement. they told me what needed to be done. i provided , in my opinion, only extracts from the order and that’s all. certificate for 100,000. rubles from the regional budget can be spent during the year on treatment or recreation in the list of 35 boarding houses taking part in the program throughout the region. the co participant can go with his family, and naturally, if within this amount he allows him to improve his health with his family, he can improve his health, or pay extra if it is above the established amount. now there are a large number of rehabilitation programs, federal, regional, and organized funds. andrei, near kharkov , covered a civilian with himself during shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, now in sochi he is learning to move his fingers and speak again, one of the foundations helped him with a voucher. despite the serious injury, doctors give positive prognoses. maximum recover as soon as possible? i
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have such a passion for fishing, for fishing you need kabul’s hand. for example, in sochi they developed a separate rehabilitation program, not only for participants of the north military district, but also for... families from new territories affected by shelling in the belgorod region. for a sixteen-year-old teenager , veronica has too thick a medical record, mine explosion injuries, wounds to the shoulder, chest, shrapnel in the spine and head. at home in belgorod, she came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. i was treated in moscow for a long time, now we are in sochi together with mother, special attention to the psychological state of children. it’s so beautiful everywhere here, i’ve already sent photos to all my friends, everyone is happy for me. very cool, very good, for me it’s happiness that she can just go out and walk down the street alone, this is happiness, for the last 2 months, well, unfortunately, she had fear, it was hard for her. in addition to various procedures for children, there is a large excursion program, an arboretum, an embankment
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and even a trip to the mountain resort cluster. sergey pikulin, sergey polyansky, olyanov, sergey tashchiev, vitalina ekaterina belousova, ntv, krasnodar region. the strongest earthquake in the last quarter century occurred in taiwan. the epicenter was located in the sea, several kilometers from the eastern coast of the island. the first underground impact was of magnitude 7.7. after 15 minutes, repeated tremors were recorded. now about ten people are known to have died, and the number of victims, according to media reports, has already exceeded 900 people. the rescue operation continues, the rubble is being cleared. many buildings, including residential high-rise buildings completely destroyed. important infrastructure facilities - bridges and overpasses - were damaged. the buildings for... plastic production have collapsed, one of the largest ports of the island is temporarily closed due to damage, they cannot leave here. in the mountainous regions of taiwan , the danger is created by landslides that began after the tremors; as reported by a local publication, about a thousand people were trapped in one of the mountain parks. in the coastal area, a huge
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part of the rock collapsed into the sea. the power supply has been disrupted, leaving almost 90 thousand people without electricity. eat internet problems. at the same time , they hastened to assure the authorities that all three nuclear power plants located on the island are not ... the offer of help from mainland china to taipei was refused. these pictures show how scared the pets were of the strong shocks. three cats are rushing around the apartment in a panic, not understanding what is happening. a tsunami threat was declared in southern japan. on akinawa , the civil warning siren sounded in the morning, and even the first wave, just a third of a meter high , reached the southern japanese islands. later the tsunami warning was canceled. china said it expects repeated earthquakes in the coming days, but with a magnitude of no more than six. the israeli army conducted new raids on the west bank of the jordan river, wafa news agency reported. soldiers used bulldozers to destroy the road and water supply system in one of the settlements. in jerusalem, meanwhile,
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mass protests against the government of benjamin netanyahu continue. at night , activists walked with torches near the knesset building, some tried to break through to the prime minister's residence. end of quote. the reason for such a statement was the blow that the israelis dealt against the humanitarian mission. seven people, citizens of the usa, great britain, australia and poland, were killed in the three destroyed vehicles. the authorities of these countries presented their claims to netanyahu and he was forced to publicly admit the mistake of his military. the russian mission to the un circulated a draft statement among members of the security council condemning the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria. as noted by deputy permanent representative dmitry polyansky. this is another opportunity test the true intentions of our western colleagues, let's see how
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the work goes. however, during the security council meeting, the united states, for example, not only did not condemn the israeli strike, but rather openly tried to shield its ally. at this time, the american new york times published an article in which it claims, citing its sources, that the biden administration is urgently asking congress to approve the sale to israel of a new large batch of f-15 heavy fighter bombers. at the security council meeting the un was monitored by our us correspondent alexey vasilovsky. the actions of israel in attacking the iranian consulate general in damascus are reckless , russian ambassador vasily nebendya said at a meeting of the un security council. he called on western diplomats to condemn the strike, but this did not happen. generally agreeing that such attacks could lead to an escalation of conflict in the middle east. the west, however, refrained from harsh words against tel aviv.
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the american diplomat did not explain that it was terrorists who were hit, vasily
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nebendya was surprised by such a verbal balancing act. the united states always has first -hand information on any matter, which they are proud to possess, because thanks to their intelligence capabilities, they are always the first to know everything. and here it is, how surprising, the united states still... there is no confirmation, no confirmed data regarding israel, regarding the attack on the iranian consulate general. that's what bad luck it is. alexey vasilovsky, alexander gyusiev, ntv. usa. vladimir putin today held a meeting with rector of moscow state university viktor sadovnich, who turned 85 today. by presidential decree , viktor sadovnichy was awarded the title. heroes of labor of the russian federation. i would like to informally thank you once again for your
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work for the benefit of russian science, for the benefit of russian education. you have done a lot for russia both as a scientist and as an organizer of science and higher education. in the most difficult times, moscow state university, under your leadership, not only survived, but... and developed, i repeat, even in the most difficult times, i stood confidently on my feet, you continue to be involved in science and young people, you help them, you organize the work of the largest higher educational institution in the country, we are rightfully proud of moscow state university, and i, as a board of trustees, will also do everything that it’s up to me to... support you, thank you very much, russia can enter the top 4
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economies in the world, despite all the west’s attempts to slow down its development. mikhail mishustin announced this today. prime minister delivered the last cabinet of ministers in this composition, an annual report on the work of the government in the state duma. on the day of the presidential inauguration, ministers will resign, after which the procedure for forming a new government will begin. the head of the administration noted that russia has successfully adapted to growing pressure from outside and the country's gdp grew by 3.6% last year.
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allocated about 190 billion rubles. this decision affected over 5 million state employees, so that , according to mishustin, the average life expectancy of russians at the end of last year reached almost 73.5 years. the head of government emphasized that such indicators did not exist either in the ussr or in modern russia; this was achieved largely due to the improvement in the quality and availability of medical services. over the past 3 years, about 3,500 have been created and repaired in the country.
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one can only guess here, but it’s probably worth noting that the case has been going on for more than a year, and elena blinovskaya has been in pre-trial detention for more than two months. blogger elena blinovskaya sent a statement to the federal tax service that she was ready to conclude a settlement agreement. about it artie was informed by lawyer natalya salnikova. a settlement agreement, as the federal tax service itself explains, is an alternative to bankruptcy and the subsequent sale of the debtor’s property. one of the main conditions of such a deal, she...
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expanded the charge, the amount where it was about money laundering increased 16 times. according to the investigation, elena blinovskaya, with the complicity of her husband, split up her business, thereby understating her income and not paying additional taxes. elena blinovskaya was detained in april last year while trying to travel by car to belarus. since january 22 of this year she is located in sizo. the investigative committee stated that elena blinovskaya violated the terms of house arrest. the russian stock market is trading in positive territory. positive mood is ensured by expensive oil and gold; today it set a new record, more than $2,300 per ounce. today it became known that the central bank in april will sell currencies and gold approximately 12 times less than in march, but this is unlikely to drop the ruble exchange rate, because it is now supported by both the high key rate of the central bank and the requirement for exporters have to sell foreign currency earnings within
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the country, but the same expensive oil is still there, so the news about the reduction in foreign currency sales will not respond to the ruble. did not respond, still trying to rise in price, the dollar is now 92.37, the euro is 99.56. the owner of the most ascetic russian chain of stores, svetofor, became a dollar billionaire. in the ranking of the richest businessmen in the world, forbes magazine estimated sergei schneider's fortune at $1,400 million. the businessman, like his entire family, is extremely non-public. there is not a single interview or photo in the photo banks. the story began traffic lights in krasnoyarsk, the first store opened there in 2009, as forbes notes, a warehouse store model, innovative for that time, was taken, no shelves or counters, goods are either on wooden pallets or in boxes, there are no expenses for advertising, but in the end - forbes continues, the minimum markup allowed us to sell goods 10-20%
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cheaper than competitors. the magazine’s interlocutors say that initially the traffic light calculation was for the most marginal. but the format turned out to be popular with much more the number of people, a series of crises and falls in real incomes of the population have had and are still making themselves felt. last year, svefor entered the top five russian networks by revenue. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. amazon abandoned its fresh stores, which did not have any kani kasirov. artificial intelligence responsible for that. so that buyers withdraw the required amount from the card for the goods turned out to be not very artificial. the concept assumed that sensors and cameras were hung around the space recorded the products that visitors picked up. well, the neural network. accounts to customers, at least that’s how they explained it in amazon, but people quickly began to complain about delays in the arrival of checks and a significant error, and it turned out that
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thousands of indians were watching the purchases, they manually watched many hours of video from cameras, well, by the way because of these same videos , amazon has already been sued for illegal collection of biometric data. ntv viewers in the capital, then await the release of the program today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions. central part of the country. how to synchronize the needs of the modern russian economy and the training of professional personnel in higher schools was discussed today in the capital at the opening of the moscow international education salon. participants in the discussion included parliamentarians, entrepreneurs, representatives of the teaching community and heads of educational institutions. among the first to raise the question was whether the modern economy can make orders itself. primarily needed by leading russian
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companies with access to the world market, no it makes sense to connect with a business that doesn’t look as far as we do; i believe that education can look much further than business. when business comes to teach me, what kind of graduates do i need? i say: what position do you occupy in the current market? and i am sixty-second, so i will teach you, and not you me. in addition to discussion platforms, the education salon is also an exhibition of modern equipment and technologies for educational institutions. what quantities are russian schools currently producing for russian schools? company, alexey kavashenkin knows. teaching high school students is increasingly looking like sketches from the science fiction of the eighties, the battle of ground drones, piloting copters, programming, manipulators and robotic systems, but let's
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be honest, most of this equipment is foreign, a few years ago this was not a problem, but licenses for software have been revoked , there are no direct supplies, and russian developers are just beginning to enter the market with their products. in this version , the guys need these three wires yourself. year, this is december 2023, more than 100 institutions began to acquire just in the past moscow schools, in varying quantities, such educational training stands on industrial robotics. were supplied, but it must be understood that some of the components are still imported, which definitely remains in the zone of small, as it were, substitution, these are the so-called control boards, controllers,
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if the result is important to schools, then the ministry of industry and trade, then how domestic the equipment itself will be using the example interactive panels you can understand how support for a russian manufacturer works. in government procurement , foreign equipment will lose to russian-assembled equipment, and it, in turn , will lose to equipment that operates on a russian processor. we buy a board from a supplier that includes a russian baikal processor. we buy ram separately, it is also russian. however, now the capabilities of the baikal processor are not enough for high-performance tasks, for example, 3d modeling. additional module required already based on a foreign processor. the client can buy this separately, but in general the panel is fully functional, fully functional with baikal. it seems that this segment is very profitable; interactive panels have already taken up 70% of the company’s total production; in a year and a half , 14 thousand of them have already been produced here. when the registry appeared,
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there was only one company on it that produces interactive panels. now there are more than 10 companies in this register, that is , 10 industries have appeared since that moment, which means that 10 scientific ones have appeared production technical bases, that is, workers appeared. places, workshops appeared, well, that is, this is all the development of production in our country, we even had to write our own shell to work with the panel, ready-made programs did not meet the requirements of convenience and safety, as we see, here the menu is located along the radius of the hand, and accordingly with large icons , only the teacher knows what password he has on the interactive board, returns to the main menu. starts the lesson, but not everyone approves of the virtualization of the educational process. we are also engaged we give all our attention to the traditional
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student experiment, that is, the real one. laboratory complexes for students, but to equip one classroom with such tables you need 5 million rubles, and this is only for one subject. at exhibitions we see a lot of beautiful, smart solutions, but in schools we still don’t see enough of them, especially if we’re not talking about the capital and large cities. i'll tell you that today we have made approximately 3,500 complexes, the products are quite expensive and new, something new is always worth breaking through, especially at an expensive price
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it’s difficult, but... this is not some kind of exhibition product, this is a standard product, if you come and order one product, i’ll tell you, take this one, i’ll bring myself a new one, but you have to understand that this is a small enterprise, 40 employees, its own a kind of pilot production, their clients are a thousand or so schools, enough for business, for education in the country it’s a drop in the ocean, in the soviet union at one time there were factories for the production of educational equipment, large state-owned enterprises, now this is not the case, now only small enterprises, this is the task of the ministry.
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let's say further in our issue: the water has arrived, dozens of russian regions are suffering due to severe floods, people are being evacuated, an endless country over which the sun never sets, the mesmerizing nature of russia is now in your hands, on new maps... off black, have time to register ting of black debit card with a limited design will receive free service forever in april. tinkov. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account; for the purchase of any share you receive one more as a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. kfc, now rostix. we discover the secret
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the program today, we continue our release. vladimir putin listened to reports today governors of the altai territory and the orenburg region, and he also had a telephone conversation with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, about the situation with floods in the regions. this was announced by the presidential press secretary dmitry. peskov, the head of state gave instructions to provide assistance to people in the flood zone; thirty-two russian regions are now fighting the consequences of severe flooding; houses, roads and bridges are flooded; residents are being evacuated from their houses due to rising water in the rivers; alexander is monitoring the situation tankikh. residents of the village of akbulak they leave their homes, take the bare necessities, and if it floods, where will i go? what are you taking with you? well, all the medicine will change everything. now the car will come, we’ll take grandma, there will be time for accommodation, don’t worry, everything is fine. they hoped that the water would not reach the plots and houses, because there had never been such a strong flood here before; they were hastily digging and
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dragging earth to block the path of the advancing water. it seems, well, it seems that it will stop, they poured it here, first they poured it there, it broke through everything, now they poured it here, well, it’s already from there, apparently from neighbors. comes in, i don’t know, we hope, we hoped until the last moment that water would not come to our house, quickly, yes, today everything was scary, well, of course scary, in the village they are urgently constructing a dam with the help of heavy equipment, offering flood victims go to temporary accommodation centers, but people either go to relatives or don’t want to leave their homes, here you can see how quickly the water is rising, a few more. in kazakhstan, water discharge from the oktobe reservoir has been increased four times more than usual. water came to the orenburg region bordering kazakhstan, began to fill the river and
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began to flood populated areas. heavy flooding was expected here, so additional forces were sent to the area. emergency situations ministry specialists conduct monitoring every hour and monitor the situation from above. the drones are monitored by those. those processes that will still occur in the future, we are preparing for the worst, of course, according to tradition , we hope for the best, the tense situation is now in the suburbs of orenburg, in the village of vesenny, the water came at night and flooded substation, the electricity was turned off, we didn’t even have 5 minutes of downtime, it was all in one gulp when the water started flowing, uh-huh. everything that was flooded, that the entire first floor was flooded, the region has become very warm, today up to +17, so the water is becoming more and more, the threat to populated areas remains. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, nikolay datsun, ntv, orenburg region. and in the moscow region
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, lviv park was flooded. volunteers, defenders and simply caring people are now engaged in rescuing the inhabitants. the nudel river has ripened and now the lives of predators are under threat. diana. kavando went to the scene and found out how animals were rescued and calmed down. all night long, those who were not indifferent to the fate of the animals in the lion park, who found themselves at the mercy of the elements and deep in water, monitored... warning messages to understand whether all the inhabitants were alive, amateur footage coming from the animal nursery could not but arouse sympathy , here is a strict and graceful panther in the wild, clenching its front paws in fear, like a small confused kitten, and this is a tiger, cutting through the surface of the water, desperately saves his lunch, drags a piece of meat to a secluded place where the water will not find it, his striped neighbors are simply in bewilderment waiting for help on a small island in the middle of the big water, the animals are scared, the park employees are confused, the animals are
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safe from fear except for this pair of lions , hector
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and white, it’s like an illustration of a global flood, there is water all around, but they are still afraid to go down together and swim to land, they are afraid. like the last of the magicans, hector iwyth, gracefully, remaining calm, observe the situation from the enclosure where they were placed brothers who were not afraid to swim across the spontaneous lake, they are separated by only some 20 m. they periodically during the day arrange a roll call. with this characteristic lion's roar to make sure that everything is fine with their brothers, everyone is alive and well. viktor agafonov, the owner of the park, is on duty here around the clock. the news is disappointing, the water continues to flow, but given that all the animals are still safe, the most important thing for him now remains their emotional state. these animals have already experienced stress, you this means they were taken from unfavorable conditions, maybe now after this flood, again they have stress, worries, some kind of therapy, maybe. therapy related specifically to the treatment was not needed, i repeat, this
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can be solved by eating delicious food with your loved one nearby, who will come scratch behind the ear, kiss the nose, say that everything is fine, lion on the nose, lion on the nose, absolutely, absolutely, then taking into account that that the weather is now unstable and rain could start at any moment, there is a risk that flooded areas in the park the water level will reach a critical level even more, then the question will arise about temporary transportation of all the animals, but here there are only more than sixty predators... stagnation of lymph can cause edema.
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lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. yours spring update. so, winter has arrived in the north of european territory. in arkhangelsk. frosts and snow, but for the north-west there is good news: no, the warmth will not return yet, tomorrow in pskov it will be +2, but at least the precipitation will stop, in the central district snowflakes may swirl in the evening, but mostly there will still be rain, against the background of further cooling, tomorrow from yaroslavl to kaluga a maximum of +8, in vladimir so far 11, in the middle volga generally 15, a cool wave will reach here a day later. in the south, heavy rains will occur only in the mountains mainly at night, and during the day. in sochi
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it will get colder to 17, in sevastopol to 16, no precipitation, but cloudy. in st. petersburg , snow is possible at night, during the day there is no precipitation, but not above zero, in moscow the cold snap is not so severe, at night +5, during the day +68 with light rain, on friday night it will freeze, the roads will be icy, and get ready, it will be friday on a cold day this week. clearly, this was a weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that's all for now, go to, see you. alpha friday - super cake every day a week from alfa bank. this friday, april 5 , we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable, alpha profitable. and
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and get free service forever. tinkov. beyond. in the village of paderino, tyumen region, a man was stabbed in the heart with a knife while he was sleeping at home. according to the investigation did this to an acquaintance of his to win the sport. thirty-six years old. the accused bet with her friend that she could kill their mutual friend. armed with a knife, the woman came to the private house of the thirty-six-year-old victim. the attacker struck him once in the chest area. the latter died on the spot from his wound. law enforcement officers detained the woman the very next day.


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