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tv   DNK  NTV  April 3, 2024 5:50pm-6:42pm MSK

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she was sent, but there is someone who is an organizer, an instigator, an accomplice, if she sort of joined this group, then here, of course, not only she should receive punishment, but all the people involved, this is very cruel, i would like to say that in all cases every person has the right to a fair trial, and no person can be declared guilty until his guilt has been legally established. thief of the court, if there is a need, i am certainly ready to advise, tell, somehow way to pay attention to some points. yana, how can the loved ones of the murdered person survive such grief? of course, you should seek help from specialists so that this process of grief can be accomplished, but you can live more competently and get out of it, yes, well, and not so that this process does not drag on, if your help is needed, will you be able to provide it? yes, sure. you know, i
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want to say this on my own behalf: i would really like there to be some other villain in this situation. well, i can’t believe that a mother of four children could do such a thing, just like man, i can't believe it. if this happened, she should certainly bear the punishment for it. tatiana, eduard, once again accept our condolences. remember that with any problem, you can turn to our program for help. we will continue tomorrow, right now, with a new dna test. tomorrow in the program beyond, a mother of many children is 33 years old, weighs 199 kg and is afraid that she will soon die from obesity. for 6 years now, i’ve been drinking goat, a liter every day, and always with waffles and cookies. catastrophe! the woman’s sister assures that the reasons for her excess weight are heredity. we have uncle weighed 200 kg. it turns out that initially we
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have such big, massive people in our family. the role of genetics is often exaggerated. will doctors be able to help a mother with many children return to normal life? the biggest risk during surgery is death. this is beyond the bounds. watch tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. no matter how much she tried to prove that... exists, for 27 years, nothing came of it, and her last hope is a dna test. in our studio taisiya muzaeva. hello. hello taisi. how did it happen that at the age of 27 you don’t have a passport? it so happened that my mother didn’t do the documents for me when i was a child, because i... was sick as
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a child, she wasted her time on treatment, that is, my mother didn’t do any documents at all, she didn’t do any documents at all, she wasted her time she went with me to hospitals, she went and treated me, she didn’t do it on time, and then you had some serious illness, i had an exhausted stomach, and how did she treat me in the hospital, if you didn’t even have a birth certificate, i don’t know this, that is, i am your only child. in the family, no, i'm not the only child, we have five children in our family, and aslan, the elder brother, ruslan, tamila, and i, taisya, and nastya, the younger sister, three of them, aslan, ruslan and tamila, everything is in order with the documents, but i the younger sister has no documents at all, and never had any, but the younger sister, why doesn’t she have documents, as i know from the words of my mother that...
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she also didn’t give her documents at one time because she was afraid that her father's relatives will take her away, so she was on bad terms with them, but since no documents, there was no one to pick up, so she explained like this, how was your mother able to get you into school? she negotiated, she went to school and explained, we had a small village, this is in the lugansk region. she explained that she told me that there is no way for the children to get documents now, so i ask you to take my children to study, so that they have at least some kind of education, and then don’t ask them to bring documents to get a certificate, for example, it was, they asked, she contacted the council about this, and that’s the same thing, well, i didn’t i know how she explained further, but the fact is that they didn’t kick us out, nothing, we also...
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continued our studies, that’s it, but it was only in college, when i went to college, there was a question: why didn’t my mother does in that time to? all the other students, they knew about it, they despised me, the fact that i’m nobody, i don’t exist, it was difficult, but it worked out, it turns out that from the documents you have a certificate and a diploma from secondary specialized education, well
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now you 27, what prevented my mother from doing the documents later, well, later i, even i i tried to make the documents myself. so i applied and my mother went with me to the passport office, to the ministry of internal affairs, to the mfc, so that for help, i said what my mother had, well , this is the situation, and i need documents, where should i start, they told me, here they took my documents, looked and said, well, this is impossible, well, what does it say that you don’t have documents, we have nothing to start from, we have nothing to cling to to help you. and so on every time. and your certificate and diploma were not accepted as proof that you exist? they they said that these are useless documents, they do not confirm your identity, so without this, well, even with these documents , no one exists. but you did this at
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your place of residence, in the lugansk region. were you born there? i was not born there, i was born in the ostrakhan region, uh. then there were successive moves to grozny, so, but since i was little, i was 3 years old, i don’t remember these moves, in the end my mother, well, we moved to the lugansk region, i realized that in lugansk they will also refuse me, but i want to live as a person, i want to have a document, i want to have a profession, i moved in 2019, no, i crossed the checkpoint, i decided to take this step, well, with great difficulty, i got to donetsk and i got to the gas station, there were buses leaving for moscow from there, so i got on the bus
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to moscow, then took the metro and took a taxi to chekhov, where my boyfriend lives, sorry. when i walked, i was very scared, i was afraid, but i understood that either i would do this, and i would live like a person, maybe something will work out for me, but how did your family react to the fact that you left, that you decided to take such a step, i... i didn’t tell him, except my mother, that i wanted to do something like this, she tried to dissuade me, because she knew that it was dangerous to take such a path, i cried, said that i want to live like a person, i demand, well, i have
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a need for this, that i have documents, to which my mother said, if you leave, i say, i won’t talk to you, it’s very dangerous, especially alone, but i still i persuaded my mother, she said that i needed it, otherwise i wouldn’t live, because i live, i don’t live, so my mother already agreed, she said: okay, if you decide so, i won’t be able to stop you , when you arrived in the moscow region, did you try to get documents? no, when i got to russia, well, i transferred, everything worked out for me, i found out that it is very dangerous, to go somewhere, i can be imprisoned, this is criminal liability, what i went through like this is criminal, i was afraid,
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that’s why at first i didn’t apply anywhere at all, then i was pregnant, i gave birth to a boy, after... you got pregnant, do you need to register? yeah, when i got pregnant, we lived right here in the moscow region, in the chekhov district, so my boyfriend and i decided that... if i register, well, no one will take me without documents, so for money, well, that is, i will undergo everything, of course for a fee, i will undergo everything for an ultrasound for a fee, that’s how it was, but how did you give birth, i i gave birth in voronezh, so they brought me there by ambulance, it was also very difficult there, that’s when they brought me. the doctors said, well, he says, well, who is she, she’s not there, it’s
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just, he says, not a person, how will we be in general, who will give birth, she’s not there, well, who is she, no one, here’s the doctor, he says, well we can’t throw her out into the street, she’s in labor, so he said, yes, after all, she’ll give birth here, i gave birth. the birth went well, i live with a young man, specifically the father, of the child, so they gave me the child, and you yourself now, who do you blame for finding yourself in such a situation without vital, necessary documents? i blame my mother, because she didn’t give me the document on time, because of this i have such troubles. we even argued about this, i said that if you had done everything to me on time, i
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would have been human, she understood that she was wrong, but she said that nothing could be changed, i didn’t want this to happen, well, what is, that is, this already, he says, cannot be changed, but what do you think yourself, why? she was able to get documents for the older children, no, i... and i asked my mother this question and she said that the older children had birth certificates from the very beginning, she did it right for them when they were born, i say that i’m an outcast somehow, it turns out that you love them, but you don’t love me, you don’t need me, why, i say, did you give birth to me then, she was offended, of course, but me too, i wouldn’t wish anyone to be in such a situation , yes, i love my mother... because she raised me anyway, because she she still made me a person, but
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this is the biggest mistake she made: she didn’t give me the documents. taiseya, your brother and sister assure that your mother did everything possible to get your sister’s documents done. our guests are ruslan and tamila muzaeva.
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ruslan, tell us what exactly your mother did to ensure that your sisters taisiya and anastasia had documents? she went to perevalsk, volchevsk, zaks wandered everywhere, but they told her, we will give a request, if an answer comes, well, a birth certificate. them she attacked me, my brother, my sister, the answer didn’t come to me, well, you think that mom did everything possible, she’s great, she put all her strength into helping us, only she couldn’t help her, and nastya, me too i went to her and saw what they were answering and what they were saying to my mother and sister, and taisa, even before she left, she also went with her mother and went, trying to get her documents done, even if she didn’t... did the documents, well, they have documents about education, schools, college, but
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my father, why didn’t he help in any way, we don’t have a real father, we don’t have raised by our father, we were raised by our father and he was like, we called him dad, he never punished us, he could scold us if we messed up something badly, he loved us very much, and we too, and he alienated us with so much love. .. and we still love him very much, although he is no longer there, that is, your mother is now alone without support. but he somehow helped with documents, he also invested this, earned money, tried to get us documents, took guardianship so that we could have a birth certificate and passports, our documents burned, when we lived in astrakhon, it turns out there was a fire, my mother’s documents and our documents were on fire, we were all without documents, well
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, my mother put in the effort, my mother and stepfather. they were able to get documents for the three of us, and my mother was able to restore her documents, no, the request did not go through, so they came to us, filed a request for astrakh, they sent us a certificate, but my mother’s secret documents did not come, that is, how much do you need it was years ago when all the documents burned, that was it, she can’t remember it, because how small i was, i was maybe six years old. and they are even smaller, well, as my mother said, it was just before we left, well, the move to the lugansk region happened, i don’t remember exactly when they burned down, when your mother gave birth to you, she had documents, that’s right, that’s when you were born, you should have been given a birth certificate to your mother, not a birth certificate, a birth certificate, as i understand it,
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these documents are not there either, a birth certificate, there was one, but it’s just there... with those documents like mom says she's here it was just one of those documents that burned. ruslan, taisti said that she was a sickly child, your mother did not have the opportunity to deal with documents. yes, there was a moment, she got sick, her stomach was exhausted, she was dying, this is what we have according to chechen laws, when the father dies, it turns out that the children are taken away.
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ran away from home, my mother looked for me for 2 years, i ended up in a shelter, but within two years she found me, she looked everywhere, found me, took me, from that moment i was with my mother all the time, for 2 years my mother was looking for you, yes mother when she started look, well, the child didn’t come home in the evening, i remember this moment, so she started looking, she contacted the police, the police answered her, we are looking for... people only after three days, when they disappeared, she barely survived these three days , because she loves all of us children, i know and felt this for sure, and after these three days the mother began to look, also the police, in hospitals, in these classmates, friends, everyone, she
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could not find him, because in it didn’t occur to me that he could be taken to a boarding school. then she wrote for 2 years, she was in contact with the police, that they should look for him so that she couldn’t find him for 2 years, ruslan, you were already 10 years old at that time, you said, yes, well, i didn’t remember the address , where i live, i was afraid, i was scared, i cried for 10, at least 10 years, well, i ended up, where i ended up, a shelter, where there are a lot of people, a lot of children, i was scared, it’s not in words... then, when after 2 years, i was sent from the shelter to a camp in chernukino gornyak, a letter just arrived in lugansk that my mother was looking for me, then from this shelter a letter to the camp, my mother came and took me, just on my birthday, i turned 12 years old, she took me.
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ekaterina, it’s not surprising to you that the mother, who sounded the alarm immediately, managed to find her son only two years later. years, in fact, the whole story really surprises me, we live in society, why didn’t she go to some acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintances, you come to some boss there, you just throw yourself at his feet, start screaming, yelling, he says , my son is missing, do something, i i can explain to you why this happened, it was so that you are talking about relatives, and there are acquaintances, acquaintances believed that she did not have documents, so the child might be better off... there, so we will not help you we’ll even be looking for him, they treated the mother like she’s irresponsible, that she doesn’t have documents, that some children there don’t have documents, that is... and your mother, she generally considers herself to be to blame for the fact that the children found yourself in such a situation without documents? yes, she thinks, she talks about it with tears
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guilt, she is worried and yes, she blames herself for not catching it in time, she did not realize in time that every child should have a document, just like her, she sees how difficult it is for me, how difficult it is for my younger sister without documents to live, she ’s trying... i see, i understand, that’s how it is at the sportswear and shoes megamarket with cashback up to 40%. this is a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let
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conversations are confidential. central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. this is the dna program. and today in our studio taisiya wants to prove that she exists, although at 27 years old she has neither a birth certificate nor a passport. tayce, your mother blames herself very much for your sister’s lack of documents. in direct contact with our studio. tamara muzaeva. hello tamara. hello. why didn’t you immediately issue a birth certificate for taisa? because she was sick from birth. it was necessary to save the child. we spent months with her in the hospital. she was dying, turning blue, lying under iv drips. i was sitting next to her. where would i find the time? well, it’s just that a birth certificate is issued literally in the first days of a child’s life. i just gave birth to her 3 days later. we
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arrived home, she began to get sick, when her health was restored, i went, the passport office, there in grozny, nowhere on they didn’t meet me because i don’t have documents, so they probably didn’t meet me halfway, then my husband got sick, when he died, all my children were taken away from me, my husband’s birth, immediately after his death, not thais’s crying. tamara, that’s how quickly you managed to get your children back after they were sent to live with your husband’s brothers, there is a sharia court there in chechnya, i went there and said that the children’s father had died, no one wanted my children there with my relatives and my husband, i i want to raise them myself, so that they can help me return them, they will help me they said, go tell them to give
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you the children. them, but even then, she was after an illness, taisa, when they returned her to me, her grandmother fed them only bread and water, taisa had severe stomach exhaustion, i was even afraid to pick her up, her skin was thin, just bones , the doctors couldn’t even give her an injection.
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she was sick with this stomach, the doctors said that her body was weak, it didn’t take, well , food, i saved her, because my children are dearer to me than my life, i love them all, and i want them to be like everyone else people had documents, that's why we turned to you for help. tamara, we, in turn, will now try to do everything to make your life a little
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easier. when you once again took care of your daughter’s health, i understand that it was at that moment that an accident happened to your documents? yes, i took my children. i treated my daughter a little there, went back to russia, treated her in hospitals there, too, but my documents were burnt there, then my godfather said, let’s go to ukraine, maybe we can restore your children’s documents there, well, that too it didn’t work out, i applied everywhere, everyone told me that your documents cannot be restored, well, my older children had these... we made requests, they received repeated certificates, because they were born in russia in astrokhan, we lived in the village , here is tamara, i understand that at that moment you lost your son, or rather he himself got lost, my son went for a walk with his
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friend and did not return, from that day i looked for him in all these shelters, in all the places where i could find him ... could, because he was small, he couldn’t explain where we were we live, but later i received a registered letter saying that your boy is in such and such a house, i went and picked him up, i looked for him for 2 years, i didn’t sit still, i left the children with their stepfather, i wandered everywhere, i was looking for him, and did anyone else help you with the children? yes, my godfather helped me, she tired me, she was sick, and she was there.
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my child and returned to the family while your children were temporarily, as you say, who and where did you not find time to restore your passport? i went, i went to the passport office, they seemed to make requests, i i didn’t see these requests, they didn’t show me, i went to the passport office, applied all the time, nothing moved, they gave me this certificate later, when i got tired of it, i said, do you have anything for me? do, they gave me this certificate that i had traveled illegally, i had to go to the russian consulate in order to receive citizenship, at that time i didn’t have that kind of money to go there, i didn’t
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go because i didn’t have the funds for this. tamara, it turns out that you already gave birth to your youngest daughter, nastya, without a passport, yes, when i got pregnant with her, her father, my husband. well , my roommate, he said, have an abortion, and i said, if i say, they won’t accept me, then i’ll give birth at home, well, i was registered in our hospital, i have cards for all the children, i have me, i gave birth there, well, thanks, of course, to nastya’s dad, he took part there, this roommate, he said, i’m her father, i want to take her, and so they gave her to me, nastya, and gave me some documents for nastya? exchange card, that's what was a certificate, that we didn't give anything else, a certificate, that's what's attached, that it was really born, well, there was a small certificate, with this certificate with this exchange card, i also applied to the passport office, to
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our law office, where they sent me, i went everywhere, but they kept telling me all the time, everyone who was a doctor died, archives everything... burned, look, tamara, how does it turn out, nastya’s father, he helped you, participated, he even managed to get a birth certificate, restore it to the older children, but why didn’t he help his own daughter, because his uncle wanted her pick me up if i gave her a certificate in their last name, they wanted to take her away from me, because of this i didn’t do it right away, he died later, didn’t live to see it, that is... your older children were taken away, you were afraid that someone will he pick up the youngest? yes, i now understand what had to be done, well, they sued me three times, they wanted to take me away, deprive me of my maternal rights, but they didn’t succeed,
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because when they arrived, the commission came, everything is fine with me there was nothing, they turned around and left and asked my daughter, little nastenka, are you with who do you want to live with, she said: i want to live with my mother. at this happiest moment, when the child chose his mother and he won’t go anywhere to his father’s family, why didn’t they give nastya a birth certificate ? they didn’t make it easy, that i don’t want taisya to have a passport, everyone is tired, but who do you think is to blame, tamara, that my daughters still don’t have documents, first of all, me, probably, because right away i didn’t do it if i had some kind of financial support, but i still... worked my life so that my children would go
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to school as well as everyone else, clothed, housed and fed, my daughter, forgive me for everything, mom , please don’t cry, tamara, aren’t you sorry that due to lack of documents you ca n’t come and visit your daughter, you can’t see your grandson, of course, i’m very sorry, i even called my mother, when i became pregnant, i said that mom, i would really like it if we could get the documents done before this time, while i give birth, so that you were all there, all of you are sister, brother, little sister, especially mom, i wanted her to be there, i said, i even cried, and mom too, well, everyone would like to be present, so that
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my little son, grandma would take him in her arms , uncle, sister, how old is your son, one and a half years old now? i hope that you will help us, get the documents done, all hope is on you, i pray to god that god bless you, this matter and in life in general, mom, don’t cry. elena, what do you think of tamara’s story? i really sympathize with this woman, just some a terrible confluence of circumstances, you know, one after another, and i see that this is really a man who fought for his family, this is some kind of stone age, just some kind of, for me this is some kind of horror, this cannot be, so that today a person in the 21st century cannot achieve that you are not a nobody? in this case
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, the absolute mother, i think, is to blame for everything. tamara, do you yourself think that you really did everything possible to ensure that your daughters did not end up in such a situation? well, i tried and did, i went, i’ve been going for 6 years the last ones for nastya in this passport office, everywhere when taisa was here, i went, treated taisa everywhere. the more gifts. greenfield club, you are
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invited. one reproach thrown out in a rush, and now you are already losing the people closest and dearest to you. 28 years ago, a family conflict separated a father from his older children. my dad, of course, he is not an angel, he does not communicate with his children, he, he does not know where his mother is, his brother abandoned him. if i tell the truth, who will like it, i personally don’t like to remember this matter. and now mikhailov. wants to make up for lost time, yes, it turned out that way, and also the story of yana, who has been looking for her younger brother for many years, the story is not easy, my mother met a man, someone beat me, it happened, then after that she left home, and he beat my mother, and stabbed her with a knife several times, then they called me sopik, they said that my mother is no more, maxim, i just want to hug you, at least see you, wait for me, friday at 17:55 on ntv. black
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i'm delighted, i'm just, i'm simply delighted. mask, anniversary fifth season. that's the end of the songs, everyone for a crack, a lollipop. on sunday at 2:20 on ntv. dna is on the air. twenty-seven-year-old taisti muzaeva wants to get a passport herself and help her younger sister prepare the documents. and for this she needs a dna test. taisti, a friend of your family is sure that you would have had the documents long ago if it weren’t for your mother’s eternal excuses. we have galina andreeva in our studio. stupid girl, where did you go with this?
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such a distance from me, galina, yes, how long have you known tamara? i know tamara, in 2010 i moved with my family to the same, well, settlement, and how did you find out that tamara has her my daughters don’t have documents, but i found out quite by accident from a neighbor, when it came to getting the girls into school, college, or further education, the neighbor said that there would be no problems with tamila, with taisa, i don’t know what to do, she asked why , maybe taisa hasn’t yet decided on a profession, she wants to be someone, so she says, no, she doesn’t have a passport at the moment, i say, well, take the means of birth, go, she says, there’s also a problem, a birth certificate also missing, i'm sitting like this
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some kind of thing, but how can it be, i say, it can’t be, i say, something might have happened to the documents, they need to be restored? she says, they never existed, and you didn’t try to somehow talk, to reason with tamara, you talked, she says, well, when we left there, well, we crossed, she says, we lost, then we had different other stories , to the point that her documents were burned, then there was the most incredible story for me that children in chechnya, well, why don’t they register until they are a year old, we realized that there were no answers let's wait, that's how we decided. to act on our own, taisya and i personally went to the passport office, entering the passport office, they immediately recognized us by sight, because when they go there, they immediately look at her, he says, you ’ve come, he says, you’ve been here recently, how old are you? you can explain that without my mother’s documents it is impossible to get documents for her, she had a certificate, well, as
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an identification, when they started to find out what they were saying, well, let’s start getting this certificate, well, what are you saying, this certificate is so outdated and why does she say , only now they were thrown out, because it was possible back in 2004, i did all this, i left illegally with this certificate, another certificate. i didn’t have, wait, you had a temporary identification certificate, that’s right, that’s what it is, with this certificate you could make documents in 2004, and in general , when we talked to lawyers, everyone asked the question, why are you i didn’t immediately make documents for myself, and then the children had to do documents? in 2004, when i received this certificate, i did not have the opportunity what to do, i didn’t have money, i... how would i go there to the russian consulate to take citizenship, if i
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didn’t have money to go there, they came from one, from another country to another, she and four children crossed , really, they couldn’t pay attention to a woman like you did, you weren’t carrying kittens in a bag, you were traveling with children, so either you didn’t say that you had documents, most likely they, maybe you lost them, i don’t you are different, but you crossed paths. arrange for school, kindergarten, think about what to feed, and you just took it and crossed into nowhere, into the unknown, what were you thinking about, you didn’t think about them, now she ’s talking according to this certificate, and why now they won’t give her a document based on this certificate, because crabgrass i don’t understand this certificate, it’s 20 years old, no matter how much we travel, this certificate was there all the time, no one... undertook to do it. galina, despite the fact that tamara did not take care of the documents, did you continue to help taisa? yes, i contacted a lawyer, he says, in general
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, they are needed at least, if there is nothing already, well she says she has some relatives there , but i need at least last names, first names, well , who she remembers, someone she knows from there, to make a request there, to contact relatives who could confirm that it’s really her , tamara, when they already started with her. asks, let’s talk, she says that this one died, that one died, they don’t want to communicate, well, who did you contact at least, you didn’t contact, because they didn’t give us a last name, first name, or patronymic, who should we contact? , tamara, why were they calling her the names of her relatives, they won’t help, they won’t will communicate with us, we found one boy who is their uncle, son, he said, none of us will help you...
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let's see the plot. taiziya muzaeva has already lost count of how many times she came to the bus station in the hope of buying a bus ticket to lugansk to visit her mother, brother and sisters, but she was unable to purchase the coveted pass either at the ticket office or online. you see, i can’t go to lugansk without documents, because i don’t have a passport, without this i won’t buy a ticket and won’t go there. i really miss my family. “i worry about nastya, i worry about my mother, how her own life would have turned out if her father and her son weren’t there, taisya
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is afraid to even imagine, thanks to him i managed to rent this apartment in the village of dubna, moscow region, my husband sleeps here on this bed, here we sleep with our child, we store my husband’s things in this drawer, in this drawer we store such toys for my son, here are my things here, mostly the owner’s things are here, the furnishings in the apartment are modest, the renovation is old , but improve the temporary taisya has no desire for housing, now they have to wash up in the kitchen, and assemble the dining table in parts, part comes from the table, we put it up, we chemically did it ourselves, we did it that way, over there is a brown, black, black box, here it’s just very convenient for us to put that tabletop on it, and we
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sit here just very comfortably on the sofa,


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