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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 4, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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come in, boor, all-weather and invincible torus, what is it responsible for and what is the anti-aircraft missile system. 70. 5 years in the so-called defense, why nato was created and how much death and destruction in its history, and also why the ambassadors of the eu countries in slovakia were criticized by prime minister robert fitz. the secret of the success of the main moscow komsomolets pavel guzev celebrates the anniversary of the return of the legendary romeo and juliet to the bolshoi theater. this is the program today in the zaboisty studio. hello. sending a french contingent to ukraine will create.
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problems for paris itself, defense minister sergei shaigu said in a telephone conversation with the head of the french military department, sebastian licarnu. at the same time, during the negotiations, a readiness for dialogue on ukraine was noted. the starting points could be based on the istanbul peace initiative, shaigu emphasized. his french colleague expressed condolences in connection with the tragedy in crocus city hall, while persistently trying to convince kiev and western countries of the non-involvement in this monstrous attack, blaming the prohibited isis. our minister emphasized: the investigation that has begun will be completed, and all those responsible will be punished. there is information about the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. shaigu noted, and i quote: since the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators, we hope that in this case the french intelligence services are not behind this. end of quote. let me add that the conversation took place at the urgent request of the french side. military personnel of the vostok group alone.
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a volley of hail destroyed the hangar of ukrainian neo-nazis with several american howitzers in the southern dodensky direction, the ministry of defense reported, the personnel of the crew were given state awards for completing the task, and there, through the efforts of the crew of the tor anti-aircraft missile system, missiles flying towards mariupol and a relay drone were shot down. ukrainian militants use such things to increase the flight range and pv drones by two or even three times. then how our... military cover the sky, mikhail chernov observed. inside the tor anti-aircraft missile system - the bustle of work, warming up the antenna stabilization system, followed by beta search, circular rotation of the detection station, thanks to the efforts of the designers , everything seems to fit into this machine. this is how the thor crew works, there is not much space inside, but it is enough, considering that this unique vehicle inside has a detection station and a guidance station and an ammunition load of eight missiles. today everything is as usual, another one is on the horizon. aircraft
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-type attack drone we observe the range is far away too far 122 range 22 height 800 speed 12 this is far we won’t take it will come closer we will work thor’s crew is not waiting as usual five minutes pass before the ukrainian drone enters the affected area and then follows a well-established algorithm: turn the key, launch the missile. she went, she went, she went, the target was destroyed. the team has already worked together for a year and a half, all are career military men, the commander is called a wanderer, the senior lieutenant is a graduate of the military academy, everything is already familiar, we are literally at home, we understand each other perfectly, roughly speaking, well, it’s like a family already, for them in a literal sense, movement and life, having knocked down another target, move again, the brake once again changes position, unique feature to work even while driving. firing rockets vertically
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upward. mechanic, driver stork, experienced fighter, in the army for almost a decade and a half, fought in syria, understands the hardware of toruses, foreign drones. unmanned aerial vehicles, leleka, valkyrie, now they have a lot of other classifications, all these guys use them, which are agricultural, many very different modifications, mostly all some foreign analogues, nato, yes, the usa, britain, on the eve.
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with the onset of darkness comes the time for a thermal imaging sight, which means again the night is not a hindrance to work, come on, come on, come on, come on, dear, come on, there, you hit, the target is destroyed, the cost is the same, in their work they are pedants, thorough and prudent, with their own unwritten rules, after all , the sky is protected, here god protects the careful, we are all believers here, orthodox, so... that’s why we always have this amulet with us in the car, which protects us, and here we have we have a difficult moment at the car how he protects us. mikhail chernov, andrey bedyanov, dmitry tsarkov, ntv south donetsk direction. it was created to counter
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the soviet union, and is now being used to put pressure on russia. on this day, 75 years ago , the history of the organization of the north atlantic treaty, in short, began. nato. over the years of its existence, the military bloc has experienced several waves of expansion , each time getting closer and closer to our borders. about the past and present of the alliance, sergei kholoshevsky. it all started in '48, 3 years after the end of the second world war. in march , belgium, great britain, luxembourg, the netherlands and france concluded the so-called brussels pact to counter the soviet union. at the same time, secret us negotiations are ongoing. and canada, as a result, on april 4, 1949 in washington , representatives of twelve countries already signed the treaty. on behalf of the government of the people of the united states, i warmly welcome the foreign secretaries gathered here to sign the north atlantic treaty. april 4, 1949
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the north atlantic treaty was signed between france, belgium, luxembourg, the netherlands, great britain, and norway. iceland, canada and the usa. in general, even then no one in the west hid that the alliance was being created to confront the ussr in fear of its power. moreover, even then, in 1949, moscow offered its participation in the creation of nato, but was refused. this is how joseph stalin wrote about it in response to british minister morison. mr morison argues that the north atlantic pact is a defensive pact, that it does not pursue goals of aggression. that, on the contrary, it is directed against aggression, if this is true, then why did the initiators of this pact not invite the soviet union to take part in this pact, why did they isolate themselves from the soviet union, why did they conclude it behind their backs in secret from the ussr? hasn’t the ussr proven that it
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knows how and wants to fight against aggression, for example, against hitler’s and japanese aggression. the image of an enemy was vital to the west and the soviet union was ideal. for conducting negotiations with the ussr. pawn the foundations of the military bloc did not hesitate to invite professionals, that is, former wehrmacht generals. erich vonmannstein, who commanded the nazi group in crimea and was sentenced to 17 years in prison in nurmerg, became an adviser to the german chancellor on
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defense. the list of other fascists in nato service is quite long; having fought first on the eastern front, they later occupied key positions in the alliance in different years. exactly. the nazis laid the foundations for the development of military theories of the alliance, according to which nato still operates today. only 6 years later in may on the 5th, the soviet union created the warsaw pact organization in response. by this time, greece and turkey had already joined nato. well, more to come. in fifty-five - west germany, in eighty-two - spain, later united germany. in ninety-nine - hungary, poland and the czech republic. in 2004 bulgaria, latvia, lithuania, estonia, romania, slovakia and slovenia. in 2009 croatia and albania, in 2017 montenegro, in the twentieth north macedonia. and finally, last year finland, this year sweden. and yet at the beginning
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in the nineties, during the unification of germany, the americans swore that the alliance would not expand if the ussr withdrew its troops from the gdr, then secretary of state bicker, like... a card sharper, separated gorbachev and shavardnadze. which would you prefer? a united germany outside of nato, completely independent without american troops, or a united germany maintaining its ties to nato but with the guarantee that nato jurisdiction or troops will not extend east of the current border. gorbachev replied that expansion nato to the east is unacceptable, but in reality everything turned out differently. in 2008, vladimir putin issued a final warning to the alliance. after georgia and ukraine were proposed as nato candidates. the emergence on our borders of a powerful military bloc, the actions of whose members are regulated, among other things, by article five of the washington treaty. will be perceived in russia as a direct threat to the security of our country,
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the statement that this process is not directed against russia cannot satisfy us. by that time, nato's punishing club in hands of western democrats. nato aircraft already bombed the serbs in bosnia in ninety-five, in ninety-nine without any un approval, they began to bombard yugoslavia with bombs and missiles. nato has always loved symbolism. nato generals developed operations to punish undesirables for a certain date, for example, 25 years ago they struck yugoslavia, timed to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the alliance. at the same time , the belgrade television center was attacked and the future president of yugoslavia, aleksandar vucic, searched here under the rubble for his mother, who worked for television editor. he found his mother, then she learned to walk again, but the sevsky president remembered for the rest of his life the lesson that the western alliance personally taught him. so be surprised by that. it’s not worth it that all serbs remember how they were bombed and who exactly took kosovo from them. we will never join
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nato and will maintain military neutrality, even if you take away kosovo with your lies, we will never give up our right to freedom. after yugoslavia bombed belgrade , afghanistan led to the shameful flight of american troops from there. there was iraq, libya and syria, tens of thousands killed and maimed. as it turned out, peace and stability were not the goal for nato. generals, and even when western politicians extended a hand, they responded with arrogant refusals. at a meeting here in the kremlin with the beaten clinton, who is leaving power, here you are in the next room. i told him and asked a question: listen, bill, what do you think, if russia raised the question of joining nato, do you think it would be possible? suddenly he said: you know, this is interesting, i think so. and in the evening, when we met him, it was already dinner, he says: you know, i talked
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with my people, with my team, no, no, this, this is now, this is impossible, he can ask him, yes, i think he will hear our interview, confirm, i would never i began to say something like that, if this had not happened, well , okay, now it’s impossible, sincerely then, would you have joined nato? look, i asked a question. units liberated bratislava from the fascist invaders. now the alliance is not just flirting, but also actively supporting
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the nazis, and the role of the ussr, which then at the cost the unimaginable losses saved the world are trying to be erased from the memory of new generations. ambassadors of european countries working in slovakia refused to honor the memory of fallen soviet soldiers. prime minister robert fitz called such an act a manifestation of disrespect for the massive heroism of soviet soldiers. pay in full. the people of the former soviet union paid the most for the atrocities committed by hitler and his clique. laying wreaths at the slav memorial is the least we can do to remember the suffering that fascism caused. we invited all the ambassadors of the eu countries, and former allies of the former soviet union, and of course, the ambassadors of russia, belarus and ukraine. this is shocking, but the ambassadors of the eu countries justified their refusal to participate in the official laying ceremony only by the fact that they take it into account.
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the cities of slovakia with the dates of their liberation are listed on the walls. according to various sources , almost 64,000 red army soldiers died in battles with the nazis on the territory of slovakia. next is a short advertisement, after which we will show how the civilian excursion ended in israel to parliament, as well as the return to the big theater of the legendary production of romeo and juliet. at bigfest you definitely choose
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earthquake in a quarter of a century is coming from taiwan, as well as video moments that almost became tragic. here is footage where the driver found himself during an earthquake in the mountains, noticing. rockfall, one of them tried to back up, but at that very moment a huge boulder flew straight at him and almost carried him into the abyss. another stone was literally chasing a car with a car registrator. now rescuers continue to clear the rubble on the island. according to the latest data, nine people were killed , more than a thousand, about 100 are still blocked and awaiting help from rescuers. the domestic political situation in israel is heating up sharply; thousands of demonstrators continue to besiege the parliament building. we demand the resignation of prime minister netanyahu, now a protest has been staged inside the knesset, it all started in the observation room, from where citizens can watch the work of parliamentarians, the windows separating them from meeting room.
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cannot decide on his attitude towards netanyahu’s actions. the day before, biden said that his heart was broken after the deaths of the volunteers. and netanyahu himself apologized, admitting that
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the idf struck the humanitarian mission vehicles by mistake. but now white house spokesman john kirby said, i quote: we have not recorded a single incident where israel violated international humanitarian law. in the work of whatsapp, as well as instagram and facebook, which are recognized as extremist and banned in russia , something happened. global disruption, business news marina piminova. marina, what happened, who is to blame? rosklomnadzor says that they have nothing to do with it and that there are probably problems in the infrastructure of the services themselves. users of the services of the metto company, which is recognized as an extremist banned in russia, have encountered disruptions around the world. complaints came from russia, great britain, india, the usa and other countries. as follows from the down detector data, failures on whatsapp began the day before at about 9 pm and continued.
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since there were problems with whatsapp a month ago. the russian stock market grew for 8 days starts the ninth in a row. the moscow exchange index rose above the level of 3,400 points for the first time since february 2022. investors are looking at rising prices for oil and gold and are preparing for dividends from russian companies. the ruble is getting cheaper in the morning. the dollar is 92.43, the euro has risen above 100. the yandex company explained why the voice assistant alice retells the cartoon masha and medvedev so scary. on the internet you can find plenty of videos of users asking a smart speaker why masha from the cartoon lives alone and they get something like this answer. alice, why masha
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no parents from the movie masha and the bear? masha lives without her parents, because she is most likely a ghost, only animals can see her and she does not grow, her parents, apparently, moved out of that house after masha’s death, and she is tormenting the bear. in some cases, yandex continues, alice could answer incorrectly, but now she no longer does that. i’m even scared to imagine what she will say about the cop’s past. thank you, marina piminova with
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business news. today is the birthday of the legend of russian journalism pavel gusev, on the eve of the anniversary it became known that the editor-in-chief of the moscow komsomolets was awarded the order of merit for the fatherland , fourth degree. the presidential decree states that the award is given for great contribution to the development of the media and many years of diligent work. mk under the leadership of gusev became one of the most popular newspapers in our country. edmund dzholbynov tried to find out the secret of success. the working day in the editorial office of moskovsky komsomolets begins with a meeting of the heads of all departments, like this every day. and for 41 years now the head of the table is invariably pavel gusev, the editor-in-chief at his post on his birthday. today he turned 70. rather
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, fossils, it was a hobby, it entered into me, as a boy, it couldn’t get out, it’s geology and travel, and uh, already at school i organized a small museum of geological exhibits. a new life began after working in the komsomol and a second higher literary education, and then in eighty-three, pavel gusev was offered to become the editor-in-chief of the city newspaper. circulation of 70,000 copies, well, i'm here i felt that i had to change something, the newspaper, yes, in general it occupies its niche in the political life of the komsomol, but i wanted more, i wanted people to come, so for the first time not a party worker appeared on the front page, but soviet athlete, he won international competitions, he is a hero today, he is a leader today, everything is about him...
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he says, i was told this is impossible, sports should not be on the front page, i say, well , let's try, he insisted, we did it , late eighties, early nineties, moscow komsomol member was thundering, in the mid -nineties, every fourth resident of moscow read our newspaper, pavel gusev considers this achievement one of the main ones, but this is not the only area of ​​​​life where there is a reason for pride, here are the americans from... a few years ago book: the greatest hunters of the world, their trophy rooms, well, i can be proud that pavel gusev is here, here we are just standing, pavel gusev devoted more than half his life to the moscow komsomol member, it lasts longer, except that his passion for trophy hunting, this extensive collection was collected by an experienced shooter over half a century, having traveled all continents, all climatic zones and time
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zones, in a sense this is... after all, it is also a pursuit of the exclusive, so the principles of journalism are partly at work here, the first to see the trophy, the first got it when you 've been doing trophy hunting for a long time, you can tell how many elephants you have, how many elk you have, deer , everything, well, everyone will listen, yes, and then they just ask you, do you have a ram? s himalayan, do you have this trophy? when you say yes, and he is still included in the book of records, everyone stands up, applauds and shakes hands, this is the most difficult hunt, he is a ram. pavel gusev keeps his collection in a country house, but is now negotiating to open a public hunting museum in moscow, so that all these trophies are preserved for people, so that people can come and see animals from all over the world, and this is the desire to do something specifically for people , the same competitive advantage that, as pavel
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gusev admits, helped him develop. moscow komsomolets from the level of a city newspaper to the status of one of the ten most widely read publications with a multi-million audience in russia abroad. i managed, i’m proud of it, i managed to create my own team, the mk team. and for me this is very important. and it is very important that many journalists from my team work today on central television.
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the film flying ship was watched by more than 2.5 million viewers in less than 2 weeks, the film has already earned almost 700 million rubles. in the near future, fees will only increase, film distributors think. the special thing about this film is that it is an event film. there are only one or two such films released in a whole year, and finally this film has hit the screens . the three-month holidays are ahead, i... another love story returns to the stage of the bolshoi theater; a ballet with the legendary fate of the story of the premiere of romeo and juliet , staged by the famous choreographer leonid lavrovsky, has taken place yet in 1940,
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the sad story of the verona lovers was staged... the performance invariably aroused admiration and a storm of applause. recently the ballets were decided to restore the big one to the repertoire, how the corpses and technical staff are preparing for the premiere, will tell. the technical staff is preparing for the premiere no less thoroughly than the ballet dancers; there will be a new curtain for the performance, and spiritual food on the menu - shakespeare's tragedy. we wanted to make potatoes and carrots, but it turns out there were no potatoes with carrots at that time. the main dish of this holiday has been tested through eras and centuries; it is with these props that the bolshoi stage will be feasted. and at these steps a battle will happen, the mantecas and the capulets will fight. for the premiere
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, a canvas by peter williams was taken out of the large storage facilities; this is the original fabric, original paints from the first production by leonid lavrovsky. this is the largest set hall in russia, comparable to a large theater. this is where the scenery is installed and the curtains are restored. now, for example, work is underway on a canvas for romeo and juliet. the ball was written back in the late forties of the last century. but they decided to sew the clothes again, the new costumes were created in the likeness of the authentic ones. few weeks it took to dress one of the main characters, mercutso. so there is a lot of work. the work is interesting, complex, voluminous, huge. we work even on weekends. lavrovsky personally checked the work of the sewing workshop. he himself played the role of romeo on the bolshoi stage. in this performance he is employed as a recovery buletmeya. the costumes are made wonderfully, the execution of the sewing department is wonderful.
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it was done very beautifully, i can’t say anything. well, let's look at the stage, at the rehearsal. mikhail lavrovsky's father created one of the most famous history of ballet productions by shakespeare. the premiere took place back in the thirty-eighth year about... krysanova vladislav lantratov in the role of romeo, juliet in this performance is played by ekaterina , he worked to preserve the original performance. i am incredibly
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happy that this performance is returning today to our theater, to the bolshoi theater, this is a legendary performance. what will this historical reconstruction of one of the most come out like? why today the story of romeo and juliet is the most successful performance in the entire history of the great is still relevant, the answers to these questions will be given by big artists. anton talpa, natalya okmaikina, stanislav skripnik, ulyana talpa and vladislav kulachikhin, ntv. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. stagnation of lymph. cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce
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swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring update. hello, about the weather for tomorrow. a cyclone is approaching the far east, from siberia. on his way are amurskolby, transbaikalia and the western regions of yakutia. the forecast is mostly sleet and rain, with snow in yakutia. in the south, the weather is controlled by an anticyclone, in primorye and in the south of the khabarovsk territory it is sunny and + 8:10. most of eastern siberia is also under the wing of an anticyclone, but it has already become sharply cold here, especially in taimyr in ovinkiye. in the south, western siberia, and the urals, the temperature on the contrary, it rushed upward. in omsk it will warm up to +12, in yekaterinburg up to 16°. but already on saturday the urals are expecting cold weather. these are the tricks of the atlantic cyclone, its funnel is spinning over eemal, cold prospects in the volga region in the central region, the temperature will drop by 10 degrees . it will also get colder in the south, but the temperature will still remain above normal, in sochi tomorrow it will be 18, to the north-west.


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