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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv. goodbye. recruitment and funding. fsb officers detained three more people suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack in sitikholme. zakrok. the city, according to the enemy, is alone, fire, night, not an obstacle to combat work, how do russian artillerymen work in the dark, 75 years of nato, how many wars has the supposedly exclusively defensive alliance unleashed during this time? about the main thing, for this minute in the studio. hello. let's start with
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breaking news. the fsb reported that they had detained three more involved in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall. a russian citizen and two foreigners were detained in moscow, omsk and yekaterinburg. according to the intelligence service, two detainees transferred money to buy weapons and a car in which the terrorists tried to escape. the third took part in recruiting accomplices of the attack. in connection with the terrorist attack , 10 suspects were previously arrested, including four alleged perpetrators. but the last one. other goals are not visible, they don’t exist, because russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks from islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that
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demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic, and in the external arena it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack from islamic fundamentalists, this is the goal of undermining the unity of russian society,
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the agro-industrial complex, the service sector, many other sectors of the economy, the social sphere, with the help of digital technologies, automation of production of management processes, modern management processes, which in in turn, should directly lead to improved working conditions for specialists and an increase in their income. industry competence centers should help in this work, where the best lean manufacturing practices will be generalized and replicated. we will continue to create such centers throughout the country. production centers, the president especially noted that the most important task of trade unions is to push the management of enterprise owners to modernize and introduce the best technologies. also, according to putin, the government is now forming a forecast personnel needs of the economy. graduates, stated.
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the conversation took place at the urgent request of paris, the parties noted their readiness for dialogue on ukraine, its starting points could be based on the istanbul peace initiative, while it was emphasized that holding a summit on ukraine in geneva without the participation of the russian delegation is pointless. the french minister expressed condolences over the tragedy in crocus. shaigu said that the investigations that have been launched will certainly be completed and all those responsible will be punished. and reported on the available data on the ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack. the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators; we hope that the french intelligence services are not behind this, shaigum noted. as follows from our message.
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nabron, following the negotiations, sebastian licarniu persistently tried to convince his interlocutor of non-involvement in the terrorist attack in ukraine and western countries, shifting responsibility to isis, which is banned in russia. in the special operation zone, russian troops improved their position, advancing by kupinsky, donetsk and ovdeevsky directions. air strikes, drone strikes, missiles, and artillery destroyed ammunition depots, mercenary deployment points, and places where manpower and equipment accumulated. air defense forces shot down about 200 enemy drones and a sunt-27 heavy fighter. the fire continues in the suburbs of artyomovsk, rocket-propelled artillery is hitting the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine, allowing russian assault groups to methodically move forward. batteries destroy the enemy even in the dead of night, this makes it easier to hide your location and not get hit by a retaliatory attack fire. aleksey ivleev studied the peculiarities of combat work in the dark. the main life on these military roads begins at dusk. there are no women, hedgehog, no
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furies, no kamikaze drones. it is at this time that artillery moves into combat positions to destroy the enemy. density of birds during the day. in the sky on both sides in the area of ​​settlements near artyomovsky is so high that any movement freezes, and as soon as it gets dark, the roads come to life and immediately rush to the contact line vehicles with reinforcements, ammunition and food, artillery, conventional and rocket, begins to work. the commander of a howitzer division with the call sign batu rushes towards the front line along broken roads at a speed of 90.
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the main task of the bata is to support with fire our advancing assault units in the area of ​​kleshcheevka, andreevka, konstantinovka and chasovo yaro, in a counter-battery fight reminiscent of. chess game to destroy an enemy weapon, often of a nato type. we opened three sevens, i’ll say three axes, so as i understand it, she also hid us, that is, we hit her, she hit us. on the account of the subordinates of the baht there are french caesars and american three sevens. a short briefing before entering the forward position of artillerymen at night about distance and light. camouflage 25-30 m, no less, no less, exclude light, listen carefully to the air, if there is any buzzing, we transmit it along the chain, air, bird, no matter, at the position in the dugout we try to talk to the gun commander with the call sign thunder, even , begins
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work, they began to hit less often, there are shells, thunder, thunder, write numbers, write numbers, a second, trailer, 36 level 35 goniometer 0.473 nava is now in direct contact with our assault troops and is ready to support them with the fire of our howitzers, closing the city by the enemy will only get fire, but it was a mortar, it was revealed, it was necessary to scare him a little so that he would calm down, guys, as i understand it now. they were conducting reconnaissance, he was disturbing them, the guys asked to scare him, well , they scared him with one shot, the guys there calmed down a little, our guys are working further. at this time, at a neighboring position , the grad crew is preparing to strike to disrupt the enemy’s rotation. the guys have a rare type of combat vehicle based on zil. in total
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, 500 of these cars were produced in the soviet union. and faith and truth, they served in afghanistan. it's a pity that we're filming in complete darkness at night. 75 years ago, the history of the north atlantic treaty organization began. nato was created to counter the soviet union and was preserved to put pressure on russia. over the years of its existence, the military bloc has experienced several waves of expansion, each time increasingly was getting closer to our borders. about
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the past and present of the alliance. sergei khloshevsky. it all started in '48, 3 years after the end of the second world war. the usa and canada, as a result, on april 4 , forty de washington... representatives of 12 countries have already signed the agreement. on behalf of the government of the people of the united states, i warmly welcome the foreign ministers gathered here to sign the north atlantic treaty. on april 4, 1949 , the north atlantic treaty was signed between france, belgium, luxembourg, the netherlands, great britain, norway, denmark, italy, portugal, iceland, and the usa. in general, even then no one in the west hid that the alliance was being created to confront the ussr out of fear
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of its power. moreover, even then, in 1949, moscow offered its participation in the creation of nato, but was refused. this is how joseph stalin wrote about it in response to british minister morison. mr morison argues that the north atlantic pact is a defensive pact, that it does not pursue the goals of aggression; on the contrary, it is directed against aggression. if this. right, then why didn’t the initiators of this pact invite the soviet union to take part in this pact, why did they isolate themselves from the soviet union, why did they conclude it behind their backs in secret from the ussr, didn’t the ussr prove that it knows how and wants to fight against aggression, for example , against hitler and japanese aggression. the image of an enemy was vital to the west; the soviet union was ideal for this role. the first nato agent is british general gassens.
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from the new military bloc, without hesitation, they invited professionals, that is, former generals of the wehrmacht, erich vonmannstein, who commanded the nazi group in crimea and was sentenced in nyurga to 17 years in prison, became an adviser to the german chancellor on defense, the list of other fascists in the nato service is quite long, having first fought in eastern front, they later occupied key positions in the alliance in different years; it was the nazis who laid the foundations for the development of military theory.
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spain, later united germany, in 1999 hungary, poland and the czech republic. in 2004 bulgaria, latvia, lithuania. croatia and albania, in 2017 montenegro, in the twentieth north macedonia, finally last year finland in this year sweden. and in the early nineties, during the unification of germany, the americans swore that the alliance would not expand if the ussr withdrew its troops from the gdr, then secretary of state baker, like a card sharper, separated gorbachev and shavardnadze. would you prefer: a united germany outside of nato, completely independent without american troops, or a united
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germany maintaining its ties to nato, but with a guarantee that nato jurisdiction or troops will not extend east of the current border. gorbachev responded that nato's expansion to the east was unacceptable, but in reality everything turned out differently. in 2008 , vladimir putin issued a final warning to the alliance. after georgia and ukraine were proposed as nato candidates.
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nato generals developed the punishment of undesirables for a certain date, for example, 25 years ago they struck at yugoslavia to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the alliance, at the same time they struck at belgrade television center, and the future president of serbia aleksandar vucic was here looking for his mother, who worked as an editor on television, under the rubble, his mother... found, then she learned to walk again, but the cordial president forever learned the lesson that the western alliance personally taught him, so is it surprising that all serbs remember how to... maintain military neutrality, even if you take away kosovo with your lies, we will never join nato and will give up our right to freedom. after yugoslavia bombed belgrade there was afghanistan the shameful flight of american troops from there, there was iraq, libya and syria, tens of thousands were killed
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and crippled. as it turned out, peace and stability were not the goal for nato generals, and even when western politicians. already for dinner, he says: you know, i talked with my people, with my team, no, no, this, this is impossible now, he can ask him, but i think he will hear our interview, confirm, i would never what to say like that, if it hadn’t happened, well, okay, now it’s impossible, you were sincere then, would you join in?
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look, i asked the question, is this possible or not? and received the answer: no, now nato declares its new goal, the strategic defeat of russia in ukraine, sends death to the ukrainians and acts as they were taught by hitler’s generals, advisers and assistants to the founders of the north atlantic alliance. sergei kholoshevsky, natalya markevich, vlada radochivich and boris filchikov, ntv european bureau. belgrade. fas made claims against the company apple, antimonopoly officers.
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fas believes that apple's actions include signs of violation of antitrust laws, namely, it creates preferential conditions for third-party developers not from russia, in particular for the apple pay payment system. antimonopoly officials give an example: for the ios operating system , payment is available only using apple pay, it is impossible to link cards of russian banks to it, at the same time, installing services, for example, sberpay and teinkovpay on iphones, is also not possible, the first and second service on the website say, that they only work with the android system. in february of this year the head ministry of digital development maksud shadayev said that the ministry is preparing a bill that will oblige apple to allow third-party applications to be installed on devices in russia. today it became known that law enforcement agencies detained igor lepustin, ceo of one of the largest betting companies melbet. he,
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as the press service of the tverskoy court of moscow clarifies, is suspected of fraud on an especially large scale. maximum punishment under this article. up to 10 years in prison, the investigation demands the arrest of igor lepustin. according to the spark database, he is the ceo of melofon, which owns the melbet domain. in june twenty-two, the bookmaker melbet became the title partner of the first league, the second strongest russian football division. in 2023 , milafon’s net profit amounted to rub 3,900 million. the russian stock market has been growing for 8 days in a row, which seems to be the mood. on the ninth. the moscow exchange index rose above the level of 3,400 points for the first time since february of twenty-two. the main driver of purchases, as alor broker analysts say, investors' desire to receive dividends, which could be record-breaking, has become. the ruble balances the dollar at these minutes 92:21, and the euro periodically climbs above the 100
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ruble mark. yandex explained why alice's voice assistant is like this. scary retelling of the cartoon masha and the bear. on the internet you can find plenty of videos of users asking a smart speaker: why does masha from the cartoon live alone, and receives something like this answer. alice, why doesn’t masha have parents from the movie masha and the bear? masha lives without parents because she is most likely a ghost. only animals can see it and it does not grow. parents, apparently, left that house after masha’s death. they moved out, and she is torturing the bear, because, perhaps, it was he who tore her to death , this is the example given the day before by the commissioner for children’s rights in st. petersburg, anna mityanina. tells deputies of the city parliament about how bad the internet affects children, and although some deputies answered her, they say they grew up on cartoons, but wait a minute, there’s a wolf there a parasite and smokes, yandex still
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took the statement seriously and explained it. in cases where alice cannot answer the user’s question herself, she takes information from open sources. in some cases, yandex continues, alice could answer incorrectly, but now she no longer does that. ilya, i have everything. thanks niev for the economic review. spectator in the capital. next up is the release of the program today in moscow. and we will continue our broadcast for other regions of the central part of the country. ambassadors of european countries those working in slovakia refused to honor the memory of soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of bratislava. diplomats decided that they would not participate in the ceremony at the memorial with...
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hitler and his clique, paid by the peoples of the former soviet union. laying wreaths at the slavs' memorial is the least we can do to remember the suffering that fascism caused. we invited all ambassadors of eu countries and former allies of the former soviet union. on the battlefields, prague is buried with military honors on the territory of the war memorial the slavin complex, its obelisk towers over the center of bratislava, on the walls
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the cities of slovakia are listed with the dates of their liberation. according to various sources, almost 64,000 red army soldiers died in battles with the nazis in the country. iran's supreme leader ali khaminii, speaking in hebrew, threatened israel with retaliation for the shelling of the islamic republic's embassy in damascus. according to media reports , iran can attack within two days. the air force of the jewish state defense army is on alert. problems with gps began in the region. well then meanwhile, israeli activists, dissatisfied with the policies of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, staged a protest right within the walls of parliament. and it all started in the observation room, from where citizens can watch the work of knesset members. activists smeared the windows separating them from the meeting hall with yellow paint and began shouting slogans against the prime minister. they accuse.
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the only way to do this is to set an agreed date for the elections, this will give us time to continue the military effort against hamas and let the citizens of israel know that we will soon restore trust between us, this will prevent a split in society. in washington, meanwhile, they can’t decide how to feel about netanyahu’s actions. on the one hand, joe biden said that his heart was broken after the deaths of volunteers who were killed by an israeli missile strike. and netanyahu himself had to. apologize, calling the attack on the humanitarian mission vehicles a mistake. on the other hand, white house spokesman john kirby said, quote: "we have not recorded a single incident where israel would be violating international law.
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new videos are coming to taiwan that capture moments of the most powerful earthquake on the island in a quarter of a century. here are shots showing cars that were caught in the mountains during the earthquake. noticing the rockfall, one of the drivers tried to back up, but at that very moment a huge boulder flew straight at him, almost carried him into the abyss. now experts continue to clear the rubble on the island. according to the latest data, nine people were killed, more than a thousand were injured, and about 100 so far blocked and waiting for rescuers to help. this is what we will talk about further in our issue. under reliable protection in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the sky is covered by thor complexes. the editor-in-chief of moskovsky komsomolets accepts congratulations to pavel gusev 75. and for
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41 years he has been the permanent leader of one. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but everyone can get a hot rate on a deposit at gazprombank, a hot rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months, get real income in a reliable bank. open a deposit on everybody wants to win millions but not everything, work where needed. stoloto instant lottery, super prize 35 million. so many
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a formation of the vostok group operates in the southern donetsk direction. they are protected from air attacks by tor anti-aircraft missile systems. correspondent mikhail chernov went on a mission with one of the crews of these combat vehicles. inside the anti-aircraft missile system. but it’s enough, considering that this unique vehicle has a detection station and a guidance station inside and an ammunition load of eight missiles. today everything is as usual, on the horizon is another attack drone of an aircraft type. we observe, the range is far, also far, 122, range 22. altitude 800, speed 12, this is far, we won’t take it, it will come closer, we will work, thor’s crew is waiting as usual, not five minutes have passed before a ukrainian drone enters the affected area, then the proven algorithm, turn the key, launch the rocket, go, go,
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go, the target is destroyed, the team has already worked for a year and a half, all professional military personnel, a commander with the call sign wanderer, a senior lieutenant graduate...
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a translator is such a thing, this is it faggots flies at 10 km, they put it on the translator, it flies already at 20 km, in total there is 30 km, it turns out that they were a nightmare for our artillery, not a difficult target, no, not difficult, the same target as everyone else’s target, more familiar guests on their radars are ukrainian attack drones, trying to hit infantry and equipment, thanks to the efforts of, including this crew, in the southern donetsk direction there are fewer and fewer of them every day, mostly now these are fpv drones that are simply a nightmare for our troops. but we work on them with special care, we look for them we just strike, with the onset of darkness it’s time for a sighting device, a thermal imaging-optical one, which means again the night is not a hindrance to work, come on,
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come on, come on, come on, come on, dear, come on, there, hit, the target is destroyed, the only expense is in your business they are pedants, careful and prudent, with their own unwritten rules, yet they protect the sky and... to pavel gusev, vladimir putin sent congratulations to the editor-in-chief of moskovsky komsomolets. the president especially noted his public activities and contribution to preserving the best traditions of domestic journalism. well, on the eve of the anniversary, it became known that pavel gusev was awarded the order for services to
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the fatherland, fourth degree. for most of his life, pavel nikolaevich headed the editorial office of moskovsky komsomolets, which under his leadership became one of the most popular newspapers in the country. what is the secret of success, edmund zhalbunov tried to find out. the working day in the editorial office of moskovsky komsomolets begins with a meeting of the heads of all departments, so every day, for 41 years, at the head of the table is invariably pavel gusev, editor-in-chief at his post on the day birth, today he turned 75. well, let's get started. it is now difficult to imagine mk without its leader; in his youth , the interests of the future honored journalist of russia were not operational events, but rather fossil ones. it was a hobby. well, it entered into me, as a boy, i couldn’t get out, this is geology and travel, and already at school i organized a small museum of geological
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exhibits. a new life began after work in the komsomol and a second higher literary education, and then in the eighty-third pavel gusev was offered to become the editor-in-chief of a city newspaper with a circulation of 70,000 copies. well, i came and... i felt that i had to change something, the newspaper, yes, in general, it occupies its niche in political komsomol life, but i would like...
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pavel gusev devoted more than half his life to moscow komsomol , lasts longer, except perhaps his passion for trophy hunting. the experienced shooter collected this extensive collection over half a century, traveling across all continents, all climate zones and time zones. in a sense this is after all, there is also a pursuit of the exclusive, so the principles of journalism are partly at work here. the first to see the trophy, the first to get it. when you have been trophy hunting for a long time, you can tell how many elephants you have, how many moose you have, how many elk you have. the knees are all there, well, everyone will listen, yes, and
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then they just ask you, do you have a sheep the size of a himalayan, do you have this trophy, when you say yes, and it is also included in the book of records, everyone stands up, applauds and shakes your hand , this is the most difficult hunt, there is a ram, pavel gusev keeps his collection in a country house, but is now negotiating to open a public hunting museum in moscow. so that all these trophies are preserved for people, so that people can come and see animals from all over the world, and this desire to do something specifically for people is the very competitive advantage that, as pavel gusev admits, helped him promote moscow komsomolets from the city level newspapers to the status of one of the ten most widely read publications with a multi-million audience in russia and beyond abroad. i managed, i’m proud of it, i managed to create my own team. mk team. and for me
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this is very important. and it is very important that many journalists from my team work today on central television and in other media, and never forget where they began their journalistic career. for pavel gusev, the secret of success is the team’s desire to develop. in this regard, both he and moskovsky komsomolets, who is 30 years older than his editor-in-chief. they live here, keeping numbers in mind, but without regard to age and also focusing not on the past, but on the future, pavel gusev himself has lived for 3/4 of a century. edmund zhelbanov, ulana talpa, pavel kachur, andrey tkachenko and vyacheslav nosov, ntv television company. a shopping center in china has been occupied by a crowd of huskies. immediately 100 dogs burst out of the world trade center zoo cafe and rushed to caress the customers. according to local media, they fled after the establishment was visited by its owner, the animals. we hadn’t seen her for several months, we were very happy about the visit, and then one of
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the cafe customers forgot to close the door and the tailed we went to explore the shopping center, it took about an hour to catch the fugitives, all this time the manager of the zoo cafe along with the customers were running after the husky, which seemed to perceive what was happening as just an exciting game. now about the weather, the temperature background in the capital region has returned to the climatic norm, there may be ice on the roads in the coming nights, when can we expect it? irina polikova will tell you about the heat, contact us from the weather studio, irin, what is the forecast? so far very restrained, but warm prospects are still visible. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling due to acceleration. movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company - your
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spring renewal. so, the weather possibilities of the beginning of this april surprised even meteorologists, record warmth in the first two days, on wednesday, blowing snow, wind in moscow, return of winter to petrozavodsk, st. petersburg, and that's not all. to be continued. in the central regions on friday, the peak of cooling. until frost at night and during the day, even with the condition that the sun will try to heat no higher than +5-8°. and the rain and wind will reach tambov and nizhny. but hope for warmth does not die in the kaliningrad region; the expected weather scenario shows the approach of a new good heat wave. its head will reach st. petersburg on sunday, and tomorrow night up to 7 frosts during the day 0 +2 in moscow on friday night minus a small one, but the puddles will freeze, +6 during the day, so march will return to us
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on one day. thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polikova. on this. that's all for now, go to, see you. for headaches, there is askafen p, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. an endless country on which the sun never sets. the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands. on new ones. teinkov black maps. hurry up to get a tingcof black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. zinkov. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any share you will receive another one as
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