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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 4, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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the mother of many children is embarrassed to go out in the daylight, and only gets to work by taxi, because at 33 years old, she weighs 199 kg and continues to gain weight. in the studio lilia matalina. lily, hello. good afternoon. you are sure that you weigh 199 kg. yes, what was your heaviest weight? 204 kg, i'm off give birth to a daughter, you gave birth with such a weight for three children, and three cyrosections, i was the biggest woman in labor in novosibirsk, but how do you cope with three children with such weight, it’s very difficult, i get up every day at 5:40, because i work, and i need to send everyone to kindergartens, my husband and nannies help me
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, kindergartens, because i couldn’t cope with them myself, to matinees, to the playground, do you go with the children on your own? and i mostly go with my husband, because the kids are small and i’m afraid that, god forbid, something will fall from somewhere or god forbid they will run out onto the road, so i don’t walk alone, and of course, people look at me, sometimes they point fingers and laugh. and i only go out in the evenings, when it’s dark, and in the morning there’s no one on the playground yet, and what offensive things were said about you, and you know, i had such a situation, and i was walking with a child, with a stroller, this was my first child, i weighed 140 kg at that time, and a woman on the street, passing by, told me what a fat pig, i was very upset, in fact, i’m
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surprised that you still react to this, because we are all fat people, also, well, i started gaining weight when i was 16, you build up your armor, and you just don’t pay attention to such people, well, there are circumstances that are insurmountable, yes, that you have hormonal changes, and you can’t seem like you if you go and look at everyone and react, you simply won’t be enough, you just need to abstract yourself from this, i tried to abstract myself, i tried to fight. i tried to put myself in a sort of cocoon, that i didn’t see anyone, but it doesn’t work for me, it doesn’t work for me here, i’m just now i remembered another situation, but it was extremely painful, and i was walking with the child, being pregnant with my second son in the ninth month, so i was already overweight and also pregnant with a cat, they filmed me and the nurses laughed. in the hospital, i
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approached her and said that what right do you have to film me and make fun of me, i was in a lot of pain, i’m lilya, it’s because of this reaction from others that you go to work by taxi? yes, so that they don’t see me, but who do you work for? i am a lyshmaker, a master of extensions eyelashes, well, this is a sedentary job, right, i sit and don’t get up for 12 hours, what floor do you live on? i live on the second floor and take the elevator. i go down the same way, but aren’t you afraid that the elevator might get stuck? we have already had situations like this, unfortunately, now my child is afraid, he now never gets on elevators at all, there was such a situation that we got into the elevator and the elevator just stopped, it didn’t move, the child was in a panic, so i try not to come in if someone is there. there is something that doesn’t work,
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what other inconvenience does your weight cause you, well, this is also a visit to the shower, i need... to hold onto the wall or the washing machine there, hold it in, history, here i am washing, alexander, but can you imagine what an inconvenience for lilia herself, if even her child is afraid to go into the elevator with her , i can really imagine, because i also live on the second floor, when i was in about the same big condition, i also always took the elevator to the second floor, i was short of breath, but if you understand, of course, i even went down the elevator, lilya, but it was so? that the furniture couldn’t stand you, yes, we have rented accommodation, and we, when we got pregnant and became pregnant with our second child, we decided to expand, so to speak, our housing, but when we moved into an apartment, since i was already pregnant,
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no furniture could support me at all, and when we rented out the apartment, our sofa was so broken that i i was embarrassed to show the owner this sofa, and i... bought a new one, what did you do to lose weight? i ’ve been struggling with weight all my life, my whole life, i’ve had a full childhood, i weighed 110 kg in the tenth grade, at one point my aunt gave me a book to read, i was 14 years old, i remember, in this book it was written belg diet and from 110 kg i lost weight to 62, almost doubled, in 2 months and 3 weeks. i ate only meat, eggs, processed cheese, i thought that well, i had lost weight, i started eating as i ate in normal life, in the eleventh grade i already went to graduation at 18 kg, i realized that i needed
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to go to college university to lose weight, i was ashamed, i lost up to 86 kg over the summer, well, i... bakery, to the bakery, endless temptations around, at that time, i was 18 years old, nineteen there, i’m just 886 kilograms weighed, i didn’t know where to go without education, an acquaintance told me... a bakery is looking for a baker, i think, well, what difference does it make where to work, i worked there for a year and a half, how much did you gain in that year and a half, up to 120, you you provoked yourself, that is , your body, and so it’s difficult for you to restrain yourself, yes,
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and you also provoke, and if we skew on one side, there will definitely be an answer from the other side, yes, because we are also happy with this diet, oh well done, i’ve lost weight, what’s good about this, what a person in 2 months lost weight like this, but definitely, but there will definitely be a rollback, you need to lose weight very gradually and most importantly correctly , in short, we already have a system of rewards and punishments built into us like a computer, all the time we must maintain this balance, food is the most a close way to raise the level of these hormones of encouragement and joy, stress. it means that we are saggy, we need to adjust, we eat, there’s something else there, we eat, then a microbiome disorder, hypothyroidism is added, even so, let’s say, i tell you, eat there at this moment, i i don’t know, cabbage, broccoli, sea fish, these
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are healthy, but if we don’t remove this reason from you and prescribe hormone replacement therapy, you can’t eat them, they’re high in calories, they’re very healthy, you’re saying that this problem needs to be solved as a whole. lily, tell me honestly, who is to blame for the fact that you have so much weight? just me. when i was little, it always seemed to me that i didn’t eat enough, i always hid sweets under pillows in my pockets, and my mother cooked very tasty food, i wanted to eat even more, more, they hid them in pockets, why did your parents limit me, parents always take care of their child, they tried that. and i’ll eat a salad, but when they’re not looking, i ’ll go eat bread with sour cream, sugar with bread, with butter, well , you took this habit with you into adulthood, but
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tell us how you now eat during the day , i don’t have time to have breakfast, i only eat at 13:30, coffee, two sugars and two. onions, then i don’t eat or drink anything until nine, i never drink water at all, when i come home with the children, i start cooking bye, and if i really want to eat, it means... some kind of sushi delivery, or i’ll go to a cafe one day, opposite my house, i ran in and got some samosas, showrooms, pilaf, seconds, that’s all i ate, cooked and sat down to eat with everyone again, but how much, for example, pilaf, you take one portion, two, the same shawarma, one, two, how about shawarma i eat one big one, but it’s bad? i can eat three servings, three, yes, and i start drinking a lot of
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soda, soda is sweet, yes, i’ve been drinking soda for 6 years, a liter every day and without fail with waffles, cookies, chocolate, every day, well, unfortunately, yes, you have some kind of catastrophe with nutrition, yes, i understand everything, but it seems to me that i’ll eat today, but tomorrow i won’t eat it anymore, what is the maximum weight you managed to lose when you restricted yourself in food? the biggest weight i lost was almost 80 kg, i ate for a year, then i lost it again. valery, i see that you are simply horrified by this diet, why is it dangerous? of course, this is dangerous due to excess weight gain and all its accompanying complications, such as prediabetes, diabetes, and liver disease, fatty hepatosis. the liver certainly does not receive healthy macronutrients, proteins, healthy fats, and
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of course, yes, a very bad diet, i’m shocked. victor, what can this amount of sugar in the blood lead to? this is, first of all, the development of insulin resistance, in the future this is the development of diabetes, this is atherosclerosis, this is the development of plaques, which in the future, unfortunately, leads to ischemic heart disease, which can result in a heart attack and stroke. in the future, all this may spill out. in general, to heart failure, which ultimately can lead to changes in the heart itself, to changes in its size, volume, and even lead to rhythm disturbances; this is an additional risk factor for worsening the further prognosis. lily, there were times when you deliberately ate yourself to your heart’s content, oh yes, i know, when before i lost 76 kg, at 25... i weighed 171 , or well, in this area, more than 170, i waited for
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the morning, when i start eating, i ate until i felt sick, it’s like i ate it to spite myself, i need to eat it all while i’m i won’t feel nauseous, i didn’t calm down, why did you do this, because maybe i wasn’t fulfilled in life, maybe some of my failures, you know, this is a state like... i’m in a fog and so far i’m still i won’t eat, i won’t calm down, why are you now in a kind of fog, you don’t see the joy in the fact that you have now done the most important thing, and you are now on a high pedestal, you are a mother, you understand, you have three children, which means you already realized as a person, as a woman, and there is no dead end that you there, perhaps, you didn’t receive any kind of education, you didn’t become someone great, the only point is... that you gave birth to children, and that’s the most important thing. natalia, a person
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understands everything that is harmful, knows what needs to be done, does everything the opposite, how to deal with it? let's see what happened in the period of 4, 5, 6 years, why did the girl decide to binge on candy, although in childhood the family took care of you, here's a salad for you, girl, daughter, eat it, there's clearly some kind of tick there that... .holds you still now when you describe what you're like in fog, as if i don’t control myself, but there is some kind of pain that is much greater than lily herself, this pain, perhaps more than one, is there now, and i need to find it and work with it, you know, i was little as a child, i was about five years old, we had a neighbor, such an elderly man, when we played with the children, he always came up, he could
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put his hand there, stroke his leg, he always came so close, right next to him , he was standing in the shelter, and i was very afraid of him, i’ll go and eat some candy, it seems like it’s not scary anymore, but did you tell your parents about this, no, i didn’t tell you, because my parents are so good, i somehow didn’t want to upset them always, if you told them, you would receive protection from your parents, from dad, mom, and maybe these sweets, who have been with you for so many years, and they were not there. of course, that’s why i ’m now appealing to lila and all parents that we establish contact with children from a very young age, how can parents build relationships, these trusting ones, so that the child comes and tells, we don’t yell at daughter, yes, maybe this is the case, the child came up and told him, and the mother from above shouted, we are creating a safe space for the children
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so that he can come over and how to create this space, well, first of all, take care of yourself, understand that i am an adult, give birth. i’m a big mother, and the child is small, and i can give the child this field, where he will come and tell everything, and i can handle it as a mother, my parents worked a lot, and we were mostly always with our grandmother, that is, we didn’t go to kindergarten , well, no matter how they share their thoughts, some problems, as if we it was just not customary to share it, when you went to school, your classmates laughed at your weight, big time.
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while they were getting these potatoes, i went and took a spoonful of sour cream. you talk about your mother as if in the past tense, she is not alive, yes, unfortunately, my mother died, my sister, me and my mother, we went to wash in the bathhouse, ball lightning flew in, she was killed immediately, she is in front of your eyes, on our eyes, yes. it’s very hard to remember, you immediately understood what happened, she fell on the stove, thank you,
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i heard her last breath, she breathed in fell instantly, i realized that she had died. i saw this lightning, a ball, like a tennis ball, when she fell, she hit her arm and sister, she was paralyzed, she fell motionless, i screamed, my voice disappeared, i tried to lift her, i got an electric shock from my sister, she still has scars where the current... went out, she was in intensive care for a month, she didn’t know that bama died, how old were you when your mother died, and how old was your sister? 12. natalya, but such a shock, such grief, such pain, and this can affect the future life, the fact that now lilya is in such a state, of course, such a situation, it turns out that armor, protection is growing, i was
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scared, it hit me so much, it pricked me so much that i... now without help, i will build up around myself protection itself, so you need to return that security, that little lily, to protect, to love, to help connect you with your real age and status as a mother of three children, because it’s as if we have a story, lilia is 5 years old, lilia is 11 years old, that’s it, the years go by , but the feeling... that the hole has closed, no, we get what we find out who the mother-in-law blames for her stepdaughter’s obesity and whether lilia’s father blames himself, we’ll find out in a few minutes, it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket, sunglasses are up to 60% off , this is a show of stars, duels, denis
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dorokhov, let me go, let me go! against philip kirkorov dachshund, i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and growth, ugly from a trick, and before the deadline i was sent into the living world, that’s how i see luntik, this is a housing issue, yeah, a million-dollar secret, because today someone will leave, the stars, today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip erkorov and the fighters will meet face to face, on saturday at
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enormous weight, they point a finger at her. but she can’t stop and continues to eat even more. lily, it turns out that from the age of 11 we grew up without a mother. yes, dad got married a year later, we call her natasha. she helped me a lot with my studies and supported me in my first weight loss. i remember that there were difficult times, because then natasha’s children were born. and they still found the money to buy me these products so that they would be healthy for me, yes, to help me, to support me. now in your adult life , is there anything that worries you besides weight? well, yes, i want to open my own beauty salon, but i will need to meet people, and how will i communicate with them so fat, i had such a story when i
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took an ex-boyfriend. big loans, he was in prison, and i paid for his lawyers, he played cards, and so did i, i always felt sorry for everyone, he was a gambling addict, yes, you didn’t feel sorry for yourself, no, you should pay off these loans, but i only thought about what would happen to him, i felt sorry, i went to take out loans, for what amounts, thousands to 300, i had large amounts. at is your duty? now around 200, are you happy with your current man? well, there are nuances, of course, what are they? it’s very difficult for us financially, because a lot of money is spent on food, on taxis, i constantly tell him that you earn more, but he can’t get a job anywhere other than a car wash, but he helps you with money, he pays the rent and...
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they buy groceries , well , everything is fine in your personal relationships, you have intimacy, yes, there is, but i don’t accept myself, i haven’t looked in the mirror at all for several years, and he accepts me for who i am, he always accepts me hugs me, always kisses me, and i push him away, it seems to me that i’m so terrible that... you can’t love me, he spends more time on the phone and we don’t talk, we hush up all problems, that is, there is no spiritual intimacy, but spiritual we are not here, are you married? no, he is the father of all three of your children, he is the father, but the eldest child has a biological father, but if you are not married, there is no spiritual closeness, why don’t you break up, i’m calm with him, i don’t want to.
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so that children grow up without a father, you assume that if you did not have children, you would not be together, everything is possible, yes, but i want to change my life, change my relationship with my husband, but i’m very angry, i become, i’m constantly nervous, i lash out at everyone until i eat sweets, that’s when i start, he tried to lose weight with me , he was also losing weight, he was also overweight, but unfortunately i was addicted. him to sweets, and if you lose weight, your relationship with him will change, what do you think, i think that yes, when i was 62 kg, i lived, i enjoyed life, now i exist, when i go out into society, i when i came home, i i start to cry, get upset and eat, you understand that you can lose weight by giving up
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soda, drinking alcohol. from chocolate, but why don’t you do this, i worked with a nutritionist, in the summer of this year i worked out in the gym for 3 months, i worked on nutrition, i’m trying to change it, i know everything, what problems i have with weight, but i don’t understand, why do i eat sweets, i don’t know, valeria, i want to ask, is it weak willpower or can i explain it somehow, firstly, it’s like life has been put on hold, i’m not living yet, that ’s why... and so on , second, motivation is very passes quickly, that is, you need some kind of discipline and when going on a diet, every time you need to say whether i can do this for the rest of my life, that is, you need to work for the long term, and here such a tangle is already very wrapped up and it’s really very difficult to go out on your own, but obesity is a chronic, relapsing disease, and you need to take a comprehensive approach, and where to find the strength to work for this long-term perspective.
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well, in fact, our patient will find strength here easily, because she has already seen that her body is pliable, she has problems losing weight no, to maintain weight, this is the main strength, then we retain it by the fact that we... firstly, there is a very large complex here, first of all, we do not limit ourselves much, that is, if you want to eat sweets, eat them, the question is in what quantity, at night do you eat sweets or in the first half of the day, do you think at this moment or are you doing something for the children at the same time, washing, cooking, eating on the go, there must be a certain cult, that is, you must sit down , cook calmly and get away from everything else, that is, the food should be right here separate such ritual, this is also important. it’s a lot of work, it’s not one day of work, not one month, and the result should not be very fast, if we achieve quick results, minus 60 kg in 3 months, nothing good will happen, she is a very vulnerable person, this is from childhood, here this frustration,
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it goes on throughout life, if there is frustration, that means what is happening, cortisol, it doesn’t go away, yes, that means the thyroid gland, most likely autoimmune thyroiditis, yes, it is being destroyed, it is happening. permanent inflammation, it's going on, sugar is off the charts, naturally, sugar doesn't go through the cell, there's no energy, the body thinks, listen, what do we have here, this is long-term stress, maybe something 's all over, there won't be food, and it will demand sweets and high-energy, where he can put it, on which shelves, store adipose tissue, then the adipose tissue behaves like an endocrine organ, it sends the fat cell leptin, the satiety hormone, and then the brain and... this leptin doesn’t hear, that’s it, they go the damage is already physiological, everything is interconnected, if i’m talking about this for a reason said that if we delayed here, there will definitely be a rollback there, liliya’s sister admits that her
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maternal ancestors are to blame for her excess weight, in the victoria zemenko studio. hello, victoria, hello, lilia herself admitted that she cannot deny herself sweets and soda, so what do your ancestors have to do with it? the fact is that we also have an aunt on the maternal side, her weight was about 140 kg, yes, that is, she, so she took a test, a genotest, and it turned out that we come from a viking family, that is, it turns out not only this test revealed a certain type of disease, but showed what kind of family we belong to, that is, we are initially very large, massive people in our family. do you think genetics really matters in this matter or are these excuses? according to the latest research data, in principle, all the risk factors in our lives are largely influenced by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this is
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self-control, this is more than 50%. therefore, the role of genetics is often exaggerated. the problem is not only genetics, the point is that you need to i work very hard on myself, just look at me, that is, i constantly fight with myself. weight. victoria, do you remember your sister at normal weight? yes, during her school years we looked almost the same, she simply limited herself in food, that is , she ate, yes, she starved, that is, she chose what foods she consumed, naturally she lost weight, and after she gave up diets, in the future she i was gaining, this is the diet, victor, uncontrolled, yes, just starvation for a growing body can turn out catastrophe, it can threaten everything. with a variety of developmental disorders, the most rapidly developing will probably be various anemias, since the lack of iron and vitamins will sooner or later affect, well in the future, of course, this can affect growth if there is no adequate supply of protein, which
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we need as a building component, there should be good active work , including educational work on the part of both parents, and in consultation with a doctor, it is necessary explain which products can be... excluded, but it is imperative to say what can be replaced with them, because the main problem we face is that we always forbid a person something, and if we forbade him, but did not give him an alternative, he either starts to go absolutely hungry, or he comes, opens the refrigerator, looks, but i can’t do anything, and that means then i won’t follow any of this; he continues to live as before, that is, the parents should have taken the girl to the doctor, but victoria, you know how much your sister tried 10 diets for sure. she tried a lot of diets, she fought as hard as she could, i said, let’s come to our village, we say, we’ll play sports together, watch your diet, she came to the village, i saw that she’s doing a lot she gained 150 kilograms, it was
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terrible, and we started with her first by walking, that is, going out for at least half an hour a day, walking, it was very difficult for her, she could barely breathe, could barely cover these distances, but were there any results? by the way, she didn't just start walking, she even started jogging a little, then eventually she ran and she lost 25-30 kg for sure, and then the weight started to come back again.
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my two brother, to pick it up for her,
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they went to pick it up for her, i saw lilya there with two bags of groceries, my brother asked to help her take the groceries to her apartment, well, liliya was no longer a skinny girl then, no, she weighed then about 140-150 kg, her weight didn’t bother you, since you fell in love with her at first sight, no, i love the slender girl, i loved, loved him the way she was yes, but the fact that you are overweight doesn’t bother you, no, everything is normal and... i’m only 120 kg. so much so that when i met her, i weighed 86 kg. but after we got to know her, she loves to feed me delicious borsh, chicken, well, you don’t mind too much, i see, well, somehow i have to eat with her for company. which one of you eats more? lilya? well, she eats when she’s nervous, watches all sorts of videos, what kind of videos? well, who offends children, there’s a mother, what does she do with the child, lily? why are you watching such traumatic videos? well, i, they
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randomly highlight me. you get upset and run to the refrigerator. well, practically yes. well, when lily gets upset, what does she eat? you order sweets, sweets, preferably, definitely, sweets, cookies, sushi, it often happens, yes, with us, you can eat a lot at once, you can eat a kilogram of sushi, a kilogram, well, for everything, not just one, one, surgery as a rescue, or even she doesn’t... jump under the curtain, take off your clothes, how she
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to try durian before buying. it’s good that you can first try investing in tenkov investments and only then invest your money. open an account in tenki investments and receive from the bank starting 5000 rub. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. with tenek investments you quickly get the hang of it. tinkov, beyond. this is beyond the bounds, 199 kg of live weight, with many children. afraid of dying from obesity, but continues to eat sweets and drink soda. have you tried, said, to limit lilia’s food intake? well , she will limit it, i tried a couple of times, i told him, but she sometimes offends me, so i didn’t want him to hurt her. do you always have a lot of food in your refrigerator? well, it happens often, yes. which ones mostly? it's a shame, we have a lot of meat. what do you feed your children? breakfast is porridge,
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or there are pancakes with sour cream, always red soup, bush, the children love it very much, i hide the candies while i cook, i eat them, and the children show me, but the children also eat their fill, their weight is normal, they are plump too, but they ate as much as they wanted, the children will limit them in any case or not, look at the example, the example so far is the parents, so the children also risk becoming obese, in the future the children will suffer this is all for adults life,
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they no longer fit, the woman herself sleeps halfway, i put a pillow under my head and sleep sitting, because everything is pressing on me, i’m starting to suffocate. in her free time, she tries to play sports, but there is no visible result from her training yet. i’m starting to do various exercises because
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i sit at work and get very stiff, my back and legs hurt, my arms are tense all day. lily’s old jackets and dresses no longer fit, and in order to buy new clothes in the right size, she still needs to be found. the only thing the dress that i was able to pick up for myself is size sixty-eight, this is a hoodie dress, so you understand, yes, two meters wide, in the kitchen a woman says that she tries to feed her children properly with meat, vegetables and fresh fruit, but she herself refuses from fatty and fried foods i can’t, i don’t have enough strength and will, every day i... the thought that today is a new day, and i won’t eat, i won’t eat junk food, i don’t eat
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until the evening, in the evening i come home , very hungry, i eat the whole refrigerator, on dessert a mother with many children eats with undisguised pleasure a large piece of sweet cake, the cake is very tasty, honey, of course, with some kind of juice or soda. catastrophe, i didn’t see anything useful there at all, in general, well, at least there should be something, well, poor children, well , after all, vegetables for children, vegetables, i didn’t see vegetables there, valeria, how do you like the plot, considering how many sweet carbohydrates i see there, such a diet will make you want to eat even more, because the body, as i already said, does not receive useful substances, which... will really satisfy alexey, everything that we just saw, it seems to me that lily is simply moving to the grave,
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of course, absolutely, these cakes, cookies, but this is the path to the next world, god forbid, we are all factors we see the risk, the pressure increases, the load on the heart increases, then the risk of coronary disease, heart, arrhythmias, stroke and simply death, here there is also damage to the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, joints, everything suffers, but of course, the main cause of death in such patients - these are oncological diseases, gynecological organs, mammary glands, that is, an appeal again to the husband, that if the wife cannot cope on her own, you must help her. said, but i would also like to note that cake and delivery of food and rolls, taxis are not a cheap pleasure , yes, especially on a daily basis, do you know that lilia is also paying off a loan because of her ex-boyfriend? i know that the loans are in installments, but i don’t know what to pay or not, someday i’ll have to give, well, someday i’ll have to give money to your family
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there are enough of them for you, enough for the ukrainian family, maybe lily is just worried about the future of the children, that you don’t have enough money to raise them, pay for education, a decent future, maybe so, lily, your father and stepmother think that everything you are stressed because of uncertainty about the future, in natalya’s studio or...
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they spend a lot of money on food delivery, on cakes, taxis, probably the reason for uncertainty
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in the future is not a lack of money, because there is money, just they care. leave money for the children to buy them, and why sweets, lily, why can’t you buy something useful with this money, well , now i’ll take one apple, i can’t get enough of it, nina, if we’re talking not only about food, how else can you help lilia, with such weight and you can do physical activity, not only is it possible, but it is necessary, there are no people at all, yes, for whom this would be contraindicated, except for some acute
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diseases, so what can i recommend to our heroine? we need to at least now reach 10,000 steps within 2-3 weeks, don’t do it quickly, let’s start slowly let's go, go, go, we don't pay attention to anyone, no matter what we buy, we buy a smart watch, where we measure the pulse and how far we have walked, your pulse increase should not be more than 50, that is, on average - this is 120, 120, which means we are slowing down, and accordingly we continue our classes, come on lilya, i’ll show you now, we ’ll do some exercises together. yes, and what i recommend is that nordic walking is suitable for you, but before you do nordic walking, we need to warm up, we start stretching our ankles, yes, we can do this, yes, here, here, we can make circular movements of the ankle in different directions, yes, then the knee joints, yes, we warm up, connect the knees, move them in different directions, yes, what can we do, yes, then
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the hip joint, and the joint, you can go to one. but as much as we can, 15 times , we warm up the elbow joints, the other side of the shoulder girdle up down up, this is also by the way elements of your morning exercise therapy forward back and then we move on to the respiration, we will need sticks, yeah, that’s what they look like. keep your chopsticks up, little one element of breathing exercises, legs shoulder-width apart, arms forward, inhale, exhale, relax, and so we do, and also, respectively, 10-15, well done, lilya, you’re doing great, well done, so on we take the sticks from us the leg that is in front of the supports goes to the heel, we push off from the toe, from
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the toe, which means the hand that is in front of us is supporting, that is, we imitate being a healthy person, and you yourself see how to solve your problem? to be honest, i’m already ready for pariatric surgery, is this a stomach reduction? yes, do you understand that in general, this is a serious surgical intervention, is it done only when indicated? yes, i understand, i’m very afraid of the operation, of course, i can’t overcome myself, i thought
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that this is my only way, i’ve already met lilya. with moscow specialists, let's take a look. lilia matalina goes to the office of a capital endocrinologist. the specialist listens carefully to the patient’s complaints, then measures her blood oxygen level and pressure. swelling is bothering you, please tell me. yes, i have a lot of edema. please note your blood pressure is 200 after the flight. after the doctor examines lilia, she immediately notices huge stripes on her stomach. we pay attention to stretch marks, that is, stretch marks - changes are formed in the connective tissue, here it is now painful, painful, the doctor weighs the patient, measures her parameters, and then does an acg to evaluate the work of the heart, let's see how the heart works, and then we will determined by additional examination to understand the current state of the lily’s internal organs, the woman is sent for an ultrasound, a beam with it is difficult to penetrate a thick layer of subcutaneous
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fat, increasing the size of the oven. examination, blood donation for general analysis and thyroid hormones, the fist can be relaxed, everything is fine, the head is not falling, everything is fine, will lilia be able to help herself, we will find out immediately after a short advertisement, the mother of many children did not raise any of her many children, she abandoned everyone, we grew up in different boarding schools in...
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no, i don’t know, about 11-12 people must have told me that they had another sister, maybe. before death one of the sisters lena. when oksana was young, her mother said that there was another sister, her name was lena. i wanted to be the first to try the new big special bbq bacon with a big steak, raw instant, bacon and smoky and bbq sauces, what are you ready for for the big special
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a maniac giving birth. samples of the substance contained tissue particles. this kind of fabric is not used for sewing for regular stores. clothes and uniforms. series premiere. chikatila only in the okka online cinema. asia roll with shrimp? juicy shrimp, bright flavors and spicy asian sauce. new asian menu with shrimps in rostix restaurants. five percent gel diclofinak acos in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief at a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. kirkorov vs. dorokhov. as we age we feel everything deterioration of memory and intelligence, why the body fails, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? it’s possible, our body
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has a main computer - the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found out what the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumepectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids from the japanese clam. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly
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1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, as we age, we all experience deterioration. memory and intelligence, disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product moskterapi, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan ; brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brain therapy. black sun premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. mother of three
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the child already weighs 199 kg and continues to gain weight every day. alexey, what are the results of the examination? there is an increase in blood pressure, that is, hypertension, and it is pronounced, very pronounced. a blood test revealed anemia due to malnutrition. if we eat only cakes, only sushi, then iron is not supplied. is there anything particularly concerning? everything is particularly alarming. condition of the liver, because the liver is very enlarged; the abdomen is painful. condition of the gallbladder, our doctor discovered gallbladder stones in the patient hypothyroidism, that is, insufficient function of the thyroid gland, and also vitamin deficiencies, which led to an increase in homocyn, also a marker of cardiovascular pathology. can lilia count on surgery? maybe, subject to adequate, competent, correct preparation. what kind of preparation should this be? we start with physical activation, that is, the patient is already today, after the program with her husband , he takes her. they definitely go for walks, introducing
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food diaries, working with a psychologist, conducting a follow-up consultation with a therapist, correcting thyroid function, normalizing blood pressure levels, replenishing iron deficiency , prescribing medications that normalize the functioning of the nervous system. i invite surgeon alexander pantyushin to our studio. hello, alexander, you have already read the results of lilia’s examination. yes, yes, of course, i got acquainted, i will say that we will not accept you for the operation right away, i will not operate on you tomorrow, because in the preoperative preparation you will have to lose approximately by 20 kg, well, that is, with the current indicators it is impossible to operate, she has problems with the thyroid gland, she has an autoimmune disease, we must compensate for hypothyroidism, you already have fatty hepatosis, but by the time you lose weight, the left lobe of the liver will be halved and it will be easier for us to operate. this operation is not easy, we
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will make five punctures on the anterior abdominal wall, reduce the volume of the stomach, that is, we inflate it and see how much water fits there, usually 4-5 liters fit, that is, it it can take 4-5 kg ​​at a time, you see, in fact, when our large patients say, we eat little, this is not true, we also turn off 2 m of the small intestine from digestion so that less is absorbed. she will already lose 50 kilograms in a year, but alexander, i want you to talk about the risks that exist during this operation, liliya still has three children, the biggest risk during the operation is death, so i operated on 3,000 people, out of 3,000 there was only one death, but it happened, you can’t escape it, but as a rule patients undergoing surgery are already traveling on the third day after surgery...


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