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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 4, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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increasing wages for citizens, modernizing the economy, preserving the unity of society, which was also discussed by the president of the congress of the federation of independent trade unions.
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75 years since the formation of nato, why this alliance was created and how long the warrior unleashed this supposedly defensive bloc, sergei kholoshevsky from belgad talks about this. the united states is actively pushing for a scheme under which other nato countries will pay all expenses for ukraine. report by roman sobol. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. today , three new defendants have appeared in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus. the fsb showed operational footage of arrests that took place in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. all
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suspects are from central asia. one of them turned out to be a russian citizen. according to the intelligence service, two detainees transferred money to purchase firearms and vehicles that were used by terrorists. the third directly recruited supporters of the attack and financed the perpetrators, reported to the fsb. why was he detained? take me behind the track. the main goal of those who ordered the terrorist attack in crocus was to inflict...
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cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of interfaith harmony and unity, interreligious unity, interethnic, and in the external arena, it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack. islamic
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fundamentalists, this is the goal to undermine the unity of russian society, it is, especially in in modern conditions, it is certainly visible, which is why a record number of sanctions were introduced against russia, the president himself and the head of the federation of independent trade unions, mikhail shmakov, spoke about this. our enemies hoped that economic pressure would lead to social problems, which in turn would undermine society. some people, under the leadership of the puppeteers, will be led out into the streets; this desired development of events was discussed openly, but this did not happen. according to vladimir putin, we were put in conditions when russia is forced to defend its sovereignty, the future of its people, by armed means, but despite this, no one is transferring the country’s economy to a war footing. despite external challenges, russia continues to develop at an accelerated pace, and one of the main tasks today is growth.
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and these are worthy wages, we don’t have much choice, either we need to import labor from abroad, or increase
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labor productivity. increasing wages in all sectors of the standard of living is the basis for economic development, vladimir recalled putin. it was in dialogue with trade unions that this was achieved. of course, you know that all these mechanisms will have a positive impact on real wages in the economy and in the public sector. by the way, all state employees in the country
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will have a new wage system by 2027; it should eliminate inequality in wage levels across regions. the government has instructions to start pilot projects in the regions next year. work on a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, including workers in education, healthcare, culture and the scientific sphere, this difficult work, it is capital-intensive, but of course it is needed, and i very much hope that in such a positive, mature dialogue with trade unions, we will find a solution, vladimir putin especially noted the contribution of the trade union movement in supporting participants in the special military operation, however, trade unions today actively help not only fighters, but also civilians. front-line territories. today, the federation of independent trade unions unites more than 20 million people from different spheres, from miners, pilots, doctors, journalists, military personnel and entrepreneurs. more than 600 delegates from all over the country, including the regions of donbass and novorossiya, came to this congress. in the republics of donbass
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, trade unions actually began working 10 years ago, after referendums were held there, and after independence from ukraine, trade union organizations were completely formed in zaporozhye and the kherson region. recently, and the main task today is to increase citizens’ salaries and labor safety, which of course is not easy in the conditions of hostilities. doctors , teachers, and farmers, that’s all today our kherson region today is subject to constant attacks, constant terrorist attacks of some kind, of course it is very difficult, it is not even possible to compare the work of the trade union organization today, for example, on the mainland, in the crimea or here yet, but we are starting, we are starting, i think that i am absolutely sure that we will succeed. the country today very much counts on as vladimir putin noted, the leadership of the trade unions, the stability of russia, the economy and the consolidation
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of the entire society largely depend on their work. inna osipov, oleg gavrilov, ntv television company. ambassadors from seventy countries of the global south and east met today. round table on the conflict in ukraine. the minister spoke about the progress of the investigation into the attack on crocus city hall and reminded those gathered of the terrorist nature of the kiev regime. lavrov emphasized: russia will fully solve its security problems. and brisselet, at a meeting of the heads of nato mid-countries on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance today once again made a promise to someday in the future to accept into its ranks ukraine. nato ministers plan to transfer military assistance to kiev to long-term. make the basis not voluntary, but mandatory for all members of the bloc. roman sobol followed what was discussed at the meetings in moscow and brussels. today at nato headquarters , ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba followed the alliance's secretary general jens stoltenberg for a long time.
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an interesting detail: when they came out to the journalists, they both almost simultaneously stood in the same position, folding their hands at a level below their stomachs. dollars at the expense of the budgets of the participating countries nato. contributions will become mandatory, well, the funds collected will be used to buy missiles and tanks, and then burn them in the furnace of the ukrainian conflict. the leadership of the alliance pretends that this is the sincere desire of all members of the bloc, but it is clear that the main beneficiaries will be the americans. biden has not yet been able to push through congress a law allocating $60 billion to the ukrainian army,
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but if the europeans are forced to pay for everything, us spending will be reduced significantly, according to experts, from 60 to 16 billion this year. again where the fund will buy weapons is obviously in the usa, and european politicians have already taken out their wallets. i look forward to discussing with you how we can further strengthen our cooperation.
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in europe, the alliance was preparing to swallow ukraine in order to come even closer to us and establish its bases on the black sea. this point of view is shared by many western independent analysts. this was biden's project, but it completely destroys ukraine. now. we pay for hundreds of thousands of ukrainians to die on the front line, losing more and more
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territories. in 2014, we overthrew the ukrainian government, which remained neutral because the us wanted nato expansion. and then biden, obama, hillary clinton, nuland, salvan, blinken, they just burst into this country. they ruined everything, and now they're asking for another $60 billion to survive the election in november. the anglo-saxons know how to make money. in the war , they are now creating an ideal scheme for themselves, when ukrainians die for the interests of their politicians and corporations, and europe bears almost all the expenses. it is striking that in most nato countries subscribe to this. raman sobol, stanislav bystrov, ntv television company. at nato headquarters today they celebrated the organization’s birthday; exactly 75 years ago the north atlantic treaty was signed. his stated purpose was defense. external threats, namely from the soviet union, but the collapse of the ussr did not
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lead to the dissolution of the military bloc; on the contrary, nato began to actively expand, increasingly showing its aggressive nature. according to expert estimates, numerous military interventions by the alliance have claimed the lives of about millions of civilians, and tens of millions became refugees. today nato has come close to the borders of russia and is waging a hybrid war against us. sergei kholoshevsky, about how the power support instrument was created and how it is used.
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denmark, italy, portugal, iceland, canada and the usa. in general, even then no one in the west hid that the alliance was being created to confront the ussr in fear of its power. moreover, even then, in 1949 , moscow offered its participation in the creation of nato, but was refused. here's how about it wrote joseph stalin, responding to the british minister. the soviet union should take part in this pact, why did they isolate themselves from the soviet union, why did they conclude it behind their backs in secret from the ussr,
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didn’t the ussr prove that it knows how and wants to fight against aggression, for example, against. they did not hesitate to invite professionals, that is , former wehrmacht generals, to lay the foundations of the military bloc. erich vonmannstein, who commanded the nazi group in crimea and was sentenced to 17 years in prison in nürmeng , became an adviser to the german chancellor on defense, the list of other fascists in the nato service is quite long; having fought first on the eastern front, they later occupied key positions in the alliance in different years. spain, later united germany, in
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1999, hungary, poland and the czech republic, in 2004. bulgaria, latvia, lithuania, estonia, romania, slovakia and slovenia. in 2009 croatia and albania, in 2017 montenegro, in the twentieth north macedonia. and finally, last year finland, this year sweden. and yet, in the early nineties, during the unification of germany, the americans swore that the alliance was not will begin to expand. if the ussr withdraws its troops from the gdr, then secretary of state bicker. like a card sharper, he scammed gorbachev and shavardnadze. which would you prefer? a united non-nato germany completely independent without american troops, or a united germany maintaining its ties to nato but with a guarantee that nato jurisdiction or troops will not extend east of the current border. gorbachev responded that nato's expansion to the east was unacceptable, but in reality everything
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turned out differently. in 2008 vladimir putin gave the alliance a final warning. once in quality.
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special operation was reported today by the ministry of defense. this happened in the south donetsk direction. the fighters from the group of troops of the east distinguished themselves. an order was received to hit the hangar with ukrainian armed forces equipment. after the strike,
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the drone operators not only confirmed the accurate hit of the shells, but also reported the destruction of nato guns that were in the shelter; for the successful completion of the task, the artillerymen were awarded state awards. a lot of combat missions were accomplished. shot on this combat vehicle. more than 400 shells, there was a case, we went out to work out the task, a standard task, we worked it out, then confirmation came that the hangar had been hit, and there were three or four nato guns there, for this he was awarded a state award, the maximum firing range of hail is 40 km, and these systems are actively used to engage targets in enemy heavy areas. lines and improved the situation along the front line in the donbass. losses of the ukrainian army in the avdeevsky and donetsk directions per day amounted to more than 600 people. enemy positions are bombarded day and night by aircraft
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and artillery. among the priority goals is strengthening in the area of ​​​​the city of chasov yar, which is located 15 km west of artyomovsk. tv alexey ivliev broadcasts from the donetsk people's republic. the main life on these military roads begins with the offensive. at dusk there are no women, no hedgehogs, no furies, no kamikaze drones, it is at this time that artillery moves into combat positions to destroy the enemy. during the day, the density of birds in the sky on both sides in the populated areas points near artyomovsky is so high that any movement freezes, and as soon as it gets dark, the roads come to life, immediately vehicles with reinforcements, ammunition and food rush to the contact line , artillery begins to work. conventional and reactive. the commander of a howitzer battalion with the call sign batu rushes towards the front line along broken
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roads at a speed of 90 km/h and demands that we open the windows so that we can hear the sound of flying birds. the rules are very simple, despite the dust. oh, now you see how our hails began to work against the enemy, with such an accompaniment. all the way. the main task of batu is to support our advancing assault units with fire in the area of ​​​​kleshcheevka andreevka, konstantinovka and chasovo yar. and in a counter-battery fight, reminiscent of a chess game, destroy the enemy’s weapon, often of a nato model. we opened three sevens, the notorious, three axes, here. and as i understand it, she also hid us, that is, we hit her, she hit her. according to us. on the account of batu’s subordinates there are french caesars and american three sevens. short briefing before entering a forward
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artillery position at night, about distance and blackout. 25-30 m, no less, no less, turn off the light, listen carefully to the air, if there is any buzzing, we transmit it through the chain, air, no difference. at the position in the dugout we are trying to talk to the gun commander. one shoots down the enemy, fire, yes, it was a mortar, it was identified, it was necessary
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to scare him a little so that he would calm down, so the guys, as i understand it, they are now conducting reconnaissance, he is bothering them, the guys asked to scare him, well, they scared him with one shot , guys there we calmed down a little, our guys are working further, at this time the crew of the hail is preparing to strike at a neighboring position and disrupt the enemy’s rotation. a rare type of combat vehicle based on zil. in total , 500 of these cars were produced in the soviet union. and vera, it’s true that they served in afghanistan. it’s a pity that we’re filming in complete darkness at night; you don’t have the opportunity to see this variation of hail, which the fighters themselves call a mini-hurricane. a rapid hailstorm hits one of the firing points. the gunner and driver with a booming zoom barely has time to tell us about assigned task. reconnaissance provides targets, so we... immediately jump out and work on these targets. alexey ivlev, valery kozhim, dmitry tsarkov, ekaterina kovalchuk, ntv television company, artyomovskoe
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direction. this is the program today, further in our issue, from finding a dream to its realization, the trajectory of your own success can now be built in one of 16 year-round educational centers for youth, then as the president launched the work of new points of attraction, nikita korzun observed. destroyed by terrorists the triumphal arch of the ancient palmyra will be restored using new russian restoration techniques, they were presented today by unesco expert and... side nikolai bulkin, more about the details of the project to restore the ancient monument. alpha friday is a super cake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any
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city in russia. only in the alpha travel service it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not darken your impression. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel; it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short washing cycles. there is a gloss, no stains. premium, or something like premium? grosbanks know what you want from a premium service. how to get it? you can open all premium cards. calculate and calculate, is this a premium, but you can open all the best and most profitable at once in rosbank, this is what i call real premium, rosbank - real opportunities, what men are silent about, painful emissions, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidas...
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quality is guaranteed by gmp standard. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. keep your credit history under control. compare, on your side. cho! this is the program today, we continue our release, preserving identity is the basis of the country’s future, vladimir putin said today, he held a meeting with members of the government, it was dedicated to youth policy, the youth program does not need to be made protective, the president noted, it should be modern aimed at future. taking into account the traditional values ​​of the country, we are forced and must protect our traditional values, our culture, our traditions, our history, this is very important for the future of the country, in
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today's information flow this is very hard, complex work, but it is very interesting and very important, because from... the results of this work, and it concerns not only those who work in relevant departments, it concerns everyone levels of administrative power, all our colleagues in the regions, in municipalities, and the results of this work of ours will largely determine what russia will look like in the very near future in the distant historical perspective and whether it will remain as such, as we imagine it, earlier today in all federal districts, including youth centers, they will operate including in the zaporozhye and kherson regions. these will be specialized complexes for training young people in various areas, for example, tourism, art, management, ecology,
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nikita korzun with details. choosing a goal, achieving it, isn’t this what every young person is concerned about, from now on, the solution to these pair of painful tasks has been significantly simplified, why - the president explained hello, today with us. a significant, big event, we are launching the work of year-round youth educational centers in 12 regions of russia at once. each center has its own focus, competence, as we can now say, the first workshop management senish, educational center mashuk cultural meganom have already shown their effectiveness. this year, 12 more similar institutions from east to west are starting work, among them the shum media research center in kaliningrad, the youth center. two more in zaporozhye and kherson regions, that is, we are combining our best practices, developments and initiatives,
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new centers, vladimir putin emphasized, will work on an ongoing basis throughout the year, welcoming tens of thousands of boys and girls from russia and, by the way, other countries as part of international exchanges, the games of the future world festival. showed how such contacts, conversations, frank conversations on equal terms, without any stereotypes and teaching, are interesting and attractive for millions of children from different countries, for foreign peers of today’s young generation of russia. the potential of year-round centers will be used within the framework of the new national project youth and children, it is aimed at helping the self-realization of younger generations. separately, i ask you to actively use infrastructure and educational opportunities.
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i live on the islands, i constantly see how they are changing, a new airport has appeared, large residential areas, hospitals, schools are growing, on your instructions, the construction of a world-class campus has begun,
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new work places are constantly opening, in the near future there will be 20,000 of them everywhere, one basic question: where can i get the footage? the kaliningrad noise center has devoted itself to the study of media, because the amber region is a clave that attracts the attention of not the most friendly people. institutions ended up in hersanes and yet the most impressive of the new tauride. the cultural and historical center istoki offers you to engage not only in archeology, but also in the improvement of the soul. he has his own spiritual mentor. behind us there is a whole complex of amazing things, this is the christian museum.
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today in st. petersburg, scientists presented
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details of a project to recreate the symbol of the ancient palmyra of the triumphal arch, which militants of the banned group isis tried to destroy in syria. each surviving element of the ancient structure will undergo acoustic research using a new methodology proposed by specialists from the institute of the history of material culture of the russian academy of sciences. the technologies have already been studied by unesco experts. nikolai bulkin found out what the essence of the development is and in what time frame the restoration of the monument can take place. the arch of the ancient palmyra, destroyed by terrorists, is still awaiting restoration work. over the course of several years, russian scientists they were the only ones who, with paramilitary guards, sometimes risking their lives, were able to carry out the necessary examination and prepare a project. the area was scanned, last year a 3d model appeared, like a puzzle, the blown up and looted arch is ready to be put together to make it the way all history buffs remember it well. experts assure that more than half...
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this is very difficult to do, because neither in world nor in russian practice does such a technique exist for the restoration of historical objects, so we invited specialists who examine the internal structures of modern structures. in january of this year, mining engineers were able to visit palmyra and conduct trial studies. the first acoustic and ground penetrating radar data have already revealed what is hidden. sometimes there is one small crack on the outside, inside there is sand instead of a block. here there was an explosion, as
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experts say, a thermoboric effect, that is, high temperature, very high pressure, and limestone, the stone from which the arch is composed, in these cases is subjected to such a complex effect, and in fact, to put it in a very simple way, turns into something like cement, such a gray powdery mass, the complex nuances of the research that russian scientists intend to conduct are translated into... arabic and french languages, connections syria, lebanon and france. unesco experts and the syrian side listen to the presentation, which stones can be returned to their place, and which, even despite their external integrity, should not be touched? modern ultrasonic and radar technologies, they allow you to trace the spread of the defect into the stone and , accordingly, followed by suggestions for methods of strengthening it. russian project for the restoration of the palmyra, the pearl of the ancient world. has already received high praise from unesco and is even
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recommended as an example for other destroyed monuments around the world. all that remains is to find an opportunity to come and start work. we all must thank you, because if it weren’t for you, nothing would have gotten off the ground; you carried out high-class scientific work and showed that the reconstruction of a badly damaged monument in general maybe. the specialists have already prepared the equipment in order to go on their next business trip to the sea.
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the fairy-tale flying ship topped the russian box office, how much has the film already collected for the whole family? from 23 degrees celsius to night frosts, what will the weather be like at the end of the working week? finding a job is good, finding a dream job is even better. one where you can work in the office, or right from home, where there are all opportunities for career growth and career take-off, where you are confident in a reliable future and a reliable present, thousands of workers places and vacancies are good, but finding your place is even better, join the team
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grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from the garden to shelf with the speed of freshness, only online magnet. friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing a flop, hey-hey, butter is not the first time, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtbon, it’s faster and more convenient, thanks for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb , together everything will work out, everyone wants to win millions, but not everyone, work where it’s needed, instant stoloto lottery, super prize 35 million, only in stoloto branded stores. an endless country over which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia now in your hands on new tinkof black cards. hurry up to get a tingcof black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. tinkov. this is the program today.
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the prosecutor general's office today denied information about the suspension of work at the makfa group enterprises, as the supervisory agency emphasized that production did not stop. the information that the company of the makfa group has suspended its activities is not true. this is more like a pr fantasy of some lawyers, replicated by the media, for the sake of artificially creating social tension and putting pressure on the court, in order to make a decision in favor of the beneficiaries of the holding. let me remind you that they are on the international wanted list, but the company continues to operate as normal . the interim measures taken do not prevent the payment of wages to employees or the fulfillment of social tax obligations.
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businessmen conducted financial transactions through dummies, their closest relatives, as well as through dozens of offshore companies companies, as a result of the criminal scheme, makfe’s income remained in the accounts of foreign companies, therefore the prosecutor general’s office of igor lyapustin , the head of the bookmaker company milbet, is one of the ten largest in russia. we will find out the details right now, denis tolalayev joins us. denis, what are the reasons for the arrest? the former head of mlbet filed a lawsuit against the current one, accusing him of fraud. and we are with gifts. that’s all, you ’re retired, in vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. vtb together everything will work out. today
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it became known that law enforcement agencies detained igor lepustin, the general director of one of the largest betting companies, melbet. he, as the press service of the tverskoy court of moscow clarifies, is suspected of fraud on an especially large scale, and the maximum punishment under this article is up to 10 years in prison. the investigation demanded the arrest of igor lepustin. but the court chose a more lenient measure of restraint, a ban on certain actions for a period of one month and nine days. glavet is prohibited from leaving home without permission, as well as using means of communication. a statement against igor lepustin was written by the former head of the mat alexander grodulenko. in june 22, the bookmaker became the title partner of the first league of the second division of the russian football division.
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wording until further notice. all checkpoints on the finnish-russian border, except the one through which freight trains operate, have been closed since the end of november last year. the finnish authorities explained the decision by the influx of migrants, while they accused russia, malta specifically delivers migrants to the finnish border. moscow denied these accusations. on december 14, they tried to open two border crossings as an experiment, but less than a day later they were closed again. today finland announced that it will close the border crossing for pleasure boats in mid-april due to fears that illegal immigrants will cross the border by water in the spring. on the site of former ikea stores, it seems that after all, not baths and saunas, but warehouses and distribution points will open. according to tas, marketplace megamarket announced that it is leasing space, which...
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clarified that on the site of former ikea stores they plan to open warehouses and test order pick-up points. earlier, the kommersant newspaper wrote that thermal complexes could open on the site of former ikea stores. the russian stock market has been growing for 9 days in a row; the bridge exchange index today rose above the level of 3,400 points for the first time since february of the twenty-second year. alarbroker analysts say the main driver of purchases is the desire of investors to receive dividends, which could become record-breaking. after unimportant statistics on activity in the service sector in the united states, the likelihood has increased that the federal reserve will soon begin to reduce the key rate, so the dollar is now compared to other currencies. the yandex company explained why
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the voice assistant alice retells the cartoon masha and the bear so scary. on the internet you can find plenty of videos of users asking a smart speaker: why does masha from the cartoon live alone? and the resulting dialogues are something like this. alice, why doesn’t masha have parents? they answered her that they grew up watching cartoons, but wait a minute, the wolf is a parasite and smokes, but yandex still accepted the statement seriously, and explained that in cases where
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alice cannot answer the user’s question herself, she takes information from open sources. in some cases, yandex continues, alice could answer incorrectly, but now she no longer does that. sales of the domestic video game smoot began in russia today. the internet development institute provided money for its creation; the total project budget there was estimated at 1 billion rubles. the authors describe the historical background of the game events, which is 1612, as follows: the country is torn by famine and war.
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on a grand scale, there were costume performances with the boyars, laying flowers at the grave of kuzma minin and parting words from the sovereign’s men. governor of the nizhny novgorod region gleb nikitin praised the game for its cinematic and photographic accuracy and said that it would be the most modern product in the industry. first deputy minister of education alexander bugaev said that he spoke about the importance of patriotic content, and even the head of the studio of the game developer siberia nova, alexey koptsev, was so inspired.
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the mood is good, the peculiarity of this film the fact that this is an event film, there are only one or two such films in a whole year, finally this film has hit the screens, the term holidays are ahead, i think this is a great opportunity to spend time with the whole family, the film is a fairy tale flying ship created by a director and teacher with the participation
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of ntv, colorful scenery, costumes, digital... special effects, all this certainly arouses great interest among viewers. the main roles in the film were played by young actors aleksandkin and ksenia tracer. the film also starred leonid yarmolnik, sergei garmash and polina gagarina. and on friday night frosts are expected in some areas of central russia. and meteorologists warned about this today. irina plikova is with us. irina, will it freeze too much? well, not really, but the puddles will be enough to freeze. in general, the weather possibilities of the beginning of this april. even meteorologists were surprised, record warmth in the first two days, on wednesday, sleep-killing wind in moscow, the return of winter in petrozavodsk, st. petersburg, and this is not all to be continued, in the central regions on friday the peak of cooling, just before frost at night, and during the day, even with the condition that the sun will try to heat no higher than +5-8°, and the rain and wind will reach tambov, kazan, nizhny novgorod, the temperature will drop by 5, 10°. in the south, the temperature will remain at
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the same level; the pattern is simple: the further from the cold sea, the warmer it is. in krasnodar, simferopol up to +20, in yalta and sochi - 14:15. well, the north and northwest are simply cold. in murmansk, sektafkar, tomorrow afternoon it will be -4, pskov +5, but the hope for warmth does not die. in the kaliningrad region you can already feel the approach of a new good wave heat. about capitals after a break. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body , introduce toxins, and reduce swelling. by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company valar. your spring update. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. in st. petersburg , it’s still almost like winter this night, down to 7 degrees below zero during the day, +1-3. and in moscow on friday night
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the minus is small. but the word icy the forecast sounds. in the afternoon +6, march will return to us for one day to balance out those two days of summer, and then just a good spring, well, that’s nice, we’ll wait, thank you, irina, this was the weather forecast from irina polikov. these are the main news at this hour , right now the premiere of the astro-story series black sun at 22:15 astro-story series hot spot well, we igor poletaevna nikolaeva thank you for your attention and all the best to you. how do you like a serious conversation, gabi and i are friends, i’m her regular customer, everything you have, he gave you, you can be as angry with me as you like, an election to the legislative assembly, you will run for office, say everything as we agreed, no improvisation
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is clear, the cops came to me, which means they are looking for a killer, and they are also looking for a laptop, if not i’ll give him three lemmas, he’ll hand over his laptop to the cops, a foreign operator, lozhenich, determine the location, this is a large office center on ligovka, it’s volentulov who’s being herded by the cops, you know what to do, help, i’m killing him, the attic hatch is open, he left through the roof, and he’s walking pilepsy, which hospital should he go to? they took him, well, where do you think he went, also without consciousness, that if he sends some thugs to me for this laptop, i ’ll go and look after the forest, wait, hold on, uh, come on, stand, what in little house, but he doesn’t understand you, okay, it’s free, i’ll go and check, it’s empty, i still won’t go back home while she’s there, i ask you to give her a chance.
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yes, do you have a laptop? “no, why are you waiting, waiting for the boy to actually run to the police, but if it’s so simple, maybe you’ll do it yourself, keep quiet, don’t call me no more distracting with your moronic calls, okay,


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