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tv   Chernoe solntse  NTV  April 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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yes, you have a laptop, no, why are you waiting, waiting for the boy to actually run to the police, but if it’s so simple, maybe you’ll do it yourself, keep quiet, don’t call me anymore, don’t distract me with your moronic calls, okay?
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“firstly, good morning, and secondly, we need to explain ourselves about your mischief yesterday, i want you to know that i don’t blame you for anything, thank god, but i don’t sleep at night, listen, i understand that things didn’t work out for you and me from the very beginning, but anything is possible.”
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it is impossible to change, for example, betrayal, good morning, nikolai, breakfast, are you already leaving, yes, i’m cleaning up the classroom for school today, sorry, i won’t have time to take you, nothing, i’ll get there by bus, yeah, hello, who do you need, i need a major beetle. dad, they came to you, what happened, we missed khnelevsky, well , more precisely, i missed it, this little bitch outwitted me, he exchanged clothes with the pizza delivery guy and left the apartment, and when the real courier came... into the house, we
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checked him, in short, i yawned, come on, tell me that i'm a shitty opera, that i belong somewhere in the parking lot, raise the barriers, come on, why are you silent, you're in captivity, you have the right, well, do at least something, don't be silent, you're like a fish flying around, a trunk? anastasia, you can take kolya to the garden to feed him, i was actually going home today, well, if necessary, necessary, all the best.
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what do you want? “i, i just wanted to apologize, it was just a nervous night, also this alentologist, no last names needed, in general, i wanted to say that i have all the information on this guy, and i will find him today, just don’t call no one." a
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where is shchekin? in the information storage center, he is trying to follow khmelevsky’s route through city cameras; he disappeared a long time ago. 6 or 7 hours ago, he won’t get on the plane, i have his passport, which means there are only train rides left, but what if he decided to lie down in the city, maybe he’s with his friend, this liza krapivina, maybe to her first, no, he won’t go there, why did he decide that, well, because he knows that we will look for him, this is the first place he will come to, she lives in the center of the garden, there are cameras everywhere, no, he would rather just at his parents’ dacha, he’ll sit there, let’s go there. i don’t understand why he ran in, when we find him, we’ll ask him.
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oh, in short, their house, the second turn, the plan is this, i’m going to take a shower, and you’re sitting here and guarding, no, i’m going with you, no, you’re sitting here, chagin, listen, you didn’t mix up anything, don’t fuss, you’re a major, you need to go on reconnaissance, take a closer look at what’s what, and if he runs there, who’s there? watch your back.
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listen, anastasia pavlovna, it’s me, are you all right, have you taken kolya to kindergarten? no, why no, what happened, we had almost reached the kindergarten when he told me that his stomach hurt and he was feeling sick, and naturally, i took him home and began to call an ambulance, but then he admitted to me that he had nothing it hurts, and he made up everything so as not to go to the garden, what is it like and where is he now? standing in the corner, anastasia pavlovna, i don’t put children in the corner, well, maybe that’s why they lie to you, how they breathe, they avoid the house whenever they want, i need to go, excuse me, that means, apparently, he’s not there, only the ancestors in the garden they're poking around, well, let's go, we should talk to
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them, okay, fine, command the parade, let's go. owners, owners, i wish you congratulations, god help you, good afternoon, what do you need, wow, why so not a caress, father, but i had a short conversation with your breed, what kind of breed is this, the musorskaya, i asked what you need , okay, don’t bother me, dad, we just talk, if you want to talk, call us with a summons, andrey, shut up, i talked to such brutes once. heart-to-heart, before he could blink his eyes, the witness turned into the accused, 6 years old life, down the drain, for nothing, not a single creature in uniform apologized, andrei vasilyevich, let us calm down, please, who are you to calm me down, my last name is beetle, i’m an investigator, beetle, that’s what you mean, initially my son
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was hanged for murder, then he was shot down, now you're making him escape, even the cops, what kind of people are you, and stupid? bitch, west in development, in vain you are a dad, and i’m not your dad, if i were your dad, i would strangle you in the stroller, andrey, well stop, if you know about maxim’s escape, then he called you, that means you know where he is, we don’t know anything, and if we knew, we wouldn’t say, it’s a pity you don’t know where he got the money, maxim has an apartment in the city center, a new car, he has a good education, good job, salary, victoria georgievna, your son has not worked a single day, and his diploma is a fake, listen, your son got involved with very dangerous people who are suspected of murdering four innocent girls, god, why are you listening to them, they will tell you a story here, so fuck off get the hell out of my area while i i’m still holding back, maybe you can drink a glass from the puddle, andrey, stop it, let’s go, i
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’ll pour it for you, about the dead-end branch. here it’s completely wrong for dad to go out, go to the store, wait for me, thank you.
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may she not come, she will come, oh, finally. “these people you were talking about, they are also looking for maxim, that’s why he ran away from home,
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they are looking, so we need to find him faster, i really don’t know anything, he called this morning, 7 am, he said that everything was fine with him.” okay, that he needed to leave for a while on business, he told me not to worry, then my father answered the phone, what they were talking about, i didn’t hear, but i don’t know about the escape, i swear to god, i would have talked him out of it, aren’t you worried, victoria georgievna, tell me, he didn’t say where he was going? no, yeah, do you have any real estate in gaccina? in gachina? yes, no, and never happened. are you sure? yes, of course, that’s true, or maybe your friends or max’s friends live in gachina. wait, gachina, someone just recently talked about gachcha, who? well, of course, lisa, lisa spoke. krapivina, max’s girlfriend, well , yes, she and maxim came to us for 2 weeks ago, it was my father’s birthday, we
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washed the dishes and started talking about renovations at the dacha, she said that my aunt got an old house in gachina, where in gachina, she didn’t say, no, you will find it, you promise, we will do everything that it will be within our power, i promise you that, thank you, it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, like this, clearly, i understand, like this at the household megamarket. we have carefully preserved a whole world of juicy berries and fruits for you in dzhemakh maheev. jim makheev is one hundred percent natural. real mozzarella on pizza, in advertising, so it's delicious, try it. well, you did such a thing here, i was torn from the first seconds. i'm delighted, i'm just, i'm simply delighted. mask, anniversary fifth season. that's
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the end of the songs, everyone for a crack, a lollipop. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. kirkorov vs. dorokhov. stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. sergey and marina realized that it was better to try durian before buying. it's good that there is investment in teenagers. you can first try to invest and only then invest your money. open an account in tenki investments and receive from the bank starting 50,000 rub. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. with tenkov investments you quickly get the hang of it. tinkov. my choice. doshirak. and my chan ramyeon. doshirak is the secret of taste in the broth. alpha investments. this is for money, we give shares every day, open an investment account for the purchase of any
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share and receive another one as a gift, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! where are we flying today? to saturn, and now to jupiter, and now to mars, we don’t have such space support, which means let's fly to pyaterochka and find out if there is life. get space craps and pullers for every 600 rubles. win a tour to baikanur and other prizes. pyaterochka helps out. an endless country that never passes. the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands on the new teinkov black maps. hurry up to get a teinkov black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. tinkof. mask - new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hello. great, are you so happy?
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yes, i'm back all night today, just like before the gym i got there, i don’t remember, i didn’t think i’d get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget, as it happens, maybe i’ll also buy what’s there, as they say, prostatricun, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think so, i know. dark, of course, now i’m getting my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to receive it, call, everything is simple, when you order they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it , i drove off, leave it for yourself, try it, then again
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you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think? call, be sure to order, remember: it’s better to try once than to think 100 times. meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women , hurry up to try prostatricum gold. no one should be. disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women , hurry up, try prostatric gold.
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stars. premiere on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. something happens to you very often, one was slashed in the throat, the other was hurt out of the blue, it was you who set the little one up for us to feed, now she just won’t leave there, she’s taking more and more people with her you need to, if you open your mouth, i ’ll send you to the cemetery, my wife can go to prison, your son is not an angel with wings, you have to think about what to do next, you’re talking about ramming, yes, it will only get worse. hot spot today at 22:15 on ntv.
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good afternoon, can i help you with something? but no, thank you, you are looking for something specific, a gift for your wife, i’ve already found it, actually it’s for men, if you have any questions, please contact me, yes, okay, because i don’t care, quickly, hello, yes, you’re alive at sixty-seven. i'm sorry, what? are you deaf? i'm asking you, are you you live in sixty-seven, are you flooding me, fool? in terms of? think about it, turn off the kitchen faucet, you idiot, or i’ll get up and turn it off for you once and for all. yes, i ’m not even at home, i’m at work now, i can’t. are you kidding me or what? i made repairs 2 months ago, my stucco is about to collapse, what the fuck is the work, i rushed home quickly,
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or i’ll get up and break your door, i’ll close it all off myself once and for all. no, let me come now myself, just please don’t break anything, okay? please, i give you everything i’ll make it up, i promise, but i don’t have to go, forgive me, please, tell me later, i won’t change these, that’s it, thank you very much, that’s it, come on, notes, come on, hello, chuck, can you hear me, speak up, in short, we broke through this nettle according to the database, none of her relatives have real estate in the gachina region, maybe the house is not decorated, well, in short, that’s all, but what about him? the phone on the network was in the area of ​​the basseyton shopping center, okay, thank you, now we’ll get to this lisa, we’ll put her to sleep, she’ll sing like a canary. no, i will talk to her alone, and you will sit in the car, and so that i i never heard this word from you again,
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i understood what word, let’s say something, this is not a word, this is part of the profession, these are operational investigative measures, it’s not ours , it’s not for us to cancel, but i don’t know who started it, but this won’t happen in my group, but i don’t understand, are you so correct in nature, in nature. you want to be white, right? well, well, come on, come on! khmilevsky's dad, did you hear what i said about the dead-end branch? we are damned cops and it will always be like this, and no one even cares that you are freezing there for days at a time in an ambush, pouring a bottle into a fist, smoking, all in order to catch the next freak who could kill one of them, stab one of them , rob, and what in the end? the next scum, the next freak, and so your whole life passes , you drink with the boys and embrace your youth and your best bitch years, and what’s next? nothing further, a divorce from his wife, who left for
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some kind of business, a penny pension and chronic prostatitis, and not a single bastard in this world will even say thank you for what you did for people, well, i’m not going to destroy your picture of the world , just warning last time, do you want to work with me? no violence, especially assault.
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hello, major zhuk, vyborg investigation department, i’m also your employee elizaveta kropievna, but she’s not there, something
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happened, an hour ago she was here, well, she was, but she asked for time off, she seemed to have forgotten to turn off the tap at home, and her neighbor is downstairs called, said that he would break down the door, the neighbor called a long time ago, about an hour ago, and what happened, maybe i should call her, there is no need to call anyone, we will sort it out, he found her, we are going to call her with... try, quietly , quiet, shut up, i told you, shut up, i ’ll ask you, you’ll answer me, of course, you’ll lie, you’ll regret it, but if you tell the truth, i ’ll just quietly leave, okay, the first question is, where is your boyfriend now? “if you yell, i ’ll break your nose, okay, i really don’t know where he is, i
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swear to you, i don’t know, we had a fight, he hasn’t called me for 2 days, please, i don’t know where he is, please , no, i don’t know, i don’t know, do you love him, now let’s see how much you love him”? now let's see how much you love him, i will cut off your finger, i’ll start with the little finger, when the fingers on your hands run out, i’ll go straight for your toes, and do you think he will also love you without fingers, and why are you humming, say what you want, quietly, don’t twitch . here in the village, syomina, where the village is located, near gacheny, where my aunt’s house is in a state of disrepair at the end of the village, what is he
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doing there? i would say that he is hiding from whom, i don’t know, i know, he said from everyone, how do you contact him, no way, he knows that he is being bugged, i was supposed to come today, products bring the phone number, but you please, no yes, please, where are the car keys, what are the car keys, open your mouth!
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look, he left, he lured this fool into
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the apartment. found out where khmelevsky was hiding , left, broke the key so that you and i could have a good fuck here, lisa, what are we going to do, major, lisa, thank you, vlad, i don’t know what i would do without you, okay, igor, stop it, who is this girl, is she somehow connected with this business of yours? no, well, that is, it’s connected, only very flamboyantly, nachagin is who, this is an opera, from god, the character is just crap,
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here. lisa, lisa, lisa, calm down, everything is fine, we are with the police, lisa, lift up, lift up, calm down, i laughed at me, here is my id, i need to take off the tape, now it will hurt a little, carefully, carefully, i didn’t want to, really, i didn’t want to, he said that i would cut off my fingers, calm down, please calm down, give me the keys to the handcuffs, there are no keys, why, i don’t have handcuffs. your mother, lisa, listen, it’s very important now, tell me in detail what happened to you, who did it, did you see his face, i’m here i was wearing a mask, he said that my fingers were shaking, knife-deal, i was scared, i really didn’t want to tell him, he made you say what you specifically told him, she said that in the village, in semina, this was undermined, for me there is a house registration there, i didn’t want to, everything is fine , i don’t remember what the address is, the number of the house where she’s hiding, there’s only one
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street, well, at least where... at the beginning, at the end of the village, where at the end, next to forest, okay, call an ambulance for the victim and sort out the door so that they don’t get robbed, he’s still a car you took mine, igor, go to this one, i ’ll take care of the car, thank you, grab it, let’s pour you some water, right?
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nigar! aren't we in a hurry, if we crash, there will be nowhere to rush, don't worry, major, you can't waste your skill, so stop, i'll drive myself, don't distract me, relax, everything will be fine, look at the road, yes, vlad , hi, igor, hi, we spotted a car, he was driving along the kiev highway, and then in the malaya karlina area he turned onto krasnosilskoye, there we lost him, well, everything is correct, he goes around the cameras, the bastard. thanks vlad, go ahead, good luck, keep me posted.
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finally, leaf, listen, i hope to devour you, i'm hungry like a dog, what 's taking so long, do you hear, fox, gurney, i'll fill it up, hands on the roof, slowly, where's the laptop, what kind of laptop, don't make me angry, laptop christina vanguryan, but i don’t have it, he doesn’t exist at all, well, i mean, he probably exists, of course, but there’s nothing there, not on lentulu, not on anyone, no incriminating evidence at all, you hear, i’ll ask again, this will be the last where's the laptop, quiet, quiet, wait, don't shoot, please i’ll tell you everything, you hear, this is a cop
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provocation, that’s it, this investigator came up with it, well , he even wrote the text to me about the tape so that i would say, well, i said, what is the investigator’s last name, zhuk, zhukovo’s last name, zhuk, igor zhuk, he is a major, i think, i don’t know, uralsip is a bank for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for
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entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip - nothing extra. cool guys, i came to get sewn, i'm tired of being a jerk, you're screwed, stronger than an oath, boy, now with us, we are the streets, we are the only people in this city, do you think your boys will save you when you drown, stronger than fear, who is the elder, what am i, immortal or something? it’s scary when your son is stronger than the pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts, then you’re like, yes, stronger than tears, you’re crying, you’ve driven your mother
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crazy, i’m sorry, the boys don’t apologize, what are you bitches? create them all into the ground. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt, let's give the boys, let's give the word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the most anticipated television premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. we realized that it was better to try durian before buying, it’s good that in tinkof investments you can first try to invest and only then invest your money. open an account with tenki investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank.
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money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account; for the purchase of any share, you get another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. magnet. wafer candies jack. 29,999. magnet - the price is what you need. an endless country, above which never. the sun is not setting, the mesmerizing nature of russia is now in your hands, on the new tingkov black cards, have time to get a think of black debit card with a limited design in april, get free service forever tinkov, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, here he begs, i can’t take it anymore.
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rate, when you close a loan, it’s like
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a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkov gives you an excellent gift, money, apply for a loan with tenkov before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the rate in money, we approve your plans , tyunkov, this is a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let me go! let me go against philip kirkorov, so i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, the deceitful nature bent me, gave me beauty and ugly growth, distorted, and before the deadline i sent into the living world, that's how i see luntik, it's a housing problem, yeah, a million-dollar secret, all my ex-women began with
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the letter a. amin, where are you going? i don't want to start. why is the project so cruel? after all, today someone will leave, stars. today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip kirkorov and the wrestlers will meet face to face. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. hey, you're alive, damn it, i don't know how this happened, it's like he grew out of the ground, did they call an ambulance? i didn’t, i called as soon as i saw it, but
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i don’t need an ambulance here anymore, the guy looks like so people, who saw what, i saw what they saw, he jumped out of the forest , looked around all the time, as if he was thinking about running, not running, where exactly did he run out of the forest, you can show him, from there, from there, chagen.
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come out into the world and raise your hands where i can see them. major, major, come on, come on, oh-oh-oh, come on, come on, come on,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, wow , you got hit so hard, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, quiet, quiet! that's it, now we'll go on flights, do you hear, major, the main thing is not to pass out, you hear, major, bug, may, can you hear me, no,
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doctor, what is he doing, well, don’t wait, and it hurts, well, tell me, the wound is through, the bullet went through... a lot of blood was poured out due to the fact that a vessel was hit, i had to stitch him up, but he’s conscious, can i talk to him, but i can’t, come talk to him tomorrow. trunk, but your trunk is not dry, how are you? why did you go to the village? without me? there was no
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time to talk, it was necessary to take, take, with bare hands. do you know why a cat never falls from a roof, she just doesn't think what will happen to her if she falls, she everything just jumps, you know, major.
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woke up, yuri petrovich, lie down, lie down, what are you doing here? i have the same question for you.
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good afternoon, good sir, can i ask you for your phone number? i don't have a phone number, please tell me. it’s not far from the city, it’s far away, maybe there’s some kind of bus, can you tell me, i have a tourist center here, not an information desk, it’s clear.
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thank you very much, hello, yes, i’m listening to you, hello, nadezhda petrovna, gleb nikolaevich, it’s you, yes, it’s me, hello, can you send a typewriter for me, yes, of course, dictate the address, let's send the address, just don't tell vadik about... ok, ok, send it, i'm waiting, thank you, now you know
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how much work we did, it's all a waste of time, lentulov was killed, khmelevsky was hit to death by a car, a killer twice disappeared almost from under our noses, i no longer have a single lead that could be developed. "that means they believed in the existence of compromising evidence, they are afraid that this compromising evidence will come to light, the one who is afraid, sooner or
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later, always makes a mistake, or already committed, it’s just a small matter, find this mistake, now find it, what about the prosecutor’s office, you say, they’re giving you credit, but someone puts pressure on me all the time, this is the position, i’ll refer to the fact that you..." on sick leave you can’t hand over the cases yet, how much time do i have? a week, maximum, no more, thank you.
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romka’s son, yeah, where he serves, in heaven he serves the lord, they killed him during the second chechen war. this is for me, thank you for everything.
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and what what the hell are you doing here, what's with your face? i'll explain everything to you, i have cash, how much? i have something, come on! that's it, i'll tell you i will give it away, i promise, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardine columbia medalin, from selected
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arabica beans, which have revealed the aroma in the author's roasting. filled with colombian passion, a pleasure to feel, genuine jardin columbia medalin, listen to the riddle, a man returned, he hadn’t been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in her place the owner of a meat processing plant was buried with a monument, the question is who got the money, what kind of thing is this? justice, zhenya murian, your mother will not forgive you, but do you really think that i i played it safe, i don’t like it, “dancing on the graves, they killed him with my mounts, he pressed you tightly, you want you to fight on his side, it was you who crushed him, where you told the truth, then you can do what you want, arseny is timid, hot period, new season, soon on ntv, stars, premiere on saturday at 21:20 on ntv, try sushi, try all
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pr woman, she’s been calling all evening yesterday, you can’t be found, where are you, and no , today in pulkovo you are supposed to meet this trifon’s mother with flowers, but how can you take them off if you have a face like a criminal’s? vladik, please, let’s cancel everything, but i can’t do these elections, these interviews, i can’t, you’re asking how i got here, so i don’t remember, which means i don’t remember, the last thing i remember was getting ready yesterday morning in the city, then everything was a blank page.
8:59 pm
how it really was, it was my fault, i messed up all around, i wanted to prove, you know, that i wasn’t done with my finger, of course, in a good way, i had to tell the beetle, i had to, i had to, there was no time, yes, in in the end what. zero, zero, donut hole, khmelevsky's dead man, lintulov's dead man, a beetle was caught by a bullet because of me, now they'll definitely take away his case, they'll take it away, i'm generally silent about elin, fuck-up, he 'll be imprisoned, mikhalych, forgive me for all the a smut that i made. sorry, yes wait, sit down, sit down, today our technicians called me, this login appeared on
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the network again at the same point, in the naligovka office center, 97 organizations are registered at this address, 96 of them i don’t know, one name seemed familiar, a lawyer from... the solovyov office and partners, solovyov, gabin guryanu called him before his disappearance, uh-huh, it’s like a beetle interrogated him, maybe of course it’s just a coincidence, but i’d check if it works. law firm solovyov and partners. i'm listening. sorry, connect at the moment
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i can not. pavel konstantinovich kotaev, is on trial. yes. all the best. can i help you with something? no, can you? i would like to see pavel konstantinovich kotaev, and you have an appointment, well, we talked on the phone, now he will be free for the trial only in two hours, great, then i’ll wait for him, if you little girl don’t mind, don’t mind. hello, karpov asked to call you if the false one flashes on the network again, the phone is active, okay, thank you.
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hello, delivery, okay, i'll be down now.
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hello, hello, speak up.
9:04 pm
hello chipaev, how are you doing, hero, what do you think has finally happened to you, major, this dude has appeared on the internet again, and now i know who it belongs to. oh, narochka, jack and i were already thinking that you wouldn’t come, and the bagel and i overslept, i envy you, i’m an insomniac, oh well, seriously, it’s easy to fix, well, it’s so easy, tibetan foot massage for 20 minutes before bedtime, you will sleep like a baby on a cloud, i guarantee, but there are nuances, hands, it all depends on which hands the foot falls into, i spent a whole
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month studying this art, by the way, so you were in tibet, well, not really, you saved one tibetan monk from death, he actually taught me, so guys, who ’s first, oops, come here, jack, oops, to the start, attention, jack, march, donut , beautiful!


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