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tv   Goryachaya tochka  NTV  April 4, 2024 10:15pm-11:36pm MSK

10:15 pm
i’ll kill your friends, prouder caught lead here, serious people are wondering who to ask, one wrong move, you’re dead, jumped off quickly, what will happen to them now, they ’ll sort it out, let’s go, this is monthly. a little considering how you grow, the right choice, egor, pride, full carriages, golden shoulder straps blowing from the south, young betas tearing into shreds, clouds, they didn’t forget, sent from far away from home, mother, and not the last love. and
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i’m running across the sky, you see someone’s footprints, it could be you, it could be me, it could be us they are waiting, maybe they are singing to us, they found a scythe on a stone, there is a war going on for the memory of years, our lakasa is on a stone and... yes, come on, good service, come on, comrade captain, sergeant polin, allow me to address you, what do you need, the thug said , whatever you are going to rostovalite, take on board, demobilize. okay, get in the back,
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you’ll go with the marines, they’re also on edge, thank you, comrade captain, let me go, hey, waterfowl, drop me off at rostov. well, it looks like it’s yours, but i thought they were going to take it out of the grave. now unidentified ones
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are kept for up to six months. he's already ready for us, i arrived and they found it in a freight bag. the carriage, by the way, passed through your black valley, so the killer may well be one of yours. death occurred as a result of mechanical impact on the cervical spine. in short, the man’s neck was simply broken. so, numerous bruises and bleeding indicate that he had a fight with someone, or simply that he was beaten. come on, show us that you are giving us lectures here. nourish, and admire, please, it’s a pity, is it him, there is still damage, but for you that’s not enough, he a rapist, he must have characteristic injuries, i won’t believe that a woman would break his neck, but what did i say, i’m asking if there are marks from nails, i don’t know, anything else, i’ll look now, no, there aren’t any,
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no, there was no such task, so they weren’t looking for anything else, it’s clear they weren’t looking, why are you standing there, clean it up, okay, thank you, as they say, they came, i repeat once again, the necessary examination of the skin , subungual contents , about... yes, okay, okay, we'll do it, well, i mean we'll do it, this should have been done 100 years ago, the corpse is criminal in any case, we’ll figure it out ourselves, who owes whom, okay, write a request, they’ll sort it out, zhek, i want to talk to you about yesterday, forget it, you didn’t see anything, i mean, i i didn’t see anything, i saw everything, zhen, i want to know that... you can
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believe it, you can not believe it, the war taught us that here, let’s go to one place, and then go home, who are you writing to, yes, dear ones secrets, ah,
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you know that i came, i like to think out loud. "well, i can’t in an empty office, why are you they let me go, yes, she let me go, you know, the picture doesn’t add up for me, as if something was missing, or someone, how can i explain to you, you know, there is someone in this story. i’m very close, but i don’t see him, i can feel his skin and i don’t see him, i’ve completely confused your head, but there’s a little,
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they found floss’s car, stolen, well... i’ll go, i won’t bother you, since when have you been driving cars? started studying? yes, i don’t deal with cars, the goyets called because she was blown up with a grenade on her campaign, there are dead people, but it seems like no, you realize what’s wrong with you! tanya, please don't touch, i mean, you knew that she was here, and that you didn’t tell me anything, i asked you, then i didn’t know, tanya won’t
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help you, she won’t help, what did you think, that she won’t help us, because i fryazina killed. what did you do? i killed fryazin. that's how it happened. holy shit. i'm not done with you, zhenya. who? captain khasanov, criminal investigation department. we
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didn't call anyone. i know, i just really need to talk to tatyana palovna. hello. hello. she got off duty today and recently fell asleep. i understand. mm, this is just very important, i'm leaving today, please, do you have documents, yes, of course, come in, thank you, yes, mom, hi, yes, everything is fine, how are you? nothing, everything is fine, kostya doesn’t say anything to me again, he turned around in the morning, now he’s gone somewhere again, he didn’t call you, i’m just worried about him, very, no, he’s fine, let me call you a little later,
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ok, let's kiss everything, bye, bye, son, bye. hello, hello, you will forgive me for waking me up unexpectedly like this, it’s okay, i won’t write a statement anyway. what kind of statement in fryazino are you because of they came, but no, i, tell me, are you familiar with gordienko, alexander valeryanovich, why are you not interested in this, first answer the question, please, yes, familiar, when was the last time you saw him? no, when was the last time you saw hardienko? it’s been a long time, i don’t
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know, i don’t remember, we barely know each other. do you know kovalevsky? yes, kovalevsky introduced us. you know that kovalevsky died. yes. who did you learn this from? gordienko told me, he came to see us in chernodolye, that’s when we saw each other, i just now i remembered, that’s all, but almost. guardian was killed here in chernodoley, and everyone who came with him was killed too. do you know anything about this? how to drink? like this? do you know something? lord, tanya,
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what is he talking about? mom, how many times have i asked you, don’t mind your own business! tanechka! i don’t know anything, is that clear to you? i have nothing to do with these people at all! leave me alone! sorry! her, please, but she’s just off duty, no, you’ll forgive me, thank you for letting me in, i’ll go, i found out everything i need, thank you, yes, of course, all the best, lord, what is he doing? you decided to bend me, right? do you think i ’m not going anywhere with you now? i won’t be silent, understand?
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idiot, you almost knocked out my tooth, it’s a pity that you didn’t knock it out, okay, that’s it, we calmed down, like
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her, she was sleeping after duty, we had to make a fuss, you said that you cleared out the fryazin? no, he didn’t say, he had to say, but he’s afraid of him, greenfield club, where good taste is always rewarded, the more tea, the more gifts, greenfield club, you’re invited to all products on the shelf are profitable with discounts, take what you need for your loved ones and for yourself, order from the scooter in the selection of the best shelf, free delivery, scooter without extra expenses, what is this? beautiful, yes, meet me! this is zhenya, for his people he’s just a soldier, somehow you’re younger, i
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imagined you differently, kuat decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery, not yours either, come on, like in the good old days, no, the old days are over, ivan makhovikov , we 've been taken somewhere, the wrong place, nikolai kozak, what are you doing? i'm going to fight, vladislav kotlyarsky, i love you. beast! arseny the robot, give me one day, i’ve decided everything, hot spot, new season, coming soon to ntv! black sun - final tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. alpha friday is a super cake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia. only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable.
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is the best bank in every office. this is a show of stars, duels. denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against philip kirkorov, i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, my deceitful nature has bent me, and deprived me of beauty and height, i’m ugly distorted, and before the deadline i was sent into the living world, this is how i see luntik. this is a housing issue, yeah, a million-dollar secret, all my ex-women began with the letter a, amen, where are you going, i don’t want to start, why is the project so cruel, because today someone will leave, the stars will meet face to face today denis
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dorokhov and regions and philip kirkorov and fighters, on saturday at 21:20. ntv. it’s not necessary like this, it’s like this, like this, like this. it's clear. i understand. that's it, choose and buy with convenient click-to-click delivery at the megamarket. well, this stuff can’t be stored here for long, so that a new cache needs to be made. will you do this double bass? got it, i've already got my eye on the place. well done. well, let's please our friends. fuck the commander. tease, and shut your mouth, let them know their place, creatures, hello, hello, dear, do you know how life is? how are you, family, children, everything okay? yes, i'm fine too. you know, just one little problem happened. yes, it’s just that
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the guests arrived, and i wasn’t expecting them. i didn’t know, i believe, i believe that i didn’t know. so listen to what i tell you. don't rush into the goods yet, i need nothing. do you know if you will fall under the hot hand? what? scum. he hung up. but i explained it clearly to him, beautifully, i listened, well, then you’ll decide with a weapon especially for me, musa is a nasty man, i can get into this, so don’t relax, mori, now take me home, come back to help the double bass, go to the car , double basses. this new guy, who is vitia zotov’s former security guard, don’t turn around, he’s very curious, keep an eye on him, we’ll do it.
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10:38 pm
the dog is stooped, who are you knocking on, and your hands gave it here, look, get out of here! why are you silent,
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why are you silent, bitch, but i don’t hear you, tell me everything, winter! let's go, what a beauty, you know, it's impossible, i wanted to doze off, but there was such a scent all over the house, my mouth was watering, i was almost stale, don't interfere, but...
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i'm a cretin, where did they take you, okay, kostya, what happened, kostya, kostya, kostya, there’s something wrong with zhenya, kostya!
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damn, your phone can't pick up? khasunov, it’s good to kick your ass, but i won’t, zhen, you acted like my father, yes, but you didn’t beat him. "excuse me, please tell me, but there is someone, ah, and you, and what am i, well , i mean, how did you meet him, he was riding a motorcycle, he fell, he ended up in the hospital, but
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you look at me." well, then i ran away, well that’s how we met, yes, zhen, of course you don’t change at all, swans, why are you sitting here, i told you where, man, where are you going, man, man, you can’t go there, so what... do you hear me, listen to me carefully, you will think where you are going, and if you open your mouth, i will send you to the cemetery, you understand me, so i told him, man, what are you doing? allow me, disappear, close the door, so that not
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one living soul. this is a work-related injury, i fell off a crane, it’s clear to you, but the police are already on their way, send me back, say that they were confused, i’ll negotiate with their superiors, is that clear? what is it? well, why didn’t they teach you how to knock? and it’s you, excuse me, yes, it’s you, excuse me, i didn’t know that you were mastering the splits here? but i can’t sort out the papers, i don’t
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have time. oh, don't tell me. what's your name? so kolya, well nikolay, like my late father, but tell me, cool nikolai, about your murin, what kind of person is he, what does he breathe, so it seems that captain khasanov is his friend, it’s better to ask him, but when he’s away with me, he’ll come of course, of course. i’ll ask, because the man in the car has a grenade going crazy, but i don’t know anything about him, and in general i don’t really know either, i served in a hot spot, first as a conscript, then under a contract, and what do they bring with them, who knows him, maybe the grenade is also seeds, well, yes, seeds, yes, he brought something serious, yes, you were looking for it, but who will give it to me, murino doesn’t give me one
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no matter. there will be no answer, sorry for bothering you, yes, well, how much they would give him, frezina, well, i don’t
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know. it all depends on what they could prove, if the examination showed that it was him, the girl, then it was him, then life. and if they had proven that he was all of them, they would have put him in the hospital, and then zhenya, maybe they would have released him altogether, well, he’s crazy, but that’s what you think, and you? has it ever happened that you were released? it happened, but that doesn’t mean you had the right. edik, he attacked me, and i don’t know who attacked whom, well, you can arrest me me, there is nothing against you, well, of course,
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except for what you told me. greenfield club, where good taste is always rewarded, the more tea, the more. gifts greenfield club, you are invited, why didn’t i start wandering around earlier, but i had this music, ruzil minikaev, even though there will be a war soon, leon kemstach, i see in the area, i’ll bury you, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they are all of us now they will catch them one by one, anna peresilt, help, anton vasiliev, we are now creating a new department, it’s ours now. ivan yankovsky, they are sharpening their teeth on us, no one likes that we are a force on our own, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the boy’s word
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10:53 pm
egor, i need your help, i have one idiot who jumped off the crane, the doctors started screaming, they already reported to me that there was no living space on him, that he stepped on the crane, he turned out to be painfully curious, please, put this matter to rest, i now... isn’t it so, i came on my own, okay,
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i’ll come to an agreement with my people, and you put this away, as you say? egor, let’s go fishing with you, but as before, go fishing, what are you doing all of a sudden? i don’t know, i’m terribly tired, the boat is intact, intact, where will it go? well, tomorrow seems to be a day off, so let’s go early in the morning, nazariki, come on, come on, i’ll sleep off my retirement.
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how far is it yet? jack, tell me, this is the one that stabbed you. how do you know him, you met him, you don’t want to talk about it, okay, what is this?
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what they did with them, but i don’t know, there are no corpses, corpses, what are you talking about as a prisoner? i said, what did you tell me that they would be released? well, did he say so what, or that you wanted to wait at the police station? yes, zhenya, yes, to the police, listen to me, you are right, tell me how they got through all your posts, car. in both directions, how did they not notice healthy men with machine guns, but how do i know, and you ask your people, they will tell you how much it costs, don’t include the girl in my case either.
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ruslan, where are you? here? i'm calling you, calling you, what are you doing here? nothing, have you been drinking? peel, are you crazy? we're getting vaccinated today need to go. ok, we'll get there, get ready, have you shaken off? you and i won’t go anywhere drunk like that, what are you even doing? go, get ready, i won’t go with you, what kind of rubbish you are, then i’ll go, where are you going, and where? ruslan, where are you going? you have to go there, stop, you're crazy, what did i tell you, i
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won't let you go anywhere, go, ruslan, you lost your mind, you! “what do you want, good, stand, but he’s in the dust, i’ll kill him, bitch, oh, leave him, well,
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why did you hit me, do you think you’ve got me covered in blood?” "i didn't tie you up with anything, you he came himself, it’s your choice, so come on, son, go home and sleep it off, you battering bitch, leave him, well, you idiot, what’s going on, ? this is ruslan.
11:00 pm
are you drunk or something? let's get him, is he alive? what are you here, where did you come from, what did you do here, like a drunk, russian, so he needs to go home, i’m not going home, russian, let’s go there, we’ll figure it out, stomp the car, come on, come on, he’s dragging you, or something, what to do with the car , then
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we'll pick it up. give him this car, he will graze everything himself, no, you can’t, zhen, i’m driving, it’s hard to give you a handkerchief, wipe it off for blood, don’t do it to me, hold it, hold it, where are you from so handsome, it’s better for you not to know, okay. he'll figure it out, i'm not going home, where, to my place? where are you going, home? to work, not with you or what? murin, you're a fool, uh, lie down, listen, just shut up now,
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right? look. okay, you can handle the russian on your own, yes, i can handle it, great,
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oh, hello, why didn’t you come to see me? hello, sit down, sit down, the duty officer said that you have arrived, what are you writing? report, i quit. oh, excuse me, please, but what is this all of a sudden? well, i have demons of a personal reason, what are they? personal, well, she said, go on, my father left, now, probably, somewhere abroad, bad, bad, i thought he was smarter.
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come on, you’ll always have time to quit, i’ve already decided everything, before you quit, come to my office with a report, let’s see what you and your friend did, then you’ll quit, he decided, the mixer. yes, everything is fine with him, yeah, he’s sleeping with me, sleeping, don’t worry, when he wakes up, i ’ll bring him, yes, come on. who did he call, he’s worried, mushka, can he tell me that
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he went on a spree? you're better off not knowing, yes, you already he spoke, that means he spoke correctly, he was good, with what happened, if you had stayed, this would not have happened. but i didn’t stop them, whoever i didn’t stop, they killed them all, they took them to the back of the head, and taranov is your first freak, he gave birth to him, murin, your mother, got ready far away, cool down, you can’t change him, i wasn’t going to, otherwise i don’t see, i remember how you snowballed egorov. when he was the enemy of those two, there was a war, so i’m talking about the same thing, god be his judge, okay, get in the car, if i’ll take you,
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i wrote for a long time, yours came to the noise. it happened again i’m on the extreme side, well, at least you’ll make it clear to me, it’s all written there, comrade colonel, i haven’t signed it yet, it doesn’t matter, i’ll leave anyway, you’ll leave, yes, you’ll leave, i’ll leave, will remain here, who are these jigs that will turn red , he’ll close his dear one, well, so figuratively, i’m going.
11:07 pm
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11:08 pm
donbass was quiet and quiet... until bandera’s men burst in, katyusha, zhenechka and sasha, war , who came to their house in the spring of 2014, the ukrainian army just started shooting us, just like the girls have been fighting the punitive forces for 10 years already, i worry about my sister, but for myself, and in principle, well, what will happen, will happen, for my deceased commander batya, if you have there are such women, believe me. no enemy will ever break us, i serve the donetsk people's republic, for my mother for our victory, our mother is waiting for the dawns over donbass to be quiet, mother, please don’t cry, on sunday, at 6:00 pm on ntv. black sun, final, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. alpha
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11:13 pm
no conditions for all new players where do you say he was brought from the staranovsky office, and most importantly, whoever’s brains weren’t hit, he doesn’t even fall from a crane like that, who was brought from the office, and one guy, hello, comrade captain, she wasn’t recognized as a civilian, and where is he in the hospital, his ribs are broken, his arm , the insides are broken off, and the state seems to be the same. now it will be, he deserves it,
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oh, go into the house, come on, come on, what’s wrong with his face, is he healthy? he’ll tell you himself, and the car will take the car away, don’t let him go anywhere today, don’t worry about that, thank you, you’re welcome.
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san, you can talk, i can, san, who did this, myself, san, please don’t lie, which one of them? “i promise you, they won’t touch you, i fell myself, so what’s going on here, and it’s you, but still
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get out immediately, he needs constant rest, you know how it happened, a work injury, fell from a crane, there are witnesses.” . yes, come out.
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say hello to your mom, she’s actually worried, worried, bone, who’s there, zhenya, yes, zhenya, yes, mom, it’s me, zhenya, why are you scaring me so much, oh, i called you, called you, mom , it's okay, let us talk. what's wrong again? yes, that's it, that's it okay, everything, go, everything is fine, go, don’t worry, don’t worry! i'm listening to you, why did you kill them? what? what was needed? maybe you think they should have been released? i don’t know, i could have let him go, i could have turned him in to the cops, are you crazy ? how's your head? what's wrong with your head? do you understand what will happen now? what will happen? nothing will happen, they got it right, they won’t mess around anymore, but they’ll stick around , they’ll rake you in again, they only recognize strength, zhenya, you should know this, you know what i’ll tell you, let it go, stop, then
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it’s difficult, the keys, jack, jack, let's sit down, let's have a drink, zhen, zhen, well, there's no need, i didn't really want it, it's still early to get up. where shall we go to the old place, and you have been working there for a long time, 5-6 years, and i last year?
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there’s not a damn thing there, let’s go to the keys, well, to the keys , to the keys, download the application and get it. five deuces, go to green, right away, what a day, but nothing bites, don’t swear, you didn’t call me for fish, right, well, why, for fish too. no, isn't that cool?
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egor, well, these are just tears. well, since you 've already fished, then speak up. what am i, this speak up, yegor. was it your imagination, or did you give up, one way or another? so, something became scary. but what about me, i was afraid of my own, it became disgusting, you say disgustingly, egor, you know, how someone gets money, some through sweat, some through blood, and you, that means, through shame and disgust, so i say, rather than rich , no need to start.
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they came to an agreement with the district, or something, they settled on the same thing, like a parrot and the boy died at night, what a kid, and what fell from your crane incorrectly, bleeding into the brain, no, egor, i have nothing to do with it, i’m telling the truth, no, kostya, it was you who put the bony one to feed us, for... now she just won’t leave, she needs to take more and more people with her, shut up, who else will tell you that, raisa, she can, but you’re making noise at her, shut up , they say, women are all fools, so you’ll have to listen to me, kostya, you ’ve lost your shores, almost like you don’t think the corpse is ready right away, shut up, egor, what, ten, or maybe he’ll gain more? old penya, maybe
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i don’t know anyone, kostya, egor, egor,
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11:24 pm
this is not bad, you have to think with your head, remember, this is not an army for you, you won’t be discharged, this is forever, thank you, goodbye, come on, i survived. this is just the beginning, what a horror, maybe he was drunk, maybe
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the men were fishing, hunting, everything was the same, pour a drink and let’s go, it’s still a pity, hello girls, i found some girls. hello, hello, what are you, what happened, what happened, but you don’t know, no, that yegor bragin drowned while fishing, they caught him today, how true, what happened to her, who knows, download the app and get it. with luck from the betting league five deuces, go to green, this is a show of stars, duels, face today denis dorokhov and philip kirkorov will come face to face, a most interesting duel, the pop king
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11:31 pm
season, normal action, soon on ntv, give me more money and don’t squeeze, and then intimidate me so that they don’t talk, i don’t have to teach you, i’ll do it, commander, i was thinking about it, maybe i should get away from sin for a while, stop fluttering around, listen to the double basses. it will be a bundle, or you don’t believe me, soldier, come out, i’m not for you, it’s you, yegor, and i’ll call you back, you don’t see that i’m talking about the case, why did you kill yegor, i didn’t kill yegor. he fell overboard himself, you're lying, you're lying all the time now,
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heaven, heaven, that's enough, lord, don't you understand that you've been down the drain all our lives, nothing will happen to your life, there won't be, me already people shy away, people shy away, but don’t stick your nose where they’re going, yes, he didn’t touch yagor, it doesn’t concern me , it doesn’t concern me, well, you’re a bastard after that, take it easy, raisa, tell me this, my wife can be imprisoned, with us they can imprison anyone, but your son is not an angel with wings, drive them away, you hear, drive them all away, i’m not here, who? ilyin, this is the district police officer. hello, the owner
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of the house, he is sick, what should i tell him? this is a serious conversation. criminal investigation, stand here, i’ll call you now, yes, it’s not rich, yeah, but i was thinking, what do i need, hello, konstantin nikolaevich, i’m conducting an investigation into the death of citizen alexander shestakovsky vladimirovich, this is your shot, right? yes, ours?
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yes, i heard that my wife brought it from the store on the tail, it’s true, it’s true, it’s a pity to get it, it’s a very pity, he was a good man, openly. hello, grandma, zhen, i heard grief, yegor bragin drowned, like this, like that, he went fishing, the woman in the store
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told me, i remember him when he was young. “ what trouble, you knew him too, yes, i knew, i’ll go, you didn’t say that someone crashed, well , he crashed, help, and that now, it’s okay, i’ll pay a fine, that’s all, you don’t want to tell me anything else, and that the person died, you do not care? what should i worry about? he himself climbed where he shouldn’t, he fell down on his own, should i now shed tears because of every idiot, will you help me or not? you can handle it yourself, fool.


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