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tv   Pozdnyakov  NTV  April 5, 2024 12:55am-1:11am MSK

12:55 am
i should have soaked you right away, puppy, i’m proud, take the answer, but bitch, bitch! sega seca chega.
12:56 am
zhel, your mother wasn’t allowed in, but for some reason they allowed me, they said everything would be fine, he said, the new manager here offered me a job, i’ll probably agree, i’ll come to you as long as you’re here, i’ll come again, definitely.
12:57 am
hi, hi, well, how is he, everything will be fine. don't miss it on monday. bequeathed to morin
12:58 am
, article 222, part two, was released, which means he served his sentence and returned home, now i have to find a job, and in life in general somehow figure it out, son, i ask you, just don’t poke your nose in anywhere, but his hometown is turning into a hot spot again, a decision has been made at the top here in chernodol to make a southern gaming zone, roulettes, blackjack and all related products, and he will have to take on weapon, kadushek was shining, knocking down everyone, why are you such a greyhound, arseny the robot, i’m not a greyhound, i just don’t give up, hot spot from monday at 20:00 on ntv.
12:59 am
the season of acute respiratory infections is coming to an end, but why experts do not advise us to relax, what kind of infection can catch it if you ignore immunization and recommendations for tourist trips, should you be afraid of the so-called disease x, what to do to avoid food poisoning or mineral water, how are things going with obesity and whether marmalade and champignons help improve the body’s health. let's talk about this with the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. how is the incidence of orv and influenza assessed in our country at the moment? is the peak behind us, as i understand it, or are there any other surprises awaiting us? today the incidence rate is decreasing, today i can to say compared to the previous week there was a decrease of more than 13% for covid in the amount of arvi and influenza. yeah, we don’t see any unusual behavior patterns of viruses, so in the spring everything is as we predicted, that’s all. and
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we hope that by the end of april, as it happened, the situation with the seasonal rise in acute respiratory viral infections will subside. to no and well, the next stage is the growth of intestinal viruses, you also need to be prepared for it, usually it starts with the may holidays, when people go out into nature, cook their own food in the field, and forget wash your hands, wash your food, just enjoy the sun, without looking at the risks, and there are risks, so today we need to prepare for this season, we are preparing, and i invite everyone not to forget that... viruses are still waiting for us , how alarming the situation looks in different regions, it was reported that measles is raising its head again, and it may not even be just a matter of anti-pregnancy drugs, measles is raising its head as well as other vaccine-preventable
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infections, they said back during the pandemic, when many countries , well, russia is here almost a complete exception to what happened in other countries, they suspended routine immunization for the population, here is who data that more than 100 million children today have fallen out of the standard immunization regime, that is, children are not in time against those infections that can be prevented by vaccinations, and this includes measles, paratitis, that is, mumps, and like whooping cough, unfortunately, polyuma or diphtheria, these are already serious diseases, so the risk of occurrence in...
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the rest refuse to be cut off for a number of reasons, which they consider for themselves , there are probably some medical reasons, well, there are very few medical ones in this case, these people are always flammable material, they of course get sick, after contact with a person with measles, the person is non-immune, but... he will definitely get sick, what actually happens, well monkeypox has reached us, fever and dengue scare us, i’m also not afraid of this word, zombie viruses are the golden ones of the eternal world, well, smallpox seems to be under control, but with everything else, well,
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humanity always scares you with something , yes, sometimes reasonably, sometimes not so much, but the memories of the coronavirus are still fresh, i just want to say that it’s important for us not to be scared here. and to do everything so that the spread does not occur, so that this case is the only one, only for the one who brought it, in fact, this is what we are working for, this is exactly what is happening, we have imported cases of various diseases, there are names that you can’t even listen to it’s unpleasant, over the entire last year we have not had any spread of imported cases of any dangerous infections, this is really the case, well, ours.
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no one can afford this today a country that has such a system of epidemiological control service, we have new surveillance tools, such systemically new ones, well , such as, for example, genomic surveillance, when we today
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analyze everything that interests us at the level of the genome of a microorganism, any, and a virus, bacteria, today this is not a problem for us, but we have immunological nutritional surveillance, when we study tension, immunity, yes, and immunodeficiencies, today we study the population to see how many of them there are, in order to understand how a person reacts, how the population will react as a whole, because when we talk about a virus and... it could be completely new from somewhere, it could be previously known to animals that crossed the interspecies barrier, or some old one that suddenly mutated and acquired new properties , we must first of all test it, we must have something with which we will identify, yes, how things are with biological safety in the country, in principle, in general, what are the main challenges for us today, if we so to speak, let's look at the general situation, well... from on issues of biological safety today , a lot has been done and is being done by the state,
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it is being done, well, these are not always obvious things known to everyone, but believe me that very, very much is being done, we are exporting biological sovereignty, this is absolutely true, this is exactly what they come to us for they come, and this is what they appreciate about us, we work on a partnership basis, that is, we are ready to work with you, we are ready to teach you, what not to do? no other country in the world, here to teach and to give opportunity and tools to work ourselves, we, of course, try to interact as much as possible on a partnership basis with those who are interested in this today, and many are interested, well, for example, well, for example, we have excellent long-standing relations with vietnam in the tropical center, we work together, colleagues have done a lot together; firstly, they publish there very actively. together with our scientists they are defending their doctoral dissertations here, this is
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now from new points, this is venezuela, this is burundi, this is the place where we work 10 years, in august of this year there will be a ten-year anniversary, this is guinea, where our joint russian-guinean center operates, and a number of other points that have already... taught everything, everyone stopped getting sick, they flew away with this, but all the equipment left
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there where colleagues work with great effect. news about low-quality products, well, it turns out, quite regularly appears that this is low-quality caviar before the new year, then this is cider with a fatal outcome, well, there’s a recent case when a pensioner was poisoned with mineral water, it seems like there it was a well-known brand, but the liquid turned out to be somehow incomprehensible. and how to protect yourself? well, the packaging of the mineral water was purchased at the market, the cider was also purchased on tap, well, all self-respecting food sellers, yeah, uh, everyone tries to monitor the quality first of all, and you and i shouldn’t relax either, the first thing we pay attention to is the place where we buy. on the street from hand from under the counter, during the period when the retail outlet is already
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closed, that’s what they are selling there that it was yes, it definitely wouldn’t be worth doing, the second thing is the packaging, yeah, it’s the packaging, it’s the usual type if you constantly buy it, it’s a well-closed cap, it’s a properly affixed label, and it’s not some kind of drink in... the manufacturer, on april 1, the russian federation introduced a rule banning
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the sale of low-quality products at checkouts , especially expired dairy products, thanks to this digital marking, today the checkout will not show expired dairy products suitability. at first it was in pilot mode, but i was very interested in what would happen in january, because well, this is the biggest dump of expired products. we know this when we can, we control it strictly, but this year the number of such attempts at the checkout to sell products with an expired expiration date was half as much as in january last year, interesting data is sometimes published by rospotrebnadzor, maybe champignons are good for the brain and hearts, marmalade is effective against atherosclerosis, it does not create this some kind of m...


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