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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  April 5, 2024 1:10am-2:10am MSK

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and expired dairy products, thanks to this digital marking, today the cashier will not check out expired dairy products, at first it was in pilot mode, but i was very interested in what would happen in january, because well, the biggest dump of expired products, it’s january, we know that when we can strictly control it, but this year the number of such attempts at the checkout to break through expired products was half as much. than in january last year, when it it started, well, now a ban has already been introduced, so i think that everything here will tend to the minimum, to zero, practically, interesting data is sometimes published by rospotrebnadzor, maybe champignons are good for the brain and heart, marmalade is effective against atherosclerosis, it doesn’t create some kind of... that deceptive feeling of security and confidence that you will be useful? will you
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live forever if you eat food? well, i don’t remember anyone promising that you will live forever, but healthy eating is of course the base, and i want to say, that we do a lot to tell and explain to people what is healthy and what may not be necessary to eat, at least you shouldn’t eat a whole range of foods every day, three times a day, and here we have certain the results, well, firstly, very slowly, but there is a trend... to reduce the increase in the number of obese people every year, it is there, we have a noticeable result in the reduction, since they said that, on the contrary , everything is growing here, everything is growing, but the pace just slows down, this already makes us happy, education of taste habits in children, here is a wonderful project initiated by the president of the russian federation on hot meals, the text says, high-quality and healthy and healthy, and so - and a lot has been done to
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ensure that the correct menus are drawn up, rations are calculated, and commitment children to add more salt, yeah, to add more than two tablespoons of sugar and even two spoons, it decreases in elementary school, so we see that these children from the first to the fourth grade begin to add less salt, fewer children there a decent reduction and add less sugar. well, that is, they get it at home later, i don’t think, because a taste habit is formed, no one removes sugar and salt from them, and we really hope that those children who have learned to eat correctly will not lose this skill, but at least offering certain correct food options, well, what you said, and one second in general, well, quite tasty things, and champignons, and marmalade - these are things that are pleasant to us, yes ?
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but at the same time they are more useful than others some sweets or some other food products. anna yonov, thank you very much for the conversation. thank you. hello, it’s a decade of science and technology in russia. the ntv television company and the state corporation rosatom present a program, science and us , a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. i am vladimir antokhin, and i am ekaterina shugaeva, and in 10 years a nuclear aircraft will appear in russia. just like that, of course, it’s long overdue, well, it seems so to me too, so i invited optimists who believe that in 10 years. in russia
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a nuclear plane will really appear, this is alexey rudometkin, an information technology specialist, good evening, and yulia zvarykina, an economist, an expert on air transport, hello, and as per tradition, my guest is the skeptics ivan moiseev, a research engineer, good evening, and peter zelenov, an expert on the implementation of new technologies, good evening, good evening, good evening, at the end of the program our optimist guests will make a forecast with what probability a nuclear aircraft will appear in russia in 10 years, what fuel it will use today do planes fly? our expert, professor kapustin, will tell you. airplanes today fly on so-called aviation gasoline. aviation gasoline is not an easy thing, it requires chemical stability, a high degree of compression, and even without detonation. such processes require additives, usually a lead bromine compound, as well as branched alkanes and cyclic hydrocarbons. for jet engines , straight-run kerosene is most often used. in addition to
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hydrocarbons, jet fuels also contain small amounts of sulfur, nitrogen and organometallic substances. when burned in engines. all this goodness turns into waste, which causes terrible harm to nature, to our health, is it a matter of a plane powered by atomic energy, what kind of a dreamer i want to say, is it a matter of a plane powered by atomic energy, i have a personal question for you, what was your favorite long flight , uh, 12 hours, probably, but for you now, well, am i the farthest away?
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to watch how it flies, yes, but to great disappointment the bird also turned out to be flightless, but it’s so beautiful, when did people even think about the possibility of flying? well, as you know, a very long time ago, from the first days of mankind, people dreamed of the sky, and here we must probably divide this question into two components: the first is the dream itself, that is, how a person... rises into the sky, how he surveys the earth beneath him, how he conquers the air, the second is purely pragmatic, how we can move faster, the so-called mobility, how we can transport cargo, passengers, so if we divide this part, then the whole main one, as it were,
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history, humanity basically dreamed, they just dreamed, they didn’t just want to get somewhere faster, they just wanted to be in the air, just flying, flying on a dragon, and there were different ones... that’s why everyone thought about how to do it, leonardo da vinci set such i showed the experiments to the italian aristocrats and everyone tried to use it for military purposes, but in reality people began to fly only in the fifties, in fact, if the first planes appeared and the first seconds of flight there in 903, in 905, then in fact... herself aeroviation came when you and i can already say that people began to use it, well, in the fifties and sixties, and this gave impetus to the development of many industries, for example, tourism, that is, different mobility, business became different develop, that is, aviation actually stimulated us to become closer to other
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continents and peoples. alexey leonidovich, really, when did the first successful human flight take place? there are many correct answers to your question, here are a few, as a rule, i agree with here yulia viktorovna, which means that the 1903 flight of brothers, brothers immediately comes to mind, of course, here we are talking about stabilized controlled horizontal flight, there are many other versions about earlier flights in different...
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we just said, there is no comparison go by their characteristics, by the technologies used, by their reliability range, by the volume of cargo or passengers that they can transport, that is, if it was already an achievement for them to invent an apparatus, a heavier-than-air aircraft,
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that is, with at least one person on board, then remember them when you board the plane to go on vacation, that's a completely different matter, thank you very much, let's send the dragon. don't miss the central television's first information show about the events and people of the week.
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unfortunately, our expert, professor kapustin, does not believe in it, advantage aircraft with nuclear engines. obviously, practically unlimited range and duration of flight, only a few grams are consumed for tens of hours of flight, but in real life we ​​don’t need to fly by plane for days. today the longest flight is 15.00 km. route passes through russia, greenland, mongolia and china. in general, the average passenger covers about 6.00 km on his flight. personally though. i once had the opportunity to fly from donetsk to mariupol, it’s already 100 km. but the duration of flights depends not only on the speed of the aircraft. the air transport association claims that the average time a passenger spends at an airport is almost 8 hours. although, again, i once had the opportunity
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to sit at the bratsk airport for three days. by the way, in recent years the number of air passengers in russia. exceeded 20 million people, the closure of international flights led to an increase in domestic tourism and, accordingly , domestic flights, our domestic transportation is perfectly provided by traditional silts, carcasses and superjets, so you can simply make silt carcasses and superjets using a nuclear engine, oh well, we’ll discuss this with the professor later , well, look how the balls fly, for example, i can imagine the balls... i can even more or less imagine, well, they pumped it up with helium, it’s lighter than air, it’s lighter than air, well, let me show you this too, let me show you, come on, so, although it’s strange, the ball itself is being pressed, it doesn’t seem lighter than air, but okay, and there are gels, okay, ivan mikhailovich, with balls, in general it’s clear, to be honest, with airplanes they also
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explain, everything is clear, the pressure is above wing, pressure under the wing, engine, thrust, why? he flies, no, really, why does he fly and doesn’t fall, this is a very simple question, but it is still being actively discussed on the internet, like what, why, but the problem is, everything is very simple there, that there are two effects, the first effect is the angle of attack, so so called angle of attack is the direction between the flight of the aircraft, its body, how it flies, and the incoming air flow. here is purely newton’s law: here the force falls, decomposes, here a lifting force and a braking force are formed, the braking force is handled by the motor, and the lifting force is compensated by the forces of gravity, this is the first effect that makes the plane fly, if you, well, of course, all of you been to airports, even without asking questions, you see that during the flight, during takeoff, the plane flies nose-first
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up, nose up, this is understandable, it rises up, it seems, but in reality it actually uses the angle of attack, but... it sits down like this with its nose up, because it needs to get as much lift as possible at low speed, so this is how the pilot manipulates the angle of attack, here is the second effect - this is the famous daniil bernouli, the famous bernulia law, also known as bernouli's theorem, also known as the bernouli integral, here it is a little trickier, here in aviation the wing, the wing of an airplane is called a plane and... in general -they look so mockingly at those who dare to call it a wing, but in aviation they are wrong, because a wing is a tricky thing, the wing is roughly curved like this, which means that bernoulli’s law applies here, bernoulli’s law says that where the air flow is fast, there the pressure is lower, and there where it is low, it is low at the bottom, there is low pressure, there it is
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higher, higher, again, if you watch airplanes, you know that when a plane flies straight at... the speed at the top, it flies smoothly, no angle of attack, nothing, this is where this law applies, returned due to the form wings, when the plane lands, then it begins, especially the passenger one, it has such a powerful wing, then all sorts of tricks begin, the flaps, flaps, and even slats begin to lower, that is, it is made like this, that is, use as much as possible i lost my strength both during takeoff and landing, precisely because the speed during takeoff and landing is low. but you have to rise, that’s all, thank you, they brought back about this power, i never thought about it in my life, i was still thinking why we need flaps from these all. alexey leonidovich already told us that during the development of aviation, well, let’s say yes, well, 100 years, roughly speaking, well, yes, yes, and technically aircraft have stepped
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very far forward, but still, how are modern aircraft fundamentally different from those airplanes that existed 100 years ago. ekaterina, a good question, in fact, the first answer is simple, technically, in theory , nothing has gone away, that is, the physical principles of movement, the self-construction of an aircraft, in theory it has not changed at all, but the devil is in the details, and if you look at what the plane with the case, what elements and systems make it up, then everything has changed absolutely since then, and history, one might say, goes in circles, i can share my own experience, at first i was doing it on duty. international projects and i had to fly quite a lot and i looked at airplanes from the point of view of the consumer, and now for the last year and a half, rosatom and its science
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are gradually engaged in import substitution of many elements now for our civil aviation, starting from cabin filters, ending elements, an airplane wing, an airplane wing, right, yes, which is already becoming composite, one of our divisions of rosatom is just making wings for the ms-21, so, we can say that - history goes in circles, and the first airplanes, they they were also a kind of composite, if plywood can be called a composite, yes, but from - conventionally plywood, rag wood, the plane moved first to aluminum, its various alloys, and now just carbon fiber, fiberglass, and those elements that are now in the plane , they are of such the highest quality level that... for example, the same filters that we install in cabin filters, they are absolutely not inferior to filters of the same class that are at nuclear power plants, they are literally
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identical in technology and in general in the cleaning system , but tell me why this is, that this makes the plane fly better or it’s simply better for the passenger to breathe, but the question is that the plane flies better when it flies more efficiently and when as many people as possible like to fly on it, because economic efficiency is precisely our engine. tell me, what is there to really clean at the top, well, there is dirty air, what cleans the filters, the larger the plane, the more people there are in it, secondly, there are different filters for water, air, cabin, air conditioning, and fuel, of course , including fuel, which is why you have to clean a lot of things, but not with filters alone, i’ll give a simple example, even seemingly simple elements of the ceiling floor and the interior in general, in fact, if you think about it, are load-bearing structures in modern... on an airplane, they are also composite and are quite complexly arranged, and moreover, even such simple moments, they must meet the highest quality, for example, not burn, and even if they suddenly light up, then they must go out,
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so from such small details, starting from the light, ending with structural elements and locks, but the plane has changed completely and it allows you to fly quickly, efficiently, comfortably for passengers, something that was just interesting before, the plane has almost changed... and i can even draw some kind of diagram, the simplest, to say universally, how much
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and what kind of fuel we have on board, very much depends on what kind of aircraft design, what kind of engine, different aircraft fly on different fuels, no, volume, on volume the volume is from 10 to 60%, but at the same time they are all on the same thing. we don’t, there was even one of the planes in 1973 that was launched on an electric engine, that is, it flew on electric propulsion, there have been attempts to repeat this and they say that even single models are working somewhere now, but seriously, we won’t do that to discuss, these are purely individual, one might say scientific models, in general, if we draw some kind of average picture, here is an airplane, a bridge with... 10 to 60%,
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60% of the airplane is fuel take-off mass, yes, well, that is here are all the passengers, their luggage, the crew, the plane itself, here is the fuel, so yes, it’s not in vain that we are discussing this, and this itself can be replaced, in general, let’s replace it with passengers, yes, so if we think that the passengers are here, yeah , then what to do with it, fuel in different designs, well, the most popular ones, boeing, airbas, airbass have consoles wings, and howled, where in ms21? this is typical, yes, in the wings, but it’s easier for me to say about the take-off weight and the effect, for example, on an airbus 320, it’s about 30-40% of the take-off weight and 6 tons somewhere to transport this fuel, that is 24-30 tons of fuel on board and about 6 tons
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are burned just for... that is , all designers strive for no more than 20% of fuel to be burned for fuel transportation, yeah, thank you, ivan mikhailovich, we do , why are we talking about fuel, why bother with fuel in vain, plus we are actually with volodya we were also in the pavilion of the nuclear dnh. wonderful exhibition of the dnh, i cannot help but say that this is the best pavilion and the best museum in the world, and there were models of nuclear aircraft that were practically ready for launch there, but were not realized, but still not we are the only ones, naturally , who think, russia is not the only one who thinks about nuclear aircraft, when did anyone first have the idea of ​​​​creating a nuclear aircraft, and you know, here the answer is similar, when did a person think about flying in general, because
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at the very first stage... there were a lot of proposals, projects, and the first stage is the end of the 18th century, bickerel discovers radioactivity and finds out that this is enormous energy, nuclear decay, then everyone naturally began to fantasize about where, where, where more energy is, first of all, in transport, you want to go to trains, you want to go to planes, you want to go to rockets, but seriously, cars are also cars, yes, yes, yes, seriously, seriously, but on an airplane. first stated, created a project, proposed the great anrico fermi, this is a monotechnical project, creating a nuclear bombs from one of the first reactors, 1942, now 1942, this first idea was recorded for him, just like the reitz brothers had their first controlled flight, so enric fermi’s idea of ​​​​flying aircraft with a reactor with some minimal calculations , well, the minimum
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calculations were slowly developing in... it’s still only a theory forty years ago, a theory of a preliminary design, here’s the next slide , a flying model already with a reactor, this is ’55, and ’55 the reactor was launched several times, 20 times, but this reactor only reactor, please note, not engines, there was no engine, engines were not made, not in that case, not in this case, the next slide, and now to us,
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how to make it, what to do, what it will be like, but this is exactly , since these slides here, they were very secret, so that young people... knew what to strive for and what to do, they were given this very interesting article in youth technology: fifty-fifth year, the next slide, and here we are now we are moving a little forward, this is a bomber, here is 95, an aircraft similar in function and appearance to american second plane, and the same thing , one by one, until a certain moment they transported reactors, started up the reactors, didn’t
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get to the engine, next... slide, this is the reactor itself, here you see its approximate dimensions, and well, you can see these here are the bricks, they are bigger, of course, these are not bricks, these are big things, these are... radiation protection, there is a lot of it, and here a lot of things are not visible that should have been there, turbines, coolants, heat transfer, that is, to the engine it never came, here are all the projects listed, they ended with one summary: radiation danger, here, but there is a certain slyness here, because at the beginning of these projects they knew no less about radiation danger than at the end of them, the fact is that...
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we hope that in 10 years the first nuclear-powered aircraft will appear in russia. by the way, our expert, professor kapustin, believes in this. our country has extensive experience in creating nuclear aircraft. our aircraft with a nuclear power plant first took to the air back in 1952. a turbojet engine with a nuclear reactor is similar to a conventional one. on a jet engine. in normal
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in an engine, thrust is created by expanding gases. alternatively, the air is heated as it passes through the reactor. the main advantage of nuclear powered aircraft is their long stay in the air. and we are talking not only about long flights of ten hours, but about an indefinitely long stay in the air. well, in the unmanned version, the possibilities are atom. aircraft are generally limitless, the beauty must be burned here, all the theoretical problems have been solved, okay, pyotr vladimirovich, look, and ivan mikhailovich said what can be done at the nuclear the engine is an airplane, but it just hasn’t fit in all the designs yet, it fits in a flywheel, it fits in a submarine, it doesn’t fit in an airplane, what’s the problem with creating a nuclear airplane, tell me in normal words, it seems to me, well, first of all, if we allow ... we are sitting on the side of the pessimists, i beg your pardon, on the side
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of the skeptics, before starting, i would like to delve a little into the territory of our colleagues, after all, it seems to me that russian science and russian nuclear science are at least for the last century never allowed such a task to be entrusted to her, if it were entrusted, and she could not cope with it, there is a clear feeling that if...
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the moment is to support scientific schools, and in order in order for some task to be realized, someone must constantly think about it, someone must constantly work on it, and it is desirable that this process be continuous. simply put, critically important knowledge was preserved, all the projects that we talked about today, they were all from the sixties of the last century, and imagine that scientific schools, well, i’ll say this, probably, yes, scientific schools clearly exist, but even to reproduce all those technological solutions that were available would still require
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some time, to surpass them, to completely rework them, to highlight critically important knowledge, to obtain a new line of scientists, which will... maybe, well, i don’t know, but a combination, well , a combined engine, a solution to the safety problem, for example, during takeoff and landing we use a conventional engine, yes, and then up there is a nuclear one, yes, atomic we connect the battery, where there are definitely no birds, no one will get into the filters, yes, let
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me jump back a little to one of the first questions, when we mentioned bright, in the case of them, they were enthusiasts, they wanted to fly, they flew. is, is a combined engine a solution? solution, i would first ask the question, what is the task, if you don’t believe me, the task is very simple, to build a nuclear aircraft, then i will answer
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that a combined engine - this essentially means that there are two different ones in the composition power plant, in a sense they can really help. there to create - a nuclear engine that operates in different modes, and horizontal flight along the route , takeoff and landing - these are different modes, of course more difficult than making it suitable for exactly one, but on the other hand, you will need to somehow link the switching between these engines, at what exact moment do you turn on and off one unit, turn on another, and all of this will need to be controlled by a pink one, at what height, for example? artificial intelligence will tell me, it also needs to be programmed, and, as we, i think, have all heard, with different generations of artificial intelligence systems available to everyone, sometimes they speed up and begin to do something better, and sometimes users begin to complain that it turns out a new update came out and something went wrong, we don’t want this with a nuclear
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plane, especially in flight, okay, yulia viktorovna, well, now it’s stated that the main component of the ticket price is that we are playing with two pluses at once, because there is a number of attempts to make a hydrogen plane, airbas has already launched it, actually showed it flying, actually a sample, but we will not advertise other people’s companies, so now, with the transition to a new technological structure, of course, nuclear atomic energy
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is becoming very attractive from the point of view of low cost of practical use, that is... it is obvious that the cost of the aircraft itself, until it is a series, until it is mass produced, will at first be more expensive, definitely, than the existing samples, but as soon as we take into account another seat kilometer passenger, and the fact that we will calculate how much a ticket will cost, transport accessibility, practically unlimited flight time, then here the compilation of such routes will be uniquely competitive. if such a model were calculated correctly, that is , the ticket would cost less, the ticket would cost less, but i say, here the indicator is a seat per kilometer per passenger, and we would definitely take more passengers on board. we could fly longer and farther and pay less for damage to the environment. i don't even now
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i’m talking about noise characteristics, which are also very important for those residents where airports and airfields are located, and therefore the question of what kind of engine will be, how much noise characteristics it will have, this is probably a general design issue, but nuclear fuel is key for. .. so maybe it is precisely this fear that is slowing down the creation of a nuclear aircraft, we will do it, but no one will fly, ivan mikhailovich, what do you think, well, let’s do it, then here are the problems. that means we’ll do it, we’ll do it, the fact is that so far not a single one is flying a nuclear engine does not exist
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, does not exist, is not planned, is not designed, what can be done, planes will not fly, but what will happen, if possible, the first slide of the next series, you can show, yes, of course, holding it, the thing is safe, the thing is safe , especially the modern one, there is the most... the largest airship was powered by hydrogen and it ended sadly, so, but an airship of the same size, and preferably larger, will calmly pull a nuclear reactor, a nuclear reactor is a motor that will spin at the back and will heat the helium , which is inside safe, yes, it’s a multi-compartment system, you can shoot at it from a rocket, it’s not, it will calmly and gently descend, that is, it’s safe, next slide. for what? people will want it, you don’t need a lot of them, imagine such a toy, this toy will fly around the entire globe in 3 weeks with
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landings somewhere, and you can get a lot of people like on a ship , there are a lot of two or three and a lot of people will want it, but you see them in general, there is a lot of space there, 24 days around the world, cheap tickets, it’s all very cheap, these are the things that will pay for themselves, you don’t need a lot of them. they are safe, due to the fact that they are afraid of atomic energy, here are nuclear icebreakers , tourist groups go on them, so if you are interested, they will not be afraid, and that means the next area of ​​​​application is the so -called mg-19 gurkolet, this is the gap between nuclear power by air, by plane, by space, it is accelerated in the atmosphere by turbo-rocket, turbojet engines. then, when the atmosphere ends, he enters low-earth orbit, he doesn’t go out yet, well , the atmosphere has already ended, but he hasn’t
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entered orbit yet, he turns on the nuclear engine, too is already more or less safe, it was designed, reached the same stage as the previous ones before the creation of the engine, it stopped here, but this design is real, so it could be completed, the second option, which is currently being worked on, is the cosmite fuel and energy module . this is a different application, another nuclear engine, this is a nuclear reactor that provides heat, which spins a turbine, the turbine provides electricity, electricity powers low-thrust engines, electric rocket engines, this thing can allow you to fly successfully to neptune, to pluto, to saturn at long distances or can carry heavy loads to the moon for a long time, for example to the moon, this is one option, the second option: also space, this is done by the american dapra, and the first flight is planned in the twenty-seventh year, this is a different
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engine principle, the reactor works here liquid hydrogen enters the reactor, it heats up there, it works like a regular liquid engine, the advantage is due to the fact that hydrogen can be used, they are complex, heavy things like kerosene, so it is extremely effective, it is planned, in general, now it is planned for experimental flights, it is planned just to the moon to mars. that is, if i think that there will be no airplanes, then holding spacecraft can’t be done without them, holding it to taste, in space you can’t do without a reactor, someone else has it, you wanted to say that maybe there is a fear of atomic energy stops the creation of atomic i actually wanted to say that i would give an example in general about the fear of flying, but since i also fly a lot with those who is afraid to fly. i say this all the time, and so, colleagues, in order for some element to hit the plane, especially if it affects
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flight safety and the number of procedures.
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if you compare them with the number of people who are transported there annually or how many are in the air at the same time, for example, over moscow, right now, while we are talking here, that is why we perhaps perceive them as somehow most emotionally or personally , precisely because this is, in fact, very rare, so as for in general, will people be afraid
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to fly, i think it's a matter of time... it might be somehow, if we told someone 600 years ago that it would be possible to travel by air from one city to another, the middle ages , well, if i had done this, they would have simply burned me, you see, in 600 years they won’t be afraid of a nuclear plane, i think everything will be faster, and here the first aeronautics enthusiasts there were also looked at as a few eccentric people, yes... let's be honest, that's why the first passenger flights, yes there could cause something for someone, and indeed there are still people who for some reason are afraid to fly, although many of them fly anyway, so here i am completely optimistic in the sense that if a nuclear plane appears, sooner or later zion will live, thank you very much, but if i add for a second that
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this is a woman’s approach... having worked for a long time in the ministry of transport, i can say that when you come to the airport, you usually don’t even think about it , what type of aircraft, and you will have - you are provided for the flight, the airline today can replace - the type of aircraft, well , due to a number of circumstances, and then there is the resale of tickets, the absence - of the type of aircraft that was declared, and in fact you , once on board, can make sure that you have tams-21 instead...
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we have always bravely resisted in battles, history remembers everything, to win, to destroy the country, to take away our freedom, but we were helped to win by the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops. become a hero bringing closer victory, serve under your contract! the program “we are science!” is on air. science and we is a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years.
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dear skeptics, optimists, i have a question for you: what is the probability in your opinion? i think there is a 100% chance that it will appear, 100%, thank you. high, the probability is zero, the reasons are technically undeveloped, you can’t fit it on a plane, it’s very dangerous, even if the risk is the same as on a regular plane, then the disaster will be terrible, that’s why there won’t be any planes, an airship will be possible there will definitely be space rocket engines, well, zero for the plane, thank you very much, i ’ll quote it again.
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in front of the central aerogrodynamic institute in front of many others there in front of the festehams that i represent are usually also solved, so if there is a task, i think it will be created. let's say 50%. 50%. thanks a lot. i would estimate the probability at 30 percent. i will explain why. because , after all, 10 years is a rather intense period of time, and an airplane is a highly complex engineering structure. and these are all the problems that we described them today, they need to be solved, scientific schools need to be created and a lot, a lot of things to think about. and therefore it is not impossible. this is quite likely. but doing this would be extremely stressful, so i definitely wouldn’t be able to put a zero, 50% is too much, if you had said 20 years, i would probably have already thought about it, so 10 years, i think 30%, 10 years 30%, thank you
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big, with a 45% probability a nuclear aircraft will be created in russia, which is most important, in 10 years, yes, so that if such a task was set, it would be done, the most important thing is that i would be the first to... fly, i have been working in the nuclear industry for 24 years, when you tell me about safety, that it could be unsafe, believe me, i don’t believe you, it would be super safe, it would be super cheap, excellent, purely wonderful, in general, when you make it, i hope when we make it, i’ll be the first to fly on it, no, we’ll definitely make it, but unfortunately it’s not there yet, here’s the thing, at least it’s not composite, but wings? okay, while i dream of an atomic plane soaring in the clouds, i hope that it will appear soon in 10 years, it will still appear, it was a program, science and we are a program about how science will change, including our lives in the next 10
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years, see you in a week, believe in our science, for now.


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