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tv   Mech-2  NTV  April 5, 2024 2:40am-3:26am MSK

2:40 am
max, a new letter to the special mailbox, our anonymous customers, have they woken up? it seems that trying to forget about the problem does not mean getting rid of it, so what? krivitsky, 42
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years old, an employee of a state corporation engaged in the development of navigation satellite systems, stole and took one and a half billion dollars offshore, the deadline for completing the task is a week, he intends to leave the country on october 15, max, what is this? the deadlines, our customer is also a greyhound. do you know him, who? well, krivisky, where from? well maybe he's something famous person in moscow? i hope not, you won’t get close to the well-known so quickly, so there was no sadness, i’m calling kostyan with a stranger, let them drive to the address, look at the area, what kind of house it is, how many guards there are. then, well, it
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’s just me, once you see you, you want it, you won’t forget, uh-huh, only the second one is to formulate it, it’s clear, but what are we going to do, i mean, i just said, i don’t mean bring him down or well, it seems like he only stole money, didn’t kill anyone, you need to collect primary information anyway, call kostyan. no one here they ask interestingly, in short, there’s no point in coming, there are a lot of hidden cameras here, nothing is in vain, you have some kind of package or box, something in the trunk, maybe. so great,
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i bought some other stuff there for the bath, uh-huh, what are you up to? you'll see now. it’s clear, i haven’t received a diamond for a long time, i’m like, hey people, ah! hello, cleaning
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company, order for cleaning, what do you need? cleaning, i say, cleaning company, wait, good afternoon, guys, what are you saying, i’m a cleaner, i have an order, who sent you? we don't have any order for cleaning, i mean no, not i know, maybe the company has the wrong address, just give me the company number, 8900, listen, guys, some cleaning, okay, let me go, where is your car, or do you want to say that you walked 10 km here, what a woodpecker , i told you the thirteenth, not the fifteenth, where did you go, and who is this, this is my partner, well
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, he doesn’t hang out with anyone, excuse me, let’s hurry up and wait for us, i’ll see you near the gate again, i understand, get out of here, get out of here dates. you idiot, what were you even thinking, yes, you thought, get better, fate will help you.
2:46 am
people help please. closed cranial brain for cosmonaut 12, yes, a corpse for sure, yeah, give me a corpse truck, are you crazy, she’s alive, a woman, don’t interfere with her work, you saw her everything, she just has allergic edema, she can’t breathe, he says, you that don’t touch me, i’m a surgeon,
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if you touch me again, you’ll endure a duck for the rest of your life, i understand, scalpel, alive, scalp, white knife, someone has it, please open it, and spray it with alcohol, wrap alcohol around the handle, put alcohol on your hands . knife, give me a knife, give me a pen, that's it, breathe, honey, breathe, breathe, that's it
2:48 am
it will be fine, patch, come on, yes, yes, yes. that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, breathe, breathe, let's go to 304, i'll make an agreement, sas, stretcher, come on, thank you, in short, people are mega-closed, there's a lot of security, they almost killed that little siskin, well , they didn't kill him, well, shut up, darling. there is nothing on krivitsky, no real estate, no cars, not even fines, clean in all respects, and this is bad, there is absolutely no time for development, egorov tried to find out at least something through his work, but information on top managers
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of this level is completely closed , hi all, hi, oh, hi, hi. what did she bring, and look, look, what are you doing with gardening in your spare time? chish told me on the phone that krivitsky has a huge area around his house and some kind of unreal garden, so i thought, someone should- then to maintain this entire plantation... i called all the landscape design companies that were already working in this area, look, you see, the garden abuts the river and there is such a peculiar bend, and well, there is one
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krivitsky house in this place, nearby nothing like this no more, and if this company has already done something there, that means... they have krivitsky’s phone number anyway, hmm. this is what an analytical mindset means, but then yes, bravo, but what are we going to do? what to do? order a lawn mowing. max, wait, have we already sentenced him? do we have a choice? well, although maybe... is anyone against it? let's vote. who's against it? well, wait,
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what about lena, vinnie, egorov? i am responsible for the blame. chizhik for lena. even if all three of them are against it, there are already five of us, the majority. so, we order a lawn mowing. yes. my company works with large customers and that’s why here, i don’t understand, am i from the village, or what? no, that you, my dad’s house is such a city, you start digging, you’ll only finish in a week, in short, look what i want, handsome, well, somewhere, oh, yes, here. beauty, yes we can make a similar design, you measure it absolutely free,
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no, you didn’t understand me, i want to see it myself, i can take a photo of the trash heap, it will look great, i want to see it with my own eyes, maybe you can give me a tour , no, of course, we do not disclose information about our we certainly don’t take clients to their homes, listen, you’re a designer, and what is your horoscope? i don’t understand, capricorn, in short, capricorn, you’re out of luck with your horoscope, it’s written right here, any answer that we don’t like, your office is on fire. i'm calling security.
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i'm calling security, your office is on fire. i chatter about our conversation. your office is on fire, you don’t give us the phone number of the owner of this garden, and my office will burn down, well done, maybe even with you, but everything can be fixed, you arrange a meeting for my friend with the owners of this house saving your lackey. my phone number is number one on your vkontakte, but this
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is impossible, you understand, the owner of the house has a serious security service, they check documents, look at work orders, he seems to be incomprehensible in general, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, stop, stop, stop, that's it, that's it, that's it , i got it, i got it, i'll take some coffee with me, yes , of course,
2:55 am
guys, the cat's paw is swollen, it's like it's not infected, he'll die, they took us, don't listen, harcomax, what? hand max, well, from our names, roma, kostya and max, so you that's what they called it? i haven’t seen an amputation with a knife, we’ll wrap it in rags, otherwise he’ll die, but how is he without paws? well, you choose, either three living paws or four
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dead ones. rum, give me a knife, why are you looking at me, cutting off a spirit’s hand is one thing, but a koshan is completely different, i actually want to sleep. okay, whoever shot is the one to chop, just hold him tightly, just quickly, okay, quietly, quietly,
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quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, hear, quietly, quietly, quietly, turn your face away. it’s hard now, ok, maybe we can give him some kind of pain relief, some kind of, i don’t know, vodka, what kind of vodka, what are you doing, how are you? you're going to give her vodka, boys, who are you going to drink vodka, this is koshan, they 're addicted to valerian, now, now, now you've got it in your palm, pour your nose. poke there and let me climb, on kashan, lie down, look, i got the buzz, come on, come on , okay, that's it, come on, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. everything is fine, turn your face away, no, i can’t, i can’t, how long will it last, how long will it last, they have cats, nine lives, maybe he’ll survive, use antiseptic? work, calm rkomax, we’ll break through, yes, the cap designer has sailed, in the morning
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they are waiting for kolya at krivitsky’s house, great, but i really ask you to be careful, there is no time for mistakes. the stroller won’t let you down, cap, i’m sure, give me the documents, but why are you making defective fountains? what fountains? it’s written right here that replacing the valve at the fountain is defective, but it’s not us, it’s a factory, foreman, can we do it? lead the way, just hurry up, the boss will be back soon. follow me, who will talk to me, if the boss is not there, replacing the valve costs money, the assistant will solve everything, uh-huh, so, lights out, what's going on, remove
3:00 am
the technician, the driver called, they are already nearby, i see, that’s it, go ahead and come back another time, but what happened? they don’t like strangers, come on, come on, come on, come on, wait, but the money, well, there was a challenge, there was a challenge , they will reimburse you, don’t worry, come on, come on, go , okay, okay, babu, that’s good , in any case, she will go somewhere to the salon, to the store, for a day or two she will light up, in short, the cap, a weak point,
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we have discovered its defense, all that remains is to grab this madam, let's work, chish, you will need to replace the kohl, you can fatten it up , no, no way today, tomorrow, damn, we have a forum in griboyedovo, what kind of forum is this, investment until 6 am on the highway. why are you hitting like a woman, invest, well, this one, it’s the designer who called back, krivitsky’s assistant is wildly apologizing, you want to discuss tomorrow the estimate for the fountain, this restaurant is in the distance, in the distance, it’s in griboyedov, and the forum is in griboyedov, yes, if the assistant krivitsky tomorrow in griboyedov, then maybe krivitsky himself will be at this forum, can you get a list of participants? who will give it to me? here's a list of cars, can i? we have tachek numbers, right? hold it, oh, kostyan,
3:02 am
hello, hello, how are you? feel, although you don’t need to, don’t, take care of your throat, i looked at your tests, everything seems to be fine. thank you very much, my son told me that my mother had already died, but then you appeared, she lived, and you turn out to be big-eyed, yeah, okay, get well, goodbye, please wait, excuse me, take it, there really isn’t much here, we collected as much as we could, thank you, i have a very decent salary, you don’t understand, this is from the bottom of my heart, no, you don’t understand, after what’s happening in my...
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haven’t you seen my charge? so, krivitsky will be on forum, oh well, not allaf’s day, we won’t be able to go there, and after this forum we will only have one day left, we won’t have time, yes, okay, don’t worry, as we say in krasnoyarsk mornings and evenings are more sober, so where it's her. i wrote them a letter, to whom? well, to these, our customers, so what? well, it’s unlikely that
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anyone will read it, there’s definitely no time today, yes, okay, that’s it, i’m off to bed, cap, cap, cap, they answered, do you hear? they’re on their way, that’s right, they don’t need to show documents, what did you write to them? well, krivitsky will be on the forum, we won’t be able to go there, there’s some kind of file right now, it’s a hotel reservation for three people, they solved the problems with the hotel reservation and documents in less than... in an hour at night they thought about the optimal composition of the group, the second person for a woman, in short, who are these people ? well, lena,
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don’t be modest, you’ve all heard very well about your feat yesterday, yes, i thought that i was just hiring a surgeon for the department, it turned out to be a very, very good surgeon and we would like this case. note, well, come on, excuse me, i can’t, i’m on duty, lena, we’re all doctors, we know very well that a glass of champagne will not interfere with work, i would like to raise this toast, forgive me, please, i am taking lecaje, that they should not be mixed with alcohol, well, you are not taking tranquilizers or any antidepressants, okay, already i then she took herself a doctor, or after all, come on, come on, no, of course not. well then, for dr. zhurova, our new, talented employee of our department, hurray, hurray, to the bottom, to the bottom, alen, to
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the bottom, here, please, come to the table, wait. not with everyone, but yes, there's a break for now i’ll answer the text messages, lena, here you are, two heavy men called back at the reception, let’s go, let’s go, quickly, let’s go,
3:07 am
3:08 am
here are the keys to your room. thank you. dinner at 20:00 billiards tournament at 18:00. would you like to take part? don't even know. we have a group for beginners. excuse me, but what group is dmitry krivitsky in? if he was recording? yes, the team has been promoted. and sign us up there too. there are very strong players in this group. i don't know if you will be comfortable. it doesn't matter, write, okay, thank you, you're fine, kind of pale, yes, i’m just tired, hello, vital, you’re doing well, i’ll come now.
3:09 am
well, kulya is in a car not far from the hotel, egorov is in the wings, chish is on duty, and we are in a luxury room of a five-star hotel. oh, text message. vin didn't show up. still, how will you spend it? you won’t say that, no, i won’t tell you, you ’ll be teasing me for the rest of my life, okay, take the key, i’ll go and walk around the hotel, maybe i’ll find out something about krivitsky, max, what happened, max, everything ’s fine, it happens sometimes , everything is fine, exactly, exactly. everything is fine, you come in
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, don’t hesitate, come here, cap, there, zyr, i found a veterinarian from the locals, guess what, hello, hello, you can get a splinter out of the cat, it seems he can, i ’ll shoot him in the leg, so you , just a joke, where is the animal? now, rakamat, come here, quietly, quietly, now we’re a little broken here, now quietly, quietly, quietly, rakamax, quietly, well, everything is clear, m, we need a knife, uh-huh, water, uh-huh, rags, uh-huh, tweezers, yes, where can we get tweezers,
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hold on, now... i have these eyebrow tweezers, that's what you're laughing at, yes to me the cook gave it to me, i don’t know why. it will do, yes, such a not frail fragment, for a cat, of course, as i say, a rakomak from a battle boat, yes, oops, what can you hang on a string, like life on caresses, i’ll wrap it in a scarf, under my heart on... you heard, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, be quiet, maybe he’s sleeping,
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i understand that you have a serious hotel, but can you imagine, we... he’ll be wandering around for 2 days with his stupid meetings, but i’ll go crazy with boredom, well, what's next, well, this is my friend, he won't let you get bored, entrance to the hotel is only with passes, i understand, a pass like this will do, but what about this one? kiss me, why, sorry, i was looking, you
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forgive me too, you are just a miracle. krivitsky’s wife arrived, i took a photo of her from afar, threw off a coke, he says, yes, she was in the house, it’s strange, he’s going to dinner alone, i saw the seating arrangement, there’s no krivitsky there, it’s even better there, we’ll be with postivitsky at dinner, with bone will go up to his wife’s room, she will call him upstairs,
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stand, you can put two at once, advice from a specific person. come on, this is a game,
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what, what, what, what, with my heart, what is it, i’ll help you, it’s better not to joke with your health, i i’ll call the doctor now, don’t help me, dmitry, come on, come on, come on, come on, thank you, come on. come on, come on, come on, come on, what time is it, almost nine, len, i can take you home, but... would it be better if you stayed here overnight and they gave you another iv? no, i can’t, i have to work tomorrow, len, next time the consequences could be much worse, your
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phone rang here, i won’t put it there, thank you. damn, vital, you said that you could take me, it’s very urgent.
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moreover, at work i save people’s lives, they they are grateful to me, but here you pick up the pieces every day, they still don’t take care of themselves at all.
3:18 am
thank you, i’ve been having pain there for a long time, it seems to me, even before the injuries, maybe the spine, i need to get an mri, max, you can’t have an mri, there’s a very strong magnetic field, in short, get an x-ray. no, an mri is better, i won’t see anything new on the x-ray, you’ll see, you have fields there, where under your heart, i couldn’t get it.
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but people live with bullets, no, this is not your case, it was flattened, i suspect, it rested on a rib, let alone any careless movement, it could slip injure a vessel near the heart, and then you know. i realized, okay, i’ll go take a shower, and that’s all.
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as soon as he died, he doesn’t move at all, oh well, everything was fine with him , he’s just sleeping, he’s not even breathing, drink, drink milk, drink, i say, drink,
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no, no, where is this veterinarian, i tell him i'll blow your head off, wait, wait, max, go away, let me say what i said, how is it, why, as much as possible, i ask you, is there at least something good?
3:22 am
give me some milk, well, in reality there are nine lives, he drinks eight, one of the expenses, yeah, how can i help, my key has become demagnetized, and just a second, what is the number 1215 krevitsky, please, thank you, can i take some candy, of course, yes, yes, the object is already there, you are there, let’s go to the number, come on, give the woman, let him call him upstairs and tell him, i ’ll go up for him, there is .
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“she’s pregnant, and if for the sake of what to do, how do i know, i understood, i understood, everything is quiet, yes, the object is going up to the room, he got into the elevator, i follow him, my husband is going up.”
3:24 am
factasuara actions are stronger than words.
3:25 am
there were fresh directions from the cops here, where are they? there are two homeless people who squeezed the bag, this whether?


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