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tv   Mech-2  NTV  April 5, 2024 4:10am-4:56am MSK

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i, too, could call an ambulance to witness death, i don’t want to hang around here until the morning, uh-huh, you hear, answer my questions, you’ll be home in the morning, i understand who sold khmury to you, karik, what another karik, karik boryga, him the name is horseman kolymoye shirevo, and he sold the address. garik, i don’t know, honestly, nikito himself has always been troublesome for him, he’s local from the area, it seems he lives somewhere behind the hospital.
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i already said that we came to the construction site to get even for our guy who was cut by these churas, we weren’t going to kill anyone, so suck, and you didn’t destroy the brothel either, what kind of brothel, i don’t know about any brothel, well, that’s what i thought, do you even understand where you are, well, sort of? explain why the sword, why not service in the police or army, there is also plenty of extreme sports there, and the goals are no less noble, to protect people, to serve one’s country, to protect sovereignty and order, all the same, only within the framework of the law, or you it was these frames that confused you? i'm not going
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to answer provocative questions, just watch less american movies, and listen to the lawyers, it was the lawyer who taught you, my advice to you is, don’t spend any more money on him, he won’t help you anyway, no one will help you anymore, tell me why, because there are roads. on which it is better never to step, but what did we do, well, we gave the uzbeks a nightmare, well, we misbehaved, but i admit, you think it’s okay, but understand, when you went to kill someone, one person died, and if you shouted, kill, as many will die as the madmen heard you. “it’s in vain that you started
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fanning a fire that you didn’t start, in you'll burn him out, girls, hello, thank you for coming." you look gorgeous, thank you, of course, well, let's get closer to the point, otherwise they're waiting for me at work, me too, in general, i need your help, len, this concerns that heroin, and i missed something, there is an epidemic in my area, drug addicts are left to right, how, really, do they mix arsenic into heroin in large quantities, even with a small dose - this is guaranteed death, wow?
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someone tells me that this is not just a scam, someone is doing it on purpose, but who needs it, well, obviously not drug dealers, i have a couple of versions, the most obvious is revenge on junkies, someone decided to sharply reduce their population in my area, other versions, they are more of the conspiracy theory type, in general, i want to find out who is doing this, why, you talked to max about this, no, let it remain our private one for now. when we contact the suppliers, we find out who is doing this and we don’t like his motives, then we will involve ours. well, okay, but what do you want from us? ol, can you check some similar cases, maybe maybe there are some clues, facts, in general, everything that can help us, okay, okay, thank you, len, well, this is for you to examine, please check for the presence of a muscle, something tells me what?
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it’s there, okay, but what are you going to do? i’ll walk through the dens, i’ll shake the junkies, the hucksters, in general, i’ll sink to the very bottom, alone, don’t go, it can be dangerous, take a... in the bag with you, he’s a brave guy, mom, don’t worry about me, well, come on son, go, it means that after all, sirius, the sword, it’s a common rumor, i’m ready to get to work, this good news, you know, i didn’t even hope, i thought you had so many allergies to everything connected with them, rather a childish fear that needs to be overcome, i have to... the closet to make sure that there is no monster there. it is clear that the composition of the ball is still unknown. 6 plus, let's put it that way. the goals are too chaotic, i don’t see the connection between them. take the last episodes, the liquidation of the thief in law, the setting fire
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to illegal hostels, then the murder of the top of one of the state corporations. where is the logic? yes, very illogical. to max, he is human. consistently, i want to contact them like do you think it’s really possible to do this, with whom, with max with any of the swords, it doesn’t matter kalinin, it will be orlov or someone else, talking to them in the language of violence, we get the same violence in response, it’s ineffective, i want negotiate, i have something to offer them. but the simplest way to contact them through the media is not suitable, our position for the media is clear, the sword no longer exists, well then i don’t know, although there is one option, which is to involve nikolai savkin’s wife, he
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was part of the ball, he died for it, and for max this is very important, as far as i know, he never leaves his family in trouble, he always tries to support his family. money or something else, i think that they are keeping connections, she is unlikely to listen to me, last time we did not find a common language with her, you better talk to her, try to reach her, you are doing great.
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this is the device, your kolyan, yeah, i’m collecting it little by little. “powerful, it’s 1,100 cubic meters, it’s a bullet, not a squirt, it’s not weak, you can ride it, no problem, i’ll just finish the shaman now, we’ll ride a little more, and why did you come, how are you, i’m very busy, i have time in the next few days, but it seems like yes, what is
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it ? ” apartment, if you haven’t forgotten, i stopped by to pick up my clothes and decided to wash myself while you were away, and by the way, you might not have barged in like that, well, how did i know that you were there, i actually listened to the player, the guys gave me , excuse me, please, i’m not arrogant, i don’t think so, but modesty itself is just, well, yes, ah, roma, sit in the kitchen, please, i need to change clothes, or maybe i don’t, but stop it, stop it, i say, you won’t understand, you kiss yourself, then you push away, i’m not a teddy bear either, i also have a feeling and a desire.
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the topic is only us, lena and olya, not a word to the others yet, can you help? well, yes, you just understand, i don’t quite understand how you want to look for these suppliers of yours, you see this rubbish, you know how many hands it went through before getting to me, in fact, not so much, let’s go through the entire chain , let's see where it takes us, you sure are you know what you're doing, i know, kolyan, i know, last year we... closed a large channel for the supply of gerdos, then i had to infiltrate the hucksters, hang out with them a little, so i know this kitchen well,
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rum, roma, ro ! that don’t be offended by me, please, yes i wasn’t offended, but that i should be offended at all, well , i wasn’t ready for such a turn of events, i was just confused, am i ready, i come home, go to the bathroom to wash my hands, here you are so beautiful naked, you can’t take your eyes off, and you smell delicious? how embarrassing it turned out, i would give a lot
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to see this again, what are you torturing me? do people live here or what? well, not exactly people, but... this is the tower, that’s what the local junkies called it, one big den, what
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a hole, under your feet, look, there are needles lying around, you’ll step on all the aids ones, let’s go, well, where is this bastard ? karkusha, are you here? so, who are we? oh, hang on? oh, okay, let's move on. oh, karkusha, i knew that you were here, who are you, get out of here, you
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’ve settled down here pretty well, who are you, i found out, and comrade policeman, what fates are still the same. one of the hucksters is also called garik, he lives behind the hospital, you know the one like again, garik, i don’t know this one, karkush, well, he ’s a good guy, you know all the hucksters in the area, boss, i answer, i don’t know any garik, mobile , come on, come on, come on, uh, what kind of chaos is this,
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oh, here garik has been found, why are you soaring to me, woodpecker, and this one, well, they would have said it right away, i know this one, rotten dude, write the address, and what do i need? for this it will be, if you throw a lavashka, i can do it with a lyulei. throw it, you want it, no, i don’t want it, write it, go ahead, but in general, i had a better opinion of you, so what? is something wrong? well, no, you ’re fine with that, i just
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can’t resist the temptation, but i confess, the temptation was many times stronger. olya, it’s simply impossible to resist, you ’re a goddess, but seriously, you have a wife, a child, you have a conscience not to suffer, you don’t know much. and you’re apparently not ready to tell me, right? maybe you have some problems? well, it’s not for nothing that you rode so easily. wal, maybe we can go somewhere? you haven’t been anywhere in moscow for so long, do you want to take
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pernatov or max with you? how stupid are you? “of course we’ll go, just without them, and let ’s please not advertise our friendship, well, i said it again, friendship, that’s what they call it now, olga, you won’t mind if i make friends with you one more time,
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here his door, we ring the bell, we're waiting. looks like our client is scared downstairs, great,
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garik. what did you do? yes, i didn't want to, my reflex was working. i didn't want to, he help, come on. what are you doing? oh, nikitosa, remember? ah... one of your clients, he drove off, can you imagine, got smeared with the crap you sold him and drove off, no, okay, bro, i didn’t sell anything to anyone, but oh well, you’ll resign yourself, and your little eyes sparkled, so
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that here we are, uh, full. set, great, let me treat you, free, no need, come on, come on, okay, the freebie is on fire, what do you want from me, tell me, just a little bit, yes, come on, no need, guys, who have frowns removed, who is your supplier, he says, i’ll hit you, i’ll tell you, this... and there’s this damn aslambeg, he runs a shop here at the station and a cafe called asia, there’s a surname nearby, what’s his last name? gukaev gukaev, yes, you ask everyone there, they know him first batch. the normal one was there, the purest shit without bullshit and the price was normal, the second one was just crap, how did i find out, and what did you do when you found out, flush the toilet with this trash, don’t
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drive me away, you’re still making a fool of yourself with this, you moron, who’s going to make a fool of it- then everyone, everyone is afraid to take it, now this crap is everywhere, i know who you have there, no one? and what a freak you are, how old are you, she’s even an adult, i don’t know, she came for a dose, chick chick, hold him dear. hold it tight, shpiele, say hi.
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goodbye, thank you, as for the sword, i'm already i asked your colleague to leave us in peace, my daughter and i had to go through so much, we’ve had enough, i want to forget about everything as soon as possible, i hope you understand me, it’s unlikely? “i didn’t bury the father of my child, so i’m hardly close to understanding, you’re right, but i have a different story, i was very close to one
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of your kolya’s friends, i loved him, and then it turned out that he was from the sword, and i worked with the sword, he knew everything and was silent, even when it all started, he knew. kolya's friend, who is this? maxim karenev? do you know him? chief theirs? yes. i remember him. he was wounded once while trying to protect us. alone against a crowd of bandits. yes, it looks like him. that's why i don't want them to be caught and imprisoned. or they killed me, like my kolya. understand, i don’t want this either.
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yes, i know everything, but if suddenly there is at least some opportunity, let them call, everything can still be resolved peacefully. thanks for the tea! oh, kolka, hello, where are you going, i’ll go get some air, breathe, dim, what’s wrong with him, well, how much,
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i’m digesting the tin, i can roughly imagine what he saw there, well, how are your successes, success is normal, we contacted a wholesaler. name is islanbek gukaev, he runs a shop and cafe in my area, here is his address, yeah, can you make some inquiries? i can, of course, but what exactly do you need? well, at least a photo, but if you find anything else, that would be cool, i’ll do it, thanks, what are you keeping secret? max, it’s better for you not to know, what happened? murky things, come on, chish, is there really a woman who could get you, spit, max.
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“i’ve been waiting for you all my life, it sounds like a rote compliment, you often say something like that, girl, the first time, it’s true, it’s true, kostya, but everything is serious with you, or we were just playing around, running away, i’m starting to get nervous after such words. i’m asking for a reason, in general, my mother is very worried, i don’t want to see that you so disinterestedly let me live with you, she said a lot of offensive things, i don’t even want to repeat them, like for sex or something, it’s offensive, that’s not the right word , in general, tomorrow she
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is waiting for us for dinner. oh, how are they equal? what, were you scared? no, i'm not a coward, but i'm afraid. hello, where are the others? the birds overslept and are on their way. and if it’s with a stranger, i didn’t hear the place yesterday, lina is on duty, okay, then we’ll discuss it without them, in short, this is the case, anya savkina gave me a message from fsb colonel sentsov, he wants to negotiate, fill in the arrow, he gave me a phone number for
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contact , not marked, 100% trap. but the point is, there won’t be a face-to-face meeting anyway. the fsb is a powerful structure, the most technically equipped, they will try to calculate maxim’s position at the time of the conversation. well, this is all solvable, public wi-fi telephony through a proxy server will not have time to calculate anything, there won't be enough time. okay, then what do they need, what? they can offer us money, an amnesty, which is what i’m interested in, as far as i know, the fsb’s methods of fighting crime are very different from other law enforcement agencies, well, yes, unlimited freedom of action, as i said, they manipulate the law as they want, in any case, i think , it's worth listening to what they want.
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well, shall we call ours? eat him, don’t rush, do it yourself, what if he has a bagpipe?
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let's go stand! drive his car, thank you.
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i'm listening, you wanted to talk to me, hello, maxim, hello, colonel, you have 3 minutes, i want to make peace with you, it’s like the sword ceases its activity forever, and i stop looking for you, everyone forgets about you, how do you like this offer, i don’t believe who will allow you, here and listen to how it will be arranged. i have five young guys sitting in a pre-trial detention center, kids who also suddenly decided that lynching is the solution to all problems, you understand who i mean, yes, imitators, and that they
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will receive life sentences, all without exception, i will hang everything on them your crimes, everything you've ever done, i'll put it this way: they are a real sword. there will be a loud trial, no one will believe it, you’re right, the people and journalists love you and won’t believe you, but you know what’s the matter, they won’t believe you even if i catch the real ones, so it makes no difference, but you’re just a monster, colonel, in general, to me - then no matter what you think, i suggest, are you not yet going crazy from life surrounded by flags, after some time you... don’t want to get caught, and you will regret this chance all your life. i take it you're somewhere in the middle right now roads from a normal person to our client. think carefully about which direction to go, read about general muratov. think
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it over, consult with the others and call me back. i'll be waiting. who are you jackals? and you’re the jackal here, understand? do you want to know who we are? did i answer your question? now listen here. you've probably heard how we deal with hucksters? and you are high-flying birds among us, i would consider it a pleasure... to put a bullet in your head, what a bird that i am, grazing, shut the door, listen to me, the price of your life is now zero, but we are giving you a chance to buy it back, how much, how much you want, how much, you think too poorly of us, we don’t need your money, and
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then what do you need, answers to my questions, lie to me at least once, i’ll cut it for you head, right away without warning, it’s clear to you, right? you supply the huckster with hero, did you know that he was poisoned? yes, did you support him as a mouser? no, no, mom, i swear, it’s not me, i didn’t even hide these briquettes, i sold them like that, where i bought them, who is your supplier, answer me, some guy, i don’t even know his name, i’ve been with you before he worked for other people, he worked for me. it was scattered within a week, then i took it again, and it was already a livak, what kind of guy, how to find him, i don’t know, i saw him once, then
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they brought other goods, some kind of frost, like you and i contacted him by phone, i have their number in my phone. call right now, and i’ll tell them that you want to buy more. call, hello, hello, hello, lyudmila sergeevna, my name is konstantin, it’s very nice, this is for you, thank you, what a beautiful bouquet, but i forgot, i’ll run away now. ok,
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kostya, she joked, it’s not far, come on in, maybe i’ll stand here, come on in, we’ll be there in a minute. katya, listen, what is he? oh, it will pass, i’m very nervous.
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come here, come here, come on, beautiful dog. the name of? why did you come here? talk about what? do you know that your colonel took young guys hostage and wants to hang all our sins on them, send them to life imprisonment, no. what kind
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of sword wannabe guys are you working with, at least he doesn't kill people like you, what does he want to do to these boys, this is an insult to them, they won’t be able to defend themselves, and where is that law? tanyukh, you’re not like him, not like him, or already like him, he wants to stop you, we all want that, max, that’s enough already. you won your war, everything you do now, you will do
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in the future, does not make any sense, it does, for me it does, tanyukha, i ask you, do not let these boys go to jail, otherwise this will happen. and on your conscience.
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something fierce, you are just some kind of culinary genius, i have never eaten so deliciously, it was lucky that i came to you, eat, kostenka, you i haven’t tried the pies yet, i’m about to burst, well, i’ll definitely try yours, look, it’s fire, it’s very tasty, in general, don’t worry about katerina. yes, and where, if not a secret? yes, the company has its own production there, but production is good, but do you work with your hands or more with your head? yes, both with your hands and with your head, it happens in different ways, as you have to, oh, vanechka woke up, katya, well
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, look after the guest, i’m here now, just pies, oh, you charmed her, congratulations, yes, i’m a prince baby, what aslanbek, what heroin, you idiot, where did you get in? sorry, max, i know that i should have warned, but we are already on our way, we really need your help, the arrow in an hour is where i wrote, come, you will be in time, quietly, leave me alone!
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damn, inaccessible, did he ditch us or something, he will come, live, calm, don’t twitch, hush, hush, hush, look, over there, is that ours, no, these are those dudes, and what are we going to do, what do, delay time. what else should we do? one extra word, one extra movement, i’ll blow these brains out, understand? let's go out, don't twitch.
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aslan beg or what? i'm in the ground.
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so, vasya, vasya, vasya, that's it, that's it, slow down, otherwise we'll unload it before the deadline, how long does it take to close the post office, 20 minutes, it seems, well, let's leave the work at 10, so that's it, it's a sabbath, we're smoking, come on,
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no he will come, i promise.


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