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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 5, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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and the mgb, instead of throwing all its efforts into catching this scum, keep silent, you shove your conclusions to yourself, you know where, besides, the murder suspect has already been arrested, and of course, this is the groom, i guessed right, i wouldn’t be surprised if he to tell the story of everything starting from the year thirty-six, to remain silent, i said, to scratch my tongue a lot, but how will it come to the point, who promised to spend money on a walk, huh? what is this? well done, you know how to work whenever you want? consider that your bonus has increased three times, comrade major, allow me to take care of this matter, not officially. you’re a fool, kozyrev, well, who
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asks permission for such things, why are you here, i remember. “i will rest my soul, well, how they interviewed people, but they didn’t have time, in general, they gathered the people, they just started interviewing, here is this pavlivker with his orkharovites, and let’s get wooly, they immediately took the groom into circulation, what does he have to do with it, and how many people are at the wedding there were 30 people in total. all our own,
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relatives, neighbors, well, alyonkin and his girlfriends , and this lychkov also stopped by, and what were you doing there, congratulations from the district committee, well, he wasn’t for long, only for half an hour, you yourself would have been there who he thought, the devil knows, in general, there was one in mind, a former boyfriend, this what ’s his name, this yurka, yura, yura, gorin, yes, yes, but this pavlivker, he immediately handcuffed everything to the groom, and even i didn’t ask anyone, well, why didn’t you ask, and why, without an order, after a poblifker you will climb on... you will set it up, but i will still find this scum, and i don’t give a damn about the bosses at all, that’s it, vasya, vasya, we’ll find him, we’ll just get in now, set everyone up and get to kukin first, for now i suggest you wait, yes, why wait, otherwise wait, quietly, because for now the security officers are involved in this business, it’s rotten, and we don’t have any others, okay, i’ll go and have a look on the spot, i’ll talk to people, i’ll talk to you. quiet, gen, vasya, say, quiet, we’ve already
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lit up, that’s it, i repeat again, pavlivker will find out, it’ll be bad for everyone, and kozyrev, it seems , doesn’t know anything yet, that’s also true, one turn to the right, that’s it, that’s it. oh, son, again for the carrots, take it, take it, i prepared it for you, sweetie, good afternoon, yuri gorevin lives here, here, but what do you need? i... am from the police, they were already
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from the police, from this other office, i know i would like to talk to him, let's go, let's try, there he is, has he not left since yesterday, but no, he already found out, so he immediately added, now he’s lying in the cold, but what about them he was interrogated, but in no way, they ask him, we read in response, what kind of relationship did he have with these? we haven’t been dating for about three years now, there are shuras and muras, then yes, that is, the relationship was close, well, i don’t know, i didn’t hold a candle, we walked, of course, i walked with one, and got married to another, and i actually only met this groom yesterday.. once i saw it, i told yurka,
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there’s nothing to do there, but he got stuck, well, that’s how they started looking for alyonka, that’s when i found him, and since then he’s been in a state of death, can you show me where? was it? yes, let's go, this one is here, oh, this is where i found it, and what about these ones that are coming? they looked here, but it seemed not, well, they rummaged around where they were walking, but they took the groom, it’s clear, this is for what, i don’t know, oh, the appearance of christ to the people, i woke up,
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uh-huh, here you go, your work, mine, let’s talk, let’s talk, i'm listening to.
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people where it is known where vaska and genka work, amalov and belyashin left for theft they’re on duty in the park now, i forgot or maybe you’ll forget here
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, and where is kozyrev digging, i’ll dig for him vadimovich , unlike some. deals with which, some? pavlivker, for example, closed the guy down, why in vain and hammers, don’t be afraid to hammer, so that he takes this girl for himself, and you think, it’s not his doing, but i’m vadimich, i don’t think, i know, and you also know, what’s the point? -what i know is that you, child, let’s go to the park. go and supervise there, after all, it’s a mass event, you understand, okay, come on, come on!
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so, let's do it again from the moment you he left, and you left when lychkov began to say a toast, well, well, he drank a lot, a lot before that, but it was all to no avail, i pour it in, it doesn’t take, well, that’s for sure. if i had bought a hundred, i would have been hacked long ago, of course, that means you came, wove a noose and started to hang yourself, then alena came, it seems like they stole her according to a ritual, before that there was no one here, it seems like no one, although, what,
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i don’t know , it seemed to me that someone was watching me. not me, not me, not how alyonka and the girl ran away, i saw later. so you say, you found him, i was lying right here, then take him home, i can
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confirm anywhere, well, it depends on who will ask and how, so don’t deny it, you don’t remember anything else, no, it’s as if it was turned off, or someone turned it off, that’s who the question is, and besides, i believe that you ... has nothing to do with it, but it’s better for now to talk about this to no one , you’ll have no purpose, father, dear, why are you silent, standing sadly, this is not the time to have fun, it’s time to say goodbye, and shed tears, oh, gosh, what a screw-up, little scarf, not i wanted to speak, but i will say, i picked a
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scarlet flower, in the land of the darkness of a cockroach, for that guilt i will now go to inevitable death, but there is deliverance for you, father, there is deliverance, but it is not for me, i can only be saved at a high price, a terrible ransom. “hey, it’s not like i decided to shake the old days, but it’s too late for me to shake the old days, god forbid we lose, but kukin sent me to you to strengthen us, but why strengthen us, he tried to kick us, so we quickly scared them away, only a rustle in the bushes , but there were no strangers, while everyone is familiar, uncle, listen, but it’s true that the girls who today found a cross on their forehead and
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their heart was cut out, so that it’s as if a sect has appeared, sacrifices people, and you more gossip, listen, you won’t hear anything else, and take your hands off the equipment, i understand, okay, beast, i’d like one of these, and what would you carry on it, manure in the garden, and you roll your women, yes, of course, i’m a normal man, and not a private owner, like... some people are a peacock, not a man, an uncle, well, if we see strangers, what should we do, what, there are bushes for consumption, i’ll drive through the territory , i’ll see what’s what, come on, if i came across this freak who stabbed the girl, i would have him, why don’t you, he’d be with you, and he’d flog the karaks.
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hey, auntie, where are you going to get under your skin, you're tired of living. yura, hello, boris, hello, why are you here? yes, i was on my way home from work and decided to cut straight, but now i opened it? yes, it seemed that someone was following me, then there was some kind of crunching sound, it seemed like someone was hiding there. let's watch. what's there? yes, there’s no one, it seemed, probably, probably,
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thank you, yuri, but you’re welcome, maybe i’ll give you a ride, well, if it’s not too much trouble, sit down. well, i'm finally done, yes. yes, his wife went to moscow to visit her relatives, the cattle need to be fed, but we know these relatives, tomorrow market day, so she rolled him, so that she could be in time early in the morning, don’t do this, during working hours you were busy with personal farming, you shouldn’t have rolled rap on him, but yes, the dog is with him, as comrade kalinin said, get rich, comrade, so let him get rich, and i
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’ll always understand my piece of lard with you, no matter how bad this lard turns out for you, okay, let’s take a walk with you, prevention, if you meet anyone, drive straight to the exit, there’s nothing here in the darkness you wander, the darkness is a friend of youth, uncle, you hear how they are struggling, so let them go home, okay, you go to the left, and i’m to the right, so dude, it won’t be easier to go around on your horse, then there will be no one to prevent it, everyone will run away, so stomp, stomp, thank you , maybe you’ll come in, why? well, should i somehow thank you for giving me a ride?
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my coffee is good, brazilian, remnants of former luxury, one might say so. well, are you going, or are you scared? oh, thank you, and the bridges over the river, and along the banks, you and i met, rubbed for love for you.
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you won’t melt, and if i melt, i ’ll complain to yakut, he’ll make mincemeat out of you, okay? so that’s it, i went home, my mother is waiting for me, you ’re coming, no, let’s sit a little longer, then we’ll go together, take your hands off, i said, take your hands off, and you stay, you’re going, vera, kostya is guiding me, of course, lovul, i'll show you to bed, bye everyone, look, don't get lost, there in moscow a crocodile escaped from the zoo, they saw him nearby today. and now i see him in front of me, who are you pulling on, you goat? semyon, otherwise you really should complain to yakut, it’s worse it will be, you better take a sip, forget it like a bad dream, yes, yes, i already forgot, now i remembered marinka, well, marinka, let’s light
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the candle of love today, yeah, now, as soon as we light it, we’ll put it out, and anyway, i went too. denmark and this one are gone, it’s just unlucky, so unlucky, how to deal with it, but don’t fight, just drink and sing! lord, hello, i can help you with something, and i’ve already helped, i almost gave birth to a hedgehog, you’re in a hurry, it would be better if the ladies saw me off, comrade policeman, but this is possible, where are you going, me, i’m going there, but only to the city,
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further i’m on my own, and you’re sitting behind me, and i’m i’ll go ahead, i’ll be happy to do so. open your rear according to all the rules of military tactics, i ask you, vonogi, look, guard, boys, bitches, well, we are hooligan citizens, no way, citizen, boss, on the contrary, you should go home, kids, it’s high time for you to go home go to the potty to sleep, that we didn’t do anything that bad and don’t argue. i will arrange for you to read the code of administrative violations and not here, in the department. it's clear? okay guys, let's go, let's go. and grab the dishes,
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there’s nothing to reign here. who is there? lar, lara. lar, are you here? lar! russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great,
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so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum. russia. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element. stop defeat the fire. calling the strong. observer pilots, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, air forest protection, rosle khoza is a reliable shield of the russian forest. this is my ex and i in petsunda in '46. but for some reason there is not a single photograph of him here. here's another. i see you don’t honor his memory, but why should i honor it, for the fact that because of him the camp almost thundered, or the fact that now
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i’m finishing the last horseradish without salt, okay, sit down, otherwise it’ll get cold, is it really nothing? i didn’t save up for a rainy day, you know how many searches i had, everything was taken out clean, the only thing left was these photographs and the apartment from which you’ll also be evicted. you also say that it’s all my fault, sooner or later he would have been imprisoned anyway, he was too self-confident, he believed that everyone could be bought, tell me, but he’s the same for you offered, offered, offered a lot, but tell me honestly, what didn’t you take, listen to the risk, what happened to you, do you remember how we lived before? what you dreamed about, and were going to have children, have you really forgotten all this, you weren’t like this before.
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“i’m listening, lychkov, you’re listening, well, well, how’s your hand, what other hand, i don’t know, right or left, well, i can’t give you the one you wanted, if nothing happens, you want to say that it’s in the park the girl was killed, the handwriting is the same, well, this time, really, they managed to take the deposit on the spot, well, at least you were lucky here, think about it"? “the villain turned out to be a policeman, do you realize what this is for? not only is the very essence of the murder contrary to the soviet tradition, but
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the murderer is also a policeman. that’s it, now wait for a commission from the regional committee, or even from the central committee, and at best this will be strictly recorded , i can imagine the worst, i’m afraid, let’s get the bureau together, i ’ve already called everyone, i’ll be there now!” hmm, why are you laughing, the last time we were together, you were sitting like that. and then kicked me out in the middle of the night, you have the opportunity to pay me back in the same coin, i don’t want to. and what do you want? i want you to
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stayed after everything? do you mean my ex? well, i’m not asking who you were with all this time? they say he even planned to get married? you know, in ancient greece there lived one very smart man. heroclitus, of ephesus, so, he once said that you cannot enter the same water twice, your greek said nonsense, there is a river flowing here, how many times have you entered it, you don’t understand, the river may be the same , only the water in it is completely different, because the one that flowed away a long time ago will never return.
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yurg, you have become a philosopher, maybe we can try again? an attempt, not a torture, for whom, how? what happened there? it would be strange if it didn't happen. any day now, someone will either be shot or stabbed to death. god, how tired i am of all this. let's leave, yuri! to hell with it, as long as it’s farther away from here, it looks like something’s definitely happened, your phone is working, hello there, who is it, it’s kozyrev, and malov, great, lyusha malov, is everything okay there? what, when,
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where? i understand, i’ll be right there, but why did i lie, dude, peak, well, well, what something is happening, but what is happening, well, now you can’t trust anyone, huh? yurok, it’s not me, don’t talk, take the arrested man away, lyokha, what’s going on? who
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carved these stars on her chest, go ahead, comrade mayor, well, what can i tell you, comrade, we’ve reached the very edge, exactly mine! even if he is that same villain, this is our internal matter, why did you give him away? they give kozyrev the puppy into good hands or debts, and they detain those suspected of a serious crime, and we’ll also pin military corpses on him, maybe back then you were still wrapping snot around your fist? i think i’ve already told you where you can put your personal opinion, repeat, i remember, it’s good
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that your memory is fine. “so you have to remember the official forms, if a subordinate doubts the actions of his superiors, then he has the right to appeal them to a higher authority, give them all the paperwork, no need, well, if it’s not necessary, go home guys, i think that tomorrow they will persuade us according to the full program, so everyone must write a detailed one before the morning.
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free! bitch, he doesn’t remember anything, if they had given him to me for 5 minutes, i would have remembered everything, you bastard, you shouldn’t be vasyuk, sasha has nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it, yes, but the fact that uncle vova took him red-handed from a corpse in the park, how’s that? and how is it that according to the first episode he has no alebi? yes, i ’ll tear this nit to the british flag for alyonka, well, vasya, come on, turn on logic. fuck you with your logic, we know how you got into the authorities, are you throwing out berevsky, or what? so, if in a minute i see someone in the department, they’ll
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spend the night in the bullpen, and you’ll get some horns, i’ll say so, if you blurt out something like that again, i ’ll organize a detailed conversation on this topic with the flocking pavliv, clearly, that’s for sure. i still have to take the guys home, come on, here's the deal, what's going on, now i'll have to write off for this forever, unless he fires me, of course, you idiot, we missed the villain right under our noses, but shut up, and what are you saying, i'm okay, yes
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be, what will happen, kuzorev, hear, lights, what to do, with whom, well, with the witness who found the body, i thought the pavlivker would take her? and he wrote her a summons for tomorrow, maybe you can take her home, okay, come on, citizen, let's calm down, comrade captain will take you home now, let's go, let's go, comrades, i suggest.
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you understand, write this too, it wasn’t, it means it won’t be, what are you going to do, like what? we have two murders, we also have two suspects, the rest is a matter of technology, oh, okay, i’ll go, well, comrades, i consider this meeting of the district committee bureau closed, ivan surf home, whatever, i’ll now draw up a report to myself in around the window.
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they called me from st. petersburg and ordered me to fire you yesterday. four killed and dismembered girls, my wife and the missing gabya unguryan. i don't play by the rules anymore. slurp my soup, this one won’t stop on his own, so stop him, we’ve thoroughly stirred up tasya’s nest, it turns out that yes, we’ll get to him, major, black sun, denouement, today at 20:00, on ntv. stars.
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premiere. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. buy permanent cream paint palet at a good price in magnet stores. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, divide you can conveniently repay it over 24 months. making purchases or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with kholva. i cut it myself. avito services, and avito services, start construction with a quick search for a master, using filters, ratings and reviews, avito services, well, who else to build with, hair lacks vitality, gliscur - exceptional hydration, fills hair with the power of hyaluron, moisturized, shiny and elastic hair, instead of scissors, try gliska. exceptional hydration, again
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won't be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a cap, the new job is 10 minutes away, there are a lot of vacancies new every day, but there's a job, there's more than just a job , and its place, the hair lacks vitality, gliskur - exceptional hydration, fills the hair. hyaluron and seaweed extract. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors. try gliskur - exceptional hydration. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit.
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lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company valar. your spring update. and now about the weather for today. far east. the islands and southern areas of the mainland are in good spring mode. in khabarovsk +10, but at night in yakutia the winter is too severe for the beginning of april. it's almost 20 below zero with snow in tiksa. and in the north of siberia for now. it’s too cold, warm prospects there are associated with a cyclone that is approaching from yamal, its atmospheric fronts will cover surgut and khantemansiysk, with wet snow there, but they will not reach the southern regions, in novosibirsk. in omsk it is sunny and up to +12. in the urals today it’s +15 above, but tomorrow arctic air will burst in with snowfalls and even frosts. while the cold wave is coming through european territory and will reach the volga region, but there will not be such contrasts as in the urals. during the day in kazan it will be +7 and raining, but by night the precipitation will stop and freeze a little.
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the zamoros will remain in the center next night. but today the sun will come out and it will be +5-7. tomorrow it will be noticeably warmer. in st. petersburg today it is +1. with light snow in moscow + 5-7 on saturday +10, come in, let’s have some tea, calm down, oh, oh, things won’t work out like that, now. i'll give you some water, okay, that's enough, calm down, don't worry, calm down,
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look at me, remember me, i'll give you a ring i passed it, you work in commercial, yeah, just don’t... don’t, please, go home, i beg you, i’m very afraid, please , okay, okay, we’ll drink tea with cookies, but for now, while the water boils , marina, tell me how it all happened, huh? but i really ask you, what i saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, come on, from the moment you came to the park, the three of us came, i larisa igudina and vera zvonova, yeah,
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we watched the play, it ended and... we we went for a walk with the guys, and then went to olya on the bench we sat down, so then our local guys, oleg stroev, vitya ryskin, kostya penkov and syomka golubev, yeah, the guys sat on the guitar , played the guitar, drank wine, i also drank wine, and larisa didn’t drink at all, we only have vera in this evening i got drunk, by the way, larisa hooked up with syoma golubev. so what if they didn’t share it, but he drank too much and started groping her, and she, oh , how she doesn’t like it, left, and he, sam, started getting involved with me, i left too, i wanted to guess lariska, and then i heard how she screamed,
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ran and twisted her ankle, and almost fell, and i heard some rustling in the bushes, i wanted to see what... there uh huh, and there larisa is lying covered in blood, this policeman is standing next to the knife, you know, okay, calm down, calm down, drink, drink, that's all, yeah ? and something crunched there, as if a twig had broken, and then the second policeman
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came running, so... so, what do we have? both girls are killed with a knife and a star on their chest, both in a white dress, what else? well, yes, this strange crunch seems to be all, so what does it give? it doesn't give a damn. eh, i should look at those military affairs, but who will? yes, even the investigation is underway, the one for whom the place of cows in the post is to work in the organs, although i would like cows. i didn’t trust him, so what can you do, captain kozyrev, if you catch the real killer, you have the guts of a tank, but can you
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try to save two people, whose whole fault is that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time , that means we need to state all the facts in a report and send it to moscow, or better yet personally take it to the lubyanka, we have experience, not everyone there is like pavlivker?
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if you twitch, i shoot my hands. now turn around slowly, seryoga, have you gone crazy or something?
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you can’t do tricks, but what tricks, you have a door that swings open, bro, you forgot to close it, of course you’ll forget with such a girl, but ah , oh, okay, okay, it’s not what you think, of course, good job, what are you doing, what it is? rum, you saw, meet roman bozhenin, kgb colonel, second department, counterintelligence, that’s how interesting, and what did counterintelligence need in our outback, legal, well, you should show hospitality, warm the teapot, set the table, well, well, tea of ​​course i'll give you a drink, the victim is full of mischief, nothing, but we have zerguts, they take everything with them. okay, let's go to the kitchen,
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wish you the best morning, then in the program, listen to the chronicle of the emergency. we get acquainted with the news of the auto world in the first program. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. you can’t force yourself to be nice, but a student from yekaterinburg tried desperately more than once with different girls. he came up, took my hand, and confidently said my pretentious quote from public pages for pick-up artists about meeting girls. something like this, apparently, was guided by this novice seducer. caught on the surveillance camera seemed to be doing everything according to the instructions, but the stranger answered no, and a passerby also intervened, then...


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