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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 5, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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one warrior in the field, an example of the heroism and courage of a private who repelled several counterattacks by militants and held an occupied stronghold. the romanian gambit, how does official bucharest become a nato outpost in the confrontation with russia, and how does this threaten them? well, also one out of 78 million. a first-person story of a front-line nurse with a general's order. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. we start with a striking example of the courage of our fighters in the northern military district zone, private, radimir maksimov, together with live bait, occupied a stronghold
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enemy and after the elder was wounded, he took command, repelled four counterattacks of superior forces in the ssu and personally destroyed 27 ukrainian militants. but little is known about the hero; he comes from yakutia and graduated from a music school with a degree in opera singing. his parents wanted him to become an artist, but instead, in december, radimir unexpectedly signed a contract, in february he came to the front line, and 2 months later he was nominated for a state award. why he voluntarily chose the difficult specialty of an attack aircraft, he found out mikhail chernov. when you are not afraid at all in battle, when you are before the battle, before the battle, when you are waiting, then it is a little scary, when there is a sound there, a granny is flying, there are tanks, then it is scary. that’s how 4 days ago they stormed the ukrainian opornik in the forest belt, next to the new mikhailovka, it’s under coal. after the car was blown up i had to. run along a narrow
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path through a minefield and immediately jump into a ukrainian trench. the enemy clearly did not expect such a rapid attack; the ukrainian positions were taken quickly, but the most difficult thing was not to take, but to hold. grenade, then everything worked on them, grenade launchers, attack drones, assault groups threw grenades, and finally a tank, it’s good that the dugout turned out to be deep, a tank drove up there, bradley, i don’t know how many people were there, it’s just... it’s hard to see from us, you can clearly see from above, it turns out there are about a dozen that came too, this video was filmed from a copter, the fighters shot one ukrainian assault group point-blank, then a second, on the third they began to run out of cartridges, firing back from a heavy machine gun taken from the enemy commander was wounded almost immediately, private maksimov had to take control of himself. ukrainian attack drones were constantly circling in the sky, recalls radimir. when the old lady came after us, it was very scary too. he flew under us and
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didn’t throw him off, well then i prayed, said, well , i thought, i asked for relatives there from my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my mother, please save it, the doctors later counted five shrapnel wounds on him, four in back, one in the left leg, but even in this state radimir was able to run for cartridges, there i was without i ran around the field stopping, well, i got to the funeral service, i was lucky too and ran to the commander, then about a kilometer further from there. he and his soldiers held the captured ukrainian trench for two days and survived by some miracle. i wanted to evacuate him, the commander accordingly told me, i will stay with my personnel until the end. then the doctors were surprised, having suffered a wound and concussion, maksimov refused hospitalization. well, today he will have a bandage again, we’ll see, everything is fine with him, he doesn’t even make any complaints, i i actively questioned him, he said, no,
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no, thank you, most of the fragments have not yet been pulled out, but he himself says that it’s somehow inconvenient to occupy a bed, it’s scary to look at the boys lying there, namely my own guys, i’m very sorry, they they curled side by side until the end, they stood until the end, no one, no one turned on the back one, then everyone stood until the end, the command immediately presented radimir maksimov with a state award, modest yakut himself. she let her family know that she was alive and now she was trying to get back, saying that things weren’t finished yet. mikhail chernov, andrey beldyanov, dmitry tsarkov, ntv. south donetsk direction. today new information has become known about how terrorists were preparing for a monstrous attack on crocus city hall. investigators released data obtained from the defendants’ mobile phones; the detainees reportedly tried to destroy the device, but experts were able to recover the data. correspondence and photographs of people in camouflage with the ukrainian flag in the background. destroyed houses
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may indicate the same trail leading to kiev, which was discussed earlier. photos of the concert hall were also found on the phone, made a few weeks ago, when at the direction of the curators. and was chosen as a target for attack. on the morning of february 24 , 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus cityhall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. evidence of the involvement of the accused in the terrorist attack identifies all accomplices and organizers in the moscow region crocus killed at least 144 people, including children, and over 500 were injured. dreams of the revival of greater
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romania firmly captured the minds of power circles in bucharest. prime minister marcel chalacu spoke publicly for the first time in support of the idea of ​​uniting his country with moldova. formulated vaguely, saying that this could well happen after the latter joins the european union, but did not rule out some other path. the ideas of unionism, that is, the desire for unification, periodically soar in some circles in romania and moldova, then fades, then returning, depending on the political and international situation. she is changing. today marks the 33rd anniversary of the signing of the treaty on strengthening friendship between moscow and bucharest.
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the soldiers were able to feel what the moldavian soil was like under their boots. the romanian parliament is currently working on a law that would allow the president to send troops to other countries for the sake of, quote: the protection of romanian citizens abroad. here one involuntarily recalls moldova, where every third person has a romanian passport, at least to it was more convenient to go to europe. to earn money, it is possible that, under the guise of protecting them, bucharest will decide to do what the romanian rulers have been dreaming of for a long time, annex bessarabia to their territory, it didn’t work out well, attack by force, but it’s covered, i still believe in the unification of moldova and romania, this will happen one way or another,
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moldova is now stable thanks to the support of romania, listen, they are romanians just like us, we cannot change the past, but we can change the future, moldovan authorities. led by mai sandu agrees in principle to such a union, but not all the people dream of changing into romanians, and there is still a proud gogauzia, not to mention the independent transnistria. perhaps bucharest is aiming even further and wants to revive the greater romania project, this is when hitler promised to give chisinau, odessa and nikolaev to the romanian allies. it is very likely that now, in the event of the collapse of ukraine, romania will rush to claim its rights, at least in transcarpathia , and so what?
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well, romania, as you know, then joined nato. in fairness it must be said that romania signed the document, but later did not ratify it, and it also said that the parties would not provide their territories for the deployment of weapons of other countries, especially in the event of an armed conflict. and now romania has stationed f-16 fighters at its airfields, the same ones on which ukrainian pilots possibly train. which will be transferred to ukraine in july for striking donbass and novorussia. if they deliver the f-16, they are talking about it, like they are training pilots. i think you are it you understand like no one else, better than others.
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this will not change the situation on the battlefield. and we will destroy their planes just as we destroy tanks and armored vehicles today. and other equipment, including the biz system, uh, but - of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they... become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are. nato allies, by and large, set up romania, playing on its dreams of past greatness. the alliance's eastward expansion through ukraine was stopped with the start of the northeast military district. in this direction, only moldova formally retains non-aligned status . apparently the united states wants to drag it into the alliance with the help of romania, but there is a catch. i would say so, according to unity. plays the role of a nail in the seats of the chair on which
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nato is going to sit in the black sea region, that is, as long as transnistria exists, there will be no serious development of the influence of nato’s military-political influence in this region, this is well understood, therefore they are doing everything to ensure that everything - after all... ovie as a subject of politics is not became. will the us dare to start another conflict in this region? the question is open, it is clear that washington does not care about the fate of the pridnestrovians, moldovans, or the romanians themselves. the imperial ambitions of which the americans are spurring. in the end, romania is a purely subsidized side, lives on grants from the european union, and will not dare to do anything without an order from above. roman sobol, maxim zaichenko, susana prutchikova, television company. ntv. the investigation of the attack on the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibis under control
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in the central office of the investigative committee the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, ordered. now in the city of apatity, in the cultural center, at the place where everything happened, forensic investigators are working. chibis held a meeting with residents the night before. on leaving the building, one of the visitors attacked him with a knife. here are shots from that very meeting, you can see that there are a lot of people in the hall. the head of the region answers questions not on stage, but in front of it, next to the guests. immediately after the injury , andrei chibis was taken to the hospital, he was conscious. the governor has already done it surgery, he is in serious but stable condition. the condition is serious, in intensive care, in fact, he was a little lucky that the aorta was not affected, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. the attacker was neutralized by members of the national guard, and the attackers are known to be a resident of apatity. during interrogation, he stated that he felt displeased with the governor, although
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he did not know him personally. it is reported that the suspect was previously prosecuted . she saved dozens of soldiers, went through the entire war from voronezh to berlin and signed on the reikstag. frontline nurse maria anisimovna serdyuk lives among us today. she is already 101 years old. but she remembers what happened 80 years ago like yesterday, every detail, her stories formed the basis of nikita korabenkov’s book about the feat of a veteran that cannot be forgotten. we want to congratulate you on the release of your new book, the jacket of the order, a neat hairstyle, the ceremonial events of maria anisimovna even at 101 years old are tireless, especially this time the presentation of a book about herself, such attention will lift anyone’s spirits, i feel fine. i even feel great, it’s not far, it wasn’t hard
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to get here, no, but alexander sergeevich came for me, tied in a car like a princess, and so on, the path to the ramenskoye house of culture was easy, but there were no roads in her life as an example, it’s more difficult, from voronezh to berlin, in the very first days the great patriotic girl went to the front as a nurse, then the battle. near moscow, the kursk bulge, the liberation of poland, czechoslovakia and the capture of berlin, all this befell a twenty-year-old girl, perhaps worse everything happened when they crossed the dnieper, it was cold, it was dark, a lot of people who couldn’t swim died right there on the mountain, it was so bitter and hard here and... and i wasn’t much of a swimmer, well, after all... then she swam,
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but i didn’t have to swim, and uh, well, that’s where she stuck, after the victory, maria anisimovna remained to live in ramenskoye, here she is a living legend, not only because of her combat medals, she devoted 33 years to soviet aviation, working in ramenskoye design bureau, such a biography could not go unnoticed , fellow countrywoman, writer, person, who lived 101. is this genetics, is it an accident or something else? so i think this is something different, because this is a person who wants to live, who wants to transform space. it is no coincidence that the book is called one of 78 million. we have 78 million women living in russia, but there is one that can be directly and safely called, she is russia. there are more than 100 pages here, in this album design it was done in order to accommodate more illustrations and photographs. still, its target audience
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books, the author identified the younger generation. at the same time, the circulation is thousands of copies, and not one of them... will be sold, the writer does not want to make money from this book. local patrons helped with the publication; apparently, they, like the authors, were motivated, in addition to admiration, by an interest in what is the secret of such longevity and vigor, at least one, it seems, there is. i heard that you still do exercises, is that true? sometimes, not always, but sometimes i do. nikita korabenkov, alexander aniskov, alexey guryanov, ntv. for an actor. working on a film the flying ship lasted about 4 years, including tests, filming and much more, all so that the audience would have an exciting journey into a fairy tale, but the work of the actors did not end at the premiere, these days they are actively communicating with their fans and talking about the film, which you have already fallen in love with. ksenia ignatova about nostalgia and
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surprises for viewers. and i give the floor to those closest to me. hello, hello, hello, i see you, i hear you on the four, connections black sea tuapse, hometown of actor alexander metelkin, in the local cinema has just had a showing of the film the flying ship, and its main character is in a hurry to see his fellow countrymen. the audience praises their beloved sasha and craves details about the filming. i auditioned for this role for 8 months, more than 150 artists auditioned for the role of ivan, great, brother, great, masha, me, look, i see you. it was filmed for a year and a half and only a year and a half ago it was filmed all these year and a half it took only 3 and a half years to edit the film, plus or minus 4 years, this is the story it took 4 years to make today you came and had a good evening. so far, meetings with childhood friends are taking place this way, with the help of high technology. after the premiere
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, movie stars are in high demand. the work of an artist is not only filming, i agreed with my fellow countrymen and then finished. we really liked the arrow because we were worried about the main character, the songs were also wonderful, when they played the guitar, when they played the guitar, but these are not all the surprises that the team of the fairy-tale film prepared for the audience, so together with a large shopping center in the creators of the flying ship in moscow held a promotion, everyone who made purchases there before the premiere could get into the cinema completely
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free of charge, we wanted to get in, we were lucky here, we played the lottery and won? ticket i really liked the film, and i watched an old cartoon, so it has now been very modernized, well, i really liked the impression, bright colors, bright costumes, a colorful and musical flying ship, director ilya uchitel has been conquering russian screens for the third week, and audience interest is only growing , according to cinema owners, this is exactly the film that the whole industry was waiting for the locomotive of the spring release, i want the film... to stay in the box office for as long as possible, because , as we understand, there are literally one, two, three more notable russian releases coming out before the beginning of summer, in the summer, unfortunately, there will be no major russian cinema at all, we don’t have enough of such films, we need at least twice as many of them at this level, with similar box office potential. today this is already 650 million. we expect that by the end of
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this weekend the film will still approach billion mark. i came to work at a tasty place for a good salary, stability, and reliability.
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there is already precipitation in transbaikalia, lonad +4, in blagoveshchensk, all this tomorrow, but for now +13 and no precipitation. the south of siberia is covered by an anticyclone; its protection is not enough for the eastern half. rain from irkutsk to krasnoyarsk, but from novosibirsk to yekaterinburg beautiful +12:15. if novosibirs. remains tomorrow, then the middle urals and the south of the tyumyan region will experience a tremendous cold snap. on european territory, it seems that a cold snap has already happened in the northwest, winter has returned to st. petersburg after record warmth, the embankment palaces are covered with april snow, and today there is still snow in the northwest, although the temperature is starting to rise, but for now it only adds a couple of degrees a day. in the center today is the peak of cold weather, there were frosts at night, there will be frosts next night, and during the day even if it’s sunny. the day is no higher than +5 +7, and cold temperatures with rain and wind came to the east, in the volga region, in kazan today +7, and tomorrow a maximum of +4. in the south the remnants will cease.


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