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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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new data that experts discovered in mobile phones detained in the crocus scam case. black sea. nato outpost, why did they talk about unification with moldova in romania, how will this affect relations with russia? the path from voronezh to berlin in the moscow region presented a book based on the stories of a front-line nurse. the list of cars subject to the luxury tax has been expanded; we will tell you which models are on the list in business news. about the main thing, for this minute in the ilyarovtsev studio, hello! the investigative committee is checking
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ukrainian special services for involvement in the attack in crocus cityhole. new reasons for this emerged after a thorough analysis of the suspects' mobile phones. it is reported that the detainees tried to destroy the device, but experts were able to recover the data. correspondence and photographs of people in camouflage with the ukrainian flag against the backdrop of destroyed houses may indicate the same trail leading to kiev that was mentioned earlier. they also found a photo of the concert hall on their phones. one of the defendants found them on the internet and sent them curator. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is , on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus city hall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. investigators continue to collect evidence and identify all accomplices and organizers. during the terrorist attack in
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crocs, at least 144 people were killed, including children, and more than 500 were injured. attacks on the governor investigated murmansk region andrey chibis under control in the central office of the investigative committee. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, ordered this. the regional prosecutor's office reported that a criminal case has been opened. now in the city of apatit, in the cultural center, at the place where everything happened, investigators and criminologists are working. chibes had held a meeting with residents the night before, and as he was leaving the building, he attacked him with a knife. one of the visitors. the footage from that very meeting shows that there are many people in the hall. the head of the region does not answer questions stage, and the front one is next to the guests. immediately after the injury, andrei chibes was taken to the hospital, he was conscious. the governor underwent surgery in serious but stable condition. as soon as he came to his senses after anesthesia, he wrote down a message thanking the doctors. dear friends, i came to my senses after the operation, thank you very much, i want to say to our doctors who... saved me,
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did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting me, thank you very much, now i will recover and then into battle only forward, everything will be fine, the attacker tried to escape, an employee of the national guard providing security for the governor wounded the attacker with a stable weapon, he was detained, as reported in the state duma, he will be presented with a reward, the attackers. that this is a resident of apatity, alexander bydanov, he is 43 years old. during interrogation, he stated that he felt dislike for the governor, although he did not know him personally. it is reported that the suspect was previously prosecuted. romanian prime minister marcel chulakov spoke publicly for the first time in support of the idea the unification of his country with moldova, but formulated vaguely; this may well happen after the latter joins the european union, but did not rule out some other possibility.
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path. the idea of ​​unification periodically appears in both romania and moldai, depending on the political and international situation. well, she is changing. today marks the 33rd anniversary of the signing of an agreement between moscow and bucharest on strengthening friendship and cooperation. what remains of the letter and spirit of this document? roman sobol figured it out. in moldova they are gaining momentum, there will be joint exercises with american and romanian special forces for 3 weeks. guns will roar, soldiers in chemical protection will crawl along pipes dug into the ground and pose for european reporters. the stated goal was to practice operational interaction, the goal was achieved, the romanian soldiers were able to feel what the moldovan soil is like under their boots. the romanian parliament is currently working on a law that would allow the president to send troops to other countries. for the sake of quotation:
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protection of romanian citizens abroad. here i can’t help but remember the same moldova, where every third person has a romanian passport, at least to make it more convenient. to go to europe to work, it is possible that, under the guise of protecting them, bucharest will decide to do what the romanian rulers have been dreaming of for a long time, annex bessarabia to their territory, it didn’t work out well, attack by force, but it’s covered, i still believe in the unification of moldova and romania, it will happen one way or another, moldova is now stable thanks to the support of romania, listen, they are romanians like us, we cannot change the past, but we can change the future. the moldovan authorities, led by mai sandu, agree in principle to such a union, but not all the people dream of becoming romanians. and there is also proud gagauzia, not to mention independent transnistria. perhaps bucharest is aiming even further and wants to revive the greater romania project. this is when hitler promised to give
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chisinau, odessa and nikolaev to the romanian allies. it is very likely that now, in the event of the collapse of ukraine, romania will hasten to claim its rights, at least to transcarpathia. well, romania, as you know, then entered into nato. in fairness, it must be said that romania signed the document, but later did not ratify it, and it also said that the parties would not provide their territories for the deployment of weapons of other
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countries, especially in the event of an armed conflict. and now romania has stationed f-16 fighters at its airfields, the same ones on which ukrainian pilots train. perhaps, which will be transferred to ukraine in july to carry out strikes on donbass and novorussia, if they supply f-16s, about this they say they train pilots, i think you understand this better than anyone else, this will not change the stinky situation on the field, and we will destroy their planes the same way we destroy them today, this...
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in this direction only moldova formally retains its non-aligned status ; apparently the united states wants to drag it into the alliance with the help of romania, but there is a catch. i would say this, the pridnistvo plays a nail in the seat of the chair on which nato gathers and gathers in the black sea region. that is, as long as transnistria exists, serious development of influence.
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will the us dare to start another conflict in this region? the question is open, it is clear that washington does not care about the fate of the pridnestrovians, moldovans, and even the romanians themselves, imperial ambitions for... the americans are spurring it on. in the end, romania is a purely subsidized side; it lives on grants from the european union and will not dare to do anything without an order from above. roman sobol, maxim zaichenko, susana prutchikova, ntv television company. the us national security archive (nato) has published documents that once again shed light on alliance hypocrisy. on the one hand, the genfek organization, as follows from these files, 32 years ago, spoke of a solid basis for strengthening ties with moscow, on the other hand, nato was expanding towards the borders of russia. this is a selection of documents that relate to relations between russia and nato in the period from ninety-two to ninety5. among them is a transcript of the secretary general-alliance meeting, then it was manfred werner and the chairman of the supreme council of the rsfsr ruslan khazburlatova. the conversation took place 2
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months after the collapse of the soviet union. moscow also left the question of the alliance’s plans and its vision of the future security space in europe. and then werner assured khazbullatov of the best intentions for... vladimir putin repeatedly recalled the promises of western partners and criticized alliances for trying to drag russia into a new confrontation. the ministry of industry and trade has expanded the list of cars that are subject to tax. for luxury, then on the air business news with us denis talalaev, denis, what 's new there? there's new material to
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train the chinese names. in russia there are more cars that are officially considered luxury. the ministry of industry and trade has increased the list of models that are subject to increased transport tax. compared to last year, 68 models were added, and now there are 517 items on the list. expansion of chinese cars. on the russian car market, not even crawling, driving quite cheerfully, it even reached the luxurious list of demin-industrial trade. and among already familiar words like rolls-royce, mercedes-benz, bmw, lexus, lamborghini, land rover, maserati, porsche, yaguar and jeep, this year, chinese automobile brands honchi, lixiang, vayakh and ziker appeared for the first time. the mhero 917 is also on the list of luxury cars. kommersant magazine calls it an autopilot. its most expensive suv officially sold in russia. it has three electric motors, one gasoline one, to
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charge the battery, and it costs from 16 million rubles. the presence of the domestic automobile industry has also expanded on the list of the ministry of industry and trade; not only the aurus senate and limousine, but also the commandant are now considered luxurious. for the first time, luxury tax cars were installed in russia in the fourteenth year, at first it was valid for cars priced at 3 million rubles. but then prices rose, and steel became on the list. models that few people consider luxury, so from 2023 the threshold was raised to 10 million. owners of such cars pay transport tax three times more than usual. news about the expansion of the lists came from japan. she banned the export of another 164 categories of goods to russia. from april 17, this will apply to, for example, motor oils, lithium-ion batteries, hand-held power tools, photo of optical equipment. steel products, such as pipes for oil and gas transportation, as well as yachts and other
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recreational sports craft. in addition, as of may 10, japan bans the import of non-industrial diamonds of russian origin. back in march of 22, japan banned the export to russia of new and used cars worth more than 6 million euros, which is approximately 3,600,000 rubles. and in august last year, the same ban affected new and used cars with an engine capacity of more than one. and before that, according to autostat, half of all used cars that were imported to russia came from japan. russian shares rose for 9 days in a row, but today investors still seem to have firmly decided that the time has come for a correction, although oil rose noticeably again the day before, the brand rose above $91. on the foreign exchange market , the situation today is a mirror image of what it was yesterday; the dollar is becoming more expensive against the ruble (9241). euro the euro is symbolic, but still falling in price is still above 100. the association of
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cinema owners called on the industry to abandon shadow rental, or as it is commonly called, pre-session service. the rental company's newsletter writes about this offer. the association calls for stopping hollywood releases from april 18 to may 12. the goal is to support russian films at the box office. at this time, domestic ones should appear on the screen. film 100 years ago svorvets 1944, the north pole and the dugout, at the same time, on april 25, the action film garici of the ministry of ungentlemanly affairs, which takes place during the second world, but this film did not receive a distribution certificate, as the vedomosti newspaper wrote, because according to the rules of the ministry of culture it can refuse if it has previously issued permission to another film with a similar theme and on the same dates. perhaps what is meant here is the domestic military science fiction film "dugout". ilya,
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everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. one of 78 million books about the feat of front-line nurse maria serdyuk was presented in the moscow region. the peculiarity of the presentation is that it was attended by maria anisimovna herself, who turned 101 in february. despite her advanced age, she remembers the events of the war years to the smallest detail. about how she almost fainted during the first dressing, how she saved soldiers from shelling on the kursk bulge, and how she signed her name on the reichstag with a piece of brick. these stories formed the basis of the new book; i was one of the first to see it. nikita korabenkov, we want to congratulate you on the release of your new book, the jacket, orders, neat hairstyle, and the ceremonial events of maria anisimovna, even at 101 years old, are not tiring, especially more this time, the presentation of a book about herself, such attention will lift anyone’s spirits, i feel fine,
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i even feel great, it wasn’t far from difficult to get here, but no, well... the path to the ramenskoye house of culture was easy, but the roads in her life were much more difficult, from voronezh to berlin. in the very first days of the great patriotic war, the girl went to the front as a nurse, then the battle of moscow, the kursk bulge, the liberation of poland, the czechoslovaks taking berlin, all this befell the twenty-year-old girl. not everything happened when crossed the dnieper, it was cold, it was dark, many who could not swim died right there in the fire, it was so bitter and difficult here, and i swam well, well,
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somehow i swam, but i couldn’t swim i had to, well... we have 78 million women living in russia, but there is one that can be directly and safely called, she is russia. there are more than 100 pages here in this album design , this was done in order to accommodate more
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illustrations and photographs. still, the author designated the target audience of her book growing generation. there are a circulation of thousands of copies, and not a single one of them will be sold, the writer does not want to make money from this book, local patrons helped with the publication, apparently they, like the authors, were motivated by an interest other than admiration, what is the secret of such longevity and vigor , at least one seems to be there. maryana, i heard that you still do exercises, is that true? sometimes not always, but sometimes i do. nikita korabenkov, alexander aniskov, alexey guryanov, ntv. zoologists have discovered the sex of tenrecs, ancient mammals with madagascar, who live in the moscow zoo. two cubs were born last year and with the onset of spring it was time to look for mates for them. the problem is that babies do not have external sexual characteristics; to determine their gender, they need to be introduced to their intended partner. zoologists took turns placing young tenrecs next to the females
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and observing the reaction. if the tenrec is a male, then a special gland will swell around his eyes, but for a female, a showdown and a fight will immediately begin, this time it turned out that both animals are males, although small hedgehog tenrecs are very similar to our hedgehogs, they have nothing to do with them, genetically their closest relatives are african elephants. now the word from my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program. lera, what's on air today? ilya, today is a story about a place that has become the meaning of life for one person who is now in a pre-trial detention center and awaiting trial. artyom yakovlev poisoned the creatures of a long-time offender, followed him for a long time, attacked him from under the car in the open, the victim i ended up in the hospital twice. the victim did not connect all these episodes with each other until he accidentally remembered one incident in a conversation with the police. and then the picture, as he thought, of life’s failures, took on
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very dark colors. the avenger's face immediately came to mind. what an unforgettable conflict occurred between men with... see in our episode ilya, daler, thank you, this is not only in the program , an emergency after a short pause, that’s all for now, go to, see you, alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank, this friday , april 5, we give 30% cashback for... we discover the secret of juicy pulp and crispy crust, we cook from whole chicken and bread it in the restaurant, the legendary chicken in
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and tried to deal with a high-ranking official. official the head of the region was taken to the capital's hospital this morning, and the criminal was detained, what did he say during interrogation and what versions are investigators considering? more details about everything in the report by alexey labachev. this is footage of investigators working at the scene of the assassination attempt on the governor. murmansk region. the black foreign car belongs to alexander bydanov, the one who was waiting for the head of the region to appear on the street in the car. he came out at the right moment and stabbed the official with a knife. the attack was so lightning fast that the guards didn’t even have time react. the blow hit him in the stomach. they did not call an ambulance; the victim was placed in his car and taken to a local hospital. andrei chibis was conscious, but the doctors decided to operate urgently. the surgeons saved the life of the governor for more than 3 hours. the condition is serious, stable, medical care was provided to the required extent, laparatomy, revision, and hemostasis were performed.


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