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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 5, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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tried to deal with a high-ranking official. the head of the region was taken to the capital's hospital this morning, and the criminal was detained, what he said during interrogation and what versions investigators are considering. more details about everything in the report by alexey lobachev. this is footage of investigators working at the scene of the assassination attempt on the governor of the murmansk region. the black foreign car belongs to alexander bydanov, the one who was waiting for the head of the region to appear on the street in the car, came out at the right moment and hit the official. with a knife, the attack was so lightning fast that the security did not even have time to react, the blow hit the stomach, they did not call an ambulance, the victim was put in his car and taken to a local hospital. andrei chibis was conscious, but the doctors decided to operate urgently. the surgeons saved the life of the governor for more than 3 hours. the condition is serious, stable, medical care was provided to the required extent, laparatomy, revision, and hemostasis were performed.
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suturing wounds of damaged organs; now in the immediate postoperative period the patient is in the intensive care unit therapy, the attacker rushed to run after the assassination attempt, although he only managed to cross the street, the bullet from the stable weapon of a russian guard employee turned out to be faster, wounded in the leg, he was already humbly waiting for the law enforcement officers, with whom he went to the hospital, there he talked about the voices in his head that ordered the death of andrei chibbis, he had never made such strange statements before, say acquaintances of the detainee, the father... of the children once worked on the railway, often passed through st. petersburg, where he recently bought an apartment and was preparing to move there completely, loved relax at sea, hallucinations do not fit into this series in any way, the detectives do not really believe in the version with voices, during interrogation they managed to get the detainee to make another confession, during the interrogation the man explained that he felt displeased with the governor, despite the fact that he had not previously i know him, investigators are currently establishing all the circumstances.
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a complex of forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations, the contents are studied , witnesses are interrogated, the necessary telephone number of the attacker is assigned, as noted by the chief doctor of the hospital where the operation was performed the governor, the patient, was extremely lucky that the knife did not hit the aorta, the largest artery in the body, otherwise there would have been little chance, now the head of the murmansk region will have long-term treatment, for this andrei chibis will be transferred to a moscow clinic, he has come to his senses. petersburg apartment of the attacker in order to understand how long he had been preparing for the assassination attempt, it is possible that he planned the attack a long time ago and was waiting for the right moment. the day before his working trip to apatity, the governor announced his plans on social networks. alexei labachov, natalya popova, daniela baklanova and oksana goncharenko, ntv television company.
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investigators managed to decipher the correspondence from the memory of the phones of the terrorists who staged the attack on crocus citychol; of course, they tried to destroy the gadgets themselves, all the contents, but did not have time. now, based on the data obtained, we can draw conclusions that it was already clear that the ukrainian trace in organizing the execution of civilians is becoming more and more obvious. the operational photos show the crocus terrorist’s smartphone. it is clearly visible that the criminal was trying to get rid of the gadget, to hide any clues that could lead to those who ordered the monstrous execution of civilians, experts managed to decipher some information from the memory of the mobile phone, as expected, the ukrainian trace in organizing the inhumane attack is becoming more and more obvious. a photograph of people in camouflage uniforms with a ukrainian flag against the background of destroyed houses, a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture, was found on the terrorist’s phone. these data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and
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carrying out a special military operation. apparently, this phone belonged to shamsidin fariduni, he was the alleged leader of the quartet of terrorists; according to some reports, he was the only one who communicated with the curator of the mass murder. a month before the attack, fariduni, who was convicted in his homeland of attempted rape of a child, sent a man nicknamed the preacher photos of the concert hall from different angles from online maps and escape routes. apparently crocus city hall was chosen as a target in advance. u... february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the beginning special military operation, one of the accomplices, on the instructions of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus cityhall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. it was established that fariduni was seen in the crocus several times; he accidentally fell into the photographer’s lens on march 7. we noticed another one in the concert hall.
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led from the capital region, it was these people who handed over weapons and ammunition to fariduni and his group to shoot people, i drove, drove they gave weapons to these guys who attacked coca in the city of moscow, i brought them weapons from
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makhachkala, they also planned another terrorist attack on the kaspiysk embankment, and in total they were detained. people who in one way or another took part in preparing the attack on crocus, some transferred money, some transferred a car, some an apartment, they all knew very well about the planned mass murder, investigators believe. during interrogations , all these people do not look like fanatics at all, everything is more banal, they committed a crime for the sake of money. obviously, the list of defendants will be it will only expand and there will be more evidence of the involvement of ukrainian special services in the murder of unarmed people. pavel kuznetsov. ntv. and then, it’s none of their business. a helpless man, who was suddenly struck down by an illness, died alone in his apartment for a week, while flooding his neighbors, but the emergency services never opened the door. a story about criminal formalism, right after the commercial. how much money lyoba bid2 has already raised
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for the ukrainian armed forces is difficult. and where will he send the money for which he was going to sell his own mother? by the way, no one needs a mother. what i taught foreign agent artist thai prison? mikhail khadorkovsky provided us with his lawyers. why are concerts of fugitive rock musicians from russia being canceled abroad? no one will quarrel with us because of guest clowns. zemfira's disrupted concerts in the emirates. and who agreed to have dinner with a traitor to the motherland for 250 thousand rubles. let them live out their lives there quietly, stinking from there. new portion.
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a search by car brand. black sun. the final. today at 20:00 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why the body is malfunctioning, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? can! our body has a main computer, the brain, which is responsible for memory, attention, and thinking. movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found out what the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. turns out. this is how
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a product was created from highly concentrated phosphopides of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8800-100 exactly 1985. 8 800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory and attention. thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy, containing contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will again serve you with faith and. prolong the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn
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more about the japanese product brain therapy stars premiere tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. this is an emergency, we are continuing production. at these moments, the moscow regional court is announcing the verdict to a gang of satanists who committed ritual murders in 2016 in karelia and leningrad region, it was possible to identify the suspects only 5 years later; they were caught in a completely different crime; later, during interrogations, they had to tell how they lured people into the forest and then made sacrifices. there are three people on the bench, our correspondent, tamara simonova, will tell you who they are, she is watching the process. tamara, are you live? did anyone even come? keep the accused? yes,
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the relatives of the defendants came to court, they were already brought into the courtroom, and now the judge is reading out the evidence of their guilt. officially andrey trigubenko, tatyana deryugina and alexander, the carriers of khmura, are accused of murder, theft of otrigubenko and illegal possession and distribution of drugs. as the investigation proved. they committed murder, they actually committed it in the form of a sacrifice with cannibalism, the mother of one of the defendants came to court today, she says, she was shocked that she found out what she was accusing her son of and could not have thought that he will contact such a company, what was your reaction when they found out, no, maybe they noticed it somehow.
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with her cohabitant olga bolshakova, back in 2016, she admitted her guilt, already entered into a pre-trial agreement, she was sentenced to 14 years in... they then chose their friend victoria zaitseva as a victim, she herself was fond of the occult, was the administrator of an online public about dark forces, and she didn’t even suspect that she would become a victim of just the ritual in karelia, where she was invited, she supposedly had to participate in it, tregubinka and her beloved just arrived in the forest in advance, dug a hole and made a kind of altar when they brought ... their friend to the place. tregubinka attacked her with a knife and killed her. the second target was platon
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stepanov, also a follower of the satanist cult. in his murder, the lovers were already helped by their acquaintances tatyana deryugina and alexander carrier khmura, who is in court today. they found a victim and allegedly invited him to a ritual in the forest, where they attacked and stabbed the man to death. but in my opinion. people, yes, not everything is in order mentally, that’s who is involved in these matters, that is, a normal person would not do this became, but this does not mean that they were not capable, they were perfectly capable, they understood, gave a full account of their... initially, trigubank and his partner were detained in 2021, but on suspicion of storage and distribution drugs. only during the investigation did it become clear, shocking details were revealed, their passion for wild rituals and cannibalism. experts believe that the defendants
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expressed their devotion to such an international order through sacrifices. satanic corners organization, originally from the uk, its members are now being hunted by the police and church psychiatrists, but in this case all the defendants were found sane, so they will not receive any concessions, each faces up to 15 years of imprisonment. valeria, thank you, tamara, ntv correspondent tamara simonova was live. criminal formalism, indifference or negligence, what actually killed a resident of nizhny novgorod, who became ill in the bath, investigators will now find out, well, judging by what we learned, it seems that all together, the neighbors of fifty-six-year-old dmitry morozov sounded the alarm when they began to flood, but the emergency services, having eliminated the leak, did not open the door to the apartment, they managed to get into it only after
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almost 3 weeks, in the conclusion of the medical expert’s court it was said that the man’s death came in a week. after the incident in the bath, all this time the helpless man was slowly dying all alone. a stalemate and utterly paradoxical situation, when all the residents of the house understood that with a lonely and not old something happened to a neighbor, but no one came to his aid. it all started as a communal squabble with a stream of water pouring from an apartment on the top floor, a note left with neighbors on the door remained untouched, and the flow did not stop then. the first time they called the police , the plumbers, it was back on march 14, it’s been a long time since they’ve seen him, he’s definitely dead, he’s definitely there, yes, you think, 100%, the plumbers turned off the water in the counter, and the police, to the surprise of the residents , didn’t pick the lock, the threaded ones remarks, what about the man behind the door, with to whom something was clearly wrong, since he did not turn off
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the tap, the representatives of geo and the law enforcement officers replied that they would not open the door without the owner or his relatives. the neighbors were dumbfounded, they didn’t want to hide the door, they didn’t want to look for relatives, who should? a week after the first call to the emergency services, it became clear to people that their worst fears were confirmed: the residents of adjacent apartments were the first to feel it, but their calls again remained without any response, all authorities answered that they were not authorized to open the door, they simply didn’t want to to take some responsibility, now this is what the neighbors are telling me: it should be these people who are talking...
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they themselves, without waiting for the law enforcement officers to appear, interviewing everyone in the nearest houses, were able to find the relatives of the man from the apartment where the flow occurred, the ex arrived wife and son, they couldn’t open the door, it was locked from the inside, they called the police from the ministry of emergency situations, at their request all the emergency services arrived, they did what they were supposed to do, but there was no one to save, the body of the deceased man was found in the bathroom, all over apparently, when he opened the tap, a stroke occurred. since they had flooded the neighbors before, here he fell, i don’t know, and what he died, i don’t know, but the most terrible, relatives and neighbors of dmitry morozov found out a few days later, when they received documents about his death, the forensic expert concluded that the man died not immediately after the impact, he was alive for almost a week, paralyzed, probably lying on the floor in the water
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and waiting to be rescued. the official date of death on the certificate is not march 14, when it was flooded.
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discovery in march of this year, the body of a man a procedural check is being carried out in an apartment building in the city of nizhny novgorod, within the framework of which a legal assessment will also be given to the actions of officials who previously arrived on call from neighbors. it is still impossible to exclude the fact that the forensic expert in his conclusion may have indicated the estimated date of death, an approximate one, which he determined based on the condition of the body. this estimated date could then be entered on the death certificate.
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a good car for everyone. there is another emergency on ntv live , we continue broadcasting. a former policeman obsessed with revenge will be tried in the krasnoyarsk territory for repeated attacks on a local resident. the ex-policeman was not immediately detained. for a long time, the victim could not understand why his life was in danger. a
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an old acquaintance... yegor vinogonov felt the fatal meaning of the phrase “revenge is a dish served cold.” the footage of his suv being rammed by a white zhiguli marked the beginning of the final scene of a long-term drama involving two men. having opened the door after the collision, the driver of the domestic car said: “i got you.” and when he got closer, he took out a gas pistol and started. shoot point blank. egor, a survivor of the attack, asks not to show his face, does not want people to see the injuries he received and is afraid of a new attempt, he recalls then i no longer hoped for salvation. while i was running there, that is, he kept shooting after me, ran to the fifth floor, that is, he squatted down there , well, i was, that is, already very bad, he sat down, squatted down, he comes up and shouts to me, do you remember me, i
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say, no, i don’t remember you, and he says, remember... he shouted, they take it out, that is, they stick a knife into my leg from his pocket. the attacker disappeared as suddenly as he appeared. yegor was hospitalized with serious injuries. in the hospital, the man was tormented by questions about who it was and why he treated him so cruelly. moving away out of shock, he began to think that too often lately he had found himself in unpleasant situations, and six months before that he had already been attacked by an unknown person with pepper spray and a hammer. when i tilted my eyes, well, i tilted them, that is, my eyes hurt. and then, that is, i felt it a little. blows to the head, and, well , strong blows, at first i thought maybe with fists, then once i ran away from him a little, i looked closer to see that he had a hammer in his hand, that is, well, specifically a hammer, that’s it, the blood was running out of me, then the attacker is not found, the victim could not describe his appearance, his eyes were filled with pepper, law enforcement officers assumed that both attacks were connected, but it was impossible to figure out the starting point until, during another conversation with operatives, yegor explained that 5 years
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ago in the village. .. head, because of which he could not continue an ordinary life, he was tormented by insomnia, against this background mental deviations began, he could no longer work in the police, there was no sleep, his head hurt, there was nothing to do, he was constantly thinking about how unfair it was to his destiny the fix was the desire to take revenge on the man from the disco. for two years, he collected information about his offender, despite moving to another city, he repeatedly came to the city of lesibirs and conducted surveillance; after receiving all the information, the accused
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began to act. yakovlev began to administer all the information with his own hands what he called justice. after his arrest, he confessed to two episodes. i considered the first attack with pepper spray and a hammer insufficient for punishment, so i will return it. experts will have to determine the degree of yakovlev’s sanity. a criminal case was opened against the former policeman under four articles at once. during his arrest , he said that for the first time in several years he felt revenged and satisfied with what he had done, but the victim did not
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think so. the other day, he received a letter from his pursuer from the pre-trial detention center, in which he expresses his hope to get out of prison as soon as possible, shares that he plays sports, works out his muscles, every word there is written as if to his best friend, but sounds like a threat. ok, i’ll jump out, see you again, shake your hand, hug you tightly, oh, let’s take a walk, like back then, remember? stanislav kostikov, alexey birulev, daniela baklanova, natalya popova and vladimir tolyzin, ntv television company. the trial of the vindictive avenger will begin soon. we are going to monitor the progress of the process and will cover it both on air and in our telegram channel chpntv. to subscribe to it, just enter the name that you see on the screen in the general search. or go to the page directly via the qr code. already this month it will be a new law banning the payment of royalties to agents for copyright related rights is being discussed. thus, all those performers
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who fled the country and betrayed their fans will not be able to make money from russia, which they hate. it was believed on the internet that if the amendments were adopted, the once popular foreign agent zemfira could lose 9 million rubles. per year, the rock singer lives in france and has already hastened to declare that paris has become her home, but her song in russian on the banks of the seine is not known to anyone are needed, her concerts are cancelled, the last one did not take place in the united arab emirates, one after another the crimes of boris grebenshchikov, b2 and other agents are being disrupted. all this hits hard in the pockets of fugitive stars, who throw mud at our country and its inhabitants, trying to please western curators, but at the same time very...
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how much leva bi-2 has already raised funds for the armed forces of ukraine, why are concerts of fugitive rock bands abroad being massively cancelled? musicians from russia and how makarevich is trying to keep his wealth in russia. watch the emergency investigation program fatal mistake this saturday at 16:20 on ntv. and we have everything by this time, thank you for your attention. today in our program, the son of a ukrainian
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prosecutor drives expensive cars while his dad was working. land of opportunity, over the past year there have been 3.0 more millionaires in ukraine, why is the war to the last ukrainian so profitable? as israel awaits retaliation from iran, will ramadan be the last day of peace in the middle east? blood from the ears, teenage music was recognized as dangerous to health, how to deal with degradation of modern culture? and i ’ll think about it, then i’ll say right away, yes, for money, yes, for money, yes! watch it now! hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working.


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