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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 5, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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the prosecutor is driving expensive cars while dad was working. land of opportunity. over the past year, there were 3.0 more millionaires in ukraine. why is war until the last ukrainian so profitable? we want to make this approach more equitable. maximum combat readiness. israel is awaiting retaliation from iran. will ramadan be the last day of peace in the middle east? professionals from the ears, teenage music was recognized as dangerous to health, how to deal with the degradation of modern culture, and i ’ll think about it later, but i’ll say right away, yes, for money, yes, for money, yes, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan truzhkin, we are working. the committee is investigating the circumstances
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of the attack on the governor of the murmansk region, andrei chibis. in general, well, i have absolutely no such information, i can’t remember anything, but my colleagues, it seems to me, quite rightly point out that such incidents in our country, well, they happen extremely rarely, so the guys wrote to me that the last time was an attack. ..
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the mood is spring, not yet, winter yet. in fact, the day before the governor himself invited city residents to this meeting, when leaving the palace of culture, an unknown person ran up to him and hit him in the stomach. the wounded official was taken to the hospital by ambulance, he underwent abdominal surgery, which lasted about an hour. now doctors assess chibits’ condition as serious, but his life is stable.
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into battle, just forward, everything will be fine. the attacker tried to escape from the crime scene, but was shot in the leg an employee of the russian guard, after which the attacker was detained. officially, law enforcement agencies do not name him, but several telegram channels and a business newspaper claim that we are talking about alexander bydanov. he is 42 years old, a resident of the city of apatity, where the governor actually came. according to preliminary data, bydanov worked as a track fitter in russian railways, aka. he is raising two seventeen-year -old twin daughters; he has previously been prosecuted for causing minor bodily harm. it is reported that immediately after his arrest, he declared that he was going to commit murder; he was told by certain voices in his head. later, when questioned, he admitted that he committed the crime out of personal hostility towards the governor, although he did not know chibis. according to the investigative committee, a criminal case has already been opened against benanov for attempted murder in connection with his service. activities, under this
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article he faces up to 20 years in prison, also the investigative committee today shared new data on the investigation into the crocus cityhole terrorist attacks, they showed footage which were found directly in the mobile phones of those detained on suspicion of involvement in the terrorist attack, and what was found there in these phones indicates a connection with ukraine, which is what we are talking about. investigators discovered that on february 24 of this year, that is, the anniversary of the start of the svo, one. of the participants in the terrorist attack, on the instructions of the curator, found on the internet and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to crocus city hall and the access roads there. the fact that the site for the terrorist attack was chosen by the curators, according to the investigative committee , was confirmed by the accused themselves during interrogation. also found on the terrorists’ phones were photos of people in camouflage with the ukrainian flag, against the backdrop of destroyed houses, you see these shots, as well as a photo of a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. specified. data
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may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. the implementation of a complex of investigative actions of operational measures on...
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the perpetrators of the terrorist attack continues, and the third recruited accomplices and financed the participants in this attack. western partners continue to do everything to bring down the russians. sergei shaig in moscow, we told you about this phone call yesterday, asked to share supposedly useful information from the french intelligence services about the terrorist attack. let me remind you that lek arnu persistently convinced moscow that there was no ukrainian trace of the frocus cityhole terrorist attack, while, according to shaigu, that...
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us president joe biden remains deathly silent about the frocus and is in no hurry to offer russia any help in the investigation, by the way, i noticed this donald trump, adding that if he were president, he would have called moscow long ago. if you would have called putin personally, we knew that the moscow terrorist attack last week would happen. obviously we warned someone. i would call him, i would let him know. this is the country about which you have such information. but returning to the attack on the governor of the murmansk region, of course, andre vich wants to know whether these were voices in his head or voices from ukrainian call centers who knew which head to knock on? i think he's just at first tried once, well, he probably thought that
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nothing would happen to him if he said that he was some kind of crazy person, well, i think that everything will be sorted out quickly here and we wish andrei chibes a speedy recovery, in general, we have a topic today . degradation, decomposition, rotting, but not in baudelaire’s interpretation, but let’s just say that shirvint and derzhavin once had a miniature, they were some kind of cultural figures, they talked about their works called dirt, scum, slime and filth, well, when else can we talk about it, on the street the weather here is beautiful, it’s dry, it’s sunny and it’s getting warmer before our eyes, so now is the time to get a little ulcer, so let’s start, vanya. hinted, yes, we’ll start with our neighbors, but not about scammers, but about the most honest representatives of the ukrainian public, yes, i watched it yesterday, the sociology was so interesting, now i don’t remember who gave it, well there actually, it’s not like that,
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it’s not that important, which means that ordinary ukrainians, they call, you know, corruption the most important problem, the most difficult challenge for a modern country. second point they are going on, it’s called a conflict with russia, and there’s a paradox here, because it means that if ordinary ukrainians believe that corruption is the most serious problem, the same ordinary ukrainians, in general, have somehow given up on all this , then there is public opinion, and nothing can be done about this, this public ulcer, because no one either pays attention to it or actively participates, let’s look at the first story. march 31 in ukraine was the last day for filing an income tax return, the public interested in the documents of officials and deputies, it turned out that in a country that has been living off western aid for 2 years in a row, the number of millionaires has increased by 16%. moreover, despite the martial law, closed
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borders, officials do not deny themselves anything, they even go on safari to africa, so that one of the deputies, one of the deputies went where possible. fortunately or unfortunately, they do not declare them, because we do not yet have the opportunity to declare prisoners. the publication ukrainskaya pravda, having studied the declarations, writes that income deputies and civil servants increased by a quarter. over the course of the year, every sixth person acquired real estate, every third person bought a car, and officials mainly choose electric cars, explaining that they are concerned about the front line, where gasoline is more needed. so are the officials. became the first owner in europe of an electric
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rolls-royce spector for $6,000. emerald rolls-royce emerald rolls-royce is the most expensive car of this series. its value is quite difficult to determine. as they say at rolls-royce, there are no other cars alike that they produce. the car is registered for a confectionery deputation. the head of the antimonopoly committee of ukraine, pavel kirilenko, immediately after filing papers with the tax authorities, journalists found undeclared property worth 70 million hryvnia. previously, kirilenko was the head of the donetsk region, and then, under zelensky’s personal patronage, he was promoted. when asked by journalists where he got an elite apartment in kiev with an area of ​​200 km during martial law, the official said that he got it from...
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and so on, but this is a general topic, and now specific according to the current situation , you understand, so what, what is war, so what is
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war, to whom it is war, to whom what, how is it yes, the mother is alone, that is, they stole, are stealing and will steal, if 250 billion in total aid was rendered to ukraine, i think more, then naturally it sticks somewhere, since it sticks, it sticks to razumkov, the minister of defense, it sticks to shevchenko, you have already confused yourself, you have died there.
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is revising some of its aid norms, well, at least the united states, this means that corruption is somehow bothering them, or corruption doesn’t bother them at all, it’s just that corruption has always been and will be, in general, america’s mechanisms.
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american companies in afghanistan, how much money american officials spent on them. the washington post published a huge investigation, there are trillions of dollars there, some ukrainians might just be jealous, i think we will see. in the end, this is an investigation into the assistance that is allocated to ukraine, but the americans are now happy with this: two reasons: the first reason is that they themselves receive something, the second the reason is that they are opposing russia, as if there is a war going on, they are fine, the main thing is that, so to speak, people went further to the front for them, i correctly understand that this corruption in ukraine is our ally, in essence, and not entirely, yes, this works to split the unity
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of ukrainian society, but recently a survey was released literally for 7 hours... much stronger, we are now talking about the monaco battalion, as they are called, these are the children of ukrainian senior officials or leaders who are by no means in the trenches, and from the name it’s clear where. a video has been circulating on social media for the past week. with two young people, this is maxim, he is 19 and elizaveta is 21 years old, they live in germany and have a great time, go to
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nightclubs, ride cool cars, drink, dress beautifully and have fun , in general, of course, their right , but there is a nuance, these are the children of kiev mayor vitaliy klitschko. at the speaker's. verkhovna rada ruslan stefanchuk has two children - zlata and oles. the daughter moved to poland, and the son is roaming around europe, the photographs are colorful, here are the nightclubs of vienna, now of london. but don't think, children don't they are just relaxing, they simultaneously support ukraine, which should be evident from the t-shirts with the inscription equated in russia to extremist. perhaps they are worried about ukraine together with the youngest son of petro poroshenko, he is also somewhere in london, journalists caught him having lunch with his parents in one of the restaurants. the children of prosecutor general kostin have moved. they do not hesitate to call monaco, the principality, home on social networks; the ukrainians who fled from the mobilization of the scions of the elite called the monaco battalion. monaco guys son
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a well-known ukrainian prosecutor, driving expensive cars in europe, while my dad was working, so here you are, please, whoever is taking pictures of me, from the beginning of mobilization , you could leave ukraine for bribes as a military commissar or through humanitarian aid, drawing up fake documents for $7.00. you could also buy a ticket for the cordon for yourself. and their lamborghini, two volunteers born in 2002 and 1995, brothers stanislav and vladislav vatsak, sons of mp gennady vatsak, say the guys went abroad in a bentley and lamborghini, realizing how much money is passing by the official cash register, the cabinet of ministers decided to make paying off the army legal, and they want to write off a clause in the law on general mobilization that would allow employers to pay for an employee’s reservation with a monthly deduction.
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the issue of corruption irritates me, if this were so, then the sociology that andrey cited was completely different, i want to draw attention to this for the first time during the war,
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despite the propaganda of the ukrainian authorities, which is trying to focus attention ukrainians, exclusively in the war, attributing all the problems to it, for the first time during this time , corruption came to the first place for ukrainians in terms of negativity, and maybe this is happening because these are our first topics , this is what vanya says now: communicative effect, because it is all this negativity, it accumulates in people during this time, but i emphasize once again, this is the first time since the beginning of the war that the main reason or constraint in the development of the country, the ukrainians named corruption, and not the war itself. now by about this monaco battalion, which infuriates the ukrainians, you understand, if the parents of these children were against the war...
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about lowering the age to 25 years, he actually removed people aged 25 to 27 years from the protection of ukrainian legislation , if they could show it earlier.
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it’s better to either build a better house for yourself, so some of the ukrainians, a huge part, just profess another thing, that let me build myself a better house, this is the first, i don’t agree with this, the second is how it works, look, in the same study, and the level of trust 21% completely trust zelensky, and previously 42% trusted him, that is, a 21% increase in the level of trust in six months. thank you very much, 50% works anyway, they put pressure on the authorities, this is why the level of trust of complete trust in zelensky has fallen, you can imagine, that is , with dissatisfaction, people are putting pressure on the authorities, because they don’t trust and why is the whole government passing the law under pressure, then now twenty-five years old, i ’ll tell you even more, there’s one more figure, it’s generally monstrous, it’s already been said that it’s just 45% of ukrainians believe that ukraine.
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well, of course they didn’t burn it, but the attitude of the neighbors, let’s say, sharply worsened, a residue remained, but pure envy, well, classic envy, so let’s take a break and in a few minutes we ’ll look at more examples from a slightly different area, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. why is the world we live in becoming similar to the horrors of stephen king, how scientists return from the other world of dead pets, we we are doing this not only for the sake of science, we want to help people who miss their pets. how much does it cost to resurrect a beloved
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cat or dog? i paid 25,000 dollars, but now it’s already worth 50. what nightmares do their owners have? when will it come to returning from the dead, or are such experiments already being carried out only from the living? with a limited design in april, get free tinkov service forever. what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are
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the arabic version of the skynews channel reports, that in anticipation of retaliation from iran, israel ordered the suspension of work at its embassies in 28 countries around the world. let me remind you that the israeli authorities are afraid of iran's response to the recent attack on the consulate in damascus. it is reported that israel is even trying to disrupt gps navigation on its territory. apparently.
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specifically in iran. this year, the rallies are combined with a funeral ceremony for those killed in the attack on the consulate in damascus. thousands of people took part in the procession in tehran. i remember. the israeli attack killed 13 people, including seven iranian military advisers. the traditional rally of solidarity with palestine looked especially colorful, with signs depicting israeli officers hanging on the streets of several cities, and the protesters brought coffins with the flags of israel and the united states. at the same time, it is becoming increasingly
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difficult for the united states to support israel at such a tense time. it became known that us president joe biden personally called israeli prime minister netanyahu the day before warning: if israel does not stop hitting non-military targets, the united states will reconsider its policy towards tel aviv. almost the same ultimatum, but this time publicly, was announced by the head of the us state department , anthony blinken. i present it. israel has a moral, strategic and legal requirement to protect civilians and provide medical care to those in need. if we don't see the changes we need to see from israel. there will be changes in our policy, well, i wouldn’t call it an ultimatum, i would call it again they scolded and said: don’t do this, we’ll see, let’s wait for the end of the week, the beginning of the next, let’s return to our topic, i said that we will consider several other aspects, well, in principle, we are talking about exactly the same thing, but
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specifically in the armed forces of ukraine. last week, a scandal broke out in ukraine with the rivne military commissar alexander yarmashevich. they tried to catch the lieutenant colonel taking bribes and installed hidden cameras in his office, but instead of confirming the bribery, the military man was caught with three mistresses from among subordinates, for these exploits rovno casanova was sent to the front line. alexander yarmashevich commented on this incident on social networks: if he were a bribe taker, he would participate in various schemes, he would follow the leashes of certain officials, he would be in office for 15-20 years, like other bosses. the chief military commissar of the rivne region, sergei lutsyuk, became famous for other achievements; he beat his subordinate on camera because he found out that his boss was distributing drugs. the video fell into the hands of the police, after which lutsyuk sent to trial. selling drugs on
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the front line, as journalists write, has already become almost the main source of income for military officers. basically this, well, if you know a volunteer there, then you could agree not to inspect them, it turns out that they transport everything, even though they can carry 100 kg, anything, what beautiful , spiritual faces, alexey sergeevich, here we have it was so small, it was
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a historical dispute with alexander nikolaevich, where it kind of came from, well, yes, yes, yes, roots, where do they go, at what time? this will be, as we know, political action, it does not arise when irritation accumulates, some kind of hatred accumulates, political action arises when an opportunity arises for this, when people see that if they take to the street or go to protest, then they will achieve something, why, for example, were the actual presidential elections in
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ukraine cancelled, because if some adequate anti-war candidate appeared who said: that’s it, stop fighting, let’s return our guys go home, we don't need it, then he could. now vasily dmitrich told you that the overwhelming majority believe that they will win through the military, even i said, in fact, 88% would call it, what kind of anti-war candidate, what are you saying, because this point of view does not sound at all, the entire media field has been cleared, the entire political space has been cleared, in these conditions, when your lid is sealed very tightly, pressure can accumulate there for an infinite amount of time, because there are no candidates, no normal media, but the fact that the military commissars there allow themselves to... it’s all about money being spent, well, that’s bad, but what can they do, that’s the point, the main phrase: people can’t do anything, nothing depends on us, people say, and this is the main problem, the longer the lid is brewed, the greater the pressure, the higher the lid then flies up, the fact of the matter is that this is
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a wrong analogy, this lid can pressurize endlessly, because the action occurs only when people see that they can change something while they don't see it. so bogdan anatolyevich, i i would also like to add, we were surprised at the attitude, or rather the difference in attitude towards the fact that there is almost indifference to corruption, people who hide their children in europe cause indignation, because in war conditions the main values ​​become life and health, when fap arrives300 and the electricity goes out and there is no gasoline, whether it’s a rolls-royce or some kind of zaporozhets, they still won’t be able to go anywhere, so when someone gets rich there, well, okay, it was in peacetime, uh. anyway now everything is under in peacetime they didn’t die naked at the same time, right, right, now, when they send me away, and i could die, i ’ll lose my main value, i’ll lose my life, life and health, but he’s there.
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it works, well, for example, if you don’t want to get on the front end, you have to come pay, everyone knows, that is, you are there, of course, there are units there, for example, that will not end up on the front end, but there are those that will definitely end up on the front end , well, there are a lot of such publications where soldiers are frankly told: if you don’t want to end up on the front line, pay money and we will transfer you, you are not uncommon yet. is listed, you will have status there, everything is fine, it’s all there, it all works there, well, i’m not taking the economic part anymore, you understand what budgets are allocated to the army,
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this is absolutely uncontrolled money, someone controls the market there, relatively speaking , army fuels and lubricants, yes, well, this is also a lot of money, someone controls drugs and there are many such multi-layered levels, where at each of these levels there are, so to speak, dons, yes dons caerleons, who all these processes...
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something really is the possibility of unpunished murders, and in general the ukrainian army over the last 10 years has been built on precisely this, because the main basis was,
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it would be about the same nazi, practically no jurisdiction in the combat zone , that’s it , what the nazis did in 1941 was done for the ukrainian army over the past 10 years, we also know this is such an instrument of influence, all its moral corruption in the armed forces of ukraine does not matter until they are able to carry out certain tasks, today they are still carrying out these tasks, you know, to some extent, that departure from... in the girl, when they pulled out of there, this is also a sign of decomposition, in fact, the task there was not completed , and even their nazis left there, but this is not yet to the extent that could be of concern, in fact, if you look at what nato says, this is a discussion about whether it is necessary to pledge 100 billion for 5 years in advance, and the discussion it doesn’t follow the line: we’ll find it, we won’t find it, yes, but the main point about whether this is necessary, whether it will be enough, because what is happening is yes, but as long as it works, everyone is happy with it, because the institutions are being replenished.
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attacks on our territory: belgorod, kursk and even tatarstan. the main intelligence directorate plans to destroy the crimean bridge. how to stop these attacks? we need buffer zones or we will have to take kiev. france continues to prepare its military to be sent to ukraine. there they will become the target of our laws and will be destroyed. how will the americans and nato respond? they may risk getting involved in a conflict third world war. brussels is preparing to defend ukraine from trump. he promises that he will become president again. will not arm kiev, can we trust trump? will the alliance cope with arms supplies without the united states? watch today on ntv. black sun, finale. today at 20:00 on ntv. sometimes you expect one thing, but get something completely different. you dream about something beautiful, but what you get
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polyps grew. in 30 years, he has never been late for a shift, but i’ll forgive him because he was late. sharak intestines calculation of the birder. guys, get a medical examination, free of charge. health is important here now. the azori over donbass were quiet and quiet. until bandera’s men, katyusha, zhenechka and sasha burst in, the war that came to their house in the spring of 2014, the ukrainian army just started shooting us, just like the girls have been fighting the punitive forces for 10 years now, i follow my sister i’m worried, but for myself, yes, in principle, well, what will happen, will happen, for my deceased commander, father, if we have such women, believe me, no enemy will ever catch us, i serve the donetsk people’s republic, for my mother, for our victory, mommy is waiting for us, so that the dawns over donbass are quiet, mom, please don’t cry, on
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sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes. the most epic footage from paris, the opening of the olympic aquatic complex took place there in the summer, players will compete there water polo, diving, synchronized swimming will take place there, which means they brought the whole president macron to the celebration, they brought the most master... french athletes, all this was shown live, the level of organization of the event is the highest, what went wrong? as part of
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the ceremony, demonstration competitions of synchronized jumpers were held. the athletes took a deep breath, prepared for the first jump, then one of them, in front of the astonished audience, loses his balance and flies into the water, hitting the springboard. for an athlete you can don't worry, he... here is macron's reaction to his spectacular hook, here it is on your screens, instantly went viral on social networks. the unfortunate jumper himself, his name is alexis gendar, getting out of the pool, admitted that the episode was difficult for his ego, but promised to make up for lost time before the olympics. maybe it was precisely this springboard misunderstanding that upset the french president so much that he decided to compare, blame, excuse me, france’s further olympic failures on russia, saying that...
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they didn’t allow another russian athlete, we are talking about two-time olympic champion in freestyle wrestling and captain of our team abdul-rashid sadullaev. it is reported that sadullayev was not allowed to participate in the licensed tournament in baku due to his support for fighting in ukraine and his membership in the dynamo sports club. the decision was made by the commission of the international wrestling federation, citing the fact that sadulayev allegedly does not meet the ioc criteria established for athletes performing in a neutral status. what exactly the organization considered supporting the special operation is not specified, however they said that they received information about sadulayev from a certain private informant, ukraine is probably involved here, because we remember that the head of thomas bach, in a recent
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conversation with pranksters vavan and lexus, admitted that the committee used kiev to collect incriminating evidence on our athletes. the russian wrestling federation has already promised to challenge the removal of the wrestler and other members of the team, but the leader... of the russian swimming team, holder of the world record in the 200 m brass, evgenia chikunova, herself refused to go to the summer olympic games in paris, why? because she considers the ioc’s demands for the admission of russian athletes shameful, chikkunova stated that she is not going to compete in a neutral status, without national symbols, without a flag, without an anthem. so, with physical education, although in the case of the last two, it is probably not physical education. this is really good, now about culture in the light of our conversation today, about decomposition, degradation and so on, why are we talking about this today, the results were published a few days ago a large study, it
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was carried out in europe, the main meaning there, here is the following for our conversation: over the past few decades in mass culture there has been a catastrophic decline in the professional level. this is what can be called degradation, one interesting thing too, and the lyrics of the performers, the lyrics of the songs, just collapsed, degraded for absolutely everyone. performers in all musical styles performing, well, let’s not touch western ones, we have something to talk about here, but because colleagues wrote that of the older generation, modern teenage, well, popular music among teenagers, it causes bleeding from the eyes, from the ears, but on the other hand, you can just as well say that we are old farts, we don’t understand anything, in fact, i’m sure that alexey gennady is here for us now. always at all times they called
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modern music there some kind of horror, yes, and then all this became the norm, in general, is there really a reason for concern here, or is it all in the order of things, everything goes as it should go, wait, shake your finger at me, look at you, i ’m attracting attention, there’s no need to attract, only you and i have the right to attract attention here, well, in the forest, since she’s alone today, let’s see the story, the day before, deputy tatyana budskaya turned to the prosecutor’s office with a request : check the song “forced”, popular among teenagers, to promote pedophilia. the authors and performers of the vulgar, simple composition are twenty-year-old rappers daryana and deiby, famous among schoolchildren. in their song , the duo talks about breaking up because a young man forced a girl to have oral sex. for some reason, the track turned out to be extremely popular among young schoolgirls who began recording videos for social networks. you forced me to suck, but i didn’t suck you, you did. rub the rapper young
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platon for promoting drugs in the lyrics, the same fine was slapped on artists with the pseudonyms kizaru and scully milana. another young instagram singer, who became famous thanks to a song about how she would agree to do anything for money, did not find a suitable article in the administrative code, but parents and activists have threatened to force a repeal. all her concerts through complaints: i don’t make friends, but for money, yes, i don’t make pitas even for money, yes, i’ll think about it later, but i’ll say right away, yes, for money, yes, for money, yes, i got scolding from the instagram lady not only from the parents of their young fans, but also from more experienced colleagues. polina gagarina criticized the twenty-three-year-old rapper for abundant swearing in her lyrics and obscene behavior, complaining that she would not want her children to grow up on such stupid music. in as a result, the young artist canceled hers. tour of
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russia promised to change the repertoire, but tastes also need to be taken into account and all this must be done without shocking people with my texts, in general, so that it is something more adequate than i did a couple of years ago. 2 years ago, the singer valya karnival was subjected to severe criticism from the russian stage. finding herself at the same music competition as larisa dolina, the young rapper was criticized for not speaking russian and vocals.
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about the fact that popular music is degenerating into our eyes, even scientists say. last week, the western press published entire scientific studies in which 12 thousand songs over the past 40 years were analyzed. the experts' conclusion is disappointing. the findings were exactly what anyone over 40 would have expected. the lyrics became primitive, repetitive, angry and self-centered. we have witnessed a radical change in music...songs
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can be a mirror of society, reflecting values ​​and concerns. the argument about senile frugalism needs to be removed, because i’m here i’ve never heard of them at all, these ones right now, well, in general, just at the end, that’s the first reaction of many of our viewers, but of course the desire to take a very large bottle of dechlorvos there or some good flamethrower, it immediately somehow shows its hand. okay, now we’ll discuss it, vanya is making some incorrect hints about the fact that we are terribly far away there, so, dear friends, let us now hold such an event with you again.
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a computer can create just in an evening, here's a huge number of cars that you can do explain to me why such a decrease in level is happening, well, if it’s in your specialty in terms of lyrics, if you look at it this way philosophically, this is a world problem, people, the world has become so clip-based , so fast, so that is, it’s not necessary that the song has a meaning, it could be that it’s just a set of what -i don’t know the sounds from...
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history, there is something called sensuality, but basically in these songs it’s also called declaring oneself, declaring oneself through, i don’t know, exposure, so to speak. well, there are such techniques, which a person must, if it ’s primitive, why is it popular, wanted to declare himself at the very beginning, remember, he shouted, i’m attracting attention to myself, now let’s do it, because in all quotes there should be the word popular, that is, what is becoming popular, that is, massive, i specifically went before the program and looked about music there, which means the spotify soundcloud soundcloud service contains hundreds of millions of tracks that... are uploaded daily, another music service is spotify, 4000 songs are uploaded there every day, which means the researchers made a sample of 12 thousand, this is zero millionth of a percent of the daily, and they
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took it, alexey gennadivich, wait, we showed you this, but what does this have to do with it, i can at least understand it for money, well, i can make it out, that’s it.. it’s even impossible to sing along with her, i can, i’m a big fan of alexandra shaganova, i also recently remembered you on the radio as an example of how a horse song should be done - well, this is a pure brilliant song, you didn’t
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write it, it’s something from above , but at the same time you are an aggregate, darling, you are an aggregate, darling, you give out dusya, you are 100 square meters, how is this different from big baby tape, but it’s no different. sorry , that means when when the group, when the group started, dusya’s unit was completely understandable, well, it’s clear now, because here it’s not clear that it’s not clear to you, okay, i’ll ask it in another way, you can drink the unit up, but to this, yes, everyone will sing along to this in the audience, those who know the words, the words teach these songs, i know for sure, there i don’t like big baby tech, i like huskies, huskies, for example, one rhyme to appreciate modern level -
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then you must convince them, so i won’t fight, because i’ll just spit on it, give up, that’s right, i said, a parallel
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world, i’m in it only you remembered our age several times, yes, here again the question of age, here is a naked girl in the late eighties, early nineties, could be perceived as the norm, but not in the sense of the norm, as is correct, but as something that happened, now it is unacceptable, you know, this horror, this demonism, which... nikolai vladimirovich, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, we are transported back to the forties and fifties in our country, everything you just said can be attached to jazz, without really going out at all, moreover, even publishing the truth in the newspaper will look like two urkans escaped from the odet kichman, this is high art, or is this a simplification, the swindler will steal, and i will sell.
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once again, i’ve been doing a lot of things, so wait, after all, someone can explain to me, here’s a simplification in the texts, let’s try it for you, you’re a cultured person, you still have some kind of attitude, that’s it simplification in texts, is this a trend, is this normal, or is this already some kind of degradation? well, look, if you look at it rationally, and not emotionally, then everything looks like this, but it’s not like that, because the texts go beyond...
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artificial intelligence played with the children in creativity, of course the children are creative, what’s there to argue about, don’t forget about voting, let us remind you that after a pause we will continue, this is a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against philip kirkorov, so i’m actually a singer, and i’m a taxi. for the soul, while there are no concerts, nature bent me live and deprived me of beauty and height, i am ugly and distorted, and before my time i was sent into the living world, that’s how i see luntik, it’s a housing problem, yeah, a secret worth a million, all my
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ex-women began with the letter a. amin, where are you going? i don’t want to start, why is the project so cruel, because today someone will leave, the stars, today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip kirkorov and the wrestlers will meet face to face, tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank, everything will work out. mask: new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. an endless country on which the sun never sets. the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands. on new tinkov black cards. hurry up to get a tingcof black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever.
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degradation or simplification, then here, so that we don’t just focus on the songs, humor, there is also a certain tendency to be simpler, somehow without any special deep, deep, deep, so you call primitivism, i call it without deep meaning, without... double bottom, well maybe you can choose different words, let’s talk about it. the psychology department of st. petersburg university 4 years ago conducted research among russians under 29 years of age and found that young people do not perceive jokes and evaluate this genre as an element of outdated folklore. the respondents admitted that it is difficult for them to read the text; they associate the joke with representatives of the older generation, whose sense of humor sometimes seems ridiculous and strange. eat breakfast yourself, share lunch. friend, give dinner to the enemy, we are all on our own, you might think that we have neither friends nor enemies,
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how we have lunch, we should work like this, well , according to google query statistics, interest in searching for jokes on the internet began to decline since 2004, the trend intensified with the advent of social networks, to make it funny, you don’t need to read the text, a joke in general, how- then he began to leave, i don’t know why, and it’s possible that social networks simply replaced him with these memes, as they call it now, and there’s either some kind of funny picture or a funny picture with text, in fact, it’s very similar to a joke, just much shorter. with the development of smartphone social networks in a new genre has appeared on the internet: vines are short videos of an entertaining nature. bloggers began filming staged videos, acting out familiar everyday scenes in front of the camera or acting out. recognizable types and characters are, in fact, simple jokes in the form of scenes without a deep semantic load. what education do you have? oh, i have an education,
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something popped out here on my elbow, you’re a fool, don’t show it to anyone, we don’t have any education, we are absolutely healthy. so, alexander alekseevich, this is primitivism, this is degradation, this is simplification, or again this is the passage of time when a person. at the current pace there is no time to delve into the joke, but he needs to go, yeah, go, i’ll say now, let’s skip a little, look, almost all the impressionists had an academic, classical education, so, let’s move on, also applies to musicians, also applies to any genre, here the same thing is in education, if you, that is, normal humor can only be generated by an educated, intellectual, one might say, person, when you, you have no base, then naturally you are descending into some kind of base jokes.
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because a joke, a classic joke in general, needs to be told, which means that for this you and i must meet, we must see each other, you tell me, i tell you, when we don’t meet, we don’t see each other, which means that first the joke is actually read , and then this also takes time, what and how? well, it’s clear that well, because the jokes and the town showed where there was wonderful acting, and you’re like making faces like these viners, so what are you
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are you still passing judgment then? i believe that it is too early to talk about degradation here; if you look and listen to the music, we will find, in fact, that we are dealing with a cultural phenomenon of fantastic semantic density, that is, the semantic load in the songs, there are huge references, constant easter eggs. that is, it is impossible to just judge from the outside if you do not understand the context in which this song is born. wait, with humor, when different generations don’t understand what’s funny, it’s a matter of speed, because in general we should understand that today's generation, all it does is adapt to the world that we have created, all together, these are the notorious ones that you have been doing for 20
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years. what olesya told us, that is, we have created a world to which today’s children and teenagers adapt, and this adaptation can sometimes look really scary for representatives, if a modern young person does not understand at all what is funny in books, i don’t know rabelais or alfonsa dd, it’s my fault, although to be honest, when i read it, rabelais rabelais was not particularly humorous when we read it.
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with an increase in speed, to seriality, to clips, when war and peace can be seen in one clip, yeah, this is really an adaptation to that frantic influx of white noise of news, where we are forced to feed on the go, including information, but no, not whether this is due to the fact that there is a certain shortcoming or surface of education, this does not require a person to speculate, because an educated person tries to somehow reflect on what he has read, heard, watched, think about something there, but here you don’t need to think, they showed you in the video everything is clear, here she is natasha, that means she’s dancing, here he is, that means he ’s earless, that’s it, pay attention that the number of people who study at the philological departments or humanities departments of the university , still much less than the total number of young people, from this point of view, and it was like that before, well, so are today’s youth who study at
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gumfak or... no, i don’t agree, because this is just an established expression, quietly , and someone, in such a state of mind you can be in any age, this is not just a prescription.
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well, something like that, but wait, anton valeevich, about the acceleration, because i have to say about this, that’s all, we don’t need to worry about anything, but this is the acceleration of our life in general, which leads to a decrease forms, but in short
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everything becomes simpler, against this somehow i have to make it more difficult, more difficult, but why, why does the form change, in fact, you tell jokes, you see that jokes are less popular there. they just turn these jokes, turn into reprises of the scene there the same queens or stand-up artists, i don’t remember here anymore, it was several years ago, it was i who came to vladikavkaz, i don’t remember why we had such a dialogue here about the outgoing joke, in principle, now, probably, i would i didn’t agree with myself there, but among young people, well, the joke is really not as popular as it is among people. they are trying to act out some skits, but it all already existed, it’s called stem, student, stem, student theater of variety miniatures, it all existed, there was just no internet, and all this bullshit, 80% of what was shown there at all sorts of freshman students there and
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then we’ll stop at it’s very logical to pause here, anton valeevich said, then there was no internet, now there is, but in general it’s like a kind of platform that offers a huge amount. yes, yes, yes, absolutely right, buy in installments for 24 months, everything you wanted with a holwa card. well, you actually did such a thing here, i was torn from the first seconds, i’m delighted, simply, i’m simply delighted. mask, anniversary season five, that's the end of the songs, everyone for the crack, lollipop, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt - the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00.
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central television tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, we still have you, or rather, you still have a few more minutes to take part in the vote, just like with this degradation of young people.
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please show it all. the american platform live magazine, better known in runet as “zhzhe”, appeared exactly a quarter centuries ago. the format of first-person stories, which in livejournal was called diaries, was to the taste of russians. the first communities of interest, blogs about politics, and the memes we still use today, for example, the author of “zhzhot,” came from zhezh. in the 2000s , livejournal was the most visited and read social network in russia. it is amazing that no other country in the world has such popularity. the platform failed to achieve, by 2011
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more than 30 million russians were registered in zhezh. this is a place where a large number of your colleagues spend their time in senseless discussions like. me too, having written in response to someone else’s message, one writes: today i felt that it was hot outside, 20 friends came running, wrote: me too, and i was hot too, and me too, me too. then livejournal is replaced by another american social network, facebook, founded 20 years ago. then in russia there are already classmates, where the older generation is mainly looking for school friends scattered throughout the country, on vkontakte, in the 2000s, they mostly listen to pirated music, photo albums with cards now banned by facebook from holidays, weddings and birthdays, in russia it turns into a pseudo-discussion platform with a grandiose shit in the comments. it is not popular among teenagers because young people are not attracted to either texts or public discussions. it's just that entertaining content is entertaining content, and slightly more serious content is
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something that won't keep a person on the platform for a long time. then texting took over. it affects our dopamine system much more than some long lecture for 4 hours. the state of flow does not allow a person to realize how much time he spends consuming this content. however, young people are looking for even greater simplification. the chinese social network tiktok is booming in 2018, where you don’t only need
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to write, but also speak. video clips, no longer than 30 seconds, are quickly winning over teenagers. basically it’s... well, look, the more primitive it is, the better it turns out, this story is also a mystery for me, short, short videos, on the one hand we see it’s really popular, you even catch yourself, it means, watching these shors, i don’t know about them or something else, but short videos, i tensed up at first, well
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, the devil knows what you like to do in your free time, maybe you can look at shorts, it means kurpatov, for example, when he talks about the work of the brain, here... he says that when we get stuck into something, no matter how concentrated, our brains work the most intensely, because it is at this moment, when we seem to disconnect from the outside world, that something happens eureka, that's when we sort of don't, when we stick to something, scroll, for example, yes, scroll, say, in russian, when we scroll through the feed of short videos, ivan, yes, yes, climb on your device, yes, then here we go.
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a person is subconscious, he wants to watch more, so he will watch what is short, what is long, as he would, it means that if he watches it, and if it is not unique, he will not watch anything else, this is on a subconscious level this is how it works, here is a unique product, it is calm, that is, there are two trends at the same time, the first trend is a reduction in mass
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an increase, or rather not an increase, but a normal timing of what a person wants to see, what concerns you in your story, that young people have gone there, because listen, to those who want to talk about political discussions, they have moved to telegram -channel or stayed on facebook and so on and so forth, but young people, they are not about politics, they have never been about politics, why is there less and less text in everything, when there is less and less text in everything?
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he is a text writer and he struggled with his habit of 140 characters, he tried to slow down texts and telegram about which a colleague said, because in fact it developed only due to texts, so there is no need to minimize the popularity of texts, and as for livejournal, it died down not because no one else was interested in what was happening there , but because they have a very bad design, they have not adapted to the new reality, so there is no need to say that well, if you try to show something more. such a respectful attitude towards a product of a completely different quality, alexandrevich said about
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ierakli luarsavich andronikov, due to your age, have you ever seen television programs like these stories, i don’t really want lectures, a documentary screen too, so i’m just like now i can read hadronikov together with my child, what i want is she saw or heard, i do it with her, no.
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that she was pregnant, but she couldn’t figure out who the baby’s father was, her tyrant partner or the man who paid her money for meetings. dima thought that i was just going to my neighbor for money, the neighbor didn’t even know that i i live with dmitry. she told both of them about the pregnancy. i told dmitry, he beat me, and vladimir was serving time at that time, when he was already released, he showed it to me, until you prove it, i won’t accept him. and the woman’s sister is completely sure that the third man may be the father. katya can, as it were... go on a spree, there was no third, so who is the dad, my brother can’t have children, he’s ethereal, dad couldn’t raise us, he definitely can’t
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raise this one, but i don’t need to raise, let the elements are dense, i open the envelope, dna, today at 16:50 on ntv, black sun, final today at 20:00 on ntv. you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, replenish regularly , you will save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s twist yes, we save up quickly, open a cumulative vtbbet with a rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, the match has begun, which is better? sports or cinema? got it! it doesn't matter if
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let's do it again. and now the scoundrel. there is another idea. of course, let's pay for it. yur, it’s been a long time without a corcode. the camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb. everything will work out together. kirkorov vs. dorokhov. stars. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin - and to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a mass inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them. its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and dry calluses. with it you can forget about the problem of unsightly growths. i found a way out for myself. this is
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, somehow under the influence of... the conversation, this percentage the indicator has decreased, the loss of these percentages, in general, approximately reflects what is going on in my head when i hear what we showed you today, about baby and mother, mia, that’s all, my first thought is burn everything, because there is blood from my ears, so you understand, i drive in cars with the arfey radio playing, and i i turn it off, i stopped listening to the merchant, and i turn it off when they start talking, in my opinion, not very professional presenters. i don’t want to listen to them, i only want to listen to some kind of beauty, on the other hand, on the other hand, gray night again, not only do i trust it, it’s also here, it’s you and me who are omnivores in the sense of music, so maybe it’s not worth it , this is something that we don’t understand from the very beginning, so it’s just a negative downfall, well, try, try to join in the end, then having already joined brand, and you began to listen to arfey after
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what i told you, that i also listen to arfey, but i don’t always. this means that today we have stupid youth, stupid jokes and moronic music, yes, so the final story is about something else, and the famous violinist frieds kreisler and the great sergei vasilyevich rachmaninov, they sometimes performed together, once their duet, then, gives a concert in in new york, in the karny gehol hall, they performed sanata for...
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new data that experts discovered in the mobile phones of those detained in the case terrorist attack in crocus. the black sea outpost of nato, why did they talk about unification with moldova in romania, how will this affect relations with russia? through the eyes of a soldier , private radimir maksimov from the assault group occupied a strong point and repelled several attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the list of cars subject
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to luxury tax has been expanded. we will tell you which models are now on the list in business news.


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