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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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to which sergei vasilyevich also quietly replies: in a karna gehol. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. new data that experts discovered in mobile phones detained in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus. black sea nato why are romanians talking about unification with moldova, how will this affect relations with russia? through the eyes of a soldier, private radimir maksimov from the assault group occupied a strong point and repelled several attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the list of cars subject to tax has been expanded luxury. we will tell you which models are now on the list in business news. about the main thing for
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this minute in the ilyarovtsev studio. hello. the criminal case, the attack on the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibis , will be transferred to the central office of the investigative committee. this is what the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, ordered. now in the city of apatit, in the cultural center, at the place where everything happened, criminologists are working. chibes had held a meeting with residents the previous evening. and at the exit from the building, one of the visitors attacked him with a knife. on footage from from that very meeting, you can see that there are a lot of people in the hall, head. answers questions not on stage, but in front of it next to the guests. immediately after the injury, andrei chibes was taken to the hospital, he was conscious. the governor underwent surgery in serious but stable condition. as soon as i came to my senses after anesthesia, i wrote down a message thanking the doctors. dear friends, i came to my senses after the operation, i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved us, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course... all of you for worrying and
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support, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue into the battle, just forward, everything will be fine. the attacker tried to escape, an employee of the national guard provided security for the governor, wounded the attacker with a stable weapon and detained him. as reported in the state duma, the national guard member will be nominated for an award. it is known about the attacker that he is a resident of apatity, alexander bydanov, he is 43 years old. during interrogation, he stated that he felt unpleasant. the governor, although i did not know him personally. it is reported that the suspect was previously prosecuted responsibility. the investigative committee is checking the ukrainian special services for involvement in the attack at crocus cityhole. new reasons for this emerged after a thorough analysis of the suspects' mobile phones. it is reported that the detainees tried to destroy the device, but experts were able to recover the data. correspondence and photographs of people in camouflage with the ukrainian flag against the backdrop of destroyed houses can. to kiev, which was discussed
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earlier. they also found a photo of the concert hall on their phones. one of the defendants found them on the internet and sent it to the curator. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus city hall building and the access roads to it. all. the accused confirmed in his testimony. investigators continue to collect evidence and identify all accomplices and organizers. the terrorist attack in crocs killed at least 144 people, including children, and injured more than 500. romanian prime minister marcel ciolaku spoke publicly for the first time in support of the idea of ​​uniting his country with moldova. she formulated it vaguely, this may well happen after the latter joins the european union, but... did not rule out some other
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path. the idea of ​​unification periodically appears in both romania and moldova, depending on the political and international situation. but it, of course, is changing; today marks the 33rd anniversary of the signing of an agreement between moscow and bucharest on strengthening friendship and cooperation. what's left of the letter and from the spirit of this document, roman sobol understood. in moldova , joint exercises with the american and romanian ones are gaining momentum. guns will roar with the nazis for 3 weeks, soldiers in chemical protection will crawl along pipes dug into the ground and pose for european reporters. the stated goal was to practice operational interaction, the goal was achieved, the romanian soldiers were able to feel what it was like, the moldovan soil under their boots. the romanian parliament is currently working on a law allowing it. the president to send troops to
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other countries for the sake of quote: protection of romanian citizens abroad. here one involuntarily recalls moldova, where every third person has a romanian passport. at a minimum, to make it more convenient to go to europe to earn money, it is possible that under the guise of protecting them, bucharest will decide to do what the romanian rulers have been dreaming of for a long time, to annex bessarabia to their territory, it did not work out with good force, i still believe in the unification of moldova and romania, this will happen one way or another, moldova is now sustainable thanks to the support of romania, listen, they are the same romanians as we are, we cannot change the past, but... in principle we agree to such a union, but not all the people dream of changing into romanians, and there is also proud gagauzia, not to mention independent transnistria. perhaps bucharest is aiming even further and wants to revive the greater
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romania project, this is when hitler promised to give chisinau, odessa and nikolaev to the romanian allies, it is very likely that now in the event of the collapse of ukraine, romania will hasten to declare. their rights, at least to transcarpathia and so what if bucharest and kiev are now allies? romania does not often keep its word; exactly 33 years ago, for example, it signed an agreement with moscow on unbreakable friendship. russia, in addition to general obligations, friendship, non -attacks and so on, there was also a statement that the parties would refrain from joining. into military-political organizations, but romania, as you know, then joined nato. to be fair , it must be said that romania signed the document, but later did not ratify it, and then it was also said that the parties would not
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provide their territories for the deployment of weapons of other countries, especially in the event of an armed conflict, now romania has stationed f-16 fighters at its airfields, just as we are destroying their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment today, in including the business system, but of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us,
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no matter where they are located. nato allies, by and large, set up romania by playing on her dreams of former greatness, the expansion of the alliance to the east through ukraine was stopped with the beginning of the northern military district, in this direction only moldova formally retains non-aligned status, apparently the united states wants to drag it into the alliance with the help of romania, but there is a catch. i would say this, prednistivo plays the role of a nail in the seat of the chair on which nato is going to sit in the black sea region. that is, as long as transnistria exists, it will be serious.
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which relate to relations between russia and nato in the period from ninety-two to ninety fifth. among them is a transcript of the meeting between the secretary general of the alliance, then manfred werner, and the chairman of the supreme council of the rsfsr, ruslan khazbullatov. the conversation took place 2 months after the collapse of the soviet union. moscow also raised the question of the alliance’s plans and
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its vision of the future security space in europe. and then werner assured khazbullatov of nato’s best intentions towards moscow. he promised. quote: the alliance does not intend to interfere. into the internal affairs of russia, as well as into the internal affairs other sovereign countries, members of the cis. end of quote. western leaders also gave the same assurances to gorbachev. us secretary of state james baker was memorable.
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the detachment repelled several attacks by superior enemy forces, and the fighter himself personally destroyed about three dozen nationalists. it is interesting that initially the young man wanted to become an artist and even graduated from college in the class of opera singing, but then, unexpectedly for everyone, he signed a contract and left for the northern military district zone, and the heroes and him...
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the enemy clearly did not expect such a rapid attack, the ukrainian positions were quickly taken, but the most difficult thing was not to take, but to hold the grenade, then everything worked on them, grenade launchers, attack drones, assault groups threw grenades, and finally a tank, it’s good that the dugout turned out to be deep, a tank drove up there, deliriously, i don’t know how many people there are it was, it’s just hard to see from us, but it’s clearly visible from above. assault group, then
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the second, on the third the cartridges began to run out, firing from a large-caliber machine gun taken from the enemy, the commander was wounded almost immediately, private maksimov had to take leadership themselves, ukrainian attack drones were constantly circling in the sky, recalls radimir, when the old lady came over us, it was very scary, he also flew under him under us. i didn’t throw it off, well then i prayed, i said, well , i thought, i asked my relatives there, from my father, from my grandmother, from my grandfather, from my mother, please save it, the doctors later counted five shrapnel deposits in him, four in his back, one in his left leg , but even in this state, radimir was able to run for cartridges, there i ran across the field without stopping, well, i got to the end, lucky too and... i wanted to evacuate him, he accordingly tells me, commander, i
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am staying with my personnel, until the end, then the doctors were surprised, having suffered wounds and concussion, maksimov refused hospitalization, well, today he will have a bandage again , let’s see, everything is fine with him, he doesn’t even make a complaint, i actively question him, he says, no, no, thank you. most of the fragments have not yet been pulled out, but he himself says that it’s somehow inconvenient to occupy a bed, it’s scary to look at the guys lying there, my own guys, for me it’s a pity, they fought to the end, god god, we stood until the end, no one, no one turned on the back, then everyone stood until the end, the command immediately presented radimir maksimov with a state award, the modest yakut himself let his relatives know that he was alive and now it’s rushing back. he says things aren't finished yet. mikhail chernov, andrey beldyanov, dmitry tsarkov, ntv, south donetsk direction.
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the government will allocate over one and a half billion rubles to equip medical rehabilitation departments in 49 federal centers. mikhail announced this today mishustin, the government seats are opening. according to the prime minister, more than 600 units of modern equipment will be supplied to the medical institution, which will help people recover faster and return to normal life. the state will continue to support it industry workers. the government will increase the limits on it mortgages by 200 billion rubles. the corresponding resolution has been prepared, thanks to which at a favorable rate , at least 15 thousand more specialists in the field will be able to apply for... the purchase of a house, apartment or land plot for construction information technologies, their support is a significant part of our work to strengthen the personnel potential of this most important industry, the passage of military and equivalent spoke about measures to support new regions, which
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primarily concern the social protection of the population, in particular the time of service in the donetsk-lugansk people's republics, and also... in ukraine, security forces will now be taken into account when determining the value of the insurance pension. mindromtor has compiled a list of cars that are subject to luxury tax. next on the air is business news. so what's new on the list? well for example, chinese luxury appeared in russia. there are more cars in russia that are officially considered luxury. list of models that are subject to increased transport tax. compared to last year, 68 models were added, and now there are 517 items on the list. the expansion of chinese cars in the russian car market, not even creeping, is quite invigorating, and has reached the luxurious list of the ministry of trade. and among already familiar words like rolls-royce, mercedes-benz, bmw, lexus, lamborghini, land
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rover, maserati, porsche, jaguar, jip. chinese car brands appeared for the first time this year. khundzi, lesyan, vaya, zikr, the mhero 917 is also on the list of luxury cars. kommersant-autopilot magazine calls it the most expensive suv officially sold in russia. it has three electric motors, one gasoline, to charge the batteries, and it costs from 16 million rubles. the presence of the domestic automobile industry has also expanded on the list of the ministry of industry and trade. not only aurus senate and limousine are now considered luxurious, but also commandant for the first time, a luxury tax. rubles, but then prices rose, the list began to include cars that few people consider luxury, so from 2023 the threshold was raised to 10 million. owners of such cars pay transport tax three times more than usual. news about the expansion of the lists came
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from japan. she banned the export of another 164 categories of goods to russia. april this will concern, for example, motor oils, lithium-ion batteries, hand-held power tools, photo optical equipment, steel products, e.g. pipes for transporting oil and gas, as well as yachts and other recreational sports vessels. in addition, as of may 10, japan bans the import of non-industrial diamonds of russian origin. back in march of 22 , japan banned the export of new and used cars worth more than 6 million euros to russia. this is approximately 3,600,000 rubles. and in august last year, the same ban affected new and used cars with an engine capacity of more than 1.9 liters. before that, according to autostat, half of all used cars which were imported to russia came precisely from japan. the russian stock market has been growing for 9 days in a row, but investors today seem to have firmly decided that the time has come for
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a correction. although oil had noticeably risen in price the day before and the brand rose above 90. one dollar after good statistics on employment in the usa, the dollar exchange rate began to rise noticeably against the euro, as a result, against the ruble the american is now 9236 in price, but the euro is getting cheaper and has dropped below the level of 100. today in zimbabwe has launched a new currency, it is called zimbabwean gold, abbreviated it is peculiar, zig, this is because the translation from english, g is gold. zig will replace the old one from april 8th. british dollar, all bank accounts will be automatically converted. the authorities took such a radical step to cope with hyperinflation, from which the economy has been suffering for many, many years. in 2008, annual inflation in zimbabwe, according to some estimates , reached 90 sextillion percent amid the collapse of the economy. by that time , the authorities had already stopped publishing official inflation statistics; later they introduced
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circulation of the 100 trillion zimbabwean dollar bill. the result is local currency. they actually stopped printing and switched to us dollars. the last attempt to relaunch the zimbabwean dollar was in 2021, but since then it has gone from one to one to the us dollar to one to 36. zimbabwe's new currency will reportedly be backed by the country's gold reserves. but financiers have big doubts: will there be enough gold? the reserve bank of zimbabwe holds just over a ton of gold in own storage facilities one and a half tons. abroad, well, for comparison, south africa has a gold reserve of 125 tons. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, dinistoloev for your economic review. ntv viewers in the capital, then the program will be released today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. one of 78 million books about
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the feat of front-line nurse maria serdyuk was presented in the moscow region. the peculiarity of the presentation is that maria anisimovna herself, who turned 101 in february, was present at it. despite the venerable age, she remembers to the smallest detail the events of the war years, about how... she almost fainted at the first dressing, how she saved soldiers from being shot at on the kursk bulge and how she signed her name on the reichstag with a piece of brick. these stories formed the basis of the new book; nikita krabenkov was one of the first to see it. we want to congratulate you on the release of your new book. the jacket, the medals, the neat hairstyle, the gala event for maria anisimovna, even at 101 years old, are not tiring, especially this time the presentation of a book about herself . will lift me up, i feel fine, i even feel great, it wasn’t too far , it wasn’t hard to get here, but no, but
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alexander sergeevich came for me, in a car like a princess, and so on, however, the path to the ramenskoye house of culture was easy, but there were no roads in her life the example is more complicated, from voronezh to berlin, in the very first days of the great patriotic war. went to the front as a nurse, then the battle of moscow, the kursk bulge, the liberation of poland, czechoslovakia and the capture of berlin, all this befell a twenty-year-old girl, perhaps the worst thing was when they crossed the dnieper, it was cold, it was dark, a lot of people, no one could swim, and they died right there in the fire, here it was so... bitter and hard, and i wasn’t a very good swimmer, but still somehow i swam, but i can swim i didn’t have to, but that’s where
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i stuck, after the victory maria nisimovna remained to live in ramenskoye, here she is a living legend, not only because of her military medals, she devoted 33 years to soviet aviation, working at the ramenskoye design bureau, such a biography could not remain without attention, fellow countrymen... a man who lived 101 years - this is genetics, this is an accident or something else, so i think that this is something else, because this is a person who wants to live, who wants to transform space, it is no coincidence that the book is called one of 78 million, here in russia there are 78 million women living there, but there is one that can be directly named, it is russia, there are more than 100 pages here. this album design was done in order to accommodate more illustrations and photographs; after all, the author designated the target audience for her book as a teenager
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generation, with a circulation of thousands of copies, and not a single one of them will be sold, the writer does not want to make money from this book. local patrons helped with the publication; apparently, they, like the authors, were driven, in addition to admiration, by an interest in what is the secret of such longevity and vigor, at least one? it seems there is. maritena, i heard that you still do exercises, is that true? sometimes, not always, but sometimes i do. nikita korabenkov, alexander aniskov, alexey guryanov, ntv. the festival of troubles, heroes of the epoch starts today in nizhny novgorod. this a large-scale event with reenactors and theatrical performances, timed to coincide with the release of perhaps the most high-profile and ambitious project in the domestic gaming industry in recent years. muty. its action takes place in 1612. gamers will have to take on the role of boyar yuri miloslavsky , together with a pozharsky mine, to repel moscow from the polish invaders. the first players praise
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the graphics; andrey shamin will tell you what else makes the game memorable. moscow archers in the kremlin, in nizhny novgorod. tsarev, tsarev sovereigns. the heroes of the era at the historical site dedicated the release of the game of the same name, about the events of 1612. the virtual nizhny novgorod kremlin was reproduced with maximum historical accuracy,
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release from here.
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publications of the moscow kremlin began under ivan ii the great. it is scenes like this that have the main educational effect, not only to play, but also to gain real knowledge. the game developers say: in those days there were no kokoshniks or samovars in russia, but there were, for example, several years without summer. i like to compare this era with game of thrones caused a small nuclear
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winter in quotation marks to occur due to the eruption of a tropical volcano. which entailed several fruitless years, then pestilence, plague, and as a consequence of this, these popular and not only popular and high offices of power and ferment began. after western companies literally abandoned russian users 2 years ago, disabled accounts and left them without payment tools, someone had to take responsibility for gaming in russia. as a separate sector of the economy, an institute for the development of the internet on the development of the troubles was allocated by state investments. it is very important for us today, through the development of the gaming ecosystem, to leave our talented it specialists here so that they can create here, and for this, of course, we need to enter the markets of friendly countries, the brix countries, and this is already happening. the game troubles - the first swallow. several other
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large-scale game projects are currently in development, in addition to this. reminded of plans to create the first russian game console, but in the meantime you can defeat the turmoil here in nizhny novgorod at the presentation of the game only on personal computers. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, sofia lesovets and evgeny anisimov, ntv, nizhny novgorod. and this is what we will talk about further in our issue. ozovitz and the kiev authorities were presented as a ukrainian project to create almost abrams. why did it work?
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alexey ivliev was convinced of this. amazement and shock, this is to describe in a nutshell the feeling of our armored vehicle repair specialists from the azovets project tank, promoted by the kiev authorities. now our people are racking their brains about which museum to send it to? ukrainian tank building, not even tank building, but some craftsmen to make a device similar, well, judging by the layout, most similar to our terminator, well, what happened is what happened, they explain to us, not specialists, why... not a combat vehicle, but a funny toy: the turret was removed from the obsolete t-64 tank and two smaller turrets were attached to the sides; it was planned to install two aircraft guns on them, here the soviet union abandoned multi-turret tanks
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in the forties; the last vehicle was tested and never entered service. they attached thick armor, but at such an angle that it would not even be pierced by a shell, but by a light shrapnel, and they hung it on the azov man. several cameras, but the kind that are usually installed in entrances, so visibility is close to zero, and most importantly, the weight of the colossus has increased by one and a half times, but the engine is still the same, an old diesel engine from... t-64. azovets will go down in military history as one of the most heavy tanks, weighs 50 tons, that is, slightly less than the american abrams, but at the same time , azovets not only did not take part in hostilities, but also did not reach factory tests. but it all started very beautifully, azovets was presented as the pinnacle of ukrainian engineering, as a superweapon for the nationalist units of azov. only for the first stage of development $5 million was allocated.
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as has already been shown, it has practically, well, not zero, but very low, this machine has zero efficiency at all, it is in no way i never took part in the battle, how many similar monsters were created and whether there are any more buried underground, there is no answer yet, but it is certain that our fighters will not meet them in a real battle. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, donbass. in moscow, in gostiny dvor it opened.
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publishing houses from all over the country presented their products, these are new products from the book industry, as well as rare unique copies; guests of the fair will be treated to lectures, master classes, for example, discussions novel "margarita's master" round table dedicated to chekhov's work. our correspondent nakhit babaev has already visited the book fair. more than 250 large and small publishing houses, hundreds of authors, thousands of books, both fiction and non-fiction, discussions, round tables, probably so... look into each other's eyes, and also feel who our reader is, because when you stand behind stand, and i personally sell books, you see what kind of book, what interest arouses different different ones, readers come up, ask questions, and you can you ask them personally what impressions they had from the book, so why and why?
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someone will do it, and in this way we will preserve our gastronomic tradition, there are no other options. the third reason to go to the fair is to meet famous authors. writer and publicist yuri polikov proposed to talk about patriotism and the future of literature. a new generation of writers is entering the arena, which i call the new front-line generation, there are already noticeable figures there, the same sergei labanov, alexey shorokhov, me i think that they will seriously change the landscape of literature, displacing this. stop
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playing on your phone, it would be better if you took a book and read it, it seems that now there is a correct answer to this criticism, of course, the gadget certainly influences the worldview, so to speak, of a new generation of children and a new generation of adults, well, we are trying to keep up in this sense . time when you take your gadget, that is, this phone, any gadget, point it, a free platform, you can download this very program, log in , travel through the book along with phone, not only read it, but play it. нonfiction is an international fair of intellectual literature, and the main word here is intellectual, and intelligence can be different, including artificial, this... previously, it was believed that a robot could neither write a symphony nor
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turn a piece of canvas into a masterpiece of art. today neurosity is already part of literature. artificial intelligence doesn’t just draw covers, it writes entire novels. let's do an experiment. the text of a television story is the same a kind of story. let the artificial intelligence complete it for me. in the meantime, i ’ll pick up some books for myself. this event became a real magnet for all literature lovers. research, biographies, historical. stories, here every visitor can find something unique, each book is like a gateway to the world of knowledge and discoveries, artificial intelligence has actually existed in literature for a long time, this is something like this... many noisy crowds gathered around tables strewn with volumes of various genres, visitors with admiration and envy they examined every detail, hung over each book, as if piercing it with their own
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eyes, and dabbled with colorful epithets, evaluating the books. every page seemed alive and breathing, as if in front of us. a world literary model was extended. the nonfiction fair is a place where the word becomes a powerful weapon, and knowledge the key to understanding the world. artificial intelligence, of course, has learned to correctly put words into sentences, they even seem to have meaning, but it still has problems with creativity. nahid babaev, artificial intelligence, olga puzarina, alexander viktorov and nikita ershov, ntv. collecting and rotating ship in the upcoming one. the weekend can approach a billion rubles, such forecasts are made by distributors on the eve of the third weekend, and the creators and actors of the film continue to work, they organize events for viewers, hold online and personal meetings, where they tell some of the secrets of creating a fairy-tale film. ksenia ignatova listened. black sea tuabse, the hometown of actor
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alexander mityolkin, is in touch. the local cinema just had a screening of the film the flying ship, and its main character is in a hurry to see his fellow countrymen. i am 8 months old. i auditioned for this role, more than 150 artists auditioned for the role of ivan, we filmed it for a year and a half, and only a year and a half ago it was filmed; all these years and a half it was edited in just 3 years for the film, plus or minus 4 years. so far , meetings with childhood friends are taking place like this, with the help of high technology: after the premiere , a movie star is in high demand, the work of an artist is not only filming, i agreed with my fellow countrymen, then another film screening in the capital ended. he’s the brave sailor vanya, he’s giving a surprise to little muscovites and their parents, we came out and didn’t even understand at first, and then of course such ivan ozhel came out of the screen and he’s standing, great, thank you very much, and this is already a meeting on the volga with samara spectators, already not fellow countrymen, they
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are still delighted with sasha, and of course with the film itself. we really liked the scene with the arrow because we were worried about the main character. hero, the songs were also wonderful, when the guitar was played, when the guitar was played, colorful and musical the flying ship, directed by ilya the teacher , has been conquering russian screens for the third week, and audience interest is only growing, according to cinema owners - this is exactly the film that the entire industry has been waiting for, the locomotive of the spring release, we want the film to stay in the box office for as long as possible, we don’t have enough films like this, we need at least twice as many of them. similar level, similar collection potential. as of today, this is already 650 million. we expect that by the end of this weekend the film will still approach the billion mark. mark. but these are all numbers, and behind them are hundreds of thousands of children’s smiles, and, of course, satisfied parents, so this spring, for emotions in
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the cinema, take a flight to the flying ship, good luck. ksenia ignatova, alesya selivanova, evgenia robakova and dmitry smirnov, tv component. now about the weather, it is very unstable this week, from summer warmth in the first days to frost at night the night before. evgenia neronskaya will tell you about what will happen next, the weather studio is in touch with us, zhen, what is the forecast for the weekend? it's still cool on saturday, well... sunday the long-awaited warming will begin. details after the break. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. your spring update. so, spring changes do not come to the northern regions of european territory. in a hurry.
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it snows there consistently, below zero every day. but the northwest is already on the cusp of change. warmth from the atlantic covered the baltic shores. in kaliningrad tomorrow. +15 and rain, and then +22 sunny, in pskov just above 10, sleet, finally giving way to rain. central region, now at the peak of the cold snap on saturday, the north wind will not yet allow the temperature in yaroslavl to rise above +5. in tver and rezan it is a little warmer, the middle volga is still rainy and cool. the southern regions remain in calm weather, but there are still no such warm prospects as in the baltic no. everything is also restrained on the black sea coast in sochi and sevastopol, no higher than sixteen. from the sea to twenty, in st. petersburg +5 and light rain, in moscow +7, also short rain, then another summer rehearsal, on sunday 11, and then +20, thank you, that was the forecast for... ru,
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