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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 6, 2024 4:50am-5:36am MSK

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both at the front and in the rear. marshal of victory georgy zhukov called the industrial evacuation equal to the greatest battles of the second world war. in yekaterinburg, the commander spent five post-war years as commander of the ural military district. one of the most expressive monuments to georgy zhukov is now installed in the historical part of the city, in front of the headquarters building.'
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yur, tell me what you were going to write to comrade abakom about? yes, there is one thing, this is not by chance where women have stars cut out on their chests, so that means the same thing, show the room.
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podolsk, dmitrov, mazhaisk, istra, all before the military, absolutely right, these photographs were taken in a german concentration camp for women soviet officers, from november '41 to march '43. do you catch the connection?
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zhenya, well, hello, you missed me, why are you silent, well, i miss you so much, zhenya, why, why are you standing like a pillar, well, come to me, what the... are you worried about his beloved, don’t worry, he when they gave me the car, now he only goes to the toilet on foot, he’s a bitch, he’s breaking furniture, he’s been wild, okay, wait for me, i have a surprise for you, just don’t peek too much, okay,
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zhenechka! in this camp the wives of our political officers were kept, they were guarded by the germans and...
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for him, you see, the pleasure was not to put her to bed, but to kill her, a pronounced sexually manic psychosis due to unsatisfied libido, rum, and well, if in general, speaking in russian, he got pleasure from killing women, well, okay, but what does the white dress have to do with the star? well, a star is kind of like his personal mark, you know, for the sake of force. a white dress such a kind of fetish, that is, well, if in russian, this is a distinctive feature of each of them, in the west they are called a serial killer, each has his own quirk, but only women in white excite him, you know, this one even in the camp of everyone in white i put it on, but
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then where did it go? unknown, in march 1943 the germans disbanded the camp. that there is no data on him at all, but there is, brisk, well, what’s the use, he’s a cunning wolf, the germans also had him under someone else’s name, well, all that’s left is an extract on him, but without a photograph, the germans managed to destroy the entire archive, only crumbs remained, in short, one thing is clear, yes, a military killer, this guard from the concentration camp golem of yours is one and the same person, you need to look for him here, and the sooner the better, bye he hasn't done anything yet. already done this, yesterday he stabbed a girl, they took our policeman, a boy who happened to be nearby, now he and the fiance of the first victim, your colleagues, are busy,
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listen, and here it says weakness and carrots, what does this mean in a literal sense, but at someone's weakness is cigarettes, someone? they’re asking for vodka, and this freak was limping a carrot, wait, where are you going, yur, i’m now, well, at the scene of both murders. witnesses heard something similar, and i, at the scene of the first murder, found a carrot stub, i didn’t assign a purpose, they also found it in military killings and also didn’t attach any significance, but everything fits, listen, we need to help out the guys who are now
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being pressed by pavlikher, if they care they'll kill us, no one will listen to us at all until this guy kills someone again, i agree. guys, just let's have a snack first, otherwise there will be no one to help them out, let's quickly, i'll put some tea on, man, what are you doing, sorry, this is from the war, that's it, go, you'll come tomorrow, go, well, dzhigit, thought? i don’t have anything to think about, i told you everything. oh, how rude, it’s generally customary for elders to say you, out of respect for
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age, or in my case, rank. you won't get a response from me. oh, why is this, or what do you have in georgia? you know a lot, a lot about georgia, i agree, maybe a little, yes, by the way, well let's leave my knowledge of geography in the country, i ask again, will you sign the confession, go ahead, sign, sign, where will you go? not now, but in an hour, not in an hour, but tomorrow, you know the new version of the theory of relativity, this is when a person walks, sits, lies, and even jumps, he’s still sitting, duty officer, take this one away, let’s take
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the second one. does that mean you are fading that this is legal? cut off your little thing, but his own, their own, took him on the spot with a feather in his whip, this bastard carved a star on her chest, listen, this woman with he also decided on the wedding, she also had a star on her chest, but i don’t care who he decided and didn’t decide, he raised his hand against my blood, i ’ll chop him into mince for this, then first, he sits in the mgb gpp like christ bosom. wait until they give him a sentence, and then strangle him in the camp, what? and if
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they give him a tower, have you thought about it? a? i will cut it myself, personally. and you go to the mgb, say that you are an american spy, they will put you in the same cell with him, and there you will get even with him? what you said? joke. concrete evidence, this cop doesn’t care not to live, but whatever happens, well, he
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’s in vain, and if the embassy sends him straight to moscow past the bullpen, nikut is stubborn, he won’t give up on his own, boar, you know a sister in a mental hospital, you offend him, take him higher, take it higher, for the doctor, well, tell your doctor, let her tell you something about the yakut, saying he... he has problems with his head, he’s crazy, this business will burn out for him, it won’t burn out, but the piece of paper will come in handy, oh, such a warming up for me but it won’t work, she ’ll declare him such a moron, since childhood, not a single bastard he’ll guess, that’s it, it’s a waste, brother,
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well, why are you drinking without sugar? let me sweeten things up for you, come on, like this, here you go, get crazy! well, do you feel better? well, that's nice. let me do this, i will briefly outline the situation to you, yes, and we will think together and decide what we should do about it? do you agree? so, alexander sergeevich, you have two options: good and bad. the good thing is that you now sign a sincere confession with a complete, sincere story. well, i, in turn , submit a petition to the judicial authorities for assistance in the investigation
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you were given a relatively short sentence, let 's say five years, yes 5 years for murder out of jealousy, but as for the soviet symbols that you carved on the chest of the victim, but we will assume that they were not there, but i did not kill. i didn’t cut out anyone or anything, it’s true, my word of honor, you can prove it, no, here below, at the very bottom, it’s written down correctly from my words, and i read it, well, from the signature, the number, but what’s a bad option?
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so bad, in an hour you will be sitting in a cell in the warm company of old criminals, and it goes without saying, no favors you can’t count anymore, so you’ll get the full program, but maybe they won’t give you a tower, but 15 years of being a planner, at least, i guarantee you that, come on , sign, bitch, sign up to three, i’ll count one... two three is all, that's enough, that's enough. duty!
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romka has the order in his hands, by the way, in secret, your pavlivker and romka are old acquaintances, pavlivker once snitched on him, and romka got away, pavlivker was sent here, what’s going on here again, roma, it turns out you’re not the whole point here you're breaking it, stop it, you know very well that you i took random people and said that they were still holding on or had already split, one split, the other still split.
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they tolerate an official attitude towards service, then where will you end up, frightening, novel, that, igor, the prospect, at best, awaits you the position of deputy head of a camp, somewhere in kolyma, with this very piece of paper, i am depriving you of this bright prospect, instead in addition to being grateful, you still... well, you know, if i were you, i would n’t let these two go just yet, if only because the criminal will understand that we
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are looking for him and will hide, well, i’m like... something myself i'll decide. and don’t even try to disturb me, you already tried once, but you can see for yourself how it ended, this time i’ll smear you until igor. you’ve known him for a long time, romka, you ’ve been from the war, he was the authorized mercenary officer in our division, can you imagine, without understanding a single person, he didn’t put a single person on trial, be it a deserter, an encirclement, a former prisoner of war, a traitor, he doesn’t care, oper. for god's sake,
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why did you sleep off your face, you saw a ghost, yes, it seems. what do you need, i came to surrender, you have an appointment from 9:00 in the morning, have you confused the rams, i told you bazaar, i’m an american spy, i’ve come to surrender, let’s see me on camera until you change your mind. are you drunk or something, well, breathe, i ’ll breathe for you now, i’ll breathe for you now, i ’ll give you 15 days now, you’ll come back in no time, why is this being done in real life, since when is it in the mgb, on the porch of spies they don’t
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let me in, i’ll get you into such a frenzy now, it won’t show you what you want, i ask you? i listen to him saying exactly that, well, let’s drag him here, let’s see what kind of cupcake he is. well, everything is fine, i have the matter, and he gives us sticks
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won't it fit into the wheels? he's certainly a fool, but he's not an idiot, that's for sure. when will those arrested be released? well, the house near kazan will be released at about ten o'clock. isn’t it possible right now? why are you in such a wound, they’re still sleeping. somehow i doubt it. me too. well, although you are right, you can jump out of there at any time of the day.
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well, yes, well, where did you get recruited andrei svet pavlovich, in a den on a drunken mountain, or maybe in moscow, in marina rosshcha, in moscow, in moscow, so on, well, that means, i’m on banola from one guy’s boar took me away, uh-huh but he burned me, in human terms, he stole a suitcase at the station, and the owner caught you, so well... yes, the little thing goes on, but she grabbed me, uh-huh, and bazaar, or, he says, i’ll give you the legum, or for me
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you’ll pull the strap, but back then i wasn’t at all suited to the zone, so, well, at first there he chased me about little things, yeah, there’s something to pass on to someone, yeah, yeah, then he asked me to take it to the address, well ah... give up, and what kind of task is this that even yakut himself shit in his pants, this means
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comrade kolenin, we need to kill this, we need to kill him, whom? well, karto, headman of the all-union, whom, kneel on a comrade, what are you? what’s the matter, after all, this is the girl who was stabbed to death yesterday, her name is larisa yagudina, yes, yes, her name is, yes, who is she, your sister, niece or daughter, although this is not the point,
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it’s important, but you , it means that you decided in this way, that means, to get even with the murderer, to get into his cell, and there he is, that means, well, i, well, am forced to upset you, yaku, you! i just let him go, how did you let him go, why are you driving me around, how did you let him go, but there’s no will in sight, well, well there is, there is an opinion that he is not guilty, so i think that in about 10 minutes he will already be free, well then i went, just standing, sitting still, means an american spy? you say, yes , you wanted to kill comrade kalinin, i believe, i believe, i’ll take you, you want to go to the cell, well, is that what we have? always,
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please, duty officer, what are you doing, boss, i ’m sitting here, that means, so, take this idiot and don’t, please throw him out of here, to hell with a kick in the ass so that he lands there already behind the fence, fulfill. yes, comrade kapitonov, the necessary measures
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have been taken. both cases are under the control of the district committee bureau, both killers have been caught, the head of the mgb department, major pavlivker, continuously reports on the progress of the investigation, i fully share your point of view, comrade kapitonov, no serial killers, especially on the eve of the party congress, of course, ordinary everyday life, we will certainly keep you uh updated on developments. goodbye, comrade kapitonov, you see, it doesn’t hurt, so what, what did the first one say so that we under no circumstances they allowed serial killers, you heard it all yourself, so we will imprison those whom your valiant mayor took, but if they later turn out to be innocent, we will
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think about it later. okay, i'll take care of everything. one question, ivan serafimovich, i propose that while the investigation is underway , we exclude this, what’s his name, belyashin from komsomol, and play, so to speak, ahead of the curve. okay, go ahead. so, well, comrades, do you have any other questions? well then everyone is free. andre, i need the list today.
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dastudanich, well, should we go home? no, now to the mgb department. by the way, how is kladiya petrovna? yes, okay, i met everyone and took him home. yes. of all this scribbling , the only fact that deserves attention is that when she disappeared from avilov, everyone who was at the wedding was in the house, except for gorin, so maybe gorin after all, wasn’t it too early for me to believe him, he could well have killed her, his brother is covering up , no, it doesn’t stick, i’m shooting out of here, hey! yakut, it’s great,
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what are you doing here early in the morning, and so you came in on business, on business, yes, on business, by the way, you don’t know about it, that bastard who stabbed the girl to death, he was released, but why? he’s you, but i just want to look you in the eye, wait, wait,
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great, great! thank you, i was already thinking, all the grants, i even signed a confession, he thanks him, thank you, oh well, all's well that ends well, let's get in the car, now we'll take you home and finally get down to business, but can you take me first? department? i’m sure, i’m sure, i want to report everything to kukin myself, well, he drove like that, just let ’s at least get yourself in order first, let’s go, let’s go, guy, what are you doing, let’s sit down. wait, but there will be no gratitude you are so harsh, people rescued you, who rescued you, you rescued, and who are you, god, i was released according to the law, because i’m not guilty, i understand, i’ll find this bitch myself and kill him, okay,
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let’s go, hey, kotso, conversation there is. get up and jump a little bit with me, my respect, i say that it is you, comrade
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secretary of aikhoma , who are spouting old regime words, this makes me suspicious, that’s enough, these things won’t work with me, in general, i’ve agreed on everything, about how? well , in general, has the brandy already dissolved all your brains? look, our version is in the air fully and completely support, this is a domestic murder, i spoke with the first one, the first one promised full support, now there is only a small matter left, that is, a confession, so it’s good to have a drink and, in general, by lunchtime, so that the testimony will already be there, well, in the end you have to admit, these old-regime things are of no use there, all these serial killers, especially on the eve of the congress. party, what if this very same murderer spits on all our regional committees, district committees, executive committees, congresses, all taken together, and the virgin begins to shred again, while how it spits, that’s how it is in the best way and that’s it,
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relax, ivan serafimovich, everything is not so bad. “i took the case under the personal control of comrade bakunov, on his order, i handed over the case to comrade colonel bazhenin, who, in turn, already released both suspects half an hour ago, since he considers them innocent, which is a sin, i myself completely.”
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let's go home, i obey.
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how did you run in here? somehow with their feet, as you say, they missed me, the villain, who am i, you, you, also say that you didn’t say that, that’s not what i wanted to say, that’s not what you’re looking for, oh you, lyokha, lyokha, i didn’t expect this from you, do you blame yourself?
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who will work? they say here that after the congress there will be an amnesty for criminals again, so the fun will begin. evgeniy adamovich, we still call upstairs, well, let them at least give us belyashin’s episode, and my guys will dig the ground, you know, the opera and the animals, if belyashin is guilty, he will answer, on kalineta, and now listen to me , damn protector, not guilty. you say, we don’t imprison innocent people, but if your
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belyashin is imprisoned, it means that he should not be there at the wrong time, or he was thinking not with his head, but with his ass, because if he thought with his head, he would not be sitting in the bullpen, but would be standing right here, in this very place, he understood me, allow me to enter, comrade mayor, comrade colonel, excuse me, comrade colonel, allow me to report, sergeant belyashin has arrived for further duty. you can’t count on local mgb, they won’t interfere, that’s good. yur, well, as long as they don’t get involved in the mgb, and if it’s too much, they’ll start fussing, this bastard will go to the bottom, look for him later, you have to once again interview everyone who was at the wedding, get together to talk to a cop, well, people in a familiar environment are much more relaxed. than in the office, you see, someone will remember something? interesting idea, combining
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the interrogation with the collective farm meeting, well done kozyrev, and yurka is generally a head, i’ll have to try it, but i can try it too, marinochka, well, lads, we’re all preparing the clearing, so romka, grab this piece of iron, yeah, right. oh, come on, have some potatoes, sit down too, no, i don’t want to, well, sit down, just sit down, sit down , by the way, marina found the second body, uh-huh, marin, please remember, after you discovered the body, what happened, well, i heard some extraneous sounds, a shadow behind the bushes, well, when... the second policeman came running, it seemed to me as if
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a car had passed, but what there for the area? drunken mountain, it’s been there since the time of the king of peas, when they started distilling moonshine, they still do it to this day, hence the name, yeah, and so the fact that cars often pass there, well, there are hardly any of them there during the day , marin, please remember , what a sound it was, long, continuous, like that y... or a short intermittent one, it looks like the second, so the car was not just passing by, it was just starting to move, you want to say, the killer may have his own car, well, not his own. well then it’s easy to explain how vavilova ended up in
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the barn, it’s about three kilometers away, well , it’s great, the search circle is narrowing, you don’t have that many cars in the area, and nine out of ten of them are without registration here, you know, it’s not the capital, well what, you can take as an option, you will have to read it, i didn’t understand, the door is open, i thought that means you can enter. so let's go, come in, you're a trump card, so what, i wanted to apologize and spoke well to you. offended, i apologize, how did you find me, people said, people said, it seems to me that one of these people named yakut, what’s his name, didn’t say, but said who killed alena, killed his niece too, of course, and also said ,
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that if anyone can find him, just kozyrev, i also want to look, take me, kozyrev, you won’t regret it. well, why is there tension with the people? is it okay to be on hand? okay, take a chair, sit down, i’ll just take you right away i warn you, yakut shouldn’t know anything, understand? well, there’s no time to sit around, so it’s me and the groom, what’s your name? hamlet, like gabriani's hamlit. okay, hamlet gabrielni and i are working on the first episode, we need to gather all the people, i personally want to interview them, you are working on the second, once again inspect the place and especially the surrounding area, uh-huh, uh-huh, that’s it, let’s finish it, but can i please you, i ’ll show you everything on the spot, okay, let’s go.
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well, how many times have i asked you not to smoke in the room, how you rested, you had a great rest, how are you, everything is fine, okay. i’m listening to the supyanovs, andryush, are you still at home? where should i be? i’m developing an action plan, as you ordered. throw it up. why is this happening all of a sudden? i just came from pavlivker.
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the case was transferred to the mgb apparatus. abakumov himself gave the order. his representative is already working in the city. by the way. listen, i wanted to go shopping this afternoon, can i take the car? i want to go shopping, can i take the car, yes, of course.


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