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tv   Smotr  NTV  April 6, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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we are now together ax of war, fuck this one, throw a window somewhere, it 's there, and you know how much ax of war, ax for how long, stop, stop really getting mad and angry, this is where the lion is constantly useless, he is always nervous, impossible, sit down, not pyotr mikhailovich, but father dear , sit down, sorry pasha, well, i can’t name him yet, sorry, i can’t, i can’t yet. because i’ve known him for 5 minutes, so much has accumulated in my soul, and maybe i actually have enough already, really, you think it’s easy for him it happened, it happened to him, lena, calm down and that’s enough for you, it’s all over, you need to forget everything, it’s forgotten, it’s not forgotten.
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peace of friendship, chewing gum, chewing gum is bad for the stomach, peace, friendship, chewing gum, peace, everything, our family has returned to the old way, and we will live amicably and peacefully, thank you for finding dad, but i hope that now he will not disappear , he’s not going anywhere now, yes, but our breed is scolded by everyone at first. and then
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makes up, with us it’s always, unfortunately, it’s true that my sister and i first quarrel when we meet, and then we make up, it’s always like that, it was will be. hello, the military program of the ntv channel smotr is on air, sergei kuznetsov is with you, watch this episode! with them, the ships are not afraid of enemies or storms. training of naval engineers.
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navy officers and engineers are entrusted with hundreds of complex systems of underwater surface ships. without them, completing any tasks is simply impossible. these specialists are true defenders of the fatherland, sailors faithful to naval traditions and deeply devoted to their work. we conclude our story about preparation naval engineers. profession. engineers have always been highly valued in the navy; these officers are one of the key specialists in performing any tasks. today, when certain destructive forces are trying to undermine the technological and economic independence of our country, increasing our defense capability directly depends on the quality of training of military personnel, including naval officers. it is extremely important that
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the majority of future graduates of naval universities will end up serving on the newest ships. now shipbuilding our program is intensive, the fleet receives small and large surface ships, that is , ships of the near sea and far ocean zones, submarines are missile submarines, multi-role submarines , diesel boats, the task is one: more. naval officers, who, first of all , are patriots of their work, and secondly, or let’s put an equal sign, are already ready-made specialists. a modern ship and submarine, the center of high-tech equipment and weapons. therefore, the quality of preparation naval engineering personnel are given the greatest attention. the school does everything
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to ensure that the level of training of its graduates meets all the requirements of the navy. fundamental sciences, which. from teacher level training, to the educational fund, training facilities, sports facilities, all this is listed, thought out and introduced accordingly, it is constantly analyzed and implemented in the school.
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selection for this unit is made among graduates of the best technical universities in the country. not everyone gets here. foremost the selection criterion is higher
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technical education. the average score must be at least 4 and a half. this is a general competition that we have on offer. we have a special commission of professors and teachers. i decided to participate in the competitive selection, the competition is quite high, so this proposal interested me here, and i won’t be able to pass just anyone, you need to have
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a certain baggage, baggage of scientific experience, articles, some publications in order to get here, like all conscript sailors services, operators...
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for the development of the navy, since we all graduated from civilian universities and were in no way connected with the navy, then we have some other vision of the situation, when we see how a certain problem is solved here, we can bring something new, for example, optimize the solution of certain problems, here rarely does anyone work on a separate scientific topic; as a rule, tasks are designed for... teamwork, we have a different selection of personnel in our scientific company, and if you cooperate with certain people, then together you can create a lot, so someone knows programming, someone is very well versed in physics, we get together,
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think and accordingly come to a solution to the problem. a scientific company, a close-knit military team of colleagues and like-minded people. operator. working together in a creative team, the opportunity to undergo military service in the ranks of similar units is assessed by the operators of scientific companies themselves. this year gives me great prospects for my future life, because here i am engaged in scientific activities such as writing scientific articles, developing investigative programs, attending conferences, all this creates for me a certain portfolio that will help me in the future, for getting a job in general in life.
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the enterprises are truly legendary; the work of one of them, the marine engineering bureau malachite, as well as the projects of the no less famous tskb-rubin, is associated with the activities of another important department of schools. it is symbolic that it is located in the legendary complex of buildings known as the main admiralty, in addition to the highest naval buildings.
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steam generator, snpc, cleaning unit, cooling, volume compensator. training sessions are held at the department of nuclear power plants. we are the only department in the navy that trains specialists in the operation of nuclear power plants on ships. the department trains operators of reactor plants and nuclear submarines . a nuclear submarine is one of the most complex technical systems. the heart
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of the submarine is its nuclear power plant. it is extremely difficult to train a specialist to operate a nuclear reactor. what we teach is not visible, it is impossible touch. that is, it is something unclear and therefore we have to explain the physical basis like this. everything happens, because no one has seen the decay of the nucleus, but it works, so this is a very difficult task, as we have already seen, in other departments the practical part of the training is conducted on simulators, is there a simulator for training specialists in the operation of nuclear reactors? we have not just one, but two such simulators, so we calmly operate with... calmly prepare and practice camera skills. our a graduate must not only know how it
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works, but also be able to possess the skills for subsequent service. that’s it, we’re practicing practical operator skills for introducing emergency protection. enter the emergency protection stitch, the key is sus mode, set the path position. this is a comprehensive simulator for the main power plant of a nuclear submarine. when you see so many buttons, switches and indicators, the question arises: how can you figure it out? they do, after all, these are future naval engineers. at this point in the simulator, cadets practice the initial activities of launching a nuclear reactor into the water, the main installation of the actions of giving test revolutions, and also practice various emergency modes and... practice skills that will be useful to them in their future professional activities. on a submarine
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ship, such a specialist will be in charge of not only such a control panel, but the entire reactor compartment. and he must be able to not only competently operate the most complex equipment, but also know how to act in case of emergency situations. we are working out a full cycle of preparation, that is, if some kind of accident occurs. our graduate is obliged to work fully, that is, to localize this accident, this is what we teach. the azori over donbass were quiet and quiet. until bandera’s men, katyusha, zhenechka and sasha burst in, the war that came to their house in the spring of 2014, the ukrainian army just started shooting us, as it has been for 10 years, the girls are fighting with the punitive forces, i’m worried about my sister, but
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basically for myself , well, what will happen, will happen, for his deceased commander, father, if we have such women. believe me, no enemy will never catch us, i serve the donetsk people’s republic, for my mother, for our victory, our mother is waiting for the dawns over donbass to be quiet, mother, please don’t cry, tomorrow at 6:00 pm on ntv. kirkorov vs. dorokhov, stars today at 21:20 on ntv. complement to support health, performance, etc. good health. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components. every day it saves. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? do you make all payments on time? and tenkov recalculates the bet. when you close a loan, it's like holiday. and on holidays it is customary to give gifts. and tinkov is a great gift for you.
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we were taken somewhere, in the wrong place, nikolai kozak, are you ready to fight, vladislav kotlyarsky, i will kill you, you bastard, arseny robok, give me one day, i have decided everything, hot spot, new season coming soon! on ntv. cadets are trained in training complexes that exactly simulate the reactor compartments of nuclear submarines. there are 65, open the manual valve on the steam generator. there is a manual valve to open on the steam generator. at another training session, cadets in protective suits work on a conditional emergency reactor an emergency situation with a nuclear
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device is fraught with the most tragic consequences. in order to prevent a catastrophe, you need not only skills, but also the most serious psychological training. we begin by releasing the car manually. the primary circuit pressure is 168 kg of force, the condition of the personnel is satisfactory, the radiometric situation is normal, the condition of only the personnel is satisfactory, looking at the concentrated and confident faces of these guys, you understand that they will not give up in a critical situation and will come out of it worthy, but of course, we sincerely wish that... in their carnal service, all equipment always works efficiently, reliably and without failure. we cannot help but tell you about one unique exhibit, which in
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soviet times many leningraders and residents of the ussr had not even heard of. here, in the center of leningrad , a research nuclear reactor operated for 30 years until 1988. school cadets conducted laboratory work on it and studied the physical properties of reactor installations. it was not dangerous, because at that time they were already converting great attention to compliance with nuclear and radiation safety requirements. this hall was fully prepared, biological protection was calculated, so the cadets practiced induction training without any problems for their health. we were allowed to film right on top of a former nuclear reactor. armored glass was installed here, through which the cadets could
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visually observe the so-called vavilov cherenkov effect, the glow of fast electrons moving in the liquid. control came from below, test ones were used fuel elements were raised by the cadets remotely. and recorded the state of the reactor plant. during the chain reaction of fission of uranium nuclei , thermal energy is released, which is converted into mechanical or electrical energy. the transformation occurs thanks to paraturbine units. if you imagine the power plant of a nuclear submarine. approximately 40% is occupied by a steam generating plant, and 60% is occupied by a steam turbine plant. the operation of such
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units is taught at one of the most important departments of the higher naval engineering school, department of steam turbines. the department of steam turbines trains naval specialists , namely mechanical engineers in the field of operation of pore turbines. auxiliary mechanisms, ships with nuclear power plants, graduates of the department, as a rule, go for further service on a nuclear submarine. in addition, graduates of the department serve in research institutes, military missions and repair organizations, are engaged in the maintenance and operation of the main units of auxiliary mechanisms. after finishing service in the navy , find your place in the civilian sphere. the level
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of education after graduation allows you to work not only on naval ships, but our graduates are also valued at nuclear power plants, at some heating engineering facilities, as specialists. any modern ship has a huge number of automatic systems.
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in higher education, the department also provides training in secondary specialties vocational education. in the navy, these specialists are responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of thermal equipment systems, as well as automatic ship control systems. the most important place in the learning process is occupied by simulator training. trainer system. control of nuclear reactor protection allows you to work out all tasks related to the operation of instrumentation, this is checking the insulation resistance on various circuits, 220 v 400 hz, 220 v 50 hz, power quality and functional testing of the system nuclear reactor protection control, with
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built-in water. ships of new generations, the role of the automation system increases many times; on the newest submarines of the borey and yasen projects, an automation group has been introduced into the staff of each division of the electromechanical warhead. the specialty is very important, because its origins occurred in the 50-60s of the last century, when the nuclear submarine fleet did not begin to develop . new positions immediately appeared and therefore from now on, like this our department maintains its own report, the report and competent work of the department’s graduates determines the trouble-free operation of the main power plant, electrical power and general ship systems and, as a result, the fulfillment of assigned combat missions. any military and civilian university is famous for its graduates.
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all those who graduated from the higher naval engineering school are highly qualified specialists, defenders of our country, patriots of the fatherland, among them there are many truly legendary people. hero of russia, hero of socialist labor, general designer igor dmitrievich spassky, academician, whose name is known throughout the world. according to his designs , nearly 190 nuclear and diesel-electric submarines were built in the soviet union in the russian federation . what allowed him to make such a dizzying career, one might say. first of all, the knowledge gained in school. the breadth, volume of knowledge, its depth, knowledge
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of fundamental sciences, allowed. engineers who glorified russia. the school's cadets study history, preserve and enhance traditions of his almamater. faculties and departments of the higher naval engineering school, located in truly historical places. and the city on the neva, st. petersburg, is a rich treasury of historical and cultural monuments. many
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cadets try to make the most of the opportunity that we study in st. petersburg; every weekend we have excursions, we have cultural trips, among other things. with the officers, we go to various museums, learn the history of the city, the history of the fleet, because after all, the fleet founded here, and i think that in future service, no matter how it turns out for anyone, no matter where someone ends up, everyone will remember this wonderful city, there is no doubt that the service of the school’s graduates will work out, sometimes you hear that higher commands are not available to engineering officers.
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it is believed that graduates of an engineering school do not occupy command positions, but there are many refutations of this, graduates of engineering. in various areas of activity. our film crew worked a lot inside the walls st. petersburg higher naval engineering school. we are convinced that this legendary educational institution was, is,
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will be, the leading naval polytechnic university in russia. in the context of the construction of a modern fleet, there is widespread use of operational and technical complexes of systems. artificial intelligence, new types of weapons of military equipment, the principle of polytechnicity, which is the basis for the creation of the higher naval engineering school, allows us to take the training of naval engineers to a new level level. we are convinced that we will meet the heroes of our programs more than once in the navy, we will see them as accomplished officers, engineers of the same... new level on warships and submarines of new types of generations, and we will definitely film new reports about graduates of the st. petersburg higher military marine engineering school. don't
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miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. why does the world we live in become like the horrors of stephen king? how's a scientist? we are doing this not only for the sake of science, we we want to help people who miss their pets. how much does it cost to resurrect a beloved cat or dog? i paid 25,000 dollars, but now it’s already worth 50. what nightmares their owners have when it comes to returning from the dead, or such experiments are already carried out only from the living, this is kept in the strictest confidence. will the world of the near future become a world of the living dead? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00. one of my friends decided to relax in a place
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activity, prospectus, there is strength to live and enjoy every day, kirkorov vs dorokhov, stars today at 21:20 on ntv, teeth on nastochka, no one likes that we are on our own power, traveling, strangers, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, from april 15 at 23:00 on ntv. the watch program says goodbye to you for a week, see you on the ntv channel.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of dmitry zavoistey. the situation with flooding in orsk, in the orenburg region, is rapidly developing for the worse, local authorities announced this. the embankment dam could not withstand the river floods due to the spring flood , flooding not only the old part of the city, where the private sector is mainly located, but also the highway to novoorsk, in water hundreds of buildings, residents are being evacuated, rescuers spent the whole night and this morning helping people leave their homes, using buses, boats, and special equipment for this. i sent most of them. to family and friends, as well as to temporary points.


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