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tv   Yedim doma  NTV  April 6, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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moves between cities, it’s cool, if it’s not a day, then there are new emotions, new adventures and new entertainment, delicious, wait, wait, that’s why i’m usually not a fan of miringa, they ’re falling apart, but no, swim without faggot, hello, wait, now one might say, not just land. and at home, another cruise
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is over, this is not my first, definitely not my last, i love this way of traveling, when the hotel in which you live moves between all locations, while it does this, you are in close connection with the sea , you rest differently, depending depending on your mood, you want to lie down and sunbathe, you want to go for...
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a gastronomic journey that you will see in a week, so friends, like your friend federico is now going to something new , we will always go, we will eat, see you, ciao! today it seems to me that it would be appropriate to make jelly for dessert, in general, when there is some kind of pastry for a snack, for example, you and i will make a pie today, then, when the main course, there is either fish or meat, or poultry, then it seems to me , dessert should be as light as possible, jelly always helps out in this sense.
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now, of course, it’s not the season for fresh berries, but i still have frozen ones in the refrigerator and therefore they need to be put to use as soon as possible, because soon the season will begin for fresh ones, i understand that not tomorrow, but nevertheless quite soon , here i have two sieves, this is a kilogram of cherries, why don’t i make jelly from the berries, because the berries give such unnecessary astringency, they are just like that, you know how to tell you, a little astringent, spicy, despite the fact that they are, of course, without ... the seeds are frozen, why through two sieves, i tell you now i’ll show you, after all, it’s a cherry, it’s such a delicate berry that it gives fiber, so look, even you see, on the second sieve, yeah, there are a few grains of cherry left, so we don’t need them, we only need liquid, now we need i have half a liter of liquid with you,
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look, it’s perfect, half a liter, i add it to the saucepan, cherries are naturally sour, but i really have homemade cherries, they were so sour and sweet, that is, i can roughly imagine what my ratio of acid to sugar is, here, so i add 100 g sugar, but i like this, you know, so that the dessert is not cloying, and it seems to me that in this case the dessert also does not deliver. convenience for the body, especially when you still have the first second, it’s like you’re already getting a compote, we start warming up our cherry, so to speak, nectar, this is of course not juice, but nectar, i take the whole orange right here and add the juice from the orange, i understand that oranges are all different, but in terms of juiciness. even
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in size, but i need about 100 ml of orange juice, 100-150, in principle , that’s how much is usually needed from a medium orange it turns out. i don’t add zest, because it’s still important for me to preserve the cherry aroma in this dessert of ours, and if you add orange zest, you’ll get a too bright, rich taste, because the zest , in fact, contains all these aromatic orange oils that they give this very recognizable orange taste, so only juice, you and i make jelly, but i don’t make it with gelatin, just with agar, like this. such a sachet of agar, you need to read the instructions on the package, agar-agar is what they call, this is a thickener that is made from algae, that is, this thickener is suitable for those who adhere to such vegetarian dietary principles, or -
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when you want to avoid animal products , this thickener works just fine, so a bag usually works for 500 ml, that is 7 g agar-agar. should be used together with 500 ml of liquid, the peculiarity of preparing dessert with sagaragar is that, for example, unlike gelatin, we must boil this cherry, wonderful component with us, so we cook in this boiling mode for several minutes, here you can’t leave the saucepan, you need to stir, it turns out so beautiful. you see the mixture, it all boiled beautifully, then i take a sieve, strain, well, the color is beautiful, very, and the color
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is beautiful, the aroma is absolutely fantastic, i have prepared these forms here, well, in principle, you can take any forms. you like it, you can even cut it into pieces, into squares, but it seems to me that this is how you serve it individually - it smells, yes, it’s so elegant, just like in a restaurant, jim makheev is one hundred percent natural, this is a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go. against philip kirkorov, well, i’m actually a singer, and i take a taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, the deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and height, i’m ugly from the carpet and i was sent to the living world before my time, that’s how i
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see luntik, this is a housing issue, yeah, secretly a million. all my ex-women began with the letter a, amen, where are you going, i don’t want to start, why is the project so cruel, because today someone will leave, the stars, today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip gerkorov and the wrestlers will meet face to face, today at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. everything will work out. mask - new season. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. hello, i am a bank employee. do you confirm the transfer? you usually
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call. eh, i can’t reach you now. certainly. you have the safest operator. and the weak to constipation needs a delicate approach, everything is quick to get out, for the children of mothers and fathers with constipation weak, everyone wants to win millions, but not all the work is in the right place, instant stoloto lottery, super prize 35 million, so much in branded stores with toloto,
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choose your favorite brands at wildberries, sokolov and you shine, time to fulfill precious desires, please your loved ones, jewelry, watches , cosmetics bags are attractive. and for breakfast in the old courtyard there are sochenki, oh, my favorite, and you know why they are so juicy, we take juicy okro, aromatic spices, simmer the juices in the oven, let me show you how i... cook them, boil them, cut them, i fill it with omelette and it’s done, misha, you came up with a great idea, these are all our juices, old-fashioned stuff, really tasty, don’t go. from tariffs, get a benefit of up to 60% with the family package of digital services from
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rostelecom. rostelecom - technologies of opportunity. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on when. it is so easy for adults to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment with ease. share, a holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, when your relatives are worried about problems with the intestines, give way to hilakforte, the intestines are comfortable, buy in city health pharmacies, the national lottery, every second person who did not win the chance wins the whole of april the second, only on your website. the more accurately
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the tires are selected, the better the control, go to avito, choose the make of your car right away, immediately find new summer tires, tires will be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car make on avito, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because there’s even a megaphone. here the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed picks up the megaphone. at bigfest, you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with a 50% cashback from alphabank, delicious, period. you won't believe when tatyana bulanova becomes a mother again? if a man loves you, what difference does it make how old you are? is it true that leonid agutin in a quarrel with a singer-shaman? what, leonid, is that what you said? i was turned away from the stage, you saw it, how the seriously ill widow of alexei buldakov was deprived of luxury
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real estate, for me all this is very bad, terrible, why are there no jokes with mikhail porechenkov, we have been standing for 20 minutes, well, okay, you won’t believe it, today in 20:20 on ntv, are you pouring? for the number of forms that you have prepared, for an hour and a half, we put it in the refrigerator, just while you and i are preparing the fish and pie, we will have it ready dessert, let's start with the pie, it's always very good, it seems to me that layer pies work for a snack. moreover, if, for example, i were doing a bachelorette party today, then i’m not doing a bachelorette party, but for example, this is a layer cake with vegetables,
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a green salad, this is the jelly that you and i made, but this is just a menu for , to eat something like this so as not to gain weight, really, because everything is very interesting in taste, everything is low-calorie, you and i now, this is my ready-made puff pastry, not even my frozen one, i admit honestly, yes, i would... there are definitely some kind of situation savers, semi-finished products in the freezer or refrigerator, but only i trust the manufacturer, i carefully read the label, and if i suddenly urgently need to depict something like that, i’ll figure it out, here you go , salvation, because with homemade puff pastry, of course, you have to tinker, this is what i do, for example, if i have a layer of dough in the freezer, i take it out of the freezer at night and put it in... the refrigerator then it defrosts in the correct mode, it turns out all is preserved
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this wonderful structure of these very bubbles, which, well, why we love puff pastry, for the bubbles, for the air, for the creaminess of course, i roll it out, i had such a rectangle, i already had a rectangular layer, i just make it a little thinner, i try keep the rectangular shape, here... the main thing is that, firstly, you know this right now, a good recipe if unexpectedly guests are on the doorstep, because if you, for example, have - the day before yesterday, it seems to me, i baked peppers, made salad, i have two peppers left here, and they were just peeled, well, when you bake peppers, it’s better to peel them right at the moment while they are hot, yes, i peeled them and the seeds left these beautiful, tender sweet homemade
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baked peppers, the main thing is to soak them, or rather so, to remove excess moisture, that is... the paper should, you see, be squeezed out, not soaked, or rather, but squeezed out of our peppers so that they are without moisture, why? moisture is not so bad if we, for example, add peppers to a salad, or add them to a sauce, to pasta, well, to pasta, or to rice, or even to poultry some kind, yes, or meat there, but when we add the filling to the puff pastry, if we don’t remove the excess liquid, the dough will be so, you know, sticky and won’t bake, that’s why i remove the excess liquid from the peppers, the layer of dough will transfer on baking paper, so that, you see, i have approximately, i rolled it out to about the size of a baking tray, now these are sun-dried tomatoes, i added
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a little olive oil here, beat it, here i have somewhere, well, i think... 50 g dry sun-dried tomatoes without oil, i soaked them in boiling water, and then i added three tablespoons of olive oil, whisked everything, nothing more, no garlic, no herbs, because the tomatoes themselves, they are so intense and they are so rich in taste, and the color is so beautiful, look, here i am making such a base for filling, you see, i step back from the edges a little, and distribute my tomato paste like this, it’s beautiful, really, now a little olive oil so that everything is very juicy, now a grater, on a coarse grater we grate two types of cheese, cheddar, i need
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about 70-100 g of cheddar, but here’s the story: you know, it seems to me that the main thing is, well, i combine these flavors, sun-dried tomatoes, a very intense tomato taste, so tomato, cheese, cheddar, it’s a little bit sweet- salty, spicy, you can replace it with other hard cheese that you have, and peppers, they are very sweet and they also have a bright taste, then mozzarella, that is, then the amount of the ratio and ingredients is already a matter. taste, someone might want just a little chedora, someone will say, i don’t like mozzarella, and by the way, you can have mozzarella replace sulugune or some adyghe cheese, one that will be different, will not be so, you know, sweetish, will have a much more pronounced character, mozzarella, by the way, we also grate, i took mozzarella, which is used for baking , that is
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, that mozzarella that is added to pizza, to some of these open pies, because it very well... holds its shape and - it allows, look, we have a layer of cheddar at the bottom, then we will have peppers, then mozzarella, and this way the peppers will lie between two types of cheese, and due to the fact that both cheddar and mozzarella, in this particular form of mozzarella, it retains this internal juiciness well, so the dough will be crispy, the filling will be juicy, we also have grated mozzarella. we add our peppers in stripes like these, they can be of different colors, yellow, orange, green, in fact, i don’t cook with peppers a lot, especially when they are baked , well, maybe, you know, such autumn country peppers, such small greenish ones , they
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slightly according to taste and may differ, but even then not much, but this is absolutely the case here ... it seems to me that aesthetics, that is, color, is purely a visual component, not tasteful, you want green, you want yellow, you want red, or orange, everyone performs well here, it already looks very appetizing, yes, i agree, now there’s mozzarella on top and it’s so beautiful when we even have cheese of two colors, this one is so rich, yellowish, and this one is so delicate, white , dairy, i did n’t want to go anywhere at home to stay with my family, so this the desire for something so edgy, tasty, this is just very eddy, in general pies are
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always edible, a little olive oil on top again for juiciness, a little salt, specifically on top of the mozzarella, because mozzarella is a lightly salted cheese, to support the taste moments and a little freshly ground pepper, too, for... not for spiciness, but by the way, if you want spiciness, you can even add a little adjika, if you happen to be a lover of the island, because these combinations, pepper, tomatoes, cheese also work well, like this covered, unfolded, so, we connect, here we have, you see, we retreated so well that we have such a beautiful side, but that ’s not all... we separate the yolk from the white, we only need the yolk, but that’s of course doesn’t mean that the white needs to be thrown away,
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it’s just not needed in this recipe, the yolk, a little milk, a little salt, i go through it like this with a fork, just to... make sure that all the sides are perfectly tightly connected to each other, so eat the yolk, milk and salt, so that it turns out elegant... go through the crust carefully along all the folds here, if you just grease it with yolk,
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it will work out, well, the crust may set too quickly, it may be too golden, just too much, you can add a little water instead of milk, you can of course use an egg, but here’s how it works on mine if only in my experience of this, namely baking, it works with the yolk and milk and salt a little smeared, then we take a sharp knife, it is important that the knife is sharp, we step back a couple of centimeters from the edge, cut it, but naturally, leaving it like this, you see, from edge distance for so that we can achieve it - this is such a beautiful ladder, you know, the fact is that on the one hand we are, of course, simply beautiful. elegant and such a design, on the other hand, excess air and moisture leaves the pie, and thus the dough is baked, the filling
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is ready, the humidity does not allow the dough to become so soft and sticky inside, unbaked, the temperature in my oven is 190°, and hot air mode, because it is in this mode that puff pastry grows and bakes best. we have a pie in the oven, dessert in us in the refrigerator, all we have to do is cook the fish. i’m now heating up the frying pan, adding vegetable oil , onion, and cutting the red onion into half rings. while the onions are fried, the garlic is added in the same thin strips,
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well, onions and garlic are, of course, the basis of many fryings, as they say, but at the same time they are also the basis of frying, for tomato soup, for tomato... sauce, be it a sauce for fish , for poultry, for meat, for pasta, for rice, without tomato paste, mahey, i can’t imagine how to do this so that it was intense, tasty, rich, i would say just like in childhood, because these are absolute, you know, just bright tomato flavors, by the way, there is no starch in this tomato paste, there are no flavor enhancers, it’s just natural... tomatoes are prepared in the traditional way, a heaping teaspoon of this paste is needed in order to simply create this bright tomato aroma, by the way... dana and borscht
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are made red not due to beets, but precisely due to tomatoes and tomato pasta. now we heat it up, in childhood we generally adored this kind of frying, right away we immediately ran forward to a piece of gray bread, but today everything will be a little more interesting than just a piece of bread, a little salt, and... definitely a little chili pepper, because we are this sauce for we make fish, it seems to me that fish requires a little bit of piquancy and spiciness, it won’t be scorching, bitter or spicy, it will be a little bit spicy, as soon as you see, onions, garlic, pasta, they’re just singing, the trio they turned out great, i add here tomatoes from a can so that the sauce is so
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intensely rich. that is, tomato paste gave us a bright taste, tomatoes from a jar will give us juiciness, well, our sauce is almost ready, it seems to me that we definitely need to add a little more salt, now freshly ground black pepper for flavor and simmer the sauce for three or four minutes to make it even more intense and brighter, you and i will cook the fish using the redmond steak master grill. i turn on the grill program. the fact is that this device is three in one. besides the fact that it's a grill, a barbecue roaster is also an oven. can you imagine? so i take a special baking tray, we will place it between the panels and we will bake. by the way, here you can cook vegetables, cottage cheese casserole, even a cake, you can imagine. and i like that there is an electronic
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heating regulator, it allows. very accurately set the temperature in 5° steps, there is a built-in timer that will not allow you to miss the right moment, and of course, it is convenient to care for, all parts are removable, there is a special tray for fat, all this can be washed in dishwasher, greenfield club, where good taste is always rewarded, the more tea, the more gifts, greenfield club, you are invited, you don’t have to do it like that, you have to do it like this, like that, like that, i understand, that’s it. like sunglasses at a megamarket with up to 60% discount. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. seeds of death, vegetables that do not exist in nature and unpredictable mutant plants in the garden beds, this is the spring when scammers open the hunting season for russian summer residents, the story of the most incredible deception, how, under the promise of fabulous harvests, they can sell you, at best, an ordinary dummy, at worst - quiet, but very dangerous killers,
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10 minutes until a new job, there are many new vacancies every day, there won’t be any work it’s just work, but we grow our own place for fresh food. we collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, uh, freshness from the garden to the shelf at the speed of freshness, only a magnet on the network, exonal in a big red package rushes to your aid at the moment when pain makes you climb the wall, texonal is charged against pain, leader in the category, nuggets, slivushki, fagot, delicate, alluring in taste, they contain cream for juiciness, and their crust is crispy, nuggets, slivushki, vyazanka, try the new product with cheese, hair lacks vitality, gliskur - exceptional hydration, fills hair with the power of hyalurn, moisturized, shiny and
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covered in pure silver for only 499 rubles by toll -free number 8, 800 600 68805 or on the website angelchrani.rf the word of the boy is the blood of us under the curtain, undress, how she left everything for the sake of marriage with an italian, he actually deceived me at the initial stage, why did i return
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to russia? her million-dollar secret, today at 13:00 on ntv. okay, now i'm here. i spread our sauce, look how intense and beautiful it is, half the sauce on the bottom, put the fish on top, i have cod, in fact any fish will do , red and white, it seems to me that the main thing is that the fish had such a dense structure, that is, the fillet, you see, my cod has this, well , we know that the crackling... it will generally be perfect, but salmon and or trout will also be suitable, salmon will also be good, add sauce on top, so so that the fish is covered, and you also
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know, i think i picked up this idea from the italians, when the italians prepare this red sauce for fish or for pasta, add a little white wine so that this flavor is more interesting, but still juicy, you know, at the vinage there is a small amount of acid, and thanks to this the fish turns out juicier and more tender. on top for flavor are a few sprigs of thyme, whole, so it turned out beautifully, and so did i. i added a little more chili pepper, just a drop, well, we ’ve been given a signal that everything here is well heated,
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we put the baking sheet between these two panels, close it and in 5 minutes our fish will be ready, but it seems to me that... you and i already have a pie ready, it took us 20 minutes to get such incredible beauty, look how it is delicious, wow! this is elegant, we immediately transfer the pie, oops to a serving plate, the pie is ready, of course, before we cut it, we need to let it cool a little, dessert, here we have dessert, look how beautiful it is, it’s frozen, i suggest decorating it, oh , the fish is talking, and the fish only has 2 minutes left, just you and me... let's hurry up, look, here are two
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cherries, these are the ones they sell for decorating liqueurs, i suggest combining these cherries with a mint leaf, so it turned out, as if we had real berries, oh, by the way, even lying down, it’s okay, look how beautiful it is, very beautiful, and we get this smaller one. the dessert itself can be one cherry, also with a mint leaf, again , look how beautiful it is, we have such a wonderful dessert, and there are less than one minute of fish left, well, you see how convenient it is for us always, even if we are with you we got carried away by communicating with each other, it doesn’t matter... our grill will quickly tell us,
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girls, you have everything ready here, look how beautiful it is, it smells just fantastic, put the pieces of cod with the sauce on top, if you don’t like the way the thyme looks, it is quite often after heat treatment, it can become a little wilted, but the aroma... it has already given off its own, so we use these leaves, these herbs, twigs, we we remove them, transfer the fish like this to the plate in which we will serve, the sauce can be served separately, so that anyone who wants to add more can add it here, here i suggest... add a little olive oil, just
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a little bit , here are fresh sprigs of thyme for beauty and such green joy of spring, and of course it’s all the same for the aroma, well, i think, firstly, our pie has cooled down a little, i really want to show you what it looks like in cross-section, so we... with you, here so, oh, how crunchy the dough is, you hear, airy puff pastry, juicy cheese filling, well, in general, come quickly, bon appetit, everyone to the table.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboysty studio. the flooding situation in orsk is rapidly deteriorating, the embankment dam could not withstand the largest flood in 80 years; at night it flooded the old part of the city, where there are mainly private houses and the flood is increasing. there are already hundreds of buildings in the water, almost 1,500 household plots. the evacuation began the day before; most residents left on their own to visit family and friends, as well as to temporary accommodation centers. by midnight, rescuers and police went around every house in the danger zone, warning them to leave. at these moments they help people leave.


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