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tv   ChP  NTV  April 6, 2024 4:20pm-5:00pm MSK

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grow, the winter pause is a thing of the past, tomorrow in serpukhov it’s already 15, on monday it’s still 20, but the nights are still cool, in the volga region the temperature is rising a little slower, in kazan it’s still +8, but in saratov it’s 13 sunny, there’s a lot of sun in the lower reaches of the don, there up to 20°, on the black sea coast of the northern caucasus it is also partly cloudy, in sochi - 17, in crimea it is cloudy in sevastopol - 16. in the baltic resorts, in kaliningrad and the surrounding area it is already 20, in st. petersburg it is still +9 and a small house.
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were rock stars of the first magnitude, packed stadiums, bathed in the rays of their love fans, thank you, no one appreciated their talent in a foreign land. artists wander around the countries of the near and far abroad, ready to perform even in restaurants and bars, and in order to be allowed to stay abroad, even high-caliber rock musicians have resorted to swimming? liberal streams, slander their homeland and compatriots, spread fake news, supporting the abolition of russian culture. and for example, agents, a clown and other people who left the territory of our country and today are trying to exploit russophobia, well, in fact, they will face even greater restrictions, and these restrictions will primarily hit their ends. they are sure that after their departure there will be more rock in our country.
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there are none left, i see that all the tours in russia are played by all sorts of famous bands with names, and i think, guys, you’re not ashamed, and the rock crowd in russia just breathed a sigh of relief, having gotten rid of unnecessary performers and the group, so rock and roll has cleared up, fate, cleared up, now you feel some kind of freedom, clean air has appeared, and you believe and trust all your colleagues, well who in this format, as they say, is spinning. veterans of the roxscene have rallied and support their country as best they can. and their escaped ex-colleagues, having lost the remnants of their conscience from their homeland, are now afraid of their own shadow and see russian traces everywhere. this is a russian trace that the russian consulate has placed an order for group b2 to extradite us to russia.
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the only thing is true, not so long ago they were the favorites of the public, and some were called real legends of russian rock, but after fleeing the country of all that negativity spoken against their homeland, unflattering statements, and often openly russophobic statements, these artists burned all their bridges and finally lost contact with russia. as a result, the escaped rockers cause only complete disappointment among their fans, and among the majority of their former compatriots, dislike bordering on disgust. the father
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of russian rock, boris grebenchikov, left his homeland long ago, but actively continued to make money from it. despite his anti-russian position, the musician was in no hurry to close the companies that brought him a stable income in russia. as it turned out, he liquidated his last individual entrepreneur quite recently. allow for the possibility that those who fled will shine through the people who criticize today.
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lived for years on raids in london and, as he himself admitted, had long been preparing to say goodbye to his homeland. i say goodbye to the country where i lived my life. i can’t figure out why. the special operation in ukraine became the ideal reason for the musician to slam the door loudly. how can i make it possible for me to be able to spend, say, more time in england or somewhere else, because i know people there, i know the studios, i know how to work, i just need to do all this paperwork, i tried to do the paperwork all these years, all these years. the rock veteran continued to earn money hard in russia, although just recently he admitted that... during my last concert in my homeland, i was only thinking about how to quickly get out of the country. the last time i was in russia was on february 23, when we played a concert in the city of st. petersburg, and the whole concert i had the slightest chills, but i i had plane tickets to london,
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where i live, so i just wondered if this flight would be cancelled, and then he completely stated that russia is not his country, it is not my country, it is... which, as we see, he also does not have. bg has surprised the public before with his religious and creative quests; according to the musician, he has no home, because he is a man of the world, the concept of homeland is alien to him. i don't have a home. you see, i
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’ve been on tour since 806 for about a year, when i come to a hotel room, put my suitcase down, that means this is my home for today and tomorrow. the same lengthy answer from the lesson-performer. to the question about life in exile and longing for one’s homeland. many people say: how will you live abroad? and i always have a boiling question: beyond what border, where do you see the border, do i live in a world where my apartment is in new york or london or paris, bg often contradicts himself, yesterday he had no homeland, and today it is already lower. when i get off, got off the plane, say, in st. petersburg or somewhere else in moscow, anywhere, you get out, inhale such twilight, night humid air in the evening, and this is complete absolute
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happiness and dissolution in this happiness, because yes, this, this is what i love, however, bg’s nostalgia for his native places can be called a momentary weakness, much... more often the musician says much less pleasant things about his homeland, speaks unflatteringly about the country about your former compatriots? i wouldn’t try to look for any excuses, these are just people who betrayed such a sacred land, their own land, that audience with whom they lived together, this material support that was given to them by life, for... for the development of the family there and so on, they somehow crossed it all out. it is not surprising that participation in charity concerts, the proceeds of which go directly to ukraine, is grebenshchikov’s special pride. however, the musician honestly admits that in a foreign land he is interesting only to russian-speaking viewers.
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what i do is for people who speak russian, because there are so many in what i do, well, some very deep connections that people have not grown up with. people simply won’t understand the russian language. actually, at home , grebenshchikov’s loud anti-russian statements were perfectly understood, for which he received the status of a foreign agent. it’s curious, but these two words simply threw the rock veteran out of balance. even meditation and yoga don't help. as you know, bg has been practicing eastern spiritual practices for many years and has even reached considerable heights in them, in his own words. but the musician’s enlightened mind refuses to recognize it.
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who left the country at a difficult moment, betrayed his fans, and even called the russian people fascists. here are the rockers those who remained in russia, on the contrary, are proud that they can morally support their homeland with their creativity. for example, group 7b recently performed concerts in donbass. no, this time we didn’t perform in a hospital, in positions, right touching, yes, the guys were sitting on these, we were on the street, right under the net, the guys were sitting on boxes with ammunition, it was just like an evening concert, they played so well , they were very good guys.
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understands perfectly well, so in a foreign land he tries to earn a pretty penny on everything, he can forget forever, the musician himself for example, he picked up a brush and called himself an artist in one of the london restaurants, even organized a personal exhibition on art on the internet. if we say so, we have a song rodina - for free it’s also a collective image, it’s a pity that living
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in russia and portraying a patriot, lyova did not inform his fans that the song rodina, it turns out, is not about the homeland at all, lock up, love the homeland, now the leader of b2 asks to call the group australian, despite the fact that she spent 19 years of her life in leo. lived in belarus and 25 in russia, lived in israel in australia, then we lived in moscow, that is , it was such a permanent migration, it, well , it is for me, i never called it my life, that is, i’m just a man of the world. after the start of the northern military district , the group’s soloists abandoned touring russia and moved to israel, at first behaved rather restrainedly and broke their silence only on may 9th , everything... the leader of the team, lev, cursed and insulted the russians in response to congratulations on
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victory day: you are murderers, you crossed out all your achievements, and the achievements were common with ukraine and europe. all that russia now evokes is disgust and disgust. but the leva do not disdain to collect funds for the needs of ukrainian militants, somehow they have to curry favor with the west in order to stay there, at least someone needs that there are enough bearers of the great and powerful there, they will come. to concerts, they will support them, they will feel their involvement there, how they work there and wriggle there in their russophobic passages, and this will be a certain unity for them. make anti-russian attacks on musicians it turns out much better abroad than to earn money, the halls that the group collects now are not comparable to those they had in russia, almost all performances take place in small clubs or even bars, but concerts even at such small venues...
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they were so scared that they could be deported to russia, that they sold the remains of their conscience with their giblets. some characters, they were recruited to admire from the very beginning.
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thanks to the israeli consul and the australian american guys from human rights organizations, and the guys from human rights organizations, as you know, do nothing out of the goodness of their hearts, so as soon as leva returned from thailand, he immediately ran to work off his debt by giving interviews to pro-western publications specializing in anti-russian rhetoric. i just got freedom, which i probably lacked
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for the last 10-15 years there, i generally consider myself a research assistant, i don’t... you don’t want this country, is it fulfilling some kind of order or some... then debt obligations to those who supposedly mean life-saving imprisonment there. david misakyan, ex-member of b2, who worked with the leaders of the side-by-side group for more than 10 years, but they fired their director svet without hesitation when, in the conflict with ukraine, he was the only one from the entire team who supported
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his country. leva talks about how he kicked out a former colleague of his comrade for patriotism as a heroic deed.
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as they say, what a joker, such jokes, by the way, in foreign lands musicians often put in their collars, this is shurabi 2 after the concert.
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and other agents, apparently out of boredom and homesickness, arrange parties among themselves, curious, that artists who have not even communicated in russia are beginning to become close friends, for example, foreign agent lyova bidva in an embrace with another brother in status artur smolyaninov, in these shots the singer is on vacation in spain, in the company of the clown russophobe tatyana lazareva, and this post the former rock star appeared on social networks after a friendly evening spent with actress ingebora depkunayty and...
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after advertising, how greed led the singer to agent zemfira in a dubai restaurant and when the escaped artists were finally deprived earnings in russia. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. seeds of death, vegetables that do not exist in nature and unpredictable mutant plants in the garden beds. this spring, scammers are opening the hunting season for russian summer residents. the story of the most incredible deception, how they can give you promises of fabulous harvests.
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that russia is an aggressor country or a non-democratic country, then he must stop the opportunity to earn money in this very country. for many artists and foreign agents , the new law, if adopted, will hit their pockets hard. however, zemfira, for example, assures fans that she feels good away from her homeland, and most importantly - free. i live well, i look good, paris
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has become my home, just like that. and most importantly, i am very free. true, it is not clear what interfered with the singer’s freedom in russia; the money she earned in her homeland should be enough for her for the rest of her life. he swaggers and convinces with his mouth that in his old age andrei makarevich, a veteran of the rock scene, has finally found freedom. this land is probably not for everyone, but i have never felt that way. on the contrary, i feel incredible. space that goes deeper than left to right, and this makes me very comfortable, warm and interesting. then why did andrei vadimovich spend his entire life in russia and did not leave for israel earlier, and what prevents the absolutely happy seventy-year-old artist from stopping thinking about his former homeland and stopping his flow of dirt against her, as well as insulting his ex-colleagues on stage and even ordinary russians. when the kiev junta
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which is now widespread in the air in russia, that’s all. in the final part of the program, what does agent makarevich live on abroad now and what else are they prepared for in life? earn former rock stars. 1976,
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literally overwhelm him, largely due to the fact for example, that in a foreign country the fees have become much smaller, and in business things are not going well, in a similar state makarevich is well remembered by some colleagues, it was right after crimea, in which the musician was actively doing business, became ours, when crimea definitely returned to our home, became ours, so he directly lost whole... no, that russia, which i loved very much,
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is not there today, anyway, it was very badly spoiled, well, there are places that i love very much, let's just say i i don’t completely rule out the possibility that someday i’ll use them i’ll go through it again, in general moscow is wonderful, a very beautiful city, it’s interesting that makarevich left in search of freedom and a better life. this year they don’t make wine, if it’s kosher wine, then you make kosher wine, we make the highest kosher and the highest category, and makarevich’s wine is not cheap, but the price tag has gone up not so much because of the quality of the drink, but because of its a name that, thanks to russian fans, became famous even in israel, per bottle. bottles
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this year, last year there were three. by simple mathematical calculations it turns out that that new hobbies bring makarevich at least 12 million a year. not bad for an artist who until recently only tasted wine at dinners. on the other hand, andrei vadimovich is a great guy, he found a way to feed his family, because , as time has shown, you can’t earn money at concerts for russian-speaking migrants. i talk a lot with western politicians, they say that you know, even if a traitor tells a position that meets our interests, this still does not make him a normal person, a traitor will always remain a traitor, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for escaped rock musicians to earn a living abroad, the days of fat royalties are gone, and with them the popularity of performers, here they are , trying to stay afloat, seizing on any opportunity to make some money.
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grebenshchikov paints pictures, makarevich sells wine, zemfira sells souvenirs, and members of the b2 group can safely engage, oddly enough, in fortune telling. they definitely have the gift of foresight. suffice it to recall the debut album of the group, which was called attention, traitors to the motherland. curious, will the intelligence agent levi b2 be able to foresee his unknown future life and spend a troubled old age? right now there is a new detective from leonid konevsky, a very risky method, a legendary movie villain.


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