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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  April 7, 2024 12:00am-12:40am MSK

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in russia, in the cultural sphere, everything remains the same. those who have followed their progressive line continue their measured and progressive downward movement. group bi2 counted itself into heaven for purchasing cars and tanks for the ukrainian armed forces. we'll talk about this later. well done boys. boris grimeshchakov said he was happy to escape barack's quote. and we are happy to be in baraka. we have everything here. cozy, dear, calling russia this country with the b word, poet alla bosart decided to perform in moscow, but some persistent activists kept disrupting her evening. the liberal public, of course, is dissatisfied with what is happening, but first, you know, invite us with military officers and poets, say, anni dolgoreva and semyon pegov, to a concert, for example, in israel, at the same time i will climb mount favor, and then you will complain. at russian activists, as
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if you have other activists there, you have such activists there that the concert of alexander yakolyevichumbavom was disrupted for supporting the svo. alexander razenbaom is the great pride of the jewish and russian people. what about hello, bossord? you can’t say, not there, not here. a now let's talk about everything in order. several scandalous parties took place in the country, after which even the head. the state reminded us who really should be the hero of gossip columns here. we need to pay attention to the guys who are returning from the svo zone. people who decide to go there go through this crucible; they build many life priorities differently. you won’t be able to jump around without pants at any event anymore, that’s what the russian president said. since then, journalists periodically ask, for example, me, among others, what sanctions do i still need to take it? against these artists,
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these journalists, of course, provoke, they want to continue the scandal, and some people are happy to be provoked, they offer to give criminal sentences, send them to klyma, to the mines and to katurga, as for me, i care very little about all these the so-called stars, all these sanctions against them , too, i repeat again, i’m worried about the system, or more precisely a number of systems, the literary system, the cinematic system, the media... despite a number of high-profile resignations last year and a number of high-profile appointments, in general, no radical restructuring of these systems took place in russia. figuratively speaking, the front that runs in the area of ​​kupyansk, donetsk, kremennaya, and kherson does not run in those areas that i mentioned above. in these areas for the most part. is not fighting for donbass, in these
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areas they are basically waiting for all this to end, everything will be like under grandfather. the fact is that our so-called show business elite was not notified by anyone that in february 2022 the rules of the game had changed, that their usual life in the format of a feast during the plague could suddenly cause someone some irritation one day. these are questions for those people at the heights of power who... everything was done to ensure that our elites were not disturbed by anyone, that they were not forced to support their own army, that they were not encouraged to take humanitarian actions in support of refugees, because our state for many decades spoon-fed these people, allowed them to build palaces, and did not pay taxes, multiply by budding and boast about it to the whole country, but they didn’t even have a feeling of some gratitude, so why did they fly out of the elite? they all
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remained in their places. in principle, we must have a different national culture, including a mass national culture, just different, we must have it. you know that, our beloved ones, in the kingdom of freedoms the united states can be canceled only for thoughts, for a post on social networks, for unknown events of twenty years ago, hollywood stars of the first magnitude are aware of how this happens. not only should they undress, they can’t smoke tobacco in public, these unfortunate people, society, and not activists, quickly erase people there in a parashock, so don’t talk about brutal russia here, we are still not able to present in our most popular shows and... rating
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programs on the air of the radio station everyone who supports the russian world does not under a government procurement contract, since then since 2014-2015.
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i’m worried, but for myself, yes, in principle, well, what will happen, will happen, for my deceased commander, father, if we have such a woman, believe me, no enemy will ever catch us, i serve the donetsk people to the republic, for mom, for our victory, mommy is waiting for us, so that the dawns over donbass are quiet, mom, please don’t cry, tomorrow at 6:00 pm on ntv, word from the boy. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and for purchasing any stock you will receive another one as a gift. not just
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profitable, alpha profitable. what's wrong with your husband? i think there's something wrong with you. you want to put me in jail for murdering my husband, who i didn’t commit. i'm on your side. here if he knew the surprise, what would he do. new season of the detective drama by valeria gaigermanka. mutual agreement. look now only nakion. premium cards for restaurants, for cashbacks, for travel. well, is this premium? this is real premium. discover all the best and most profitable things at once in rosbank. rosbank is a real opportunity. the match has begun. what's better? sport? or cinema, accepted, it doesn’t matter if everything is in one place,
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expected television premiere of the year from 15 boy's word: blood on the asphalt, very april at 23:00 on ntv. sometimes, you know, with you begin to look at some other countries with envy, tv presenter maxim galkin, a ukrainian artist who was eager to fight for israel. andrey danilka, known under the pseudonym verko-serduchko, received substantial fines for anti-russian statements during performances in dubai. the first, as they say, was fined 100 thousand dirhams, which is almost 2.5 million rubles, and in addition to the fines, danilka also received a ban on entry into the united arab emirates. the reason is political statements, that is, incitement, ethnic hatred. vigilant department tourism and commercial marketing of dubai. i saw a recording of galkin’s speech in the city in 2023, where he spoke negatively about
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russians, and also continued the phrase “glory to ukraine” after the audience. well, this is what they responded to. i was asked to be neutral, but how can i be neutral - maxim galkin said about this, well , of course, how can this not be about donbass. but danilka, who has a sharp tongue, ended up in a dubai ban, as did another unfortunate achepennian from russia, rapper brodit stern. back in november twenty-third, after a frank interview with ksenia sobchak. where the rapper boasted of violating dubai laws, the uae government punished him with a ban on public concerts. this also threatens the youth rap icon oksimiron. st. petersburg resident miron fedorov, oksimiron, is being checked for inciting ethnic hatred after making anti-russian statements at a concert in dubai on january 11. he may face, at a minimum, a ban on concerts, or at a maximum, a ban on entry into the country. reserve air force officer ruslan bely, a stand-up fighter who chose the path of a foreign agent. same ended up in the united arab emirates in a bathhouse, in the sense of being banned. he said that in january he
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was scheduled to perform in phuket in patai. but when he had already arrived there, the organizers of the concert reported that they would have to be cancelled. there, by the way, galkin’s concerts, which were supposed to take place on january 24 and 25, were also canceled at aphuketi in patai. but not fate. the actor dmitry nazarov, who escaped from russia with his wife, who likes to write about russia for... scratches, does not help abroad, the actor decided to conquer the dubai public with the play "the root of love", but the tickets were almost not sold out, the performance was in jeopardy and in the end it had to be cancelled, but the group bi2 was in perfect order, you could often see them in dubai before, artists in whose understanding, i quote russia, this is a myth and world evil, and its citizens, quote, the mentally retarded continue to regularly donate to the armed forces of ukraine for the battle with the russian army, the guys donate money from concerts to help ukraine, confirmed another fugitive, actor anatoly bely, vaisman,
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real name, they don’t advertise it, he said about the group b2, just do i have nothing more to tell you, leva b2 doesn’t hide this, in fact, he writes on social networks, i’ll buy another ambulance for ukraine, with two fully charged mercedes, my friend roma gave a report, asia and i saved more than 500 people, so far were, we are already in paradise, but we will... pay until the end of the war, i am an atheist and i am only interested in numbers, and a tank is just statistics, it would be a shame not to remind here that until the very last moment be2 was accustomed to in russia, carried on hands, paid for... russia is a generous soul, although the views of these glorious the guys weren’t even known since 2022, since 2014, everyone knew about them, after thailand,
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when we hit us in the face with all our might , you know. midu, at that moment i realized that i’m not afraid of anything at all, you know, that’s the thing, i’m just not afraid of anything, that is, i’m afraid of offending my family, friends and so on, that is, for me these are all human things, and this is all gone, you know, because an aircraft carrier will come for me, you know, i count you all, don’t anger my angels, you know, i have confidence again this one here, do you understand? the one that, i know for sure, that when a person goes to his goal, it is better not to approach him across the road, because you will simply break his back, you know, in our country, every such artist must be shown to the main boss sometimes, it was not only them who were accustomed, for more than 13 years , the fashion historian alexander vasiliev hosted the fashion verdict program; in his youth he accidentally noticed that he was very similar to margendov
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stern, the show was popular, the whole country watched how russian women were changed from their ordinary clothes into supposedly fashionable ones. taught to walk correctly and paint correctly. vasiliev was the semantic center of this program. appeared on other broadcasts, on the culture channel, for example, or on radio mayakak. he held festivals, gave lectures, read, taught, and became an ambassador of the aristocracy project, created with the support of the ministry of industry and trade of the russian federation. in pursuit of preserving european citizenship, a bright face and the status of a good russian, stylist alexander vasiliev published on the website of visagen self-government back in early march 2022. you, pretentious, like his entire wardrobe, the letter in which he spoke strongly against military occupation, as he calls it, unprecedented ambitions to create a huge empire, our empire, for quote: respect for the cultural heritage of europe. alas, a fashion historian does not always mean an expert on history. of course, in his letter vasiliev did not mean preserving the heritage
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of novorossiya and respect for the russian empire, for catherine the great, grigory potemkin, who rebuilt crimea in the 16th century, he... acted as was fashionable against the north military district, after which, no matter how whatever happened, i decided to return to the show fashionable sentence. so what? no, at first he spent some time in france, a passport that he has had since 1982, and then he began to organize stuffing about his own return to the show. and only without irony, i say, the presence of civil society in russia did not allow vasiliev to return to the country, to the country on its television, amid fanfare. moreover, there is reason to believe that he continues to work in russia, in moscow, they say. russian students on a professional training program in theory and fashion industry in one of largest universities, we will never be surprised if this is so, in a clear iris the lights are not washed away no matter how much you want, eat from my hand, want
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to sing, today at genatova’s apartment yulia will cross the line of mandrak. you thought i was an astronaut, you thought i was a leader? no, my dear, i’m just a pest, a destroyer, of unexpected charms, i want to tell you that you are our first singing cosmonaut, i adore you, he won’t hug you, won’t meet you, and won’t whisper
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meet zhenya, for his people he’s just a soldier, you’re so young, i imagined you differently, kuat decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery. come on, since we often quote today, i will also give one fragment from the memoirs from the book
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chronicle of the heart, published based on the diaries of georgy burkov. soviet outstanding artist. if we talk about where i started, these were permanian hospitals. i was 8.9 years old then, i was literally stuffed with opera. we had in those years a very good opera. and ballet too, then the leningrad opera house was in evacuation, and i went to the opera for free every evening, i could sing any opera from the overture to the finale with all the arias and choruses, but then it somehow turned out that i needed an audience: one boy had such a quarter accordion, a trophy one so german, he played it very dashingly, we gathered as a whole company, well, where is the most accessible spectator, in the hospital, of course, we came to the wounded, and not on our own they came from the school, not from the club, they came on their own. there was such a small team, they played sketches, and very adults, i sang the heart of a beauty, all the other arias in a row, both tenor and bass, any, we were wildly successful,
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never again in my life have i had that... success, they laughed, and they clapped and cried, everything was there, they laughed, they clapped, they cried, everything was there, these guys helped their own, being children, they recorded it, now we are moving to 2023, 80 years have passed, the scene of action, the country that defeated fascism, the capital, the chekhov moscow art theater, the moscow chekhov art theater, the country's key cultural institution, faye, veterans and disabled people of the northern military district stand next to the director of the theater. people's artist of russia konstantin khabansky. this photo was posted by ksenia larina, a former employee of echo of moscow. in her comments , as usual, a portal to hell opened. the intelligent, so to speak, audience, which so often reflects on peace and humanism, again showed its face. the softest thing there is are recordings like poor stanislavsky. blood from the eyes. what a disgrace?
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armless is missing. jokes. audience, and this audience began to write denunciations to all social networks associated with khabensky. in fact, ksenia larina legitimized the cancellation of the artist for photos with people who lost their legs in the zone, that’s what they call it, and this is not an isolated case, yes, after all, the wonderful artist irina gorbacheva is from mariupol, who was glorified by the paintings of arrhythmia and history one appointment, she was friends with varvara and shmykova, with whom she starred in the tv series chiki, but after the start of her friendship
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, their friendship ended. happened on all fronts it's annoying when you choose to live in your country because you love it, and not because it's necessary, i'm not the person who argues that these are right and these are wrong, i always figure out why, why, why, i don’t want to deny, say, like no, no, i’m not part of my country, i’m not part of my state, i’m part of my state and part of my country. i am part of any process that is happening in my country, and i choose to be here and live here, and this , of course, hit me, because well 95% of my friends turned away from me, and you know, it’s not just that the rug is pulled out from under your feet , and they turned away again and again and again because you didn’t publicly condemn what was happening, yes, yes ,
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exactly. you had people who basically condemned what was happening, exactly like that , that is, she chose to live, and 95% of her friends turned away from her, nothing like that in our situation, or look at these beautiful faces from the works of a ukrainian artist , an exhibition at a winery in the center of moscow, we are told that i quote this: the artist’s love for the flagship of soviet periodicals is largely due to the fact that many soviet citizens adorned the covers of this large-format publication... heroes of labor, for some reason in quotes, as all his characters acquire a completely new plastic embodiment, a kind of transformation in the muscular face, a term used by the artist himself, you and i are not idiots, we see on the covers of soviet, and not glamorous western magazines, the faces of russian people, by features, clothing, aesthetics, social art,
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this is... obviously exaggerated, disfigured and lumpinized, these are not faces, literally terrible demonic snouts from horror films based on gogal, a highly artistic mockery of everything soviet was prepared by sergei zarva, an artist from krivoy rog, who is mistakenly called crimean, lives in new york, a cover with an image of our president in the same style he also drew. of course, we can assume that this is true, the sins are visualized this way, and the covers.
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city: not bad, he is not a foreign agent, he never left, he lives in the northern capital. the derzhinsky court of st. petersburg arrested a petersburger nikolai konoshenko, who published on social networks. history, now he has removed this shame and wrote an afterword in which he repented. in one of the cartoons, suvoroy was called general armageddon, in another, catherine i was compared to putin, and emilyan pugachev to navalny. this crap was made with money from the jx and mict foundations, funds sponsored by western
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governments. the voice of the bastard chulpanpan utters the following words: “who defeated all the turks, caught a cold in the alps, who intimidated the names of the harsh half of europe, who is about to be caught pugachev helped the russian guards." let me remind you that zygor and his boyfriend mitis exchanged bracelets on their wedding day, a symbol of neo-nazi azov, i have no other postmodern for you. repented, of course, is a strong word, but his efforts may be defended someday later. in the present moment dzygor and her husband still live in berlin. while others meekly continue their work here. rock singer mara, for example, has already given a dozen concerts in the donbass. in my room there were shards of glass on the windowsill, mara recalls, and the curtains were broken. removed from wounded from the dead. in the forest under kremena, for the sake of the concert, the fighters put together a real stage from boards and the singer visited the legendary tag
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in lugansk, the cossacks dropped into other locations, where our guys are waiting for any kind word. in addition to mary, the group lampasy, group 7b, the group bakhit kompot, the group partizans fm performed and look how they were received.
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we saw that this is what should be heard everywhere in our country, otherwise, as it turns out, we celebrate holidays and anniversaries in ways that are not the most logical and, let’s say, appropriate context. time reason. march 6 marked the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhivanetsky, a satirist and tv presenter whom many love to this day. there were broadcasts and documentaries in memory of him on all channels. replays of his speeches. march 15 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of yuri vasilyevich bondorev, the great russian writer, soldier, officer, artilleryman, one of the world's strongest, namely world battle painters. it should. was supposed to be a public holiday, a national date, instead there was a documentary a film on one of the not the most important tv channels in russia and that’s it, no celebrations, no monument, no memorial plaque,
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idle commentators here were all ears about this, why is zhvanetsky bothering you, let there be monuments for everyone, that’s what they write to me, well, yes, let them be for everyone, but they didn’t give it to everyone, only to him alone, i repeat, overall it has nothing to do with it, the attitude towards zhivanetsky and the attitude towards bondurev is simply an ideal indicator of the point where our media and cultural power is located, i feel bitterness and melancholy about this . this is where skeptics usually come out and grinning they say: why didn’t you honor bondreu yourself? we just did it, and we will do it again. but today we are talking about what our, by the way, warring state is doing and for whom, if... its individual institutions do not urge, do not ask, do not beg, do not push in the back, important symbolic, turning points, i repeat, historical events scale pass, float past us, the attention of the media, broadcasts and covers passes by, what’s wrong with our optics, what
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’s wrong with us, have we really not understood anything in these 2 years, for example, a group of modern writers and poets created a union on february 24, a community of those who do not want to make fun of their native country and do not want... to get out of it as quickly as possible. writers pavel krusanov, alexander pelevin, german sadullaev, poet and military correspondent anna dolgoreva, critic alexey kolobrodov, philologist oleg demidov, writer vadim levental. writer screenwriter olga pogodina kuzmina, literary critic andrei rudolev and others, more than three dozen people, they openly declared that it was time to abolish the literary, liberal nomenklatura in the country. history itself, they insist allies, is pushing us to the fact that it’s time to change the rules of the game, and take the promotion of the ideas of serving the motherland, patriotism and healthy traditionalism out of the realm of popular popular marginalism, they did not call for executions, did not demand illustrations, they simply stated the course. certainly, you think, the manifesto of this union was met with many stories on
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television and many publications, no, in general there is silence. at the same time , the director of the famous subscription bookstore located in the center petersburg, in an interview with a blue eye , he reports about quotes the regime of sanitation censorship, which in russia, they say, has been going on for 4 years. here is his interview: by the way, have you already been asked to remove something from the shelves, have you been advised to remove something from the shelves? no, thank god, he replies. are you? they will receive orders on what to sell,
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we emphasize once again, the head of one of the largest and oldest bookstores in the country , mikhail ivanov, 36 years old, who inherited the management of the store from his ancestors, soviet people, of course, in addition to vat, he is upset that the books of ulitskaya, akunin and sorokin were withdrawn from sale, but he is glad that they were all instantly sold out where they still remained; books related to svo are not displayed in that same bookstore in principle. but all the foreign agents and other icons of the liberal world are represented, shulman, hey delman, antosha dollin. the director himself happily reports all this. we do not sell propaganda publications, he says, by the way, the head of a bookstore whose revenue is half a billion rubles a year. after says: everything will return to normal. at least it’s obvious to me, that’s what it says. so we live, as they say, in a matrix, from which it’s time to get out, if we want to win, of course.
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russian mistake to live widely hope for ovo i wanted it to be deep, but it turned out through, i wanted it to be hand in hand tightly, but not to sew it together, the words soul were not lost, we are related to the word strangling, in a clear iris the lights are not washed off at will, if you want, eat from my hand,
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and if you want, drink, today at the apartment building on this yulia the mandrake group will also survive, everything affectionateness. that the heat in my throat will hide and won’t go away, i really like the game, but it burns painfully, but we’ll manage, somehow, i’ll hide behind it at midnight, just don’t forget, my dears.


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