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tv   Mech-2  NTV  April 7, 2024 2:55am-3:35am MSK

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to become my wife, it’s like so beautiful, i agree, hurray, she said yes, hurray, hurray, guys, congratulations on the remake, congratulations on this wonderful day, thank you very much for oh, this chance to combine, this is to shift a new stage life in construction. yeah, and a new stage in life, further, family, thank you all so much, just from the bottom of my heart, we congratulate you guys, you are simply wonderful, you are simply wonderful , thank you, i expected something different, for me the bedroom is a banality, yes, banality in terms of that there is a bed, opposite a tv and two bedside tables, we will now get used to falling asleep without a tv, but in our bedroom we can lie down and just admire this view, everything is so balanced here. a good
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combination of colors, yes, in fact, so unusual, but pleasant, harmonious, this is the north-eastern side, and it’s a little dark here, these mirrors, especially when the sun is visible in the morning, they will reflect it again, increase this color, well i think this is one of the best i ’ve never seen, everything fits together so well, well in short, it’s impossible to describe it in words, the patterns on the blanket are on a cobra and there’s a stunning carpet, pano, how i wanted something everywhere, little things, but interesting, it doesn’t overload the interior, yes, the bedroom remains calm, but very diverse, it’s super , your project is a very interesting experiment, and it seems to me that we are returning here, changed, i understand that most likely something will be different, so i decided to make a proposal.
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quisi is not enough, method is not enough, what sows evil will reap evil. leave us, comrade lieutenant general, especially dangerous under my responsibility, that the time has come, forgive me, what are you talking about, are you going to torture or inject me with something, about this? no, the country can
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be proud of people like you, kostya, what a hero, what you did, almost everyone wants it, you won’t believe it, everyone, but almost no one has the courage to do this. great, one of your colleagues also said that he understands me, you probably came to give a medal, yes, if it were my will, i would give it, who are you, what do you need, i want to offer you freedom. you have to hand over everyone for me, but no,
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quite the opposite, i know that you won’t do this, because you have become like family, i know how it brings you closer together, skoda, i know, listen, konstantin, “i have a proposal for you, and it will sound only once, i i can’t free you, i’m just one of the poles of power of our department, but i can arrange your escape, i’ll tell you how our security system works, i’ll bring you the key to the handcuffs, i’ll put my man at the wedge gate. steal
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a car, but nothing more, everything else you'll have to do it yourself, and depending on your luck, i can't give you a weapon. i’m sorry, but i forbid seizing it from the fighters, so if they kill you, you yourself understand, this is what it’s like, what in return? nothing special, everything is the same as you did, i’m just going to help you with it now. but it was you who told him anyway. lord, kostyan, what do you mean, you know me, i, i
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stood in front of bullets for your sake, what do you mean, i would never rat anyone out. kostya, this program called everyone our names, how did you contact him? in the hospital he dictated the phone number to me, i i remembered him, left gracefully, got burned on something, they recognized me, i became popular, it’s clear, here you go, what is this, here is a program announcing the terms of our agreement, the sword removes those on...
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“i don’t want to say it, just carry it out .” my part of the agreement and that’s it, and if i kill you, listen, konstantin, you have a big family, really, aunt, uncle, cousins, grandfather, don’t make them pay for their sins, no, guys, what are you doing, yes i to die, i was ready to die, but i was not ready for what awaited me, do you hear me, yes i didn’t betray anyone, i didn’t betray anyone, kostya, why didn’t you tell us everything right away, because i was afraid that you would refuse, of course we would refuse, but we would find
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a solution, what a cap, i have relatives so many, i have, i have an aunt, i have little nephews, do you hear, do you really think that they would kill them? that this general would send killers to them? i didn’t see his eyes, he’s scarier than you, cap, why does he need this? why are these murders? i don’t know, maybe the enemies, no, there’s too much spread of targets, then why? yes, everything is clear, these are those whom the fsb cannot reach, or can, but does not want, what will happen to my relatives now, what
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will happen to us now, you should think about it better, we are your relatives, you have completely failed, you know , what would happen next, i mean? i mean, we were on the edge of the abyss, i don’t know what happens to killers, they are removed, in the end, he would have sent us to where the special forces would have covered us, how could you not say that the security officers are using us, but forgive me. shut up, max, maxim, be quiet, i can’t hear you, veni, take him away, close so that we don’t see him we saw it, we’ll think about what
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to do with it next, quietly, let’s go get it, let’s go, let’s go there. this is it, the end. maxim, do you think that this is really the way you say, well, with this customer, i don’t know, i don’t know, just connections , possibilities, a killer or a team of killers, the least of the problems, why such difficulties, recruit a sword, let a militant go. suddenly he disappears and everything just somehow, it seems to me,
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there is something else behind it, yes, good morning, andrey, as you asked, i immediately, good afternoon. what about the last murder? this guy is crazy there it turned out to be nonsense tatyana, the boy decided to make some money, got involved with bandits, looks like a stupid young man, what? yes, yes, it’s a dead end, this has nothing to do with the sword at all, let’s go have breakfast. “not a word about this in the offices, let’s go, over there, pull into the parking lot,
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we need to move away from the car, why? you never know, if they drive in, if they were driving us, we’ll see, yes, if they ’re listening to her, my car, why didn’t we go then on yours, if yours is listening? mine is even more drawn out, actually this is unlikely, there is
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a 15-20 percent chance of this, but it must be excluded, that is, everything that you said in the office, it must be assumed, is nonsense, of course, have you ever heard of the white arrow, well, who hasn’t, it’s a cop horror story, egorov also mentioned it when we were just starting to develop it. what do you mean that max built the sword based on this story about the avengers from the fsb special forces? you're kidding! this can’t happen,
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okay, but this is generally true, it happened, no one can say for sure, but the fact that this is not a city legend in its purest form, i can guarantee you that, i was still captain, but i remember it all, there were murders, tatyana. there was a white arrow, there was also its collapse, they were discovered, who was it? 12 special forces officers, perhaps they were killed by their numbers, there was no eye to the trial, they were all tried on various other charges, someone shot himself, so what does this have to do with our history? they were all fighters, highly qualified, but fighters, they
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were led by someone, someone who was never found, maybe they weren’t looking for, wait, stop, you want to say that this one is mythical? kill, but how they reached them, how they got inside. damn, orlov, of course, it was impossible to escape from there so easily, okay, but if these are
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the remnants of that very white arrow, why has it been so quiet all these years, they lost their hands. what are we faced with? what's next? we need to work on the arrow, they have information on the sword, let's take them, take the sword. as in the saying about hares, a white arrow and a sword, such sickly hares, mash, please,
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what are you asking me to do, to hell? xia, don’t leave, don’t take away your faith, but if vera were here, what happened to her, do you even understand what you did, but it wasn’t me, i didn’t want it, it so happened, they could have killed us, vitya, but they didn’t kill us, i couldn’t do it without you, masha, i very much doubt that, you had us. but that wasn’t enough for you, you wanted to be a hero, yes, yes, you wanted to, yes, it’s all my fault, kill me now, what should we do now, mash, everything has already happened, let’s yell at each other, this will help a lot, and nothing will help, vitya, i tried to talk to you, but you don’t want, even now, vitya, even now you don’t want to tell me
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what it was, i can’t, so you’re in safety, everything is fine. now everything, it was a mistake, the whole history of manned space flights was naturally dictated, not a single dog was shown, moreover, if you remember, khrushchev even put forward the idea that our socialist state is the derig of the universe, who for a while? good evening, andrey, come in, okay, who is petrov, but you don’t know
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when this is. well, as you understand, i’ll do it, we’ll fly for another year, but we couldn’t call very quickly, because i don’t have phones with me, so then get ready, tanya, you have to help me, ask no one else, leave your phone on at home, leave your service pistol too, take this queen with
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his famous one, and we who were walking below, give me a ride, what kind of car is this? this is a car that is guaranteed to be clean and unknown to anyone, and it is registered to a person out of thin air. i understand that you are not a fan of driving, yes, there will be a passenger with us and i will have to look after him, so let’s go. now we’ll drive up to the clinic, there’s
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a guard shift manager there for 24 hours, who was with orlov, his last name is zhmakin, so i told him that we caught orlov, that he would already know, he doesn’t have such authority, to make inquiries through his friends. he will need a couple of days, no less, this night he will definitely not find out anything, i made it clear that an informal conversation is needed for his own good, well, if he knows that the matter is dirty, then he is risking not only his career, but in general his freedom, if you want to take it out of fear, you can say so, no one will know that he spoke to us, i don’t know, andrey, i don’t think he’s so easy to know. i've seen how skillful you are at splitting people apart, now look how i do it, igor
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olegovich, good night, good, you've been working hard, yes, pash, you've been overworked, you still have to sit all night with papers, so i decided to... have a snack, everything is as usual for you, yes, do it as usually, just pour the first half portion, otherwise you don’t even have the strength to eat, okay, yeah, hello, kostya! “we’ve done everything, we’ve cleaned everything up at the last facility, now nothing will come of us, it’s good that you warned me, well, that’s how to say it, maxim
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kalinin, a living legend, obviously i won’t hear your name, you won’t believe it, but i’m very happy hearing your voice, it’s very strange, because nothing good..." doesn’t bode well for you, i hope you didn’t do anything to kostya, he was just in a hopeless situation, you’d be worried about yourself, you think i’m doing something... then i’m afraid, we are all afraid of something, you don’t even know who i am, and i don’t need to, i’m recording the conversation, you said enough for sentsov to identify you, do you think it will take him a long time? “i would i wanted to see you and talk to you in person, maxim, how interesting, this is not a setup and it’s not a trap, you understand that i
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don’t need this at all, especially since you’re not alone now, okay, listen, tell me where you need to go. move on, and hello, we're going, where did we agree, where are we going? “comrade colonel, i don’t know what he spun there , but he, he just wants to get out, understand, i can imagine what kind
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of fables he came up with there, i generally did everything in accordance with the regulations, comrade colonel, but if there was something there, i would have been the first to report." why did you come here? talk to silence, what are you doing? are you out of your mind, and i am, yes, you, in my opinion, are not, you arranged orlov’s escape, it was impossible to get out of there on your own, no matter how damn lucky the person was, what are you saying, what are you saying?
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hands behind your back, hands behind you, well quickly, oh well , it hurts, be patient, cossack, you will be an ataman, and what do you want? “ask him tatyana, i will help you, major, now they will ask you questions, you answer them better, sentsov, are you crazy, but they will look for me, perhaps, but that’s not the question, will they find me?” us not'.
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tatyana, who ordered you to organize arlov’s escape, we understand that it was one of the higher ranks, girl, don’t be foolish, but what are you doing, what you said, excuse me... did you hear what you’re saying? ? no, don’t, don’t, don’t, stop, no, stop, stop, do n’t, who ordered you to organize orlov’s escape, i repeat, i can’t say, you understand, i can’t say, you don’t know, what kind of person is this, but they’ll kill me, understand, they’ll just kill me, honestly, it’s so dark it’s so hard to see, and in the daytime i definitely wouldn’t miss, now of course
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harder, huh... okay, try a little closer, don’t, i, i ask you, don’t, well, understand, i have a family, many have families, i’m ready, major, i’m out of knives, okay, let ’s continue. but i’m not so good with a pistol, of course, although i’m a fast shooter, i’m not very accurate, okay, i ’ll be lucky, osipov, repeat that, osipov, lieutenant general osipov, yes, yes! andrei
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alekseevich, i wish you good health, comrade lieutenant general, i wish you good health, whatever fate, are you sure that he is telling the truth, maybe he is just making excuses, no, tatyana, it’s true, absolutely certain, osipov was at the scene of krivitsky’s murder, i had to leave it, now it’s clear that he helped them. indirectly, today we will have to stay awake, we need to get to osipov as soon as possible, have a nice walk, let’s go.
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aksim! we are all people, we are living people, we are not immune from mistakes, it seems to me that you can’t judge everyone as strictly as the sword judges, actions can be equally bad, but the circumstances can be different, you yourself know, you’re a little late with this , everything has already been decided, not in this sense, it’s there, you can talk to him, you won’t punish him in any way,
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he’s already on his own... it’s hard to think of a greater punishment than what he feels now. thank you. your husband was a happy man, i'm sure he loved you very much.
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well, tatyana is green, yes, sorry, i got confused. he signaled something,
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osipov was not smiling, although his subordinates said that he was going to work all night today, he had a home address, he had an address. the likelihood that he lives there, you know, with our work, well, as i understand it, we’ll check, where do we go?
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igor, okay, you think i’m lying, i think no, maybe. so, igor, how are we going to resolve the issue? you know, maxim, i have a wonderful offer for you. yes, well, come on, the sword will have a very influential friend, any cover,
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any information, everything will work only for you. yeah, that is, everything is the same as before, will you point your finger at us who to remove? no, you will choose your goals yourself. moreover, i can even become one of you, what are you doing, just like that, you’re clearly rushing things, come on , max, why this hatred, and what am i i did this to you, what did you do, i remind you, you made me, like a dog on command, rush at the one who was ordered, yes, these were the most high-profile targets in... the entire history of the sword, yes, you had such a bribe-taking general , but how can he be compared with a demon? thanks to you, he was a notorious bandit, krivitsky, but what about krivitsky?
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krivitsky is generally a pofios, he was responsible for part of the development of golonas, he not only withdrew billions, he stole cartographic data from the satellite. and wanted to sit out in london and there trade them, but as for this cop tarusov, he controlled the heroin channel to moscow, who are you? why do you need all this? are you doing your work with our hands? who are you? i, it's you, max! i, this is you, who won what was his, lost all his friends, miraculously survived, and for the first time in a long time saw those who are worthy of continuing what we started doing. we , yes we, haven’t you heard that
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there was already someone before you, a white arrow is a fairy tale, a fairy tale, but then a sword is also a fairy tale, even if this is so, we still don’t what to talk about. what you did is not similar to what we do, what i create, you laugh, but in my opinion it’s impossible to even imagine anything more similar, you simply took revenge, took revenge on those who infuriated you, by stealing, by that we escaped punishment by mocking the law, we took revenge, and sometimes you. but i think, far ahead, i think,
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what is all this for, you say, the sword is a fairy tale, that we exist, no one doubts for a long time, and you remained a beautiful story, how many of you were there, there were 13 of us, i stayed one, everything was arranged in such a way that they didn’t know me, it was a long time ago, but... the one who was killed by sentsov was a guy from sasaen, he was under investigation, and i helped him, i gave him a favor, listen, max, i don’t understand what is happening, what’s wrong with you , explain to me why you don’t want to accept my friendship, my help, or maybe you forgot that it’s me, it’s me who’s returned. your friend, we will assume that i did not appreciate it, you
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threatened the death of his loved ones, i would not have done this, you know, i have honor, if you had honor, you would never have bet guy faced with such a choice, i will never have anything in common with such a person, and most importantly, you can ruin what i create. okay, i get it, okay, so what do you suggest? what solution?
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judging by the data that was given to me, osipov’s car number flashed at this traffic light half an hour ago, if he’s not at home, it should be somewhere here, the port is an industrial zone, not his car, three sevens, but no. kalinya, this is kalinya behind him, i don’t know how to walk like that, i’m not special, there’s nothing to do, sanya, we can’t change, we’ll miss it, left, left, straighter, i don’t know how so, i'm an investigator, i'm wearing it too.


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