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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 7, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

4:55 am
wait, let's talk, i'm major egorov, but somehow i don't like you, remember me? wait, the last person you will see in this world, scum, you will die just like her. you will also suffer, the body of a man with gunshot wounds was found a few meters from the entrance to the psychiatric clinic, now the investigative team continues to work at the scene, they have already managed to establish the identity of the deceased, it turned out to be none other than grigory somarin, who for several days...
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back was released from prison, i let me remind you that the former businessman spent 4 years in a pre-trial detention center on charges of a number of high-profile crimes, including the creation of an organized criminal group, although this could not be proven; as a result, grigory samarin, as well as his brother boris samarin, were sentenced only for minor economic violations and illegal possession of weapons, after which they were released straight from the courtroom. it remains unknown what exactly the samarin brothers were doing on the territory of the psychiatric clinic, but from one of the investigators we managed to find out what was found next to the body. tarot card, which may indicate the involvement of the notorious sword group in this incident. bastard.
4:57 am
i pick up five pieces, five are mine on top, i pass, play up again, we sit sourly, 10 uphill, anti? lucky, check it out,
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15 pieces, i’m empty, i’m also in the fold. 30 from above, if it’s not enough to open, i can give it to the show, we’re not on the porch, lip!
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bring 30 pieces, you will count, why, everyone knows that the rebov’s word is true, we’ll open it up. let's!
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wait, wait, wait, i’ll continue on the console, i offered you, you refused, then you left, good luck, tramps, he only had two foreheads, i saw. but now, what difference does it make who had what, shpilman had to be shown it right away, now that’s it, the train has left, they closed it, you have a stray fratern , like a loser, soon there will be a sign on every shpilman from arrival to vladik, so
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what you suggest, he’s probably already leaving the city, what needs to be done, let’s go. you shouldn’t be so upset, everything was according to the law, i just open my mouth for you again, understand? i have read your thoughts, are you
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sure that such a level of control is necessary, that’s right, i’m not sure that we can entrust him with leadership. recruited in the forty-seventh year in the vladimir prison, i looked at his description, and you are sure that he will not get out of control, well, that’s why i ask you to appoint me as the curator of the operation, besides,
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i have a suspicion that this plan has double bottom. which? well, that's what i'm going to find out. okay, work. please inform me personally about the progress of the operation. that's right, touch, general, may i go? go to eat!
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if only you're a sweetheart, thank you very much, god bless you with health and a good husband, i've been giving you five years, goodbye, goodbye, what did you do, a gift, you'll thank me again
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, he left, bitch, he's not going anywhere , look,
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it will be plowed, but wait, i’ll collect it here for you, look, i have here, look, roach , homemade salsa, yes, dried fruits, honey, uncle, willow, look, look, homemade honey, okay , take it, take it, now i ’ll make you a net, so, here it is. too
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sorry , here, help, help, but stop, police, stand, i say, who are we running from, sorry, chief, without misleading, but stop, bastard, oh you bastard, oh you bastard, what kind, what kind of citizen are you , that he was at your place, he pulled the bag, nothing, he didn’t pull, she just asked to bring it, and then why did he run away, he was scared of you, well, just stand there, get out of here before she changes her mind, huh? if i'm not mistaken, you're not
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mistaken, it's me, i'm on my way home from work, bovodsk products, any more questions? wait, let me take you while someone else comes to you didn't want to help.
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who's racing, greetings from lvov, one like a finger, well, great, lucky ones, great, gonta! i didn’t bring the tail, there was a tail and it floated up, well, thank you, still why, what why? why did you let him go? i regretted it,
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how was it in tamboi, did everything go smoothly? everything ’s fine, i just can’t get in, i had to fence off this garden for the kuilyat, agonta! the time will come, you will find out, forget about gonta, there is andrey pavlovich goncharov, deputy director of the city trade. candidate for member of the all-russian communist party of belarus is a completely respected person, do you remember you, dear, how i didn’t let you go for canned food, and dragged you on my hump, and what i promised then, and shingle, sorry, andrei pavlych, i
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remember everything, that’s why i called you, you don’t really want to return the favor. and how much will you put in? a lot of. so many. come on, tell me. there is one person here, a big boss.
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it’s a good idea, yeah, no one will run to complain to me, but what’s my share, half for us, half for the owner, it doesn’t work, i take the most risk, and then i don’t have a gate path in the tomb, my own path. in '47 you hacked to death on vladimirsky central, when he sold the bezon, how do you know, the owner said, look,
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you’ll find out the bullshit. and you abandoned the tambura gang, not because you wanted to beat them up, but because you have no other way, sooner or later it will come up, then screw you, but in this situation, it’s for me. 40% is my last price, when the game, the day after tomorrow, well, look, our players are also not made with a finger, what sauce will i go into it with, the time will come, you will find out, nyura
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zemlenikina, she came to me yesterday afternoon, asked for a jar of pickles, a kilo ... hello, nyura, hello, katya, katerina, hello, i got up early in the morning, i think i’ll bake some pies and pamper my son, and where is my son, someone is sleeping, yesterday i stayed with my friends, and i just dispersed them by midnight, okay,
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okay? uh, geologist, rise, who are you, your conscience, came to ask. why are you such a clumsy piece of shit, you’re crap about where you live, why did you open aunt katya’s closet? so you? and how did you find me, if, if it’s not a secret, your boots let you down, they
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’re only knocked down in the camp with pieces of wire, well, mom, it seems like i’ve been out again, yeah what are you doing, son, why have you done such and such, huh? why are you disgracing me so much, and katya, katya, forgive him , for god’s sake, but he was in freedom for a little while, and why do we need to go there again, good, mother, lament, okay, come on, boss, go, and you, mother, forgive me, and you, neighbor, forgive me, i didn’t mislead you. who did you steal with, were you alone with your friends? the pepper is clear, one, you don’t confuse your friends, they are not in business, katya,
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katya, forgive him, forgive him, for christ’s sake, yura, leave him, god take him off with these products, and i won’t write a statement either, yeah, i’m katya , i’ll work it out, i’ll work it all out, i’ll wash it, just forgive him, okay. so that by the evening i return everything, every bit of everything i took, i will personally check, you won’t return it today, you’ll be jailed tomorrow, i understand, i understand, thank you, boss. hey, dear man, you won’t smoke, silva or uncle, they’re expensive, non-local
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or something, but a tourist, listen, somewhere you can get a hangover in the morning, otherwise you’ve been buzzing all night, your head hurts, that’s how they get a hangover in a pub , here... all night, maybe you're fresh, great, hi, are you late, but kukin is already here for you i asked, why are you wheezing like an old phonograph, well, i grabbed a boat somewhere and laid it down and... my ears are shooting, i have no urine, brother, but you have 39 celsius, no less, you ’re looking at yourself in the mirror i saw, but you can fry pancakes, but what can i do, i’m treating myself with whatever
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i can eat, i warmed it up with honey, and asked me to sit for him, and where is he, by the way, and he went to take his wife to the station, she seems to be in his i'm on my way to the market in moscow, it should be here by now, it seems great, so what, dakukin wasn't looking for me? i was looking for you. let's go out. be healthy. thank you. so, you are the one in charge for us regarding the statement from. what are you doing? what if theft didn't happen? no, this is not theft at all, you know that for people like you, there is a separate article in the code, which article is malfeasance, up to five years with loss of rights, but etherog,
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it’s me, i didn’t know, what is this, well, yours, forgive me, you’ve already forgiven me once , you believed me, you again, i beg fate, don’t destroy me, please, ardently, quickly! why are you here, what is going on here? yes, there’s lyokha, he’s lost his troika, he can’t find him, you should also lyokha lost your head? haven't you heard that you haven't returned from vacation? i haven’t heard, why are you late? yes, the neighbor’s closet was opened, the villains were installed, installed, installed, the neighbor’s boys were playing around, i brainwashed them... and i dissuaded the neighbor from writing a statement, well , that’s right, we already have enough hangers, so go ahead and go to the station, there are two they found the blind people, yeah, rozhkov and kostin are already in place, i understand, well, be quiet, there’s an infection,
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there’s no one to work anyway, but by your grace we’ll put everything away tomorrow, so let’s march home, so that in 2 days appeared healthy, clear, clear, come on, dear, come on, i say, good, so across, good, and then, lick the circle dear to me, today the crayfish are fresh, fish, i’ve been afraid of them since childhood, give it to the fish, hold on, there won't be any change, i haven't sold yet, you'll have to wait
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half an hour. so the corpses are located about one and a half meters from each other, here’s another joke, it means we went hunting like comrade stalin, yeah, comrade beri and comrade kaganovich. he sees three ducks flying, they poured water at the same time, so corpse number one lies on on the left side, corpse number two is lying on his back, well, that means the ducks that comrade beria and comrade kaganovich were shooting at fell to the ground, but comrade stalin’s duck is not there, so corpse number two was discovered by a system pistol. yeah, yeah,
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it jammed, punch the number, write it down, yeah, a pistol was found on corpse number one, also a tt system, yeah, so what next with the ducks, well, comrade stalin’s duck didn’t fall, then comrade koganovich comes up to him and says, it’s all somehow strange, comrade stalin, you shot at a duck, you killed the duck, it’s still flying, a reflex, probably. great, great great, what kind of screw-up do we have here, but about an hour ago the lineman found it on him, so nothing, not documents, only guns, apparently, they shot at each other at night, so what can you say, well, well, firstly, they are not
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local, observation, yes, i’ll say more, both are at least in authority, and maybe even in the law, look at the tattoos, well, what makes you think that they shot each other, the shot gilstas are nearby no, so there’s no need for a duel, they’re shell casings, so what? do you want to say that they burned each other here? friend, but they went there to die, or what? why not? well, the lessons shot at each other, well, the dog is with them, well, not ours, it’s logical. of course, we will decide on that, but as for the rest, let the prosecutor’s office figure it out on its own, of course, you definitely described everything in detail, described it, but the fact is
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that there is a corpse on the back. i remember all this, what difference does it make, then you yourself will report everything to kukin, uh, what’s yours, fresh, like, no, not ours, theirs, you probably need to report everything to kukin as it is, take pictures, general ones and each tattoo separately , now we are drawing.
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don’t change, quietly, quietly, what manners, take him to the roan, and don’t say that you don’t know who it is, and if we don’t take you away, you’ll stay here, lie, oh well. and oh, look,
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he hasn’t done much in the grandmaster, that the laurels of cassablanca do not give rest? what's there? give us yours. there’s some dude’s fraer with them, semaphoring something, why are you sitting there, go find out why they came, do you hear, this guy is asking you there, he’s speaking to the point. what to let in or what? stray? yes, who is he? and was called a fort, he says, news rammed you, beat the nobel, from benya? well , give him here, there hasn’t been any news from benya for a long time, listen, maybe i’ll pump him up first, yakut,
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you’ll pump him up so much that he’ll run away without saying a word, remember, making a person come to you yourself means luring him with benefits , this is a thousand years ago, sun z said, where should you put it? go, i say, okay, uh, come on, come in, our bow to the roan, an hour of joy, and you won’t have much luck, you say, take away the news, there is such a thing, but my news is in the words, well, have a seat. here you're having lunch, thank you, syd, a good guy, despite the fact that he's chinese, but i like the other one better, confucius, what's his name, don't
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be friends with those who aren't your equal, and don't be afraid to correct your mistakes, which means no documents isolet. or maybe they threw it off a passerby, and staged the shootout, it would have been easier to throw it away at the first crossing, most likely they were chasing someone, and then they caught up, oh, there was no concern, listen, kozyrev, your friend chally doesn’t know, maybe it’s his guys' work, well, if i had known, they would have they didn’t find them, one of them was shooting at them... there’s no point in making a fuss, and we didn’t even think about making a fuss, we just decided that you were different from the prosecutor’s office, you need to know the truth, well
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, it’s right that you decided, find out who they are, why the hell did they come to us, but carefully without fanaticism, i will make a request to moscow right now, i said without fanaticism, but effectively. that’s it, go ahead, act, there is, oh, albert, why are you here, i’m on a very important matter, come to me, can you come to me, well then tell me, otherwise i’m in a hurry, i’ve decided to give up my criminal past, it’s commendable, what is required of me, give you a certificate, what kind of certificate, that you are an honest person? you're kidding, no, i understand that i have to prove all this, well, well, you believed me, you didn't bother, i want, i want to prove that i'm worthy, well done,
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i approve, i wish, take me where , to the police, an interesting turn, thank you, interesting topic, you are suggesting a port one, there is no market, but what did you think that i would need it? people told me that they were for any reasonable hipish. and here the point is correct. and from whom did you hear about me? from binishnobel. so the chewing bike spoke for you. hmm, latsik, an authoritative thief, have seen him for a long time. a year ago, at a transit point in lvov,
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he told me to bow that there was something wrong with my leg, and the way the boy got into trouble, he wanted some apples, it happens, well, beni ivatsik is holding on to your authority.
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and what kind of kents? vatsikhlyakh, benesh nobel, who is this? vatsik rules in western ukraine, and benya is responsible for odessa. well, yakut, gontsov came in, let them look after this lucky guy and gather the gang. got it, semyon, my respects, for one little man. he calls lucky, great, guys,
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it was noisy, you know, polina, i know you won’t call me, i can.
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hold on, don’t mix it up anymore, mm, we tried it, and how does it taste? to be honest, it’s not very good, i’ve never drunk oil, especially from the throat, and i just smelled yours, but the smell is wow, you can try it, sorry. like your son, it’s still the same, doctors
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need money for good medicine, but where can they get it, that is, where is it? draw, baby, draw, draw. take it, here we don’t need every penny of someone else’s, you’ll have lunch on... borscht, but there’s no bread, let me go, no need, i’m quick, but i’m not talking about this,
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this is where you’re going, room sixteen, please, a small gift especially for you, straight from the caucasian mountains. and where does this grow? in the garden beds, or what? why in the garden beds? in the trees, high in the mountains. only the bravest horseman can get there. come on, lie. is it necessary to have a number? the best, otherwise i'll go to others. but there are no others. how is it possible, such a big beautiful city has one hotel, you might say it’s also big, the only visitors are business travelers, and the best room is double, on the second floor, with windows facing the courtyard, overlooking the a dump, but clean and quiet, and no
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neighbors, no change needed. “i brought you a card here, you need to fill it out, otherwise we are strict with this, and i say, our rules are very strict,
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hold on, thank you, hello, what do you want?” “hello, i’d like some black bread, please, some black bread, please, here, come on, thank you, that’s enough, please, come again, hello, hello, i’d like a loaf of sitnov and a loaf, okay, it’s still warm, great, what kind of planks do you want, you well, now i’ll give you the dacha, take it, come again, definitely, bubbling, so, why are you rubbing yourself here?" and what, am i on a legitimate break, for lunch? by the way, they called you from moscow, asked to call you back urgently, i understand, thank you, thank you, they are probably already looking for me, go.
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here, this is for you instead of a card. what 's your name? lena. lenusika, no one about me. okay? okay. great, great, hello, duty officer.


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