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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 7, 2024 8:00am-8:20am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zavoisty studio. the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, arrived in the erenburg region; straight from the airport he went to the flood zone in orsk. the day before, vladimir putin instructed the minister. organize all necessary work to help the population. the area of ​​flooding in the city is increasing; as a result of several dams breaking through, the water is approaching a new part of orsk, including the bus station. the authorities called for people to leave their houses, also residents of the sixth microdistrict. in the evening, heating began in the villages of nikel and stroitel. evacuation is ongoing around the clock. in flooded areas they work on floating conveyor boats. people are also transported in off-road trucks.
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institute of the ministry of emergency situations, they work in the most difficult areas; they have already strongly recommended that residents of orenburg evacuate without waiting for the situation to worsen. traffic in the city is partially limited until april 15. an artificial embankment is being erected on one of the streets to prevent water get closer to residential buildings. the mayor emphasized that those who refuse to leave the danger zone voluntarily will be forcibly removed with the participation of the police. governor denis pasler noted that this flood.
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a state of emergency is in effect throughout the region. and about an hour ago it became known that at the ireklinsky reservoir, which is located upstream of the ural river, which drowns orst, they are reducing water discharge. as the head of the region clarified, this allows for a reduced influx. according to the authorities, for residents of orsk. 12 temporary points have been prepared accommodation, many people prefer to stay with friends and relatives for a while; those who did go to the temporary temporary detention center decided to help in united russia. activists bring water, food and basic necessities. we held an extraordinary meeting of our group, at which all points of temporary stay of people in the city of orsk were distributed. this point is assigned to every deputy, every one.
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a successful experiment was carried out in the laboratory of one of the local agricultural holdings. the calf is feeling great gradually gains weight, farmers have high hopes for this clone, the animal should provide the farm with record milk yield. about a new word in animal husbandry sergey pikulin. as they say, feel the difference. these are the conditions in which ordinary calves grow up. yes, everyone has their own square meters, but in the open air there are always noisy neighbors nearby and... cats are ready
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to take away your breakfast, and this is how a cloned calf lives, a single suite by farm standards, here they shoo away flies for you, and 24-hour video surveillance plus its own medical team , they constantly measure her body temperature, measure her saturation, monitor how much she ate, how she pooped, how she peed, this is the first cloned calf in the south of russia, a girl, they haven’t come up with a name yet, 80 kg of charm, although she... it’s not even 15 days yet, the appetite is excellent, we feed her three times, for each feeding she drinks 5 liters of milk, the calf was bred on one of the farms of the progress agro company, but in laboratory conditions this is what the cells of the future clone look like, they are stored for only 7 days frozen, in flasks with liquid nitrogen. here there are cryoteks in liquid nitrogen, in each compartment there is also liquid nitrogen. laboratories of this level in russia, and even located on the territory.
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necessary, we ca n’t clone endangered species, but it won’t be possible to develop the direction of cows, for example, the yakut, wild cow, this is an endangered species, has very tasty meat, there is little left and it is difficult to reproduce, we
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have already received a pre-order, in the kuban with one cloned calf are not limited, they are already waiting for the appearance of another clone from... the same cow, this will approximately happen in september. sergey pikulin, sergey polyansky and ekaterina belousova, ntv, krasnodar territory. seven-year-old kristina from nizhny novgorod dreams of quickly becoming a schoolgirl and surprising teachers with her abilities in mathematics, but due to a genetic disease the girl cannot walk independently; she needs a special stroller that will help her move up the steps, its cost is more than 500,000 rubles. the amount for the family is huge; we can’t raise that much ourselves, but it’s a chance to study. and communicate with peers we can give you how andrey shamin knows to do this. christina has a dream: to go to school this year. four examples, can you decide? so, okay, don’t peek, just be honest. there are seven, she has mastered the capital letters and
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she can crack the examples like nuts. tax. 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 3. cm, 7, 6 + 2 = 8 and 3 + 3 = 6, but there are obstacles that a child cannot cope with without help, these are stairs, yeah, she can move on a horizontal surface in an ordinary stroller, up and down the steps, only in mother’s arms, oh, how good, here, with the child spinal-muscular. recently i was at a concert of my favorite performer. kristina is expected at school by registration, especially since the intellectual child is more than ready, but the school has classrooms on different floors, and
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you still have to somehow get to the educational institution. she'll be left at home with no friends, right? she wants it so much, after all, it will work out for us that she will be able to get there on her own, how many kilograms are 10, at the moment 18-700, it’s already a bit heavy and, of course, i can’t cope with it on my own, but i’m constantly with christina’s mother can’t, dad is at work, and his younger brother yaroslav is at home, he is absolutely healthy, but he is only 5 months old, someone must be with him at all times, there is a solution and... that is, there is a mechanism due to which she will be able to climb stairs and somehow independently manage herself without
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an accompanying person , because the classes are on different floors, so this will be very useful for her, what amount are we talking about? a? 532,500 rub. the charity foundation has announced a fundraiser for such a chair. the device is not cheap, largely because they are made individually, their circulation small, but only it will help christina develop on a par with her peers. how do we have problems in general in principle, this is a problem everywhere, how there are no panes at all in principle, or they exist, but they are all like that, all broken. making new friends is one of the reasons why christina dreams. parents are trying their best to make
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the child’s dream come true, but it’s easy to take half a million rubles on the table like that, despite the fact that only the father works in the family, they can’t yet, well, she hears all the conversations to me only mom, i’m not going to school, i say: no, why let’s go, we’ll try with you, why don’t we go? she says: ok, well, she is waiting for this moment. christina has nothing to compare the cost of such a chair with; she still doesn’t know how to count up to 500 thousand. and the only thing he can compare this value with is his dreams and aspirations, and they are definitely priceless. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, sofia lesovets and evgeny anisimov, ntv, nizhny novgorod. orthodox christians celebrate the annunciation today. on this day believers remember the event described in the gospel, when the archangel gabriel announced to the virgin mary that she would give birth to a son, the savior of the world. on the canon of the holiday, patriarch kirill celebrated the all-night vigil in the cathedral of christ the savior. in the morning he... will lead the liturgy in the annunciation cathedral in the kremlin, and after the steps of the temple he will release white doves into the sky.
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releasing birds is one of the long-standing traditions of this day; they symbolize the holy spirit. solemn services are held today in churches throughout the country. in mormonsk, preparations for the historical an event, one can safely say, of a planetary scale. three russians will make a parachute jump from the stratosphere and land at the north pole. no one in the world has ever done this before. this will not just be a free fall, but also a test of unique high-altitude equipment developed in russia, and this record will be captured by a cameraman from the ntv television company. alexander kanevich met with extreme sports enthusiasts. murmansk welcomed the future stratonauts with frosty weather, as befits the capital of the arctic, but the minus temperature in their case was more likely plus, additional preparation for the jump to the north pole, you don’t want to meet the inhabitants of which, polar bears, the parachutists say, but in case... they are preparing for this, and rockets, and noise, and pepper, we’ll scare away the bear, i’m afraid that
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pepper has no effect on it, the signal is thunder, a bright flash and a loud bang, like a shot, like from a twelve-gauge, well, the main thing is we won’t cause anything to the bear, no problems, it would n’t cause us, in murmonsk future stratonauts don’t wait for the weather by the sea, although from her of course a lot depends, but they continue to prepare for the record jump, even just trying on equipment with all the necessary equipment. the matter is literally not easy, if you count everything, it’s more than 30 kg. together with the parachute system, oxygen equipment, overalls, well, all the accessories, all together, plus fairly heavy shoes, gloves, shoes, goggles, everything is heated, otherwise during the free fall, which will last 2-2 minutes, you can easily get frostbite. behind the bolt is the initial period when we come out of aircraft -55, speed.
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we hooked the glasses on a gear under the helmet so they wouldn’t blow off, yes, but it’s extremely inconvenient because the landing area is not visible, here the bottom shell of the glasses blocks the view down, so i made... these are the brackets if the glasses suddenly they deflate, then you can take it and just put it on again, some improvements, they happen all the time, that is , it is clear that somewhere this is already in the little things, maybe not so critical, but yes, we continue to improve something, we continue to discuss, find some solutions, and yes, something it’s like it’s being done now on the eve of the jump, all this time our cameraman pyotr polikov, the only media representative, was waiting for his jump from 2.5 km, who... was filming the landing of the stratonauts at the borneo ice base, as soon as we begin to get out of
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the plane, how as soon as we fall through, the movement begins, uh-huh, already on the ramp, we start falling, right there in the deflection, uh-huh, i understand, then i’m already doing everything, he was prepared for landing in tandem by the experienced polar parachutist nikolai kozhemyaka, whose arsenal has more 5.00 jumps and several expeditions to the north pole, i never jumped and actually didn’t intend to, if not for this business trip. and lately i’ve only been thinking about this jump, because in principle you can dream of being at the north pole, jumping with a parachute, it’s cool. on the day of the record jump, the stratonauts will go to the drop point on the same il-76 aircraft; it has already completed several flights to deliver the necessary equipment, fuel, equipment and specialists working there to borneo. what russian paratroopers are planning to do undoubtedly a risk, but a calculated and reasonable risk, because this is not a record for the sake of a record. a jump from the stratosphere will help the development of science and, of course, continue the glorious traditions of exploring the north pole, where our country
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was, and remains, in many ways the first. alexander kanevich, artemy chinkov, anton zagorsky, pyotr polikov and olga afonina, ntv television company. murmansk. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. it’s not easy, but everyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on you can check a car before purchasing using scanning vision. who doesn’t have it, through the auto library according to 25 criteria, it’s safer to buy with the auto library on avito auto, the day went wrong, everything is annoying, there is no strength to start the day, i am a prospect, and i am the fairy of a wonderful day, i give you a wonderful day, they come back to me strength, it’s a wonderful day again, a new drug for your activity, prospectus, you have the strength to live and
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8:20 am
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