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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the peak of the flood ahead of flood-affected orsk is predicted to experience heavy rains for seven years. wants to go to school and start studying, together we can help her cope with a serious illness. from the stratosphere to the northern polis in murbansk, parachutists are preparing to make a jump that no one in the world has ever made. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the emergency situation in the orenburg region was given federal status. this decision was made by a government commission, it was reported. chairman, head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander
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kurenkov. he arrived in orsk, which suffered from a large-scale flood, this morning and immediately went to the flooded areas of the city. meanwhile, water is covering more and more territories, and authorities are calling on residents to leave their homes. about 100 people from the floodplain sought medical help, six adults and three children were hospitalized, but their condition is not alarming. my colleague alexandra tankikh is working at the site of a large-scale disaster. let's find out from her what... on the third day of the flood in orsk, in addition, it started to rain, it only recently ended, this is gagarin square, just yesterday there were cars standing here, people were evacuated, now it is all in the water, one after another boats arrive, bring people and set off on the next voyage. yesterday evening there was a third dam breakthrough, and if the first 2 days the water flooded the private sector, today it has reached apartment buildings, roads and courtyards are under water, people are getting out of the windows, because the entrances and first floors are flooded. i’m standing on the roof canopy, which is at
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the entrance, they climbed out through the window, so we’re waiting, rescuer, we are waiting, in these footage you can see how the rescuer breaks into the grate so that the woman can get out of the entrance, she was alone in the house, everyone else left earlier, you didn’t see all this, your windows don’t look out here, and you didn’t know , what is the situation here, this is how people drive cows to a safe place, pee pets, take them out on boats and cars, sit in the cabin there so that you hold the leash. more than 700 rescuers help residents of orsk around the clock. on behalf of vladimir putin, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, arrived in the city to personally monitor the process of eliminating the consequences of the flood. in the region, in 87 settlements and seventeen garden communities, more than 6,000 residential buildings, 9,000 household plots, and forty low-water bridges remain flooded;
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more than 400 people, including 885 children, have been evacuated. over the course of the day, the inflow to the vyreklinsky reservoir decreased, so the water discharge decreased by 500 cubic meters/second, but the discharge rates are still very high. additional temporary accommodation centers are being set up in orski, volunteers are bringing things and personal hygiene products into the water for those affected by the flood. how did you organize this in general? we just called, everyone met, and off we went. water must be delivered to temporary accommodation points; from april 8, all schools in orsk have been transferred to distance learning; enterprises have suspended operations to avoid risks. rospotrebnadzor monitors the water supply situation in the city, takes samples, disinfects and chlorinates water, and carries out vaccination against hepatitis a, a state of emergency of federal significance has been introduced in the region. alexander tankikh works the hardest, affected by the fire in the orenburg region. severe
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floods are now threatening other regions of the country; in the kurgan region , the capital of the region and dozens of settlements may be in the flood zone. the water in the tobol river rose almost half a meter in a day and continues to remain. the authorities ordered to organize a preventive evacuation. in several villages it has already begun, but in kurgan itself large water will come somewhere in week. vladimir putin discussed the flood situation today with the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as with the heads of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. the last peak of the flood is expected in the twenties of april. the president instructed to explain to citizens the need for a possible evacuation. it is important to pack your things in advance and not ignore the calls of the ministry of emergency situations. it is also noted that in case of flooding, you should only drink bottled or boiled water. in addition, the head of state instructed the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs to take all necessary measures to protect law and order property of citizens. in the altai territory , meltwater has already reached more than 120 houses, and nearly half of them are flooded. gardened plots. several sections of roads are closed due to flooding. in the areas of the most difficult situation. mobile
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response teams have been created. rescue teams are pumping out water and strengthening embankments. the water is gradually receding, but the situation is still far from completely normalizing. in bashkiria per day, the number of people who left. water supply in garden plots increased to almost 200 cases of flooding of roads and bridges were recorded. lifeguard use drones to quickly conduct reconnaissance over the emergency zone. the water rose the most in the belaya river in ufa + 85 cm compared to yesterday’s value. according to the results of the 100% count , the socialist peter pilligrini became the new president of slovakia. he received more than 53% of the votes. pilligrini promised voters the norm.
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and i will do everything in my power to ensure that slovakia, whether someone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war. and let anyone who wants to criticize me for this as much as they like. seven year old christina from nizhny novgorod dreams of becoming a schoolgirl as soon as possible and surprising teachers with her abilities in mathematics. but in order to get to school for a girl with a severe genetic disease, spinal. we need a special stroller that will help us move up the steps, its cost is more than 500 thousand rubles , a huge amount for a family, but you and i can give christina a chance to study and communicate with her peers, and andrey shamin will tell you how to do this. christina has a dream to go to
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school this year, four examples, can you decide? okay, but you don't take a peek, just be honest. there are seven, she has mastered the capital letters too. and examples click like nuts, but there are obstacles that a child cannot cope with without help, these are stairs, she can move on a horizontal surface in an ordinary stroller, but up the steps only in her mother’s arms, oh, how good, the child has smears, spinal disorders muscular atrophy, thanks to the drug, constant exercise, the disease does not progress, and if you do not take into account her stroller, then the rest is baptized. christina is expected at school according to her registration, moreover, an intellectual child is more than ready, but at school there are classrooms on different floors, and you still need to somehow get to the educational institution, options, in the end she will remain at home without friends, but as every child
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wants, or it will still work out us, that she can get there on her own, how many kilograms, 18 at the moment? located on the floors, and this will be very useful for her, what amount are we talking about? and 532,500 rub. the device is not cheap, largely because they are made individually, but only it will help christina develop along with
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her peers. making new friends is one of the reasons why christina dreams of school, but the main thing is still the dream of becoming a scientist like stephen hawking. perhaps, if i... am not mistaken, there is one, maybe there will be science, some interesting tasks for her, parents are trying their best to make the child’s dream come true, but to take it like that is easy to put half a million rubles on the table, and that only dad works in the family, they can’t yet, she’s only my mother, that i won’t go to school, i i say, no, why let’s go, we’ll try with you, why don’t we go, she says, okay, well, she’s waiting for this moment, andrey shaimin, and evgeny anisimov, ntv, nizhny novgorod. the economic volume of the russian internet segment has grown 3.5 times since 2019 to almost 16.5 trillion rubles. this was stated by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. today is
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runet day at the russian exhibition at vdnkh. according to chernyshenko, now 84% of the country’s citizens spend more than 3 hours a day on the internet. at the same time, digital services are becoming increasingly accessible. we passed a really long way, we have created an independent information infrastructure and many digital services that have already become familiar to every person, access to the network: it is developing at an accelerated pace, now its share in the total gdp at the end of last year has already exceeded 2%. in murmansk , preparations for a historical event, one can safely say, of a planetary
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scale, are in full swing. three russians will make a parachute jump from the stratosphere and land at the north pole. no one in the world has ever done this before. it won't be easy free fall, and also testing unique high-altitude equipment developed in russia. well, this record will be captured by an operator from the ntv television company. alexander kanevich met with the extreme sports team. murmansk welcomed future stratonauts, as a capital should. the arctic with frosty weather, but the temperature minus in their case is rather a plus, additional preparation for the jump to the north pole, the parachutists say, but just in case they they are preparing for this, and missiles, and noise, and pepper, we need to scare away the bear, i’m afraid that pepper has no effect on her, the signal is thunder, a bright flash and a loud bang, like a shot, like from a twelve-gauge, well, the main thing is we won’t harm the bear, no problem. he would n’t harm us, in murmonsk future stratonauts don’t wait for the weather by the sea, although of course
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a lot depends on it, but continue to prepare for a record jump, even just trying on equipment with all the necessary equipment is literally not an easy task. if all calculate, this is more than 30 kg, together with the parachute system, oxygen equipment, overalls, well, all the accessories, all together, plus quite heavy shoes, glasses. heating, otherwise, during a free fall, which will last 2-2 minutes, you can easily get frostbite, while overboard the initial period when we get out of the plane is -55, and the speed of free fall, accordingly, reduce the temperature to somewhere around -70, equivalent temperature, every day starts with a general meeting, the main initiator of the project cosmonaut mikhail kornienko shows what he had to do after a training jump from 6 km. we scored points on the six. under the helmet so that they don’t get blown away, yes, but this is extremely inconvenient because the
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landing area is not visible, here the lower shell of the glasses blocks the view down, so i made myself these brackets, if the glasses suddenly blow off, then you can take and just put it on again, some improvements, they happen all the time, that is , it is clear that somewhere it is already in the little things, maybe not so critical, but yes we continue, what... to earn money, we continue to discuss, find some solutions, and yes, something is being done, it’s as if now on the eve of the jump. all this time , our cameraman pyotr polikov, the only media representative who will film the landing of the stratonauts at the borneo ice base, was waiting for his jump from 2.5 km. we begin to get out of the plane, as soon as we fall through, the movement began, uh-huh, already on the ramp, we began to fall, right there in the deflection, uh-huh, i understood, then i ’ll do everything right for the landing in tandem and... prepared by experienced polar parachutist nikolai kozhemyaka, whose arsenal includes more than 500 jumps and several expeditions to
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the north pole. i never really jumped and never intended to, if not for this business trip. and lately i’ve only been thinking about this jump, because in principle you can dream of being at the north pole, jumping with a parachute, it’s cool. on the day of the record jump, the stratonauts will go to the drop point on the same il-76 plane, it has already completed several flights to deliver to... but the risk is calculated and reasonable, because this is not a record for the sake of a record, a jump from the stratosphere will help the development of science and, of course, will continue the glorious traditions of exploring the north pole, where our country was and remains in many ways the first. alexander kanevich artemy chenkov, anton zagorsky, pyotr polikov and olga afonina, ntv murmansk television company. that's all for now, go to, see you! at bigfest
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the north-west, the north of the middle zone up to tatarstan, but the main thing, of course, is warm air and temperature. not the beginning of april, right away the beginning of may, but in the black soil, everything to the south achieves its warm results in a different way, under the dome of an anticyclone, no precipitation, a lot of sun, this heating increases the temperature, although it should also be noted that there is a strong wind, it has an additional drying effect, so you need to have taking into account that the fire danger is reaching a very high level, and no rain is expected in the coming days to calm this situation, in st. petersburg tomorrow with rain at night and during the day the maximum air temperature will be +


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