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tv   Mech-2  NTV  April 8, 2024 3:55am-4:49am MSK

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the officer’s word, for the sake of my girls i will do anything, everything about everything, i won’t give offense to anyone, i’ll bite you to death, but what are you doing here, we’re making dumplings, you’re dumplings, yes, that’s actually all i need for happiness, eh.. seryozha, for us to be happy, we need you to be at home at least a little more often, but we are a family, it seems that we have been in an illegal position all our lives, this is the only way i can be calm that nothing will happen to you, as long as no one sees you knows you're safe, okay, stop talking. let's wash both hands, that's it, that's it,
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come on, drop this whole thing, i'll clear the table and set it, okay, let's go for a walk in the forest after lunch, woman, turn off the phone, you promised that oh, so listen, kostya, you don't know where my phone is, no , i didn’t see it, try calling it, i called it 100 times, the dial tone is ringing, no one is picking up the phone, look in the trash, i often throw my phone and documents in the trash, but my trash can is empty, where could it be, let’s start over , in the morning you came, your phone was on the table, i remember exactly, then, then you sat all day
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here, then, and then you went to sentsov, that’s it, stop, sentsov, and sentsov here? no, in my opinion, he was on his way out, damn, call him for me now. inaccessible, i can’t live without a phone, my whole life is there, you say everything, yes, yes, if you find out his address, you could ask the driver, he too has already left, now look for candles, i don’t know, wait, i think do i know where he is? where are you going? can you tell me?
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i'll call you on skype if anything happens. i see, oh, let’s continue, vinik has left, he’ll be back in an hour, it’s me, kostyan, oh, haven’t you left? v i sat in the wheelbarrow, waiting for everyone to dump. we need to talk, kostyan, well, remember, you said about knyazeva, that she gives max money? i’m still waiting for him to tell me and keep silent, but this topic has bothered you, right? and you're not there? no, i certainly don’t believe that max is stealing money, but what does he spend it on? chish, the captain knows that there are topics for which we will never vote, it seems to me that he rules something without us, without us, if he rules something without us, then why does he need us, we are one team, we ...
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store, cannot open an account, unless headquarters, why, well, max has nowhere else to ask someone for money, in short, we’ll find the money, then we’ll say that we stumbled upon it by accident, are you stupid, you have money or something, but well, it’s just paperwork, but the distrust infuriates me, i know, that max is tormenting something, stand. “we won’t search anything, we’ll ask cap after the operation, you yourself said that we are friends, and we should remain so until the last, i understand, i ’ll ask anyway, i’ll still help him, kostyan, let’s go, max is waiting, come, we 'll make something like this together. tish,
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in short, it seems to me that in reality everything is much simpler than we thought. hello, were you looking for one of the teachers, yes, i need tamara gennadievna, she’s here, and... you know, she has a day off today, maybe i can help you with something? yes, you know, a man was supposed to come to you now, he has a son here, yeah, and the last name is, i know all the parents, sentsov, andrei sentsov, son sasha, yeah, sentsov, fsb colonel, yes, but you know, he’s not
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parent, and sasha is their sponsored, so to speak, under the patronage of this structure, wait, no, we’re probably talking about different people. andrei sentsov, a man of about forty, tall, and his autistic son, sasha, about fourteen. i understand you perfectly, sasha grigoriev is an orphan, he has been living with us for 10 years, a man comes to see him every thursday, only this time for some reason he didn’t come. how, wait, did tamara gennadievna say that sentsov is the father? i don’t know what i told you, tamara gennadievna? no, of course, fsb officers are helping us. thank you very much to them for this, but about paternity, you got something mixed up,
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in short, the agent will bring belkov here, start inside, we are for... positions inside the building, blame them, they jumped out, there, chish closer to the entrance, i’m on the other side, kostyan, you’re keeping the road under control, it’s possible that the police will come after them, wait a minute, i don’t understand , but i’ll see the cops’ cars, i’ll tell you, then it’s time to kill the cops, your task is to see and inform, i’ll figure it out, well, look, you know better, max, we’re waiting for some kind of... “we must be prepared for any development events. cap, can you explain properly, in the case of the cops, we are leaving, we will decide on the spot, i would like to hear the details, otherwise we cannot guarantee quality work.
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do you think i don’t understand that this white guy was released for a reason, but he can drag anyone with him, the cops, the fsb, the army, we must be prepared for anything, then why such a..." lawsuit, let’s wait until everything settles down , we’ll eliminate it quietly, no, tomorrow we’ll remind everyone what a sword means, i’ll go to the position and see what’s normal in the wind, you’ll look tomorrow, i won’t have time tomorrow, we’ll arrive early, you’ll have time, that’s it, let’s go there now there must be a village, you see already her? wait, don’t rush, in short, the signal is coming from, where are you from, as soon as you enter the village, immediately say, the sign has passed,
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what kind of place is this, what is sentsova doing here, does one of our people live here, or what? i have no idea, this is the first time i’ve heard of it, and in general , someone may have already cut off usentsov’s phone number. who needs it, have you seen it? so, in short, the phone is ringing somewhere here, within a radius of 100 m, walk around and listen, i ’ll call you from a landline phone, if the signal goes through, you’ll hear the call, it’s yours you will always recognize the call, yes, it’s good, if they pass out, still go and listen to the calls. thank you kosya, you’re helping me out right now, kostya, kostya, damn it!
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come on, come on, carefully, why are you getting up like that, oh, andrey, who is this, this is for work, go, i ’ll catch up with you, let’s go.
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i mean trash cans. it’s logical, tatyana, wait.
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i'm ready, we can go now, turn on the computer. wait, tatyana, yesterday you didn’t let me finish, it so happened that you know something that no one knows, no one knows about the son you don’t have, about your secret a house, a secret family, simply put, no one knows anything about you at all, you meant it, tatyana, don’t be offended. well, this is my personal business, don’t you think so, you know, i
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feel like a doll in your play, i understand why you took me to your group, in order to get close to kalinin, why you had to weave fairy tales about your sick son, for in order for me to give up quickly, that means i offered you a job. in exchange for freedom, you agreed, you could sit down and serve time somewhere in a women’s colony, i i didn’t ask you to shoot egorov, i didn’t ask you to go to a boarding school, you heard and saw only what you wanted. if you want, you can leave the group right now, and as for kalinin,
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i went out to him without you, i mean, the sword fell into a trap, we are going to capture them, andrey, the sword cannot be thrown, they... develop them slowly and take them one at a time, hmm, they won’t just give up, a lot of people could die, there was already such a trap, i didn’t ask your advice, tatyana, that’s all. it’s decided, you come with us, or i can give the command now, and transferring you to another department? i'm going.
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the object is in place, we’re working, what is it,
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let’s go quickly, but where are you dragging me, then everyone ran. listen, colin is here, i understand, let's go. the car is parked, but they are never anywhere, the bastard, he left, and what next? criminal group sword, you are surrounded, surrender, you will survive, i guarantee a fair trial, i repeat, you are surrounded, you have 5 minutes to surrender, otherwise lethal fire, what are we doing, max, to fight.
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andrey, please, you can still stop this madness, people, your subordinates, will die, no, today it will all be over, i will plant soot, i will destroy the mosque. fire!
4:14 am
where is max, i don’t understand, we agreed on 12 for an hour, he’s still not there, i’m calling every 5 minutes, not a subscriber, listen, but we didn’t accidentally mix up anything, maybe the meeting is tomorrow, i don’t know there, it’s just like that they took it and mixed it up, we’ll still wait for max, we won’t go without him, e hello everyone,
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there won’t be an operation, at least for you, it ’s quiet, recently, with irina knyazeva’s money, i created an alternative sword, collected it there finished people, criminals, mercenaries, with them we cleared the city , including poisoning drug addicts, yes cruelly, yes inhumanely, but necessary, and i did the same. because i'm absolutely sure this is correct. now you are all free, you will have to hide. only for you, kostyan, but you yourself said, you’ll come up with something, no one will look for you, sentsov is sure that this second sword
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is the real one, because i will be there, i don’t understand where it will be there, what it is everything means, and all our money is in the safe, take it , divide it equally, and don’t forget an equal part give it to egorov’s wife, live in peace, remember, you... “my closest people, thank you for everything, kostya, i need to get on the internet, i need to look, there’s some information, here, here. here’s a video, video, watch , what kind of war is there? i just got up, i heard, there’s like a sword, a sword, wow, i thought they weren’t there anymore, that’s how wet it is, what a beast, look how many
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cop cars there are, it’s the fsb, moron, that’s the waiting, what did you guys watch yesterday, well, there's a fight there, naturally, what are you doing? andrey, we won't take a living thing, i'm not sure, i only need colinie. the rest is a waste, i understand, we will look, if not inside the building, he may be wounded, i need anyone, wounded, without legs with his guts out, as long as he speaks,
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there is, i don’t know where you come from so much cruelty that i’m in comparison to my knees baby, kills only criminals, you these, as you say, criminals also have families and children, they are not guilty of anything. with those who speak the language of force, only in it can one come to an agreement, i just don’t understand why you need this, after all, kalinin didn’t do anything to you personally, there will be no people like
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kalinin, my family will finally be able to live peacefully and legally. rom, we are going with you, no, you will leave here and you will be in touch, but where will you go, because we don’t even know whether max is there or not, but where could he... else be, he wasn’t there yesterday he even let us get ready, because he knew that we wouldn’t be there, i love you, oh my god,
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wait, wait, stand, no one will go anywhere, did they drive peter’s goal? well, now it’s all pointless, you’re all great guys, but now it’s funny, feathered one, blow for the flies, don’t even grab a bumblebee.
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max, only two of mine are left, dimon and his men are dead, we have to go, stay where we are, wait for my order, what are you, knees, we didn’t sign up for such meat, what for do i need your loot, there are already half the corpses here, this is not the time to splurge , let's finish, let's talk, no, now, what kind of scam is this, you said the operation will be quiet, huh? this is some kind of war already, have i returned to my position, or am i going to shoot myself in the head? and you take a risk, then so, listen here, yes, this is a war, and here everyone obeys the orders of a senior in rank, that is, you are mine, the one who sows panic, the deserter, the conversation with such people is short, we returned to the position, quickly, quickly, i say, i don’t shoot to kill, let’s go!
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cap's calling, so answer, yes, cap, you're on speaker, max, great, max, tell me where you are, we'll get you out, we can move out this very
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second, where are you, what? there is no need to go anywhere, max, to hell with your heroism, tell me where you are, we will save you, we will break through there, maxim, please don’t be silent, kostya, chish, young, girls, your war is over, go home and live like normal people, i love you all, max, we we love you too, don’t be stupid, tell me where you are, can you hear me, i’m begging you, don’t, i don’t care. talk, you're wounded, no, leave right now, close down the headquarters, forget about everything, and be happy, it doesn't matter, max, it's not over yet, we won't leave you, i can't talk anymore, and this is not the end, it will be very soon hot. max, cap, cap, cap.
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is the subscriber's device turned off or out of range? no, we can't leave him, we can't leave him, we have to go, you have to save him, hear, hear, you have to save him, hear.
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yes, commander, are you ready? yes, we are ready. proceed as planned. got you, commander. let's move out. watch dmitry ilyich nesterov and
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his wife tomorrow. persuaded, let's go, please let me go, i'm killing you, alexey ilyevich nesterov, you are detained on suspicion of murder, you are mistaken, i am dmitry ilyevich nesterov, my brother and i are very... it seems that i have a choice, i am authorized to invite you to work in our company, dmitry velgichon refused, i understand, thank you, i’m in prison, as i understand it, some mistake happened, no no mistake, you are accused of murdering your wife and daughter.
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ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb, dismissed. reserve after injury olga yurievna sirova, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner, pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, freelance agency employee, ask, hidden cameras agency. good morning, why did you call me so early? do we have a new client? you guessed it, here, meet me. so, alena yakusheva, 25 years old, a housewife on maternity leave, has an appointment for 10 am, and where is she, well, apparently, she’s delayed, by the way, i
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could also be delayed in time to go to the hairdresser, your hairdresser urgently took over and flew home, and i didn’t call because i dropped the phone in the box. so you haven't lost anything, you seriously, how do you know my master, oh, modern technologies do not stand still, i’m kidding, come on, boss, oh, here’s a client, hello, hello, alen, come in, hello, take a seat. well , tell me what happened to you, thank you for agreeing to meet with me, i see you’re in trouble, what happened, my husband disappeared for a long time, yesterday he didn’t return from work, well
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, yes, let’s see, anton yakushev, forwarder trading company. were there any business trips the day before? no, he had to spend the whole day at the office yesterday, maybe corporate picnic, the police said the same thing, that he had gone on a spree, i’m telling you for sure, anton could not have gone on a spree, especially at such a moment, what moment, did something else happen? yes, our daughter has been in the hospital for 2 weeks already, anton was there yesterday... and he was broadcasting and talking to the doctor, he said that we need an urgent operation, it’s expensive, sorry, it all just happened somehow at once, we understand, tell me, did you and
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your husband communicate after that call? no, he didn’t answer me later, and then i called, he’s not on the phone at all i’ll conclude, tell me, did he return from the hospital to work, no? although the hospital is located next to his office, it’s 2 km away, anton told me that he would first come to his office for a planning meeting for 20 minutes, then visit his daughter irishka, then back to work, i don’t even know what to think , don’t worry, please, we will do everything to find your husband, you can rest assured, thank you very much. pavel, hi, well, did you find out who anton yakushev called yesterday? yeah, that means,
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yesterday at 1015 a conversation with alena yakusheva, this apparently his wife was in the area of ​​aircraft builders street, but that’s where the hospital where his daughter is, so what next? so on at 9:40 a conversation with yuri grebnev, this is his boss, but after that there were no more conversations, and where was he at that time? so it was at the intersection of lilac boulevard and ninth park street, what do we have there? yes, actually nothing unusual, believe me, the maternity hospital, check the video cameras here and there, i’m already doing it, oops, but there are no cameras in the square, well then look, the maternity hospital, there’s even most likely, you think anton went there, why? apparently one of my friends was going to give birth, why else? pasha, bravo, this is simply
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brilliant, maybe you still know who? well, of course, it’s very difficult to guess, but most likely it’s a woman. i'm sending you a video. who else is this? i think it was because of this woman that anton disappeared. pavlik, i need to know everything about this.
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thirty-second week, caesarean section, baby in intensive care, the mother died, i’m sending you a medicine, she died, what a horror, what happened? premature birth caused numerous traumas of origin, of course, an accident, what a nightmare al, emotions , how many times have i told you? the matter is much more serious than it seemed at first. pash, urgently find out where exactly the signal from anton’s mobile disappeared. 5 minutes, do you think anton is hiding here? just think, anton’s phone stopped working. in this area one,
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anton’s boss, yuri grebnev, lives in this house, two, what other ideas could there be, well, yes, he could very well be with grebnev, but we need to check, right, pash, grebnev’s apartment was scanned, of course, himself he’s at home, but i have nothing to connect to, only if it’s a video intercom, but it shows the entrance, all my hopes are on olinka, only she can help us in a critical situation, i’m glad. such a high opinion, look how a professional works, well, boss, i’m on reconnaissance, come on, just no tricks, everything will be fine, don’t worry, yes, i listened, mikhail, i’m at my daughter’s hospital. was, the doctor said that this morning someone paid for
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part of her operation, i haven’t had time to tell anyone that we need money, it turns out it’s anton, or someone at his request, thank you for letting me know, we’ll check everything and call you back, olya, if it doesn’t work out right away, don’t stay there for long, new information has appeared, you’ll need to go to the hospital. ride, yeah, i got it, good afternoon, hello, beautiful girl, what can i do, excuse me, please, but your internet is working, my vision is just acting up. it seems that the entire entrance from one provider is working, hey, turn on the computer,
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check, there is a network, strange, i haven’t seen you before, such a beauty didn’t miss you, you ’ve all been living for a long time, but you know, i only yesterday i moved in, i’m renting on the first floor, and well , everything is fine, fine, well, that means it’s some kind of nonsense, excuse me pash, gremnev’s computer is already working, can you give me an image? now, no problem, enjoy the video for 10 seconds, come in, if anything happens. well, in a neighborly way, i’ll help you in any way i can, yura’s name is kolya, very nice, very nice, goodbye, happy, well done, olya, it was professional, thank you, pavlik is already connecting to the laptop camera in the crest apartment, yes, pash,
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one more transaction needs to be tracked by someone transferred money to pay for the operation of our client’s daughter, boss, let’s... accepted, well, we managed to connect, great job, i’ll give you a picture, well, it’s time to move out, yes, half an hour, we talked to you, i said half an hour, this okay, no problem. i don’t understand what’s going on, where they ’re going, we’ll find out everything soon, call alena, let her come for her husband before he disappears somewhere else, yes, without her we can’t figure it out, yes olya, not service, but friendship, buy me some good strong coffee, good day
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will be long, there is. don’t pass by, only today we have a super promotion from the good fairies, for everyone who wants to be happy, for everyone who wants to be beautiful, the good fairy gives gifts, girl, don’t pass by your happiness, what are you, the good fairy , of course, i work in a beauty salon, good fairy, i invite everyone to participate in our super promotion, here take the flyer, at least look, thank you, but i’m at work, and that i’m also at work, girl, my name is anfisa, do you look like doesn't look like... a person who lies, well, actually, but to me you really have to go, you are in a hurry to pass by your happiness, and you know what biolamination and massage with hot stones are, but in general terms, they won’t know if you pass by, yes, where to go, let’s go, a miracle awaits you , olya, i remind you that the boss is waiting for you, and if he doesn’t wait for his magic
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drink, you will be very ill, that oh, sorry, fairy, no, really, we have to go, goodbye. don’t pass by, only today is the happiest day of the race, the good woman gives gifts to everyone who wants to be happy, to everyone who wants to be beautiful, your coffee chef, thank you, the best of what is sold in the area, as alena did not appear, mm, very tasty, alena has already gone to a showdown with her husband.
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what difference does it make, anyway, soon everyone will know very little about what? i’ll kill her, what does he mean, i accidentally hit her in a company car, then i came here, a nightmare, thank you, i assumed something like that, why didn’t you come home, why didn’t you call me, because i felt bad, you understand what i had to do, i left, see? so alen, that's it, i need to go home now, i need to stop by, where have you gone again, i need to pack my things, to prison, then, then to the hospital,
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i need to go to tails, then, then i need to turn myself in to the police and go, what are you doing? that’s it , that’s it, nothing can be done, no, that’s it, nothing can be done, that’s it, calm down, yana, calm down, that’s it, that’s it, i’ve accepted it, i can’t wrap my head around it, the people who lived were calm, it’s like that here, quiet down, boss, well. ..are you even listening to me? yes, sure. pasha, send me a video from the parking lot near the maternity hospital, when anton brought the pregnant woman there. this is urgent. fine. are looking for, ok, look, try it from different angles,
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thanks for the picture, pavlik, we also need recordings from the cameras near grebney’s office, yesterday from 9 to 10 am, that’s it, yakushevo let’s go home, i feel so sorry for anton, although he’s not receiving... as a man, he admits guilt, i think he is not guilty, why? look, this is a recording from a camera near the private room where anton brought the beaten woman, so pay attention to the car, well, i see, but i don’t understand what ’s wrong, this is anton’s personal car, and he told his wife that he hit the woman on... official car, it turns out that he hit a serviceman, left the woman lying on the road, then
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returned to the company, got into his own car and took her to the hospital, oh well, some kind of nonsense, or anton is lying, why, look, here’s this recording done at 9:10. the following fragment: the time is already 9:30, it turns out that anton left 20 minutes later than yuri for the hospital, he didn’t have time to meet the doctor in his car and change the official car, which means it’s yuri. beat the pregnant woman and somehow persuaded yakusheva to take the blame herself, and anton is not guilty of anything. chief, we i urgently need to go to the yakushevs. i think i know
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why he's covering for the boss. here they are, they made it. olga, start a conversation, i ’ll park and join you, no, that’s it, i’ve taken it, olga, i was waiting to see you, and now we ’re saying goodbye, yes, it’s time for me, i’m listening to you, pavlik, boss, i just found out about the transaction at the clinic, where the yakushevs’ daughter is lying there; he transferred money for the operation. grebnev, well, everything worked out, thank you, pavlik, are you in such a hurry because of a crime you didn’t commit? didn't
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you? we have proof, your husband did not make loskarev fall in love, yuri did it grebnev, and anton is simply covering for him. you wouldn't mind your own business. well, how so, anton? they were driving from the office in one direction, there is an exit to the highway. it all happened before your eyes, yes, anton, but did you come to an agreement already on the spot? in everything with comb. anton, are you crazy? yes, how did you even think of that? alen, i ’ll tell that crest everything now. alena, alena, hello, alena, hello, have you found a whipping boy, or what? al alena, i won’t leave it like this, you should sit, anton, leave it alone, come here, hello, hello, it’s me, i said it, everything is fine, as agreed, as agreed, i say, that’s it, i said everything, anton, what are you doing? what did you think of us irish? yes, i only think about you irish, grebnev promised to pay for all the treatment if i go to prison for it, do you understand that? well
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, think about it for yourself, you and i will never ever get these things together, grebnev has already translated half of it about the clinic the second before after i come to the police from pamina, i won’t let you in, hello, well, well, well, think about the child, well, i’m a healthy man, but i’m sitting.
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i’m with you, boss, alena was kidnapped, a dark blue suv, just you...
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what am i going to do with you, i need it, figure it out yourself, just keep in mind, one more such trick on her part, and you won’t see any money , completely crazy, i don’t see the suv, did we lose it, pavlik, what’s there? yes, i received a video from the camera of the yakushevs’ house, there is a license plate of the suv, urgently look for the owner, already the boss, don’t believe that i have a car, get lost loskarev? a relative of the girl yuri hit, judging by the year of birth of your id, either a husband or brother. pasha, me we urgently need to know where he is now. olya, this is not a comb. alena was taken away by denis laskarev, most likely the husband of this dead girl. he thinks it was anton who killed his wife. well, anton showed up in the maternity hospital. send you. so
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i stopped him on his mobile phone, he turned into a garage cooperative, not far from you, i give you the coordinates, please, please, no, i don’t, i beg you, i don’t ask, i’m not guilty of anything. so everyone should stand, stand, don’t come closer, refuse to stand, don’t you understand, i’m going to burn it all down now yourself, denis, listen, anton is not to blame for anything, i know that he brought my love to the hospital, and then ran away, you are blocking him, yes, but my child has a lake, listen, anton is here...


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