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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 8, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
fuck you all, now i’ll go to bed, sleep it off, i’ll go get married, comrades men, gotlovy cabbage rolls, you can serve, anna dmina, for goodness’ sake, i can’t take it anymore, everything was very tasty, then maybe some coffee, real russian, i won’t refuse that.
5:41 am
so, as an entertainment program we were taken to monte carlo, uh, yes, well, of course, there was every kind of ban on the game, but i managed to play two games of black jack, it’s like our 21, well, how, we lost a lot, and he robbed the capitalists like crazy, bought his wife a wonderful chinchilla coat with the winnings, that’s how much they won, well, it’s a secret, a good coat and a chinchilla in europe costs a thousand dollars. you don’t get anything out of a woman, you don’t want a cigarette, but you know, i’m trying to quit, it helps a little, and you play well, well, how can i say, when we sit down together with our old collie to play bridge, there are few opponents, well , bridge, bridge is for aristocrats, in poker, yes, well, then i have a proposal for you, yeah. to spend time,
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my comrades and i gather on saturdays at the apartment of the first secretary of the district committee, comrade lychkov, but i warn you, all the players are strong, with pleasure, well, let's have some coffee, let's go, just oh, okay, keep it secret, apparently, i'm back at home alone, bored, keep it secret at will, i can call my wife for you, but of course, please, i'll open it, hello, vitka , hello, hello, i'm already back, yes, yes, i came to return a favor, but i got rich, or something, i have a little something. so
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keep the favor, excuse me, we have guests there, well, little guy, you have everything, well , at least something to drink, a drink or a drink, well, well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll carry it, no, no, don’t wait for me today, i have a meeting with secretary rakom comrade luchkov, here you go, guest, you’re not a local, by the look of your suit, but drink up, young tracker. “okay, that’s it, i kiss you, come on, arrange the boys as agreed, and so that they keep an eye on them, wait, they’ll all be in the hut, they’re crazy, they’re yakuts, it’s immediately obvious that this is not katao, at first they’ll play like a joke , he will clean them a little, hit the chargers and they will offer him a serious game, but since no one has a lot of money with them, they will rush for it.
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yes, i’m going, i’m going, oh, twit, did you hand it out again, or something, where your bandit with a card, in the room, yeah, well, show me, show me, what happened, yes, now, now, now, what happened? well, oh, well, here he is, exactly, who
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is he? camel coat, i saw it! i don’t give a fuck, let’s go, i don’t give a fuck,
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i don’t give a fuck, if you eat it, i’ll leave it, no, thank you. you cleaned up your stupidity, as the owners will come here like pigs, it’s sickening, but don’t care, let them say thank you that they were sent to petsunda, and not to magadan, i remember in the forties, we followed one of the swedish embassy, ​​we got an apartment. was born, well, honestly, well, there was a doctor who lived alone with his family, there are no jews, so for they've cooked up a day's work, shut up, but what's this, shut up, he said, and you won't eat, but
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you'll eat, no, well, to hell with you, i 'll get more, so what?
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comrades, let me introduce, my guest, shvernik vasily petrovich, excuse me, and you are a nephew, well, it’s very nice, vasily petrovich, and i’m lychkov, ivan serafimovich, first secretary of the district committee, very nice, basov, ivan ivanovich, director of the city trade, very nice, well, please, make yourself comfortable, look after the guest, there will be some glasses there, please, andrei ilyevich. maybe i'm on wait a minute, how do you like our city? great, who did you bring, andryusha? vanya, why are you worried, he’s a normal guy, he arrived yesterday, he’s going to inspect the trade unions, but why did he
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come after you? and because comrade shvernik and i worked on the evacuation council, yesterday comrade shvernik called me and asked me to help his nephew. well, why are you panicking, vanya, well, let’s play small, why offend the tribesmen, no, well, of course we won’t offend, well, so that this is the first and last time, i understand, yes i understand, i understand, okay, let’s go, they’re waiting, so what? well, let's not waste time, let's get to know each other during the game, and you, vasily petrovich, please, as a guest, everything here is like home, please choose a deck, well... this is great, have a seat , well, comrades, let’s begin, rolling up our sleeves, so to speak,
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wait, whirlwind, wait, if it’s him, no one will think much, we must first get anka out of there. let me call her from there, we’ll determine the enemy’s disposition for one, come on! oh, i brought interest, so i don’t take it from my classmates, come out for a second, what, go out, well, if only for a second, there’s one thing to do, but are you crazy, or what, it’s cold? hi, oh, yurka, hi, are you here, the whole class has gathered, well, not
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exactly, tell me who’s at home besides you, well, me and my girlfriend, we’ll go out, well, come in, you’ll be guests, let’s go, let’s go, boys, don’t be shy , what guests, comrade. "hello, actually kozyrev, kozyrev, well , excuse me, excuse me, i have the memory of a girl, and this is vitya koshkin, it’s very nice, well , imagine, sit down, sit down, you’ll eat, but no, thank you, well, what are we doing with we'll take care of you, gentleman, maybe we can play spin the bottle, well, of course, we can play spin the bottle, but probably another time, but now i’d really like to talk to comrade supyanov, and comrade supyanov as well as comrade lychka.” i have no time for you now, comrade cossacks, yes, they
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are doing a very important job, they are cutting cards, so you will wait until tomorrow, i am satisfied, yes, quite, well, sit down, we probably won’t burden you with our presence after all, we are already leaving, no, wait, gentlemen , and play with us, have a drink, what are you doing, get up, the thing is that we're not really leaving. “we’ve already left, excuse me, i don’t understand something, and i don’t understand anything myself, i’m like a potato gap for you, i was afraid that you would blurt out something unnecessary, let’s go where, to the chawls, this one, and this one, but if you noticed, he’s not there, but it ’s exactly him, why did you get it, why didn’t you understand, then you’ll understand, let’s go, yes, vasily
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petrovich, cleverly in us, comrades, it’s an accident, just luck, but nothing was to underestimate the enemy, andryusha, as the thieves say, they froze, we must, like boys, what do you want to say, but we we were playing with you so... we thought we’d sit and relax a little bit, that’s how it happened, what does joke mean, that is, you want to say that you, no, i don’t need such gifts, take your money, i insist, and in general i it's time to go to the hotel before night, excuse me, vasily petrovich, please stay a minute, you... in what rank did you finish fighting? promoted to lieutenant, but what does it matter? you see, and
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according to these times, major general, sit down, please sit down, sit down, so i order you to take this money, we lost, we lost, we are adults, we must be responsible for our actions, take the money, this is an order, take it, like this, but if it’s an order, what else? “i want to tell you, vasily petrovich, i want to offer you to play like adults, you know, well, of course, i understand, i’m not a fool, i’m just afraid my winnings will be enough for a couple of hands, i’ll lend you, if you allow, 1.50, that’s enough, i don’t know how much is that enough? my uncle and i will bridge for the night, three times for two, if it works out, and if it doesn’t
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work out, then a little less, ok, i’ll lend you 200, but only if necessary, i’ll write receipt, and my uncle can certify it over the phone, so why would we bother a respected person? well, let's move to our house for the real game? well, everything is in order, honey, take a little walk,
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we’re having a serious conversation here. and bring a cold beer, uh-huh, the beholder’s house has been found, who is some kind of roan, they say an authoritative ular, in law, and why there are so few people, everyone else is already here, now you definitely won’t leave me, roan, lad, i know the roan , we had a family affair at the bottle, he’s not a lawless person, maybe i’ll go with him first i'll bazaar, i'll bazaar?
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we need a gun arseny robok, if you say too much, i’ll kill you, got me, hot spot, today 20:00 on ntv. yes, i really don’t understand what the market is about, guys, at least cut it, you know, mishanya, sometimes it seems to me that you didn’t come from a monkey, from a cow, you’re
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slow to think, but i still can’t understand anything, how lucky, what game, cards, tell me, come on, tell me. let's have some fun, okay, listen, you're hiding your sidekick, the fort, from the looking tambov rebov, who is terribly offended by him, but for now your aprons are buried, you decided to use it as a catala, really, what ’s the point of sitting out your pants in vain, i don’t know how you brought him out of soupyan, but i know something else, at the moment the fort is stripping soupyan, lychkov and a couple of other of ours into cards local bigwigs, they won’t run to complain, that’s a fact, but if everything comes to light, tomorrow you and all your codla will go straight to magadan, believe me, not flatcars, mikha, where are you from about rebov, from pavlivker, yesterday at the station, yes, i know, and about the station, about the hotel, about ribova, where it’s from, that’s all
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his people, they came for luck. i can’t get my favorite shade to look like a chinchilla, he says, where should you wear it in our wilderness, just to attract attention, there’s our guest, a visiting guest, well , he brought it to his wife from europe for a thousand dollars, but what, listen, how much is it for us? in moscow on kalininsky in a second-hand store for 100,000 i saw a miser, but not a miser, smart, quiet, oh, my beloved has arrived, we’ve played enough, uh-huh.
6:00 am
well, it seems my fur coat is under great question. this one seems like a no-brainer, let's go ahead.
6:01 am
well, since then he has had a grudge against me, and at least the congressman decided that i was right, but can you explain to this dubalum, and you picked caudla from the same ones, i don’t understand something, are you afraid of him, or what? i’m not afraid for myself, but for the good of the thieves, after five blind man’s buffs. the surf won’t repair the analysis, come here from kodly, the fight won’t suit you, don’t feed the cop bread, let the lads shoot one more time, and most likely the lad is already here, well, pavlivker, but the strategist, he deceived everyone, put everyone in numbers, and i’m a fool too, from the very beginning he played this whole game with lucky like corselov with pipe, i don’t... how is this a fort distraction, he removes you with his hands, a massacre begins, and he quietly cleanses out yours and strangers, the only thing i don’t understand
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is why he brought me to the fort, but he didn’t bring me out, i accidentally copied it, that’s also true, or he really wants to win me over to his side, like how much i trust you, but if the rebbe is in the city, he’ll soon be here, what about me? there’s no way to run away from him, it’s not a concept, listen, bear, try to talk to him, stall for time, but while he’s running after yours, yes, let’s fly, well, let’s go, let's fight, let's not fight too much, look, look, in the closet. well, you give it,
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it’s enough, what is it? yeah, for an hour in joy the boy, what kind of destinies, but you don’t know where, i’m sitting at home, not bothering anyone, i go out before the wind, bah, the guy himself with all his lads with bagpipes, great, lads, bastard, and five boys each ruined the lawlessness, and now you’re grinning, i’ll ruin it, “quietly, brother, on the spot, don’t twitch, lip, you know i
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don’t like stupid blood, let’s splurge in a smart way, let’s splurge. true, it’s even somehow awkward, so big winning for the first time will be what should i tell grandpa kolya, andrei ilyevich, it’s okay if i return the suitcase tomorrow, yeah, well, comrades, thank you, good night to you, but what about me, what are you doing? who brought him here, motherfucker, who offered him a big game elinkhaur, he wanted to return the money, but why refused, you’re playing at nobility, gentlemen, motherfucker,
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wait, wait, wait, that’s how much he heated us up, i just 250,000 of mine here, i’m 200, i’m borrowing 200 of mine to 200, but why? didn't he give them to you right away? somehow i don't i remembered, yes, where will i go? listen, andryusha, did you say he was staying with you? well, why did he leave alone? where? well, a hotel, probably, what kind of hotel? was it bombed to smithereens last night? comrades, don’t you think that... we’ve all been deeply and seriously fucked here.
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where is my escort 10 minutes ago they fell apart as if scalded, you can see.
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there will be no shooting, we’re smoking, you’re waiting for uncle yoru, that’s how things are, lip, they made us look more colorful, like a rabbit, we would crumble. he played cards, they counted you, not them, but ribov, but what do you think to do, lip? tomorrow we’ll bury and leave, i’ll explain everything to the lads, and you can confirm how
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simple everything is for you, what do you think? managed to push heads together, so it all ended, or what? no, guys, the machine is running, and if you don’t stop it, then tomorrow you won’t win, they’ll bury you with him, stop shooting the lads, we need to stop this chaos, i wonder how you’re going to stop it, how we’ll set up an ambush for the kgb officers here on drunken grief, boys and guns, that's enough, dying like this with music, what are you doing, roan, come to your senses, that's it, step, goose, i say i said i won’t give you the back, any meeting will acquit me of...
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are you offering me a choice now? that’s exactly the trump, choose. listen, there are soldiers in trucks pulling up, dacha lieutenant colonel, so far it’s quiet, what? let's unwind, you have the address.
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sha bros, we're making fun of my go-ahead, you see, and you were worried, uh-huh, everything is going much better than it might seem, so let's start, take positions, take positions, behind me. well, what have you decided, trump? sorry, i can't allow this. okay, you 've made your choice. alegavy, he is alaskan. what, he not one of yours, or what? he’s on his own, don’t
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shoot, the police, comrade pavlivker, this is captain kozyrev, the criminal investigation department, don’t shoot, what else is he doing here, drag him here. bring him, stop, hands, let's go, so what does that mean, we can talk in private, talk, wow! beauty, there are so many lemons and hooks here, but it’s been a long time since you held such a jackpot in your hands, by the way, you promised to tell me
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why the owner needs a massacre among the gang, and because the owner is trash, he covers two birds with one stone, and in front of the authorities they will listen and cut off the money , guessed it? why are you so yours? are you setting up your buddies? no, i ’ve made more friends, that’s how i play with toys, the ties don’t count. you are now playing not as a thief, but as a fraer, and a fucked up fraer, what ’s changing? and the fact that it’s not a sin to cheat a fraer. don't joke, lucky guy. the owner will get you out of the ground, and he will look for me anyway, i threw the garbage, everything is fair, even the chalum will have nothing to show me, on the floor, what, you
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fartal, could, bitch, that's it, that's it, that's it, everything, to each of us. something of our own, honor, memory, present and future, dear sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we don’t throw words to the wind and don’t abandon our own, join yours, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt,
6:14 am
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of the sea of ​​okhodsk, another from china will bring rain to the south of the khabarovsk territory, to the north of primorye, then to sakhalin, another rainy zone near lake baikal, the amur region on the sunny side, but everyone gets warming. in siberia , on the contrary, the temperature is dropping, in the irkutsk region it will become colder by 5-8° precipitation, in krasnoyarsk, despite the sunny weather above +5, only in the south of western siberia, in the urals cyclones will add a little heat in omsk, +10. in tyumen +6, but rain is inevitable. a series of cyclones is moving across the north of european territory, there is precipitation, in the north-west in the center, echoes in the form of small rains, but the main thing is not this, that the cooling period is ending. it will get warmer quickly in the coming days. today in pskov it is +17, in tver -15. in the south everything would be fine, warm, sunny, but the strong east wind cannot be discounted as a fire hazard. in in st. petersburg today it’s +13, in moscow it’s already +20, windy is possible. light rain, you
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are suggesting to me to cancel the operation approved at the very top, i understand you correctly, correctly, well, on what basis, on the basis that the fisherman is dead, he marked with his guys and agreed, there will be no massacre in the city, well, this is not the basis , although of course it’s unfortunate. after all, they are all here now, on a drunken mountain and they have nowhere to go, but it’s not difficult to find a reason to cover them all, there was a desire, and i have a desire, i’m for one night i will do what your valiant police could not do for god knows how long, i agree, i disagree, and why so, but because this is a provocation and lawlessness. why are you better than all these criminals then? is that how you
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started talking? that he felt sorry for his boyfriend, right? well, you’ll have to report this to your superiors, yes, well, you, you’ll sit in our bullpen for now, and you’ll also report about the lucky one and the big game. and about how he divided up very respected people in a card game, if the comrades of the lychkov supyans find out about this, they they'll mix you with crap, okay, where is your bullpen, lead the way, get out.
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first squad to the car yakut, take the guys away, the concert is cancelled, i understand, york, that's it, lads. wow?
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hey, who are you, what do you want? nothing, i’ll see you here again, i’ll kill you, i understand, i understand, run away from here, i understand, chief, run,
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well, everything’s fine, there won’t be a war, well , thank god, and the fort man left? he left, he doesn’t look like an idiot, you can feel the breed in him, the intelligentsia, women fall in packs like that, you know, if i were him, i wouldn’t leave the city, but would lie down with some cupid, a day in the morning, and then calmly, comfortably, and
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leave, there’s definitely no one else in the hotel, what’s going on, otherwise i’m calling, you know, i’m calling, what happened, no, i can’t hear, i don’t understand, but tell me, i made a loud noise and car.
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they say it’s true, you can even dress up the thieves in an afrak, or even put chypor on his soul. anyway, it will stink, navat is with you, i told you, you had to wet it after the game, why are you sitting down, let’s untie it, well, yes, excuse me, take your time, i say, bazhenin, are you here? yes, honey, i'm here. surprised? what comes out? it turns out that the entire operation with fartov was under my control. it was i who recruited him in
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'47. and your operation initially smacked of adventurism and i asked management to appoint me. they don’t inform you, hand over the gun, calm, calm, lieutenant colonel, what’s going on here? he came up with it all, yeah, i’ll tell you everything.
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why did you come? for you, i can’t leave, i was almost fired anyway, i’m firing you, consider that you’ve retired, but i can’t stand such a life, i want a family, i want a house, i i want children, this is impossible with you, i’m sorry , please leave. hands, hands, i said. no, no, please, i tied ligavoy for you, you give
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your word that you will forget about her, about her yes, about you no, well, it’s always, please, quietly, desk officer, straighten out your hand, i would gladly promise to deliver it to you intact. let's go, don't twitch, we need help, thank you, comrade!
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6:30 am
we wish you the best morning. next in the program. we are clarifying the details of the emergency. we are surprised by women's abilities in the first gear. on ntv program an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. a former policeman obsessed with revenge will be tried in the krasnoyarsk territory for repeated attacks on a local resident. the ex-policeman was not immediately detained. the singer for a long time could not understand why his life began to be in danger, the fatal meaning of the phrase revenge is a dish that is served coldly.


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