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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 8, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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if they tell you to evacuate, please evacuate, thereby leaving us with less work. 39 russian regions remain in the flood zone. it’s the fourth day of flooding in orsk, evacuation continues, new temporary accommodation centers are opening, alexander tankikh is working on site, live broadcast in a few minutes. fierce battles continue for belogorovka about the interaction of advanced assault detachments and artillery of the seversky direction, report by alexey ivliev. how
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to recognize a real lady and what is the waiting period anyone who is wrong about the dangers of the new bill, inciting hatred for john rowling and other inhabitants of scotland, elizabeth hertzson. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bektereva studio. in the orenburg region , the scale of flooding is growing; the second elshanka river has overflowed its banks. the water level in the ural river this morning began to gradually decrease, according to the authorities of orsk, now it is almost 9.5 m. the peak of the flood in the region is expected next wednesday, the city is already flooded more than 6,000 residential buildings, more than 2,000 people were evacuated, many were sent to temporary accommodation centers. our correspondent alexander tankikh works there now, and she has direct contact with the studio. sasha, hello, please tell me people continue to be at the point. what do they say, did they manage to
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pack any things with them? yes, yul, now i am near one of the temporary accommodation centers, their number has been increased because more and more people are forced to leave their homes, there are still 50 free places left here, so we are ready to receive people, some have been here since the first day of the flood, some have arrived recently, there was water at the sixth school, so we began to pack our things. we already had an evacuation car in the morning, there was a siren. not very exciting, of course, but the most important thing, but there is somewhere to sleep, at least it’s ideal, we talked with a resident of orsk, natalya, her house is completely flooded, she and her husband moved in with relatives, now her husband is helping to evacuate people by boat, and she herself comes to the humanitarian aid point every day. to sort things and
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give them to people, i want to provide at least some kind of help to people, so that not only, but people also need help, there are situations that are much worse than people’s, than ours, for example, volunteers at a temporary accommodation center children's clothing, clothes, and various personal hygiene items are delivered, and three meals a day are provided. in general, all the girls here are great, we’ll be afraid to cry later when we return home. well, we don’t know, we know that there is water in the house, what is there and how, but the evacuation continues, the rescuer is asked not to ignore the alarm and prepare for evacuation in advance.
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there are boats everywhere on the streets of orsk, rescuers are driving around courtyards, taking away those who were unable to leave their apartments earlier, pulling people out of canopies , helping them get to land, people are being carried in their arms, help is often needed for disabled elderly people, there are no words to describe anything, we are in - first of all, since 4 in the morning we can’t get through to anyone or anything, my mother is bedridden, this is generally just terrible, i’m on these, god, what’s their name, on sedatives, i’ll drink there it takes an hour or two. i’m shaking again, the administrator of the sanatorium, nadezhda martenenko , went on duty when the territory was not yet flooded, the patients and the rest of the staff left earlier, the most important thing i heard, just like that, it rises, it rises, it went straight to our building, right there, well, probably in a matter of minutes the whole place was filled, as his basement began to flow from the basement into the territory, there was no way for her to even open the gate, so the rescuers immediately... managed to get to
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porch, she had to spend the night in a de-energized building, rescuers brought a rubber boat with them, and the woman was taken to shore. this is the new city area, cars are flooded here, the entrances are flooded, the first ones are flooded. floor of houses, but some people still remain in their apartments and do not evacuate. according to rescuers, many do not pay attention to the alarm, ignore calls to evacuate, and remain at home in the hope that the water will not reach them. if they tell you to evacuate, please evacuate, thus, you will leave us with less work, or you will leave us with the work that actually needs us, these are sedentary people. we will take them out, we will save them. emergency situations ministry specialists often work without rest, without interruption, but they are there.
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food is distributed to those who go out to respond to calls, the evacuation does not stop, the threat spreads to new territories, people take the most necessary things and get out of dangerous places, well, i can tell you about my mother, she naively thought that she could sit for 2 weeks at home, even if the water will do, but when now...
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compared to the influx of 2170, of course, this is a serious drop, but these are still critical numbers, and in order for us to see the result, of course, there should be another decrease, we we are expecting this, we hope that now the peak of the flood has passed, but here the situation is complicated, we are assessing this situation, i want to say, yes, here it is developing ambiguously, there is a threat of flooding of the forestry village.
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there were accommodations for 1340 people, but they arrive, we deliver beds, we immediately have not everything was there, there were only mats and mattresses, but as of today we have already delivered 500 beds, we will bring in another 800, we will arrange places, provide hygiene products, three meals a day, five meals a day for children, which means, well, this is the situation, we are rolling out additional ones, because we understand that further influx is possible, but what is the situation with drinking water?
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not critically, well, they write that the peak of the flood will be only in 2 days, what water level do you expect in principle, if i’m so careful i want to say, we have approached it, yes? because as i said, our discharge of serecla has now noticeably decreased, and we expect that this will affect the level in the city of orsk, but for now the situation is difficult, thank you, the mayor of the city of orsk, vasily kazupitsa, was with us live. the flood situation is becoming more complicated in other areas; according to the ministry of emergency situations, 39 russian regions and almost 700 houses remain in the flood zone. suffered, a state of emergency was introduced in one of the districts of the kurgan region, local authorities reported this. the water level in the
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tabol river has risen sharply. because of this, flooding threatens several villages at once. residents are urged to evacuate in advance and remove valuables, furniture and equipment. temporary accommodation centers are being set up on site; there will be more than seventy of them. according to forecasters, the flood will come to the kurgan region in the next few days. but in the samara region. the elements began to recede, over the past 24 hours the water has left more than 160 houses, the situation in the altai territory is stabilizing, where rescuers have already erected almost two dozen temporary dumps and pumped out water from hundreds of areas. russian the military destroyed the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system on the territory of ukraine. the nationalists fired at the belgorod region from this weapon for several days. the equipment
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was blown up along with its ammunition, and warehouses with ammunition and fuel were also hit. in the southern donetsk direction, the su-34 crew liquidated the militants’ command post. the pilots used high-explosive bombs with a correction module; they can be used to strike without entering the affected area of ​​enemy air defense. aviation supports the advance of our troops to other directions. there is a sentry on the outskirts. placed on a hill, the attacking units were in full view, and here in the chalk quarry
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the ukrainian nationalists dug in, hoping to create an impregnable citadel, our army had already taken these heights, back in forty-three, they came from the rear, surrounded the enemy and destroyed the fascists, now this has to be done again, 4580. having worked on the enemy, the hail seems to dissolve in the air, and the turn of self-propelled guns comes. please note how powerful and reliable this acacia is; even large kamikaze drones are now available to the crew not scary. here, just like in the calculation of the rszz, all people come from donbass, miners who took up arms to protect their land. if you need to suppress enemy infantry, then that is our infantry. requests support, we immediately jump out to work, because this is the support of our comrades, there
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are also our acquaintances who served with us and joined the infantry. it is from belogorovka that the cities of the lpr are being shelled; in a matter of minutes our artillery is ready to jump out of cover and begin a counter-battery fight. now the crew of the girl, as the fighters affectionately call their acacia, will fire three quick shots at belogorovka and after. objective control footage confirms that the target has been hit, miners are also working here, most of them have been fighting since 2014, but despite the accumulated fatigue, they say that they will definitely push the enemy behind.
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as well as egypt, qatar and the usa. as middle eastern media reported, citing their sources, all parties made progress in the negotiations, they came to a consensus on the main points of the agreement, although for now none of the delegations officially confirmed this information. representatives of the palestinian movement left cairo, but promised to return within two days to agree on the terms of a final agreement. judging by media leaks, the proposed truce in the enclave includes. a deal to exchange israeli hostages and palestinian prisoners, as well as the return of those forced to flee their homes in gaza. meanwhile, the situation in the combat zone remains tense. the israeli army said it was preparing for an operation in rafahi, which hamas calls the last stronghold. this settlement is located on the border with egypt, where
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humanitarian aid comes from. now there are many refugees in the city, which is why the un called on the authorities of the jewish state not to proceed to... shelters or in tents on the streets, they are experiencing an acute shortage of food and clean water, according to charities, residents of some areas have to survive on an average of 245 calories per day a day, which is less than what is contained in a can of beans. behind the action the israeli army is being closely monitored in the white house, john kirby said. according to him , washington has no plans. the secretary general of doctors without borders disagrees with israel's explanation
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of what happened during the attack on volunteers of the humanitarian organization world central kitchen. he lost. staff in gaza, like other humanitarian organizations, more than 200 people died, listen, what happened to the workers of the world central kitchen, convoys and shelters of doctors without borders is part of the same patterns of deliberate attacks on humanitarians, medical workers, journalists, un personnel, schools and homes, we are talking about impunity, about complete disregard for the laws of war, and now it is time to talk about accountability, we understand their frustrations, we share this disappointment because... israeli operations have killed too many aid workers. the conflict resolution process matters because there is already a connection between aid workers and the idf. and he said this it's pointless, it doesn't work. we are clearly, we are clearly, obviously this is a failure. the heads of the foreign ministry of oman and
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iran spoke about the situation in the middle east. tehran has said it will launch a direct attack on israel unless the us guarantees. slow ceasefire in the gaza strip. according to media reports, this will be a response to the attacks on the iranian consulate general in damascus, which were carried out by the israeli air force a week ago. the seriousness of tehran's statement was confirmed by the iranian media. the day before they published data on nine types of ballistic missiles. according to journalists, they are capable of hitting any targets in israel. the world leader in civil aviation, booing, is facing growing problems. another accident happened in the usa with a plane flying from denver to houston. shortly after takeoff , the engine casing came off. the plane had to turn around to the departure airport. emergency messages about accidents with boeing aircraft arrive several times a week. the wheels of airliners fall off, the landing gear breaks, instruments fail and even the doors fall out. at the end of march, amid
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a series of scandals due to constant breakdowns , boeing management announced that he was leaving the company. and a couple of weeks before this , a former engineer of an aircraft concern was found dead; it was he who was the first to openly talk about the defective spare parts and was a key witness in the flight safety case. as part of the trial, the company underwent inspections. boeing failed a third of them. during one , it turned out that liquid soap was used instead of lubricant for parts. u russian companies have encountered new problems with international payments. money began to flow to kazakhstan much more slowly, the time frame reaches 3 weeks. further business news with us marina pimenova. marina, that’s what this might be connected with, because kazakhstan doesn’t seem to be on the list of countries unfriendly to us. yes, yul is really not included, but kazakh banks are afraid of secondary sanctions, just like the banks of turkey, the emirates and china.
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payments from russia to kazakhstan have become much slower. deadlines are coming up to 23 weeks, the izvestia newspaper learned about this. nikolai dunaev, vice-president of the business association support of russia, adds that some local banks have refused to work with russia altogether. for example, the largest bank in kazakhstan, halyk bank. according to nikolai dunaev, the dollar. payments have been pending for a long time, but now problems have begun with transfers in national currencies, including because kazakhstani banks are trying to protect themselves as much as possible from secondary sanctions. oleg abelev, head of the analytical department of the investment company recomtra, adds that due to external restrictions, many russian companies began to open accounts and representative offices in kazakhstan in order to make payments with the rest of the world, but now kazakh banks have begun to conduct in-depth checks. at the end of december. us president joe biden signed a decree according to which banks that help circumvent sanctions against russia or participate in transactions for its military industry may be subject to sanctions. after this,
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news began to arrive that payments from russia were having problems, among other things in banks turkey, emirates and china. this morning, the russian stock market is trying to continue its growth, which it stopped on friday, and although oil is now cheaper by one and a half dollars, the market is being helped by rising shares again. getters. the ruble has no idea what to do since monday morning, the dollar is 92.52, the euro is 1.19. in the twenty-third year, cellular operators were able to import base stations and their components to russia by 15% more than a year ago. the kommersant newspaper provides customs statistics. we are talking about receiving miners and radio units. mostly purchased telecommunications equipment from huawei, ericson and nokia. all three stopped supplies to russia after. the beginning of events in ukraine. now the goods are being parallel imported. at the same time, if we take it in monetary terms, imports increased by 56%. the interlocutors explain this by the fact that
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telecom operators previously had large volumes and long contracts, and now they buy at retail, and besides, according to them, now a used one costs much more than a new one used to cost. sources add: commissions have increased, transportation costs have disappeared discounts. according to one of the interlocutors , old stocks and imports. supplies are sufficient for immediate needs. julia, everything about economics. namarin, thank you, it was marina pimenova with business news. in the uk, there is heated debate about a law passed by the scottish parliament. they introduced criminal liability for offensive behavior towards members of transgender sexual minorities. now any objective criticism, including the use of incorrect pronouns, becomes a crime. motivated by hatred and is punishable by prison conclusion, and although the scandalous law does not apply to the entire territory of the kingdom, it was commented on by politicians and world celebrities. elizabeth
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gerson listened to them. the hate crime act in scotland came into force on 1 april. this turned out to be no joke, and the news made an impression far beyond britain. even elon musk, who has more subscribers than the population of scotland, perked up. he reminded how important it is to protect freedom of speech. a rally was held outside parliament in edinburgh in support of both freedom of speech and common sense, because according to the new law, anyone who makes a mistake in a substitute when communicating with a transgender person can go to prison for 7 years. i want to order a t-shirt with the slogan. the most dangerous thing in scotland is to say what you think. writer john rowling responded to this news with a multi-part post. there are 11 stories in it, which is more than there are books about harry. rowling talks about rapists who call themselves women after the crime and ask to be sent to women's prisons, about athletes who interfere with women's teams, and ends
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with a talk about men who hide under skirt, and my own, rolling like this: i’m abroad now, but if what i wrote violates the new law, i look forward to arrest upon returning to the homeland of scottish enlightenment. will not be arrested, the police confirmed this, he is too noticeable and a rich figure, but in the first two days of the law, citizens simply wrote 4.00 slander to the police, the police are now obliged to respond to each: to identify violations of the new law on inciting hatred of the scottish police and will not be needed, violations will be detected themselves in huge numbers, and the scottish bobby , instead of catching thugs, will now do work similar to the work of teachers in a kindergarten, figure out who called whom, what..., and these will be claims of the level, he called me a girl, or rather not like that , he did not call me a girl, but i would really like this, perhaps the current
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transgender community to...
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this is the program today, we are continuing the release. the laureates of the first national phoenix prize were awarded in moscow. its nominees were media bloggers who were blocked in the west. trying to cancel. our country's point of view, international platforms deleted more than 130 russian channels, but all of them continued to work on the domestic video hosting platform rub. its audience is now growing rapidly, in the information media category, the statuette went to our tv channel. on the hit babaev, about the symbol renaissance and those who create it. perhaps there is something special about this. the national award is presented where the whole country is gathered, at an exhibition.
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you know, this platform was in a rather sad state, suffice it to say that the daily audience fluctuated around 60,000 users, the monthly audience slightly exceeded 600,000 users, today the hosting has more than 7 million daily visitors and more than 48 million monthly audience. the award ceremony, as befits serious awards, was bright, eventful, musical, let's move on
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for the winners, there are no nominations as such in phoenix, the organizers rather noted the authors of the directions, from the information media, here the statuette went to our tv channel, to the humorous ones, which we switched to two years ago, like...
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that is, a trial version of the award, that’s what will happen what happens next depends on what rutube users say, because after the first national phoenix award we will definitely conduct a survey of opinions on the criteria, on the need to hold this in the future awards, i believe that this award will be held in the future and how the winners will be selected and nominated. the phoenix is, of course, primarily a symbol of rebirth and renewal, but also immortality? agree, this is a pleasant prospect for a newly launched award. nakhit babaev, alexander belyaev, mikhail rostovtsev, ntv. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv. stagnation
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of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphotransit, lymphotransit helps cleanse the body by introducing toxins, as well as reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company - your spring renewal. and now about the weather for tomorrow in this issue of the european territory of russia. it must be said that the situation in the atmosphere is doing everything so that the air temperature rises and rises, and with great success, and not only due to the entry of new warm air, but also heating under the already quite high sun, and in order... so that the sun there was a light shining on the horizon, an increase in atmospheric pressure is needed, this is exactly what will happen. cyclones are leaving for siberia, light rains will still be observed tomorrow in the volgovyat region, in tatarstan, in the central regions, but they will be short and small. in the north-west there is already no precipitation at all +10-15, in kaliningrad it’s generally up to +24,
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but only in the mormon and arkhangelsk regions it’s still cold and...


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