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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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big water, if they tell you to evacuate, please evacuate, people continue to be taken out of the flooded areas of the orenburg region, residents of kurgan are preparing for evacuation.
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donald trump has revealed details of his plan to end the conflict in ukraine. and for money, yes, pobeda airlines will offer food during flights for the first time since its founding. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kolyvanov studio. vladimir putin this morning heard reports from the governors of orenburg, kurgan and tyumen region, as well as the head of the ministry of emergency situations on the development of the flood situation. partial evacuation is being carried out in orenburg, orsk and other populated areas. this morning, water overflowed the dam in novotroetsk, where people are also being transported from dangerous areas to temporary accommodation centers. many enterprises in the region suspended operations, and schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning. the flood is expected to peak on april 10. from orsk.
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there are boats everywhere on the streets of orsk, rescuers are going around the yards, taking away those who were unable to leave earlier apartments, they pull people out of the canopies of the entrances, help them get to land, people are carried in their arms, help is often needed for disabled elderly people, there are no words to describe anything, first of all, since 4 in the morning we have not been able to reach anyone or anything by phone, my mother is lying down, in general, this is just terrible, i’m trying
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to open these gates, oh my god, so the rescuers couldn’t immediately get to the porch, she had to spend the night in a de-energized building, the rescuers brought a rubber boat with them, the woman was taken to the shore. this is a new area city, cars are flooded here, entrances are flooded, the first floors of houses are flooded, but some people still remain in their apartments and do not evacuate. according to rescuers, many do not pay attention to the alarm, ignore calls to evacuate, stay at home in the hope that the water will not reach them if they tell you to evacuate.
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they accept applications and go to pick up people, people of different professions and different ages. danil and dima are students of the oil technical school. we can't just move out while people are in grief, well we need to help people somehow. it hurts my soul to sit at home. volunteers bring food and distribute it to those who leave. to calls, evacuation does not stop, the threat spreads to new territories, people take the most necessary things and get out of dangerous places. well , i can tell you about my mother, she naively thought that she could stay at home for 2 weeks, even if the water came up, but when the power and water were turned off, it became clear that this was a bad idea. additional temporary accommodation centers have been opened, where doctors and psychologists are on duty in the city. the problem with drinking water is imported, including from other regions. alexander tankikh, sergey skvartsov, vladimir khazov, nt. orsk,
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orenburg region. big water is now coming to the capital of the region, orenburg. the level of the ural river has increased by almost 30 cm over the past 24 hours. the maximum rise is expected. in the next 2 days, the mayor of the city demanded that residents of flooded areas leave on their own or be prepared to evacuate; flooding is expected any day in the kurgan region, where due to the sudden melting of snow , excess discharges from reservoirs in kazakhstan, the water level in the tabol river has risen sharply, as a result , not only the city of kurgan, but also fifty other settlements may be in the flood zone. the authorities there also appealed to citizens living in the area.
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by mid-april, flooding is expected in the tyumen region; the ministry of emergency situations called on residents of the region to prepare documents and essential items and, upon receiving an evacuation signal, leave the danger zone in a timely manner. the russian military destroyed the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system on the territory of ukraine, the ukrainian armed forces fired at the belgorod region from this gun for several days. the equipment was blown up along with its ammunition, and warehouses with ammunition and fuel were also hit. in ovdeevka, sappers began work. retreating, the enemy left behind... there are hundreds of mines on the roads, in houses and fields, some of them with a plastic casing, so difficult to detect even with a detector. omar magomedov saw how the russian military cope. we are going to avdievka in a heavy army truck of the international mine action squad russian ministry of defense. the interior of the vehicle
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is a solid armored capsule, reliable protection against possible attacks by enemy drones and artillery fragments. we stop at a road junction. before filming begins , sappers urgently ask all journalists. don’t touch it, during the liberation of avdiivka there was a known case when a seemingly harmless book detonated in the hands of a curious local resident. there is a lot of work, a lot of work for sappers. engineering reconnaissance reports that the fields around the avdievskaya overpass are mined, and of different types min. the most dangerous ones are made in france; they have a plastic body, which means the metal detectors are powerless. this type of ammunition is prohibited by many international conventions, among the signatories. ukraine and france, there is a robot precisely for such cases. pdv caterpillars, one explosion follows another, but it doesn’t matter to him. before us is the latest robotic complex stalker. this is his first combat trip. the minefields near avdeevka are a serious test for any
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experienced equipment. the vehicle is capable of withstanding explosions of anti-tank ammunition. task robot to clear a huge area of ​​mines in the shortest possible time. at the core of everything. technical demining complexes, despite their different names and obvious visual differences, are based on the same ideas; the main goal of all these machines is to successfully complete a combat mission without risks to the person himself. the task of this yurkov thirty-kilogram robot is to remove tripwires, inspect explosive objects and reconnaissance of the area at a distance of up to 300 m from the operator. retreating from avdievka, the enemy mined everything, they went into action as regular groups, providing them with the safety of their work, it will perhaps sound strange, but demining
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is carried out not only on the ground, but in the sky, along the perimeter of sappers there are special combat surveillance conducted along the entire perimeter, the fighters are divided into pairs, in their hands there is an anti-drone rifle and a shotgun, this hunting... the weapon successfully hits any drones, enemy drones are flying, we watch the sky, how an enemy drone is detected, how an enemy drone is detected, we begin to work with an anti-drone weapon. based on approximate data only, demining the avdeevka area will take from three to six months. this process is complex, dangerous, painstaking. to date, army sappers have already destroyed more than 5,000 explosive objects. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company, avdeevka. well, donald trump revealed details of his plan to end the conflict in ukraine, the washington post writes about this. the publication cites a source according to which trump said in a private conversation that if he wins
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the elections, he intends to put pressure on kiev to ceded crimea and donbass to russia. he also noted that people in some parts of ukraine would be fine if these territories became part of. weaken the growing military, industrial and economic russian-chinese ties as much as possible. and the ukrainian crisis will become one of the topics at sergei lavrov’s negotiations with his chinese counterpart in beijing, where the russian foreign minister arrived today. the ministers will also discuss issues of bilateral cooperation, interaction and work in the un, brix, sco, and the situation in the asia-pacific region. in the chinese capital will receive lavrov until april 9. vladimir putin instructed kayul to make all
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decisions necessary for the construction of the moscow -st. petersburg high-speed highway. the president held a meeting on this project in february, and today he gave specific tasks. they are published on the kremlin website. thus, the government has been instructed to allocate 300 billion rubles from the national welfare fund for the construction of the route next year. also the cabinet of ministers together with regional authorities. russian companies have new problems with international payments, money began to flow to kazakhstan much more slowly, the terms reach three weeks. business news and denis talalaev. denis, what is this connected with? kazakh banks are afraid of secondary sanctions, just like the banks of turkey, the emirates, and china. payments from
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russia to kazakhstan began to go much more slowly, the terms stretched to 2-3 weeks, the izvestia newspaper learned about this. nikolai dunaev, vice-president of the business association support of russia, adds that some local banks have refused to work with russia altogether, for example, the largest bank in kazakhstan, halyk bank. according to nikolai dunaev, dollar payments have been hanging around for a long time, but now problems have begun with transfers in national currencies, and the reason is that the banks of kazakhstan. at the end of december, us president joe biden signed a decree according to which banks that help circumvent restrictions against russia or participate in operations for its military industry may be subject to sanctions. after this, news appeared that payments from russia had problems, among others, in
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banks in turkey, the emirates and china. and despite the sanctions, last year russian mobile operators were able to increase imports of base stations and their components. if we count in units, then an increase of 15%, to approximately 86 thousand units. the kommersant newspaper provides customs statistics. basically , domestic companies purchased telecommunications equipment from the world leaders in this area, the chinese huawei ( russia, after the start of hostilities , official supplies to ukraine were stopped for all of them. if we calculate in money, then the import of foreign telecom equipment in russia increased by 56%. the newspaper’s interlocutors say : nowadays, used equipment costs much more than new equipment, it cost before, because deliveries are ongoing, which is called parallel import, which means that commissions and transportation costs have increased, there are no discounts. with anxiety on success. domestic manufacturers of telecom equipment are obviously looking at parallel imports; a close
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interlocutor of the newspaper, kommersant , states: the initial impulse of operator enterprises to purchase russian analogues has essentially disappeared. the russian stock market this morning is trying to continue its growth, which stopped on friday, by 2%, now norilsk nickel shares are rising in price, trading in which resumed after the company split its shares, and now one costs not 15. rubles, but 150 is considered, well, 150 rubles. it is believed that all this will make the shares more attractive to private investors. ruble, until monday he decided what to do, today, the dollar costs 92.57, the euro is 100 rubles. 21 kopecks pobeda airlines, which has existed for almost 10 years, is going to offer food to passengers for the first time in its history on board the plane, this was announced by the airline’s general director dmitry tyshchuk. according to him, food on board will be sold separately, and these will be packaged snacks and drinks. this limited assortment
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should not have a large impact on the weight of the aircraft and should not complicate cabin cleaning. since last year, pobeda has been operating a service called food at gate, where a passenger orders food when purchasing a ticket or during online check-in, and then picks it up at the gate. but this service only works for those departing from airports, wider than metyev and vnukov. last year in an interview with rbc. he said that he had no plans to offer alcohol on board, because there are already enough air rowdy brawlers. thank you, denis. the government is extending the program of synchrotron and neutron research until the end of the decade and is allocating 450 billion rubles for it. we are talking about a program within which a network of unique mega science class installations is being created in russia, for example, skiv in koltsovo, with the help of which scientists will be able to conduct advanced research with bright and
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intense beams of x-ray radiation or the peak reactor in gatchina. it will become the most powerful source in the world. the role of our country in the historical victory over napoleon and the preservation of france as a great power was discussed today at a round table in the russian historical society. the events were timed to coincide with the 210th anniversary of the capture of paris by the russian army. on march 31, 1814, at the head of
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the allied troops, she solemnly walked through the gates of san martin. this was preceded by a furious assault on the city. the fall of the french capital led to bonoparte's abdication the throne put an end to many years of napoleonic wars. the russian empire acted as the main defender of europe, restored the disrupted balance of power, and was unconditionally recognized as the arbiter of the so-called european concert. subsequently, our country had to play this game more than once.
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performers, they named the name of the coordinator, who assigned the target for the attack and supplied the weapons. indicated the escape route, what your group’s plans were after the terrorist attack on the kiev side, you, who gave the instructions, sayo, sayo told us, that we were going to ukraine, kiev and there was 1 million rubles, not far from kremnitsa, leave your car, name me. i further helped you and told you that there will be guys waiting for you at the ukrainian border who will help us cross the border and get to kiev. for this fee of a million rubles each , the terrorists immediately after the attack set off along the moscow-kiev highway; security forces intercepted
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the car about 140 km from the border. the terrorists received instructions from the curator until the last moment, this is confirmed. from mobile phones, smartphones, even if damaged form, but fell into the hands of investigators, well , then watch the emergency program, marat sedikov is with us, marat, over to you, and egor, for almost a day now investigative actions have been going on at the scene of the murder of a policeman near snt azon, this is the shchelkovo district of the moscow region, territory unhooked, detectives are looking for new evidence that will help get the trail of the criminal, most likely it was a drug dealer, he came for...
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period! catching a pyro firebird is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on! emergency program in the studio marat seddikov and we have been live on the air for almost 24 hours , investigative actions have been going on at the scene of the murder of a policeman near snt azon, this is shchelkovo. the territory has been sealed off, detectives are looking for new evidence that may help get out legacy of a criminal. most likely, it was a drug dealer, and he came to pick up a large shipment of drugs. senior warrant officer sergei efemenko from... threatovsk employee grigory sirov were waiting for him, preparing for his arrest, how events developed on the spot, we will find out later, when the criminal is caught, but it is clear that the dealer opened fire,
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the local police officer died on the spot, the detective is now seriously wounded in the intensive care unit, where the trace of the killer was lost, who was detained in tver, alexey labachev will tell about it. on this footage shows the work of the investigative committee staff at the scene of the cold-blooded murder of a policeman, the day before, information about the location of drug storage, law enforcement officers managed to literally catch the drug dealer by the hand, although the arrest at some point did not go according to plan, the attacker pulled out a pistol and opened fire, shooting him in the head , the task was one: to kill and hide. within a few hours spent at the crime scene, it became clear why the drug dealers chose this particular snt. the road is practically empty, no one drives in and doesn’t leave, the houses themselves are about 2 km away from the forest, so it’s unlikely that you’ll come across unnecessary witnesses, but there are some on the side of the road. a convenient sign, thanks to which you can easily find that very turn. it was here that passers-by found two police officers unconscious. when the ambulance arrived sergei efemenko.


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