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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 8, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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that's all, thanks for your attention. today in our program. we expect the adoption of this law in the coming days. formula for surrender. nato partners are preparing tough conditions for ukraine. future world, why does the west’s offer to kiev seem worse than the trump deal? indeed the alliance is weak. the terrorists at gila, the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in crocus, admitted that they planned to hide in ukraine. what kind of retribution now awaits kiev customers? change of thinking. these days, almost 40 years ago, gorbachev announced perestroika. like democracy and openness
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buried the soviet union? now i regret that i was not able to complete it. look, right now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. me, andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. since the end of last week, all the main news has been in our country. regarding the situation in the orenburg region, you of course knew that you warned in advance that this year the spring flood would be very strong, because of course there was a lot of snow, but this is what is happening now in the orenburg region, of course , probably no one expected this at all, now , according to the information today, apparently these numbers will increase to more than 10 thousand houses, already flooded, the ministry of emergency situations calls this situation an emergency on a federal scale, rescuers are working there around the clock, but. ..
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peak, but the flood, in general, seems to have not yet passed. ros-hydromet believes that the highest point will be on wednesday, that is, the day after tomorrow. and of course, the most difficult situation is in the city of orsk, let us now look at the map, as you know, footage from there, there are several the dam broke in some places. here i am standing on the mountain and here it is just water, 10 meters away, there’s not a damn thing left of the vegetable gardens. these are not vegetable gardens, these are areas in the sea, these are... a dam on the ural river, and so a breakthrough occurred on april 5, after which water poured into the city, several areas in the territory adjacent to the city, now you can only move around orsk by boats, the first ones were flooded floors of houses, garages, cars hidden under water, children's playgrounds, in total there are more than 600 houses in the flood zone, there are reports of four dead, but the orsk mayor's office claims that the death of these people was not directly related to the flood...
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confirmed that the dam, built in 2010 just to combat spring floods, lets water through in two places. why such a structure ended up in this state, although they spent a little less than a billion rubles on its construction, investigators are now finding out. the prosecutor's office clarifies that it is already clear that this hydraulic structure was not maintained correctly and has already been disturbed.
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a criminal case was opened under two articles: negligence, violation of safety rules when construction. because of the waters flowing along the ural river, orenburg is already in danger; the local head of the city says that such large waters have not been seen in the city for more than 80 years since 1942. according to the latest data , two microdistricts in orenburg have already been flooded, more than 500 people have been evacuated, the mayor’s office urged citizens not to wait for some critical water levels, but to agree. leave voluntarily, otherwise they will be taken away by the police. the water is rising, and its level will only rise in the coming days. in those areas that are in the flood zone, in the floodplain of the urals and sakmara, power outages will continue in the near future. if this happens, then you need to evacuate immediately. take your documents with you and leave the property with valuables. unfortunately, there are also those who at a critical moment are trying to make money, so here is the ural publication.
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56. publishes footage of a man being detained in the vicinity of orenburg. he is suspected of looting. according to the ministry of internal affairs , a criminal case has already been opened against the attacker. vladimir putin has already instructed the minister of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev monitor compliance with the flood zone. this morning the president heard reports on providing assistance to flood victims from the heads of the orenburg, as well as the heads of the tyumen and kurgan regions, because there.
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we will monitor the situation, well, here i want to believe that maybe the weather forecasters are wrong and the flood peaks earlier, after all, i don’t know, i’m just in the area where i live, in fact, we have the klyazma river, it it still hasn’t been opened yet, but if the temperature is like this now, they promise there today, tomorrow until thursday until 23, that is, i understand that even here in the moscow region all this will instantly somehow melt away, of course, so be careful, please, even more so. to go ice fishing now, because we have some amazing people right here, i see them now, i can’t explain it to myself, every time they say the unlucky ones attack it all, so let’s move on to the first topic, today it is dedicated to such a search for a mechanism, i don’t even know what
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is the correct way to say it, exchange, exchange, the words seem to be similar, but the meaning is a little different, in general, ukraine is trying at the last moment to this outgoing nato...
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hypothesis, but an official discussion during the last summit of the alliance in brussels. the german press also picked up the topic. the bilt and berlin aritung newspapers write that the prospect of an exchange looks better than a shameful loss, since no one believes in kiev’s victory anymore,
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and it will be easier for partners to chip in for the final tranche of military assistance for this matter. european partition plan agreement ukraine could speed up deliveries if there is a solution. will be accepted, ukraine will have to regain as much of the territory as possible, and for this it needs to be supplied with weapons, ammunition and possibly even people. very.
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if real changes had entered nato , nato discipline would have held it back and there would have been some binding agreements concluded by nato with russia, maybe the day after tomorrow this option could be considered in moscow, because i remind you of one point here, everyone has basically forgotten about it a long time ago , can after all, to provide, well, for example, as when germany was unified, the soviet union insisted that on the territory of the german democratic republic.
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in this sense, ukraine in nato - it will probably not be so deadly for the vich, here is your day after tomorrow, you can clarify it a little, because from what european publications write, europe wants to do something now about the division of ukraine , because trump will come, and trump will probably come in november, but he will take over in january 2025, and after that it will be worse, that is, this europe will not reach an agreement now, can we try to imagine?
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no one will lead, this is a fact, the first, second point, and there will be no division along
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the demarcation line, because our territories are under the occupation of ukraine, and russia cannot afford to be the only nuclear country in the world whose territory is occupied by a non-nuclear state , this is a disgrace, everyone will consider us for food, all our partners, the third point, if anything remains of ukraine as a state, it will join nato, you tell us now trying our negotiating position.
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negotiations will take place, in my opinion, my personal opinion is that this is the most likely scenario, namely the division of ukraine along some specific borders, but we still need to live to see this, and it will take some time. anton valerir, yes, about kiev’s position, because i understand when european officials, maybe even the first echelon, discuss this, but having closed, it means the curtain will still be opened, and they will be able to push ukraine into this, so that the terrorist zelensky will say, okay, we reject territory, but you see, nato is waiting for us, i think not, because for the zelensky regime this means political and not
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only political suicide, because the one who signs such documents means from ukraine and... to him definitely there will be claims and i think that these claims will then be legal ones from the new authorities who will replace them, then there may be not only legal ones, even up to liquidation, they understand this very well, so zelensky will do everything to prevent this agreement from happening happened, this is the first moment, the second moment, i would not use the word partition, in relation to the analogy, the analogy with germany that is given, this is an absolutely incorrect analogy, there is still a part, two states arose that were simply under political...
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just in time for the third thesis, this is what we are discussing, it did not appear today, i remember well that it arose in the twenty-second year, last year, moreover, in august last year, the head of the nato office spoke about it the late kissinger, that ukraine we need something at the expert level, now we are told that nato officials themselves are discussing this, in fact, a nato official, the head of the office of the nato agent secretary in august of the third year last year said exactly the following, that this is one of the options, why now...
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so what they are now offering essentially? they offer us to fix what already exists, yes, yes, and not give anything more, on the contrary, take it away, that is, take that ukraine under nato, which means the only thing they could then tell us is that we are the part that is already actually under your control, we officially recognize and lift all sanctions, but we understand that this will not happen, yes , of course, we understand that this will not happen, elementary, then the point is for us to go for it, that’s the point if they.
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today the defense committee of the verkhovna rada must put an end to amendments to the law on general mobilization. more than 400 of these amendments have been introduced and deputies have been postponing consideration for several weeks under various pretexts. some called the document controversial, others - cannibalistic and only in the presidential the servant of the people parties talk about an urgent , important task that directly affects the assistance of their partners. the terrorist zelensky is apparently also carrying out this task. on saturday, he... attacked parliament, calling the deputies populists, demanding that the document be adopted immediately. this law has been cleared out, this law cannot be emasculated, it must be working. the working law has already been four, four months was more than enough for all the discussions, we will talk to the deputies so that they vote in the coming days. terrorist zelensky admitted
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the bill on general mobilization has already split society into civilians and military. 3 months that the law was in force. in the rada , details were leaked to the press almost every day about how ukrainians would be mobilized and what rights would be deprived of those who did not comply with the summons. reconsider the issues of blocking accounts, banning driving and traveling abroad for evaders. previously, these norms were excluded from the bill by amendments, but now they can be returned there again. the discord is aggravated by constant rumors about the number of those who they want to recruit into the ssu. back in january , the western press wrote that the former commander-in-chief was a loser. demanded that half a million people be sent to the front. after the general’s resignation, the ukrainian cabinet of ministers began to assure that we were talking about much more modest figures, but according to rumors from the ukrainian parliament, the agreement with the ministry of defense was violated. and the new commander in chief demands the return of all strict recruitment standards of half a million. the deputies are happy to carefully propose to reduce the figure, otherwise there will be no one to work. the law has not yet been adopted.
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the law has not yet been adopted; it was passed only in the first reading. behind during this period of time , 27 billion 400 million hryvnia were withdrawn from the ukrainian economy from bank accounts. this is a record figure. this blow to the economy was made today by the authorities. the feeling that they have deals in their heads for some time, that is, people for help, territories for nato membership, somehow here in their heads, at least some kind of, well, not an ideal plan, but a plan for it’s being processed right now, the weapons are on credit, no one will give the credit, so they’ll take what’s left, well, that’s roughly the plan, well true, it looks like a business plan, uh, no, well, it’s some kind of strange business plan, you know, it’s already a plan, when the business is over, there’s nothing left, only.
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russia will not agree to these conditions, because let me remind you how many months ago putin said, we know the carrots that will be offered to us, i won’t tell the tax now, but well, about carrots, i believe that’s what he meant, then there is.
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there is another example of bosnia and herzegovina there and so on, the element of uncertainty
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is that we don’t want it here. spend too much strength to go there straight to lvov there and so on, why do we need these territories with a hostile population, if we had 1.5 billion, like the chinese, well then maybe we’re just sitting and we are waiting for them to finally formulate some kind of proposal, well, we are quietly, i have, if ukraine suffers a massive military defeat or a political defeat in conjunction with the military, will be cut off from the black sea, will lose economic leverage, which, in fact , gives access to the sea, and also trade and military.
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in fact, the situation is a dead end, as shown by the statements of experts, in general , all this reminds me of the first partition of poland, which means what will be required from ukraine, what is denazification? in fact, denazification, in real terms, is the establishment of the rights of the russian language, to what extent we will not discuss, let’s say yes. so, what is demilitarization? demilitarization is a non-aligned status, yeah, a restriction similar to germany, on the armed forces, and, accordingly, on conscription for the military industry. now by territory, of course, it would be ideal for ukraine now to agree to the concession of those territories that are occupied by russia, because putin
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is not here. because she is in this position, thirdly, because it will aggravate relations between nato and russia, why is this necessary? both nato and russia. therefore, they need to accept these conditions, and be content with what they will be left with, if they are left with it. you see, they need to accept the conditions, these conditions must be put forward by someone, and we have no one to sign on the other side, except for denazification, yes.
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what is it? beautiful, right? meet, this is zhenya, and just his soldiers, somehow you are younger, i imagined you differently, kuat
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decided to take over the entire business in the cemetery, not yours either, come on, like in the good old days, not the old days are over, ivan flywheels, where are you going from below? even got it together? vladislav kotlyarsky, have i gotten carried away? nikolai kozak, you’re not going to fight, you bastard! arseny robot, give me one day, i've decided everything. hot spot, new season, coming soon to ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year since 15 april at 23:00. sometimes you expect one thing, but get something completely different. you dream of something wonderful, but what you get is not at all what you get, and it happens that you are just waiting for a comfortable office, but you get the best one. alfabank, the best bank in every office. what men are silent about,
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the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with footage from the federal security service. this is an operational shooting, the detention of five people who, while in our country, ensured the work of the notorious ukrainian call centers that engage in fraud and extortion of money. judging by these frames, the communication center was located in several apartments. as the representative of the ministry of internal affairs irina volk explains, the attackers ensured the operation of special equipment that replaced the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones, then the scammers introduced themselves as employees of banks or law enforcement agencies and convinced gullible russians transfer money to their accounts. well-known scheme. in the operational footage, you can see the equipment that the scammers used, actually on the computer screens, and now you can also see the lists. telephone numbers of russian companies, which were used to replace
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numbers and report the movement of money received, were discovered by operatives, you also saw these special boxes for mass calls, several dozen sim cards are inserted into them. according to preliminary data, this one communication center made it possible to steal from our citizens 7 billion rubles. accomplices of ukrainian scammers worked in moscow, st. petersburg and several other regions. well, in the main intelligence department of ukraine. they are trying to justify themselves for another provocation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. yesterday in magata, i wanted to say here, even in magata, they admitted for the first time that since 2022 , three hits into the containment shell of the zaporozhye npp reactor have been recorded at once. the station's management claims that it was attacked by ukrainian kamikaze drones. well, in response, in kiev they turned on a famous record and said, that it is russia that is firing at itself. russian strikes, in particular... ion strikes on the territory of the ukrainian nuclear power plant, as well as
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the deployment of troops and weapons there, mining of zaporozhye nuclear power plant facilities, have long been a known constant criminal practice of the occupiers. in our foreign ministry they call the ukrainian attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant an act of nuclear terrorism and call on the international community to react, because kiev is behaving recklessly, well, in the kremlin they call on not to let things go to the brakes. this is very... a dangerous provocation, magata employees who are on the spot had the opportunity to witness this attack, so it is very dangerous, having very bad negative consequences, the kiev regime continues its terrorist activities. employees of magat, andrei vladimirovich, for the first time in my memory witnessed something, i’m right now we will continue the conversation about the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, i mean literally, because then it won’t work out, i won’t have time. i was in tambov on saturday and brought a bunch of different things for you,
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dear friends, greetings, it means, alexander nikolaevich, your position is not always unambiguous, but you always defend it so interestingly for our viewers, that’s why it’s proposed to you, anton valeevich, to fine you for a bottle of cognac for a minute of being late, i think that this is harsh, but it’s always very interesting to listen to you, you’re a great fellow, so gegovich, i won’t say a lot of things here, thanks as well. listen, tambov - it turned out to be a knitting center, hold on, so i brought a huge amount of socks, but georgy valerievich, firstly , socks with the tambov wolf, and also with the bullfinch, because the bullfinch is as beautiful as gevorg mirzayan, this was said, i promised it verbatim, so for the rest later, now let’s get back to the conversation, why did i talk about another change coin because it seems to me that they are trying to use the zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
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break down this wall and force your european partners to act. let's have a very short story and we 'll look at it. the armed forces of ukraine became more active after like last time... on friday, the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant shut down all reactors due to the shutdown of the backup power supply line. magate immediately stated that the station was in real danger, but the inspectors did not name the reason for the power outage or the culprits. but in kiev they immediately blamed everything on russia. all responsibility for everything that happens there lies with russia,
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whether they like it or not? magathe cannot force them to leave there. this must be either international pressure or a forceful solution. i didn't understand this nuclear expert energy, okay, maybe this can be used as some kind of tool to jump out of this dead end? i’ll remind you
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of one more tool, it’s very similar to what this tool was, it’s a crocus, we can’t defeat you on the battlefield, but we can turn your life into hell.
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shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and this has already happened, we have already seen it all, but can i be careful, they will stop it, they can’t, they may have wanted to, but they can’t, they would definitely want to, well, no, i don’t rule it out that in europe there is a certain number of sane people who understand the consequences of a nuclear explosion, that so far only anton valeevich
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understood what i mean, i understood what you mean, but i think not, because then they should immediately be hit in the head for this, here there is a little logic, and here the logic is different. any sabotage terrorist activity of ukraine, where there may be a side effect, also including krok, if this is proven, the logic here is as follows: to do something that will require an emotional response from russia, a tough response, it is obvious that this will not happen i’ve already gotten used to it a lot, they bring this up and do everything to ensure that we give a tough answer, accordingly, any tough answer, where there will be personnel, like with those who died there
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, the bar is set, so that the entire world, western community reacts to this as it should be emotionally, by the way, at bucha’s, if i remember correctly, now the anniversary was just recently, no one even came there, they didn’t even provide it to the lists of the dead, so let’s start with this, what about if everyone demands accordingly, so here they are some kind of event is needed, some kind of provocation, or we struck there as well, or it means that, accordingly, they did something there against the background of the strike so that it would be higher. well, i understand, but they keep raising the bar all the time , they also need to raise the bar, and for this in this logic, by the way, there could be a terrorist attack in crocus, but in the crocus of zaporozhye this logic does not fall under this logic, it’s emotional, it needs to be emotional.
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turn the chessboard over in a different way , force us to act so well , alexander nikolaevich, then we won’t do it like that now there is a debate about what is being directed at us. that in europe, there is classical terrorism or nuclear terrorism, in general this can be used as some kind of tool to get out of this deadlock, but to break through this in general one must understand that under any circumstances, in any situation, russia gets the partisan region at its disposal, and the partisan movement within the country, yeah, without specific deadlines without, forgive me...
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i look at european newspapers every morning, this topic generally goes unnoticed, simply unnoticed, and what they write about ukrainian conflict, they write about completely different things, this topic is not there, either they are not afraid, or we have kind of inflated it a little, i don’t know, but not yet, as for the ukrainians,
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he just honestly describes what people tell him , yes, they took him, these are his exes, well, some friends before all these events, well , when they speak frankly, it’s such hatred, they are ready to die just to kill us, why aren’t there queues at the kiev military registration and enlistment office, if they are all like that ready, you know, you are now.
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more mobilization and see the russian who is there i’ll throw the glass into the juice for him, he’s obligated to do it, just very briefly, the german will go to the front, the ukrainian will be a partisan, for a separate program it seems to me, yes, yes, yes, let’s do it, half a minute left, we have historical experience, two historical experience, the first historical experience was after the great patriotic war, we spent about 10 years there, probably, and chased them through the forests there, well , if about the western one, if not more, i think. i came up with an analogy, the analogy is japan, which capitulated, which took over limitation, they now do not have any army, like an army, they have self-defense forces, armies in
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the region. they are limited from the point of view of external military operations, quite well, i think that for us the most optimal option was to create conditions under which ukraine capitulates, agrees to approximately the same conditions, and we in the same way, in approximately the same way politically, why go far walk, i apologize, we need to, here you are with your japan again, it’s time for us to stop, a short break, we will continue. why didn’t you start wandering earlier? yes i had this music, there will be a war soon, leon kemstoch, i see in the area, i’ll bury it, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they will catch us all one by one, anna will overpower, anton vasiliev, now we are creating a new department, for
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we have the strength now, we will hand over all of you in 2 weeks. sergei burunov, why i became the father of a bandit, ivan yankovsky, they sharpen their teeth on us, no one likes that we are a force in ourselves, a boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, a boy’s word is only for boys, this is just the beginning, the very the expected television premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00 on ntv. mikhail shufutinsky, million-dollar secret. on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. peace of mind is priceless. it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium. but there is magnelis b6 forta at an affordable price. magnelis b6 forta contains twice as much magnesium and is enhanced with vitamin b6. twice as many pills to take. magneles b6 forta - affordable magnesium for your peace of mind. try investing from shadows and continue if
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dream job in the office or at home, opportunities for career growth, a reliable future, your place is already waiting for you among thousands of vacancies, join the team of one of the best employers in russia, tenki. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, now the second episode of our marlizonsky ballet, i understand that this phrase tambov wolf is your comrade, the connotation there seems to be not very
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good, yes, it’s wrong, because our program, as it turned out, has a huge number of comrades in tambov, maxim anatolyevich, that means you’re a journalist, accurate, juicy, you know many languages, that’s why.
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he gave them instructions to move towards the border; according to the terrorists, in kiev they were promised to pay 1 million rubles for the attack on the crocus. after completing the tractor, faridun from
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soedizhon had to go to kiev. somewhere i had to wait for money, 1 million rubles, each. it also became known that after the terrorist attack in crocus, the activity of the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian special services was noticed near border settlements, so you see, chuikovka and soch, this is sumy. region, here , here, this, we can clearly see, this is the bryansk region, it was in the bryansk region that the terrorists were then detained, it was there that the terrorists, in these two settlements, apparently, were preparing escape routes. the ukrainians cleared
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the area so that terrorists could cross the border without consequences. the transition zones themselves are a dense forest, there are militants there they planned to break away from the chase and go on foot. according to those arrested, saifullah, already mentioned, gave instructions. burn the car they were driving from crocus 4 km to the border. the militants’ plans failed to come true; they were detained in the bryansk region before this life-saving transition that was being prepared for them. so today is really the birthday of perestroika, exactly the day of april 8 is on our calendar today, and in 1986, that is, mikhail sergeevich gorbachev had already led our party and the country for some time. and we to you
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now let’s show this moment, and this happened during his meeting with employees of one of talya’s enterprises, and i personally have the impression that it seems that he is not even consciously aware, he does not say the word perestroika, he says that we need rebuild, that is, it’s as if, well, in the course of communication this word jumped out of him, and then apparently it somehow already acquired in...
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then it didn’t, it was a lot of fun, well, let’s see gorbachev in talya, the emergence of perestroika in our country. april 1986, mikhail gorbachev goes to kuiboshev, now samara visits the volga automobile plant in taglyatta. the company's problems are the same as those of most similar ones in the country. low technical capabilities, poor quality, lack of personnel. the secretary general, who has just assumed his post, comes out to the workers to demonstrate openness where.
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brings words such as acceleration, self-government, intensification and the two most important ones, which will soon become the pillars of the policy of perestroika, democratization and glasnost. society is emerging from stagnation state, social activity and responsibility of soviet people for the affairs of the country is growing. high demands, criticism and self-criticism, broad democracy and openness are becoming increasingly established in public life. the onset of glasnost and freedom became clear after the return of academician sakharov’s exile from gorky. the authorities actually gave a signal that opposition opinions are no longer persecuted. later, sakharov would criticize gorbachev and the party at the first congress of people's deputies, who would be elected for the first time in real elections with several candidates on the ballot. the whole country will watch the congress on tv. it will last 2 weeks. there will be a proposal to repeal article 6 of brezhnev's law. the ussr, and the leading and directing
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congress of people's deputies of the role of the cpsu, which will cause an unprecedented discussion and will accelerate the dismantling of the soviet state. next, i omit the argument and translate the text of the decree on power, which i propose to adopt. based on the principles of democracy, he declares.
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everyone understood what was needed, you say, yes, everyone understood that the stone needed to be built from the ground, but in this understanding there was no where to take him, and gorbachev, by and large
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, got lost, ultimately, he began to grab hold of reform here, reform here, and he caused destabilization of the economy, in fact, that is, these notorious empty shelves , which are primarily blamed on the soviet regime.
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everything broke down because everyone started talking whatever they wanted, no, look, if you, if you see that the discussion, in any country, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the ussr or not, the discussion is taken to the streets, those discussions on topics that used to be were inaccessible, this means only one thing:
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there is a struggle for power at the top, at the top they don’t understand where to move, and at the top they deliberately take the internal discussion to the streets. you understand, there is real politics on the street, big politics, why was this necessary, to dismantle the system, this is what alexander nikolaevich yakovlev said, this is not only yakovlev’s business, yakovlev is a figure, there were a lot of other people there, pay attention, in the shortest possible time, that’s the period of time, in the shortest period, that gorbachev doesn’t know what to do, yes, no one knows what to do, everyone offers some intermediate options, but suddenly a fairly large number of people appear. first of all, in the republics, which clearly know what needs to be done, they almost have a schedule, you know, so it’s not so simple, ilya vladislavovich, and you said that in principle the idea was good, you just did it somehow.
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the events of 1989 clearly showed that china would not give it up. moreover,
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since 2001, the chinese economy has gone backwards with the creation of large state-owned holdings, leaving light industry in private hands, partially. the entire chinese auto industry is the brainchild of the state, or you and i can now argue, i’m talking about facts now, soviet. the soviet union has been falling apart since the fifties, since the era of khrushchev, when the party nomenclature wanted to transform its privileges into property, and this was the reason for perestroika and perestroika, if we look, led to this, and i don’t need the fact that gorbachev said wonderful words .
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there was no other way out but to appeal to the force that moved perestroika is not on the street, i made such an investigation book until i published it, it’s called the collapse of the ussr, a working model, but there are pieces published on the blog, the main idea is that somewhere around here the first half of the seventies began to grow. the imbalance of ukraine, georgia, armenia, azerbaijan, precisely in the sense that the union republics, the central asian republics, began to increasingly draw resources from the union center in their favor, redistributing them, well, so obviously unfairly, taking advantage, of course, of their position in the politburo, proximity
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to brezhnev, well, in general, the architecture of the system, the secretary looked at this with angry, hungry eyes.
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he was andropov’s protégé, andropov promoted him, pulled him out of stavropol, and then as secretary of agriculture, then , essentially, well, into the pool of successors, so to speak, but in the end, in the late seventies, he shoved him, that is, the kgb was also in this coalition , well, those who are, as it were, for russia to have more, collective, but against the collective shcherbitsky, aka aliyev, aka shevardnadze there, ukraine.
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what did these elites of the union republics respond with? in response, they exposed their well-fed public, namely the nationalists whom they had been feeding all these years, with whom they blackmailed the union center, saying that, like, if we are the ones who are holding back, then as soon as we stop holding back, the union will fall apart,
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these nationalist elites, this was a counterattack, a counterattack by these here. a woman started an affair on a train and got so carried away that she got off at the station, forgetting carriage of their children. i already had seven, my middle brother was six, i took the younger one with me, and after some time they brought him too. oksana grew up in an orphanage and learned from her personal file that she was not her mother’s first, but
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her third child. i was terribly surprised by this. now she is looking for elders. but he doesn’t know his sisters or brothers, that is, boys, girls, it’s not clear, i just turned to find out who they were, how many children did mother cuckoo have, and where are they now, did she end up in foster care?
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she didn't know that learning rhythm or heart palpitations at rest are signs of cardiovascular disease, just get a medical examination for free. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, well, let’s, as promised, about the perestroika economy, a few words, the word deficit, we remember arkady raikin, the soviet people knew for a long time, even before... perestroika long before, but connected with the word perestroika, i don’t want to say the word total deficit, but when a certain category of goods disappears from the shelves. why did this happen? approximately a fifth of the soviet union's budget, and according to other estimates even a third, was filled with revenues from the sale of oil and gas. in 1986, the price of a barrel fell from 32 dollars to ten. the country received a huge budget cut and began
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to lose influence on its satellite countries. foreign trade policy, state-owned enterprises and republics can decide for themselves what to buy and sell abroad. as a result, they begin to send everything they can get from warehouses abroad, because in the soviet union the price of goods is fixed and low, while in europe it is the market price. the state that remained due to falling oil prices without currency, spends 2,000 tons of gold on buying food abroad, leaving only 240 tons in reserve. the economy falls by 11%, and the country’s debt grows
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fourfold to 103 billion dollars in the late eighties, when there was a strong deficit in the early nineties, so they swept everything off the shelves and that means with a reserve, so that, well, because if you don’t buy now, then maybe not, we, for example, had a pack of cotton wool, which was bought in those years when i was 3 years old there, it ran out, i was about 16, another novelty was the introduction of cost accounting. in order to somehow stay afloat and pay salaries, enterprises were allowed to exercise independence in using part of their profits. exactly one year later, in 1987, cooperation, that is, private entrepreneurship, was allowed, and immediately at every factory there were enterprising people who figured out how to make money on government raw materials and subsidies. the overwhelming majority of both cooperatives and individual entrepreneurs who appeared in the ussr in their eighties in the seventh and eighty-eighth year, they are
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essentially engaged in legalization.
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of course, you said that now we all understand everything, was it possible to engage in the restructuring of the exclusive economy, and nothing, don’t touch politics, don’t touch ideology, don’t touch the media, or was it theoretically possible, but we all -it’s not china, but it was impossible not to touch the media, people were already constrained by a normal discussion, so the media needed it. and that means, wait, it was necessary, that means to drag academician sakharov onto the podium, a man who was tongue-tied already at that age, well, it’s just that everyone would have such brains, that’s different, brains, but it doesn’t matter to him, it was impossible to listen to him with his brains, and
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this, by the way , caused irritation, you said, people were yearning for discussion, people did not know what a political discussion was, they knew, our intelligentsia should not be underestimated, let’s talk about discussions in the next part. look, perestroika is a construction term, that’s where even such a term was born the reconstruction foreman, the construction site will help us understand this, there is a house, an apartment, and from time to time the need for something arises.
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or they want the destruction of this building, that is, they are enemies, not idiots, then the question begins, why the foreman of perestroika yakovlev, who was the ambassador to canada, returned from there and advised gorbachev, then there is an investigation, but there are no other options maybe he’s either an idiot or wanted to demolish the house, because if you indulge the separatists, pump the financial system with unsecured money, give your allies. well, why do you say that whoever wants to demolish a house means he is either an idiot, or you stubbornly refuse to say that he is an enemy, so i want to demolish my old house, i want to demolish it and build a new one, well, i don’t idiot, i will, wait, i
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will do all this using the technology there, i don’t have any malicious intent there, there was even the word renovation, recently, if gorbachev had come out, he would have said we will now demolish the entire soviet union, because he told me, yakovlev , andrei vladimirovich, i don’t know, someone else doesn’t like it, they would demolish gorbachev, he deceived the soviet people, still.
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i don’t need it, listen, he’s not going to interfere anywhere, he just doesn’t need it, i’m sure, with his biography, i need to find a job now, and in general somehow sort out my life. muri is the one who failed with pride. i thought he had been dead for a long time, and that’s practically true. the dead are the most reliable contingent, they will never let you down. get rid of the soldier, there are no options. we need a trunk. arseny is timid, if you say it’s too much, i’ll overwhelm you, do you understand me? hot spot today 20:00 on ntv. word boy, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 20.3:00. order a free alfabank credit card with
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- ease of movement, the boy's word is blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, let's continue, vadim kasimovich urges us not to inflate the importance of glasnost, but it won’t work now, wait a minute, yes... with the advent of glasnost, the press does what nikita khrushchev did not manage to do. journalists not only continue the work of debunking stalin, but they talk in detail about his crimes against the people; the entire soviet union learns about the millions of repressed people. citizens are in shock. criticism of stalin really began - under the slogan of a return to leninist values. we must get away from teams. administrative system, that’s why there’s glasnost, that’s why perestroika.
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the beginning of a new information era in the ussr was marked by criticism of the party leadership. the soviet magazine ogond is actually becoming an opposition publication. he writes about errors past present, exposes the trade mafia and publishes the then traitor to the homeland solzhenitsam. you can’t please everyone, so i try to focus on those people who will read and understand what will happen to people who, like us, are interested in perestroika. and even further goes the new soviet television, which now increasingly operates live and talks about topics that did not exist before perestroika. for example, soviet people from the screen. learn about the problems of drug addiction or that women in the ussr can sell themselves for money, some even for foreign currency, they sent two journalists to the kazansky railway station with radio microphones, which means they introduced themselves as local intellectuals there, to these homeless people as prostitutes, well, actually the story is about the fact that, in principle, there they can, so to speak, for a bottle of beer
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get sexual satisfaction, any woman can do this at the kazan station, maybe i’m wrong - the role is huge, another thing is what kind of role this was, you understand what’s the matter, but in terms of the plot, yes, the program looks, yes, soviet viewers they will find out about the presence of drug addicts in the country, they will find out, seriously, no one knew before, they will find out about foreign exchange prostitutes.
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yes, according to the press press, this all appears, yes, it was then that my sister perceived it, of course, here i am suddenly sitting in the year eighty-six, i say something about arguments and facts, in my opinion you also started then, something was left out there, there is something critical there, so oops, i made a stand, wow, what will be interesting next, it began to develop further, light, the same thing, yes, of course, it was new, everyone read it, everyone listened to this, sorry, people were given wonderful chewing gum for the brain... the counters are empty, read about the mass repressions under stalin, about what people think about it, yes, of course, we need to change, that’s how bad everything was, this it means that everything was, everything that was before that was meager, the bottom line is, i don’t agree with you, because you focus exclusively on stalin’s history, and there i can take any other ivanov - these
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were not stalinist publications, they are about terrible crimes that happen literally in real time, in general i would say.
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directed destruction of the soviet union, part of the press simultaneously opposed, the same soviet russia in which i had the good fortune to work, but the bulk of the funds were located.
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simple things, a person could know that somewhere near the train station of his city there could be some kind of conditional lure, which everyone in the entire area considers a prostitute, but this is not certain when the newspaper, excuse me, the program says that this can happen in the main hall of moscow, and the whole country sees this, but even today, in 2024, i i'm impressed. it seems to me that we are forgetting one very important fact, now many will probably argue with me, society itself was thirsty for change, and society itself was thirsty for this, this, all this negative information, after all, let’s why was it necessary to thirst for negative soviet system by 1985, it had reached its limit; all this actually required changes, but society was already normal at that time.
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chubby leg and excess weight 238 kg, unexpected, this is the last stage of obesity, incompatible with life, his knee already hurts, it hurts inside,
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sometimes it tugs inside, like a spasm, such an acute pain, he practically doesn’t leave the house, all the money goes to him for medicine, he took antibiotics and many, many different drugs, on me now people look at it like it’s some kind of decoration, oh, what ’s wrong with your leg ? , but at the same time the weight did not go away, no, on the contrary, it gained, like a forty-three-year-old for a man to return to normal life? i’m afraid to be left alone, i’m afraid that the children will be left alone, this situation is really beyond the bounds, it’s beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15. 23:00 sometimes you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, you dream about something wonderful, but you get
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the new season with timur eremeev. today at 16:45. was it still possible? rebuild, rebuild this building called the soviet union, without destroying it ilya vladislavovich, i’ll tell you a very short story, the beginning of 2000, i’m in a restaurant with gorbachev and yakovlev, thereby alexander nikolaevich.
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could have been preserved, but it required an iron hand, a strong will; unfortunately, it would inevitably lead to bloodshed, so nikolai viktorovich, well, in my opinion , it certainly could have been preserved, and here, not only with the chinese, as an example, putin, in a good sense, has been rebuilding the country for 24 years, crises a huge number, gorbachev simply destroyed the country in 6 years. compare these figures , it seems to me that putin is not rebuilding, but developing, there is also some other process here, but maxim anatolye unfortunately, it was impossible to preserve the borders of the soviet union at that time, because the russians were already a minority, their share was steadily decreasing, but what it had to be done, but here we are all very much in hindsight, not to allow the secession of the union republics within their borders, then there would be no problem of crimea,
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then there would be no problem of abkhazia, transnistria in that form, then narva. no, there was simply a situation in which maxim anatolyevich described, when the workers opened it, and then in the autumn of 1986 an auditor came to the collective farm and said: well, how are you doing here? the chairman of the collective farm was rebuilt, rebuilt, and portork was rebuilt, portork was also rebuilt, and the chief agronomist, no, the chief agronomist did not have time, and why so, the forest was not enough, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00
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weekday ntv broadcast, total goodbye to you . evacuation continues, reopening additional temporary accommodation points, volunteers delivering humanitarian aid, about flooding in orsk, alexandra tankikh. and how do you prepare for the arrival of floods in the trans-urals? collect documents, personal belongings, food, the child is small, the second one also goes to kindergarten, well, there is no point in staying here. robots go into battle. what smart machines help russian army soldiers clear mines from the suburbs of avdeevka, omar magomedov. new chains at leshen, as i understand it, are their own production.


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