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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 8, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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beyond the border, a father with many children is unable to to provide for a large family, due to excess weight and a leg swollen to enormous sizes. in the studio andrey kurazhov. hello andrey, how old are you? 43 years old, 43, how much do you weigh? more than 200 kg, well, you don’t know for sure, let’s immediately see how much you are carrying right now, come on, 238 kg, i didn’t expect, you must agree, the numbers are critical, more than we hoped.
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there will be less, less, and your height is meter 86, i see andrey, that it’s hard for you to stand, please sit down, alexander, the same indicators as andrey’s, what is the stage of obesity, this is the last stage of obesity, unfortunately, and moreover, it is incompatible with life, i can say, what should andrey’s weight be with a height of 186, yes you said, on average from... 823 to 92. andrey, you have always been a man in body, well , yes, my family is all complete in the family, naturally, i was complete. when did the problem of extra pounds become especially acute? it started about three years ago, because of my leg it became hard, it was swollen, it was hard to walk, it was hard to move, we tried to fight excess weight, i tried to fight, i mean, well, i tried to eat such things. regarding
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excess weight, no, what do you think is the reason that the weight began to grow, the sedentary throw of life because of the leg, and what exactly is wrong with your leg, you know, well, i was diagnosed with lymphostasis and erysipelas infection, well, this a consequence of lymphostasis. elena, can excess weight really be associated with leg problems? indeed, lymphostasis is a problem due to. sedentary, inactive lifestyle. obesity, here, well, triggers a whole cascade of reactions associated with all vessels, that is, it occurs arteriovenous pathology, hence trophic ulcers, diabetic disorders, what we see now, erysipelas, also due to a lack of proper microcirculation. andrey, have you shown your leg to the doctors? yes, in february of 1923, she started to get sick, very sick, the temperature was over 40, i called. they quickly took me to
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our hospital, they couldn’t do an ultrasound, they said that the ultrasound doesn’t penetrate such a thickness of the leg, the mri machine, they said that they couldn’t bear such a weight, in the end they made a diagnosis, well, by eye, the diagnosis of lymphostasis is absolutely correct, erysipelas is an addition, it is a complication of this diagnosis, that is, when conditionally the correct microcirculation does not occur in the leg. bones, venous blood is retained, and lymphatic vessels evacuate debris, the fact that cells, these are the waste products of cells, the garbage chute is clogged, and all the garbage has accumulated, well, relatively speaking, garbage, i say, yes, against this background, of course, any completely bacterium can cause this inflammation, what should be done first in this case, take a culture, determine what the cause of the inflammation is, remove the inflammation completely, but in your case, as i understand, treatment has already been attempted. it’s true that the infection was born, yes, they sort of
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removed the inflammation itself, then for another month and a half i took many, many different medications, and then i came to the surgeon for... an appointment, when my outpatient treatment had already ended, so i say that what to do next? he says, but we did everything, everything we could in this case, not only did we make a puncture in the leg, from below, we wanted to see what was inside, that’s where the blood came from leaked, they told me, well, everything is fine, let’s go home, they can discharge you home if the infection has already subsided. why? because you constantly, constantly need to do cultures, look, well, with inflammation it’s clear, but what is the reason for the lymphostasis itself, why, for example, in andrei, did it occur only on one leg? most often this happens, one limb is affected, it is either the lower limb, the leg, the arms can be affected, the upper limb, there are all sorts of reasons,
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such as a sedentary lifestyle, yes, obesity, as a concomitant factor, in principle, when the inflammation has already been treated, the patient is in remission, well... for erysipelas, for trophic ulcers, there are operations, for example, to transplant the same lymphatic vessels to restore fluid circulation in the extremities. andrey, but your leg didn’t immediately become so huge, it was gradually how you brought it to this state, it began to swell, well, i kind of worked a lot at that time, i had a big family, i had to destroy the children, who they worked for, a driver for long-distance flights and... me i thought that maybe my leg was swelling because i was driving a lot, but i didn’t pay attention to it, well, it’s swelling, it’s swelling, like what’s the big deal, but then it got bigger, bigger, bigger, in the end i had to
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leave work, the passengers somehow started looking at this leg with dismay, well, you can say he left because of shame, you left this job, found another? i went into the forest, got on a dump truck, started working on it, and we were just men there, as if no one really gave a damn about my leg, while i was working in the forest, these midges, gadflies, all this stuff is biting my leg, gnawing, all sorts of bacilli are creeping in, as a result , a hole has formed at the puncture site, well, about a centimeter in circumference, i just... the wonderful boss said, i probably need to get treatment, go home, you will be cured, you will come, i came home, began to clean, clean this hole, one stick completely climbed in there the entire length, well, that is, you just left work and never returned, no, you were in such dire need of money, you were still working,
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not sparing myself, well, since i have four there are fewer children, they need to be fed, they need to be clothed, they need to be housed, naturally, you have to work in order to earn something, you have a big family in general, well... and sergei, here’s maxim, here we lived, raised these children, and not only did they give birth to mikhail, when mikhail was 8 years old, my wife died, my second wife, and what about diabetes, her kidneys failed, she was sick for a long time, suffered,
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well, in the end she died, again, that was , probably the push that why i didn’t go straight to the doctors, because when he... died, they couldn’t even make a diagnosis, what did he die from? after the death of his second wife, maxim went to his grandmother for some time, because it was really difficult for me, then it was such a difficult period, plus children, one small, he only went to first grade there, the second is big, but a bully, then after some time, i met my third wife, my current one, she had two children, denis. he is 11 years old and angelina is 9 years old, well, we began to live as a whole family, sergei lived with us, but at the moment he is in prison, for what? he misbehaves, he steals, well, at the moment, with our last wife, we
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gave birth to another child, a little 3-year-old, are you officially married to your current chosen one? no, we are not officially married and haven’t even thought about it, why? we rather thought more about the wedding. not an official marriage, that is, you are not officially married, but at the same time you are raising four minor children, you are not working now, as i understand it, no, my wife is working now, she... has now gotten a job on shifts for 2 weeks, in 2 weeks as a cook, i'm sure you are you have a lot of complexes due to the fact that she actually drags down the family, this is even to put it mildly, it’s a complex, it’s just a pain in the soul, that no matter how i’m a man, i have to work, this is my purpose, but i have to sit at home, you don’t leave the house, almost none lately, my knee already hurts, it hurts inside, sometimes it twitches inside, as if it were some kind of spasm. such a sharp pain. andrey, i want to tell you that the problem of excess weight is very relevant for my family, on one
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side, on the other, i have a lot of weight grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, when my grandmother died, we could not put her in a standard coffin, and i am the person who took my mother, my godmother by the scruff of the neck, took her to the doctors, because they are afraid of doctors, and since weight and my mother is afraid of doctors, i need to train myself as a massage therapist, and personally i give massages to all my relatives and my mother to drive away this notorious lymph, you are 43 years old, for me you are a young man who is no longer interested in living, i i understand that these are difficult conditions, yes, you are children there raised, but excuse me, your adult children should wash, firstly, your head, because from the head you need to start contacting doctors so that you... guys, i need help, this is what you should have in your head, i need
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help, help, i want to live, andrey, your adult sons help you, support you, well, i have an eldest son, as i said, he’s sitting, the second one, well, he needs to build his own life, you’re young, he trained to be a cook technologist, confectioner technologist, went to yekaterinburg to the big city, and your your beloved... supports you, well, yes, she, yes, she is everything, your partner admitted that she is very afraid of losing you, in the studio daria khamova, how did you meet andrey, we met 6 years ago, on holidays with friends, in at that time, andrei looked different, well, yes, much different, he probably looked after you beautifully, called you on a date, we often...
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were in a relationship, but what about maxim, what about misha - that ’s right, that’s all mine. andrey, could you become a real father for your children? my daughter started calling him literally a month and a half later dad, and son in about, well, six months, something like that. andrei told us that before the problems with his leg, he led an active lifestyle, worked a lot, yes, he worked before, that is, we didn’t have such a thing that he sat down at home somewhere near the tv or computer, he arrived, slept with... got ready to set off on the way, flew off, but you were horrified when you saw that your loved one
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’s leg began to swell, well, at first it was just fear, i initially began to push him to the hospital, well, since he had were in the past well, the communication with the doctors was quite strained, he just wouldn’t go, that’s when he started to feel really bad, his temperature was high at 40 for three or four days, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital, suleiman, if only... he had come earlier, it would have been much easier to help him, yes, it would have been possible to immediately deal not with the symptoms, but with the root of the problem, this is a psychological barrier, he is afraid of doctors, in most cases the patient himself refuses, no matter how much he is persuaded by relatives and friends, a loved one , exactly before conditions when everything is over, the pain crosses the line, this can really lead to big problems and death, so here, taking into account what is visible from the outside, you look like...
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one doctor is bad, the second is bad, the third, then sticks they took something for themselves there and cleaned this wound, if you didn’t take care of yourself now, dasha, and this is also for you, then i don’t know how...
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at least take you to the store, maybe? well, practically not, why? because my leg, it really hurts like crazy, it really hurts, that is, the car is sitting idle? no, don’t you attribute your leg problem to excess weight, andrey? i think that this is mostly sedentary work, the fact that he began to gain weight is just recently. olga, can you guess why
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the weight began to increase so sharply? firstly, physical activity still decreased due to the leg, then age with the age of exchange. in general, it slows down every year, or maybe eating habits have changed, stress eating and so on, that is, all these reasons in combination, they led to the fact that the weight began to increase, giving, but andrey did not eat more or hasn’t changed his diet, what do you feed him at all, tell me, i make him stewed cabbage, vegetable roga, some salads, so light that without mayonnaise, without vegetable oil, well, just like that , something more poppy, the better the porridge. i don’t believe you, because it’s impossible to gain weight either on cabbage or on horn, well, he can sometimes afford to eat pilaf, for example, some kind of potato, pilaf is already quite a fatty product, it’s somewhere around 480 kilocalories only for 100 g of course andrey doesn’t eat 100 g of pylov, he just doesn’t get enough, when he comes to me, he says we ’re all genetically fat, but no, it’s not true,
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it’s just family food, when unfortunately the food was unhealthy, with a lot of... fats, that’s it, excess weight, so now, in order for andrey to really get healthier, i will be very happy if you take my help, i will be very happy to help and tell you what a truly healthy diet is, we will be very grateful. daria, there are problems in intimate life, of course there are now it is increasingly reduced to almost zero, due to the same excess weight, and because of my own complexes. andrey, aren’t you afraid that darya will leave you because of this? i have such thoughts, well, i understand, she is 10 years younger than me, and there is jealousy, as if without this, plus she is probably not at home all day now, since she has been working on shifts for 2 weeks, naturally 2 she’s been gone for a week, daria, but you won’t leave andrey, never, you love him very much, and you and andrey often quarrel,
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no, he’s mostly nervous, he’s freaking out, i try to hush it up, well, it happens that he’s freaking out about what? well, because of his leg, the fact that it’s leaking, the fact that it hurts, the fact that he can’t do something, he starts to freak out because of it, he starts screaming because of it, and sometimes he’s in a bad mood , and well, naturally, there are some kind of altercations, physical pain, it greatly affects the emotional state, in such situations, of course, keeping a person silent, keeping everything to himself is even more destructive for him, therefore, what he shares, says, is very good, daria, you are a great... what can i tell andrey, that there is something to focus on, after all, there are wonderful children who are growing up, yes, that is, you always have i have patience for this, but i also want the opportunity to find the good in what is happening to you now, and this will also work for your recovery, why andrei’s thirteen-year-old son had to grow up early, why a man’s little boy can’t
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look after his children. and all because of excess weight and problems with the leg, which the man can barely step on. the leg of forty-three-year-old andrei kurazhov from severo-uralsk began to swell 3 years ago. now it is of incredible size, all covered with ulcers, from which lymph and pus ooze. and naturally, they give up.
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not enough, well, yes, andrey, but some payments do you receive from the state? well, when my second wife died, i applied for benefits, well, it’s like the loss of a breadwinner, no more payments, but disability, i didn’t apply for disability, i’ll even tell you for what reason, i have a wife who died, my second wife, she disabled due to diabetes, every year she had to confirm her disability, only for 5 years.
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andrey, does anyone else in your family have problems with their legs? my mother, well, she had problems with her legs due to diabetes. what's the problem? well, we started on one leg trophic ulcers in connection with diabetes. she went to the doctor and her leg was cut off at the knee. a year and a half later, the second leg was ambushed. oh, my god, and now we have moved her to severo-uralsk, bought an apartment
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on the first floor, and done some renovations there. and they took us out, we walked, but now we don’t walk anymore, it’s been a year and a half since we haven’t walked, except you, maybe someone can take care of your mother, you have brothers, sisters, my sister died 3 months ago, please accept my condolences because of what, heart, legs, legs, and what about the legs it happened too, my legs also began to swell, i stopped walking, wait, your sister died from the same problem that you have, yes, like the death of your sister, your mother suffered, she cries constantly, she already said that if you die, in general there , you support your mother, you call her, of course, every day and not just once or twice, dasha goes to her often, my children are again her grandchildren, well, somewhere we need something, to the store, some there are these, andrey, we talked with your mother, she said that she is very worried about you and cries every day for 7 years,
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a sixty-six-year-old...
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inconsolable mother lives every day in fear that she might lose her beloved and only son, but i love him, i can’t lose him, he’s the only relative i have left, and i think he doesn’t have much time left, if this stupid leg is not cured, he will definitely die, andrei, you can’t hold back your tears, how can i hold back this, it hurts to hear this from your mother, but... of course. daria, and after what happened to andrei’s sister, you worry about your loved one even more. to say i'm worried is to say nothing at all. anxiety is growing more and more every day. but do you believe that andrey will cope? because i listen to his mother and understand that she doesn’t really believe. he is very strong, if
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given the opportunity now. to correct this, we will do everything, that is, we will make every effort to ensure that he loses weight, that is, there may be some kind of support on my part, the children are also waiting at home, they are worried about whether their dad will be cured, or that their dad will not be cured. i’m afraid to be left alone, i’m afraid that the children will be left without a father, yul, i see tears in your eyes too, i’m just andrey, i i’m joining yuri’s group, yes, his team, i will support you too, and the fact that i was emotional today, believe me, this is my best intention to help, support and will continue to support, i’m with you, thank you. andrey, how do your children feel about your condition? they help, without them there is absolutely no way, the eldest son is thirteen, when my mother is on shift, every morning he and i wrap his leg in bandages, only then he goes to school,
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daughter, so i have 9-year-old girls, she does the laundry and cooks , your son is your little boy today too we came to support you, our guests are maxim obornik and mikhail kurazhov. maxim, you are andrei’s little boy, what do you call him? yes, that’s right, i’m a stepson, but he raised me from the age of 2, so we have it in our hearts to still call him dad, that is, this is the person who was always there and tried to kind of raise and raise me. how old were you when your mother passed away? and i was 15 years old, i understood that there were two children on it, misha and seryozha, and i decided to go to my grandmother. so that all this, how wise, you already then you were thinking about dad, you were afraid for dad’s health when his leg started to grow, naturally, i already started to have this panic, worrying about him, for his health and for the children he is raising at the moment, you told dad something now you help me
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when they give me some vacations, weekends, i try to support them, come and stay with them somehow, how is your relationship with daria, with dai we initially had a very good relationship, we just found a relationship with her common language, she is for... me to this day as a second mother, i saw that she really helps our dad, she raises children, she raises my brother, that is, i see this and i am very pleased with her and i love her very much, really. mikhail, what is your relationship with daria? i treat her like my mother, at the moment i love her very much, she supports me like a mother. how old were you when dad and daria got together? i was 8 years old then. initially , somehow i didn’t accept it right away, but then...
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kids, i bring him what he needs, with lessons can dad help? yes, if i ask for help with something, they help me? does he come to school for parent-teacher meetings? no, because he has problems with his legs, and well, this might somehow call him names. now people look at me as some kind of decoy, so it’s natural, and since at school we easily put labels on children, so why spoil the guy once again? well, if it's the same. talk, so yes, i don’t go to meetings or to school, i’m always a person who doubts himself, he thinks out for other people what they will say what they think, this moment is even more exhausting, it
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seems to limit even more and a person begins to create some obstacles for himself in his life even more, in fact they think about everyone, absolutely about everyone, and if you will continue in this spirit, yes, then you will stop leaving the house altogether. andrey, what can’t you do at home without help right now? well, i dress myself, i shower myself. what do they help with? go pick up the child from the kindergarten. yes, that's the problem. daughter in front of his school the kindergarten will be taken away, but according to the law they do not have the right to give away the child, well, the same daughter. that's why my neighbor, she goes after her child and takes ours. evgeniya, andrey, we have a story about how difficult it is for you every day. let's get a look. a year ago, on the frail shoulders of thirty-four-year-old daria khamova from severouralsk, in addition to work, home and four children, she also had to take care of her sedentary lover. the woman
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says that due to andrei’s illness, even dreams of a fresh renovation had to be postponed. wanted start with the bath, because it was absolutely terrible there, drops just poured out, almost on the child’s head. they started doing it and andrei was no longer able to climb to the top. darya shows pills, solutions, bandages. according to her , a significant part of the family budget is spent on them. every evening... she applies a healing ointment to the ulcers covering the swollen leg of her loved one, and in the morning she makes an alcohol compress and bandage to reduce the swelling, we first drain the leg, so to speak, why, because it’s running, the arm is running, then we'll do this whole thing we wipe it, we put it away, we wrap it up, the extra weight and the giant leg have paralyzed his life, andrei himself complains, having covered only a couple of meters, he is already suffering from pain and shortness of breath, the man can’t even sleep normally, in order for
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me to turn over, i need to get up again, only on the other side. problems also arise when choosing clothes; if it is still possible to find t-shirts in size eighty-two, then andrey has to alter his pants. the shanovka size itself is normal, i have to sew inserts on the patient’s leg, this is also quite problematic, daria carefully monitors her lover’s diet if she cooks pilaf, fries cutlets and meat for the children? then on andrey’s menu there is stewed cabbage, vegetable rogu, and fish and grains. andrey eats, well, little, very little, this is the portion we get, that is, another piece of fish goes here. and when daria leaves for work for 2 weeks, the children take care of everything. thirteen-year-old misha learned to bandage his dad's leg, and nine-year-old angelina and 11-year-old denis keep their little brother in order in the house. jenya and i are playing. we walk after kindergarten, come home from school, clean up,
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every day we cook, wash the dishes, help dad, clean up everywhere, we want dad to fly out as soon as possible, so that we can walk everywhere, who helps andrey with the children in everyday life, while daria is on duty, all the most interesting things, in a matter of minutes, word guys, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00, there’s so much to do, we can handle it, because i have compleviditis, just one tablet a day to support health, performance and well -being. complivit, vitamin and mineral complex of 21 component, 11 vitamins, eight minerals, rutin, lipoic acid, complete every day at an affordable price. what's wrong with your husband? it seems to me that there is something wrong with you, you want to imprison me for the murder of my husband, which i did not commit, i am on your side. now , if he knew about the surprise, what would he do? new season, detective.
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today 20:00 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds, every step gives the forty-three-year-old man excruciating pain. andrei kurazhov's weight is almost 2 and a half centners, and his left leg cannot fit into his pants due to a huge tumor. his partner, thirty-four-year-old daria khamova, bandages her lover every day and is afraid to lose him, because just 3 months ago , the man’s sister died from the same illness. she had the same problem with her legs, when she died, then a real panic began, and if the same thing gives birth to us, our family, the head of the family is supported not only by daria, but also by his sons and daughter, their carefree childhood turned into daily care for dad, i help dad with the housework , bring something, take something away, in the
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morning i get up and wrap his leg with a bandage. andrey, you are grateful to your wife and children for that they told you... their own problems, he didn’t go to the doctors on time, didn’t watch his diet, andrei probably might have some bad habits, it seems to me, as a layman, if his sister dies from the same thing, from an illness with legs, if the mother’s legs were amputated, that’s the same thing, but
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it seems to me, i’m not a doctor, of course, that this is mostly some kind of genetic predisposition. you know, i definitely want to tell you guys, you are great, your children are amazing, thank you for raising such nice kids, wonderful, but look, in your refrigerator, what i saw, there is mayonnaise, there are sausages, there ’s just everything, everything is absolutely fatty, even dashenka, you make rice, which is completely contraindicated for andrei, of course, because rice is a simple carbohydrate , this is one, secondly, fish, it seems like fish is good, but... it’s fried, look, it’s already fried, this is also, please, your trans fats, we got from this instead of getting good healthy protein , pay attention to this, and of course, do not feed this to small, thin children either, because our family diet is laid down from childhood, while the guys have a huge high-speed metabolism, they
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won’t put anything on themselves, but when we reach 25, 28, 30 years old, some associated diseases begin to accumulate in us. this is where it all came from, it’s all from there, nutrition is the basis of everything. andrey, besides your family, children, dari, who else supports you and helps you out in everyday affairs? my neighbor, ksenia, is always ready to help, she is an open, kind person, your neighbor also came to our studio today, ksenia lukina. hello, how did you find out about the problem, andrey? i wouldn’t pay attention to his leg - but he’s always covered with a sheet, and then i came to them, he says, my leg hurts, my leg hurts, i say, what’s wrong with your leg, well, he threw back the sheet, i so... i saw it and was simply horrified, since i always watch your show, i said, let’s turn, i said, guys, well,
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here we are, how else are you helping the family of andrei and daria, well when daria is on a business trip, i pick up the child from kindergarten, well when i go to the store, if i have to, i go, it’s wonderful that you help and it’s good that sometimes there’s a life preserver, they really took it to the transfer, it seems to me like never before in my life. others, your childhood friend, nazilya kolumzhanova, came to meet you
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, hello, you can’t hold back your tears, it’s from the joy of meeting or from what you see. what problems does andre have, very mixed feelings, both from the joy of the meeting and from what he saw, what he saw simply shocked me, i knew that the situation was critical, but i didn’t know that so much, because andrei hid, hid, and how long have you known andrei, andrei, i have known since childhood, our parents worked together, then in ninety- six they moved to russia, and we lost contact completely, so by 10 already, when there was access to the internet, we wrote requests everywhere, we searched on social networks, but everything was unsuccessful,
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until one fine day my brother came and said that he had found contacts, after all, andrey, remember your emotions when zilla got in touch with you, it’s an amazing feeling, it’s nice after so long years to find lost friends, and how many years have you not seen her, probably 20 years, definitely not seen, and more, 27, 27, 27. 7 years, nazilia, when did you get in touch with andrey again, as he confessed to you why does he have such problems? in december of the twenty-third year , aunt sveta, and we very often call each other by video, she was very confused in confused feelings, she cried, she said that andrei had a very critical situation, and that she was not ready to lose her son, she asked me to talk to him , somehow influence him, pass treatment, i called. we talked, i insisted that he show his leg, he refused to resist me for a long time,
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but still he showed me the video leg, you know, remembering the last video and seeing now the situation has worsened when you saw this problem for the first time , did you immediately start thinking about how to help your friend? yes, i told him that he shouldn’t give up, he needs to look for solutions, i found one clinic in krasnodar, sent him... contacts, and later he actually went to this clinic. andrey, and how did the trip to krasnodar to the clinic end? over the phone, when i called this clinic, they told me that the cost of treatment was, well, a maximum of 120 thousand. mom tells me, you have this money, go, i went there to the clinic, i arrived, and the price went from 120,000 to almost half a million, and why did they explain that to you? said that we will not
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start treatment until it flows, he says, we will now give you recommendations, you go home for 12 days, take medications, when it stops flowing, come to us, and we will take care of your treatment, the treatment will take a month and a half, and the cost will be, well... around half a million, i bought all the medicine, we gave something like 12,000, and it helped, it helped, but well, if it’s any - the result was positive, you didn’t think about finding money, taking some measures and going for treatment after all, you thought and thought, for us, half a million is a really big amount, based on the fact that our apartments there are two-room apartments there for 600-8000, our mother again said, i’m ready to sell my apartment. and live let’s say you’re in this group of four, well, we have children, my mother is sick, she has high blood pressure, all
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these complex problems are also a big disease, plus diabetes mellitus. and she needs peace, she ’s used to peace, and you didn’t agree to her proposal, no, i refused, i said, no, we won’t sell anything, we’ll look for some other solutions, well, our neighbor decided to write, she decided to write to you, ask for help, here we are, azilya, and you believe that your friend can be helped, i think that russian medicine can help him help, and will you invite him to visit you when the problem is resolved? we certainly have been for all these years and we have repeatedly told them to come and visit us with their big friendly family, generally with great pleasure, kazakhstan is my second homeland, andrey, but you understand, so that all this comes true, first of all, you need to take care of your health, of course i understand, and i will, you have already passed a medical examination, that’s how it was, slowly, barely
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moving his legs, andrei kurazhov enters office to the lymphologist naderbeck. first, the doctor asks the man about his condition and complaints: what is your average blood pressure? well , usually 1600, the usual 160, there were also 240, from chronic diseases, what do you have? the doctor asks the patient to place his swollen leg on the couch, and liquid immediately gushes out of it like a fountain. yeah, a lymphologist is examining a patient's inflamed leg. then he measures its diameters, the maximum point is up to 93 cm in circumference, then andrey undergoes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, kidney examination of the function of external respiration: exhaled, exhaled, exhaled, that's it, i breathed calmly to find out how the man's obesity affected the functioning of his heart, the patient undergoes an ecg and echocardiography, after which cardiologist maria lopukhina consults
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andrey, my parents are both heart patients and... surgeon vladimir stankevich. hello, nadereg, vladimir, what can you say about andrey’s condition? andrei's condition leaves much to be desired, to put it mildly, andrei has extreme obesity, third degree obesity, morbid obesity, with concomitant
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pathology, with multiple, he has. arterial hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, lymphostasis, in general, all this can really lead to serious complications, well, fatal complications, fatal. aderbeg, why is andrey’s leg so swollen? due to obesity, that is, there was a predisposition to the occurrence of lymphatic pathology, at a certain moment quite a lot of weight was gained, as a result of which the lymphatic system could not stand it. does andrey have a chance for a full, healthy life? the most interesting thing is ahead, a woman started an affair on the train and i got so carried away that i got off at the station, forgetting my children in the carriage. i already had seven, my middle brother was six, i took the youngest with me, and after some time they brought him too. oksana grew up in an orphanage and learned from her personal file that she was not her mother’s
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first, but her third child. terrible. i was surprised by this, now she is looking for her elders, but she doesn’t know her sisters or brothers, that is , boys, girls, it’s not clear, i turned to find out who they were, how many children the mother of the cuckoo had and where they are now, she ended up in the reception family in america, in my documents there was the name of my sister, yulia grivennikova, she was a year older than me, we ended up in an orphanage together with maria, the document was written there. the act of receiving transfers, like these things, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose, and the first payment is only in a month. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. get an ozone card and
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beyond a forty-year-old resident of the sverlovsk region is afraid of being left without his left leg, because it has swollen to incredible sizes and continues to grow. every step for andrei kurazhov, the father of many children, is hellish pain, work for him. impossible, but it is possible to take control, you must first undergo a comprehensive
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examination with all relevant specialists of our colleagues, these will be doctors, cardiologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, and we still need to reduce weight, after which we will work in more detail, or in parallel . we are talking about the leg, it will be necessary to engage in anti-ulcer therapy and anti-edematous therapy, which in the current gold standard for treating lymphostasis is lymphatic drainage. compression tight bandaging, appropriate exercise therapy and some more, but you list so many things, how long the treatment takes, a month at least. can you help andrey? if andrey wants it, then yes. vladimir, overweight, andrey, how to deal with it? andrey has all the indications for bariatric surgery, is it a stomach reduction? yes, such operations are performed laparoscopically, that is, through punctures; as a rule, five punctures and through them
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the surgical intervention itself occurs, that is, either part of the stomach is removed, or a bypass operation is performed, which diverts food from the stomach and from part of the small intestine so that there is less absorption. what indicators should a patient have to be allowed to undergo this operation? he should not have decompensated diabetes mellitus, he should have normal blood pressure, he should not have deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities and...
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so he has a chance of losing weight, but unfortunately, there is practically no chance for him to maintain this weight at the level to which he will reduce it. andrey, you are ready to follow all the specialist’s recommendations, more than that, and i will be very grateful if they help. have you heard about the risks that experts honestly tell you about, do these risks not scare you? it’s better to take a risk than to live like this, experience these hellish pains, and that’s all, great gratitude. to this program, to these people who are present here, thank you very much for your help, for your support, i will try to recover, we will do everything possible, that depends on us, we wish you good luck and health, thank you, thank you very much, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond,
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while the man was in service, his nine-month-old son tragically died, and as soon as i got in touch, i immediately called my wife, she said that he had fallen, that it was an accident, there is a very murky story here, after funeral of the man's wife was detained suspicion of murdering their baby, but the woman’s adoptive mother is sure that her daughter is not... the connection between children and mother, it’s just part of the death of her own son, inextricable you need to see what happened on that fateful day, his whole face was in bruises, lips were broken, this is abroad, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. she had no doubt that she was the eldest child, but at the age of 27 she was surprised to learn that...


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