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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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evacuation continues, additional temporary accommodation centers are opened, volunteers deliver humanitarian aid regarding flooding in orvsk, alexandra tankikh. olga zenkova will tell you about the evacuation of villages, strengthening the banks, building a dam, and how kurgan is preparing to face the flood. fierce battles continue for belogorovka about the interaction of advanced assault troops and artillery from the seversky direction, report by alexey ivliev. at selection points for contract service across the country, queues of people wishing to go to the nwo zone. what is the reason for the sharp increase in the number of volunteers and what happens?
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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is elmira ifendieva and vladimir chernyshov. vladimir putin today heard reports from the head. ministry of emergency situations, as well as
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the governors of the orenburg, kurgand and tyumen regions. the topic of the conversation with the president was the situation with floods in these regions, as well as measures that are being taken to provide emergency assistance to people caught in the flood zone. according to the kremlin, based on the results of the reports, the head of state instructed the government to create a special commission headed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. in the city of orsk, orsk, orenburg region, several areas went under water due to the breakthrough yes. over 1,300 people have already been delivered to temporary accommodation centers, large-scale evacuation in flooded areas continues, the authorities asked the population to carefully follow all the recommendations of the ministry of emergency situations, especially if it is necessary to leave their homes. rescuers local residents who have their own boats and motorboats are helping with the evacuation. people leave voluntarily because it is simply dangerous to stay at home, because of the flooding, some areas are without power, there is no electricity or water. the city is bringing in additional supplies
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of drinking water and bread. about the situation in orsk. report by alexander tankikh. after the dam broke, the old city was first flooded. 3 days have passed and the evacuation of the area is still ongoing. i’m fine, everything is just in the water, such a disaster, such a misfortune. it's horrible. people return to their homes to pick up pets. so the man was able to bring out the cat and pigeons. here are the living, someone was saved, he drowned. yes. i’ll send it to my friends, the water doesn’t go away, bus stops, shops and, of course, residential buildings are flooded, but in this area there is an island of land, cut off from the mainland, using special equipment, volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations are bringing people the most necessary things, a generator, a blanket, bread, cereal and water , all this is brought to humanitarian aid collection points by caring people. those whose houses were flooded settled in an orthodox gymnasium, with temple. they sleep on desks and chairs, feed
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dog kittens rescued from the water, live without light and heat, and cook food over a fire. today the pilaf is very tasty, look, we have animals here and we can’t abandon them, and we can’t abandon people, and we can’t abandon people, we, because we’re running together, we’re helping there too, we’re calling, then with the ministry of emergency situations, then with an ambulance, we come to an agreement there, emergency services vehicles are on duty on the island, a generator is working, you can charge your phone right on the square. this is how we survive, we sleep under three blankets, it’s cold, gas was given in the morning, just a drop like that, water, tea were warmed up, on the way back they took out those who decided to evacuate, on the way rescuers took three more passengers on board, the boat began to deflate, people might not have reached sushi, volunteers on duty on the shore, hot tea and food for those who rescue and those who are being saved, we just live very close here and it’s completely impossible to just sit and watch everything.
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residents of flooded houses are sent to temporary accommodation centers... the number has been increased so that there is enough space for everyone. volunteers bring personal hygiene products, clothing and food here. natalya gorbenko lives in orsk, her house is also under water. together with her husband, she moved to relatives. while her husband takes people out of the flood zone on his boat, she helps sort and distribute humanitarian aid every day. i would like to provide at least some kind of help to people, so that not only, but people also need help, there are situations that are much worse than people’s, than ours, for example. apartment buildings were also flooded streets of orsk, and this is the new city district, this is what gagarin square looks like, this area has been flooded for 2 days, the water has not gone away, the nearest residential areas can only be reached from here by boat. employees of the ministry of emergency situations go around the courtyards, take away those who were unable to leave their apartments earlier, pull people
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out of the canopies of the entrances, and carry them in their arms. according to rescuers, many do not pay attention to the alarm, ignore calls to evacuate, stay at home in the hope that the water will not reach... if you are told to evacuate, please evacuate, thus, you will leave us with less work, or you will leave us with the work that really needs us, these are sedentary people, we will take them out, we will save them, there are streets that cannot be reached now, strong currents, great depth, wave to people, i say, let’s go, he says, no, it’s okay, there is food, there is water, yesterday we tried to persuade people in the old city , they didn’t want to, now the calls are coming from there, we don’t even know how to get there from there, the water is moving, taking over new areas
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of the city, so the evacuation doesn't stop neither day nor night. alexander tankist, sergey skvartsov, vladimir khazov, ntv, orsk, orenburg region. head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander. kurenkov today took part in an extended meeting of state duma committees, where they discussed minimizing the consequences of spring floods. gurenkov announced the strengthening of the department’s grouping in places where the situation may become more complicated in the near future and emphasized that all necessary instructions have been given to the relevant federal and regional authorities. siberian, ural and volga federal districts, as a result about...
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by the middle of the week, preparations for the flood have been taking place here for several days, the banks are being strengthened, dams are being built, local residents are coming to the aid of rescuers and the military in order to resist the elements together. the headlights are out.
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there are fallen trees and so on, we are dismantling the barrier and railings from it, well, today it is already completely blocked. people here know firsthand how unpredictable high water can be. 30 years ago , one of the largest and most destructive floods occurred in the region, this year the forecasts are also not encouraging. literally 2 days ago we carried out a regional coes and the data from the territorial roshydromet was that no major flood was expected, and that the discharge standard was 70 cubic meters. per second from the kastomara reservoir, this is the karatamara reservoir, excuse me, this is the republic of kazakhstan, at the same time, after that we literally received a notification from colleagues from kazakhstan and notifications from colleagues from the chelyabinsk region that kazakhstan has increased the discharge by 45 times, today in fact, that
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is we already get instead of 70 cubes in second 3.300 to second. the village of zverennogolovskaya is located practically on the border with kazakhstan, from here to it in a straight line, it’s about 7 km, according to forecasts. the populated area will be one of the first to encounter a flood. if the tobol river overflows its banks, dozens of home areas could be flooded. sounds of sirens today. they are flooding in all kurgan districts that are in the zone of possible flooding, these are fifty settlements and dozens of gardens within the regional center, this is what the village of kurtomysh looks like now, water level small, but people can no longer leave their houses on their own, the authorities urge residents not to wait for trouble, a miracle will not happen, governor vadim shumkov personally goes around the yards and persuades people to evacuate in advance, don’t hide, don’t fumble, collect documents, collect valuables to leave, good, but how to go to work, we also go to work tomorrow, i’m working.
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hands, furniture, equipment, she cries all the time and worries about the house and property, but the main thing she says is that she and the children are now safe. when i noticed how much the water comes quickly, i haven’t slept at night, because god forbid, i was afraid that suddenly i wouldn’t have time to get the children out of the house, and during the day we just moved out, it’s better to evacuate in advance, it’s better to protect yourself and the children. especially children, because once the water is here, there is nowhere to run while the water level
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rises gradually, but in some places a state of emergency is already in effect, the flood can develop rapidly, so all services are on high alert. olga zenkova, artemy pefanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. kiev attacked the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant again today. one kamis drone was shot down by air defense systems and fell on the roof of the sixth power unit. this was reported in the press service of the station, where they emphasized that no threat to the safety of the zas was detected; earlier, as a result of a series of strikes, three employees were injured; one of the drones hit the protective dome of the sixth power unit. also today, the kremlin commented on the ukrainian armed forces’ strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this is a very dangerous provocation, magata employees who are on the spot had the opportunity witness this attack, so it is a very dangerous practice that has very... very bad negative consequences in the long term. the kiev regime, unfortunately,
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continues its terrorist activities. the russian media called this attack an act of nuclear terrorism and called on the world community to respond to kiev’s attacks on zas. magatha also warned of a serious risk of a nuclear accident. the head of the international atomic energy agency, rafael grossi , called on kiev to immediately stop shelling za, calling their action “irresponsible.” in the management of the special military operation , units of the southern group of forces occupied more advantageous positions. this happened after
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attacks on personnel and equipment of the 67th and 93rd mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of kleshcheevka and krasnaya. well, in the northern direction, the russian military is attacking the enemy in the belogorovka area. it is located on a hill and from there militants fire at populated areas in the lpr. artillery pieces also conduct counter-battery combat against the enemy.
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most artillery works at night due to the enemy has a colossal number of birds, but when it is necessary to support our advanced assault troops moving forward with fire, the artillerymen work during daylight hours, having worked on the enemy, the hail seems to dissolve. please note how powerful and reliable this acacia is, even large kamika drones are now available to the crew.
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objective control footage confirms that the target has been hit, miners are also working here, most of them have been fighting since 2014, but despite the accumulated fatigue, they say that they will definitely push the enemy behind they have towns and villages where their wives and children live.
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we replaced the commander-in-chief, he conducted an audit of the armed forces, rotations began on the front line, and we understand that we do not need so many military personnel at the moment, so the mobilization will be much, much quieter and softer, i think within a year we will complete everything the necessary mobilization tasks, how many people the ukrainian army needs, but even the western press believes that the kiev authorities, to put it mildly, are lying. the times newspaper writes that young people in ukraine are afraid of falling into the hands of military registration and enlistment officers, who are now rowing everyone in order to plug the holes at the front. journalists believe that the law signed last week by vladimir zelensky to reduce the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, as well as
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the abolition of deferments for many medical indicators, will not save the armed forces of ukraine, but will only strengthen what is already going off scale. at the moment, in the criminal case of the terrorist attack in crocus, 11 people have been identified who are involved in this terrible crime, this was reported today by the investigative committee of russia, where they spoke about the progress of the investigation. as part of the criminal case of terrorism... the investigation continues to work with injured witnesses, establish the identities of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack, conduct investigative actions and operational search activities aimed at identifying and detaining other accomplices in the crime, both perpetrators and accomplices, and organizers. the investigative committee is recreating the full picture of what happened,
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literally bit by bit, collecting the smallest evidence. and the day before the investigation showed. new video interrogations the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, they explained that their actions were coordinated by a certain seifulo, he said that after the terrorist attack they needed to go to kiev, where the militants would be paid money. after the horrific terrorist attack in crocus, thousands of russians decided to sign contracts for military service. in recent weeks , so many people have been coming to the selection point that they have switched to round-the-clock operation. among the volunteers are people of different ages and professions before going to the zone.
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destroys peaceful people, civilians, i just can’t stand aside and indifferent, and people like him, and active volunteers , up to 1,700 people a day now come to selection points across the country. over the past week and a half, the flow of candidates for contract military service has increased significantly. the main motive is the desire to protect their family and friends, to prevent a repetition of the events in the moscow region.
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over the past few days alone , half a thousand people have already signed a contract, and each one is also driven by the desire for fair retribution for the innocent victims of the crocus. go with weapons against unarmed people, children,
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well, this is meanness, it should be punished. due to the large influx of volunteers, many collection points switched to 24/7 operation. when all this happened, there was even more desire. yes, i called twice a day, asking before lunch and after lunch. when the matter is prepared, we need to go faster, that’s it, don’t sit still, this won’t happen again, like in the crocus, victory will be ours. in rostov-nadon there was no shortage of volunteers before; from here to the combat zone in donbass there are only a few hours by car, but now for many the starting point was the events that happened 1.00 km away in the capital. the extreme point of choice was the event in kroku city, this terrorist attack. and i understand. that i have a family, children, and so that all this does not reach my family, i decided
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to take a contract, recruits are not immediately sent to the special operation zone, even if they have combat experience behind them, first they undergo training in training centers for military training grounds. in russia, since the beginning of the year , only over 100 thousand. there is, as they say in one film, such a profession as defending the homeland, the contracts generally vary in terms of terms, i signed for a year, but we all understand that we are going to victory. evgeny golovanov, ilya khristinen, dmitry smirnov and alexander lyutikov, russian fishermen managed to achieve a record catch over the last three decades at the end of last year, the head of the russian federation reported this to the president today. at the meeting in the kremlin, they discussed the situation in the industry as a whole, including the cultivation of fry and the production of fish food. well we separately focused on the issue
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of building new fishing vessels. the volume of investments for these purposes will amount to hundreds of billions of rubles. roman sobol also delved into the problems of catching salmon and sardines. fishing in russia is another industry that is now confidently growing, where various types previously flourished. the entire history of observations, that is, we had 670,000 tons there this year 609. the amount of artificially grown fish is also increasing, next year they plan to fully provide fish farms with domestic ones
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feed. but with the so-called planting material, fry and live eggs, the matter is more complicated. factories are being built, but they will start operating in five years. there are delays in replenishing the fishing fleet. shipbuilding, factories, yes, quotas? yes, well, we have a planned investment volume of 300 billion, this is only within the first stage, which means that it is planned to build 105 for 105 ships, now 22 ships have been built, with a slight lag, but what about a little? somewhere we are going with a big lag, but now we have already rebuilt at the shipyard, everywhere where there were problems, new contracts were concluded with suppliers of new equipment, now the schedules have aligned, i hope that within the framework of the new schedules all these ships will be built on time, that is, according to our plan, this is the twenty- seventh year, the last ship should be handed over to the customer, we were greatly let down former partners from the west broke contracts for the supply of equipment and
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are not even going to return the advances paid. you said that the construction of ships is proceeding with a delay, with a significant delay, well, this is connected, i as i understand it, not least with the sanctions that are or have been introduced against russian shipbuilding, regarding spare parts, equipment, first of all, yes, new chains have been established, as i understand it, our own production is developing, i know that many people really have not considered domestic production before equipment of very good quality shows very good results. the profits of fishermen are growing, tax deductions are growing, and up to 80% of the funds remain in the regions. kamchatka, for example, previously received from fish farms not more than 800 million rubles a year, but already in 203 the amount increased to 8 billion. meanwhile,
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russian fishermen are starting. we are now working with our colleagues from african countries on a large african survey , we want to do a study of fisheries resources in african countries, now with our colleagues we are just discussing funding for this; there is already a headquarters created this year, they should start in the second half of the year, friends asked about this they are interested in their joint work, we take their scientists on board, of course we share certainly all the data that will be. the role of science is indeed very important, it is it that regulates the catch so that the catches remain good and the population of commercial fish does not dry out. such an important direction as the production of titer fish, yes, it does not work out in all areas, but specifically for sterlid, we now see that the stock has recovered strongly, this is noted by fishermen, hobbyists and industrialists, and we are now carefully offering this year already in certain areas of the volga are to be opened for recreational fishing, which means, well, it’s clear,
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a short advertisement, further in our issue. the ministry of natural resources is again thinking about completely abandoning paper checks and switching to electronic ones. how to do this and what is stopping you? alina repina. at a meeting in russia , pushkin gathered everyone. the twenty-sixth international festival of russian theaters is dedicated to the poet’s anniversary. pavel ryshkov saw how classical ensembles from neighboring countries play classics today. at bikfest
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adults and children up to 24 hours, available on yandex market, its own sberbank business for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about customers, comparison of indicators with competitors, the best place for a retail outlet. open an account with sberbank and use useful services for free forever. sber-business. indol ford evalar. a natural remedy for female breast health, up to 50% more profitable than its analogue. indol ford evalar, quality guaranteed by gmp standard. among thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity, look for those same sneakers at sportsmaster. mikhail shufutinsky, million dollar secret. on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. the development of russian science was one of the main topics of today’s meeting between mikhail mishustin and deputy prime ministers. the head of government announced the extension of the program for financing domestic scientists. the funds
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are intended to create breakthrough technologies, expand and modernize research infrastructure, as well as grants and training.
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places. payments from russia to kazakhstan began to go much more slowly. the deadlines extended to 2-3 weeks. the newspaper izvestia found out about this.
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nikolai dunaev, vice-president of the business association opora russia, adds: some local banks have refused to work with russia altogether. for example, the largest bank in kazakhstan, halyk bank. according to nikolai dunaev, dollar payments have been hanging around for a long time, but now problems have begun with transfers in national currencies, and the reason is that kazakhstani banks are trying to protect themselves as much as possible from secondary sanctions. the founder of andyda financial group, alexey toropovsky , explains this caution as follows: american investments in the economy of kazakhstan are greater than investments in russia. at the end of december , us president joe biden signed a decree according to which banks that help circumvent restrictions against russia or participate in transactions for its military industry may be subject to sanctions. after this, payments from russia experienced problems, among others, in banks in turkey, the united arab emirates and china. and the fact that the united states is determined is confirmed by the end of the four-day period. russian military products or double
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chinese, which are involved in supplies to appointments risk being subject to sanctions. russian automakers are asking to be protected from chinese cars, which, in their opinion, are too cheap. expert advice on an idea. the committee on industry and trade proposed introducing a gradually increasing scale of recycling fees, the head of this expert council and at the same time the head of avtovaz, maxim sokolov. convincing of the need to systematically increase scrap collection, he said that thanks to its scale, the chinese auto industry can offer huge discounts. as an example, maxim sokolov cited a certain chinese suv with a discount of 900,000 rubles. three times more than the average sales tax, the head of avtovaz calculated. maxim sokolov also found the following argument: if you count in cars sold,
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then avtovaz controls more than a third of the russian car market, but if you count in money, then only 9%, the president of avtovaz convinced that an increase in the sales tax will lead to the fact that chinese automakers will start building in russia own factories, then it will be fair competition. last august the authorities have already sharply increased the television collection rate, which primarily should have affected the prices of cars arriving through parallel imports. car factories located within the country receive subsidies, which the tax actually compensates for. so far, of all the chinese brands in russia, only havail has opened a plant in our country. the russian stock market today returned to the old tradition on mondays in russia and even oil, which is now cheaper by one and a half dollars, has not been able to break it; today , norilsk nickel shares have risen in price, trading in which has resumed after the company carried out the split. shares and now one costs not 15,000 rubles, as
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it was, but 150 rubles. it is believed that this will make the shares more attractive to retail investors. the ruble sank today, just catching up with the downward movement of oil prices, the dollar at the end of the day was 92.70, the euro was 100 rubles. 60 kopecks and the central bank reported today that in february the share of the ruble in payments for exports and imports increased sharply in exports, this is already 42%. here is the yuan share in... shaoblorens, in which the share of businessman radmir
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sokolov, as the newspaper clarifies, will decrease now from 80 to 50%. radmir sokolov clarified that he accepted the offer to sell part of his share, because his company shaob lawrence plans to develop not only in russia, but also quote: in friendly countries. as the newspaper notes, the products of both brands are produced in turkey and china under contract. ceo of another brand of household appliances , coopersberg. dmitry shashkin suggests that shaoblorens turned to huseyn imanov for financing. and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you are retired, retired in the tb rate. for pensioners on a vtb savings account up to 18% per annum, together everything will work out everything about the housekeeper thanks denis denis talalaive with an economic review in the state duma proposed to abandon paper bills for utilities and switch to electronic notification, well, according to deputies, this
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will help save on printing receipts and it’s good for the environment, well, the ministry of natural resources decided to go even further by banning the issuance of paper receipts ( so many that you can circle the equator several times with this tape, no one wants to take it, it’s about him, the cash register paper check, every year in russia they punch out harmful checks, only one enterprise processes them in russia now, and officials have long been talking about abandoning them... completely thermal paper it contains phenol-free, this is a special substance that allows you to print a check , but at the same time , unfortunately, it is quite harmful, we have an excellent government service that allows you to order a huge number of services and receive them in the form of electronic
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documents, so we hope that with the development of trade, we will also receive receipts are simply sent to your phone as a message. gave customers the opportunity to voluntarily disable the printing of paper receipts, but in 2022 we decided to change the policy and disable the printing of paper receipts for all loyalty card holders. there was resistance literally in the first 3-4 weeks, then all buyers got used to it; those who wanted to returned paper checks back, but there
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were only 1.5-2% of them. to receive an electronic check, you need an email; according to various estimates, 80% of russians have it, so experts predict through. 3, 5, 10 years paper checks will finally become a thing of the past, but in the meantime , environmental activists are still finding ways to recycle them, like entrepreneur yuri from moscow. have you been sorting for a long time? well , about three years, it’s cool, they decided, uh, i got tired of throwing away glass, any candy wrappers, the trash can, and i came to the conclusion that you have to hand it in yourself , bring it here, cool, and also collect receipts from, too, from receipts, yes, and the artist . anastasia prepares from checks, god, what is this, is it really a check smoothie, it’s good that you don’t have to drink it, the frame consists of two parts, one forms the leaf, the other actually acts as a sieve, the water leaves, lift the frame and you get a piece of paper like this, you can even see pieces of receipts, from such pieces of paper
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anastasia makes postcards and menus for organic food restaurants in the center of moscow, when from the retail menu and
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order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. on easter, russian lotto unites people; when we are together, our help is greater. in charity easter drawing from every ticket sold. 10 rub. will be donated to charity. we will be giving away thousands of cash prizes, every second ticket wins. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired, retired from vtb?
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there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. spend it anywhere and also withdraw cash. the first payment is only in a month. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay anywhere. this is the program today. we continue our release. russian ministry of defense to the eightieth anniversary of the crimean offensive operation declassified archival documents. it became one of the most important operations of the great patriotic war. as a result, the soviet army managed to defeat the german seventeenth army in a little more than 2 months and completely liberate the peninsula. combat.
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on sivash, at the same time, the second guards army was advancing from the perekop peresheyg, and on april 9, 1944, the commander of the fourth ukrainian front reported to the headquarters of the supreme high command about how they were progressing, that the total troops of the front were far from complete data , over 5.5 soldiers were destroyed in 2 days of fighting. officers 44 tanks, 21 aircraft, large trophies captured. among the published documents, reports,
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testimonies of prisoners of war, about the destruction and atrocities committed by german and romanian troops, as well as award sheets and photographs of monuments erected in 1944 in honor of the soviet soldiers who liberated crimea. a new book by the famous tv presenter leonid mletchin, ernst henry, was presented in moscow today. edition. sees the life of wonderful people in the series people and dedicated to the legendary soviet journalist, writer and intelligence officer semyon nikolaevich rostovsky. he received his pseudonym ernst henry in england, where in the thirties of the last century, as an nkvd officer, he oversaw relations with illegal agents. there he wrote his most famous book, hitler against the ussr, in which he predicted with extraordinary accuracy the event of the beginning of world war ii. after her return to moscow, he was repressed, sent to... all his life
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, he did not part with his convictions and defended them, despite the fact that it sometimes cost him dearly, the materials for the biography of ernst henry were helped by his son, his son, the book used documents from the library of the british museum and declassified data from british intelligence, a russian theater with a near-abroad accent appeared in the baltic house, this year is the 26th festival meeting in russia. dedicated to alexander sergeevich pushkin, this is a large-scale forum uniting russian-speaking teams from different countries, representatives of abkhazia came to the coast, azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. most of the productions were created with the support of the russian ministry of culture; pavel ryshkov was one of the first to see new interpretations of the classics. my name is alexander, my last name,
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the genius of the work is in what to interpret. the stage can be endless, the plot of this queen of spades unfolds against the backdrop of the uaz bukhanka, the russian theater from kazakhstan's shymkent, pushkin's story plays out the paths like three treasured cards, but st. petersburg is also present here in the drawings on linen, which is hung on ropes. the audience at the festival of russian theaters is greeted by the melody of the sveridov snowstorm, performed by a chamber orchestra, thanks to the costumes and musicians, the young artists of the baltic house festival theater were transported to the times of alexander sergeevich. i would like to quote, this is what the young man thought , looking at this stage carriage, and the rake, flying in the dust on postal carriages, pushkin himself also writes eugene onegin here, scribbles on a huge scroll in the poet’s diaries, the born lines are recited to the audience, i then
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younger, it seems, at the festival. were able to do without evgeny anegin, in order to ideally act out the novel in verse, a stage speech teacher from the st. petersburg theater institute was invited to the abkhaz sukhoma theater. you can hear the russian language well and your heart perceives it, you seem to understand it, but it’s difficult to convey it in this particular language, the old russian language, and we worked on it. tartuffe based on maliere was presented by the russian theater from tajikistan and at first glance the production is not connected with pushkin, however, the beloved playwright...
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in the baku theater it turned out to be ironic and romantic, despite all the tragic events in the story and about the poet’s words about the russian rebellion being senseless and merciless. pushkin wrote love into this novel, because love perhaps rules the world , and yet it will be more interesting for the viewer to watch the play, as well as read the book, if there is love there, because love
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wins absolutely in any war. you won’t upset me for a week, no, on the contrary, i’ll just try to make you happy, our weather will again be far ahead of the calendar, goal may, even june temperatures, i’ll just warn you right away, the takeoff this time will be short-lived, but vividly memorable, everything is going to the point that we will have to rewrite records again, and as for precipitation, rain will still be noted in the volgovyad region, in some places in the middle volga in the northern half
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of the central region, including the moscow region, but they will be short and small, and not too much... will affect the temperature, which is getting higher, so it turns out that in the north there is still a little march, tomorrow there will be frost or so, snow, in the center it is already may, but at least until friday even further south, this is black soil. to the caucasus +20-25, more modest on the coast, the cold sea holds back, but as for the rains, there are none, and this is alarming, warm and frankly dry weather complicates the fire situation, it is already extreme. about the capitals after a break: for many, spring is a time of change, but not for uralsib bank. 25 years, reliability and individual approach remain unchanged, regardless of the season. for uralsip bank, spring is the time for gifts; when opening an account for a business, a month of service is free. spring is a time of cleansing. accept lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body, introduce toxins, and reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the
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valar company. your spring update. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. in st. petersburg tomorrow +13:15, the sun is in moscow, there is a chance of light rain and +20, on wednesday +22, it’s warmer than in sochi in yalta, in this weather you can hear the buds blooming on the trees, spring romance, yes, during the breaks between broadcasts, that means we’ll go for a walk, thank you, irin, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, these are the main news for this hour, and we elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernushov, we say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye .
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pride in full carriages, golden carriages blowing from the south, young pets bursting into a tuft of clouds, they did not forget the shuttles from far from home. mom is not the last love, but they are running across the sky, you see someone’s footprints, it could be you, it could be me, it could be waiting for us, it could be their own people singing to us, i found a scythe on a stone, it’s coming war for memory.
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you three, get out of here, be proud of you, he says hi, soldier, he’s been waiting for you. in the next world


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