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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 8, 2024 11:35pm-12:01am MSK

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what are we going to do with the girl, did she see us? never mind, where will she go, who will believe her, we’ll load her, push her into the car, we’ll get into the car, live, we’ll quickly pass, egor, according to my orientation, it’s me, i’m everything. it’s quiet for now, i understand, i haven’t had a drink for 3 years, you have a drink, a drink, you need it now, but nothing will heal your face, if your guy isn’t lying, of course, you’re not in business, not in business, but zhikov is not... when not he says,
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he said, he will do it, well, it’s good if the guy keeps his words, who are you, what are you, you, tell me about yourself, what you breathe, soldier, where you come from you know, you can do more, peri.
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you have no laws, no concepts, you imagine yourself to be gangsters, you don’t know how to shoot much, you need to talk to people, but just as you were in the ocher, you will remain an ocher, you’ve been pushed against society, well, here it is, life, how it turned out, that’s all , everything is fair, but what do i know, well, yes, the life of a rogue is pulled from the net. wanted, untied, wanted, tied, it doesn’t change 10 times a day, it’s either or, this is the program today, artyom kolodkin is with you, the main news, news. came to these
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minutes continue to come from the orenburg region, we receive these frames in real time from zorsk. this is what the private sector looks like within the city now, and the water level is rising, and this is noticeable. now it's like a promenade where people come right now to check for themselves what the situation is. due to a dam break, the region is now in a state of emergency at the federal level; more than 11 thousand houses and 2,000 plots have already been flooded. there are power outages in six settlements, well, they have been evacuated at this moment already 6,127 people, including 1,500 children. the attack in orsk can now be observed even by the smk at an altitude of 400 km; this evening the images were published by roscosmos. well, by that moment more than a hundred residents of orsk had sought medical help. almost all patients are admitted with an intestinal infection. in the city you can only drink bottles now. new
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water, a supply that, well, has reportedly been replenished. this evening they started delivering water to microdistricts completely free of charge, in tankers like these, but it’s clear that there is a queue, but there are not many people, and it is reported that there is enough water for everyone. doctors once again emphasize that you can’t drink from the tap now, even in those areas where the flood did not reach, the fact is that the sources themselves can be contaminated, often even boiling does not help cope with... bacteria that can cause infection . about how orsk experienced this day from the scene of events sobkor-ntv. alexandra tankeh. after the dam broke , the old city was first flooded. 3 days have passed and the evacuation from this area is still continues. nothing is normal, it’s just all in the water, such a disaster, such a misfortune, it’s terrible. the water does not go away, bus stops, shops and, of course, residential buildings are flooded. but in this area there is an island of land, cut off. from
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the mainland, using special equipment, volunteer ministry of emergency situations employees are bringing the most necessary things to people - a generator, a blanket, bread, cereal and water. all this is brought to humanitarian aid collection points by caring people. those whose houses were flooded settled in an orthodox gymnasium, next to a church, slept on desks and chairs, and fed kittens rescued from the water. dogs live without light and heat, food is cooked over a fire. today the pilaf is very tasty, look, emergency services vehicles are on duty on the island, a generator is running, you can charge your phone right on the square. this is how we survive, we sleep under three blankets, it’s cold, they gave us gas in the morning, just a little bit like that. the tea was all warmed up. on the way back, those who still decided to evacuate are taken out. on the way, rescuers take three more passengers on board. the boat began to deflate, people might not get to land, volunteers are on duty on the shore, hot tea and food for those who save and those who are being saved. we just
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live very close here and it’s completely impossible to just sit and watch, everything we can, we decided to help, but here i’m the only one who collected, well, all of ours. the area was collected, some thermoses, you see, they are all different, residents of flooded houses are sent to temporary accommodation centers, their number has been increased so that there is enough space for everyone, volunteers bring personal hygiene products, clothes and food here. natalya gorbenko lives in orsk, her house is also under water, along with she moved with her husband to relatives, while her husband takes people out of the flood zone on his boat, every day she helps sort and distribute humanitarian aid, i want to provide at least some kind of help to people, not only, after all. people also need help, there is a situation that is much worse than people’s than ours, for example, apartment buildings on the streets of orsk have been flooded, and this is the new city district, this is what gagarin square looks like, this area has been flooded for 2 days already, the water doesn't go away until the nearest residential areas can
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only be reached from here by boat. employees of the ministry of emergency situations go around the courtyards, take away those who were unable to leave their apartments earlier, pull people out of the canopies of the entrances, and carry them in their arms. according to rescuers, many do not pay attention. attention to the alarm signal, ignore calls to evacuate, stay at home in the hope that the water will not reach them, if they tell you to evacuate, please evacuate, thereby you will leave us with less work, or leave us the work that is actually in they need us, these are sedentary people, we will take them out, we will save them, there are streets that cannot be reached now, there is a strong current, great depth, to our people, i say, let’s go, he says, no, it’s okay, there is food, there is water, we are yesterday were people persuaded in the old city? they didn’t want to, now the calls are coming from there, but we don’t even know how to get there, we don’t know how, these are local residents who have their own boats and a desire to help, they work together with the ministry of emergency situations, accept applications and go to pick them up, people of different professions and different ages, danil and dima students of the oil technical school, we can’t
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just eat while people are in grief, well, we need to help people somehow, it hurts our souls to sit at home, the water is moving forward and is capturing new areas of the city, so the evacuation does not stop day or night. regions, as well as the head of the ministry of emergency situations. the topic of conversation between the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions was the situation with floods in these regions. alexander kurenkov announced the strengthening of the department’s grouping in places where the situation may become more complicated in the near future. he emphasized that the relevant federal and regional the authorities have been given everything necessary. emergency and immediate medical care for adults and children in orsk is provided in full, the ministry of health informed reporters about this in the evening, but it is worth saying that due to flooding, some clinics are still not working properly, staff and patients are being transferred to other medical institutions ,
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but in particular the hospitals of novotroidsk and orenburg. however, the peak of the flood has not yet been overcome either in orsk itself or in neighboring regions; the water is moving towards others. large cities that are just preparing for great elements. mikhail chernov will talk about what measures are being taken in orenburg at these moments, and olga zenkova reports from kurgan. the famous bridge from europe to asia, and under it the beautiful orenburg embankment, which is now under water, the waters of the urals have spilled, flooding everything around. but citizens and guests of the city are now admiring the picturesque views from above; all approaches to the embankment are blocked for safety reasons, and entire neighborhoods are under water .
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get to many gardening and dacha associations now it is only possible by boat, all roads are at a depth of several meters. temporary accommodation centers have been deployed throughout the region, however, there has not yet been an influx of people wishing to settle there. most still prefer to move in with relatives for a while. large waters spilled throughout russia. the official flood figures are 39 affected regions, more than 10,000 flooded residential buildings, and according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations, their number may increase significantly in the near future. today, on the territory of a number of siberian subjects, ural and volga federal districts, as a result of the spring flood , dozens of settlements have already found themselves in the flood zone. in siberia, the volga region and the central part of russia, warm weather will mean active snowmelt and the opening of rivers, in the flood zone, bashkiria. mar, ulyanovsk and saratov regions. in the vicinity of orenburg , a new rise in water is expected in the near future.
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today or tomorrow the level should rise another meter. according to official data, the peak of the flood has not yet been passed. when the big water comes the tyumen region is also preparing. a state of emergency was introduced in kurganskaya, my colleague, olga zenkova, talks about what the situation is there now. the village of zverinogolovskaya is located practically on the border with kazakhstan, from here to it in a straight line some 7 km. and according to forecasts, this settlement will be one of the first to encounter floods. if the tobol river comes out...dozens of territories could be flooded. the sounds of sirens are heard today in all kurgan districts, which are located in the zone of possible flooding. these are fifty settlements and dozens of gardens within regional center. this is what the village of kurtomysh looks like now. the water level is low, but people can no longer leave their homes on their own. the authorities urge residents not to wait for trouble; a miracle will not happen. governor vadim shumkov personally goes around the courtyards and persuades people to evacuate in advance.
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so furniture, equipment, she cries all the time and worries about the house and property, but the main thing she says is that she and the children are now safe, when i noticed how quickly the water was coming, i didn’t sleep at night, because god forbid , i was afraid that suddenly i i don’t have time to get the children out of the house, and we just moved out during the day, it’s better to evacuate in advance, it’s better to protect ourselves and the children. especially children, because when the water is here, there is nowhere to run. while the water level
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is rising gradually, in some places a state of emergency is already in effect. the flood can develop rapidly, so all services are on high alert. olga zenkova, artemy pefanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. at least 10 passenger trains heading to moscow were forced to travel to the capital via detours. routes. moreover. with a significant time delay until 6:00, the cause was an emergency in the city of vyazma in the smolensk region, where a bridge passing directly over the railway collapsed. these routes connect russia with belarus, well, it is clear that on the way there are trains, moscow, minsk, moscow-gomel and brest-moscow. emergency restoration work is currently underway at the site; we received this footage shortly before the start of the release. as for vehicular traffic, local authorities have organized a detour through the federal highway. one and a dozen passenger buses were allocated. the emergency was recorded by the video recorder
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of one of the cars, the driver of which was just intending to drive through the overpass. it is known that two cars were on the bridge at the time of the collapse. the ministry of emergency situations reports that one person died, but five more were seriously injured. after the collapse , rail traffic was completely stopped. well, now the impressive footage from the northern military district zone, our missilemen destroyed with high-precision weapons. weapons workshop for the production of heavy drones in the city of zaporozhye. video footage was published this evening by the ministry of defense. enterprises and a warehouse for finished products were hit by the iskander complex. well, you can clearly see that the rocket hits the very center of the building. well, another video from the svo zone testing the newest stalker robotic complex in combat conditions. the armored vehicle is designed to make passages in continuous minefields. the robot is capable of destroying ammunition. laid in the ground at a depth of up to 30 cm.
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100,000 km of possibilities, this is the name given to the unique automobile expedition, which started today in moscow. the event was organized, organized with the support of the russia-country of opportunity platform and the first movement. the main goal of the expedition is to set a world record for a motor rally within the borders of one country along a unique route. it is laid through a thousand roads in 8 regions, the journey will end in october in the magadan region on the shores of the sea of ​​okhotsk. next, sports news from our colleagues smchv. winlinebet place your bets, beat your opponents, take the maximum from the prize pool, vinline makes a difference, vinline gives freib 3.00 unconditional to all new players, matchtv news time especially for ntv, in the margarit jurgenson studio, hello, in the next 5 minutes
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we will discuss the most striking events from the world of sports, and also study the most interesting odds from the book: the oldest football derby dynamo-spartak gave the audience a dramatic ending and fully justified the status of the winline match of the tour. the game had barely started, and the blue and white were awarded a penalty. umyarov played carelessly in the penalty area and the referee hints var pointed to the point. chavez confidently carried out the sentence. 1:0. after this, dynamo had a tangible advantage and were close to doubling their superiority. tsyukaven almost hit maksimenko's goal from his own half of the field.
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one, so the game immediately changed a little, dynamo began to play a little differently, we naturally had to win back, but these are such goals, you can say this is the derby, the intensity, the pressure, well, it’s good that it happened this way, and we we won today. the current champion refused to lose points, zenit doma defeated baltika 1:0. and here again we note the excellent selection of blue-white-blue, their brazilian joker, eighteen-year-old pedra, first scored twice against spartak. in the cup, and then it was his strike that brought zenit victory over baltika. by betting that there would be a maximum of one goal in this game, you could increase the pot by more than three times. we played normally, the only thing, of course, i wish the execution was better, there were a lot of chances, we would have scored, another game would have been calm, completely different, but this football, it’s not always possible to score a lot,
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but we’re happy, we scored a good goal in defense , we played well, in principle, an absolutely deserved victory. cska left no chance for the torch on its own field, tamerlan musaev opened the scoring in the first half, and after the break three more goals flew into the voronezh team’s goal. ivan oblikov, obazbek feyzullaev and fedor chalov distinguished themselves. voronezh residents could only console themselves with a goal of prestige performed by vasily cherov. 4:1 in favor of cska. tomorrow the champions league returns and the super match between real madrid and man city awaits us. this is the stage 1/4 finals. the spaniards start at home, but the bookmakers don't count. their favorites, it is extremely difficult to predict the winner, the odds are on your screens. scandal in england, london queens park rangers fired the cat mascot for being too loving. the club management felt that instead of supporting the team, he flirted with the fans and even invited them for coffee. after several warnings, the mascot was shown the door.
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there are not enough positive emotions in turkey, where fenerbahçe continues to quarrel with the local federation and does not rule out that it will leave championship. istanbul residents are unhappy with the work of the football authorities, as well as the attack on the players after the match with trabzonspor. as a result, fener practically boycotted the turkish super cup game. the youth team came out to meet golotosaray and after conceding a goal in the first minute, the whole team left the field. in the end, the match was never completed. now about hockey. in the gagarin cup, magnitka took the lead in a confrontation with a motorist. 2:1. the series moved to yekaterinburg and there were rivals again. worthy of each other. in the starting segment of the team exchanged goals, press and khripunov scored goals. then the game became more cautious, only at the beginning of the third period dmitry selantyev again brought magnitka ahead. the guests tried to maintain the score; victory was close in regulation time, but 48 seconds before the siren, danilo romantsev managed to send the match into overtime. but there
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12:00 am
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