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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 9, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

12:55 am
listen, magpie, where were you and where did i pull you out from, remember, felix, i always bow to you , what is this about, i brought you closer. he did it with his right hand, he entrusted people to you, but everything is not enough for you, you want to take the money and get rid of me, felix, you know, i never took someone else’s, don’t interrupt, i know that you ordered me from karim, where did you get this from? , karim told me that you want to set up an accident with a fatal outcome, but this is a scam, felix, i’m answering you, in short, tomorrow at 10 at my place and raise the counts for last year. not at all
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question for you, uh-huh, hello, soroka, i don’t understand! lived with grandma, three cheerful geese, wait, how about three, there were two of them, three, mom, dad and a gosling, and today means the gosling’s
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birthday, yes, yes, well, here’s school, dad, you ’ll get me together today from school, no, honey, i can’t, your mom will pick you up, i won’t be able to leave work, no matter how much i want it, even on my birthday, let’s do this, i ’ll try to leave work early today, agreed, yes, ting-ting, pum-pum, that ’s it, he loves you, run, have a nice day, bye, bye, hello, boxing, juice in a bottle, that's it, come on, see you in the evening, bye.
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let's change klimov, are you completely fearless? one has arrived, change the owners, i'll wait, we'll change, sorokin, fyodor stepanovich, please come with me, i have very little time, you see what's the matter, it's quite easy to get here, it's easy to get out of here, but we have a lot... free
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rooms, my guys will show you off, stand, i have other plans for the evening, i’ll have to change, i repeat, sorokin, fyodor stepanovich, you are detained on charges of organizing the murder of nikolai filipovich zheleznyak, nicknamed phoenix, please come with me, “i’m tired of you, get him out of here so i don’t see him again, felix has been really pissing me off lately, well, you’ve got yourself a financier, well, listen to him, he’s not, he’ll stop.” , in short, we need to decide something with him, should we arrange an accident, what is he talking about, what does this mean, forty, what the hell? quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what a scam,
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listen, calm down, you that they believed the cop or something, but you don’t want to explain, we got caught in the campaign, so, everyone stand, i’m an investigator pasoba. important matters, my last name is klimov, this man was detained and is under the protection of the law, what are we going to do, i suggested to you quietly, okay, i count to three, 1, 2, 3, they gave him, come here, you bastard, and someone yes, we’re leaving,
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what’s next, we’re running, for sure, i’m sure! where are you rushing me, wait, i can’t, but no, they’ll kill me, my daughter will be upset, andrei ivanovich, here, what’s behind the trail, if he throws the accused, you wanted to arrest me, if you catch up with me, then i’ll arrest you, quickly, come on! well, come in, settle down,
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i mean, sit down, literally, so we’ll just talk, talk, talk some more, talk, talk, let’s come in, what are you doing? why in a cage? i came myself! klimov, you bastard, klimov! i won't leave you that easily! why did you go to detention again without reinforcements? well, why bother the guys once again? why don’t i explain to your wife and daughter why their folder with a hole in the head is in the morgue. comrade colonel, did everything work out? that's right, the suspect was detained, everyone is alive, but the hole, what? well, what's in the sock? what about the leg? uh, scratch. why do you worship? deep scratch. well then go get treatment. eat.
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i'll return the cup. andreeva. they are waiting for you, thank you, alena, good afternoon, major, good, and we could talk in private, my name is verisov yuri vitalievich, i am the head of the legal department of jsc-invest kroscapital, i hope you have heard about us, i have heard, have a seat, thank you, i to you with business proposals, i am not a businessman, but we know, we also know about the level of your professionalism. let's get down to business ok, i am authorized to invite you to work in our company, what an honor, everyone
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wants to work for us, yes, pay special attention to the payment terms, this is per year, per month, andrey ivanovich, per month. well, well, this is a very serious decision, i'm afraid i can't make it alone, do you mind if i hire a wife, wisely, natasha, hello, hello, here - the invest cross-capital company is offering me a job, a job, wow , and there’s a lot of money, a lot... you can’t even imagine how much? i married you because i love you not at all because of the money, but to earn money, if necessary, i can do it myself, and by the way, i like that you catch criminals, they will probably be surprised when you send them, by the way, you promised to come early to
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masha’s today , today is my birthday, i didn’t forget, no, of course, i didn’t forget, i’ll try to come early, hello, hello from me, that’s it, come on, i love you, and i love you, hello. so you refuse? yes, i refuse, all the best to you. and also yuri vitalievich, this time i will not detain you on suspicion of giving a bribe, and this is the first and last time. dmitry lichon refused, there is not enough money, but money is not the issue, our issue cannot be resolved with klimov. not in a good way, not for money. i 'm understood, thank you. all the best. dmitry elich,
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everyone has gathered, you can come in. fine. this is your acceptance speech and your first official announcement as president of the company. thank you. today is such a great day. why don't you smile, julia? smile. of course, dear, you are an ideal family. dear colleagues, president of invest cross-capital, dmitry ilyich nesterov, wife. yash, time,
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krizh, let's go, it's time, just like that, quiet, come on, quiet. ladies, moscow time is 18:00, and it seems to me that today is someone’s daughter ’s birthday, as far as i know, her name is masha, masha, that’s her name, but i forgot that, it’s good that we remember, once a year, thanks to masha, we have a chance to leave work on time, dad, congratulations, thanks guys, freedom. rest, thank you, yes, thank you, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, yes,
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well, masha, for you, here you go, for you, hurray, oops, oops, i see they’re already celebrating without me, come on, well- ka, congratulations, my princess, here you go, flowers for your mother, here you go, flowers for your daughter, you don’t have any flowers, it’s okay, i’ll be patient, so, well, let’s sit down, give gifts, there are a lot of gifts, you were given gifts from my colleague, uncle and aunt, with whom i work , that means the first gift is from... the main thing here is not to confuse anything, this is from uncle yasha, from uncle yasha,
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thank you, so the second is from aunt alena, there must be one more bear, look, it’s great, and also from uncle zhora , pubs, three bears turned out, just like in a fairy tale, yes, just like in a fairy tale, well, well, now the most important gift from dad, and this is the most important bear for us, the father of these bears, the head of the family, wow, what a delight, thank you, so many pets for your zoo, mashunya, please take it to the room, come on, andryusha, she wanted ken, i sent you a photo in a police uniform so that he would look like you, well, there was no such thing. there is no such thing, you understand, ah, attention, everyone is for
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masha, sit down, a little at a time, what are you going to do, i need non-alcoholic drinks, tomorrow is a hard day, that’s right, come on, i ’ll give lemonade too, i still have to run the service, hold on, and i like everyone else, keep it up like everyone else, okay, princess my, happy birthday, grow up big, healthy, happy, always smile, happy birthday, my baby, hurray, hurray! hurray, so, my beloved dear ones, it’s really time for me to run, i was just waiting for you, so what, mashul, to the amusement park for the weekend, right? yes, come on, congratulations, thank you, that's it, i ran, bye , congratulations, thank you, the beauty is growing, congratulations, see you until the weekend, bye, where did you get into this, yes, you won’t believe it, i won’t believe it,
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so it’s better not to lie, but the glass has come, such a huge piece, my shoe tore through it. i even had to throw out my shoes, klimov, you have one significant flaw, no, there is no such thing, i’m perfect, you don’t know how to lie, yes, a piece of shrapnel would never have made a hole in your shoe, and where you’ve been hanging around barefoot, i don’t even want to know, listen, you can wake me up around 6 a.m. tomorrow , kapralov and i are called by the headquarters, there are rumors that they might cross moscow, yes, i’m very happy. of course, i’ll wake you up, yeah, that’s it, good night, good night, go ahead, go to sleep, and i’ll be back soon,
1:12 am
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the most anticipated television premiere of the year from april 15 at 23:00 on ntv. klimov, klimov, dad, when will we... go to the seaside, well, when, now let’s have another vacation at the end of the month, then we’ll go, but we can’t do it before, i really, really want to, listen, at 7 cm, you have there’s so much of us already, but wait, you know how to wait, klimob, stop yelling, you’ve had enough of it already. well, it’s jammed again, yeah, again you don’t
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remember anything, so who are you, and what ’s going on? oh, i see, for the third time with you this kind of bullshit is already happening, the fourth, fourth time you lose your memory, fourth. uh-huh, i don’t understand, klimov, but you don’t need to understand anything, you need to get your head in order, then little by little you ’ll remember everything again, i’m in prison during the season. and why am i here? yes, no way, like everyone else,
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no way, that means it’s clear, uh, hey, it’s very funny, open the door, take care of your health, yours, take care of what... i understand for you, this is a very funny joke, let’s open it , gomanist klimov, wait, wait, open the door, remove your hands, open the door, i will remove your hand, nikolaev, attack on the guard, yes, yes, attack, let's open an attack on the guard, korets, yes, well, chiika, you can do it fine. what 's going on, why am i here? shut up, listen, this is not funny anymore, i’m an investigator for especially important cases, can you hear me,
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the boss. call me, i’ll call you now, great, tell me who to talk to, okay, you’re the boss, the head of the prison, colonel bobrov, great, investigator for additional cases klim, you can check, contact colonel kapralov, the investigative committee, he’ll confirm everything, as i understand it , which... a mistake has occurred, there is no mistake, and you are not a spy here, but a sedelets, you are accused of murder, what kind of murder, the murder of your wife and daughter, you don’t remember, yes, but wait, this is some kind of nonsense, can i call, one phone call please, i'll let you make one phone call.
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i want to talk to him, this can’t be happening, please call him, tell him that i don’t know how to lie at all, i would never cut my shoe with a splinter, and i don’t even want to know where you were hanging around barefoot. i don’t
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understand anything, how long have i been here? the vice president, of course, is also cool, but why not the president, not everyone is given the opportunity to become president, it turns out that it is not given to you. this will not affect your fee in any way, let's go, persuaded, let's go, oksana!
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“please let me go, i beg you, i want to live, to live, it’s not given to everyone, it turns out, it’s not given to you, the girl was beaten in your house, with a weapon that we will certainly find, now
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she is fighting for her life, do you understand this or? " “no, listen, i have a dozen houses, you never know who, who knows where, you don’t know who could have done this, and now you, listen to me, you nit, if you are going to talk to my client like this, then next time come to us with a warrant, well, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, let's go, alekseevich, if i find out anything... "i myself i’ll come to you, pray that this girl stays alive, otherwise, instead of an article for grievous bodily harm and rape, you will get an article for murder, murder,
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it’s a pity. i understood, uh-huh, andrei ivanovich, they called from the hospital, in general, she died without regaining consciousness, but take this for examination, and seems to be the same here.
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andrey ivanovich, we found it, let’s finish, let’s go. oh, someone has already leaked it, the vice-president of jsc invest cross-capital alexey nesterov has become the main suspect in the murder committed last week. investigators found the crime weapon. yes, comrade colonel. andrey, where are you? i'm on my way to detention. don't even think about going there, come back immediately. it's okay, i'm not alone, i have a support group with me.
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i told the department, this is an order, comrade colonel, the connection is very bad, you can’t hear it at all. we are working. good afternoon, major klimov, investigator for particularly important cases, i need alexey ilyevich nesser, he’s not here, we’ll check his hands, what ’s going on here, alexey ilyich? “alexey ilyevich nesterov, are you detained on suspicion of murder? you are mistaken, i am dmitry ilyevich nesterov, the president of this
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company, my brother and i are very similar, you are the boss here, yes, major of justice klimov, i have an order for investigative actions, please, alexey ! is not in the office now, you can go and make sure of this, provide them with full assistance, i will search the office, and you check cctv cameras, do you have anything else? and where is alexey ilyevich now? i'll find out now. when the murder weapon was discovered, the investigation was far advanced. at the moment, investigators are finding out the whereabouts of
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the vice-president of invest cross-capital jsc, alexey nesterov. the suspect will be detained and brought to court. everyone is equal before the law. i will find the killer, no matter the cost. what a bastard, have a drink, investigators came to the company office today. they are looking for you? yes, i saw, did you really do it? i don't know, you're 15 it's been shining for years, i don't remember anything. and you should be glad,
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yes, beloved son. dear businessman, because of you everyone suffered, first of all business, but not business, it was me, i suffered, and you and your father... don’t think about the company all your life, it always didn’t give a damn about me, didn’t care, because for you, the company’s shares just fell by 17 points today, you can’t even count with your own head how much it is, get me on the plane, dim, well, you can, i’ll leave, i’ll leave, everything will be left for you, all this, your face on all the screens , lyosha, it’s clear, i’m dear to you i’m getting along, yes i’m a sucker, obviously, but if you care so much about the reputation of your company, maybe you’ll sit for me, and go... and i’ll take the wheel, weakly, you’re creating all the troubles for yourself,
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and because of whom did i become like this? , this is not an exam at the university, lyosha, so that’s how my father and i decided everything, you should go and give up, you and your father, you and your father decided everything? don’t force me to call nintan, dima, but you can’t, you’re sick or something, give up, for whom will i give up, and don’t tell me what to do. we have no choice,
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i have a choice, diva. and dima, what have i done? i'm sorry, dim, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, you remember, you remember, because they always confused us with you, and you remember how you and i played pranks on everyone at school, and you were always scolded for me. you, you
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will help me, brother, you will save me, okay, no one will ever know, never, but lyosha, lyosha, lyosha, help, lyosha, lyosha,
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what are your plans, dmitrievich, dmitrich - it’s me.
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oh sorry. how is alexey ilyich? who? your brother? we need to arrange a plane for him to go abroad. what? and
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i understood. go. home. what about back to the office or shall i take you home? yes, home? yeah, sure, go home, okay.
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good night, dmitry ilyevich, good night, see you tomorrow, yes, thank you. dmitry ilyevich, are you all right? yes, yes, thank you. at the moment, the scene
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of the incident is cordoned off by forensic experts. we are all waiting for the arrival of the investigation team. information about the incident has not been disclosed. however, there are many questions, including how the victim fell from the roof. hotel employees reported that the room has a terrace, which has a fence, so that it was unlikely that an accident had occurred. what exactly nesterov did in the hotel and how he ended up on the terrace is unknown; the reasons why mr. nesterov decided to take his own life remains to be seen. let me remind you that about half an hour ago, the vice-president of the joint-stock company invest-cross-capital , alexey nesterov, was found throwing himself out of the window of a high-rise building. the victim is in serious condition, doctors are fighting for his life. we are monitoring developments, don't worry. dima, what a horror! what's wrong with lesha?


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