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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 9, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

3:55 am
well, are you happy? well, yes, it’s much better in the fresh air, to be honest, i didn’t think you could do it, it cost me a lot, so go ahead, tell me what else was written there, well, since it’s expensive, three geese, there were three of them, and the door bell, doorbell, probably a bell, okay, okay, let's say, what else? “you know,
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it wasn’t very easy for me to remember your writings either, so a little bit of good stuff, listen, oh-oh, i wanted to go to the punishment cell, it’s pointless, i’ve already erased everything there, so now only i know what’s there it’s written, so if i need anything from you, i’ll turn to you, magpie, god forbid you at least”?
3:57 am
could this mean? klimov, can you solve puzzles for yourself when you sleep? sorry, it’s sleep, morning and evening are wiser. well, take your hands off, are you kidding me, or what, are you doing this on purpose? listen, i really didn’t mean to.
3:58 am
lyoshenka, lyoshenka , the cornea is damaged, thank god, everyone is alive, this is the main thing. he will see with this eye, maybe the vision with it will recover over time, doctor, but don’t you think that maybe vision will be restored, there’s a huge difference, i’m not god, i can’t give a guarantee, it will be clear over time, damn it, lyoshka, i’m sorry, i, i didn’t mean to, i honestly didn’t do it on purpose, be a man, it’s okay. i came in, it’s okay, he
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learned a lesson, he will train better, nothing, nothing, everything will be fine, and you, wipe your snot, the future head of our company should not become limp over any nonsense.
4:00 am
well, tim, father, you always. loved more, and where are you now, but you are not there, you are not, no, you, no, you,
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before you get here. open it, and you're on the way out, where am i, stupid, come on, quickly, let's go in. andrey ivanovich, let's get straight to the point, you're left-handed, aren't you? yes, which hand would you have the knife in if you stabbed your wife, your left? yes, probably on the left. give me a chance to get some clue so we can
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win your case. i'm trying to help, i really am, but i don't remember anything. do you really remember nothing? yes, i swear to you, i keep trying to remember, but nothing works, okay, let's move on from the opposite, sit down, try to relax, it seems to me that you are so afraid that everything will turn out to be true, you don’t give your memory a chance, give it a chance. not for me, not even for myself, with my memory. okay, okay, you're right, i 'll try.
4:03 am
listen, can you wake me up tomorrow at about 6 am, kapralov and i are being called to the headquarters, there are rumors that they might be transferred to moscow, yes, yeah, i’m very glad, good night, i’ll wake you up, that’s it, good night. bell, door bell, someone rang the doorbell, denis yuryevich, from the pre-trial detention center they reported,
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klimov asks you to meet him, how long it’s possible to meet, it’s the same thing, it ’s the same thing, it seems like he has some important information, maybe... andrey, did you remember something? hope. yes. prosecution, please continue. your honor, the prosecution asks that the defendant andrei
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ivanovich klimov be given the maximum sentence. what is the maximum measure, denis? i don't understand, guys. i have everything alena, yura? what do you have? denis, i remembered someone came to us that evening, who? i don’t
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remember this, but there was a doorbell, someone rang the doorbell when i had already gone to bed. it's strange, in there is nothing like that in the case materials, but what does the case file have to do with it? i’m telling you, someone came to us on masha’s birthday. okay, i'll figure it out, check the cctv footage again. andrey, i checked them three times. denis, what's the problem? don't get excited. i said i'll figure it out. sorry, please, okay, excuse me, i have to go, duty officer, denis, this is my chance, i understand, i ’ll figure it out, wall, why talk to me.
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denis, hello, yes, i just got off the plane, the flight was delayed. i couldn’t help but come in, come on in,
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andrei is already sleeping, i should wake him up, but don’t it is necessary, let him sleep, which means he will be busy with klimov’s case... ignatiev, nikolai valentinovich, i’m not sure, but i’m sure, you’re his friend, denis, only he will react normally to you. semenov is subordinate to ignatiev, there is a point, look, guys, look, i don’t believe
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that klimov could have killed, none of us believe, but even more so, and what we have, according to the results of the examination, death occurred from 0:30 to one thirty, so it means that the one who entered the house during this interval is the murderer. video from surveillance cameras seized, that's right, colonel, they've just been handed over to an expert, well, let's hope that he showed up there, i'll check, we agreed that it's on the case, klimova? are you kidding me 5 minutes ago they brought a flash drive there to watch from three cameras, well then start,
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what am i doing, i didn’t even go to lunch, i took kefir, to calm gastritis, that means, i think we’re all up to snuff today, so go win like a human being, i’ll start it myself, thank you, and from me for gastritis. that is, how did no one come in or out? no one, comrade colonel, to klimov’s apartment no one came in or out, but he couldn’t
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have flown into the apartment on the third floor, of course he couldn’t, so how do you think he got there then? through the attic? no, that's impossible, i checked. there are no miracles, there must be an explanation. this can only mean one thing, what? is klimov a killer? or the killer was in klimov’s apartment. or at the entrance? yes, that is, he got there much earlier. yeah. i watched the recording from the very morning, who came, they opened the front door with their key, they did not hide their faces.
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leave us. well, nothing, wait, i i heard the right call, i don’t know, andrey, maybe it seemed, but what’s on the cameras, nothing either, only residents, denis, this can’t be, this can’t be, i’m sorry, as it is, i’m sorry, but i couldn’t help you .
4:13 am
andrey, think about it, my lawyer has arrived, which means my case is being reviewed, it’s a good sign, we’ll pass. hello, alexander vladimirovich, hello, uh-huh, well, when your affairs are just so-so, i mean so-so, you promised that i won’t be here for long, i advise you to start
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cooperating with the investigation, and i’ll try, so that your prison term is minimal. why, what time, you, you promised that i would get out of here soon, it’s your own fault, you left the scene of an accident, attacked a policeman, i didn’t attack anyone, but he has a different opinion, fuck you, you bastard, like that case, you will have to look for another lawyer, but no one will work for such pennies, boryga, arturchik, like... in armenian, fish, dzuk, dzuk, you don’t count well, fly, and fir-trees and sticks, what, sleigh, when on freedom, bastard, san, what happened,
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not a lawyer, huckster, his sister is in the hospital. the operation needs to be done, the lawyer promised, if you want, i’ll look at your case, i understand something about this, i was on my way to the hospital and got into an accident, there were victims, but that’s it. no matter what, you know how the goytsy come, the policemen have arrived, and i explain to them, guys, i’m from the non-departmental one, and they’ll take a look, yeah. listen, i really need to go out, everyone needs to,
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oh, yes, of course, congratulations, have you forgotten how to do this? i don't recognize you, are you afraid? come on, what else was written there? oh, what kind of people, come on, come on, i’m quicker than those who are so curious! i haven’t met you yet, you decided to make a joke, i can get angry, me too, only i have more chances, i don’t have time
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to compare chances with you, you have to take care of me, that’s it, let me give you what you want, what will we agree on, comrade kalimov, i’m listening, favor for service, that means, cigarettes, but not in bulk, but as if in freedom, in packs, two pieces, chocolate gingerbread, well, alcohol, 0.5, but my face won’t crack, no, i’m trained, 8:5, well and where can i get it for you? i know, give me the ball, think. that's it, 10:5,
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yeah. i need your advice, i need to get something, tea, there cigarettes, well, what’s my interest, i won’t offend you , you see, he’s sitting there, what are you crumpling, come on, you little raccoon, he’ll get whatever you want, and... you’re a car shop here,
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well, i need to buy something -what, you can’t handle it, for you it’s generally triple the price, and you won’t end up with so much money to carry around, but i’m not alone, i have a whole accounting department, in short, there’s no money, but we can make a deal, pull yourself together, you dima, yes, thank you, of course, is he okay? in general, yes, he’s a little nervous because he’s out of shape and hasn’t trained for a long time. dmitry, there are no more fears,
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no, before they didn’t often fake it here, but after dima, in general, they stopped. you can do it. since then, alexey has not picked up a sword. i wonder how he will cope with the champion, i think he will cope, you can.
4:21 am
thank you, go easy on me, i'm not joking. let's get ready, i'm dim, i can do it, the fighters are ready, let's start, stop. 1:0 the fighter
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on the left leads, returned to the middle, ready, started, top, defense, answer to the left, the score becomes 1:1, returned to the middle, ready, returned to the middle, score 1:1, ready, started, stop, in attack to the left, shot in the mask, count becomes 2:1, the fighter leads to the right, the fighters returned to the middle, to the middle, please return, fighter to the left, you can continue the fight, dmitry, everything is fine with you, so, back to the middle. ready
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for battle, i must, started, i must, stop, so the doctor is on the way, call the doctor, please, dad. stop!
4:24 am
where is father? he left, it was not easy for him, before his eyes, his beloved, impeccable son dmitry fainted. we told the journalists that it was overwork, i have to go, it’s zhora’s birthday today, i remember, damn you remember, thank you for being here, don’t flatter yourself. “i am forced to play the role of a caring wife in public, stay a little longer, tell me, if 7 years ago i had not listened to my father and we would have run away, because everything could have been different, yes, dima would have been alive.”
4:25 am
came, well, 10 bucks per hit, as
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agreed? accounting, yeah, no offense? well, whoever you tell, they won’t believe it, they give the mentam the same, it’s just paradise, not kitsch.
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pick it up. accounting, how much is it 14 to 140, and so thank you for the pleasure provided. and you are a strong man, keep it, you earned it, the rest is in hut, and you were a teriya, reel in, reel in,
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let's go. sorry, dmitrievich, ilya petrovich asked that you not disturb him. so, should i leave? yes, sorry. you shouldn’t come for a while, he’ll call you where to take you, dmitry elvich, you know that you
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should rest today too, yeah, i’ll do it myself, okay. here you go, thank you, well, hello, dmitrievich, greetings, how are you feeling? thank you, that’s better, come in and sit down with us. no, what are you talking about, i won’t be long, guys, guys, mom, this is the same dmitry ilych nesterov, if it weren’t for him, there wouldn’t be if there weren’t this cup, there wouldn’t be a medal, there would n’t be anything at all, thank you for our champion and you too, sit down with us, no, thank you, nikolai, this is inconvenient, i’ll steal your son for literally a few, sorry,
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s happy holiday to you again, you. i told you that you need to go easy on me, and what are you doing, i’m teaching you life, you can fight, contact the federation, we will help,
4:31 am
hello, just a second, zhora, your order, please, patience, my friend, a real man should be patient , i 'll be there soon. thank you for waiting, you're not for it what, we need your signature, yeah, here, yeah. budebi, goodbye, goodbye.
4:32 am
getting into the archives of the morgue, unfortunately, this is impossible, even for you, which means
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it’s impossible, take the keys, open it, the archive is alarmed at night, handed over to the ministry of emergency situations control panel, which means remove the alarm, i don’t have such powers, doctors will come in the morning and they will open, so only tomorrow, it’s a shame, okay, okay, tomorrow, then tomorrow. ku-ku, open it, this is for you, thank you, and now make wishes. very quickly, i'm very
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busy, i found out, a follower from klimov's group is watching you, so you look after him, rolled up, uh-huh, one, one, two, three, happy birthday. congratulations, thank you.
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4:36 am
well, that’s great, this is the first time i’ve seen such a tender friendship, don’t say it’s like water, speak up, good health. 22k 22k yes, what does that mean, but how do i know, i don’t understand, 22k, but it was klimov
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who assigned him here, come on, act. oh, good afternoon, citizen-boss, search, what happened, shut up, no, what happened? what is this water? all is clear? well, it’s not alcohol,
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citizen boss, take two away, there is. here too, in general, to put things in order within a week, i mean, and that’s all there, this is here, what, you’re dissatisfied with something, go ahead, then, come on in, dmitrievich, here,
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please wait, thank you. look here, please, like this, but for some reason i don’t see the act here, well, perhaps the investigator took it. "what investigator, osipov came this morning, he took some documents,
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yes, hello, yash, what news, klimov was right, listen, urgently find a lawyer for emelyanova, what? do you know whose signature is on the act of transferring the body? yasha, yash, can you hear me? yash, yasha, i don’t remember, you know, i don’t remember, i need to remember. andrey, the day before what happened, you said that you were going to arrest someone, someone very important, who? remember, andrey, you said that
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you would take it any day. who is this? a very rich, influential guy, i’m sure you’re here not without his help, remember, andrey, remember, andrey, creepus.
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1. 22.000 uh-huh 22.000 22.000, what are you going to do, well, why do you need so many sweets, and you’ll gain five kilograms, give me your kilograms, count them, ah. okay, a kilogram, 22 kg, that’s the weight, listen, i’ve grown by 7 cm, well done, what a gain, how much, now we’ll find out how much this tummy has gained, come on, get up, well, how much does our happiness weigh, how much is 22 kg, correct, 22 kg, 22.
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4:44 am
that your suitcase was found by guardienko, the brother of klimov’s wife, how he found it is unclear, well, it was no coincidence that he dug it up in the forest, he had a map, a lot of things were marked there. where is he? and as soon as the experts arrived, he disappeared somewhere? expand the search area.
4:45 am
kvar, i’ll kill you, get up, get up, suitcase, i found it, dug it up, empty, where’s masha, huh? put, don't move anyone, calm down, i 'll kill you, calm down, you hear me, i'll kill you, klibs,
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you're a corpse, calm down, you hear me, you're a corpse! drink some water, doctor, how is he, who is he, he arrived after the osipov accident, who are you related to him, i am a colleague, lieutenant semyonova, my condition is stable. for now, that’s all i can say, but the forecast, don’t come to me for forecasts, to the hydromicenter, excuse me, we’ll sit down,
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they told me that yakov me. i was looking for, yes, what i wanted, i don’t know, he was in the archives of the morgue where the body of alexei mesterov was located, and what he was looking for there, but i don’t know, the accident wasn’t caught on camera and now the ends can’t be found, but excuse me, yeah, i’m listening, comrade colonel. yes, you read the news, did they find the suitcase? yes, i know, but it's empty, how can you explain that? i'll try to find out. so,
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after all, i, i brought the suitcase there and buried it, just answer, masha, is she alive or not, yur, more than anything in the world i want her to be alive, then where is she? “i don’t know, i don’t remember, i really don’t remember, then remember, andrey, remember, the suitcase is empty, how can you not grab onto it, yes, you have to bruise your forehead, but prove klimov’s innocence,
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he’s your friend, friend, and what, what should he say to the killer, tell me, are you 100% sure? that klimov is a killer, tell me, looking into his eyes, are you sure, sure, but you’re not sure at all, colonel, also a general, i think we need to start the investigation all over again. kapralov, are you crazy, what started?
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not yet , you call this clean work, i will try to fix everything, you will try, you if you try, i’ll fix everything, i’m paying you to solve problems, not create them.


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