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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 9, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
without a market? seryozha, don’t grab it, it’s lunchtime! what are you doing? can you answer one question for me? i can, don’t you think uncle yura was right? what are you talking about? do you know what? about the money you forced uncle yura to give.
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seryozha, well, you’re no worse than me, do you know what kind of money this is? so what? like what? do you care that someone was stolen, taken away, or maybe because of them someone was killed? “i somehow didn’t think about it, just sit and think about it, don’t bring other people’s money, happiness, especially hope in this way, but did they bring happiness to the one who left it with us, but we can’t return the money to those from whom it was stolen, we don’t know them at all, it’s all the same.
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this money has someone else's blood on it, we need it, seryozha, no, we don't, that's a good girl, you'll get back on your feet, i promise you, you know, seryozha, i even swear to you, i swear to you that i will do everything, so that this happens, and uncle yura will help? and uncle yura will help, don’t touch the bread, return all the goods to the warehouse and stay at home, be quiet, then i’ll think that i understand, yes i understand, i ’m not a little girl, great guys, guys in the field,
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“we will consider your proposal, don’t delay this, comrade goat, it means you refuse to tell the truth, i’ve already told you everything, boss, you’re an idiot, don’t let me in, i ’ll quickly cure you, well then start all over again, all over again, yeah, i was walking from the woman, then from the woman, i see, my buddy, a crucian carp is chatting with someone near the van, i came up to say hello, then your guys swooped in, started making fun of me, continued to tell me, like an orphan from kazan, ah-ah-ah, what there in the department he shouted that the driver had invented everything, that he had invented it, it hurt, there was a bullet in the leg, the chief, you know, it hurt, so he came up with all sorts of nonsense, yes, a painful shock, you know, you see what a literate criminal we have, he knows what words, a painful shock, which means you won’t tell the truth? i said everything, i said everything, but if we
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try with this, and don’t, boss, don’t, don’t, don’t, suddenly you can’t handle it alone, you’ll have to call your people for help. well, yes, and not extra witnesses, you need this, that’s great, you’ll go out, you’re busy, i’ll come back later, that’s how it’s supposed to be, well now, wait, sit quietly, don’t drink ink,
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are you sbabbing him or something? well, like this it worked out, you understand, except for you and me, what am i, i’m like a grave, but why the hell did you dump them here? i want to donate, yeah, my wife insists, and i don’t want to get dirty, there’s blood on them, there was a roman emperor, vespasian, but he made all the toilets in rome pay, and so he said that money doesn’t smell, but it depends on how you smell it , what will you accept, no, am i crazy or something like this amount of money, this case needs to be opened, and then your woman, and your wife will testify, no, but worry about something, in fact, i’ve been on the loose for about 15 years, well, he won’t get out of there soon, take it away from me, take it,
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where am i going with it, that kind of money can only be given to the minister of finance, listen, send it by mail, to the ministry of finance, but just take the receipt. walk around for reporting, but take it away from me, i won’t accept it, i didn’t see anything, well, philin, i thought it up, i didn’t think of anything, i already told you everything, well then so. tell everyone and god forbid you change your testimony, i understood, i didn’t understand, i understood,
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here, hurry up, that’s it, i’m free, where, if i was earlier, i went out and don’t shine, otherwise i’ll change my mind, you’ll find the way, i’ll find it, somehow it’s my game! that is, colonel markov, but i did everything
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as agreed, there was one episode left with the wounding of a policeman, but there one was killed, the other escaped. we will search, we will search, i obey, what a beastly life this is. yes, after all, you’re still very good, anna
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dmitrievna, but didn’t you rush into getting married, no, don’t rush. another year or two to marry only the hegemon, and the house is full. so you need to install an english lock, hello,
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it closes itself, in our country, by the way, it’s been like this for a long time, so what kind of eagle are we sighing about here, figuratively, figuratively, yes, i know that eagle, he’s already trampled all the local chickens here, so he’s taken over for you, do you understand what you mean? you don’t understand, look, friend, that means he’s checked in with you, ah samson, well, okay, okay, don’t worry, don’t worry and don’t be jealous, it’s an everyday matter, listen, but you don’t have anything to drink, not is it too early? for morning libations, what a morning, i beg you, lunch is over, what are you talking about, yes, damn it,
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then it’s not a small sin, my you’re everything anyway, fill in the top ones, there was some liar there again, i heard mine calling yours, they were swearing terribly, so let’s take a walk, oh, hello, you haven’t visited us for a long time, comrade detective, you know, somehow there’s still a reason it wasn’t, but i still haven’t left since last time, it’s great, you caught those bandits then, so, i want to send a parcel, what’s heavy there, bricks, or something, bricks, paper, how much from me, i’ll weigh it now , i'll say. 6 kg 700 g, from you 9 rubles 15 kopecks. here is the recipient's address
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specify only the parser. you didn’t mess anything up with the address, everything is correct, thank you, please, buy it, buy the candy, i said tomorrow, that means tomorrow, i don’t want tomorrow, i want it now, stop screaming already, otherwise i’ll hand you over to the orphanage, and there are even toys made of potatoes , it’s clear, that’s it, now i’ll turn you in, i don’t want to go to the orphanage, stop screaming, i tormented me with your daily whims, did you forget something? i changed my mind, let's
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go back, out of the blue, count how much i owe, so i'll count it now, thank you, comrade policeman, you take your money, forest fires occur due to human fault; stopping the fire is the calling of the strong. the forest fire fighters of the rosleskhoz aviation forestry guard have been guarding the forests of russia for 90 years, we ourselves will write his testimony and sign it ourselves, and then why not take his guy to the street and kill him when he tries to escape, what to do then, do as i say, what will you do next? , well, as usual? “your friends took my wife and child, where are they, why should i report you, it’s a hot spot, i have
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nothing to lose, and you’re putting your head on the line for i’m setting you up, in general, the ampoules didn’t burn, i have them, today at 20:00 on ntv. comrades, the story is dark, so far i have managed to notice everything, but i promised the zone that i would bring him up to date with the matter, then i will have to take a share, it was necessary a long time ago, if only we could. the police decided the issue, then a long time ago our every car would have been accompanied by security, everyone has been working like this for a long time, peace, more valuable than money, whether you like it or not , you have to, andrei lich! you talk to him and discuss all the conditions, okay, i’ll decide what to do with the driver, i need to change him, he’s not reliable man, my deputy found him, gancherov, so let him decide, there are no problems with the workers, but what problems with them, my conditions are better than where they are taken from, and they have nowhere to run,
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well, let’s consider the issue settled , comrade? okay, thank you for saying so, he said so, at first he seemed to start stabbing, he took out the baton, and then, out of the blue , he turned on the back one, and what kind of bastard was he, some kind of markov, markov, then everything is clear , this is the cop that i took on. he found out that an owl was walking under you, so he praised frightened, he doesn’t roll, he backed down after someone called him from the office to whisper for a couple of minutes, yes, well, that means he was ordered, who, who can order a cop, is the same cop, only of a higher rank, and that means he he has his own interest here, that they moved in,
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settle, someone appreciated the colored ones, so that this topic. with the cargo, mind you, who is the owner of the cargo or the owners, and they weigh more than our main cop, all that remains is to find out who it is, i and why, it seems to me, an interesting topic will be danced here, but what are you saying, to the point they also let him go, but before me, rasp, show him where to find him, so, and you hear, play around with him mentally. that's it, expense, oh wait, where is your director, she's in the
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labor office, thank you, yes. hello, is it possible? hello, hello, just a minute, okay? yes, of course, nikolai lvovich, you understand everything, i expect an explanation from you by tomorrow. hello, policeman, what did you want? i have it here for you, oh, what is this? oh, sorry, this is a gift for my wife. and what's that? it is for you. no, well, not for you personally, but for your orphanage, so to speak, your children from our police, wait, how am i going to get them through the accounting department, no way, you just spend it all on the children, i’ll write you a receipt that i handed it over, and you tell me that you accepted it, a stamp, but i don’t even know how it’s done here and know nothing, write a receipt, can
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i ask you for a newspaper, yes, yes, of course, you can, but excuse me, but you can be curious, right? please, oh, you bought this in moscow, right? well, that’s right, i got it by chance, oh, what a nice gift, yes, this is not a bolshevik factory, you think it’s imported, well, it’s very similar, oh no, there’s no markings, you know, i think made somewhere here from very good raw materials according to imported patterns, oh, i wonder why such a conclusion, how from what, from quality, young man, from quality, look, huh? you see the seams, the pattern, the work again, no, we don’t know how to sew like that, or don’t want to know how, our experts believe that our women don’t need to show their underwear to anyone, oh, sorry, for god’s sake, well what, we will write a receipt with you or not, we will, okay, here you go, give it to you.
6:00 am
you will live in spirit, but what, and what to tell, what to tell, where the goods come from, who the owner is, but if i tell you, i won’t mind anyway. i understand, well, you’re steamed, no, not yet, no, not yet, but it seems to me that i’m ready, you know, let’s send
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you a daddy, let’s go, we’ll steam you, take it, take it, take it, take it, come on, come on, let’s go! is there anyone alive? oh, kozyrev himself! hello, come on in! great! will you take a drop? will you pour it, will i take it? well, come on, take off your clothes! and i ’m looking for you at the hospital, and they told me that you’re already home, so everything is fine and getting better? so do the walls of the house help? so scratch oh i see you you live well, the medicine is trophy, well,
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then for your health, oh, mm, have a bite, have a bite, real, “so it was chalovo’s guys who cut you off, and why didn’t you share with them, well, they didn’t understand dads, and i as i understand it, you can’t tell the truth on record, but without a protocol between us, for me personally, you , yurok, understand everything yourself”? i ’ll tell you what, we accidentally noticed this car, but they were waiting for it and had no intention of robbing it, that is, how is it, like this,
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this driver had to give the cargo himself, they were with him we agreed in advance, yes, the point is that it’s a bummer, not in this, in what, in the cargo that this driver was carrying, everything, women’s bras, in general, there’s a shortage, but how much money does this cost, think about it, so what, you never know we have warehouses in the area, and there is so much of this trophy junk lying there, they will be exporting it for many years, but why at night, and why using false documents, they are using invoices, why, they were transporting it in the summer, it’s even like that, we need to think about it . “well, just think about it, and i’m on sick leave, it won’t hurt, so i’m not
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on the radio for drunkenness, but for my health, hey, yurok, but you seemed to be planning to get married today, so i got married, uncle vova, oh, well then, even more so, come on, god himself commanded. i would like to kill you for crucian carp, but apparently your time has not come yet, shameful wolves,
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it’s me, well, finally. in general, i handed it over to an orphanage, but what is this? and this, well, is like a gift. yura, i don’t know the size, it seems to me that it should fit, what do you think?
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maybe i'm getting ready, now i won't , i'll put it on in the evening, i'll catch a layer, let's go to the dance, i haven't danced for 100 years, and seryoga will let us go, seryoga, you'll let us go to the dance, i'll let you go, i'll let you go, of course it's your holiday, but the children are on holiday actually, they want to eat, cover it, everything is ready, hold it, the guys were passing by here a lot, i saw each other, and i saw each other, they almost drowned, bitches, what did they want,
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well, what did they want, right there? whose product did you ask? i left? what did i say? yes, i drove them away from the one from the trophy warehouse? ok, you’ll take the goods to moscow, you’ll sit there, and in the meantime we’ll sort everything out here for you, but i ’m not crazy, but you forced me to stop, they’re here, okay, then we’ll figure it out, i drove the car out of town, it’s parked near the factory, yes, the really smart ones gave away almost all the goods.
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this topic was invented by a stray fraer, samson garidza is from georgia, he’s taking a share in the executive committee, the city committee, the chief trader of now the main league will be the topic, well, if of course they agree, where the robots come from, they ’re captured by the germans, they opened a workshop in an old factory , they are guarded there by the camp guard, they seem to live there, yes, this topic has been working for a long time, but for about six months. and what has been cleverly invented, there is no plan for you, no tax, no salaries for the robots, so stamp out the deficit and mow the cabbage into your pocket, well, yes, that means you ’ve already reached us, this topic is 100 years old at lunchtime, three years ago i heard from the gogi sukhumsky how they cut the hair of underground millionaires in the caucasus, but what about meeting a millionaire, you still need to find him, but why find him, they come on their own, i
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can’t understand, but how can they, well so that... yes, then in america this has long been debugged, where all the bourgeois and their non-brothers share in their business. well, yes, i heard the polish thieves say, in short, we won’t give money, sooner or later others will start giving money, well, that’s it, they decided, we need to have a good deal with this beaver, but he’s not local, where is he? look, you need to take him under his white little hands and bring him to us, or us to him, i
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also accidentally met mine. yes, i myself am from st. petersburg, i mean, from leningrad, well, yes, for you from leningrad, but for me from st. petersburg, st. petersburg, it sounds like my ancestors lived there for more than 100 years, also say that you are from the nobility, i won’t take what didn’t happen, that didn’t happen, but the relationship to the proletariat. my mother, you know, who she was in cordaballet, she danced at the mariinsky theater, can you imagine, and my father was an engineer on the railway, so at thirty i died in the camps on the 9th, they also found me an enemy of the people, but you know who my dad was, a communist, a real one, but i was a laborer,
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i don’t remember my mother, and my dad is somewhere under... that he is no longer our husband and father, you judge, in your opinion, it was better to follow him step by step, but i don’t know, but i know, it’s not better, although i don’t know, let’s have a drink, but no, i don’t want to, i don’t want to, but i want to dance, fuck you for years hid it like that? since you say cop, they gave it to you, take care, god protects, what do you think, chalov’s guys, you were attacked by accident, or on a tip, but the devil knows who
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only three people knew about the route, the owner, me and you, so think, you think, the owner did it, why would he, but no, not the owner. who then asks who betrayed us? yes, i will answer you, will you? yes, yes i am, yes, yes, what are you, yes, i will be a bastard, but you won’t be a bastard, a corpse. here you go, guys, i’ll tell you, the girls in the yoke are just right, you’re swinging, not like our
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chickens, but of course, hey, young people, you read the poster on the wall, but we don’t know how to read. write too, paint it to match khokhlama, it’s easy, so get out of here, guys, poholotka, and we have the police, step back, listen, i say deer, stand, hear, read, come on, well, read, he said, drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited, well done, and we already know how to do this, now we’ll learn to write , yes, you, yeah, first of all , sign the protocol, i need, i need, i’ll come on, who else won’t, but unanimously, okay, bow out of here, so that we don’t see you again, well, quickly, quickly, quickly , freak, let's hurry up,
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look, we shouldn't have let them go, they need to be treated before the snot dries up, then it's too late it will be, well, you’ll just spend half the night writing. anyway, the stick doesn’t hurt, let’s go, oh, look, it seems like the goat has knocked out his young wife into the world, let me go. from where, hello to the newlyweds, it’s great, like family life, we haven’t tried it yet, yura, introduced me to my comrades, so, gennady, polina, it’s very nice, this is vasya, not vasya, but vasily
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andreevich roshkov, authorized representative in grozovsk, polina, very it’s nice, we sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage, we legitimately look forward to a modest wedding dinner, and hari will not crack, i’m sorry, please, we are of course you we’ll invite you, but later, with humility we expect, with a blow, horns, you have no conscience, but what ’s wrong, what’s wrong, he took kozyrev, made him blush, and even when he got married, you’ll think, yes, if i got married now, i i wish i could just do that day and night my comrades and work colleagues sing, and kozyrev clamps down, half a ton of horns, i’m just truthful. maybe to the buffet, dancing, kozyrev, dancing,
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oh, look, it turns out our police. that he is not alien to humanity, that it was stolen from him, an interesting lady, yes, nothing special, a gray mouse, well, let's dance, like a cavalier, or what? we will now organize those boys for you. went. contract military personnel receive regional support measures. combat veteran status. exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here!
6:17 am
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ahead, in the daytime up to +20 and above, rain in places, the northwest is not deprived of unprecedented warmth, in the south there is no precipitation and also about twenty. when it sticks. wind, the temperature will rise, only in the north it is still close to zero, eastern frosts are strong and there is snow in places. in st. petersburg today it’s up to +15 without precipitation, in moscow light rain is possible and + 20, tomorrow up to 23. yakut, what’s the matter, you’re a buddy, but nothing
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’s wrong, well, it’s calving. are you against unfastening your harness in general? yes no, no, i am against him for this to give support, but what happens is that it ’s like he bought us, or what? no, but no, it doesn’t work out, well, look, it’s a gathering. the law prohibits a thief from taking money from someone who lives on one salary, robbing yes, taking away yes, but simply receiving it - no, but, for example, if a hard worker breaks into a store and brings his share to the common fund, we have the right
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to accept, well, yes , because according to the concepts, well , why then can’t we take a beaver, who cuts cabbage on our own land, and also unfastens the bureaucrats? are we worse than them, are we are we asking for mercy? no, yakut, we take what’s ours, i don’t know, maybe you’re right, but still this needs to be decided by the beaver himself, you know, and not like this, you’re putting the whole gang at risk, well , remember, remember how the komgshniki pressed us, when the stray party chenushkas were omitted, remember, because then the chenushha was in his right, that’s why they pressed, and...
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why didn’t you send the goods? you said it yourself, he wanted to solve the problem, so i decided, i changed the car, just in case, why, he would have remained silent anyway, he handed us over to thieves, and they, if they grab hold of you, they won’t just let you go, you need to change the place, so what, he gave it up, if we agree with the police chief who will touch you and me, we’ll agree or not, but i would change the place, then i read in the newspaper, that they will soon be sent home, where will you go as a hard worker, i’ll find you, everyone wants to eat, okay, if there’s no driver, you’ll go to moscow yourself, now people are waiting for goods, okay.
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yes, you, do you at least understand who you are talking to, sit quietly and do not hesitate, great, we had fun today, really, listen, by the way, at my gentleman's wonderful feelingrhythms. “oh, he ’ll make a wonderful partner to work with for a little bit, so what’s the problem, get busy,
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what can i do, what can i do, that young man is so cute, and the gun, by the way, listen, come to me, um, let’s go, sit, chat, i’ll call you, i’ll tell you that i have you, no, no, that’s enough for today, not enough, i still want. i want to dance, i want to sing and have fun, there’s food, it’s only i who saw it, or did you also imagine it, well, you imagined it, no it was a dream, but without stagram it’s still not possible let's figure it out, let's go, oh, i haven't danced like this for a long time, i'm tired, huh? a little bit, the little lady is probably sleeping, oh, let's go, you go, i 'll come now, i'll drive the horse, but,
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here are the bastards, they've been rummaging around again, setting traps for you, or what? well, what were you looking for here, comrade please. i wonder who's whose nightmare? am i yours or are you mine?
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we wish you the best morning, next! in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency, we analyze traffic violations in the first program, the tv program is an emergency in the studio of morat seddikov. novosibirskaya alone cannot live without adventures company, friends with families, relax together, neighbors know very well that such gatherings in the yard end with the arrival of police or doctors, and sometimes they call. both of them, this time it just so happened that this was the reason, surveillance cameras captured capturing footage of tamara simonova. all
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the chaos that was going on that day in one of the districts of novosibirsk could not.


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