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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 9, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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i didn’t manage to bring anything out, everything was left there, including documents and things about how both the city outskirts and the center of orenburg fell into the flood zone. the place and time of the meeting was not chosen by chance; the russian foreign minister arrived in china to discuss the expansion of bilateral cooperation and hot topics on the international agenda. nikita korzun reports details from beijing. russian hurricanes are destroying the enemy’s heavy equipment, and their next delivery to the line of combat contact from the southern donetsk direction has been disrupted. report by sergei pikulin.
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roscosmos clearly showed the flood in the region. he published satellite images of flooded areas. personnel help specialists make forecasts. now they are waiting for the water level in the ural and samara rivers to rise. it can grow up to 40 cm in a day. people whose houses are in the flood zone are trying to save their surviving property. mikhail chermov saw what the flooded neighborhoods look like now. how can we, together with vasily and natalya semenenko, half-go and half-swim to take away property, their street is now the word full-flowing a river with a strong current and the main thing here is not to fall into some well, help here, something will turn you around normally, here is the first barricade, construction debris floating from somewhere, after a couple of meters - their flooded car, then open the door of the house to be horrified, the doors were all crowded together, the car was also a tv, that people managed to take with them only the most necessary things on...
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on the way back with wet feet and loaded to capacity, the main thing here is not to capsize the boat, the owner can hardly hold back her tears, here for many everything was lost , what was saved is taken out on rafts and boats, the kitchen set was completely destroyed, the furniture, walls, walls were completely destroyed, well , the repairs were natural, first of all, big water came on the outskirts of orenburg, in this microdistrict eight streets were flooded, in some places depth... more than 2
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m. in another part of orenburg, the water is already under the roof. the solovushka garden dacha community is one of dozens that were flooded. many families live here all year round. with volunteer mikhail turkhanov we are swimming on top of fences, which means the level is more than 2 s half. we are looking for the neighbor’s uaz and predictably we don’t find it, it’s somewhere at the bottom. i didn't manage to get anything out. everything was left there, both documents and things. only saved cats and a dog.
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at night there is complete darkness here, the electricity was turned off as the water began to rise, but uncle volodya’s lanterns and phones are always charged from the power plant. car, this car, like a floating power plant, is supported by cylinders, the owner comes here from time to time, turns on the engine, charges cell phones, power banks, the car is tied up just in case to the tree, so that the wave would not be carried away, just in case of a flood, the only inhabitant of the nightingales equipped himself with a bed in the attic, there are supplies, a sleeping bag, a blanket, food, and water, everything is there, according to official data, the peak of the flood has not yet been passed, another increase the water level here is expected in the coming days. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, dmitry pisarev, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolay datsun, mtv orenburg. we will return to this topic later; we expect that the governor of the kurgan region will join the broadcast, where the peak of the flood is expected in the near future. u we will find out all the operational information from him.
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in the meantime, on to other topics, after the collapse of the bridge in vyazma, a criminal case was opened under the article of negligence. the investigation was taken under personal control by the prosecutor of the smolensk region. the collapsed bridge will not be repaired, as the regional authorities reported; instead, a crossing will be built according to a new project. at the scene of the emergency, the rubble is being cleared, about 500 people and special equipment are working. the primary task is to clear the railway tracks on which the multi-ton structure has fallen. now trains towards belarus are taking a detour, in place accident, the gas pipeline was damaged when it collapsed. about 9.00 people were left without gas; it will take about 100,000 to restore the supply. 3 days. the bridge collapsed in vyazma the day before. at the time of the collapse , there were two cars on it, a car and a truck. as a result of the incident , a woman died and five other people were injured. three of them are evacuated to moscow for treatment. russia
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demands to convene an extraordinary meeting of the magathe council because of the ukrainian attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. our country believes that kiev’s actions could lead to nuclear catastrophe and require urgent discussion. the meeting is scheduled to be held this week. russia has already sent a letter to members of the organization calling on them to condemn the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and photographs showing the consequences of attacks by ukrainian komikanze drones. as a result of a series of strikes that occurred at the ssu on sunday , the dome of one of the power units was damaged and personnel were injured. on monday, the raids continued, and debris from the drone fell on the power unit again. russia will seek... honest assessments of what is happening in zaporozhye npp. it will not be possible to evade responsibility for new drone attacks on a strategic facility near kiev. this was stated by foreign minister sergei lavrov, who is currently on an official visit to beijing. this morning, the head of our foreign ministry held talks
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with his chinese counterpart wang yi. the parties discussed the ukrainian crisis, bilateral cooperation and opposition to western sanctions. from beijing, reporting by nikita korzun. negotiations between sergei lavrov and his chinese counterpart wang yi have literally just ended at the government residence. in russian the name translates as a terrace for fishing. and the picturesque imperial complex, almost a thousand years old, buried in plum blossoms and even lilacs, located in the west of beijing, is used by the prc authorities to meet the most valuable guests. in particular , vladimir putin visited her several times. in 2023 , russian-chinese trade turnover broke a record, exceeding $240 billion.
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this formula: double counteraction against double deterrence, it’s time in conditions when at any moment the united states and its satellites can to collapse sustainable chains of financing, logistics, transport chains, investment chains, it’s time to resolve issues so that all these tasks can be considered and decisions made on them within the framework of other structures and...
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the minister dwelled in detail on drone strikes from the ukrainian direction on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, or rather even on the response to these
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provocative actions. we will bring this issue to special meetings of the mgt executive council, to special meetings of the security council, and there we will insist on the need to obtain direct, without any prevarication, assessments of the actions of the ukrainian regime. we agreed to the presence of magate experts, a permanent presence at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we were, among other things, guided by the need for them to give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, how nuclear and physical safety is ensured there, but of course, we proceeded from , that this kind of attack against the largest nuclear power plant in...
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russia, and therefore reflects certain foreign policy priorities, and how else, let me remind you that last year shizen ping’s first visit after his re-election was moscow. nikita korzun, vladislav dubovitsky, marina gusarova, ntv beijing, people's republic of china. and now to the news from the special military operation zone. in the kharkov direction, the crew of the k-52 helicopter destroyed a sabotage group.
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the pilots used unguided munitions and, after an anti-missile maneuver, returned to their location. the gunner confirmed the target was eliminated. and this is the destruction of the support ukrainian armed forces station in the rabotin area, through the eyes of a drone operator. the crew discovered the nationalists during aerial reconnaissance and dropped ammunition on their positions. when the enemy tried to escape, he was hit... with another blow. kiev, which is losing people on the contact line, is trying to indiscriminately attack peaceful areas of russia. this morning, the ministry of defense reported four downed drones over the voronezh and belgorod regions. our fighters respond to all these chaotic and ineffective actions with precise and precise strikes, which, even in the northern military district zone, are only applied to the enemy’s military infrastructure. the target is in the southern donetsk direction. became a batch of equipment that included western models.
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sergei pikulin will tell you who destroyed it and how. for any civilian, fast charging is when the phone is charged to 50% in 30 minutes. for military calculations , a hurricane is when 16 missiles need to be charged in 15 minutes, each weighing 280 kg. aerial reconnaissance discovered a concentration of enemy equipment. well, now the guys are cooking. our next drone, in fact, all our rocket artillery is aimed and adjusted with the help of such eagles. our drones are equipped with modern optics, thermal imagers and cameras with infrared illumination. here in the landing of the ukrainian armed forces they hid an american bradley and several tanks. the first shot of a hurricane is a sighting shot. then the whole battery works. after firing , you need to change your position, if a year ago
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the enemy responded, as a rule, with their artillery, now they mainly use drones, they work from the air, most of them from the air, but their artillery is smaller works, much less, apparently, they have a lot of destroyed equipment, there is nothing to work with, hurricanes cover entire squares the size of football fields; for more targeted work they use anti-tank missile systems. these crews are often compared to snipers; they work covertly and effectively. ptur with ease.
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protesters broke through a police cordon to the san carlo theater, where a concert was to be held in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance. they believe that the city hall of naples should not provide a theater to the military bloc, which is one of the cultural symbols of the city. activists shouted slogans demanding nato get out of italy. this is not the first anti-nato rally in the country. a week ago, residents.
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employees of the centers will work in temporary accommodation centers. floods are expected in the near future in the kurgan region. we plan to receive all operational information from the scene from the governor of this region, vadim shumkov. he communicates directly with the studio. vadim mikhailovich, hello, please tell me, here how fast is the water level rising, how quickly do we need to act now? water. rises very quickly, literally in a day from yesterday morning to today at 8 am, at the mark of post sirov zvernegolovsko, on the border with kazakhstan, the water level increased by a meter of 50.7 cm, and over the last 2 hours from 8 am to 10 am the level has already grew by 74 cm plus. yes, vadim mikhailovich, are there any forecasts of
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how many areas may be at risk and, as a result, how many people will have to be evacuated? yes, forecasts there is, the only thing is that they constantly have to be changed, because the first level that we were given on the fifth in the evening, the level of water rise was 850 cm, 900 cm, yesterday we were already given an updated forecast of 11 m, that is, 1,100 cm and possibly higher, then the area of ​​possible evacuation of people is constantly changing, if on the fifth it was 17,800 citizens, then 11 m is already more than 3,000 people,
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in this situation the forecast changed literally by the evening of april 5 and it was already 1,500 m/ku, but in fact on april 6 it already compiled 3,300 km/second, which is more than 40 times higher than previously stated forecasts. vladim mikhailovich, now, when you need to react quickly, what is the readiness for this upcoming big water, will there be enough temporary accommodation centers and rescue forces? today, 92 temporary accommodation points have already been deployed, which are ready to receive 27 thousand people, additional deployment of these points is ongoing, we are not even distracted by these issues, we are simply deploying additional temporary accommodation points, already three groups of rescuers from the federal center arrived in the region as requested, two more groups with swimming equipment were requested today. in this situation, we simply take
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, if possible, what is offered to us and ask for additional. i can’t help but ask a question, now there is a big problem with drinking water, we say every day that you need to drink only bottled or boiled water, how is it provided to people, is everything okay? in this situation , it is recommended that if the water level rises above 11 m in the city kugan, it is possible that the orbino supplementary intake will fail, it is recommended that residents, and the water union and the operator company that supplies drinking water through karns, stock up on water for up to a month so that later... do not experience interruptions in water supply, the same recommendations for residents downstream of the tabul river in six municipal districts, in addition, retail chains were instructed to provide water supplies for several months. a reserve so that residents can buy bottled water if they don’t have enough of their own supplies, which they did not have time or were unable to done for objective reasons. yes, of course, vadim mikhailovich, and the last question,
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what recommendations would you personally give to people who are now in the danger zone? and you know, i’m not a moralizer or a mentor, in this situation, i understand people completely, i’m completely on their side, of course, it’s hard to make a decision, throw away what you’ve acquired and within a few hours. the angara rocket will take off for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome, the launch is scheduled for 12 o'clock
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moscow time, this launch will begin testing the space rocket complex cupid and orion upper stage. previously, rockets of the angara family flew only from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region, for the angara itself again this launch will be the fourth in history, it should gradually be replaced. it is distinguished from its predecessor by its environmental friendliness; the fuel used in the rocket contains no toxic components. the hangar will launch all types of russian spacecraft into orbit , from satellites to manned transport vehicles with crews on board. belarus has banned the sale of several types of tea bags produced in russia. more business news. what is the reason? they say they found microbiological problems. safety indicators. today news came that russian exports were subject to sanctions, but not in the right place
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and not for the reasons one might think. the ministry of health of belarus announced that it prohibits the sale of four types of russian- made tea bags in the country. we are talking about the princess kandy and gita stamps. they are made by the orimi company, which on its website calls itself the largest producer of natural tea in russia. videos, i want the russian stock market is looking up in the morning, oil is trying to rise in price, daisber reported that in the first quarter of this year it increased net profit
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according to russian reporting standards by 4% compared to last year. the ruble stands still, the dollar is 92.70, the euro is 100 and 62. a new large company has come under state control in russia. by his decree, vladimir putin transferred assets to temporary management of the federal property management agency. and farming in the kursk, oryol, lipetsk, tula, ryazan, tambov and penza regions. mostly she grows soybeans, wheat, sugar beets, sunflowers and rapeseed. as the kommersant newspaper clarifies, agroterra is part of the portfolio of the american investment company nch capital, according to forbes - this company was founded by a us citizen with ukrainian roots, george. over the past year , the federal property management agency has placed under temporary management the russian assets of the german energy companies uniper and the finnish fortum, as well as the assets of the danish
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brewing company carlsberg, the french dairy producer danone and the car dealer rolf. true, in march of this year the transfer to the federal property management agency was cancelled. yuli, everything about the economy. namarin, thank you, it was marina pimenova with business news. residents of north. america witnessed a rare astronomical phenomenon, a total solar eclipse. its longest phase was observed in mexico. there the moon covered the sun for 4 and a half minutes. the streets suddenly became dark, but this did not scare people; they put aside their work to watch the natural show. the eclipse was also observed by residents of the united states. president joe biden urged americans to quote not it's stupid to follow the statement only with safety glasses. theirs, by the way.
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presidential candidate donald trump did not miss the opportunity to promote himself at such an event. he published a video in which he blocked the sun with his profile, well, according to tradition , he promised to save all of america. now let’s take a break for a short advertisement and in a couple of minutes we’ll talk about the unified state exam. don't switch. the eg-2024 campaign has started ahead of schedule in russia. 3,000 people participate in it. who writes the exam for what? ksenia ignatova found out in advance. order a free alfabank credit card from a whole year without interest. and you get super cashback in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable.
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the audience there are future specialists in the protection of personal, corporate and government information, a couple in the construction of programming algorithms, from the outside it sounds like something alien. one of the... elements for writing a program in python for geometric shapes is what kind of turtle program, this is a python module with which you can create animation, rita is a serious and purposeful girl beyond her years, her dream is to develop in the near future the technical school provides a good foundation for the young field of domestic it and for the profession. the next stage on the path to the goal is higher education, and although it is only april, i am already preparing in full force for...
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a confirmed reason, and this is not necessarily exams or studies, someone, for example, is professionally involved in sports, going to training camps in may june, who -at this time he will be carried away by even more important matters, so at the astrakhan unified state examination point we
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met a woman at a decent stage of pregnancy, she plans to enroll in st. petersburg during her maternity leave university and get a second higher education. we now have a developed industry such as bioinformatics, but i still wanted to. there is a particularly high demand for early passing among eleventh-graders in the capital, there are four examination points open here these days, i take basic mathematics ahead of schedule, this is the only non-core subject, which in fact does not greatly affect my admission, so once again to ease the end of the year, this always, please, many schoolchildren take the early exam and feel a little better.
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will last until april 22, and the main one from may 23 to july 1; in total , more than 700 thousand people will take the single exam this year. ksenia ignatova, ruslan nagoev, sergei grandfather and alena antonova, ntv television company. and that’s it for now, stay on ntv. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps.
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pono will soon subside already. on wednesday in the kaliningrad region, the sunny summer will be replaced by a gloomy baltic spring. and heat from the far west will be pumped east. in pskov, veliky novgorod in st. petersburg, wednesday will be the warmest day of the week, with temperatures around 20°, but cooler temperatures are inevitable on thursday. very warm wednesday and thursday in the center. the weather here runs at least a month ahead, in the volga region above normal, but only by 3 to 5°. but the cold snap will not be sharp. well, the main warmth, as... it should be from the black earth region to the south, the limit is still around 25° and there is no rain for freshness in the forecast yet, and winter is in the north, or rather more in the northeast, the frozen varkuta is eight degrees colder than expected .


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