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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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in the middle zone near the volga in the urals , more than 10,000 houses have already been flooded; the kurgan authorities have begun preliminary evacuation. under water, i didn’t manage to get anything out, everything remained there, both documents and things, in some places the depth was more than two meters. a report from our correspondent from flooded orenburg. double counteracting double deterrence, it was the minister who invented this formula yesterday, what is the formula, what did sergei lavrov talk about with chairman xi during his visit to... and a total solar eclipse
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watched by millions of north americans. hello to ntv news, in the studio egor kalyvanov. so, flooding is still the number one topic. almost 40 regions, over 200 settlements in the disaster zone, the middle zone, the volga region, the urals, regions of western siberia. more than 10,000 houses were flooded, in place of entire villages, the surface of the water. in the kulgan region, the water level is rising before our eyes in places by tens of centimeters per hour. the cause of the disaster was melting snow that had accumulated on frozen soil. water does not soak into the soil, but flows off into the mainstream. the reservoir in neighboring kazakhstan is overfilled, and the volume of water released there has been increased tenfold. a security regime has been declared in ten regions of the republic; even burial grounds with anthrax have been flooded. streams flow from kazakhstan and to russian regions, including along the river. just to the kurgan
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region. the prognosis is even worse than originally expected. the water level may exceed 11 m. for comparison, during the devastating flood thirty years ago, when a state of emergency was in effect in the region for a month, the tabol river rose to 10 m. the region is now being brought together by rescuers from other regions.
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power is turned off, protective embankments are urgently erected in the region. the barrier, in particular, was erected 10 meters from the kurgan airport. the peak of the flood in the regional center is expected in the middle of the week. and in orenburg, it’s already the fifth day of the flood, the water level there has begun to drop in some places. in orsk, which was one of the first to suffer the blow of the elements. -35 cm, however, this is a trifle, considering how badly the city was flooded. mikhail chernov, the situation in the region? yes, i don’t know how it is here myself. together with vasily and natalya semenenko, we are half-walking, half-swimming, to take away property, their street is now like a full-flowing river with a strong current and the main thing here is not to fall into some well. help here, something is turning you around. here are the first barricades, construction debris floating in from somewhere.
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people managed to take with them only the most necessary things in their houses, now it’s a sad sight, not only furniture, but also household appliances were under water, for example, washing machines are floating, for them the welder’s nurses this flood is a complete disaster, they bought the house with the last one was just six months ago, they made repairs, furnished it... to capacity, the main thing here is not to capsize the boat, the owner can hardly hold back her tears, here for many everything was lost, what was saved is taken out on rafts and boats, the kitchen set was completely destroyed , furniture, walls, walls completely. died, well, repairs naturally,
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first of all, large water came to the outskirts of orenburg, in this microdistrict eight streets were flooded, in some places the depth was more than 2 m. in another part of orenburg, the water was already under the roof. gardening the solovushka community is one of dozens that were flooded. many families live here all year round. with volunteer mikhail turkhanov , we are swimming on top of the fences, which means the level is more than 2 cm. we are looking for the neighbor’s uaz and predictably we don’t find it, it is somewhere at the bottom. i didn't manage to get anything out. everything was left there, both documents and things. only saved cats and a dog. to a resident of this water world, who stayed here in the company of a dog and two cats, masyanya and marshmallow, i look on the fence, i barely dragged them here, and the dog is already on the fourth day, when asked why he didn’t leave, he answers, who will chase the looters, well
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, every 2 hours i go out, so i walk to the end of this fence, if someone is talking on a telephone, it’s obvious that they’re crawling. climbs, climbs every evening. at night there is complete darkness here, the electricity was turned off as the water began to rise, but uncle volodya has both flashlights and phones always charged from a car-based power station. this car, like a floating power plant, is supported by cylinders, the owner comes here from time to time, turns on the engine, charges cell phones, power banks, just in case in case the car was tied to a tree so that it would not be carried away by the waves. just in case of a flood, the only inhabitant of the nightingales equipped himself with a bed in the attic. supplies, sleeping bag, blankets, food, and water are all there. according to official data, the pine flood has not yet passed; another increase in the water level is expected here in the coming days. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, dmitry pisarev, ekaterina kostyukevich, nikolay datson, ntv orenburg. trains heading to moscow from
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belarus and kaliningrad are forced to get to the capital along detour routes due to a collapsed bridge in the smolensk region. it passed over the railway, where it is now. emergency work is underway, the gas pipeline was damaged during the fire, 8.00 people were left without gas , there were casualties, the driver of one of the cars that was on the bridge at the time of the emergency died, five more people were taken to hospitals. car traffic was detoured through the m1 federal highway. according to the regional governor, there is no point in restoring the bridge; a new project is needed. as reported by the ministry of defense in kharkov... management the crew of the k-52 helicopter destroyed the sabotage group. the pilots used unguided munitions and, after an anti-missile maneuver
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, returned to their location. the gunner confirmed the target was eliminated. in the kupinsky direction, forward detachments took up new positions with the support of tankers. the t-80 crews were amazed. effective ways to combat them and regularly use drones, but our military has found that they are adding ukrainian copters to their collection of trophies. report by alexey ivleev. bulata 3mx screen lights up red without mistakenly determining that a ukrainian kamikaze drone has landed on our patriot’s tail, flying at speeds of up to 120 km/h. there are two options: either jump out of the car right away
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or try to get away from the bird off-road. we walked along the highway for several kilometers at a maximum speed of 140 km/h. this car here, the drone detector, was burning with... a red light, and only thanks to our driver with the call sign tsar, we escaped the chase. along the entire route from pervomaisk to solidar there are a huge number of air observation points, where fighters from all types of weapons open fire on enemy kamikaze drones, which fly in flocks towards cars passing along the highway. our driver, in order to reduce the likelihood of an accurate hit, brakes sharply and spins on the patriot to hide in the clouds of dust. the most dangerous section of the route is the pontoon crossing, here
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enemy birds with a cumulative charge are constantly on duty in ambush, and only thanks to the sharp turn of the king we jump forward this time. it whistled, every week ukrainian drone operators burn ka on... the ledge that protrudes forward - this is solidar, bahot. soldiers of
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the terik razvetny brigade say that the nationalists have an acute shortage of ammunition, shells, mines and rockets. but western countries generously supply them with birds and the technology here is advanced and constantly being improved. the fighters of this unit often call themselves ghost hunters, because they have to shoot down both furies and grandmothers, and they are opposed, for example, by the best fpv operator. ukrainian drones with the call sign harpy, in other words, all kinds of evil spirits. now experienced hunters are sorting out what they have caught. trophies, the most modern drones will be sent to moscow for study, and some will be reprogrammed and sent back. before dawn we leave solidar, the city is hidden by fog, on the way back, even at high speed, we rush without the accompaniment of enemy birds. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company. positional brigade terek solidary direction, donbass. the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs
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, sergei lavrov , met with the president of the people's republic of china during an official visit to beijing. the minister noted that russia is sincerely pleased with the success china in recent years and conveyed greetings from vladimir putin to xidzenping. i have the pleasure and honor to convey my best regards to you.
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several types of tea bags produced in russia. business news and denis talalaev. denis, what is the reason? they say, egor, they found problems with the microbiological safety indicator. today. news came that russian exports were subject to sanctions, but not in the right place and not for the reasons one might think. the ministry of health of belarus announced that it prohibits sales in the country four types of tea in russian- made bags. we are talking about the brands princess kandy and gita. they are made by the orimi company, which on its website calls itself the largest producer of natural coffee tea in russia. the ministry of health in belarus clarifies that the princess of kandy and gita banned bagged tea, because then...
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java and jacquey. a new large company came under state control in russia. by his decree, vladimir putin transferred the assets of an agricultural company to the temporary management of the federal property management agency. this is one of largest landowners in russia. according to her own calculations, she has 19 elevators and a farm in the kursk, arlov, lipetsk, tula, ryazan, tambov and penza regions. it mainly grows soybeans, wheat, sugar beets, sunflowers and rapeseed. as of may last year, there were 265 under agarter’s management. this is more than the area of ​​moscow.
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as the kommersant newspaper clarifies, agroterra is part of the portfolio of an american investment company. nch ​​capital, and according to forbes, this company was founded by a us citizen with ukrainian roots, george rohr. behind during the last year, the russian property management agency acquired russian assets of energy companies, the german unitum, as well as the assets of the danish brewing company carlsberg, the french dairy producer danone and the car dealer rolf. however, in march of this year, the transfer of danone to the federal property management agency was canceled. the russian stock market has been going up since the morning, oil has risen in price again, and izber reported today that in the first quarter of this year it increased net profit according to russian reporting standards by 4% compared to last year. and here the ruble, after a little morning reflection , decided to fall in price. now the dollar is 92.80, the euro is 100 rubles. 85 kopecks. today tinkov bank
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recommended its clients to download the application developed by the mobile pipeline company. systems. the application is called t-help. and in fact, this is a new, official, as far as possible in modern conditions, bank application for the ios operating system. the bank says that the application is safe, but will only exist in the webstore for a few hours. and then, apparently, he will be removed from the app store, according to at least this has been the case with applications since march last year. then the bank came under european and later american sanctions.
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drove away protesters who were protesting against holding an event in honor of nato's anniversary. activists tried to break through to the san carlo theater during a concert dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the north atlantic alliance. people were outraged that events honoring a military organization were being held in a building that is one of the city's cultural symbols. eight people were injured as a result of the riots human. the solar eclipse was observed the day before by residents of north america. over the united states, mexico and eastern canada, the moon completely blocked the sun. nasa and many tv channels broadcast this phenomenon live. the eclipse lasted more than 5 hours. the longest
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completely closed solar disk was observed in mexico, almost 4 and a half minutes. well, then the emergency program, marat sedikov is with us, marat, the floor is yours, and egor, the investigators are now finding out. the cause of death of artist evgeny kungurov, he was a famous pop opera singer and tv presenter. body the artist was found under the windows of his house in the center of the capital. shortly before the tragedy, evgeniy wrote to his wife that they would not see each other again. the woman immediately called the ministry of emergency situations, they say that kungurov has been in trouble lately, he was in the process
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of divorce, he had health problems, but law enforcement officers are in no hurry to draw conclusions about what they are saying. the singer’s colleagues about what happened in recent years in his life, about this in today’s episode, yes, thank you, marat emergency, further, and that’s all for now, i say goodbye to you, until the next issue news on ntv at 16 o'clock, see you, order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, you will receive super cashback in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free. at any atm it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. i came to work at a tasty place for a good salary, stability, and reliability. she went much further, come for a decent salary, stay for love, get to the point
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come true. start the path to your dream with sber. free account for business, isber business card with 10% cashback, sberbusiness bonuses. thank you. sberbusiness. on mtv there is an emergency program in the marat seddikov studio, live. investigators are finding out the reasons for the death of opera and pop singer evgeny kungurov; the artist was also known as a tv presenter and showman. his body was found under the windows of his house in the center. moscow, as far as we know, evgeny had a difficult period in his life; kungurov was in the process of divorce. in addition, they say that he was diagnosed with cancer. shortly before
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the tragedy singer wrote a message to his wife, saying that they would not meet again. however, law enforcement officers are in no hurry to draw conclusions; darya vyazovaya will continue. dear friends, fans of the singer have already called this latest publication by the honored artist of russia evgeny kungurov on social networks a farewell video. dear friends. take care of each other, call each other more often, love your parents, love your homeland, because we grew up here, our ancestors are buried here, everything will be wonderful for you, some are sure that the artist already understood that something terrible will happen, others think on the contrary, kungurov did not look like a person who was capable of stupid and rash acts, the popularity of many fans, loving children, he had everything you could dream of, stay with me, don’t leave. the addiction to alcohol was the only thing that poisoned the life of the opera singer and...


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