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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 9, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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shortly before the tragedy, the singer wrote a message to his wife, saying that they would not meet again. however, law enforcement officers are in no hurry to draw conclusions. daria vyazovaya will continue. dear friends, fans of the singer have already called this latest publication by the honored artist of russia evgeny kungurov on social networks a farewell video. dear friends, take care of each other, call each other more often, love your parents, love your homeland, because this is where we grew up, this is where our ancestors are buried. everything will be wonderful for you, some are sure that the artist already understood then, that something terrible would happen, others , on the contrary, believe that kungurov did not look like a person who was capable of stupid and rash actions, the popularity of many fans, loving children, he had everything you could dream of, but be with me, don’t leave, but be with me, addiction to alcohol was the only thing that poisoned the life of the opera singer and the show... he didn’t hide it, he often
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mentioned addiction in his interviews, but recently, says his colleague, musician and composer sergei penkin , didn't drink, learned to deal with it, the news, the sudden death of evgeniy came as a shock to his close friends. i recognized him as a talented, wonderful person, a kind person, it’s a pity that such people pass away from life, i want to say all the very best words about him, he was a good family man, a good singer, in demand, it’s a pity that we remember such people after death. evgeny kungurov dreamed of a musical career since childhood, studied a lot, sang in the choir, but became famous after graduating from college at the moscow conservatory of participation in several tv shows. his popularity, attracting a full hall of fans, did not turn his head, but from the high workload, as his relatives recall, he often became, as they say, depressed. even, according to some information, he was seen by a psychiatrist in a commercial clinic. recently, the singer did not live with his wife, but he sent a message to her shortly before... evgeniy
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was a real strong man, i was his fan, we had been friends for a long time, probably since about eight years ago, so, well, all this is unexpected, like -that. i don't even know what to say, the singer’s neighbors say that he always smiled and said hello, when they met, he looked cheerful, he talked, and they talked, well , he said hello, he talked, well, of course , it’s very unpleasant, it’s a pity, young man, while fans are speculating what could have caused the death of the honored artist , law enforcement officials are already carrying out the necessary examinations; according to preliminary data , no traces of violent death were found on the telesta, however, as part of the investigation , everything will be examined
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privately; they took various types of repairs electrical engineering, a small workshop was equipped at home, which could have caused this tragedy on the spot, ivan gubin found out. in a house where children’s laughter did not stop every day, there was deathly silence, all that was left of the family nest with many children was the charred walls of the fact that a fire had started, the sleeping parents and children most likely did not even have time to understand. well, if at the computer, i heard clicks, clicks, yeah, you went out onto the balcony, i looked, that’s it, well... i saw a flame
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and ran here, yeah, well, there were some cries for help, there was something, no, no, no, strong there was a fire, of the six children, the youngest was barely 2 years old, only two brothers, 11 and 13 years old, miraculously survived, their room was the farthest from the fire, the children who had inhaled smoke from the fire were pulled out of the fire by neighbor alexander, he says that when he saw the fire, he ran to the fire without hesitation i started breaking out the windows of the house, i tore out the frame so i could pull one out.
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she was loved and respected by her colleagues and patients, she and ivan kainov began to live together not so long ago, both were single parents with children after a divorce, ivan was engaged in repairing household appliances at home, he had a whole the workshop, just... a fire may have started in it. there appeared to be a lot of electronics in the room. investigators immediately seized several laptops, a hoverboard and an electric scooter from the fire scene. it is possible that one of the faulty devices was charging at night, then a short circuit occurred and a tragedy occurred. however, investigators are in no hurry to abandon other versions; a complete picture of the incident will be collected only after the results of the appointed examinations. forensic investigators continue to work at the scene.
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they begin to judge oleg shchegalikhin, the sadist mocked his beloved woman; in order to escape from the tyrant he had to provoke an accident. shchegolikhin almost killed her and then took her to another city. oksana understood that she was unlikely to return back, after the accident, tyrant had to run away, what about a woman who had to go through a real nightmare? told in court, diana kovando knows. if there is an exorbitant degree of cruelty and a complete lack of feeling.
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no one knows how many more such operations the exhausted woman will have to endure, the regeneration process will take a very long time, it will take more than one year, the hair on my head has not yet grown back, i smoked a cigarette, watched as i burned, thought, apparently, oksana kuzmenko is also in this photo, until that fateful october night, her ex ambushed her at the house, beat her, dragged her he took her into her car to the car repair shop where he worked, this was recorded by surveillance cameras, turned the music up louder so that the woman’s screams would not be heard in the neighboring houses, began torturing her with a hammer and nails - this is the extreme degree of fanaticism, nailed her legs to a board and set her on fire. listen, oksan, do you remember that i had a hammer in my hand? i didn’t understand, i didn’t transfer it, that is, i took it with my right hand,
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so i had it, right? he reveled in the sight of how the flames were devouring the woman’s body, he first took off her gold earrings so that they would not be identified, but something still stopped him, he took to extinguish the fire. the cable with which he tied me, it melted, he tore it off, tried, well, i don’t know, somehow he tore this melted cable away from me in pieces, then he brought a bucket of water with a rag, forced me to wash the floor with his hobbled hands, but on that’s not all, he again pushed oksana into the car and drove towards the region, saying, as the miraculously surviving woman now recalls, that she would kill, this was her last chance to save herself and the woman. she understood this, and with the last of her strength, with her burnt hands, she pushed shchegolikhin so that he lost control, and provoked an accident, thanks to which she remained alive. realizing that the police would be called to the scene by another participant in the accident, the accused hastily left the scene, disappearing in an unknown direction. another
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participant in the accident called for the person who was in ambulance and police in the victim's car. only after shchegolikhin was found was he detained. oksana found out that he is a chronic prisoner, he has been convicted five times, including for theft and theft... oksana was literally pulled out of the other world. for attempted murder with extreme cruelty, repeat offender oleg shchegolikhin faces up to 20 years in prison. oksana kuzmenko hopes and believes that she will be able to return to a full life much earlier than her tormentor is released. diana kovando, oksana goncharenko and nikita zabrodin, ntv, yekaterinburg. and then a russian tourist got into a terrible accident in thailand, he crashed into a truck on a motorcycle for the services of local doctors, the family of stepan kopeikin had to give all their savings, now they cannot return their son to his homeland. more details on this story after the ad. my sister is looking for my younger brother vasya, who
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was adopted when their mother was deprived of parental rights to four children, we were sent to orphanages, but he was installed. other children learned about vasya's existence only from... dna today at 17:50 on ntv.
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800 100 exactly 14 18 800 100 exactly 14 18 the call is free and anonymous. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00, live in... an emergency and we continue our release of utility workers through the fault of which a person died in nizhny novgorod , they begin to judge. anatoly gavrilov was riding a bicycle and fell into a pit with boiling water, he did not see that the soil had been washed out, it was dark, the man was able to get out. at the hospital, doctors diagnosed a burn of 95% of the body surface. for 4 days they fought for the patient’s life, but , unfortunately, they could not save him. which punishment awaits the guilty, stanislav kostikov knows. a miracle, no less, this is how eyewitnesses described the footage of a limping man
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slowly walking towards the auto repair shop. just a few seconds ago he had climbed out of a pit of boiling water where he had nearly been boiled alive, scalding. suddenly struck in the middle of the street at the moment when a city dweller was riding a bicycle there, he climbed out of the hole in every way, he was in shock, apparently got there, the bicycle went away, then the police got him, he came here to his installation, straight from him the skin was peeling off, the face was all bloody, anatoly gavrilov, who fell into a boiling pit with burns over 95% of the surface of his body , was taken to the hospital, but the miracle still did not happen, 4 days later. he died in agony, the man, having received such a percentage of burns, lived for several more days, it is very painful, as i understand it, it was probably possible for him to have a strong heart that he lived for so many more days. anatoly, the father of five children, opened a car repair shop shortly before the tragedy. relatives say that he was always a very active and purposeful person, even when he found
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himself in boiling water, he fought until the last life. still surprised, how could he, he also has this cranial... all together, how can he get out, he was probably in a state of shock. local residents say that heating main breaks in this area happen regularly, but they did not expect such consequences. another geyser flooded the courtyards, killing every living thing within reach. here, near the booth, lies our dog, who did not have time to react, the water pressure was very high, and the temperature was up to 80°. well, that is, it was as if he was boiled alive. technical director of the heat and power company sergey. prokofiev, who arrived at the scene of the explosion, boyko reported how they would fix the breakdown, but when he heard the question of who would be responsible for what happened, he quickly lost confidence, the culprit, who, who is responsible for this, the culprit, well, responsible, who is responsible for what happened , well , the culprit,
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a criminal case was opened into the incident, but prokofiev continued to deny guilt, already in the courthouse, he wandered confusedly along the corridors in search of that very door, did not find it right away, two of prokofiev’s subordinates, the chief engineer sergei kruglov and site foreman vyacheslav balashov, all three were accused of negligence, which led to the tragedy. the defendants, being officials, did not ensure the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants of heating networks, and did not organize work to properly and timely check the technical condition of the pipeline. since all the accused deny their guilt, the trial may drag on for a long time, but the relatives of the deceased are ready to go to the end, they hope that there will be a fair punishment it will serve as a lesson to utility workers and help avoid new tragedies. stanislav kostikov, oksana goncharenko and mikhail odinokov, ntv television company.
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our compatriot, stepan kopeikin, who went on vacation to thailand, found himself in a difficult situation; he was riding around the city on a motorcycle and had a serious accident. the young man remained disabled, his mother flew in to help his son, the woman had already spent all her savings, services at the local clinic are very expensive, but in order to return to russia, you need to pay a round sum, buy six places at once and you can also purchase tickets for accompanying doctors. with so many injuries that russian stepan kopeikin received as a result of an accident in thailand, doctors usually say: he was lucky to survive, the men suffered fractures of the cervical vertebrae with displacement. several ribs, a serious traumatic brain injury, due to which there was partial loss of vision and hearing. doctors also had to amputate his left leg. now stepan is practically bedridden and cannot move independently. his mother takes care of him. tatyana kopeikina covered the distance almost 6.00 km, arrived from chelyabinsk. when she was informed that her son had been in an accident and was in intensive care, the pensioner herself, with
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a heart condition, flew to potaya on the first direct flight. in the right leg from the knees. up to the thigh, he has chips, there are plates in place, there is an amputation of his left leg, these are the first minutes after the accident, the video was taken by eyewitnesses: stepan was riding a motorcycle with an acquaintance, a local resident, when suddenly the driver of a scooter changed lanes right in front of them, in simple words, cut off on the road, hitting a tangent bike, in which the russian was traveling, flew out of his lane and fell under a truck, in these frames a team of doctors provides first aid to stepan, he is unconscious, his passenger... also received numerous injuries. this was the last day the man had been on the peninsula in thailand since november, march 14, he was supposed to return to russia, tickets were purchased. there was less than a day left before leaving home, the day before stepan called his mother, said that he had already packed his bags, said that he missed him, after which he stopped answering calls, the very moment of the accident was erased from
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his memory. i remember that the next day i had to go home to russia. and it was, in my opinion, the last night. i invited the girl to go for a ride. and crashed. the girl survived, she was already discharged from the hospital, but stepan regained consciousness only 17 days later. tatyana kopeikina, who flew to thailand with the help of a translator , looked for her son in local hospitals, she says she understood that treatment abroad could be expensive, so the pensioner took all her savings with her, the bills that thai clinics began to issue plunged her into shock. on the very first day, she paid almost 700,000 rubles for her son’s stay in intensive care, 120,000 for the examination, when there was no longer an opportunity to pay for a further stay in the hospital, the woman had to rent rooms in a hotel nearby and... pick up stepan. the money i brought with me completely ran out, so i was forced to take my son to the hotel. it costs 3.00 per day, a room,
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calling an ambulance costs 6,000, dressing costs 30,000. a patient whose condition requires 24-hour monitoring doctors, in fact, are now in an ordinary hotel room. the pensioner has to pay daily. the work of the scouring team to take stepan to the hospital for dressing, my mother was always with me, uh, but i had some kind of vague consciousness, i saw that my leg was smaller, that it was as if amputated, and i still called my mother , i say, mom, let's leave, i say, let's get out of here, she says, that's it, look, look at your leg, what happened, don't you understand or something, i, mom, everything is fine, i say, i'm going now i'll get up and go. he didn’t understand that he didn’t have a leg yet, i told him myself that his leg was amputated, when he seemed to withdraw,
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didn’t speak for 2 days, and withdrew into himself. every day , staying abroad costs a lot of money; there is no money left to return home, where russian doctors will provide assistance to the injured compatriot. tatyana spent everything she got into debt. according to her, about one and a half million rubles are needed to transport the stage. according to the prelist. in addition, for transporting the victim you need buy six seats on the plane and pay travel expenses for accompanying doctors. a pensioner, who finds herself in a hopeless situation, asks caring people for help and at the same time writes letters to the russian consulate in thailand, hoping that they, for their part, will assist in their evacuation to their homeland, but there is no positive answer yet, bills from clinics continue to arrive. yulia obletsova. we will continue to monitor the fate of stepan kopeikin and will talk about it on our
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broadcast and telegram channel to subscribe to you need to type it in the search bar of the messenger “chpn tv”. you can also use the qr code that you see on the screen in the chpntv telegram channel, which contains details with which you can send a donation to stepan kopeikin’s mother. they are also published on the website of our television company. well, that's not all, see below. to remain human, in the orenburg region, volunteers gather in teams on boats to transport animals from the flood zone that the teams did not have time to evacuate, these work day and night, and we'll tell you about this after the ad. that his nine-month-old son died right from the northern military district , he was urgently sent home, he was on the line of combat contact, i was informed that i was being urgently taken into the toll zone, the man was horrified when he saw the baby in a coffin,
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there were bruises and abrasions on his face, at the funeral, of course, i immediately drew attention to this, the boy’s mother assured her husband that their son died as a result of an unfortunate fall, she said that he fell, she picked him up , she saw that he was already dead, but the man believes that she herself is guilty of her son's death, you assume that your son didn’t just fall, your wife was somehow involved in this, i ’m almost sure of this now, the child cried, came up and hit him, why did a nine-month-old baby die, why does andrei assume that your daughter could hit the child like that that this led to his death, he has his own interest in this, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest and you will receive super cashback in rubles
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because tamasha is a graduate of a professional school, we will teach you to think with your own hands, leading employers are waiting for our graduates who know how to both think and do. professional, you're in good company. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast; the flood situation in the orenburg region continues. complex, the water in the ural and sakmara rivers is rising and capturing more and more territories, a siren sounded in the regional center at 10:40 a.m. local time, authorities urged people living in areas of possible flooding to evacuate immediately. overnight, the water level in the ural river near orenburg rose another 25 cm and experts expect that in the next 24 hours the level may
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already exceed the dangerous mark of 9 m. now, due to the flood , more than 10,000 residential buildings and 12 thousand household plots are flooded. meanwhile, volunteers on boats continue to be on duty on the flooded streets, they rescue pets that their owners could not take with them, some of them have to be evacuated in a hurry four-legged animals were left on leashes; dogs and cats were taken out of houses that had gone under water. concerned residents, ready to help, were united by a common misfortune, people take animals out of the flood zone, bring food, set up accommodation centers, aleftin marchenko talks about how important it is to remain human in the face of danger. at least this is a chance to save the animal. firmly grasping one of the horns, the man in the boat tries to pull the drowning, exhausted cow onto dry ground, but the head keeps hiding under water, it seems the rescue operation is on the verge of failure. hey, stop, hurry up, hurry up! all
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these people are volunteers, themselves residents of flooded cities and towns, who collected boats, blankets, ropes, cages, and to cover a larger scale, they signed up on the internet. they called out who needed help, and almost everyone needed help, many had their own household, chickens, pigs, horses, defenseless animals died in the water, and the owners simply did not have time to evacuate, so seryoga wore overalls, he had a gun for euthanasia with drugs, that's it, now he will go, i’ll wait here, seryoga from morning until night, as they say in the field, or rather in the water, requests are pouring in constantly, including from caring people who noticed someone in trouble, i heard that... a dog was abandoned on the site spent two days in icy water, after which her paws gave out, it was difficult to find the exhausted alabai, you and i have an agreement for now, i ’ll tie you up now, and then you and i will communicate without ropes, understand?
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there may be a dozen such flights a day, until you become too tired; rescued pets are taken to temporary foster care, although the room has not been renovated, it is dry, warm and safe, they promised to quickly deliver it with a breeze, hope appeared in the eyes, both people feel bad and animals feel bad, irina sighs, clutching the pug found on a tiny island to her chest, too volunteer at the call of your heart, how can you remain indifferent when our little brothers are simply doomed without us, look how handsome you are, they saved the bunny, a lot of volunteers joined us, ordinary guys who come in their boats, the worst thing is when people they leave their pets tied up, i’ve seen a lot of them, he volunteered to take them out from orenburg in his car and is ready to share special clothing, the second wetsuit is still unnecessary, really right on a leash, that is, you swim up, they sit on a leash and the dog sits at the entrance and, uh, waits for someone to rescue him or that’s it,
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now we’re going to rescue about ten cats there, pull them out, that’s because they ’re sitting on the roof of the house, this threshold is already here , in my opinion, come on, here you can fight, oh, that’s it, there’s a staircase, because. together we will fight lawlessness, tell us about emergency incidents in your city, our communication office is 24/7, that’s all for today, i’m marat seddikov, thank you for your attention, stay on ntv.
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today in our program. turkish gambit. ankara is arming ukraine and promises to comply with anti-russian sanctions. will such a step be appreciated in washington? the us and turkey are very close and critical allies. one way trip. the state debate stated that ukraine will not join nato until the war is over. what fate was being prepared for the united states? kyiv regime, i can’t tell you the scale, and without leaving my desk, the number of teenage pregnancies is growing in russia. will young women giving birth be able to increase the birth rate in the country, do you see?


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