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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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another grandson was born, and congratulations, well, i have nothing to do with it, this is for my son, which means a classic joke, probably the cutest one i know on this topic, a man comes to the maternity hospital to pick up his family, while his wife is there ... then the nanny comes out and brings him the baby , packed, well, daddy, your baby, well, the blanket is mine, and this is the first time i’ve seen the baby, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday broadcast on ntv, dosvi. in the middle volga region in the urals , more than 10 thousand houses have already been flooded; the kurgan authorities have begun preliminary evacuation people, who needs bread and food products, in vorsk, which was flooded after a dam broke, the water began to decline. people had the opportunity
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to at least go into their houses and see what happened to them, they saved two cabinets, it turns out, which they put on the bed, that’s all, that’s all that was saved, the city began to gradually restore the power supply, in the soledar direction in brigade there is a squad of drone hunters in terek, alexey ivliev was personally convinced of how effective their work is. state traffic safety inspectorate of moscow, st. petersburg and several other regions. stopped issuing licenses and registering cars due to a software glitch , when they promise to restore work, double counteracting double deterrence, it’s minister vany who invented this formula yesterday. what is the formula ? what else did sergei lavrov talk about with chairman xi during his visit to beijing? hello, you are looking. all news on ntv
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in the studio egor kalyvanov. vladimir putin heard new reports on the situation with floods in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions from the governors and the head of the ministry of emergency situations. and earlier he discussed the common misfortune on the phone with the president of kazakhstan kassym dzhamart takayev, and they talked, among other things, about the interaction of relevant departments in the field of monitoring and forecasting the situation. it is very similar on both sides of the border. thousands of cubic meters of water are being released from overflowing reservoirs in kazakhstan. per second , tens of times more than usual. stormy flows feed rivers, including those that run from kazakhstan to us. huge snowdrifts and frozen ground, features of the past winter in many russian regions, as a result, when the snowdrifts began to melt, the water did not soak into the soil, but went into the riverbed. as of today, drownings have been recorded in 37 regions, as noted in the kremlin to eliminate the consequences and organize preventive evacuations from potentially dangerous ones.
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all resources have been released, at all levels of municipal and regional authorities there is constant direct contact with the population, our rescuers are working selflessly, and this work will continue unconditionally, especially since difficult days are still ahead for the kurgan and tyumen regions, a lot of water goes there, putin actually, although he is not there physically, he is constantly present in this topic, he is throughout... here is the ural river in orenburg, the banks are not visible, the water surface reaches the horizon, in the region more than 10 thousand houses were flooded, dozens of temporary accommodation centers were deployed for local residents, however, in some places the peak of the flood has already been passed, orsk was the first to bear the blow of the elements and the same city became one of the first where the water began to decline, in the kurgan region the most difficult thing is ahead, the level water in the tabol river forecasts will rise to 11.
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the village of breakthrough was the first to be hit by the elements, dozens of adjacent areas were flooded, this settlement is located in the zverenogolovsky district and the total water level here rose by more than one and a half meters in one day. the tobol river is rapidly overflowing its banks, cutting off the paths, flooding the roads under water already at the exit of the bridge in the village of zverina-golovskaya. traffic here is blocked, nine settlements remain cut off from the mainland. nadezhda lives in the village of ozyorny, it’s across the bridge at 14.
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i traveled kilometers to work by road in the morning, i had to ask the rescuers for help back, i could have passed safely, we went to the city, i went to the mound, did all the work there, now i have to go back. and back on a boat, back on boats, residents of zverennogolovskoe come to the shores, monitor the water level, so far only a few areas are flooded, but the forecast is disappointing, the water station observer oleg usoltsev records rises every 2 hours, now the flow is very large, it has increased , there are already a lot of cubic meters, here they are constantly increasing, more and more more, even if you visually look at the river, the speed is very high. hands. in anticipation of big water, six municipal districts and the regional center itself are kurgan. work to strengthen the banks is carried out around the clock. additional rescue forces are being deployed to the region to combat floods. the largest support group arrived this morning from ivanovo. the governor once again addressed people in the risk zone with a request not to neglect
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evacuation. we're all in the same boat. to all of us it is necessary to take all measures to ensure that, most importantly, people remain alive. i always say: we will survive the damage, we will restore the property, of course, we are sorry. achievements that the region has received over the past few years, we have repaired thousands of kilometers of roads, hundreds of social facilities, but today we are not talking about that, today we are talking about people’s lives, it is necessary to save people, about a hundred temporary accommodation centers have already been deployed in the region on the basis of social institutions , hospitals and camps, in a breakthrough for the villagers the local school became a common home, we have beds, we brought beds, equipped classrooms, removed unnecessary everything, extra desks, equipped places for children, for the elderly, we have a lot of... many children in the regional center, collection points for humanitarian aid were opened for people from the disaster zone, so that residents of temporary temporary accommodation were provided with everything necessary, considerable funds were allocated, but due to the worsening forecast, the number of shelters needs to be quickly increased, so support in these difficult moments will not be superfluous. helping is simple, much easier than it seems,
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i repeat once again, 50 rubles per bottle of water, disposable dishes, hygiene products, and myrrh, everyone is dressed. the head of the local water utility addressed residents with an urgent warning today: kurgan residents need to stock up on water; if the river level rises above 11 m, flooding and failure of the arbin water intake is possible, this is the main source of drinking water in the region. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria paroskurikova, ntv television company. well, in orsk, mfc employees began to receive flood victims directly at temporary accommodation centers so that help them restore documents or process due payments. meanwhile, in one of the... microdistricts of the city, from where the water had receded, trams were launched, but most of the residential areas can still be reached only by boats; people remain in some flooded houses on the upper floors; local volunteers help them with food delivery from orsk, alexander tankikh. eric
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aituganov is the father of three children, now you can only swim to his house, his car and all his belongings are flooded. the village of new kumak was under water even before the dam broke. here my house. everything was developing so quickly that there was no time to get ready, all the furniture and equipment remained in the water. in some places the water receded, people had the opportunity to at least go into their houses and see what had happened to them, here you can see the level to which the water rose, this is what it looks like now, for example, the bedroom, they say
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the stage of acceptance has already arrived. they saved two wardrobes, it turns out, which they put on the bed, that’s all, that’s all that was saved, everything else, the bathtub, the whole bathtub.
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to the news from the north military district zone in the navdeevsky direction, russian wars were repulsed in a day more than a dozen counterattacks by ukrainian attack aircraft. during these battles, the enemy lost several howitzers and two self-propelled ones. the paladin's artillery mounts as well as the tank are reported by the ministry of defense. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces in manpower here near avdeevka amounted to up to 240 military personnel, twice as many in the donetsk direction. soldiers of the dnepr group of troops continue to strike ukrainian units in the rabotina and ivanovka areas. this is the kherson direction. in the same area , a large warehouse of ukrainian armed forces drones was destroyed. in addition, more than 200 were shot down per day enemy drones. about how enemy drones are countered on yet another one. nvo solidarsky, report by alexey ivliev.
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the bulat 3mx screen lights up red and unmistakably determines that a ukrainian has landed on our patriot’s tail, flying at speeds of up to 120 km/h. there are two options: either jump out of the car right away or try to get away from the bird off-road. we walked along the highway for several kilometers at the limit. speed 140 km/h. this drone detector machine was burning with a red light, and only thanks to our driver with the call sign king, we have escaped the pursuit. along the entire route from pervomaisk to solidar, there are a huge number of aerial observation points, at which fighters using all types of weapons open fire on enemy kamikaze drones, which fly in flocks towards cars passing along the highway. our driver, in order to sharply reduce the likelihood of an accurate hit...
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burns an average of four units of different equipment on this road, but what looks like a racing competition with death is only the everyday life of the fighters of the russian reconnaissance group. we have neighbors, we have paratroopers
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from the right to the left of the body, but here we are on a ledge that protrudes forward, this is solidar, bakhmut. soldiers of the terik development brigade say: the nationalists have an acute shortage of ammunition, shells, mines and missiles, but western countries. they generously supply them with birds and the technology here is advanced and constantly being improved. the fighters of this unit often call themselves ghost hunters, because they have to shoot down both furies and grandmas, and they are opposed, for example, by the best fpv drone operator - a ukrainian woman with the call sign harpy, in a word, all evil spirits. now experienced hunters are sorting out the trophies they have caught. the most modern drones will be sent to moscow for study, and some will be rebuilt. and send us back, before dawn we leave solidar, the city is hidden by fog, on the way back, even at high speed, we
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rush without the accompaniment of enemy birds. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, position of the terik reconnaissance team, solidarity direction, donbass. supporting the participants in the special operation and their families is now the main task for the authorities of bashkiria. about it at today's meeting. the head of the republic, radiy khabirov, spoke with vladimir putin. he reported to the president that, with the assistance of the ministry of defense , the bashkartastan volunteer regiment was formed in the region. in addition, on the initiative of veterans of the internal troops, two battalions of the russian guard were created in the republic, which are now also participating in hostilities near donetsk. another important topic of conversation was the economy. over the past 5 years, the volume of investment in bashkiria has grown by more than 50%. and this work will be continue. khabirov addressed the president with a question about trust in view of the upcoming
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gubernatorial elections, i would try to ensure the plans that exist for this pace of development of the republic, but i will certainly be guided by your decision and your trust. in general, everything turns out to be a lot of plans, and the results are good, so for my part i will do everything to support you. well, of course, the choice will be up to the people, we need to work with people, especially during this period, directly meet more often, listen, because everything you won’t see people making money from their offices; you need to work closer with people and get feedback. vladimir putin wished khabirov good luck in the september elections of the head of the head of bashkiria. since the beginning of the year , 27 terrorist attacks on transport , defense enterprises, energy facilities and life support systems have been prevented in russia. numerous attempts by ukrainian sabotage groups to penetrate
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russian territory were also stopped. such data was announced today by the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov, at a national meeting.
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they report that in moscow, st. petersburg, in the moscow and leningrad regions it is impossible to register a car, as well as obtain or change a driver's license. the same problems have already been reported by state traffic inspectorates in the voronezh region, stavropol territory, korochaev, circassia and north ossetia. and a source from the tas agency says: it is now impossible to register a car and obtain a license throughout the country. and the reason for the failure, according to him, is the transition to new software. in december last year, moscow also stopped issuing licenses. register machines, then everything was also explained by the transition to new software. the russian stock market was moving up quite briskly in the morning, but then investors probably decided that it would be nice to carry out another correction and began to sell shares. and some analysts point out that the market is now overheated and do not rule out a stronger correction in the near future. the ruble is falling in price
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due to the fact that oil has slowed down its growth, the dollar is now 92.77, the euro is 100 rubles. 88 kop. entertainment ticket sales service event mts life announced that it will support the creative laboratory gogol-215, held at the moscow gogol theater. students and graduates created sketches for performances based on the collection of st. petersburg stories by gogol. pachenelle's sketches won over the notes of a madman. it is planned that the mts live creative laboratory will become an annual event aimed at supporting young talents. i would really like to identify young talents who will have the opportunity at the moment, based on the stories of gogol, a new interpretation, create our own works, these are new performances, now these are small plays that we watched, in the future they will become big performances that all of our
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beautiful russia will see, because in the future we are planning these performances. in russia, today news came that russian exports were subject to sanctions, but not in the same place and not for the reasons that one might think. the chief sanitary doctor of belarus has banned the import and sale of all products of the russian company orimi into the country. on your own on its website it calls itself russia's largest producer of natural coffee tea. the ministry of health of belarus clarifies that the ban occurred after four types of tea were found in bags. brands princess kandy and gita found a discrepancy quote: established requirements for microbiological safety indicators. moreover, the belarusian ministry of health clarifies that the state sanitary inspection removes the remains of unsafe products from sale. it is also reported that the orimi company is now collecting evidence that everything is fine with the production process, with the storage and transportation process. orimi also
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sells tea and coffee under the brands greenfield, tez, jardin, princess nuri, princess java and... jacquey. egor is all about economics. thank you, denis talolaev, for business news. well, viewers of ntv capital will continue to watch the episode today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. in beijing , chinese president seizen pin received the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov. he is located in the republic with an office. visit today also held negotiations with his chinese colleague. following the results, the ministers spoke with journalists. nikita korzan monitors the progress of the trip. it's hard not to see the symbolism in china hosting a minister. they celebrate by literally falling to their roots in order to honor the memory of their ancestors, to feel the strength of the clan, everyone
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leaves for their small homelands. in recent days alone, the chinese have completed 750 million interregional trips. days of crystal purity, clarity of thought, a certain milestone, after which comes the favorable time in spring for new commissions. on the other hand, this official visit of sergei lavrov was the first after the elections.
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in 2023, russian-chinese trade turnover broke a record, exceeding $240 billion. the chinese customs authority allows us to evaluate the main exports and imports; according to their data, russia even surpassed saudi arabia in oil supplies and took first place by selling black gold for almost 62 billion. dollars, the top three russian exports also include coal and gas. chinese imports look different: machine tools come first equipment, then cars, under heaven earned more than 20 billion dollars from them and
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electronics, we also receive from neighbors clothes and shoes, plastic and rubber products and much more. the development of this partnership will be given impetus by further cooperation between the foreign ministries of the two countries, the consultation plan of which was signed today by the ministers. in this regard, it was impossible not to ask about the retaliatory measures that russia and china could counteract attempts for...
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against the largest nuclear power plant in europe will be recorded, and until now , provocations on the part of the ukrainian regime , unfortunately, have only caused regret.
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concern in the statements of director general magath and his employees without stating the obvious, where these terrorist attacks were being prepared from and by whom. in turn, speaking about the ukrainian conflict, vany emphasized: china never adds fuel to the fire and always proceeds from the essence of the matter, and russia’s right to protect its sovereign interests is more than obvious to beijing. completes his official visit to china sergei lavrov is already in the house of people's assembly.
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achieving technological and financial sovereignty and strengthening food security are the main tasks that russia faces in the near future, mikhail mishustin announced this today at a strategic session entitled supply-side economics. according to him, the measures that have already been taken by the russian authorities have allowed the country's economy to actively develop. for example, in february, gdp grew by more than 7%.
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create a system that would allow carry out retraining of personnel more flexibly in accordance with the needs of our economy. also, according to mishustin, it is necessary to ensure the development of infrastructure and increase the export of non-commodity goods to the market of friendly countries. the first launch of the angara heavy launch vehicle, again with the arion upper stage, from the vostochny cosmodrome was canceled today literally a few minutes before the launch, as reported by roscosmos,
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and was scheduled for a reserve date for tomorrow. previously, rockets of this family were launched only from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. angara is again environmentally friendly; its fuel does not use toxic components, unlike proton m, which angara will completely replace in the near future. in addition to high payload capacity, one of the angara family launch vehicle models will be equipped with return stages. now there is a short pause. next, look, the early campaign of the eg-2024 has started in russia, 3,000 people are participating in it, who is writing the exam in advance, ksenia ignatova found out. and hundreds of north americans watched the total solar eclipse. about it and weather forecast after advertising.
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- a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt. the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. we will continue on the air again. about 3.00 schoolchildren this year decided to take advantage of the right to take the unified state exam early. ksenia ignatova found out why young people want to take the unified state exam ahead of schedule and what reasons items are a priority. volgograd construction college in the auditorium. on protecting personal, corporate and government information, a couple on building programming algorithms, from the outside sounds like something alien. one of the elements for writing a program in python for geometric
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shapes is what program, turtle, is a python module with which you can create animation. rita is a serious and purposeful girl beyond her years, she is always at the first desk in class, as they say on... the next stage on the way to the goal is higher education, and although it is only april, rita is already preparing for admission with all her might, she passed her first exam in physics ahead of schedule. early period, because i wanted to free up time for practice, because during the period may -june we have an internship at the technical school, which must be completed and reports drawn up, submitted, and necessary for further studies. together with rita , there were more than 140 people at the exam on april 2, but only seven people came to the unified state examination, the situation for everyone was approximately
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the same, these are college and technical school students who will take final exams at the end of the academic year, and then go to universities. our diploma is coming up, we won’t have time to take anything at all, basically find out if i can handle it now, maybe then retake another term to understand how what’s going on here. all of them submitted an application in advance for early delivery, this opportunity is used annually by unified state exam participants throughout the country, this year 3.00 people, each has a documented reason for this, and this is not necessary exams or studies, someone, for example, is professionally involved in sports and is going to training camps in may-june, someone at this time will be carried away by even more important matters, so at the astrakhan unified state examination point we met a woman at a decent stage of pregnancy, she plans to during maternity leave, enroll in a st. petersburg university and get. there is another
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option: this year’s graduates can take non-core subjects in advance that they do not need to enter the university and spend the remaining time until the end of may on in-depth preparation for specialties that are important to them, especially high demand for early delivery. schoolchildren celebrate the early exam and feel a little more relaxed
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and calm than during the general exam, while the situation now is exactly the same as in the main period, no phones or crib sheets, cameras watching everywhere, perhaps the schoolchildren are simply relieved following the recent instructions from the president, rosobronadzor is already preparing updated rules for passing the unified state exam. the main innovation this year is possible. count means the possibility for schoolchildren to retake one of the exams on behalf of the president, that is , this issue has been studied since this year; from the twenty-fourth year, graduates can take advantage of this right, retake one subject from among those that have already been taken this year. the early period of the eg will last until april 22, and the main period from may 23 to the first.
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residents of north america in some parts of the solar eclipse could observe the day before in the united states, mexico and eastern canada, the moon completely covered the sun. nasa and many tv channels broadcast this phenomenon live . the eclipse lasted more than 5 hours, the longest being completely closed. the day before she promised us that the unusually warm weather would continue, everything is correct, the
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warmest day will be tomorrow, then the weather will be less abnormal. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphotransit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling due to acceleration. lymph movement, lymph transit from the valar company, your spring renewal. so, the temperature is still on the rise, for now, because the forecasts clearly see cool changes, they are coming from the west, so the beginning is in kolin. dobsky it will get colder a day later, and tomorrow the temperature will have time to rise even higher and in the evening it will begin to rain, in the center, while everything is warmer and the next warm portion today and at night can even cause a thunderstorm situation, but tomorrow in the afternoon showers are possible on the volga, from saransk to
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samara, in the south there is still no precipitation, with the exception of mountainous areas and special attention to the daily increase in the level of fire danger, but in the winter. warming is coming from the kola peninsula, but this will not reach the eastern regions soon, and the most powerful contrast in the koma republic, in the north, freezer, in the sectafcar +7, difference 25°. and the summer capital, in st. petersburg tomorrow is +20, in the evening there is a thunderstorm in moscow, a thunderstorm is possible, tomorrow it is + 2123. something incredible, well, that’s all, thank you for being with us, see you. find a job well, find your dream job more better, one where you can work in an office, or right from home, where there are all opportunities for career growth and career take-off, where you are confident in a reliable future and a reliable present, thousands of jobs and vacancies
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