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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 9, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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big water, about how both the city outskirts and the center of orenburg fell into the flood zone. mikhail chernov. kurgan residents are advised to stock up on water. the impending flood threatens the drinking reservoir, where the region has already begun. olga senkova will tell you where they are preparing to withstand the elements. they sponsored high-profile murders and terrorist attacks. the investigative committee accused the notorious ukrainian company burisma of financing terrorism. what has the republic done to attract private investors, what is an investment watch? what else about the head of the republic reported to vladimir putin, reporting by roman sobol. a squad of
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drone hunters, alexey ivliev was personally convinced of how effective their work is. the meeting place and time were not chosen by chance. the russian foreign minister arrived in china to discuss the expansion of bilateral cooperation and hot topics on the international agenda. nikita korzon reports details from beijing. hello, the tv component information service welcomes you to this program today in the studio of lmira ifendiev. at ssu today hit the unique training center of the zaporozhye npp, which houses the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator. reported this.
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nuclear power plant over the past 3 days. on april 7, a drone strike injured three people. the next day, a kamikaze drone was shot down over a nuclear power plant, its debris fell on the roof of the sixth power unit. russia will raise the issue of ukrainian attacks on the station at one of the upcoming meetings of the un security council, our poster at the organization, vasil nebendir, stated this. by russian media called the pzs strikes an act of nuclear terrorism and called on the world community to respond to them. in orenburg
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they warned about the deterioration of the flood situation. according to authorities, the water level in the ural river near the city has risen sharply to 914 cm, which means that flooding could begin rapidly at any moment. in all regions of the volga region , a group of more than 132 thousand specialists and 36 days of equipment have been prepared to prevent and eliminate floods in populated areas.
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area can be judged by helicopter footage, they were taken during a flight over the flooding zone by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. he arrived in the region today to once again supervise rescue efforts. it can be seen that hundreds of houses have gone under water, almost up to their roofs, there are no roads, and remote areas can only be reached by boats. and today kurenkov assessed the situation in the kurgan region, all the operational information, he and the governor of three regions, namely the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. difficult flood situation in
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the border regions with kazakhstan vladimir putin discussed this by phone today with the head of the republic, takaev. they noted. loaded and
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not blown away, this design was used to fit equipment, sofas, and a crib. now people are quickly taking things out, in the near future a large wave of new flooding is expected here, the water may rise ... when here the first barricades floated in from somewhere, construction debris, a couple of meters later their flooded car, then to open the door of the house you will be horrified, the doors are all crowded together, the car is also a tv, what people are with you we managed to take only the essentials, the houses are now a sad sight, not only furniture was under water, but also household appliances, for example, washing machines are floating. on the boat they load food for the first time and at least some things, everything else is on top of each other and higher, losses cannot be avoided, on the way back with wet feet, you are spinning to capacity, the main thing here is not to turn the boat over, the hostess can hardly hold back her tears, in first of all, large water came to the outskirts
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of orenburg, in this microdistrict it was flooded there were eight streets, in some places the depth was more than 2 m. in another part of orenburg the water was already under the roof, solovushka gardening and dacha partnership. one of dozens of flooded ones, many families live here all year round, with volunteer mikhail trukhanov we float on top of the fences, which means the level is more than 2.5 m, we are looking for the neighbor’s uaz and predictably we don’t find it, it’s somewhere at the bottom, it drowned everything, nothing i managed to get it out, everything was left there, both documents and things, i saved only cats and a dog, then we sail to uncle volodya, the only inhabitant of this water world, who stayed here in the company of a dog and two cats,
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rests on cylinders, the owner from time to time . this car, like a floating power plant , comes here, turns on the engine, charges cell phones, power banks, just in case, the car was tied to a tree so that it would not be carried away by the wave. just in case of a flood, the only inhabitant of the nightingales equipped himself with a bed in the attic. there are supplies, a sleeping bag, a blanket, food, water, everything is there. the ministry of internal affairs warned: “beware of scammers who conduct collection of money," allegedly to help the victims. protection from looters was organized in the flooded microdistricts. for this purpose, police officers were sent from all over the region, water patrols will be on duty both day and night. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, ekaterina kostyukevich,
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nikolai datsun. ntv. orenburg. the ministry of defense is now providing targeted assistance to residents of settlements cut off by floods, the strategic missile forces military personnel delivered the necessary humanitarian aid.
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the company also decided to support those affected by floods in the orenburg region. this was stated by the company's press service. the flood situation has seriously worsened in the kurgan region. today , sirens sounded in seven settlements at once, signaling the mandatory evacuation of the population. about a thousand people have already left their homes. late at night , an l-76 plane from the russian ministry of emergency situations landed in kurgan with an airmobile group, with 120 rescuers and technicians on board. they immediately began building dump protective structures. olga zenkova from the scene. the village of breakthrough
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was the first to be hit by the elements, flooded dozens of local areas. this settlement is located in the zveryanogolovsky district and the total water level here has risen by more than one and a half meters in one day. the tobol river is rapidly overflowing its banks, cutting off paths, flooding roads under water as early as the exit bridge in the village of zverina golovskaya. traffic here is blocked, nine populated areas remain cut off from the mainland. rises, now the flow is very large, now it has increased, there are already a lot of cubic meters, so
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they are constantly increasing, more and more more more, you can even look at it visually on the river, and then a very high speed near the river, in anticipation of high water, six municipal districts, the regional center itself, kurgan. work to strengthen the banks is being carried out around the clock, and additional rescue forces are being deployed to the region to combat the flood. the largest support group arrived this morning from ivanovo, the governor once again. made an appeal to people in the risk zone, with a request not to neglect evacuation, we are all in the same boat, we all need to take all measures to ensure that, most importantly, people stay alive, i always say, we will survive the damage, we will restore the property, of course, we are sorry for the achievements that the region has received over the past few years, we have repaired thousands of kilometers of roads, hundreds of social facilities, but today we are not talking about that, today we are talking about people’s lives, it is necessary to save people, emergency workers go around the houses, primarily those on the first coastline.
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equipped classrooms, removed everything unnecessary, extra desks, equipped places for children, we have beds for, we brought beds, elderly people, we have a lot of children, for people from the disaster zone are collecting humanitarian aid so that the residents of the tap are provided with everything they need, considerable funds have been allocated, but due to the worsening forecast, the number of shelters needs to be quickly increased, so support in these difficult moments will not be superfluous. it's easy to help. much easier than it seems, i repeat once again, 50 rubles for a bottle of water, disposable
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tableware, hygiene products, everyone is dressed to the nines. the head of the local water utility addressed residents with an urgent warning today: kurgan residents need to stock up on water, if the river level rises above 11 m, flooding and failure of the arbinsky water intake, which is the main source of drinking water in the region, is possible. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria. ntv company. vladimir putin discussed the socio-economic development of bashkiria today with the head of the republic, radiy khabirov. almost at the very beginning of the conversation, he raised the topic of supporting the participants in the special operation. the regional authorities now consider this their main task. khabirov also reported on work on economic development. in in particular, he reported that over the past 5 years the volume of investments in bashkiria has grown by more than 50%. and the future head of the republic, his term of office expires in a few months, vivid details of the meeting with roman
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sobol. bashkiria has everything, people, land, rich mineral resources, there was not enough investment, as the head of the republic said, the region had no love for business, but now a lot has changed, private capital has flowed in, factories are being built, the welfare of the population is growing, however, a report to the president radiy khabirov started with another important topic, he wanted. report to support a special military operation, this is now the main key task for us, we have oriented the republic in such a way that we really have no more important task, this is, first of all, the state...
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the country has established ties with kazakhstan and belarus, opened a joint production of grain dryers, by the end popular belarusian tractors and other heavy equipment will begin to be assembled in the year, and as part of the longevity program, bashkir pensioners will receive tour packages to minsk, vitebsk, and gomel. as for young people, the republic has built a university campus that unites several universities. his term of office ends in the fall and he would like to enlist the support of the president in order to nominate his candidacy for another term, in general, everything turns out to be a lot of plans, and the results are good, so for my part i will do
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everything to support you, but of course there will be a choice look after people, work with people, especially during this period, directly meet more often, listen, because you still can’t see or hear from the workers’ offices, we need to work closer with people, get feedback, but in general everything is fine, so i wish you good luck, thank you, new hospitals, schools, housing, factories are being built in the republic, in short, there is something to report to voters. roman sobol, nikolay saprykin, yulia letunovskaya, ntv television company. today it became known that the investigative committee has opened a criminal case under the article of financing terrorism. investigators have established that money for high-profile terrorist attacks, in particular the murders of public figures, came from through commercial structures, including the notorious ukrainian company burisma. vladimir kobikov is now approaching us. volodya, what details
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were reported by the investigative committee today? first, let's listen to a fragment of the statement. who announced today that he had opened a criminal case under the article of financing terrorism, then let’s look at what they mention there and what this is connected with, let’s listen: it has been established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas the burisma holdings company, operating in ukraine, has been used over the past years to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as abroad. in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures causing economic damage. the investigation, in collaboration with other intelligence services and financial intelligence, verifies the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars. involvement of specific individuals from among employees of government agencies, public
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commercial organizations in western countries. well, look, firstly, how he explains it. the committee opened a new criminal case after an inspection following an appeal from state duma deputies at the end of march, we will return to this appeal later. secondly, the statement mentions the company burisma. the board of directors of this company, which operated in ukraine, was joined in 2014 by the son of then us vice president biden, hunter biden. he headed the legal direction of this company and the western press wrote that he helped coordinate the closure of criminal cases against the co-owners of this company, and also received. large transfers from burisma to accounts of his own companies. hunter biden worked at burisma for 5 years until 2019, and now various episodes, including hunter biden’s work in this ukrainian company, have been included. recently in the resolution of the us house of representatives, where the republican majority is, to continue the process of impeachment of the current president, since members of his family used influence
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joe biden is in his private business, but as for the statement of the investigative committee, they mention a letter from state duma deputies at the end of march, look, we will now see the title page of this letter, it was addressed not only to the investigative committee and the prosecutor general's office, but also the federal department of justice and germany, the ministry of justice of the usa, france, and deputies are asking to check the information that has been presented in recent months in articles in the german press, as well as in the new york times, washington post, in british publications, about the connections of the ukrainian western intelligence services in various directions and also ask for an assessment of whether this connection influences the high-profile crimes of the last two years on the explosions of the northern streams, on the murder of daria dugin, on the attempted murder zakhara prilepin, on the bombing of the crimean bridge in a letter.
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there is a statement by the leadership of a number of western countries that they are financing these acts, apparently, it was, well, a matter of time to connect one with the other. american generals, american politicians say that they supply weapons to ukraine with the requirement that they not be used against civilians on russian territory, but this is complete hypocrisy, because they understand that ukraine will... use these weapons against civilians, it uses these weapons against civilians, but the americans have never controlled ukraine, where and how
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the weapons they supply to ukraine are used, where the money they allocate to ukraine is used. well in conclusion let me remind you that, after all, in the statement of the investigative committee on the criminal case of financing terrorism , only the ukrainian company burisma is now mentioned, and the rest. in one day, the russian military destroyed 236 ukrainian drones, a neptune anti-ship missile, five hymers missiles, and, as reported by the ministry of defense, several ukrainian reconnaissance drones were eliminated. they were hit by a crew from an anti-aircraft missile system. tor m2 from the state border cover group, air defense missile systems daily during the day and at night scans the sky in the border areas of the belogorod region, and at some point
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the military, using a 360-degree radar station, discovered militant drones that were rapidly approaching. the crew launched missiles, the drones, with the help of which the ukrainian armed forces corrected and aimed the artillery, were shot down, and after the defeat of the targets was confirmed, the combat vehicles changed their firing positions. but in one of the sections of the northern military district, the cossacks are successfully fighting drones. the fighters of the terik reconnaissance brigade specialize precisely in the destruction ukrainian armed forces drones. they use modern technologies and tactics. we had to engage in combat with the militants’ drone even while our film crew was working. report by alexey ivliev. lata 3mx lights up red and unmistakably determines that a ukrainian kamikaze drone has landed on our patriot’s tail, flying at speeds of up to 120
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km/h. there are two options: either jump out of the car right away or try to get away from the bird off-road. we walked along the highway for several kilometers at a maximum speed of 140 km/h this drone detector machine was flashing a red light. and only thanks to our driver with the call sign. king, we have escaped the pursuit. along the entire route from pervomaisk to solidar, there are a huge number of aerial observation points, at which fighters using all types of weapons open fire on enemy kamikaze drones, which fly in flocks towards cars passing along the highway. our driver, in order to reduce the likelihood of an accurate hit, brakes sharply and spins the patriot to hide in the clouds of dust. why shoot at us? no, no, the most dangerous
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part of the journey. equipment, but what looks like a racing competition with death is only the everyday life of fighters, the reconnaissance cossack brigade of the tele of the southern group of russian troops, we are, in principle, on a tactical ledge, we are like on the tip of the ball, here are all the units of the volunteer corps, we have neighbors paratroopers from the right to the left of the hull, well, we are on such a ledge that protrudes
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forward, this is... solidar. soldiers of the terik reconnaissance brigade say that the nationalists have an acute there is a shortage of ammunition, shells, mines and missiles, but western countries generously supply them with birds and the technology here is advanced and constantly being improved. the fighters of this unit often call themselves ghost hunters, because they have to shoot down both furies and grandmothers, and they are opposed, for example, by the best fpv drone operator - a ukrainian woman with the call sign garpe. in a word, all kinds of evil spirits. now experienced hunters are sorting out the trophies they have caught. the most modern drones will be sent to moscow for study, and some will be reprogrammed and sent back. we leave solidar before dawn, the city is hidden by fog, on the way back, even at high speed, we rush without the accompaniment of enemy birds. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, position of
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the terek development team. solidarity direction, donbass. now a short advertisement, later in our issue. the place and time of the meeting were not chosen by chance. the russian foreign minister arrived in china to discuss the expansion of bilateral cooperation and hot topics on the international agenda. nikita korzun reports details from beijing. there is a new one in the traffic police databases massive failure. what's broken and how do you fix it? denis talalaev talks about this. at bikfest you definitely choose a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank in a delicious and point-to-point money there will be no money , there will be money on the card now you can easily
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forever, sberbusiness, among thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity, look for those same sneakers in sportmaster results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. today it was officially confirmed that vladimir putin will go on a state visit to china this year. and one of the stages of preparation for this trip was called a series of negotiations between the head of our foreign minister sergei lavrov in beijing. in the morning, the minister met with his chinese counterpart ivan yi, after which lavov was warmly received by the leader of the people's republic of china, sidinping. for the visit. it is hard not to see the symbolism in china being received by the russian foreign minister immediately after the festival of pure light. qing mint in chinese is celebrated by literally falling to the roots to honor the memory of the ancestors, to feel the strength
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of the clan, everyone leaves for their small homelands. in recent days alone, the chinese have completed 750 million interregional trips. days of crystal purity, clarity of thought, a certain milestone, after which spring is favorable. time for new accomplishments. on the other hand, this official visit of sergei lavrov was the first after the presidential elections in russia, that is, in the new political cycle. however, if this affects relations between moscow and beijing, it is only in a positive sense, as the foreign ministers stated at the negotiations in the government residence, surrounded by plum blossoms and even sirens. terraces for fishing if in russian it is used for meetings with the closest partners. sergei lavrov told you about unprecedented external pressure during the presidential campaign.
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the top three russian exports are also coal and gas. chinese imports look different: in the first place are machine tools , equipment, then cars, the middle kingdom has earned more than $20 billion on them, and
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electronics. we also receive clothes and shoes, plastic and rubber products , and much more from our neighbors. further cooperation will give impetus to the development of this partnership foreign ministries of the two countries, the consultation plan of which was signed by the ministers today. so that all these tasks can be considered
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and decisions made on them within other structures, and the transition to national currencies, conversations about the need to create alternative payment platforms, including decisions made in this regard within the framework of brix, the activities of regional organizations, such as the one mentioned already today the sco, but there is, as it turned out, a very impressive idea:
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achieving technological and financial sovereignty, strengthening food security - these are the main tasks that russia faces in the near future. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this today at a strategic session called economics of proposals. according to him , the measures that have already been taken by the russian authorities have allowed the country's economy to actively develop. for example, in february, gdp grew by more than 7%. the manufacturing industry is growing. at a record pace, according to the prime minister, by
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the thirtieth year russia should enter the four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing parity to solve a number of systemic problems and act very actively in several directions at once: first of all , to ensure a forced expansion of the influx of investments and, above all, in capital-intensive industries, in projects of technological and industrial sovereignty. it is important to carry out a transformation of the labor market, to create a system that would allow...
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calculations up to 18% per annum, together everything will work out. a new massive failure occurred in the traffic police databases. official telegram channels of the ministry of internal affairs this afternoon reported that in moscow, st. petersburg, moscow and leningrad regions it is impossible to register a car, as well as obtain or change a driver’s license. the same problems were reported, for example, by state traffic inspectorates in the voronezh region, stavropol territory, korachaev, circassia and north ossetia. after about 4 hours , the moscow traffic police announced that everything was working, there were no such reports from other state traffic inspectorates yet. a source from the tas agency previously clarified: it is now impossible to register a car and obtain a license throughout country, and the reason for the failure, according to him, is the transition to new software. in december last year in moscow they also stopped issuing licenses and registering
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cars, then everything was also explained by the transition to new software. today news came that russian exports have come under attack. new sanctions, but not the same one, not there, and not for the reasons one might think. the chief sanitary doctor of belarus has banned the import and sale of all products of the russian company orimi into the country. this is one of the largest manufacturers tea and coffee in russia. among its brands are greenfield, tes, jardine, guiteau, princess nuri, princess kandy, princess java, jacquey. the ministry of health of belarus clarifies that the ban on orime’s products occurred after four years. types of tea in bags of the princess kandy and gita brands found a discrepancy quote: with established requirements for microbiological safety indicators. behind this formulation lies a more understandable one: mold. oreme's director of corporate communications, maria drabova, told our program: the company believes that this,
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firstly, the violation is not systematic, and secondly, they could be caused by improper storage or transportation of tea after it... was handed over to retailers in belarus; orim also clarifies that consultations with the belarusian country are ongoing. in the first half of the day today, the russian stock market grew along with oil prices, but then oil began to become cheaper and investors decided that it was time to sell. this is how today's trading ended. the ruble also sank, the dollar climbed to 93 at the end of the day, the euro costs 100 rubles. 82 kopecks today. psb notes that banking services will be provided in strict compliance with international law, including extraterritorial ones. residents of the autonomy will be able to receive humanitarian aid from partners from russia on their cards. it is important for us to ensure
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cross-border payments, it is important for us to ensure the possibility of using other products, and we have even agreed. download the application developed by
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the mobile pipeline systems company. the application is called te-help, in fact, it is new, official, as far as possible in modern conditions. banking application for the ios operating system. the bank said that the t-help application was safe, but immediately predicted that it would only exist in the app store for a few hours. that's how it happened. by evening, the application had safely disappeared from the app store. and if you remember which company was indicated by its developer, then we can safely say that the application went down the drain. the same thing is happening with all other bank clonamic applications, starting back in march last year. then the bank got under. european and later american sanctions. with the introduction of all these blockings in app stores, downloading a bank app on an iphone has become extremely difficult. the bank itself offers or use a special one. android
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is available both for downloading from the bank’s website and from the rutor application store. or everything about the economy. thank you, denis. denis talolaev with an economic review. now we have a short advertisement, this is what we will talk about immediately after it. the eg-2024 campaign has started ahead of schedule in russia. 3,000 people are participating ksenia ignatova found out who knows why she writes the exam in advance. there will be no money left, just a card, the money will be there, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose. spend them anywhere and also withdraw cash. the first payment is only in a month, the money
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the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, just like that, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro, i’m already flying to you, i’m flying, i want you for a vow. pyaterochka cafe and i pay inexpensively, i want, i want, pyaterochka, pyaterochka cafe, fly, want, pyaterochka, help me out, i’m still busy, for life to remain full, our body needs the key to launching internal resources to get rid of pain, solvisar’s mother is a key for activating the body's internal resources; an assistant in eliminating the source of pain and inflammation. solvitsar.
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this is the program today, we continue our graduation: school graduates this year for the first time received unique opportunities, one of them before taking one of the unified state exam subjects to choose from. you can try again until the end of the university admission process, but only if you have consistently received good grades all year, but something went wrong on the exam. another possibility is early completion of the ega. about 3.0 graduates have already used it. but ksenia ignatova knows how young people will use their free time. volgograd construction college in the audience, future specialists in the protection of personal corporate and state. information pair for constructing programming algorithms from the outside it sounds like something alien. one of the elements for writing a program in
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python is geometry. figures is what kind of program is turtle, this is a python module with which you can create animation, rita, the girl is serious and purposeful beyond her years, she is always at the first desk in class, as her classmates say, she is first in everything, her dream is to develop in the near future the young sphere of domestic it, improving legal norms in this area, and the technical school provides a good foundation for the profession, the next stage on the way to the goal is higher education. although it is only april, rita is already preparing for admission with all her might, she passed her first unified state exam in physics ahead of schedule. early period, because i wanted to free up time for practice, because in the period of may-june we have an internship with the technical school, which must be completed and reports drawn up, submitted, and necessary for further studies. together with rita, there were more than 140 people at the exam on april 2. they all applied in advance
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for early delivery. participants take advantage of this opportunity every year unified state examination across the country, this year there are 3,000 people, everyone has a documented reason for this, and this is not necessarily exams or studies, someone, for example, is professionally involved in sports, going to training camps in may-june, someone at this time will be carried away by even more important matters. so, at the astrakhan unified state exam point, we met a woman at a decent stage of pregnancy; she plans to go to st. petersburg during her maternity leave. there is another option: this year’s graduates can take non-core exams in advance. subjects that they do not need to enter the university, spend the remaining time until the end of may on in-depth preparation for
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specialties that are important to them, especially major ones... just for early passing for eleventh-graders of the capital, there are four exam points operating here these days, ahead of schedule i’m taking basic mathematics, this is the only non-core subject, which in fact does not greatly affect my admission, so once again to relieve myself of the end of the year, this is always, please, many students note, on early exam and feel a little more relaxed and calm than during the general exam, while the situation now is exactly the same as in the main period, the cameras are watching, perhaps the schoolchildren are simply relieved after the recent order of the president, rosobrnadzor is already preparing updated rules for passing the unified state exam. the main innovation of this year can be considered the possibility for schoolchildren to retake one of the exams on behalf
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of the president, that is, this issue is being studied. already from this year, from twenty fourth year graduates can take advantage of this right to retake one subject from among those they have already taken this year. the early period of the unified state exam will last until april 22, and the main period from may 23 to july 1; in total , more than 700,000 people will take the single exam this year. ksenia ignatova, ruslan nagoev, sergey dedukh and alena antonova, ntv television company. and now it’s time for the weather forecast in our weather studio irina polikova. irin, how long will this unusually warm weather for april last? yes, here are the predictive models cool changes are already clearly visible, they are coming to us from the west, so the start in the kaliningrad region is already tomorrow , for the sake of fairness, these +13 are warmer than expected. the eastern part from petrozavodsk to
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pskoye will get colder a day later, and tomorrow the temperature will... rise even higher and in the evening there will be thunderstorm rain, just so loudly the cold air will approach, in the center, while it is getting warmer and the next warm portion has already been marked by a thunderstorm today, in novgorod, in tverskaya, in the moscow region even, and the eastern thunderstorm situation has not yet lifted, but tomorrow afternoon showers are possible on the volga, from saransk to samara. in the south there are still no plantings, excluding mountainous areas and special attention to the daily increase in the level of fire danger, oil fire adds sharpness. about capitals after a break. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company - your spring renewal. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit promotes reducing swelling by accelerating the movement
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of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. and the capitals are still summer in st. petersburg tomorrow +20 or even 21, and in the evening there will be a thunderstorm that will stop the summer, in moscow a thunderstorm is possible this night, but this is still a continuation of the summer presentation, because... tomorrow +21:23 another application for a record, for now the warmest april 10th was in 2008 +21.1, so, as you can see, there is every chance, everything will be cooler further, in consolation i will say that the temperature will still not drop below normal, you just get used to the warmth, of course, quickly, still how fast, but in any case, it’s getting warmer and warmer, so it’s okay, thank you, irina polyakova with the weather forecast and that’s all the news up to this hour, i’m elmira. eva, i say goodbye to you, see you later,
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what else is needed, you know what is needed, we’ll go with you to look for it, the valka has been sculpted again, two caucasians from moscow are looking for it, can you help, how? well, in general, they need to be detained. but i told you to wait in the car, but everything you think is fine, we will surround you, the decision was made at the top here in chernodol to make a southern blood zone, all casinos are closed, they’re moving here, soon las vegas will be here, the generals in moscow will fight for your place, now it’s clear why kapnik bought land near the lake.
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here, from far away from home, mom, and not the last one, but you see, someone’s footprints are running across the sky, it could be you, it could be me, it could be waiting for us, it could be their own people singing to us, i found a scythe on homei . there is a war going on for the memory of flax, our slakosa on the stone there is a war going on,
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you write to the girls, no, to your mother, oh, right. i would also write if there was anyone, my parents died, only my uncle remained, but consider that that no, he immediately took over the hut, kicked me out, it’s good that at least the leks were allowed to live with them, your date will come, it should, yes, everyone will line up, check.


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