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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 10, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

12:55 am
in any case, we need to close the issue before the evening, murin, i know that you are there, edika kasanov, you killed, you, murin, are killing everyone, mulin, stand still, hot spot, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv. yes, mom, i'll call you back. wait, this is urgent, your father again. what's happened? i found a stash, all the money we saved for the operation, and got drunk. got into a fight with the police. okay, give him the phone. he was taken away. they tied him up and took him away. listen, he has a sick heart. mom, it’s not his heart that hurts, it’s his head that hurts. do not say that. this is your father. okay, i'll take it out. denit,
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what a pity, denis. what should i do now? mom, calm down, please, i said, i'll sort it out. thank you, son. ok bye. do you see? how did you easily put your suitcase in the trunk? now do you understand why it wasn’t found in the suitcase? masha was not there. yes, it looks like you're right. i didn’t find a single piece of evidence in the case that you killed masha. then where is she? but this is the question. and we must answer it. i need to get into my apartment, i
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need to examine the crime scene myself, suddenly i remember something. the apartment is sealed. my employee, lieutenant osipov, contact him, he will help. yasha osipov? yes. he had an accident under strange circumstances. he's alive. in a coma, clearly, okay, then kapralov, colonel kapralov, contact him, it seems to me that you are overestimating the possibility of this unfortunate lawyer, having been burned by milk, they are blowing on the water, here is ignatiev, please, comrade general, come in, don’t be shy. “our best,
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most promising employee, i wouldn’t suggest anything else, he’s a reliable person, yes, i’ve heard a lot about you, we’ll get to know each other, it’s very nice, it seems, ignatiev, you’ve got a lucky ticket, dmitry ilvich is looking for a trusted person to work in moscow, in moscow, work in the ministry, title, apartment, salary, unlike what... ." you received here, plus a small scholarship from investros capital, somehow this is all unexpected, why did i, well, initially dmitry ilch and i thought about klimov, but now you understand, the decision needs to be made quickly, you can wrap up all matters in st. petersburg will soon move to moscow, and i i can think that you with...
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get into the apartment, we hope that this will help him remember how on what no, i just asked you to tell him that he needs the basis, you can take klimov to the investigative experiment, the investigative experiment has already taken place, yes, but klimov was not on it, which means he was not there, the investigative experiment was not klimov, but another person, in the sense of another person, another. ignatiev, are you a fool to expose yourself like that? comrade major, this is not what you thought, your mother called and asked you to give her money, what does your money have to do with it? why in the investigative experiment, it was unclear who replaced klimov? because klimov lost his memory. his lawyer
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threw such a scandal at me, i barely convinced her not to involve the press. why does she have her nose everywhere, that’s her job? your job is not to expose yourself. tomorrow. you organize klimov’s departure to the apartment, well, why use the papers, but i don’t need ignatiev according to your papers, i need it as it should be, according to the law, in general, tomorrow you are taking klimov to the apartment, questions, no way, fulfill, eat. on the way out, andrey ivanovich, andrey ivanovich,
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keep in mind, i will always be here for you, if you need anything, please step aside, let's go. i am present here legally and i do not advise anyone to interfere with the work of the public defender, no one is bothering you, but don’t stand in my way, let me do it. andrey, we don’t have much time, it’s hard, it’s quiet.
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i myself, dad! you’re already at home, and we’re just getting ready for dinner, mashenka, go hand in hand.
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andrey, i beg you very much, we have little time, please, just a little more, i beg you very much, do not disturb him.
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andrey, it's time! andrey ivanovich, everything is fine with you.
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stand still, raise your hands, if you move, i’ll shoot you, weapon, did you remember something that i asked you in russian not to interfere with... sorry, i ’ll definitely come to you tomorrow,
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well, hello, klimov, sit, sit, i simply put, i found out it was here and couldn’t help but come in. well, how did you go? do you remember anything? klimov, i ask, did you remember anything? no, unfortunately, no. it's a shame. okay, klimov, come on, hold on. maybe you still remember?
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1:13 am
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1:14 am
you when you are drowning, stronger than fear, older, who am i? are you immortal or what? it’s scary when your son is in more pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts? and then you are like this, stronger than tears. have you driven your mother crazy? sorry, guys don't apologize. what the hell are you doing? they're all in the ground, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, come on guys, the word is yes, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, with monday at 23:00 on ntv, dad, i'm sorry, i
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let you down, i wasn't in the best shape, you didn't let me down. the president of invetskapital fainted like a teenager on a first date, this will never happen again, i would like to believe.
1:16 am
what are you doing here? i see how and what you live with? you can't be in this room, no one can. don't worry, i also hope that no one will guess who you really are. how long will you continue to behave this way? how? as if i told you. and who are you? after what you did, how do i owe you relate? we'll have to be patient. long until my son becomes president of the company.
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finally, everything returned to its place. and you and i, our son. hands off. julia, i beg you. take your hands off and never touch me. you see how it turns out that every word is gold not only for you. well, for me, two packs of cigarettes, i think, is quite an adequate price for the next one, sorokin,
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lost something, what’s going on, everything is fine, citizen-boss, and to hell with you, there’s still one word left. three geese, there were three of them, doorbell, 22k, clown, striped, as they call it, clown fish, clown, uh-huh, funny, really, funny that i remembered that we were coming. hello, andrey ivanovich. hello, nadezhda
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aleksandrovna. i came as soon as i could. yesterday you let me know that you remembered something? yes, but it may be dangerous for you. this information can really threaten you. remember what happened to osipov, are you ready for this? klimov, stop scaring me. let's work. here, please take a look. what do you remember? that evening natasha turned on the recording on camera. that is, it is quite possible that... was the moment of the murder captured on camera, or was the killer caught in the frame? yes, before i was detained, i managed to remove the memory card and hide it, where, where did you put it, stand
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still, raise your hands, let’s not be stupid, if you twitch, i’ll shoot you, in the aquarium, okay. but how can i get into the apartment? we have spare keys, we always hid them in the fire box, not far from the entrance, got it, thank you, wish me luck, please be careful, where are you standing?
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andrey viktorovich, glad to hear, i looked klimov’s case, i looked attentively, as you asked, and what do you say, we will win this case, he has no chance, even a touch, even an appeal, no options, thank you, but no problem, thank you, this is good news, all the best. decision to initiate a criminal case, in general, the main thing is to calmly and clearly state your position, exactly, the calmer you look, the more nervous the prosecutor will be, oh, what for do i need all this, it’s easy to tell you guys, by the way, this is my first time the role of a lawyer, come on, there’s a first time for everything, then there’s the flies you'll need a lawyer, and you're already experienced, that's it, come on, go ahead, maltyn, i
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believe in you... yeah, don't be nervous, and if anything happens, consult a cheat sheet, yeah, okay, we'll figure it out, not really me stupid, well, yes, not really, although uncle vova, altunin, klimov, on the way out. good luck to alta, thank you, face to the wall, klimov, and good luck to you, let's go out, let's go out, thank you, and the more nervous the prosecutor is, the more he will cheat.
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i’m leaving, he looks so-so, well, everything seems to be fine so far. according to the results of the examination, no traces of masha’s dna were found on the suitcase. i understand, andrey ivanovich, keep your head up, now the situation will change dramatically, let's see, we have
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a strong one. defendant, you actually decided to refuse the public defender provided to you. yes, your honor, you are confident that you can defend. explain to the detainee yourself why, i will imprison, i will not imprison, oh my god, why are you, why did you swim, but listen, i can’t, you can do everything, they screwed up when they started twisting you, you know, that’s what we think , but they were on duty, can you keep it down, actually people are sleeping, so go ahead, write it down remember, police officers. upon arrest
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, they are obliged to perform the actions provided for in the fourth part of the fifth article of the federal law on police, namely: explain to the detainee his right to legal assistance and to notify loved ones. as well as the right to refuse to give explanations, yes, i’m sure you have a legal education, no, but i won’t need it, the recording has disappeared, the recording has disappeared, of course, here. good luck, do you wish me luck? i always wish you good luck when i know that the case will be won, then good luck to you too, combat mood, good, not without reason, well, well, everything is fine with us, yes, everything is fine, stand up,
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the trial is underway, really no one was hurt in the accident, i don’t see a medical report in the case. there were no injuries, but in your honor, i ask you to pay attention to the fact that the defendant altunin resisted the police during his arrest, i object, i listen to you, your honor, resistance should be regarded as self-defense, on what grounds, but they attacked me, police officers made an arrest, okay, don’t interrupt, continue, defendant, your honor, the detention took place in violation of part four, article five, of the law of the russian federation on the police. hm. the objection is accepted. the court session is adjourned . the hearing of the case will continue tomorrow.
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the accusation is unfounded. it is not based on facts, but only on speculation. i protest your honor. there is irrefutable evidence about the accusation. please don't interrupt. you are interfering with the court. the protest was rejected. "you can continue, your honor, thank you, let me remind you that my client never admitted his guilt, and this is obviously not a body, no traces of masha’s dna were found in the suitcase, and that the girl could have been put in the suitcases in a bag, why not, your honor, i ask for your attention, this is again just speculation and an assumption of why you decided that the girl was in the suitcase , and where else in the apartment, the body was not found, the body was not found in the suitcase, silence in the room, it remains, i remind you that this is an appeal, respect for the court, and she’s great, not bad, so let’s skip the evidence presented at the last meeting from the prosecution protection there is something new, yes yours
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honor, okay, please, i ask you, thank you, your honor, allow me to continue on the merits, i allow, i want to show the court one video recording, on the night of the murder in the klimovs’ apartment they were filming on an amateur video camera, allow me, yes please, unfortunately, a flash drive lay in the water for a long time and the sound was not preserved on the recording. then the battery on the camera ran out and the recording stopped. i ask again, rewind this moment. your honor, would klimov
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walk around his apartment at night in street shoes? at the moment. klimov was nearby when the police arrived with his wife and had no intention of hiding anywhere, what do you want to say by this, i want to say that on the night of the murder there was someone in the klimovs’ apartment, the owner of the shoe is the criminal, i have everything, your honor, thank you, the prosecution, you have the floor , cold calculation, that's what it's called, before us is a carefully planned crime, so there is no body, no traces of dna, again nothing but... words, your honor, the prosecution has a video recording made during the investigation. on the morning after the crime, the defendant gave testimony that all will explain. it was me, me, i killed natasha and masha.
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andrey, i, andrey ivanovich klimov, am making an official statement. i killed my wife, natalya klimova and daughter maria, i did it, i’m a murderer, andrei ivanovich, masha’s body was not found in the apartment, where it was, i took it in a suitcase, where, in the forest, i buried it there, which forest, i don’t remember , what forest, it was night, dark, i don’t remember what forest. the defendant, maybe
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stop playing at memory loss and it’s time to admit his guilt? yes, yes, i did it, i, i!
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"so it was me, i, the appeal court upheld the sentence of the former investigator klimov in force, right now you see klimov being taken out of the courthouse, justice has triumphed. yes, i found him, but out of nonsense they imprisoned him, he had a trial today, tomorrow the verdict will be announced, he will probably be released, tell me, are you watching tv, or something, it should be, then tomorrow organize a meeting for this little boy, i’ll do it.
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called, comrade general? yes, come in, sit down, study, but we keep our word, the order for your transfer to moscow, according to the conditions , everything is as agreed, apartment, car, salary. thank you, why did you pass this on?
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note to the prosecutor, and so set aside, stand down colonel, that you went broke, ignatiev is right, we should not cover up the criminal, klimov was your friend, you walked into the bullets with him, that’s the point, that was it, that’s all, finished, finished this circus, go, hand over your affairs, rest your suitcases, free, eat, denis, it’s not too late, colonel, it’s not too late to fix everything, kapralov, kapralov, sit down, sit down.
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nadyukha, nadya, what are you doing, why are you so limp? sorry, i lost the case, i won once, thanks for following my career, and i really follow your career. i’m very worried, you don’t need to waste your nerves over some killer, what if he’s not the killer, is that what you’re talking about? i thought, maybe it’s not him, maybe you’re his lawyer, you’re sure of his innocence, huh? that's it, we're collecting your
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waste paper, oh, i ask you to dismiss me from my position. of your own free will, this is good, i support you in this, it’s time to call it a day with your advocacy, give birth to children, love your husband, what could be better, next, what for a woman, paint your nails home, eh... i raised you and taught you to be a manicurist. i'm sorry, i love you.
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i love you too. edik. what have you done? asanykh was killed, the moscow lawyer too, murin worked and left, they will tell you that it was me, believe it or not, it’s up to you, but i will find someone did it, and where is the second one, we still have to ask the question before the evening, murin, i know that you are there, edika khasanova, you killed, you, murin, are killing everyone, mulet, stand, hot spot, tomorrow 20:00, on ntv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year from monday at 23:00. peace of mind is priceless. it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium, but magnelis b6 forta is available at an affordable price. magnelis b6 forta contains twice as much magnesium and is enhanced
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